Alone at Work

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Alone at Work_(1) by DirtyNerdyChick47


It all started with a company Christmas party, every year everyone would all get
together at a bar not far from our offices and get hammered. I was 19 at the time
but was able to get in with the crowd of coworkers I went with. I had only been
with the company just over 6 months and this was my first time really spending time
with any of my coworkers outside the office.
I worked graveyard with a 3 other people, but I was the only female on shift. The
guys were all great, but mostly in their mid 40s or older. The youngest guy there
was 28 at the time and we hit it off right away. His name was Richard and even
though he was 9 years older we had a lot in common, also I felt safe around him. He
was 5’10” probably 200 lbs, dark hair, light eyes, and he seemed to always be
smiling. He was a pervert like the rest of the guys but he didn’t openly leer at my
like the others did.

On weekends me and Richard worked alone a lot, and when we did we usually spent the
night joking or talking about his family. This night at the Christmas party I’d
been getting drinks slipped to me all night and I was pretty wasted fairly quickly.
I hung out with Richard most of the night and we were both extremely flirty.

As the night went on he’d stand closer to me, touch me more often, and a few times
he accidentally pressed his crotch against me as people moved around us in the
crowded bar.

At the end of the night I was too drunk to drive and Richard offered to drive me
home. The whole drive to my place I could feel his eyes on me, he told me how good
I looked and told me if he wasn’t married I’d be in trouble. I laughed it off and
finally we were at my place. He dropped me off and nothing else happened.

After that night I noticed me and Richard would flirt more often, but still just
harmless fun. A few months later we are working the weekend alone, and he’s being a
lot more aggressive than normal, standing close to me as we talked, blatantly
eyeing me up and down, backing me against walls or corners subtly.

I was enjoying the attention but I knew it was wrong, he’s a married man. I finally
told him I had a lot to do and should get back to my desk, and that’s when he moved
in to kiss me. I turned away, and he lost it. He grabbed me by the hair pulled me
over to my desk he called me a tease, he said I was always flirting and trying to
get him worked up only to leave him hanging and he was tired of it.

He had a tight grip on my hair and was calling me a slut as he dragged me to my

desk. I had tears in my eyes from the pain but the moment the word slut left his
mouth I felt a pulse between my legs. Was I a slut for flirting with a married man?
I definitely enjoyed it.

Soon as we got to my desk he cleared it off and shoved me face first against it. I
felt the cold top of the desk pressing against my cheek and whimpered. Richard got
behind me held me down with one hand and undid my jeans with the other before
violently ripping them down.

I wasn’t wearing panties and Richard pointed that out saying

“No panties at work? I knew you were a slut!”

He slid his hand between my thighs as I struggled to get away. He put a hand on the
center of my back and pushed me back down into the desk slightly knocking the wind
out of me. I stopped struggling long enough for him to get his hand between my

“You’re liking this aren’t you slut?” he spat

I felt his had rub against my pussy and I could feel I was wet. This was wrong and
I knew I needed to get away, but my body wanted it. It had been a few months since
I last had sex and my body was aching for it.

“You’re so wet back here slut! I knew you needed some dick!” he said as he slid a
finger into my tight pussy.

All I could do was whimper and cry as he slowly fingers my pussy in and out. I
tried to struggle but he was so strong and I couldn’t help that it felt good.

He slipped another finger into me and I let out a moan

“You like that slut?” he asked.

He started fingering me faster and faster, his other hand still on my back holding
me down against my desk. I struggled as much as I could fighting to stop this,
begging him to stop, whimpering, sobbing, and moaning.

I felt my body tighten and it happened. I came, and I came hard. I saw spots as my
body tensed and relaxed. The whole time Richard fingering my pussy fast and hard.

“That’s right slut! Cum for me!” he growled.

Then he leaned over me and whispered into my ear.

“You’re my bitch now and I’m going to take you!”

He nibbled my neck as he pulled away and my body shivered.

He pulled his hand away from my drenched pussy only to replace it with his very
hard cock. I didn’t even realize he had his pants off. He tried to shove his cock
completely into me but even with as wet as I was I was too tight and he said so.

“damn slut you have a tight pussy! It’s just begging to be stretched” he grunted

He kept sliding back and forth forcing more of his cock into me with each thrust.


“You’re so fucking tight” he grunted


“So wet! You feel so good!” he moaned

The only sounds in the room were his grunting, the light slapping of our bodies,
and the wet squish from between my legs as he used my soaked pussy for his
As much as I tried to fight the feelings I couldn’t. While Richard wasn’t huge he
was definitely thick and his cock was stretching me in a painful yet pleasurable
way and I started moaning.

