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1. Dyg.ku Azira Shazira binti Ghani as The Witch

2. Izzat Harith bin Ideris as The Carpenter, Prince
3. Mod Syamiel Nazmi bin Mahmud as The Wife, Rapunzel


The Carpenter: I am a carpenter, and this is my wife,

We prayed for a little child in our life,

Someone that would enter our lonely world,

My wife would get birth to a baby girl.

The Wife : I would stand at the window for hours,

Staring at a garden full of flowers,

The flowers, the plant, the fragrance so rich.

The Witch : Alas! This garden belongs to me!

She asked her husband for a treat.

The magic lettuce she'd want to eat!

The Carpente: Oh no! I am so terrified!

The witch will hunt me really bad!

The Wife : So, I said I’ll get sick and fall,

But I won’t eat anything at all!

The Carpenter: I really had no choice,

I entered the garden without making noise,

I stole a lettuce and fed my wife.

The Wife : I felt so happy and alive,

I hadn't tasted such food before.

So, I wanted to have some more!

The Carpenter: Again, I climbed the garden wall,

But I slipped and had a big fall!

The Witch : I heard the sound and got curious,

I came and saw him and got furious!

The Carpenter: I begged her for my life,

I just wanted some lettuce for my wife.

The Witch : Oh, why oh why should I let you go?

The Carpenter: I saw my doom ahead of me,

I begged her to let me go,

Whatever she wanted I would do so.

The Witch : Alright let’s make a deal,

You will get lettuce for every meal,

You can have a baby girl it's fine,

And your baby from that day will be mine.

The Carpenter: I got very scared and ran,

I never looked at the garden again!

The Wife : Soon I had a baby girl,

With golden hair glowing like a pearl.

The Carpenter: I made a tower so tall,

And on top of it I made a big hall,

The witch won’t be able to cast her spell,

That's how I'd save my little girl.

The Witch : I saw the tower in the magic ball,

And I was able to know it all,

I magically put both of them to sleep,

So that her daughter was mine to keep,

I climbed the tower and saw the little girl,

I named the baby Rapunzel.

Rapunzel : I grew up to be beautiful and fair,

The best thing was my long magical hair.

The Witch : Each day I came to visit her there,

I asked Rapunzel to let down her hair,

I used her hair to climb to the top,

I came by daily I’d never stop.

Rapunzel : I would sit staring out my window,

What to do I just didn’t know,

The birds would sing to make me feel better,

I wanted to go out, but the witch wouldn't let me.

Prince : One day, I was passing through the woods,

I heard a girl sing and thought she was good,

I wanted to get close to the voice,

But, poor me, I didn't have a choice,

I wanted to know, the source of the sound,

I wanted to go up, so I looked around,

I checked the tower, with the heart full of hope,

But neither a staircase nor was there a rope,

I heard a noise and hid behind a tree,

And from there, everything I could see.

The Witch : I looked at the window up there,

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel Let down your hair!"

I went up using Rapunzel's golden plait.

Prince : I smiled and decided to wait

When the witch left, I went over there,

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair!"

Rapunzel : I thought the witch had come back so soon

It was a beautiful night with a full moon,

I let down my hair and saw it was a switch,

A man came up instead of the witch,

I got angry at the man,

And asked him to leave the tower at once,

I hadn’t met anyone except the prince,

I was born locked up ever since.

Prince : I told Rapunzel about myself,

I asked her to speak of herself,

I saw that her story was so dim,

I asked her to come out with me,

Although Rapunzel didn't know what to say,

We became friends from that very day,

Each day when the witch left the tower,

I climbed up with a beautiful flower.

Rapunzel : The songs of the birds had a new melody,

The joy on my face they could see,

A new greenery was seen on the trees,

There blew a cool and refreshing breeze.

The Witch : One day I learned about the prince,

I got angry and lost sleep ever since!

Prince : One day I come with a rose so red,

But up there I found a witch instead!

The Witch : Oh, you want to steal my Rapunzel from me?

Now from this day you shall never see!

You prince are now blind and left in the jungle.

Rapunzel : I blamed myself for this struggle,

And when I couldn’t take it anymore,

For my sorrow I could only see one cure,

I wasn’t scared of the witch’s trick,

I left the tower to look for my prince.

After spending many days in the jungle,

My body was weak, My walk was a stumble.

The Witch : One day she found the prince blind and weak,

A tear rolled down her beautiful cheek,

As her tears fell into his eyes,

A magical spell was cast into the skies,

By the magic, my tower burned!

Prince : Then my eyesight returned,

I carried Rapunzel with my beautiful horse,

To my great kingdom where I married her.

The Witch : Reunited with her prince again,

Rapunzel could barely her joy contain.

Rapunzel and Prince : We were so happy to have found each other,

Together we lived truly happily forever.

i. Props
1. Fake lettuce 5. Prince’s crown
2. Witch’s stick 6. Magic ball
3. Fake baby 7. Flower (white and red)
4. Rapunzel’s hair (shawl) 8. Music

ii. Costume
1. The Carpenter 2. The Wife

3. The Witch 4. Prince

5. Rapunzel
iii. Background Slide
1. Carpenter’s house 2. Lettuce farm

3. Witch’s house 4. Tower

5. Jungle 6. Wedding venue

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