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Descriptive Text

1. Definition descriptive text

Basically, descriptive text is a text that aims to explain, describe, or describe
something. This thing can take the form of anything, be it animals, objects, locations, and so
Usually descriptive text is characterized by the use of easy tense and focuses on one
object specifically. The object is then discussed again in more detail in the descriptive text.
Then what is the difference with recount text?
At a glance, you will see an example of a recount text, which then retells a story that
happened in the past, using the easy past. While descriptive text describes something in more
detail. Descriptive text can also mean:
1. Descriptive text provides information about how something or someone looks, this text
uses words to describe what something or someone is like.
2. Descriptive text also provides facts about how Indonesian is actually used according to
the rules and how this text should be used.

2. Generic Structure Descriptive Text

The purpose of descriptive text is to describe, express also describe a characteristic, be
it on objects, animals, places and others. Descriptive text is also made without doing detailed
research beforehand, so the writer only needs to write a story based on what he saw and
a. Identification
Identification is an introduction, in the form of a general description of a topic. For
example in: My supporter is the Duke of Edinburgh. he's my acquaintances. My best
friend is the Duke of Edinburgh. Hawkeye State is my classmate.
b. Description
Description contains special characteristics possessed by objects, places, or how an object
is described. For example, properties, physical appearance, and other things which are
then written down specifically.
3. Characteristics of Descriptive Text
The characteristics of the descriptive text itself include:
1. The verb used is an attribute verb, such as be (am, is, are);
2. The tense used is easy tense; and
3. Only focus on one object only.
4. Elements of Descriptive Text
. 1. Noun
Using specific principle nouns, such as my cat, my swain, monument. In addition, often
also use adjectives to clarify the use of nouns or nouns, such as a giant house, a sensible
student, associate degree independence lady.
2. Simple Tense
Using the basic verb or the first form (verb 1) and using the verb principle can show the
ownership or state of an object. Descriptive text uses easy tense because descriptive text
tells a fact of the Iranian language object that is described. For example, My workplace has
twenty two floors, Azka is pretty, and others.
3. Action Verbs
Using the verb principle shows an activity or an activity the principle can see. For
example, sleep, walk, sing, dance, and others.
4. Figurative Language
Using Indonesian figurative principle or describing something, usually using a metaphor
to illustrate to the reader. For example: My love for you is as massive because the ocean. -
My love for you is as wide as the ocean. Her skin is as white because of the snow
4. Example Descriptive Text about Pets
On my fourteen birthday, my mom gave me a rabbit. One thing that I wanted for a long time
ago. I named her Rebitar. My dad adopted her from a shelter. Once she received my house,
she was fragile and little as a bottle. But now, she has full-grown to be a white lovely rabbit.
She chows and exercises well. Her fur grows thick and soft. Kelly may be a charming cat and
we’ll continuously watch out for her.
Narative Text

1. Definition narative text

Narrative text is a type of text in English to tell a story that has a series of connected
chronological events. The purpose of this text is to entertain the reader about a story or
2. Types of Narrative Text
Narrative text can be imaginary or factual. The following is an example of the genre of
Narrative text:
a. Fairy Tale
b. Mystery
c. Science fiction
d. Romance
e. Horror
f. Fable
g. Myths and legends
h. History
i. Slice of life
j. Personal experience and so forth
3. Narrative Text Features
a. Using Action Verbs in Past Tenses.
b. Using certain nouns as personal pronouns.
c. Using adjectives that form a noun phrase.
d. Use conjunctions to order events.
4. Narrative Text Structure
The structure of narrative text focuses on a series of steps proposed to construct a text
itself. In general, there are four stages in narrative text, namely:
a. Orientation
Orientation or commonly referred to as the introduction, contains about who, when,
where a story is set.
b. Complications
Complication tells the beginning of the problem that causes the peak of the problem or
what is commonly called the climax. This section usually involves the main character of
the story.
c. Resolution
This part is the end of the story or a solution to the problem that occurs. Problems can be
solved for better or worse which will make the story have a happy ending or vice versa.
Sometimes, some resolution is another problem to solve. This is deliberately made by the
author to increase and maintain interest and suspense for the reader. Usually, this type of
resolution is found in the mystery and horror genres.
d. Re-orientation
Section is the closing of a story that is optional. Re-orientation can contain moral lessons,
suggestions or teachings from the author.
5. Example Narrative Text about The origin of Surabaya