“that’s right slut I knew you’d like it!” Richard grunted

“I knew you’d be a great fuck” he said as he trust into me hard.

“That’s right push your ass back into me, I knew you wanted it slut!” he grunted
and gripped my hips tight.

That surprised me because I didn’t realize I was pushing back. My body was on
autopilot and his invading cock was hitting just the right spot. I was panting and
moaning he fucked me hard and fast, and I felt another orgasm building and I let it
hit me. I moaned and screamed as Richard used my cunt. No gentleness, no regard for
my pleasure. Just raw animal lust and thrusting. He was using me for his pleasure
and I was loving it. He fucked me hard and fast, pumping into me as deep as

He continued pumping into me for a bit longer before he suddenly pulled out of me
grabbed my hair and forced me to my knees. He fucked my mouth with the same regard
as he did my pussy. Hard and fast, not caring about me. Only wanting to cum.

“I’m gonna cum bitch! You better swallow it all!” he growled at me.

Then I felt his cock swell and he flooded my mouth with a huge load of cum and I
swallowed it all.

He finally let go of my hair and I collapsed on the floor. He walked away at sat in
his desk panting as I lay on the floor crying.

After a few minutes he stood up grabbed me by my hair again and took me back to my
desk. He forced me on my back. I still struggled but with no strength left. He
pinned me down and shoved his fat cock into my well used pussy again. He fucked me
hard and fast, grunting and gasping as he did. He lifted my top and tore my bra

“I’ve been dreaming of these big fucking tits and they are even better than I
imagined!” he moaned as he squeezed them hard and buried his face in them.

He was sucking and biting my tits and nipples while he brutally pounded my pussy. I
was gonna cum again. He sucked hard on my left nipple biting it and pulling back as
he did and I exploded, cumming hard all over his cock.

“uuuuuuuhhhnnn oh God!” was all I could say.

“I hope your on the pill bitch!” Richard said as I felt him cumming inside me.

After that he went to the restroom, leaving me alone. I went to the restroom as
well and cleaned myself up. I was a mess, make up running, tears all over my face,
cum dried at the side of my mouth.

I cleaned myself up and walked out. Richard was at his deck working like nothing
happend. He looked up at me and smiled then went back to working. I sat at my desk
and did the same.

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Alone at Work Ch. 2_(1) by DirtyNerdyChick47

The night after Richard fucked me on my desk I was scheduled to work alone with him
again. I couldn’t sleep the next day, and a few hours before work I called off
saying I wasn’t feeling well. My boss didn’t hesitate to give me the night off
knowing I only called off if it was serious. I spent the next few hours trying to
sleep but failing.
I was unable to get the thoughts of what Richard did to me out of my head, but I
must have finally passed out due to exhaustion or just zoned out completely because
the next thing I remember is my phone ringing and seeing Richard’s name on my
caller ID. I hit ignore sending it to voice mail.

My phone started ringing again a second after I ignored the first call. I ignored
it again, and again my phone starts ringing. I decided to answer the phone.

“Hey I hope everything is alright,” Richard said, “They told me you called off and
I just wanted to make sure you’re ok.”

He said it as if nothing out of the ordinary happend at all. His voice made my
pussy tingle and my skin crawl at the same time. I wanted to scream at him. I
wanted to curse him and tell him I was going to the police and he was fucked.

“I’m fine,” I said weakly, “I’ve just been having trouble sleeping that’s all.”

“Ok cool, I just wanted to make sure you were alright.” He replied, “Do you need

I need you to leave me alone, I need you to not be acting like everything is fine,
I need you to acknowledge what happend at least, my mind screamed.

“No I’m fine.” I said.

With that I hung up and my head was spinning. I was dead tired and weak from the
lack of sleep and not eating. I staggered to my bedroom and collapsed face down on
my bed and passed out.

I dreamed of that night. The way Richard grunted as he forced his big cock into my
tight cunt. The way I struggled and bucked to get away, probably only making it
more pleasurable for him. The things he called me and the way it made my body
react. The way I came while he fucked me like a dirty slut. The way he moaned as he
flooded my cunt with his hot cum. Suddenly I was awake, my breath heavy, and my
body shuddering as an orgasm shot through me. I laid there trembling and panting
recovering and realizing that my arm was pinned between my body and the bed, my
hand was in my panties, and I was drenched.

I got out of bed and unsteadily made my way to the bathroom to shower. My whole
body was tingling and my knees were weak. I turned on the shower and stepped in.
The hot water felt good on my tired body. I grabbed the soap and lathered up my
body slowly. My hands sliding across my skin easily with the slippery soap. I
cupped my tits and lathered them for longer than I should have causing my nipples
to get hard. They were still sore from Richard’s bites and the pain sent small
shivers of pleasure through my body.

