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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

8 Zest for Progress

Z Peal of artnership

Quarter 3 – Module 7
Cohesive Devices in Various Types of

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
English – Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 7: Use Appropriate Cohesive Devices in Various Types of Speech
First Edition 2020
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders.
Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Judith A. Mojica
Editor: Vickylou S. Ferrer
Reviewer: Valeria Fides G. Corteza, Ph.D.
Layout Artist: Jovie R. Cruz, MAEd
Management Team:
Roy C. Tuballa, EMD.JD.CESO VI
Jay S. Montealto, CESO VI
Norma T. Francisco, DM
Mildred D. Dayao, Ed.D.
Valeria Fides G. Corteza, Ph.D.
Aida Coyme, Ed. D.

Philippinesby ________________________
Department of Education – Region
EducationRegion IX –IXZamboanga Peninsula
Office Address: ____________________________________________
Office Address: Pres. Corazon C. Aquino Regional Government
Center, Balintawak, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del
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What I Need to Know
Cohesive devices are words or phrases that are used to connect ideas between parts of
a text. It is important to study cohesive devices because it affects reading comprehension
when readers cannot integrate information between sentences in a text.
This learner’s material is purposely designed to provide you with avenues to a
cooperative, collaborative, and independent way of learning the target concept and
competency of using appropriate, cohesive devices in various types of speech.

This module provides you with various texts, particularly grammar usage, which help
your learning in life. The tasks are generated communicatively to improve your listening,
speaking, reading, and grammar skills.

Positively, this material will help you enrich and enhance your grammar and writing
In this module, you are expected to:
a. Use appropriate, cohesive devices in various types of speech.
b. Identify the main types of cohesive devices;
c. Connect ideas using cohesive devices in different types of speech

What I Know
The activity below will determine how much you know about cohesive devices. Read
this speech for a 20th Birthday celebration and look for words that connect ideas. Kindly write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Hey everyone!
I'm not going to make this all long and formal, but I just wanted to thank everyone who
came today to celebrate today with me, it means a lot! 20 years old...wow sounds weird to
hear myself say it because I don't feel much different than last year but 20 sounds like a
grown up so I guess I must be one! I have known many of you for so long and even though
a lot of us are all going to school in different places now and have separated over the
years, it’s great that my birthday got you all back together for this one day! I want to thank
my (family, parents, brothers, sisters), for making this party possible, for helping me so
much in all the preparations, couldn't have done it without you guys! You had such great
ideas and it sounded like such a big deal to organize in the beginning, but we all did our
parts and it came together really nicely! So, that's it from me and I hope that you all really
enjoy (tonight/today) as much as I do!

Thank you.
Source: https://www.free-sample-letter.com/speech-20th-birthday-anniversary-253.html

1. Pick out the words that are used to connect the sentences.
2. What do you call these words?

Writing cohesively is an important writing skill that you need to master. Cohesion is
how you link sentences and ideas together for clarity and conciseness. In turn, a cohesive text
will be easier to read and understand.

Cohesive devices affect comprehension because they help readers to integrate

information between sentences in a text.

With this module, we will be discussing cohesive devices and how they are used in
different types of speech.

Hence, it would help if you gave greater attention to how the sentences in a text are
connected; that will provide you with a clearer understanding of what the text means.

What’s In

In our past lesson, we discussed using a coordinating conjunction to form a

compound sentence. To combine two sentences effectively, we look for the relationship
between ideas and coordinate conjunction that correctly expressed that relationship.

A. Directions. Choose which ones are the combined sentences. Kindly write the number of
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. My brother likes playing Badminton. My sister hates playing Badminton.

2. The game was canceled because it rained.
3. The fireworks did not start until the sunset.
4. Some people do not like to play games. They find it too strenuous.
5. They tend to gain weight after they quit the hobby.
6. People need to exercise so that gain weight can be limited.
7. Those who usually put on weight are heavy smokers.
8. Bob quit smoking. He gained too much weight.
9. Many would deny it, although it can be seen in their appearance.
10. Some became aware of their weight gain, so they started dieting.

