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Waste Management 31 (2011) 2497–2502

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A web-based Decision Support System for the optimal management

of construction and demolition waste
G. Banias a,b,⇑, Ch. Achillas a,b, Ch. Vlachokostas a, N. Moussiopoulos a,b, I. Papaioannou a
Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Box 483, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece
School of Economics and Business Administration, International Hellenic University, 57001 Thermi, Greece

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Wastes from construction activities constitute nowadays the largest by quantity fraction of solid wastes in
Received 12 January 2011 urban areas. In addition, it is widely accepted that the particular waste stream contains hazardous mate-
Accepted 11 July 2011 rials, such as insulating materials, plastic frames of doors, windows, etc. Their uncontrolled disposal result
Available online 10 August 2011
to long-term pollution costs, resource overuse and wasted energy. Within the framework of the DEWAM
project, a web-based Decision Support System (DSS) application – namely DeconRCM – has been devel-
Keywords: oped, aiming towards the identification of the optimal construction and demolition waste (CDW) manage-
Construction and demolition waste
ment strategy that minimises end-of-life costs and maximises the recovery of salvaged building materials.
Web-based application
Decision Support System
This paper addresses both technical and functional structure of the developed web-based application. The
DeconRCM web-based DSS provides an accurate estimation of the generated CDW quantities of twenty-one different
waste streams (e.g. concrete, bricks, glass, etc.) for four different types of buildings (residential, office,
commercial and industrial). With the use of mathematical programming, the DeconRCM provides also
the user with the optimal end-of-life management alternative, taking into consideration both economic
and environmental criteria. The DSS’s capabilities are illustrated through a real world case study of a
typical five floor apartment building in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Up to recently, common practice was to discard CDW materials

and debris in landfills, most often the same ones built for the dis-
Construction and demolition waste (CDW) are generated on posal of MSW (Garrido et al., 2005). The substantial volume of
active building sites (Stein, 1996). CDW include a wide range of CDW presents significant pressure to landfill capacities and have
materials depending on the source of the waste, namely excavation led to considerable environmental concerns (Esin and Cosgun,
materials (e.g. earth, sand, gravel, rocks and clay), road building 2007). Disposal of CDW cannot in any case be considered as a sound
and maintenance materials (e.g. asphalt, sand, gravel and metals), management practice for end-of-life building materials. Even worse,
demolition materials (e.g. debris including earth, gravel, sand, there are many cases reported where CDW ended up in uncontrolled
blocks of concrete, bricks, gypsum, porcelain and lime-cast), as open dumps, not taking into account the severe burden imposed
well as other worksite waste materials (e.g. wood, plastic, paper, upon the environment (Fatta et al., 2003). Apart from the aesthetic
glass, metal and pigments) (Fatta et al., 2003). CDW are problem- degradation, environmental impacts of such practices include, soil
atic not mainly for their hazardous nature, but mostly for the sig- and water contamination, air pollution as a result of resulting fires,
nificant volume generated. In the European Union, more than reduced land and property values, destruction of open spaces and
450 million tonnes of construction and demolition waste is gener- landscape blight (El-Haggar Salah, 2007). In addition, heaps of
ated annually. Excluding earth and excavated road material, the CDW may include asbestos waste, which poses a significant health
amount of CDW generated is estimated to be roughly 180 million risk, especially in building sites which are later converted into
tonnes per year (EC, 2000). This stream presents the third largest residential areas or playgrounds (Hendricks et al., 2000).
in quantities, only following waste from the mining and farming Following the waste management prioritisation of alternatives,
industry (Dorsthorst and Kowalczyk, 2002). CDW disposal stands on the basis of pyramid and indicates the
least favourable building materials’ end-of-life option following
‘‘Avoidance’’, ‘‘Reduce’’, ‘‘Reuse’’ and ‘‘Recycle’’. Among measures
⇑ Corresponding author at: Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental
to minimise CDW quantities are considered also the control of
Engineering, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Box 483, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece. aspects such as design quality, applied technology and habitual
Tel.: +30 2310 994109; fax: +30 2310 996012. construction methods (Ekanayake and Ofori, 2004; McDonald
E-mail address: (G. Banias). and Smithers, 1998). The stream is characterised by its very high

