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stt Word Spelling means Vietnamese meaning Example

1 Authority . ɔːˈθɒrəti the moral or legal right or Uy quyền , quyền lực I’m acting under her
ability to control: authority

2 cease siːs Stop an action Dừng , ngừng The army has ceased fire

3 Converse ˈkɒn.vɜːs Opposite of something Trái ngược They hold converse

4 Coordinate kəʊˈɔː.dɪ.nət One of a pair of Tọa độ Put in the GPS coordinates
numbers/letters that show and zoom in on the map
the exact position of a point
on a map or graph
5 Evolve Uk: ɪˈvɒlv To develop gradually , or to Tiến hóa Did humans evolve from
US : ɪˈvɑːlv cause something or apes .?
someone to develop
6 Mutural ˈmjuː.tʃu.əl Of 2 or more people or Qua lại Both countries are acting to
groups ) feeling the same their mutual advantage
emotion , or doing the same
thing to or for each other
7 Network ˈnet.wɜːk/ a large system consisting of Mạng We could reduce our costs
many similar parts that are by developing a more
connected together to allow efficient distribution
movement or network
communication between or
along the parts, or between
the parts and a control
8 Preliminary UK /prɪ coming before a more Sơ bộ The preliminary results are
ˈlɪm.ɪ.nər.i/ important action or event, very positive.
US /prɪ especially introducing or
ˈlɪm.ə.ner.i/ preparing for it:
9 Region riː.dʒən a particular area or part of Vùng đất The mountains region is
the world, or any of the large very dangerous and has
official areas into which a many dense tangled trees
country is divided:
10 Regulate ˈreɡ.jə.leɪt to control something, Điều tiết You can regulate the
especially by making it work temperature in the house
in a particular way: by adjusting the
11 Strategy ˈstræt.ə.dʒi/ a detailed plan for achieving Chiến lược The president held an
success in situations such as emergency meeting to
war, politics, business, discuss military strategy
industry, or sport, or the skill with the Pentagon
of planning for such yesterday.
12 Style staɪl a way of doing something, Phong cách Jones favours a dynamic,
especially one that is typical hands-on style of
of a person, group of people, management.
place, or period:

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