The origin of Surabaya

Once upon a time, in the northern part of East Java, there lived a scary giant
crocodile. He was the ruler of the river and a predator who was feared by all the animals
in the forest near the river.The name of the crocodile was Baya. He was very good at
hunting, so all of the animals in the jungle were afraid of him. Baya lived in a river. In the
sea, there lived a wild shark named Sura. He ruled the sea, and every fish were scared of
him. However, Sura felt bored because he ate fish every day. He was curious about the
river near the sea.
One day he decided to go to the river. At the side of the river, there was a deer that
was drinking water. Sura felt hungry, so he swam silently to the edge and jumped out to
catch the deer. Sura was happy to get such delicious food. After eating the deer, Sura
became addicted. The next day, he hunted back on the river and got a lot of food. After a
couple of days, Baya became suspicious because it was harder and harder for him to find
prey. He started investigating what was happening. When Baya saw Sura catched a little
monkey in the river, Baya became angry. “Hey Sura, what are you doing here? This is
my territory. How dare you snatch my prey.” Sura was not afraid of Baya – he challenged
Baya to a fight. “Hey, I can look for food anywhere I want. It’s not just your territory
here. All animals are free to look for food here. ”
Finally, a fight could not be avoided, and the fight began. Because both of them were
strong, the fight was very long. For days, all of the animals in the forest were disturbed
by the fight. They couldn’t sleep. Finally, the two wild animals were exhausted. No one
won, and no one lost, because both of them were equally strong.”Sura, we better end this
fight. I’m too tired.” “So am I, Baya. Okay, let’s end this battle.” “Sura, first, we need to
limit our hunting area. The end of the river is the limit. Don’t you break the line, or you
will feel the consequences.” “Okay Baya, I accept this agreement.” Sura finally left the
river and returned to the sea. For months, the forest calmed down. There were no fights
between Sura and Baya, but Sura felt uneasy. He longed to eat deer meat like before.
There were a lot of fish in the sea, but it wasn’t enough for him . He couldn’t bear it, so
quietly, he swam toward the mouth of the river, “Ah, if I look for prey near the river’s
mouth, Baya won’t know because he lives further up the river.” Unfortunately, no prey
approached the mouth of the river. Sura was tired of waiting. Finally, he swam up the
river toward the forest. Sura wanted to go back to the jungle again. This time, he would
be careful not to be caught by Baya. “Hi hi hi, I will catch the prey and immediately bring
it out to sea, so Baya won’t see me. Hi hi hi.”
The plan was successful, and for months Sura hunted in the river without being
discovered. Over time, Baya became suspicious because again, his prey was reduced. But
this time he didn’t see Sura on the river. But he believed, this was Sura’s doing. “Hmmm,
this must be Sura! Watch out, Sura!” Then, Baya prepared plan. Baya found a deer but
didn’t catch him right away. Instead, he hurt the deer’s leg so he couldn’t run away. The
deer was placed on the edge of the river, then Baya hid. A short time later, Sura swam up
the river and saw the injured deer. He felt excited because the deer was fat. “Wow, lucky
me! Today, I’ll have a feast! Na na na na.” Just as he was about to bring the deer to the
sea, suddenly Baya confronted him . “Hey! You sure are stubborn and shameless Sura!
How greedy are you? Imagine, the fish in the sea are abundant, but you are still hunting
in my area.” “Hey Baya! If you want, you can hunt in the sea. I don’t forbid you.”
“Hmm, I don’t like fish, and I especially can’t stand the sea water.” “Well, it’s okay if
you don’t want it. At least I have offered it to you.” Sura answered lightly and dragged
the deer to the sea. Baya got angry, then attacked Sura. “Hey! Where do you think you’re
bringing that deer?” “To the sea! I’ll eat it there.” “Bring the deer here, I caught it to trap
you.” “Well, it’s your fault you didn’t eat the deer yourself.” “You forgot our agreement?
This river is my territory!” “Hey, if there is water, there is me! This agreement is
ridiculous.” “Okay, then our agreement is cancelled. Now, the strongest one has the right
to rule this area.”
Finally, Baya attacked Sura, a fight couldn’t be prevented. This time it was even more
exciting, no one dared to approach the area of the fight. “Ah! Hiya!” “Grr” Sura always
dodged his attacks, and Baya became annoyed. When Sura was off guard, Baya managed
to bite his tail. “Ouch, my tail!” Sura did not want to lose. Both of them were in pain and
seriously injured. However, Baya did not despair, he continued to bite until Sura’s tail
was cut off. Sura was in so much pain, he ran away leaving Baya towards the sea. Since
then, Sura has not dared to approach the river. And since he no longer had a tail, he
couldn’t swim as hard as he once had, “Argh it’s so painful, oh my!” To commemorate
the fierce fight, the area where the two animals fought was called Surabaya, and the
name remains to this day.
Procedure Text
1. Definition procedure text
Procedure text is text that contains commands or steps in doing something. In
other words, procedure text is made to illustrate how something is done through
sequential steps.Procedure text titles are very easy to recognize. Usually begins with the
word "How to...". For example, “How to learn English quickly” (How to have a
conversation in English), and many others.
2. Procedure Text Characteristics
The following are the characteristics of procedure text.
a. Using the simple present tense
b. Using imperative sentences (command sentences). Example: add two spoons, cook
with low heat, blend the spices, etc.
c. Use action verbs. Example: add, put, turn.
d. Using numbers. Example: first, second, third.
e. Using conjunctions (connecting words). Example: next, then, while.
f. Using adverbs (adverbs) to clarify the stages that are passed. Example: correctly,
carefully, slowly, for 2 minutes, etc.
3. Types of Procedure Text
Here are the types of procedure text that you need to know.
a. Procedure text that describes how to operate/use something. For example, how to use
a camera, how to use a rice cooker.
b. Procedure text that provides instructions for carrying out certain activities. For
example, how to play guitar, how to make a brownie.
c. Procedure text related to tips for living life. For example, how to be successful in life,
how to make yourself happy.
4. Procedure Text Structure
Here is the structure of the procedure text.
a. Goal/Aim: contains the intent and purpose of the related procedure text.
b. Materials: contains the materials needed to perform the steps of a procedure text.
c. Steps: a list of sequential steps to complete the procedure text stages.
d. Result: the result of the steps that have been carried out.
5. Example Procedure Text