0956-053X/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2498 G. Banias et al. / Waste Management 31 (2011) 2497–2502

recovery potential, since total waste recycled can reach 80% conducted annually with a significant CDW volume generated,
(Bossink and Brouwers, 1996). However, in current practice, the which leads to considerable management cost. The deviation
vast majority of CDW (almost two thirds) is being landfilled. How- between the model’s calculated quantities and the actual weighted
ever, there are countries with significant achievements in the field, CDW quantities in this case was in the order of 10% (Fragkoudakis,
such as Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium that have 2011). The deviation is also considered as acceptable, taking also
surpassed 80% recycling rates (Erlandsson and Levin, 2005). Best into consideration that this particular case study refers to large-
recycling practices have been achieved in cases where both raw scale activities of heavily differentiated buildings.
materials and necessary disposal sites are scarce (Lauritzen, On top of the above, DeconRCM specifies the optimal manage-
1998). In addition, recycling plays a crucial role in order to pre- ment strategies for all generated CDW streams, taking simulta-
serve areas for future urban development, and to improve at the neously into account economic and environmental criteria. This is
same time local environmental quality (Kartam et al., 2004). Prior achieved with the use of mathematical programming. All end-of-life
to recycling, CDW can be also reused. For instance, inert, uncon- treatment facilities (including landfills) within the limits of the Re-
taminated end-of-life building materials can be used as filling gion of Central Macedonia are incorporated in appropriate databases
material for land reclamation purposes (Poon et al., 2001). – analytically presented in the material to follow – and illustrated in
In order to assist construction companies, public bodies, engi- Google maps. Optimal routes from the worksite to treatment facili-
neers and individuals towards environmental-friendly sound man- ties are also communicated to the end user, together with an estima-
agement of CDW, a web-based Decision Support System (DSS) has tion of the overall management cost. DeconRCM’s structure and data
been developed, namely DeconRCM. A beta version of DeconRCM flow are depicted in Fig. 1.
can be visited at: Cur- DeconRCM is built with the use of a web mapping via Google
rently, the application is built for the case of the Region of Central Maps API, a free web mapping service application and technology
Macedonia, Greece, but can be easily expanded to other areas with that powers many map-based services (Google, 2011a). A database
the necessary adjustments. In this paper, functional specifications with all the necessary information (e.g. coordinates, contact details,
of DeconRCM are provided, together with a brief description of its available technologies, accepted streams, pricing policies, etc.)
technical aspects. The DSS tool’s capabilities are illustrated through regarding disposal sites within the area under consideration is
a real-world case study of a five-floor residential building in Thes- embodied in the application. The database, which is MySQL 5x
saloniki, Greece. (MySql, 2011), can be accessed and edited only by the application’s
administrator. Feedback forms, based on PHP 5.2 scripting language
(CodePlex, 2010), are designed in order to assemble all necessary
2. Overview of the DeconRCM input data regarding the source worksite of the building under
demolition or renovation (e.g. coordinates, type of building, num-
The main objective of DeconRCM is twofold. It provides an accu- ber of floors, surface, year of construction, type of heating system,
rate estimation of the generated quantities of 21 different waste etc.) (Banias, 2009). The full description of the web-based DSS’s
streams produced by two main processes (renovation and demoli- technical and functional specifications is provided in Section 3.
tion). Four building types are considered, namely residential, office, Estimation of the generated CDW quantities is realised with the
commercial and industrial. Generated CDW are based on the typical use of an algorithmical model in Excel file format, based on build-
construction practice in Greece (Anastaselos, 2009). An algorithmi- ing practices in Greece (Anastaselos, 2009). The output is stored in
cal model, is constructed and embodied in the DSS tool for the esti- databases, also developed with MySQL. Optimisation is achieved
mation of the generated quantities of CDW (Anastaselos, 2009). The with the use of a mixed-integer linear programming (MIPL) model
model that was developed and incorporated into the DeconRCM tool (Aidonis, 2009). Fixed and variable cost elements included in the
for the analytical calculation and the quantification of materials optimisation approach concern the building’s deconstructing or
embodied in existing buildings was validated for its performance. demolishing process, CDW separation, renting/loading/using a
Two residential buildings that were demolished were examined, container, etc. Revenues from secondary materials’ sales are also
one in the city of Kalamaria and another in the city of Kozani. considered (Aidonis et al., 2008).
The accuracy of the derived results was considered as accept-
able, with the overall deviation between the actual and the calcu-
lated CDW quantities (for mixed CDW) to lie in the order of 8–9%.
More specifically, the difference between the calculated quantities
with the use of the developed model in comparison to the actual
quantities weighted on site varies from 6% to 10% for the various
waste streams in the case of the building in Kalamaria and from
5% to 9% for the various waste streams in the case of the building
in Kozani. The only exception in both cases was the estimation of
cables’ mass. Cables heavily vary on building structure and use
and thus it is considered as the hardest stream to be quantified
with the use of a generic model. However, the estimations were
not totally disoriented since the deviation in this particular waste
stream rose to 26% and 18% for the cases of Kalamaria and Kozani,
respectively. The comparison between CDW quantities calculated
with the tool developed for the DeconRCM application and actual
waste quantities weighted on site for the two aforementioned case
studies are detailed in Moussiopoulos et al. (2009).
Furthermore, the model for the estimation of the generated
CDW quantities was also validated in the case of the waste from
construction activities in the Aristotle University campus, Thessalo-
niki, Greece (Banias et al., 2011a). Maintenance of the university’s
buildings (mainly construction and electromechanical works) is Fig. 1. Structural components of DeconRCM.
G. Banias et al. / Waste Management 31 (2011) 2497–2502 2499