B. Directions. Choose the correct coordinating conjunction to combine each pair of

Pair 1
Soldiers have a lot to sacrifice for their duty to the country. Soldiers leave their loved ones
and protect those who are not related to them. ( so, and, but, or)

Pair 2
Soldiers are perceived as brave and strong persons. Soldiers have a weak spot, just like
any of us. ( so, and, yet, or)

Pair 3

Marie can report on the analysis of the poem discussed in class. As an option, she can also
present a campaign poster in her discussion. ( so, and, but, or)

Source: Coordinating and Correlative conjunction. Chapter 6. Lesson 1. English Across Continents 10.

What’s New .

In connection with our lesson in compound sentences, we shall be moving forward to

using cohesive devices to connect ideas for more clarity and conciseness of sentences.

Directions. Read the paragraph below carefully, then answer the following questions.
Kindly write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

I personally believed that libraries are among humanity’s important

institutions for several reasons.
Firstly, most of humanity’s collective knowledge is stored in libraries.
Secondly, libraries protect and preserve this knowledge. They also classify or group
the materials into logical and easily available divisions. Furthermore, libraries make
the materials available to everyone and even provide librarians to help us find what
we need. Finally, librarians are our link to the past and our gift to the future. In
conclusion, libraries are important institutions for humanity.
Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=sample+paragraph+using+cohesive+devices&tbm=isc

1. Pick out the words that are used to connect ideas in the text.
2. What do you call these words which are used to connect ideas?
3. What do you understand when we say cohesive devices?

What Is It

Cohesive devices are words and phrases that connect ideas. Some people call them
transition signals or discourse markers.

There are three main types of cohesive devices:

1. Pronouns that refer to a previously mentioned noun.
Example: Jim went out to the playground. He played on the swings.

2. Substitution of a synonym for a previously mentioned noun.

Example: There was a lot of food, but she only ate bread.

3. Transition words and inter-clausal connectors such as so or because

Example: Jim played on the swings. Later, Jim played ball.
Mary was late, so she took the bus.
Mary was late because she took the bus.
The following cohesive devices are used in sentences:
▪ To compare: also, similarly, likewise, compared with
▪ To add information: and, also, furthermore, moreover, too
▪ To give an example: for example, for instance, such as, namely
▪ For sequencing of ideas: First, second, next, then, after, lastly, as a result
▪ For contrasting ideas: in comparison, in contrast, instead, on the contrary,

What’s More

Activity 1.
Directions. Below is an excerpt of a Farewell Speech. Pick out cohesive devices that you can
find and write it on a separate sheet of paper.

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

I remember thinking that it would be hard to say goodbye ... and I was right - it is
hard. Yet I consider myself fortunate to have met such a special person ... a person that we
care so much about ... that it makes saying goodbye to him / her hard!
As we say goodbye, we remind ourselves that farewells are not forever, nor are they
the end. They are simply words to say that we will miss you dearly and that we will
remember you fondly.
Although we may be separated by time and distance in the interim, nothing will
diminish the important role that you have and always will play in our lives.
And so it is ... and always will be with you as we carry you always close to our
hearts. May the road rise up to meet you; may the wind be ever at your back. And until we
Activity 2. may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
meet again,
Directions. Choose the correct cohesive device from the list to complete each sentence. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Source: https://www.examples.com/education/speech-examples-in-doc.html

Activity 2.
Directions. Choose the correct cohesive device from the list to complete each sentence. Write
your answer in a separate sheet of paper

While because but and so when then moreover on the other hand

1. The weather was bad _____ Amy brought her umbrella.

2. I have to go near her______I couldn’t hear her voice.
3. _____singing the Pambansang Awit, Carol dropped her pen.
4. She looked for her book everywhere ____ she couldn’t find it.
5. The children quickly entered the room ____ the teacher called them.
6. Mother picked up her bag _____she went straight to her room.
7. Sheila is a good singer, _______she dances very well.
8. This dress is too big for me ______I have to alter it a bit.
9. Growing flowers gives beauty to the surroundings, ____taking them out of the forest
is not a good idea.
10. Dave makes beautiful paintings _____ he sells them to his friends.

