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Breast Self-Examination
Look for changes in front of a mirror. View front and
each side in each of the 3 positions:
Relax arms at

your sides. Look for down, bend
for changes in puckering, forward.
shape and color. dimpling and Check nipple
View for pucker skin changes. direction and
ing, dimpling,
skin changes,
head. Place hands general
Check on hips, press appearance.
the Seven “Ps!”

Palpation Perimeter
Feel for changes
lying down. Remember
Use the pads of the middle pressure. Pattern
three fingers of each hand
to examine the breast on
the opposite side - do not
use fingertips - keep fingers
Move fingers in dime-size circles Use a vertical strip
using the three levels of pressure pattern to check the
in each spot. entire breast area.
Imagine mowing a lawn
Keep fingers, knuckles, and with straight, vertical,
wrists straight. overlapping rows. When
you reach the end of
“Walk and slide” finger pads each row, move over
along so no breast tissue is about one finger width
missed. and start the next row.

Pressure Once you start, do not lift fingers

from the breast area.
Lumps can occur at any depth.
Use three levels of pressure to ex Be sure to examine the
amine each spot thoroughly. nipple with the same
palpation technique you
Light - Use very light use to examine the rest
pressure of the breast tissue.
on the first dime-size The area to be
circle. examined include
sides, top and bottom of breast.
Pressure should be just enough to
move the skin without disturbing the
tissue underneath. Pressing too hard at first could cause a
Sides include the
lump to move out of the way. line
from the middle of
Medium - On the pit (axilla), that
second includes
circle, use medium pressure to the area beyond
feel for changes below the sur breast
face to mid-level of the breast fullness, down to the bot
tissue. tom bra line and over to
the middle of the breast
Deep - On the third
circle, The top starts two finger
check for lumps deep in the widths above the collarbone.
breast tissue.
Two finger-widths below the bra line
Press as firmly as you can without dis indicates the bottom of the breast.
comfort. The goal is to feel the ribs with the deep

Position 1: Spread the breast tissue
evenly over rib cage.
Turn on your side self-exam every month.
with knees bent.
Lean shoulder back
toward the outside
(away from your
How to
hip) and put your
hand on your fore Examine
head. Place a pillow under your lower back
to make it more comfortable.
You are in the right position when your nipple seems to
“float” at the top of the mound of your breast tissue.
Position 2: When search
pattern reaches the nipple,
hold fingers in place on the
nipple and roll back into a
position flat on your back.

The arm on the side being ex

amined should now be extended
directly away from the body (at a
right angle).


Go slowly. Take your time.
Cover every square inch of the breast tissue.
Performing breast self-exam every month could Monthly
potentially save your life.
Breast Self-Exam
With monthly practice, you can become skilled at
looking and feeling for changes in your breasts.

Perform breast

Important Questions...
A screening mammogram
Why do a breast self-examination? There B reast self-examination
are many good reasons for doing a breast self
examination each month. It is easy to do. When you get C linical breast examination
to know how your breasts normally feel, you may be able
to feel a change. With practice, it should take about 15 A breast self-examination can save your life. Most breast
minutes each month. Early detection is the key to suc lumps are found by women themselves or their partners.
cessful treatment and cure. Most lumps in the breast are not cancer. Any lump or
change should be checked by a doctor.

When to do a breast self-examination? The

best time to do breast self-examination is right after your Early detection is your
period, when breasts are not tender or swollen. If you do not
have regular periods or sometimes skip a month, choose a
best protection!
day and do it the same time every month.
Remember the ABCs of Breast Health

Check the lymph nodes...

Lymph nodes drain breast tissue.

The lymph nodes that drain the breast tissue are located in three

• Above your collar bone

• Below your collar bone

• In the armpit

You will want to know if any nodes are enlarged, movable or


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