Before I realized it my other hand had found its way down my belly and between my
thighs. I took my left nipple between two fingers and pinched it , twisting it
slowly till I yelped with the pain but moaned out at the same time as my fingers
found my clit.

I pressed my back to the shower wall as my hand explored my tits, squeezing and
pinching. My other had steadily working my clit. I felt an orgasm building and I
worked faster begging for release, desperate for relief. I suddenly shoved two
fingers into my pussy, finger fucking myself and whimpering. I was on edge and
closed my eyes.

“Oh fuck!” I moaned, “Oh god yes Richard!”

The second his name left my lips I came hard, my knees buckling causing me to slide
down the wall as I fingered myself faster, and I humped my hips up to meet my
thrusting fingers. As my orgasm subsided and I slumped against the wall sitting on
the floor of the shower and just letting the water run over me.

Once I recovered I got out of the shower and dried myself off. I laid in bed and
decided to just watch movies until I passed out. After watching a few movies I
finally passed out.

I woke up the next morning with a knot in my stomach, but forced myself to eat.
While having breakfast I made the decision that I had to go back to work. I
couldn’t use up all my sick days just to avoid Richard.

That night I knew I wasn’t going to be alone with him and felt I’d be safe enough.
When I got to work and pulled into my parking space I sat there for a second
mentally preparing myself to see him. When I got inside and checked in I didn’t see
Richard anywhere and sighed with relief.

I talked with my other coworkers a bit, told everyone I was feeling better and then
finally settled at my desk as the previous shift slowly filtered out for the night
leaving us to get to work, and that’s when I saw Richard. He must have been running
late because he rushed through the doors and clocked in just in time. He walked
over to his desk greeting the few stragglers as he passed. He just smiled at me as
he passed my desk.

I did my best to stay busy, but eventually ran out of stuff to do for the night and
decided to browse the Internet for a while. That’s when my other coworker Steve
asked how I was feeling, and started making small talk.

Steve was a tall man with a big beer belly. He was in his early 50s, with gray hair
that he cut short and slicked back, a short gray beard, and a kind face. A kind
face that hid the fact that he was a huge pervert. Steve would constantly make
dirty comments or would turn anything I said into something sexual. On top of that
he would blatantly stare at my tits any time I talked to him.

We talked back and forth for a bit, his eyes never leaving my chest even though I
was wearing a t-shirt and showed no cleavage at all. After a few minutes Richard
settled in, and joined the conversation. He acted as if nothing was out of the
ordinary and I did my best to play along.

I went back to my desk and continued browsing while Steve and Richard went to the
break room and back still chatting and joking. After a while I realized it had
gotten quiet. I looked back to see Steve at his desk with his eyes closed and mouth
open clearly asleep, Richard was back at his desk.

I must have started to doze off because I felt a hand on my shoulder suddenly and I
jumped. Richard was standing beside me looking down into my eyes.

“Is everything alright?” He asked, “You’re quiet tonight.”

“Yes I’m fine,” I lied, “Just tired.”

“Not as tired as Steve,” he laughed, “He’s dead to the world back there.”

“Yeah,” I laughed “It looks like he is.”

I’m not sure why but I was starting to feel at ease again. Richard and I talked a
bit longer and I started to wonder if I had just imagined what happend the other
night. The moment was short lived however, because Richard looked back at Steve
then down at me. He undid his fly and pulled out his big cock. I was stunned by
this sudden turn and Richard took advantage of my delay. He grabbed the back of my
head taking a fistful of my hair and shoved his thick cock into my mouth.

I gagged as he forced his hard cock into my throat. Richard paused and looked back
at Steve before he started fucking my mouth.

“Oh fuck that’s so good slut!” He moaned gripping my hair tighter, “That’s right
suck my cock!”

I grunted around his shaft trying to push him away. Drool running from my mouth as
he forced my head back and forth on his cock.

“You’re my slut now,” He grunted, “I’m going to use you every chance I get”

I gagged again as the head of his cock hit the back of my throat.

“You’re such a good little cocksucker,” He moaned.

I felt myself blush, his words filling me with a sense of pride. Why did I care if
he thought I was a good cocksucker I thought as I absent mindedly swirled my tongue
around his shaft. Richard kept pumping his cock into my mouth occasionally looking
back at Steve to make sure he was still asleep.

“You’re gonna make me cum slut!” Richard grunted, “You’re going to swallow it all
or I’m gonna punish you!”

“Oooooooooh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!” He bellowed and his cock pulsed in my mouth filling

it with his hot cum.

I did my best to swallow it all but there was so much and some dribbled out the
sides of my mouth and down my chin. Richard pulled away as his cock pulsed a few
more times shooting cum across my nose and chin. I gasped and choked trying
desperately to catch my breath.