Activity 3
Directions: Read this excerpt from the speech of Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs Enrique
A. Manalo. Then answer the questions that follow. Write your answers on a separate sheet of

Okay, thank you very much, first of all my dear friends in the media, new friends
and friends from some time ago, good afternoon and nice to see you all here this afternoon.

I am also being accompanied here by my colleagues in the Foreign Service here in

the DFA, I wish to acknowledge their presence, so I’ll start off first with some remarks
regarding our work here in Foreign Office and I think we’ll be able to have some time for
some Q&A.

So let me start by saying that it is certainly a great pleasure to be here to officially

meet the members of the local and foreign media, for the first time, in my capacity as
Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs.

First, I have mentioned that our paramount consideration in our foreign policy is the
promotion and protection of our national interest.

Second, we will endeavor to maintain friendly cooperative and mutually beneficial

ties with all nations.

Thirdly, we will pursue avenues to enhance our country’s capacities and we

recognize that find
1. Can you because we areinall
pronouns thisnow living
text? Pickinout
a globalized andand
the pronoun inter-dependent world.
give its antecedent.
2. What type of cohesive device was used in the text?
3. Pick out thewecohesive
need to build
devices strong institutional
and write partnerships.
it in your paper.
Opening Remarks, H.E. Enrique A. Manalo, Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Press Conference, 16 March 2017

What I Have Learned

Words and phrases that link ideas can be called cohesive devices. Conjunctions and
transition words such as but, however, moreover, lastly, not only, and also are used as
cohesive devices. They keep the smooth flow of ideas in sentences.
A. Directions: Rewrite the following passages. Fill in the blanks with appropriate, cohesive
devices from the list given below each passage. Write your answer on a separate sheet of
I. One of the most wonderful inventions of modern times is the television. It is now possible
to sit in the comfort of one’s home _____watch on a screen events ______ are happening
hundreds of miles away. We can _____ get entertainment from films, dances, plays and
sports ______ are shown on the screen. It is difficult to imagine _______ life would be like
without television.

What and also that

II. My friend is a singer. He is intelligent and hardworking; _____, he is creative. He had won
in many competitions last year ______he did not receive any recognition. ____he loved our
place; he decided to leave the country and settle down in Singapore. _______he will now
become a citizen of Singapore.
Moreover but although therefore because

Source: https://jharaphula.com/cohesive-device-linking-words-exercises/

B. Directions. Read the following speech below. Then pick out the cohesive devices used in
the statements. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Greetings! The Philippines is a country of 7 thousand islands which has the highest
endemicity per unit area in the planet. This means that 70 percent of the biodiversity
found in the Philippines can only be found in our country. We have more than 3000
species of marine life and some of which includes a snail. Our sponges and shells are
effective in addressing cancer and we are barely scratching the surface of what there is.
This is not just the wealth of the Philippines - it is the wealth of all of us together.
Should the planet escalate to more than 1.5 degrees then we lose all of that. The planet
simply cannot afford an indecisive ambiguity about what needs to be done. The situation
is clear - anything more than 1.5 degrees will destroy possibilities for quality of life. We
do not need to give up economic growth - from clean energy, to sustainable
transportation, to all facets of life. Hence, we need to have the courage to change the way
we do things. We cannot and must not build an economy based on suffering.
At an increase of .8 degrees, we suffered Typhoon Haiyan, which is the worst storm
surge in the planets history wherein more than ten thousand died. Ironic. There’s so
much to give yet so much to lose.

