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Modern Approaches to Education Management to Ensure the Quality of

Educational Services

Article  in  TEM Journal · May 2020

DOI: 10.18421/TEM92-46


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2 authors:

Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh Salem Alrhaimi

Irbid National University Arab Academcs and Scientists Union


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TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 770‐778, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐46, May 2020. 

Modern Approaches to Education

Management to Ensure the Quality of
Educational Services
Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh 1, Salem A .S. Alrhaimi 2
Irbid National University, Irbid, Jordan
Vice president of Arab academics and scientists union, Jordan

Abstract – Аn in-depth theoretical study and a 1. Introduction

critical analysis of the main aspects and existing
approaches to the definition of modern education The processes of globalization in the modern world
management methods aimed at improving the quality are characterized by the orientation of the economic,
of educational services was carried out. The necessity
political and cultural activities of countries towards
of using modern approaches to managing education as
an integral element of the economy, which is the driver international integration and unification - the
of professional growth and changes in society, is formation of a single world community with
substantiated. common goals, actions and results. The quality of
The features and key aspects of the formation of the educational services is affected by changes in
institutionalization of education management in a science, technology and economics.
separate university with the aim of ensuring the quality Rather relevant in modern realities, it is the
of modern education and the effectiveness of its development of new educational methods and tools
management are considered. An in-depth analysis of with the aim of improving the quality of educational
the quality of educational services; a conceptualized services, increasing interest in studying certain
comparison of education level indices, ratings of
scientific areas, strengthening the conditions and
national education systems and their effectiveness in
countries of the world. Practical recommendations approaches to educational management, which in
have been developed on adapting the management turn allows you to increase loyalty and attract more
system of educational institutions in accordance with target audience. Education today also acts as the
modern economic and social requirements for the main factor in providing society with new
quality of educational services, which will increase knowledge, innovations, scientific discoveries and
audience loyalty and increase the effectiveness of technologies.
management processes. The intensive development of the digital economy
Keywords – management; education management; through the introduction of innovative tools and
higher education institution; institutionalization; technologies leads to the re-profiling of specialists,
institutionalization of management; quality of
which creates the demand for educational services,
educational services.
strengthens their role in shaping life guidelines and
approaches to obtaining knowledge. It should be
DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐46  noted that the influence of global processes of
https://doi.org/10.18421/TEM92‐46  internationalization of all sectors and activities forms
  the need for the interchangeability of professions and
Corresponding author Hassan Ali Al‐Ababneh,   specialties that give rise to changes in both the
Irbid National University, Irbid, Jordan.  structural and functional elements of the educational
Email: hassan_ababneh@inu.edu.jo  process. In this regard, quite relevant and necessary

Received:   12 January 2020.  in modern conditions, is a review of existing

Revised:     04 May 2020.  approaches to education management in order to
Accepted:   11 May 2020.  ensure and improve the quality of educational
Published:  27 May 2020.  services, which is impossible without the
implementation of innovative management methods
© 2020 Hassan Ali Al‐Ababneh  & Salem A .S. 
Alrhaimi;  published  by  UIKTEN.  This  work  is  licensed 
and improvement of existing forms of management.
under  the  Creative  Commons  Attribution‐ The issue of ensuring the quality of educational
NonCommercial‐NoDerivs 4.0 License.  services, including by increasing the effectiveness of
   the education management system, is the focus of the
The  article  is  published  with  Open  Access  at 

770                                                                                                                        TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 2 / 2020. 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 770‐778, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐46, May 2020. 