“You didn’t swallow it all whore.” Richard said.

I jumped up in an attempt to get away but Richard was too fast. He grabbed me by my
waist and I screamed. Richard slapped me and I shut up. He looked over at Steve who
was still out. I’d think he was dead if it wasn’t for the steady rise and fall of
his chest.

“That was very bad slut,” Richard growled, “I’m going to make you pay for that!”

He sat down and forced me across his lap. He pulled my pants down exposing my black
and pink batman panties.

” How cute,” He said, “For me?”

He tore them down and exposed my ass. Before I could react his hand came down hard
with a loud crack causing me to yelp. My ass was stinging with pain when suddenly
Richard’s hand came down on my ass again just as hard as the first time. I yelped
again, tears starting to run down my cheeks. Riches left his hand on my as gently
rubbing where he just spanked me in soft slow circles before raising his hand

His hand coming down harder on my ass this time I yelped and whimpered as Richard
resumed rubbing my ass. Slowly his hand strayed from my sore ass cheeks to my
thighs, and then between my legs. He held me down across his lap with one hand and
started rubbing my wet pussy with the other.

“You’re so wet back here,” He laughed, “Naughty girl likes being spanked it seems.”

I just whimpered as he slipped a finger into my slippery cunt. He fingered me

slowly at first but steadily increased his tempo until he was finger fucking me and
all I could do was wiggle in his lap and moan. He added a second finger and I
gasped, his thick fingers not slowing down at all.

“Ugn fuck,” I moaned

“Don’t fight it little girl,” Richard whispered, “Just let go.”

“Noooo,” I whimpered, “Ugn I ahh can’t oooh.”

“Oh no?” He asked, “We’ll see.”

He looked back at Steve then lifted me up off his lap and stood up.

“I just need to up the stakes” He said as he undid his pants.

Richard forced me over my desk again, bent over with my ass up and making me look
directly at Steve as he slept peacefully. I felt Richard position himself behind me
and press the head of his cock against my lips.

“Oooooh yessssssss” He moaned as he forced his cock into me, “So fucking tight.”

He pumped back and forth forcing more of his cock into me until he was balls deep
in my cunt. I had my head down grunting and moaning as he filled me with his cock.
Richard reached down and grabbed my hair forcing me to look up at Steve.

“Better not scream again slut,” Richard grunted, “What do you think Steve would do
if he woke up right now?”

He started moving his hips fucking me in and out with his big cock.

“Do you think he’d jump up and save you?” he said breathlessly, “Or walk over and
shove his cock down your throat?”

I let out a long moan at that.

“Oh you like that idea?” Richard gasped still trusting hard into me, “Maybe I
should go wake him up.”

“Oooh no! Aaaahhh Please,” I grunted as Richard pounded my cunt.

I tried to stay quiet as Richard used me again. His big thick cock hitting just the
right places. I knew I couldn’t hold back any more. I dropped my head to the desk,
but Richard grabbed my hair again pulling my head back up.

“OOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” I grunted, my pussy clamping around Richard’s cock.

“That’s right cunt!” Richard moaned, “Cum for me!”

He kept pumping into me deep and hard, pulling my hair forcing me to watch Steve as
I came screaming out.
“I’m cumming!” Richard grunted as he pumped his load into me.

I collapsed on the desk below me as Richard slowed then finally pulled out of me
with a wet squelch. I laid face down on the desk panting as Richard put his cock
away zipped up his pants, then went back to work.

Once I recovered I went to the restroom to clean up. When I returned I found
Richard at his desk working and Steve still sleeping.

“Sleeping pills in his ground into his coffee” Richard said not looking up from his
work. “They should wear off before the end of the shift.”

I looked at him stunned but seeing he had nothing else to say I sat back at my desk
and went back to work.

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Alone at Work Ch. 3 by DirtyNerdyChick47

The next morning I got off shift and went straight home collapsing into my bed and
falling asleep for hours. It was an uncomfortable restless sleep, as my dreams were
filled with Richard’s cock, the sound of his hand slapping against my ass, and the
image of Steve’s sleeping face.
I woke up later that night tired and sore, but I forced myself out of bed and got
ready for work. Richard was off tonight so I knew it would be a nice quiet normal
night. Just as I thought the night went by quickly and quietly, and by the time I
got off work I’d almost forgot about the pervious nights events.

After work I had a few errands to run and decided to get as much done before going
to bed. I did some grocery shopping, paid some bills, and decided to stop at the
mall for a bit.

The mall parking lot was packed so I was forced to park in the mall’s parking
structure 5th floor, and just my luck the elevator was out of service. There was
quite a lot of cars parked but not many people. I found a space parked and went
about my shopping.

