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a. At ISC, it seems that Ashleigh is at safety needs because she hasn’t quite
achieved her social needs. Her workplace hasn’t recognized her work and she
hasn’t been able to build a strong relationship with her coworkers, and she most
likely is only staying at the job because they provide the basic necessities she
b. At Index Computers, Ashleigh is near the levels of self actualization and esteem
needs. She is getting recognized by her coworkers and and they are helping her
reach her full potential by appreciating her work. Her coworkers have been
friendly and have helped her feel that she belongs and that she is a valuable
asset to the business. Rather than making her work alone and strenuously, Index
Computers allows her to work with others and collaborate as well.
2. Ashleigh values having more autonomy in the workplace, or being able to do her work
tailored to her own work schedule. At her previous job, she was put on tight deadlines
and was given a very specific procedure, and not allowed to become creative or discuss
designs with her clients. At her new company, she has this autonomy and, as a result, is
more motivated to do the best that she can with this freedom that she has been given.
Along with this, she is able to work in a group which means more collaboration and,
therefore, more ideas and creativity. This adds to Ashleigh’s motivation because it
pushes her to do better work since she has more ideas and assistance available to her,
plus a strong group leader to further motivate the team. Based on the things that
Ashleigh seems excited about in her new job, we can deduce that she values a more
intrinsic sense of motivation, and teamwork would be a major influence on this, causing
her to be more motivated, which is why teamwork is so important here.
3. Ashleigh wanted a workplace where she could work collaboratively, and be more
involved in complete software solutions. She did not have this at her previous job at ISC.
She also did not find her work rewarding to her. The hygiene factors were missing more
her. At her new work she found her hygiene factors after being appointed to Victoria’s
team. Here she got to work in a five member team of programmers. She liked this
because she got to work with people instead of being alone. Victoria also allowed team
members to take control of complete software solutions which is an opportunity she did
not get at her previous job. This was another motivating factor for her, because she got
to do something she had always wanted to. Herzberg’s theories were put into play in her
situation. They show how although she received the same pay at both jobs, one had the
motivational factors she needed, and the hygiene factors she wanted. That is why this
would be a starting point for the Herzberg research.

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