work of many domestic and foreign scientists, management, which necessitates the search for more
experts in economic science and practice. modern approaches to education management.
Special attention deserves a group of scientists Scientific developments in the field of economic
such as: [1], [2], [3], which defines such an economic theory and practice of managing educational
category as quality, and also addresses the main institutions and the quality of their educational
issues of management quality, including in the services are the basis for the development and
direction of educational services, while highlighting implementation of effective measures and
the role of educational services in the economic mechanisms to ensure the effective functioning of the
development of countries. This approach is classical education system and to increase the level of
in management theory and does not cover modern education of the population. However, it is worth
trends in the development of educational services, noting that in view of the lack of a unified approach
which determines the relevance and need for further and the definition of a management system for
research: [4], [5]. The following group of scientists educational institutions in order to ensure the quality
made a significant contribution to the development of of educational services, there is an urgent need for a
management theory in education: [6], [7], [8], which detailed study within the framework of this issue,
considers the management of the educational process taking into account the characteristics of modern
through the prism of the main management functions society.
without highlighting the key features of the The purpose of the article is to study current trends
organization of educational management services. in educational services that formulate conceptual
This approach does not disclose all the features of requirements for the quality of education, analyze
educational services management: [9], [10], [11], and compare them well, identify existing barriers in
which requires more in-depth studies in order to the management system of educational institutions,
identify key management approaches to improve develop practical scientific and methodological
their quality. The institutionalization of education recommendations for improving the situation using
management and its features was considered by a modern management tools and methods.
group of the following scientists: [12], [13], which
consider the main directions of education 2. Materials and Methods
management. Particularly noteworthy are studies:
[14],[15], which examine the main aspects of The theoretical basis of this work was made up of
educational services in the world and distinguish key studies in the field of management and the
them as the most frequently changing, which require features of its application in the management of
adaptation of existing approaches to management. A educational services. During the study, general
significant contribution to the study of education and scientific and specific methods of cognition were
its development in modern conditions is given in used: structuring and generalization - when defining
scientific papers: [16], [17], which focus on the need educational services as one of the most changing
for constant modernization of existing approaches to processes requiring new approaches and management
the organization of educational services. methods aimed at improving quality; categorical
However, it is worth noting that the definition of analysis - in determining the categories of countries
the main levers for improving the quality of depending on national systems for ensuring the
educational services is not sufficiently disclosed and quality of education; structural analytical analysis -
requires additional research. A significant when determining the index of the quality of
contribution to the development of the main educational services in the countries of the world,
theoretical aspects of education management as a their effectiveness and comparison; retrospective and
complex dynamic process was made by a group of system analysis - in identifying key areas of
the following domestic and foreign scientists, such educational services and identifying the main tasks to
as: [18], [19], [20], which considers the need for improve management efficiency and improve the
flexible management of educational services using quality of educational services.
standard approaches to management. The main issues In the process of the study, existing legislative and
of ensuring the effectiveness of the process of regulatory acts, decisions of legislative and executive
managing educational services using modern authorities on the development of the educational
methods and tools are devoted to scientific works: services sphere, materials of websites of international
[21], [22], which are based on the use of new organizations involved in the accreditation of
interactive types of educational services. It should be universities and educational programs were used.
noted that despite the existing developments and
studies in this area, which do not allow rationally
ensuring the quality and effectiveness of

TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 2 / 2020.                                                                                                                              771 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 770‐778, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐46, May 2020. 