3. Technical platform

DeconRCM is hosted on a GNU/Linux web server (LAMP) which

embraces support for all necessary software tools and services, i.e.
MySQL, PHP, Apache, etc. (Fig. 2). The user’s interface is designed
with technologies required for the development of Web 2.0 appli-
cations (javascript/Ajax), which facilitate interactive information
sharing. Such technologies allow users to interact with other users
and/or to change website content, in contrast to non-interactive
websites where users are restricted to passive view of information
provided. For the case of DeconRCM, the user’s interface interactive
features focus on two main functionalities. The first one is imple-
mented by linking the DeconRCM’s user interface with Google
Maps. It is aforementioned that this process is implemented with
the use of Google Maps API (Google, 2011a).
The second functionality focuses on the interactive connection
between the user interface and the web server. This is carried
Fig. 3. Incorporation of the CDW estimated quantities algorithm into DeconRCM.
out by a Google Web Toolkit (GWT) (Google, 2011b) based user’s
interface, interchanging JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format-
ted data through HTTP/JSON sessions with a PHP powered web- as the most popular language for adding, accessing and managing
server. JSON, is a lightweight computer data interchange format, content in a database. It is mostly noted for its quick processing,
which extends the capabilities of JavaScript to support the data proven reliability, ease and flexibility of use. The data model is
exchange between the interface of the application and the server. comprised of six databases which include all the necessary input
It is a text-based, human-readable format for representing simple data and components required for the embodied algorithmical
data structures and associative arrays (called objects). Access from models. More specifically, the model is developed with the use of
the web server to the database is implemented through PHP scripts the following databases; (i) decon_cities, (ii) decon_sites, (iii)
(Banias, 2009). decon_materials, (iv) decon_material_costs, (v) decon_source_site,
The aforementioned algorithmical model for the estimation of and (vi) decon_renovation_site. Data model is further detailed in
CDW generated quantities is integrated in DeconRCM with the use the work of Banias (2009).
of PHPExcel libraries. A PHPExcel library provides a set of classes The DeconRCM’s user interface has been developed using GWT,
for the PHP programming language, which allow to interact with which is a Software Development Kit (SDK) for the development of
Excel file format (CodePlex, 2010). Fig. 3 depicts the algorithm’s web applications implemented in Java. GWT is the basis for the
structural components interrelation. Results visualisation is Java implementation of Web2.0 features and facilitates the development
based. of DeconRCM’s AJAX part. The Java application’s implementation is
The integration of the MILP model that mathematically compiled to highly optimised JavaScript that runs across all brows-
addresses the optimal management for end-of-life building mate- ers. This ensures the optimal configurability and compatibility of
rials is carried out with the use of PHP scripts for the development DeconRCM application with the GoogleMap service which is also
of the model’s objective function. MILP is resolved with the use of based on javascript (Fig. 4). GWT is a development toolkit for build-
lp_solve library (version, which is a free MILP solver ing and optimising complex browser-based applications such as
based on the revised simplex method and the branch-and-bound DeconRCM web-based application. GWT is a framework for com-
method (, 2009). posing AJAX interactive web applications and provides a set of core
Both storage and data management in DeconRCM are imple- Java applications (APIs) and widgets (Banias, 2009).
mented with the relational database management system MySQL
that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is widely accepted
4. Web interface