After a few hours of moving from store to store I saw something that made my
stomach knot. As I walked passed the food court I saw Richard there with his
family. I tried to pretend I didn’t see him and keep walking but we made eye
contact and he watched me as I walked by. I decided I’d had enough shopping for one
day and headed for my car.

I was carrying a few heavy bags but I did my best to walk as fast as I could up the
stairs trying to get to my car before he had a chance to follow me. I finally got
to the 5th floor out of breath and arms aching I walked quickly to my car.

I had just made it to my car and dropped my bags when I thought I heard footsteps.
I dropped my bags and started fumble through my purse for my keys, but before I
could get them out I was slammed against my door from behind and held there.

“Mmmmm fancy running into you here slut.” Richard whispered into my ear before
tracing the tip of his tongue along the side of my neck.

I shuddered at his touch and struggled to get away, but he was too strong for me. I
just whimpered and lowered my head as I felt Richard’s hands reach around my body
and grope my tits roughly.

“You know how much I love these big tits!” He said as he squeezed them hard causing
me to yelp.

Richard released my tits and let his hands slide down my belly to undo my pants. He
unbuttoned them quickly and pulled them down along with my panties to about my
thighs. Then he reached up behind me gripped a handful of my hair and moved me to
the hood of my car and forced me face down against it.

I knew what was coming next and braced myself just before he slid his hand between
my thighs and started rubbing my pussy up and down.

“It’s a good thing you’re already so wet,” he said, “I don’t have much time but I
need this tight cunt!”

I hated that I was already so wet for him, but I couldn’t help it. Richard shoved a
finger into me and started finger fucking me in and out quickly while I wiggled and
panted on the hood of my car. He added a second finger and sped up.

“I love how wet you get for me so quickly,” He panted as his fingers slid in and
out of my cunt, “It shows me how bad you want to be filled with my cock.”

“Uuuuggggnn n-no.” I grunted.

Richard continued his assault on my cunt with his two fingers while I moaned and
grunted the whole time. I was going to cum and he knew it. I was trying hard to
hold back. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of him making me cum, but
then he slid another finger down to rub my clit while he finger fucked me and I
lost all control.

“Ooooh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” I groaned through clenched teeth as I came hard, “Oh God

“Oh God yes,” Richard hissed as he leaned in and nibbled my earlobe, “Cum for me

I writhed and moaned while I came on his fingers, his fingers making sloppy wet
noises as he slid them in and out of my dripping cunt. I was still cumming when
suddenly his fingers were gone, but quickly replaced by his big hard cock. He
grunted as he shoved himself deep into me, my cunt clenching and spasming around
his invading member.

“Oh God! Oh God! Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” I moaned as he started pounding my tight

little cunt.

“Not God slut,” he grunted, “Just me!”

Richard grabbed my hips and pulled me back into him over and over again, hard and
fast, his balls slapping my clit with each thrust. My hands were against the hood
of my car gripping so tight my fingers were pale white. Richard fucked me deep and
hard and all I could do was moan.

Oh God please slow down,” I gasped, “You’re so big.”

“Not a chance slut,” He moaned, “Shut up and take all of this big dick!”

“Uuuuggggnn ahhhhh ooooh fuck,” I moaned, “So big”

“You love this big dick don’t you slut?” Richard grunted.

I could only moan and grunt in reply. Richard kept fucking me hard, but reached
back and slapped my ass.

“I asked you a question!” He said.

Still I didn’t reply. He reached back and slapped my ass again, harder this time. I
whimpered and lowered my hear to my car grunting.

“Answer me slut!” He yelled.

I remained silent except for my panting grunts as he fucked me. Suddenly he slowed
his thrusts and he stopped. Instinctively I pushed my hips back, but he held me
away. I reached my hand back to rub my clit but he grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

“You don’t get to cum until you answer me.” He said calmly though his breathing was

I whimpered but said nothing. He started to pull out of me and I gasped.

“Noooooo please!” I whimpered, “Don’t make me say it.”

He paused keeping just the tip of his cock buried in my cunt and stayed there.

“Please,” I whispered desperately.

“Please what slut?” Richard growled.

He knew he had me. He knew I was going to do anything he asked.

“Please fuck me,” I said defeated, “Please fuck me with your big cock, I need it.”

“What was that?” he said flexing his cock against my cunt, I can’t hear you.”

“I need your big cock!” I almost screamed, “Fuck me you bastard!”

With that he shoved his cock back into my waiting cunt and fucked me hard.

“Oh God yes!” I gasped and moaned, “Fuck me!”

“That’s right bitch beg for it!” Richard said, “You’re my slut now aren’t you?”