3. Results and Discussion The very concept of “management” is widely

interpreted in world practice. Under the management
Currently, the process of changing the institutional is understood the way or manner of interacting with
paradigm has also covered the field of education, people, as well as the power and art of management,
requiring the use of new institutional functions. special abilities, governing body or administrative
Education, which was based on filling an individual unit. However, management, as indicated by [12], is
with formal-necessary knowledge, as noted by [1], understood as art. This understanding is because
has lost its relevance. In the context of globalization, organizations themselves are quite complex systems,
educational institutions are also affected by the the functioning of which depends on numerous and
processes of internationalization, which entails diverse external and internal factors.
structural changes at the managerial level and the Thus, management is an independent field of
need to develop new strategies for effective knowledge, a separate discipline, or rather an
development. interdisciplinary field, which is most correctly called
Education forms a society by creating smart, "managerial thought", combining science,
knowledgeable and competent people who are able to experience, "know-how", augmented by managerial
develop and achieve positive results, thereby art. Most sciences and their achievements influence
education, according to [1], provides social and management thought. Therefore, in any field of
economic development state. Education is defined as activity, including education, one should learn to
an important factor in the country's economic apply these achievements to obtain the desired results
development, socio-economic progress and ensuring through the joint efforts and actions of staff.
the sustainability of the social system. Education, as The peculiarity of the use of management tools and
notes [2], is already being considered, not as methods in educational institutions, as rightly pointed
education for the sake of education (gaining out in his research [12], determine: what are the
knowledge), but as a development factor that results of their work expressed in? The importance of
contributes to countries entering new innovative education for the development of society and the
technological lines. state, the specificity of the provision of educational
It is worth noting that for the modern business services in comparison with other types of services,
environment, the issue of developing the professional justifies the importance of the result of the work of
skills of employees and managers throughout their educational institutions, but also determines the
activities is very important, which leads to the difficulty of determining it.
activation of educational processes within the In particular, the modern understanding of the
framework of this concept through the organization activities of an educational institution is the provision
of various courses, trainings, individual lessons and of educational services, as evidenced by: the
areas for developing competencies. Based on this, it classification of the World Trade Organization,
is necessary to state the conceptual need to review where the education sector belongs to the services
existing education management tools, namely the sector as emphasized [23]; provisions of the World
management of educational services, not only to Bank [24], which considers the result of the activities
complete the learning process, but to improve the of educational institutions in the form of services.
quality of these services, which will increase the At the same time, the result of educational activity
loyalty and interest of the audience. is considered specialist, in particular, a specialist - a
Therefore, education, today, emphasize [6], is unit of measurement of all effects, a workforce of the
considered as a continuous process, with the highest qualification, which is released to the labor
possibility of receiving it throughout life and the market.
formation of an independent educational ability in an In addition, the activity of an educational
individual. Bindé emphasizes that in the 2005 institution is not just the production of educational
UNESCO report “To the knowledge societies”, it services or the training of a professional specialist,
was announced that education should be accessible but human development. Educational services mean
throughout a person’s life with a view to his personal nothing without a carrier, [10] writes, “knowledge by
development, ensuring the individual’s ability to itself does not exist” and the professional
adapt and autonomy on a global scale. competence of a specialist is not only knowledge
Increased attention to the use of management tools possession, but also the ability to effectively apply it
and methods in the education system, according to in practical activities.
[10], determines the fulfillment of the requirements Thus, the effective management of education
and recommendations of international quality should be aimed at the implementation of established
standards by the leaders of European educational goals, values and norms. Value is the proclaimed and
institutions in the construction of education quality accepted importance of education, and the goal is
management systems. formed in accordance with the declared values. All

772                                                                                                                        TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 2 / 2020. 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 770‐778, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐46, May 2020. 

