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Vacation Station
Explain the purpose of VLANs in a switched network.

You have purchased a vacation home at the beach for rental purposes. There are three, identical floors on
each level of the home. Each floor offers one digital television for renters to use.
According to the local Internet service provider, only three stations may be offered within a television
package. It is your job to decide which television packages you offer your guests.
• Divide the class into groups of three students per group.
• Choose three different stations to make one subscription package for each floor of your rental home.
• Complete the PDF for this activity.
Share your completed group-reflection answers with the class.

Television Station Subscription Package – Floor 1

Local News Sports Weather

Home Improvement Movies History

Television Station Subscription Package – Floor 2

Local News Sports Weather

Home Improvement Movies History

Television Station Subscription Package – Floor 3

Local News Sports Weather

Home Improvement Movies History

1. What were some of the criteria you used to select the final three stations?
Answers will vary, but some answers might include the following: the local news
are generally important to everyone, the weather is important to vacationers in beach areas,
home improvements can be important for rental property use, sports, and
Movies are popular pastimes during the holidays, and the story provides insight into the
places that tourists currently visit or plan to visit

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Vacation Station

2. Why do you think this Internet service provider offers different television station options to subscribers? Why
not offer all stations to all subscribers?
limiting options to certain groups allows ISPs to conserve TV bandwidth
for the groups with the selected options. It also allows them to charge more for options

3. Compare this scenario to data communications and networks for small- to medium-sized businesses. Why
would it be a good idea to divide your small- to medium-sized business networks into logical and physical
Answers vary. Some responses might include the following: dividing networks into groups allows
businesses to improve network performance, regulate network management and security, use
data, voice, and network-controlled traffic options more efficiently and pool traffic from
data according to the desired functions of the network.

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