DeconRCM’s end-user should insert all input data required in or-

der to estimate CDW quantities, management cost and optimal
management practices. At first, the user needs to determine the
exact position of the worksite under review in a Google map. Fur-
thermore, the user is asked to choose whether the project refers
to building demolition or renovation, as well as the specific building
type. On top of the above, the user needs to answer a simplified
feedback form with all necessary technical characteristics and
details of the building considered. For example, in the case of a
residential building, the following fields need to be filled in: (i) Con-
struction year, (ii) building dimensions (length, width) and number
of floors, (iii) ground floor use (residence, parking or pilotis), (iv)
roof type, (v) existence of basement and elevator, (vi) total balco-
nies’ surface, (vii) type of heating system (e.g. central or individual
boiler, accumulators, etc.) and number of radiators per floor, (viii)
number of apartments and WCs per floor, (ix) number of windows
per floor, (x) type and number of frames (aluminium, timber, plas-
tic) and (xi) number of internal walls. Similar sets of questions are
considered for the rest of the building types and/or in the case that
Fig. 2. Technological platform of DeconRCM. renovation is examined.
2500 G. Banias et al. / Waste Management 31 (2011) 2497–2502

Fig. 4. Google Web Toolkit (GWT) technology.

Fig. 5 depicts the information and result management interface, provides optimal routes from the worksite to the selected CDW
which include the ‘‘Information’’ and ‘‘Calculation’’ tabs. By clicking treatment facilities (Fig. 5d). It should be noted that the ‘‘Environ-
‘‘CDW quantities’’ field of the ‘‘Information’’ tab (Fig. 5a), the total mental sensitivity bar’’ is embodied in the application in order both
amount of produced waste is presented (Fig. 5b). With the ‘‘Calcula- to comply with legislative issues (e.g. minimum recycling rates) and
tion’’ tab, the user is provided with the following options: (i) to provide with the possibility to manage the generated CDW in a
‘‘Environmental sensitivity bar’’ for the determination of the desired more environmentally sound manner.
CDW recycling rate resulting from construction activity (Fig. 5c), (ii) Last but not least, it should be clearly stated that the information
‘‘Edit’’ function for modifications of building technical characteris- embodied in DeconRCM may be dynamically updated. The adminis-
tics as earlier provided, (iii) ‘‘Delete’’ function, (iv) ‘‘Resolve’’ func- trator of DeconRCM is capable to modify stored information regard-
tion for the MILP model run (Fig. 5c). As a next step, DeconRCM ing both the CDW treatment facilities (e.g. add CDW treatment

Fig. 5. Screenshots of DeconRCM.