“Oh fuck! I am a slut!” I moaned again, “I must be to want this so bad, to beg you
to rape me with your big cock! I’m your slut! Now please let me cum!”

Richard fucked me faster then. His cock as deep as he could get inside my wet cunt.
I felt his cock swell, then he pushed deep into me and held it there.

“Oh fuck I’m cumming!” I screamed, “Ugggnnnnn oh yessssssss!”

At the same time Richard grunted and I felt him unloading deep in my cunt. His hot
cum coating the inside of my pussy. He pumped into me a few more times before
pulling out of me, and without a word he walked off like nothing happened.

I don’t know how long I stayed there across my hood but when I finally caught my
breath I got up fixed my clothes, put my bags in my car, and drove home.

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Alone at Work Ch.4 by DirtyNerdyChick47

The next night at work was quiet without Richard and went by quickly. When I got
home that morning I tossed and turned in bed trying not to think about Richard, or
what happened at the mall. I kept having flashbacks of begging him to make me cum
and I shuddered at the memory.
After a while I must have fallen asleep from pure exhaustion, because the next
thing I remember I was startled awake by my alarm letting me know I had to get up
for work. Did I really sleep for 12 hours straight? It’s happened before and it
probably won’t be the last time.

I stretched out in bed and try to will myself to get up but I just want to lay
there a few more minutes. As I do I zone out and my hand starts to wander. My
fingertips trace slow lazy lines across my soft alabaster skin and I give myself

I slowly trace the fingers of my left hand across my nipples then in slow circles
around my ivory areolas while my right hand traces its way down my belly. I look
over at my phone, I have just enough time. I slip my hand under the waistband of my
panties and my fingers move directly onto my clit.

I start working it in steady slow circles and gasp at how sensitive I’m feeling. My
fingers work my clit while I pinch and roll my nipples with my left hand. I’m
working myself up and I can feel my pussy getting wet. I slide my fingers between
my slit and back up to my clit I am getting very wet now. I moan and close my eyes
as my fingers move faster on my clit then down to my slit again. I spread my legs
wider and I slide one finger into my tight wet pussy. I moan out again as I slowly
begin fingering my pussy building up speed with every push.

I can feel my orgasm building and I add another finger. I’m fingering myself faster
and faster, I’m breathing hard and my hips are raising to meet my thrusting
fingers. I can’t hold back any more.

“ahhhhh ooooh fuuuuck!” I moan as my orgasm hits me.

My body shuddering with pleasure my fingers continue moving in and out. I need
more. My fingers move to my clit again quick circles with just the right amount of
pressure has me gasping and twitching. My toes curl and I let out a whimper and a
moan at the same time. I grit my teeth and raise my hips as I cum again harder than
the first time.

I flopped back onto my bed panting and shuddering as the aftershocks of my orgasm
move through me. My clit still throbbing a bit and I consider going for one more,
but my phone goes off again my back up alarm letting me know if I don’t get up now
I’ll be late.

“Fuck it.” I think to myself as I reach under my bed for my dildo.

I lick my lips before taking the thick dildo head into my mouth and sucking it a
few times getting it nice and wet. I pressed the thick head against my clit rubbing
it up and down before lowering it to my waiting pussy. I slowly push the cock into
me and gasp as it’s forced past my tight lips. I pull back a bit before shoving it
back in deeper this time as another gasp escapes my lips.

I start slowly and build a rhythm and I’m soon fucking myself deep and hard. My
legs spread wide as I shove the thick cock in and out of my dripping wet pussy. My
free hand reaches up and I pinch and twist my nipples hard making myself yelp and
whimper. I need to cum again. I raise my hips and I can feel my pussy dripping down
to my asshole.

I can feel my orgasm building and I shove the dildo deep into my pussy holding it
there while I rub my clit with my other hand. I’m so close and desperate to cum my
fingers are a blur on my clit. My mind is racing and then suddenly the memory of
Richard pumping his cum into my cunt while he plows me over the hood of my car and
I cum hard!

“Fuuuuuck me Richard!!” I scream as I pump the thick dildo in and out of my cunt a
few times.

My body tenses and I shudder hard before finally collapsing back on to my bed
breathing heavy and covered in sweat. My pussy still contracting around the dildo
buried deep inside me. I take a deep breath a bit disgusting with myself and shiver
as I pull the dildo from my pussy with a sloppy wet sound. I jump out of bed even
though my legs are a bit wobbly and rush to get ready for work.