processes are carried out in accordance with  the establishment of educational guidelines (the
established standards. level of available opportunities to achieve the
In particular, the globalization of education established goal);
provides for the adaptation of the education system to  ensuring the unity of the educational process, its
the demands of the global market economy - consideration as a system of laws, principles,
emphasizes [24]. The modern knowledge-based contents, forms and methods;
economy (the “knowledge economy”) provides for  management of an educational organization with
the creation of a single global educational space, the involvement of all existing potential:
based on uniform educational standards. personnel, technologies, material and technical
The globalization and internationalization of the base, information and financial resources,
education system implies the transformation of all organizational structures, etc.
existing processes and their flexible adaptation
Thus, management in an educational organization
within the framework of the implementation of all
is institutionalized into a system of integrated
changes dictated by the world market. It should be
management of all educational, research,
noted that the educational institution, according to
organizational activities using the existing resource
[26],[25] is entrusted with the task of developing and
base aimed at achieving a high-quality and effective
integrating all the elements of the “knowledge
triangle”: education, research, innovation. Modern
The institutionalization of management in
educational institutions, [27] writes, are faced with
education, according to [30],[31] can be explained as
the task of both ensuring an effective educational
its organizational and legal design by creating an
process and developing research and innovation
organizational management structure and adopting
acts regulating activities. Then, the organizational
Hence, the quality of education is a characteristic
management structure should be considered as a
of the educational process and the results, taking into
system of forms and interconnections of the
account existing ideas about what the educational
organizational creation of a subsystem of an
process and its results should be, as in: [28], [29].
educational institution designed to manage education.
Accordingly, the quality of education as a result is
The goals of such an organizational management
the individual’s competence after the educational
structure should correspond to the functional goals of
process, and the quality of the educational process
the international integration of education, ensuring
itself is a combination of characteristics and
their implementation and minimizing the negative
conditions of the educational process that contribute
consequences that arise.
to obtaining a high-quality educational result.
It should be noted that the unifying tendency in the
Since the result of the education is expressed by
management of an educational institution, taking into
socially-determined indicators: the established level
account the set integration goals for the education
of knowledge, skills that an individual should possess
system as a whole, is not always implemented
after receiving educational services, then,
automatically. In most cases, individual educational
accordingly, modern education management should
institutions in the event of a contradiction in their
be carried out in order to ensure an effective
internal system of activities due to the complexity of
assessment of student attestation, duration of
the processes of integration and differentiation of
education, and satisfaction of the educational needs
educational activities carry it out in general.
of the society.
Despite the fact that the education system has
Thus, the application of laws, norms, rules,
already undergone various modernizing measures,
management methods in relation to the field of
including those envisaged by the Bologna process,
education should be aimed at achieving a special
the planned results to ensure the quality of
result of educational activity that is distinct from the
educational services have not yet been achieved. For
result of the functioning of other social and economic
example, the mobility indicators proclaimed by the
organizations - human development.
Bologna process in the participating countries are
Education management, in this case, acts as a
growing every year, but remain low. The number of
separate institution in the overall management
foreign students, even in leading countries, does not
system. Therefore, the management of an educational
exceed 5% of the total number of students. The
institution is an all-encompassing process aimed at:
problem of “one-way mobility” remains, when the
 ensuring effective and high-quality training and number of students arriving in the country
education of individuals by optimizing the significantly exceeds the number of students
educational process itself and its constituent traveling abroad to study - according to The
elements; European Higher Education Area.

TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 2 / 2020.                                                                                                                              773 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 770‐778, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐46, May 2020. 

The quality of education, as emphasized [32], is The World Education Index is a combined
based on the level of satisfying consumer indicator of the United Nations Development
requirements, satisfying the needs of modern Program (UNDP). One of the key indicators of social
economic relations in high-quality specialists. At the development. Used to calculate the Human
same time, there is a significant gap between the Development Index in the framework of a special
triad: education, science and economics, and the series of reports of the United Nations (UN) on
inability to meet the needs of the market. human development. From the presented Figure 1. it
The study of the key features of higher education should be noted that the highest level of education
pays special attention to scientific works: [33], [34],
development in developed countries, the level of
[35] which consider the main stages of the process of
which ranges from 0.8 to 1.
convergence and harmonization of higher education
systems in Europe to create a single European space It is generally accepted that developed countries
for higher education. It should be noted that in many should have a minimum rate of 0.8, although many
countries that use the Bologna process in the of them have a score of 0.9 or higher. When
education system, no measures are taken to study the determining the place in the world ranking, all
needs of the labor market and the direct interaction of countries are ranked on the basis of the Education
educational institutions with potential opportunities. Level Index, where the first place corresponds to the
The main aspects of the relationship between the highest value of this indicator, and the last to the
education system and the needs of the labor market lowest. Literacy data comes from the official results
are considered in scientific papers: [36], which of national population censuses and is compared with
highlight the main priority of this process, which is indicators calculated by the UNESCO Institute for
aimed at ensuring employment in the country and Statistics.
further employment of graduates taking into account For a more detailed study and analysis of the level
the risks of lack of demand for “Specialists” in the of educational services in the world and the quality
market and the need for their additional training of their management, it is worth considering
(retraining). countries with an average level of educational
Based on the above, for a more detailed analysis services development, which are presented in (Fig.
and development of scientific and methodological 2.).
approaches to the management of educational
services. For clarity and the classification of