As the Secretary for the environment we will go heavily into mangroves because the islands
with mangroves suffered 80 percent less damage in terms of lives and property. This thrust
will not only save our islands but will result in economic zones because of the resultant
increase in fish, shrimps, and other sea life. If handled well, our people can get out of

I propose a dynamic direction of facilitating climate change models on the ground that give
the message - it can be done, and we can do it! The rules of the Paris Agreement can state
what the performance indicators of these models should be.
There is an integratedness of life. Yesterday, I was in awe at dynamism and non-negotiable
commitment of the leaders of the Climate Change movement. If we all imbibe this
consciousness deep in our hearts and manifest it in ground level reality - humanity faces a
bright future if we continue to bloom this spirit of working together.
The Philippines is making a commitment to this exciting future.

Source: DENR Secretary Gina Lopez at COP22, Marrakech, Morocco. November 17, 2016

What I Can Do
A. Directions. Read the following excerpt from a speech carefully. Rewrite the speech and
do the given tasks below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

I am pleased to join the distinguished officials and personnel of the Philippine Drug
Enforcement Agency, the Philippine National Police, and other law enforcement agencies,
honorable judges, public attorneys, my fellow prosecutors, and other invited guests who are
here to celebrate another milestone in our war against drugs.
The destruction of these assorted drugs is an affirmation of our determination to put an end to
this menace that has caused immeasurable harm to millions of individual users, destroyed
countless families, and continues to threaten the moral fabric of our society.

Let me take this opportunity to acknowledge the coordinated efforts of PDEA and the PNP
which led to the seizure of more than seven billion pesos worth of dangerous drugs that we
destroy today.
We will1.continue
Draw an to
workfrom theharder
even pronounnottoonly
its antecedent.
to suppress the supply of narcotics in our
streets, 2.
butHighlight the cohesive
also to prevent devices from
our country by giving
usedtoaseach cohesive device.
a trans-shipment point for illegal
drug trade in the Asia-Pacific region.
We must, therefore, remain steadfast in our campaign not only by intensifying our operations
against drug trafficking, but also by reforming our criminal justice system and addressing the
root cause of drug abuse and dependency.
Source: Speech of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte during the Destruction of Dangerous Drugs December 3, 2020

Tasks: 1. Draw an arrow from the pronoun to its antecedent.
2. Highlight the cohesive devices by giving color to each cohesive device.

B. Directions. Choose the one best answer to each question. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

Impulse Shopping
(1) Supermarkets are designed to encourage us to buy on impulse. (2) When we enter,
we generally move in the direction the store has chosen, down the “power” aisle. (3) It is
a rare shopper who can reach the dairy products in the rear of the store without picking
up unplanned items. (4) Then we stand in the checkout line and we see more impulse
buys. (5) We see magazines. (6) We see candy and other small items. (7) Even though
we may have wanted only a quart of milk. (8) We’ll probably walkout with several
items. (9) We can avoid impulse buying. (10) We have to understand why we do it.
Source: GED Practice. Lesson 3. GED Language Arts, Writing

1. Sentence 2. When we enter, we generally move in the direction the store has chosen,
down the “power” aisle.
What correction should be made to sentence 2?
a. replace When with Because
b. insert a comma after enter
c. insert a comma after generally

2. Sentences 4, 5, and 6. Then we stand in the checkout line, and we see more impulse
buys. We see magazines. We see candy and other small items.
The most effective way to combine sentences 4,5 and 6 would be:
a. Then we stand and see…
b. Then we stand in the checkout line, and we see more impulse buys such as
c. Then we stand in the checkout line, and we see more impulse buys seeing

3. Sentences 7 and 8. Even though we may have wanted only a quart of milk. We’ll
probably walk out with several items.
Which is the best way to write the underlined portion of the text?
a. milk, and we’ll
b. milk, so we’ll
c. milk, we’ll

4. Sentences 9 and 10. We can avoid impulse buying. We have to understand why we
do it.
The best way to combine sentence 9 and 10 should be:
a. buying, and we
b. buying if we understand
c. buying although we do not

C. Directions. Read this excerpt of a speech, then do the given task below.

Magandang umaga po!