How to Make Scrambled Eggs

Let’s learn how to make yummy scrambled eggs at your home with this
easy recipe!
 2 eggs
 Milk (if desired)
 1 teaspoon of butter
 A pinch of salt and pepper
1. First, crack the eggs into a small bowl and add a pinch of salt and pepper. Whisk
until all well blended.
2. In a frying pan, add butter and let it melt.
3. Pour the eggs and milk, and for around 20 seconds, do not stir it.
4. After that, fold the eggs to the center and stir with spatula.
5. Repeat the previous step until all the eggs are mostly cooked
6. Remove eggs from heat, and keep continue to fold and stir the eggs for around a
7. Lift the eggs, put on the serving plate and your scrambled eggs are ready.
Report Text
1. Definition Report text
Report text is one type of text in English that explains the details of an object. The
explanation in the report text is the result of observations, research, observations and studies
on various things.
2. Report Text Structure
Like other English texts, report text has a structure or generic structure that you need to
Here is the structure of the report text.
1. General classification
The first structure is the first part that contains various general information based on the
observations made by the author, the results of these observations can be in the form of
animals, natural phenomena, plants and other topics in detail.
2. Description
The second structure of the report text is in paragraph two and has the same function as
descriptive text, namely to describe in more detail the details of the author's research
3. Elements of Language / Language Feature Report Text
In addition to the generic structure, the report has linguistic elements or language features
that you need to know. Here are some language features that you need to know.
a. General nouns use words that refer to things in general. For example, dogs, lions, or the
mention of other animals in general is not specific, such as my dog and so on.
b. Relating verbs or linking verbs, for example is, am, are, look, seem, taste and so on.
c. Timeless present tense, using the simple present tense. For example usually, often,
always and so on.
d. Technical terms, using terms related to the topic or discussion of the report text. For
example, if you make a report text about animals, then in the report text there must be a
term or mention about animals.
e. Introducing group or general aspect, using language that introduces the discussion or
object of research in general.
4. Report Text Characteristics
Report text has nine characteristics that you need to know, in order to be able to
distinguish report text from descriptive text. The following are the characteristics of the
report text that the author has summarized.
a. Report text contains scientific facts.
The title of the report text looks general (can be recognized by readers who do not have
competence in the science of the report text topic).
b. Usually accompanied by pictures and statistical data to prove the results of the author's
c. Report text sentences use simple present tense sentence patterns.
d. Report text uses common nouns as in language feature general nouns.
e. Using verbs that are interconnected, according to the language feature, namely linking
verbs or relative verbs.
f. Report text consists of an object and added with other objects.
g. Report text describes various kinds of groups and not individuals specifically.
h. Report text uses conditional logical conjunctions, for example so, when and so on.
5. Example Report Text