G. Banias et al. / Waste Management 31 (2011) 2497–2502 2501

facilities, modify their capacity, accepted waste streams, applied inert materials. The latter represent the largest portion of the total
practices and other relevant information), as well as the data con- CDW of most structures, present minimum remaining economical
cerning relevant cost elements. value and in most cases do not pay-off expenses. Thus, as also sug-
gested in the Scenarios described in Table 2, total management
5. Application and managerial insights costs are considerably increased. Their ‘‘exploitation’’ is the only
way towards reaching the regulated/legislated targets. Apart from
The applicability of DeconRCM is demonstrated through a real- introducing regulatory constraints for minimum recovery rates of
life case study of a five-floor residential building in Thessaloniki, end-of-life building materials, another path for local policy-makers
Greece. The building is to be demolished and replaced by a new could be under consideration; i.e. the development of a local
one. The problem that the decision-maker confronts is firstly to secondary market through the provision of adequate incentives to
estimate the produced CDW quantities that need to be managed, investors (Banias et al., 2011b). This would have increased the
and secondly to optimise the transportation, recycling and disposal economical benefits of deconstruction and thus would have made
processes. After inserting the building’s technical characteristics, recycling of metals, wood, or other materials optimal, regardless
the expected CDW quantities are estimated. For the case under of minimum regulated recycling rates, just like the case of alumin-
study quantities are presented in Table 1. ium in the examined Scenario I (Table 2).
The tool proceeds with the transportation, recycling and dis- Another issue should be raised at this point. An increase in the
posal optimal options through the MILP solution. For the case con- recycling rate indicates a significant increase in the cost of CDW
sidered, four recycling alternative scenarios are examined, namely management. More specifically, in the base-case scenario
0%, 30%, 60%, and 100%. Recovered materials and management costs (recycling rate: 0%), the total management costs approximates
for the four scenarios are depicted in Table 2. More specifically, in 38 k€ (37.4 €/m2). Despite zero recycling, DeconRCM’s optimal
Scenario I (0%) for which no constraint regarding minimum recy- solution suggests the recovery of aluminium before the building’s
cling rate exist, the optimal solution suggests the deconstruction demolition in order to profit from its sale to the secondary market
of aluminium components (mostly door and window frames) and and minimise total management costs. For Scenario II (recycling
their exploitation in the secondary market. This is grounded on rate: 30%), total management costs are approximately 40 k€
the fact that there is a secondary market well established locally (39.8 €/m2). In this case, apart from aluminium, aggregates, wood,
for aluminium frames and profits pay off the required expenses iron and steel from heaters, boilers and piping are also recovered.
(mostly personnel) (Banias et al., 2011b). In the case that regulatory For Scenario III (recycling rate: 60%), the same waste streams are
constraints exist for end-of-life building materials (as the ones sug- suggested to be recovered. However, Scenario III the recovery of
gested with Scenarios II (30%), III (60%) and IV (100%), respectively), aggregates is higher compared to Scenario II. Total costs are esti-
then – most possibly – aluminium cannot satisfy them since this mated in the order of 43 k€ (42.2 €/m2). Scenario IV presents the
particular waste stream represents only a small minority of the recovery of all end-of-life building materials. Although environ-
total CDW generated. In such a case more waste streams need to mental benefits are considerable, management cost exceeds
be also included in the ‘‘alternative’’ management. Metals and wood 46 k€ (45.5 €/m2) more than 20% increase compared to the base-
are those streams that create some profits in the local secondary case scenario.
market and thus exploited. The remaining quantities of ‘‘alterna- Apart from the case already discussed, DeconRCM has been
tively’’ managed CDW from the structure under study comprise of applied in a number of buildings within Thessaloniki. Total CDW
management cost is mostly affected by the demolition practice
applied (demolition or deconstruction), composition of materials
Table 1 and the location of the worksite. Undoubtedly, the quantity, qual-
Expected CDW quantities for the case under study. ity and – in many cases – the composition of CDW is closely asso-
EWC code Material Produced quantity (t) ciated to the construction type (concrete or metal) and the
1 17 01 01 Concrete 1778.8
construction year. The management cost of a typical residential
2 17 01 02 Bricks 90.3 building is expected to range between 31 and 42 €/m2. For metal
3 17 01 03 Ceramic tiles 15.8 constructions, the corresponding cost is considerably lower
4 17 01 03 Sanitary ware 1.4 (24–32 €/m2), mostly due to the fact that demolition process is fas-
5 17 01 03 Marbles 8.4
ter. Moreover, the full recovery of end-of-life building materials
6 17 02 01 Wood 4.1
7 17 02 02 Glass 2.5 increase management cost by 20–25% compared to building demo-
8 17 02 03 Plastic (pipes) 0.3 lition without any materials’ recovery. The corresponding percent-
9 17 04 02 Aluminium 8.6 age is limited to approximately 10% for the case of metal
10 17 04 05 Iron and steel (heating coil) 1.1 constructions, since revenues from end-of-life building materials’
11 17 04 05 Iron and steel (boiler) 0.3
12 17 04 05 Iron and steel (pipes) 1.5
sales to the secondary market are substantial. Last but not least,
13 17 04 11 Cables 0.2 the construction year can be characterised as most crucial in terms
14 17 06 04 Insulation materials 1.5 of a building’s CDW management overall cost. Quantity of rein-
forced concrete is limited in older buildings resulting to lower
demolition cost but also to limited recovered materials.
Table 2
Recovered materials and management costs for the case under study.

Scenario Recycling Recovered materials Management Cost

6. Conclusions
rate (%) cost (€) increase
(%) CDW is considered as a ‘‘priority’’ waste stream according to the
I 0 Aluminium 38,147 – EU Waste Strategy. Promotion of structures’ deconstruction, the use
II 30 Aluminium, metals, 40,578 6.3 of eco-friendly building materials, the substitution of dangerous
wood, inert substances, the incentives for use of secondary building materials,
III 60 Aluminium, metals, 43,058 12.8
and the introduction of strict legislation regarding building materi-
wood, inert
IV 100 All materials 46,391 21.6 als’ end-of-life management are policy measures that need to be
promoted. However, the economical dimension of the problem still
2502 G. Banias et al. / Waste Management 31 (2011) 2497–2502

remains of critical importance. In this context, DeconRCM supports Environmental Conference of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18–20 March (in
decision-making in order to adopt optimal CDW management
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Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece. Diploma Thesis. Department of
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