Among the Philippines’ earliest achievements in science and technology were a
number of measures for the health of livestock and poultry. In 1906, for example, the work to
eliminate rinderpest began. This livestock disease became rampant following the importation
of livestock into the Philippines after the revolution and the war. Then, the Filipinos and
Americans worked together to develop, test, and eventually implement the use of a serum that
would immunize animals. A around the same time, our then-Bureau of Science also found
itself devoting much of its work to monitoring public health and the existing food supply.
Undoubtedly, the hard work of generations of scientists and stakeholders in the agricultural
industry has redounded to great benefits for all.
As today, food security is not just about ensuring the stability of supply but it is just as much
about public health and safety.
For instance, toward maintaining the health of poultry and livestock, our Department
of Agriculture (DA) provides strategic vaccination and disease surveillance.
Events like this bring local and foreign stakeholders together. This event shows that
government is not alone in its effort. So, I encourage you to make the most f this event.
Moreover, the sharing of knowledge and best practices in this event will allow us to surpass
the challenges. (President Benigno S. Aquino III)
Source: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, Lesson 6. pp 391-391

Task: Change the underlined cohesive devices used in the speech. Be able to use appropriate
cohesive device for each statement.

Additional Activities
A. Directions. Read the statement below. Then do the given task. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

Note: Leo did not complete his class assignment. Instead, he spent his time with friends.
Therefore, he was required to write a promissory note.

Task: Suppose you were the parent of Leo and received this note. Complete the following
letter to your son’s teacher. Use the cohesive device to guide what you write. The first part is
done for you.

Dear Mr. Manalo,
I’m sorry to hear that Leo did not get his work done and has caused trouble in class. We
have already talked about it. _________________________________________________
______________________________________. ________________________
Mrs. Sanico

B. Directions: One type of cohesive device is the use of correct pronoun antecedent. Read
this paragraph about a home –repair advice. Supply each blank with pronouns that agree with
their antecedents

My friend and I are fixing up ____new apartment. ___ is a “handyman’s

special.” The wood floors are very dull. I think ___were heavily waxed over the years.
___both would like to remove the wax and then varnish the wood. Mr. Segovia, the
local hardware store owner, said ____ couldn’t varnish over a waxed surface. ___ said
that even if we try to get all the wax off, some of ___ will remain. Is he giving ___ good
advice? This problem really frustrates my friend and _____.

Source: Agreement with Antecedents. Lesson 14. GED Language Arts, Writing.

C. Read about people’s attitude towards change. The places where transitions could be used
are underlined. Insert appropriate transitions. Add words if necessary, to make the
relationships of ideas clearer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. The first one is
done for you.

Most people believed social changes are happening faster than ever. These changes aren’t
necessarily good ones. They believe things will turn out for the best eventually. Young
people are the most comfortable with change. People over 60 admit that changes are
In their personal lives, almost 50 percent of older people are happy with the way things
are. They wouldn’t change their names, their friends, their spouses, their families, their
homes, or their looks. They don’t want to change social class either, even if it would
mean going to a higher class. Many younger people would change all or some of those
factors. Over 80 percent of people polled believed that their personal happiness is a matter
of personal effort.

As for difficult changes, the death of a spouse is the hardest change to endure. Divorce is
the second hardest. Older folks tend to remember high school graduation as a pleasant
experience. Most recent graduates disagree.

Source: Clear Transition. Lesson 10. GED Language Arts, Writing.