Blue Whale
The blue whale is not only the biggest whale living today; the blue whale is the biggest
creature ever to have lived on Earth. They are mind-bogglingly gigantic; much larger than
any of the dinosaurs. Blue whales and the other ocean giants live their whole lives in
Blue whales commonly reach the colossal length of 29m, that’s roughly as long as three
London red double-decker buses parked end to end. Blue whales in the Southern Hemisphere
are generally larger than those in the Northern Hemisphere and female blues are larger than
The longest blue whale on record is a female measured at a South Georgia whaling
station in the South Atlantic (1909); she was 33.58m. The heaviest blue whale was also a
female hunted in the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, on 20 March 1947. She tipped the scales at
190 tonnes which is equivalent to about 30 elephants or 2500 people.
Blue whales are now extremely rare due to uncontrolled commercial whaling. Some
populations could be endangered to the point of extinction.
Recount Text
1. Definition Recount Text
Recount text is one type of text in English which contains the story of an action or
activity of the author or the characters in the story. The activity or action in question is the
author's experience expressed through recount text, usually the purpose of recount text is to
entertain the reader, as well as provide information.
2. Kinds and Examples of Recount Text
1. Personal recount
Personal recount is a recount text that has a function to tell about the author's
personal experience. Personal recount is the most common type commonly used to write
recount text.
Personal recount example.
My Bad Day
Doni scrimped and paid for a trip around the world that lasted two months. In his
diary, he detailed his journey. I traveled to London and spent several weeks in Europe
after spending a week in New York. I took a train to Istanbul and visited several locations
in Asia after seeing the sights in Europe. First, I flew from Mexico City to New York
City, where he lives. After traveling across Asia, I traveled to South America before
returning to Indonesia. Doni was weary, but he was ecstatic to be on the road again.
2. Factual recount
Factual recount is a recount text that has a function to present reports about events
that occurred based on facts (really happened). Examples include reports on scientific
experiments or reports from the police.
Example of factual recount
A Man Charged
A man has been sued in court for pushing an older woman down a bus on Upper
Thomson Road. Ong Kok Hao, 25, is accused of injuring 76-year-old Hwang Li Lian
Nee Lye on bus service number 167 around 3 p.m. on June 5th. Ong is alleged to have
pushed the older woman onto her back, causing her to collapse onto the bus stairs. The
incident was recorded and posted to YouTube in a two-minute video. Ong bursts into a
fury at Madam Hwang for pressing the ring at the last minute along Upper Thomson
Road, according to the video. During the resulting scream battle, Ong attempted to slap
the woman before shoving her down the bus. Ong's lawyer, Eddie Koh, will present his
case to the court. The issue will be revisited by the police in December.
3. Imaginative
Imaginative is a recount text that has a function to tell imaginative events. For
example, a recount text that tells the author's experience in imagining a scene that he got
from his dream.
Imaginative Example
Cowboy’s Pride
Today was a particularly hectic day. Thankfully, Rose was at home to assist me in
washing dishes, making quince jelly, and caring for our newest family member, the boy.
This was yet another ordinary day. Jean came in after we completed our chores and began
enjoying the dinner we had just prepared. Rose was tending to the child. A heavy knock
came at the entrance. I sat there waiting for Jean or Rose to pass. Jean sprang from his seat,
knife and fork both clutched in his hands. “Can’t a guy eat in peace?” he exclaimed. “I’ve
come to arrest you Mr. Jean Clarkson for horse stealing,” a deep voice said when Jean
opened the bell. I stood there watching Jean finish his last bite of dinner. He then told me
that he was about to be arrested. If there was no subpoena, I informed him he didn’t have to
go. I screamed at him, telling him he shouldn’t have let him in. Jean confidently said, “It’s
all right, Mum,” in an attempt to quiet me down.
The bread was taken out of the oven by me. Jean ate the rest of his food from his
bowl with a large slice of thick bread. Constable Fitzgerald was standing nearby. ‘I’ll just
go grab my jacket!” Jean said. I chased after Jean, shouting at him for letting him in when
he shouldn’t have. Rose’s screams could be heard. I dashed back to see what had happened.
Fitzgerald was bullying her, she explained. I charged into the kitchen, grabbed the shovel,
and smacked him in the face. Jean dashed back into the room and tackled him to the
ground. Cathy was right there when the door swung open. Cathy entered the room and took
Fitzgerald’s rifle. Fitzgerald was shot in the wrist by the revolver. “Touch our sister again,
and there will be a bullet in your head,” both boys said as they stood there. My sons made
me proud when they stood up for their sister.
4. Historical recount
Historical recount is a recount text that contains history. An example is a recount text
about the proclamation of Indonesian independence.
Example Historical recount

