There A Terrible Thing Happened.' Describe The Narrator's Emotions at This Point in The Story. - Sarthaks Econnect Largest On

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‘There a terrible thing

happened.’ Describe the
narrator’s emotions at this
point in the story.

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asked Oct 25, 2021 in English Grammar by
TanishkaChawla (34.3k points)
closed Oct 26, 2021 by TanishkaChawla

‘There a terrible thing happened.’ Describe

the narrator’s emotions at this point in the
story. Why does he mot express this

the luncheon class-10

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answered Oct 25, 2021 by Nysa (32.9k points)

selected Oct 26, 2021 by TanishkaChawla

At this point in the story, the writer had

given up ail hopes that he could pay the
bill. He was resigned to his fate. He had
mentally decided on different methods to
save his reputation. He does not express
this emotion because the lady had already
eaten a lot of expensive food: the damage
was already done. Besides, he did not want
to look mean in her eyes.


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