I make it to work late and as I pull into the parking lot my stomach drops as I see
Richard’s car and realized I was working alone with him. I knew he’d be in today
but seeing his car still filled me with dread. My stomach sank a little more when I
realized the only open spot available was right next to his car. I park and sit in
my car a few minutes before getting out and clocking in for shift. I made small
talk with a few of the people still hanging around before leaving for the night
before making eye contact with Richard. I quickly looked away and sat at my desk
and got to work.

After an hour or two Richard walked over to me and sat on the corner of my desk. He
looked down at me and grinned. I look up at him and shuddered. I knew what was
coming and hoped he would just walk away.

“How’s it going?” He asked with a smirk.

“Ok, I guess” I responded with a nervous squeak.

“You guess?” He replied, “You sound a bit stressed, you should try to relax.”

Just stared at him. Richard just grinned down at me before returning to his desk
and getting back to work. When I heard his fingers tapping his keyboard I felt my
shoulders relax, and I got back to my own work.

Things were quiet and I was into my work when I heard Richard’s chair move away
from his desk. I tensed as he walked past me and went into the break room. He just
looked over his shoulder and smirked at me before disappearing behind the door.

Richard came out of the break room with a cup of coffee and walked over to me and
sat on my desk. That grin still in his face.

“Doing anything on your days off?” He asked casually.

I blushed and looked up at him again. I wiggled in my chair and I could feel I was
getting wet in anticipation of the inevitable.

“Not yet,” I said after a long moment of silence.

“No plans at all?” he grinned, “Not even a bit of shopping or anything?”

I felt my face go even redder and I looked away from him. Richard just walked away
and laughed. He was torturing me, I knew he was going to do something but he was
just toying with me like a cat with a mouse.

I couldn’t focus on my work anymore and say in my chair wiggling, I was breathing
heavy and I was hot. My shoulders were tense and I was on edge. I got up and went
to the break room for some water and a chance to be alone. I sighed as the door
closed behind me. I filled a cup with water and began to relax.

The door opened behind me and I instantly tensed again. Richard walked behind me
and placed his hands on my shoulders.

“You are way too tense” He said as he began to squeeze and rub my shoulders.

I began to unconsciously relax and I felt Richard move closer to me. I sighed and
my head dropped forward a bit. Richard continued massaging my shoulders and I
relaxed a bit more. I felt him move behind me again and this time I could feel him
press his hard cock against my ass. I started to tense again.

“Just relax,” He whispered into my ear from behind making me shiver, “You don’t
have to keep your guard up around me all the time.”

My shoulders slumped a bit as I relaxed again and he continued rubbing.

“I am not going to hurt you” He whispered.

I turned to face him he released my shoulder long enough to let me turn but placed
his hands back as soon as we made eye contact. He didn’t say a word but I felt him
increase the pressure on my shoulders and I slowly lowered to my knees.

My eyes were watering as I settled onto my knees. I looked up at Richard not saying
a word but pleading with him not to do this with my eyes.

“Pull my cock out and suck it slut!” He ordered.

I flinched at his words but did as I was told

I slowly lowered his fly and reached into his pants fishing his cock out. He wasn’t
fully hard yet but he was already dripping precum. I stared at his thick cock and
hesitated. Richard pressed the head of his cock against my lips.

“Don’t make me tell you again.” He said.

I closed my eyes and slid my tongue around the head of his cock before letting it
slide between my lips. I started slowly bobbing back and forth on his shaft taking
more of him into my mouth each time. Richard grunted and I could feel his cock
getting harder in my mouth. I reached up with one hand to grab the base of his cock
and stroke him while I suck his head before taking him into my mouth again. I
moaned around his shaft and realized that my other hand has found its way into my
jeans and between my legs. I was rubbing my cunt while I sucked Richard off.

“You’re such a good cocksucking slut,” Richard moaned, “It’s like you were made to
suck cock.”

I couldn’t help but blush at his comment and continued bobbing on his cock, my
fingers moved back and forth against my clit sending waves of pleasure through my
body. I was moaning and sloppily sucking Richard’s hard cock when he grabbed a
handful of my hair and stopped me. He started thrusting his cock into my mouth. My
fingers worked my clit faster.

“You love when I fuck your mouth don’t you?” Richard grunted.

I just moaned in response, Richard increased his tempo and I gagged a bit but
stopped. I forced my hand deeper into my jeans and shoved two fingers into my
dripping cunt. I was furiously fingering my cunt when I heard Richard grunt I felt
his cock throbbing.

“swallow it all cunt!” He moaned as he filled my mouth with his hot cum.

The first spurt hit the back of my throat, and I swallowed it right away. Richard
kept pumping and I did my best to swallow it all. A few drops leaked from the side
of my mouth as I let out another moan and I started cumming on my fingers.

Richard kept his grip on my hair as he pulled his cock out of my mouth then shoved
his balls in my face.

“Suck my balls slut!” He barked.

