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Task 1: Three most important rules:

- Don’t be late.
- No ringtones.
- Restpect teacher and classmates.
Task 2:
The Future of Jobs report are the report that look at the employment, skills and
workforce strategy for the future. The top 10 skills needed for working people
have changed order in the reports of 2015, 2020 and 2021.
In 2015 In 2020 In 2021
Complex Problem Complex Problem Analytical Thinking and
Solving Solving Innovation
Coordinating with Critical Thinking Active Learning and
Others Learning Strategies
People Management Creativity Complex Problem
Critical Thinking People Management Critical Thinking and
Negotiation Coordinating with Creativity, originality
Others and initiative
Quality Coltrol Emotional Intelligence Leadership and social
Service Orientation Judgment and Decision Technology use,
Making monitoring and control
Judgment and Decision Service Orientation Technology design and
Making programming
Active Listening Negotiation Resilience, stress
tolerance and flexibility
Creativity Cognitive Flexibility Reasoning, problem-
solving and ideation

According to this table, there are some changes in the order between 2015 and
2021. Creativity will become one of the top three skills workers will need. With
the avalanche of new products, new technologies and new ways of working,
workers are going to have to become more creative in order to benefit from
these changes. Robots may help us get to where we want to be faster, but they
can’t be as creative as humans. Whereas negotiation and flexibility are high on
the list of skills for 2015, in 2020 they will begin to drop from the top 10 as
machines, using masses of data, begin to make our decisions for us. Similarly,
active listening, considered a core skill today, will disappear completely from
the top 10. Emotional intelligence, which doesn’t feature in the top 10 today,
will become one of the top skills needed by all. The nature of the change will
depend very much on the industry itself. Global media and entertainment, for
example, has already seen a great deal of change in the past five years. The
financial services and investment sector, however, has yet to be radically
transformed. Those working in sales and manufacturing will need new skills,
such as technological literacy. Some advances are ahead of others. Mobile
internet and cloud technology are already impacting the way we work. Artificial
intelligence, 3D printing and advanced materials are still in their early stages of
use, but the pace of change will be fast.
In 2021, many new skills appear in top 10 skills. 50% of all employees will need
reskilling in 2021, as adoption of technology increases, according the the World
Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report. Besides, critical thinking and
problem-solving top the list of skills employers believe will grow in prominence
in this year. Newly emerging this year are skills in self-management such as
active learning, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility. Respondents to the
Future of Jobs Survey estimate that around 40% of workers will require
reskilling of six months or less. Half of us will need to reskill in this year, as the
"double-disruption" of the economic impacts of the pandemic and increasing
automation transforming jobs takes hold.

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