countries by the level of management of educational Nigeria

services, this classification is divided into 3 groups: Angola
1) high level (range of values from 0.8 to 1); Swaziland
2) average level (range of values from 0.45 to Nicaragua
0.79) ; Salvador
3) low level (range from 0 to 0.44). Turkmenistan
Dominican Republic
We should consider the dynamics of indicators Botswana
according to the rating of the countries of the world Saint lucia
by the level of education index, which is presented in Macedonia
(Fig. 1.). Brunei
Chile Seychelles
Kazakhstan Venezuela
Malta Grenada

Slovakia Tonga
Saudi arabia
Greece Ukraine
Palau 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Austria Education Index…
Israel Figure 2. Dynamics of the education index with an
Czech Republic
average level in the countries of the world as of
Ireland It is worth considering the rating of countries with
Germany a low level of educational services, which is
0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 presented in Fig. 3.
Education Index (High)
Figure 1. Dynamics of the education index with a high
level in the countries of the world as of 01.01.2019

774                                                                                                                        TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 2 / 2020. 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 770‐778, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐46, May 2020. 

national education systems and their harmonization

Burkina Faso (unification), but with the preservation of the
South Sudan individual characteristics of education in each of the
Djibouti participating states, based on established
Central African Republic
recommendations and procedures.
Senegal Each participating country evaluates the programs
Mozambique of educational institutions based on approved
Sierra leone accreditation systems and comparable procedures,
Afghanistan publishes results on the quality of education of
Burundi specialists, and participates in the creation of
Haiti agencies designed to determine the quality of higher
Equatorial Guinea
Rwanda In particular, in many European countries today
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 there are systems of external quality assurance.
Education Index (Low) At the same time, some countries assess the quality
Figure 3. Dynamics of the education index with an of only individual educational programs (Czech
average level in the countries of the world as of Republic, Sweden, and Belgium), while others assess
01.01.2019 the performance of the educational institution as a
This indicator, although it is universal, has several whole (Great Britain, Finland). Categories of quality
limitations. In particular, it does not reflect the assurance of national education of the countries
quality of education itself, which in some cases can participating in the Bologna process (selectively) are
be very low or significantly limited. Also, it does not presented in Table 1.
fully show the difference in the accessibility of
education due to differences in age requirements and Table 1. National education quality assurance
in the duration of training. Indicators such as average systems
duration of study or expected duration of study Category Country Party
would be more representative; however, the Management of national Sweden, Finland, Russia,
corresponding data are not available in the statistics quality assurance agencies Hungary, Ukraine, Poland
of most states. In addition, the indicator does not take Conducting an external
into account students studying abroad, which may assessment of the activities
distort data for some small countries. of the national agency for Estonia, Russia
Thus, the current imbalance between supply and ensuring the quality of
demand for qualified specialists, the lack of a education
relationship between employers and educational Conducting an external
Finland, Germany, Poland,
evaluation of institutions or
institutions is called important modern problems of Hungary
the economy. The process of effective reform of the Activities of national
education system is hindered, in particular, by the use Poland
quality assurance agencies
of outdated structures and methods of managing Participation in
educational institutions. The need to develop and use international networking -
modern management methods and carry out reforms programs
using innovative, developing, education-based, based
on modern information technologies has long been In general, most countries, when forming a system
recognized [8]. for guaranteeing the quality of education, evaluate
The management of its educational processes also the internal system of educational process
includes the management of its conditions: ensuring management. At the same time, despite the fact that
the professional level of the teaching staff, teaching in almost all countries of the Bologna process
and methodological support, material and technical, educational institutions are required to form an
financial support of the educational process, as well internal quality assurance system, an external quality
as the characteristics of the student population, their assurance system continues to have a significant
potential, abilities and educational aspirations. impact on it. Hence, the main debate arises that the
Moreover, the quality assurance in education, modernization of national education should take into
according to Memorandum of Higher Education in account the national mentality, culture and market
the European Community [37], occurs through the needs, primarily the national The European Higher
development of comparable criteria and methodology Education Area [36].
for assessing quality. Modernization should be directed to those areas in
In particular, the main objectives of the Bologna which it is necessary to increase efficiency, taking
process have been proclaimed the transparency of into account all possible consequences and with a