D. Directions. Read the passage below carefully. Then answer the questions that
follow. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

To Whom It May Concern,

(1) Yesterday morning I had gone to your store to purchase the Media Radio that was
advertised in the Sunday paper. (2) According to the advertisement, the model X12 radio
would be available at all stores for P 2, 350.00.
(3) Unfortunately, I had several problems in the home entertainment department in Cebu.
(4) First, I had to wait ten minutes before even seeing any sales clerk. (5) When I finally
spoke to a clerk, they said that the store didn’t carry the model at all. (6) Then the second
clerk said that the model is out of stock. (7) At that point, I found Joey Adling, who was
the supervisor. (8) Joey said that the store did carry the radio, but it wasn’t on sale. (9)
Since I hadn’t brought the ad with me I could not show it t him. (10) Before I could ask
him to check, he disappeared. (11) My experience at the store was so frustrating, however,
that I won’t shop there again.
Alvin Alistado
Source: Subordinating Ideas. Lesson 3 .GED Language Arts, Writing.

1. What cohesive devices are used in the passage?

2. What should be the correct way to write sentence 5? “When I finally spoke to a
clerk, they said that the store didn’t carry the model at all.”
a. remove the comma after a clerk
b. replace they with she
c. change spoke to speak
3. “At that point, I found Joey Adling, who was the supervisor. Joey said that the
store did carry the model, but it wasn’t on sale.”
The most effective way to combine sentence 7 and 8 should be:
a. At that point, I found Joey Adling, the supervisor, who said that…
b. At that point, I found Joey Adling, being the supervisor who said that…
c. At that point, I found Joey Adling, the supervisor, so he said that…
d. “Since I hadn’t brought the ad with me, I could not show it to him.”
4. What correction should be made to this sentence?
a. remove Since
b. change show to shown
c. insert a comma after me

Assessment What I can do
1. b 1. Pronoun Antecedent 2. Cohesive devices
2. b Who guests not only….but also
3. c We officials and personnel therefore
4. b Which efforts
What’s More What’s More?
What I Have learned Activity 1
Activity 3 That
A. I. and B. and 1. so And
That then
2. and
3. First Nor
Also Hence 4. that Although
5. Second So
That Yet
6. Thirdly Activity 2.
What because 7. Finally 1. so
2. because
II. moreover if 3. while
4. but
But not only…but..
5. when
Although 6. then
7. moreover
therefore 9. so
10. on the other hand
3. They connect ideas. What’s in?
2. Cohesive devices Combined sentences:
What I know
In conclusion A. 2 B.
1. but
Finally 3 Pair 1 so because.
Furthermore 5 Pair 2 yet even though
Secondly 6 Pair 3 and and
1. Firstly 9 so
2. Cohesive devices
What’s new? 10
Answer Key
1. Unfortunately Additional Activities
B. our
First It
Then We
Since however
2. B Us
3. A
4. C C. Appropriate use of
transition words – 8 pts.
Rubrics for Additional Activity A
Criteria Points
Appropriate use of a
cohesive device
Complete sentences
What I Can Do
C. For example – For instance
Then – So
Not just…but … - not only….but also…
For instance – For example
Moreover – In addition
“Cohesive devices and how they affect comprehension,” Keys to Literacy, last modified
August 19, 2020, https://keystoliteracy.com/blog/what-are-cohesive-devices-and-how-do-

“English Cohesive device or Linking words Exercises,” Learn English Grammar, last
modified May 14, 2016, https://jharaphula.com/cohesive-device-linking-words-exercises/

“Subordinating Ideas,” Classroom, last accessed December 10, 2020,


Development Team

Writer: Judith A. Mojica

Maria Clara L. Lobregat National High School
Zamboanga City

Editor: Vickylou S. Ferrer

Reviewer: Valeria Fides G. Corteza, PhD

Education Program Supervisor

Layout Artist: Jovie R. Cruz, MAEd

Management Team:
Roy C. Tuballa, EMD.JD.CESO VI
Jay S. Montealto, CESO VI
Norma T. Francisco, DM
Mildred D. Dayao, Ed.D.
Valeria Fides G. Corteza, PhD
Aida Coyme, Ed. D.


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