Indonesian Independence Proclamation 

On Friday, August 17, 1945, at 10 a.m., the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was
read. The declaration signaled the launch of the Indonesian National Revolution’s political
and military struggle against Dutch forces and pro-Dutch citizens before the latter formally
recognized Indonesia’s independence in 1949. Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, who were
declared president and vice-president the next day, signed the agreement.

Dalam menulis recount text, kemampuan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris sangatlah penting.
Dalam mengasah writing skills yang Grameds miliki, buku Writing: Get to Basic hadir
dengan lima topik besar yang dapat membantu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis

3. Generic Structure Recount Text

Recount text has three main structures or generic structure as follows.
a. Orientation, the first structure that contains information about the character, the place of
the incident, when the incident took place and so on. The information provided by the
author is expected to provide the knowledge or information needed by the reader in order
to understand the storyline.
b. Events, the second structure is the content of the text or in the form of stories about
events or experiences that the author wants to convey to the reader.
c. Reorientation, the third structure contains conclusions and summaries or repetitions of
information in the orientation structure.
4. Recount Text Characteristics
There are three characteristics of recount text that you can identify if there is a question
regarding recount text, besides that you need to include these three characteristics or must be
in the recount text script that you make. The following are the three characteristics of
recount text.
a. Recount text uses the past tense or past tense. For example, the use of verbs 3 went,
woke up, departed, burned, ate and so on.
b. Recount text uses part of speech adverb and adverbial to explain the time, place and
manner. For example, last October, Bandung, On the third day, at the park and so on.
c. Recount text uses part of speech conjunction and time connectives to order events and
events in the story to form a coherent text. Examples such as and, after, the, that, before
and so on.
5. Language feature in recount text
In addition to the three characteristics of recount text that you can recognize to
distinguish recount from other types of text, recount text has a language feature that is
generally found in recount text to clarify the function of the recount text, here are five
language features in recount text.
a. Using personal participants such as I, my, me and so on.
b. Using chronological connections such as first, then and so on.
c. Using linking verbs such as were, was, heard, saw and so on.
d. Using action verbs such as go, look, change, run and so on.
e. Using the simple past tense.
6. Example recount text
I spent my last summer holiday in Seoul, South Korea. I went there with my friends
On the first day, I was landed at Incheon Airport around 7 AM after a 6 hours long flight.
Then I went to Seoul by train and checked in to the hotel I already booked. I decided to
take a rest for a while. At night, I went to Hongdae, a famous district in South Korea. I
went to eat traditional Korean food. On the next day, I went to the Gyeongbokgung
Palace and National Museum. I also went to learn how to make Kimchi and see the
scenery of Seoul from Seoul Tower. I went back to the hotel at 10 PM and immediately
went to sleep.
I spent my last day in Myeongdong and bought some stuffs and souvenirs for my family
and friends. I also ate the street food there. I went to the airport at 3 PM because my
flight was at 5 PM. I had a fantastic experience in South Korea and made wonderful
memory with my friends. It was a great trip.

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