TEM Journal – Volume 9 / Number 2 / 2020.                                                                                                                              775 
TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 770‐778, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐46, May 2020. 

clear understanding of the goals to which it is aimed, field of education. It is produced by the British
and not comprehensively to the entire education international company Pearson, which specializes in
system only for the sake of changes and educational and publishing activities.
transformations. This also applies to the sphere of The rating is calculated according to the
education management in general, and the methodology of The Economist Intelligence Unit
educational institution in particular. research company and estimates the level of
Given the foregoing, the main task in the effectiveness of education systems in the countries of
construction and functioning of the educational the world.
institutions management system is to find the optimal Therefore, to ensure the effectiveness of education
balance in opposing trends, minimize contradictions management, it is necessary to:
and organizational conflicts. The institutionalization
 pay attention to creating an effective
of education management can be effective only if it
organizational and methodological model of
is supplemented by measures of an economic,
training, retraining, improving knowledge and
informational and analytical nature. For all the
experience of the personnel of the educational
existing factors, both contributing to the
institutionalization of education management, as well
 take into account the needs of the labor market
as hindering it, the processes of globalization and
for qualified professionals;
integration, the socio-economic state of the country,
 promote self-realization, growth of scientists,
the conditions and priorities of the ultimate goal of
their realization of their potential, provide them
the educational process, require the establishment of
with moral and material support.
education management in a higher educational
institution in individual institutions, which are In other words, modern education management
organizational -legal management structure in the should be carried out in the direction of:
educational sphere. Based on the above, it is worth  improving the quality of education and ensuring
considering the gradation of countries according to its accessibility;
the index of effectiveness of national education  ensuring continuing professional education;
systems as of 01.01.2019, which is presented in (Fig.  improving the financing system;
4.).  orientation to the needs of the labor market and
economic priorities;

Iran  the union of science and education: not only the

Turkey use of modern innovations in education, but also
contributing to the creation of innovations and
Serbia their introduction into the economy.
South Africa
Slovakia Separately, it should be pointed out that the
Hungary effectiveness of managing an educational institution
Italy also depends on external factors that arise when
Portugal managing the education system in the country as a
South Korea whole.
Ireland Such factors are, in particular, inadequate resource
France support of state-financed educational institutions,
Hong Kong
economic crises, the country's backlog in integration
Belgium processes, low level of material support for citizens,
lack of an effective regulatory and methodological
Sweden base for education management, etc.
Denmark Internationalization, as noted by Wood [36], poses
United States of America
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 new institutional challenges for educational
Index of effectiveness of national education systems ,%
institutions: ensuring the mobility of academic staff
and students, meeting the educational institution's
Figure 4.. Graduation of countries by the index of international standards, and conducting quality
effectiveness of national education systems as of control of educational activities. In other words, the
impact on the education sector of globalization trends
The index of the effectiveness of national education requires the heads of educational institutions to
systems (Global Index of Cognitive Skills and possess new means, methods and methods of
Educational Attainment) is a global study and its organizing, managing and controlling research and
accompanying rating, which measures the educational activities, that is, applying the
achievements of the countries of the world in the

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TEM Journal. Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 770‐778, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM92‐46, May 2020. 

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