I did as I was told taking one of his balls into my mouth. His cock was starting to
soften and I felt his wet shaft slowly droop against my forehead. Richard held me
in place so I kept sucking and licking his balls as he looked down at me with that

“That feels so good slut” Richard said, “Don’t stop I want you to get me hard

He pushed my head lower a bit and my tongue slipped along his taint before I took
his balls in my mouth again. He shuddered as it happened and I felt his cock begin
to stir. Richard pulled me away from his balls and forced his cock back into my
mouth. I felt him growing in my mouth. Suddenly he pulled out of my mouth and
forced me to my feet.

He turned me around tore my jeans down along with my panties and forced me over a
counter. He shoved his face into my ass and started licking at my tight asshole. I
gasped at sudden invasion and fought back a moan. Richard was tongue fucking my
asshole and it was making my knees week. I was reaching out for anything to grasp
and found the edge of the counter. I gripped it tight and held on with all my

“Oh my God!” I moaned, “Oh fuck oh god!”

He pulled away and stood up behind me. He placed his hand on my back between my
shoulders keeping me pinned to the counter.

“Did you know that it’s my birthday today?” He asked.

I shook my head in reply.

“I guess that means you didn’t get me anything did you?” He asked.

I shook my head again. Richard slapped my ass and I jumped and whimpered.

“After everything I’ve done for you and this is the gratitude I get,” He said with
a laugh, “It looks like I’m going to have to take my birthday present.”

As he said it he pressed his thumb against my asshole and slowly slipped it into
me. I grunted and wanted to pull away but I couldn’t move. Richard reached down and
spread my ass open, I heard him spit and felt it hit my asshole and drip down.
Richard’s thumb was there again rubbing the spit into my asshole. I put my head
down against the counter and whimpered.

Richard shifted behind me and I felt the tip of his cock press against my asshole.
I did my best to relax knowing it would only hurt more if I struggled. I was still
tense and I felt Richard rub my back. I was surprised at his gentleness but was
shocked back into reality when I felt his cock press past my tight hole. I grunted
and whimpered again as Richard moaned. He held himself there just the tip of his
cock inside my ass.

After a few breaths he pulled out rubbed the head of his cock against my wet cunt
then pushed the head of his cock back into my asshole. He repeated this a few times
then when he was satisfied I was lubed up enough he pushed a bit deeper it still
hurt and I yelped.
“Please no,” I whimpered, “You’re too thick I can’t take it.”

Richard rubbed my back again and said “Shhh just relax and take it slut, and trust
me you’re gonna love it.”

I lowered my head again and as I did Richard forced more of his cock into my ass. I
try not to jump but the pain takes over and my legs kick back a bit. Richard growls
and forces my legs apart again then suddenly shoves the rest of his cock into me.

“Oh my fucking God!” I scream at the sudden sharp pain, “Please no…”

Richard ignores me and just stays buried balls deep in my ass groaning with
pleasure as my asshole spasms trying to force out his intruding cock, but only
making it more pleasurable for him.

“Your asshole is so fucking tight,” Richard grunts, “Have you been fucked in the
ass before slut?”

I just nod once as tears stream down my face. Richard reaches between my thighs and
finds my clit. His fingers work it back and forth sending shivers of pleasure
through my body along with the pain from my ass.

“Ugghnn ooh no please” I moan as my body shudders.

As he does this he starts to pull out a bit and then pushes forward.

“Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” I moan at the mix of pleasure and pain.

Richard starts slowly sliding in and out of my ass and grunts with each thrust. I’m
whimpering at the pain but as he fucks my ass the pain slowly fades, Richard’s
fingers are still working my clit and it hits me hard and sudden.

“Uuuuuuuungh fuck!” I moan through gritted teeth, “Uuuuuugn I’m cumming”

I’m cumming and I can’t hold back. I start panting and whimpering. Richard sees
this as a sign to speed up and the pain returns for a second. I whimper over and
over as Richard finds his rhythm.

“I knew you’d love this slut!” He grunts, “I fucking love your ass!”

He continues pumping away faster and faster the slapping sound of our bodies echos
in the break room. He continues for a while with a steady tempo, his cock slides in
and out of my ass as I try to relax and let him just take me. Suddenly his pace
increases and his grunting is louder.

“Here it cums slut!” Richard bellows as I feel his cock swell and he floods my
asshole with cum.

This sets me off and I cum again clenching my ass on his cock milking him with my

Richard slows then stops, he slowly pulls out of my ass with an obscene pop and I
feel like I’m gaping open. He wipes his cock against may ass and pulls his pants

“Happy birthday to me,” He says as he walks away, “You might want to clean yourself

I pick up my pants and limp to the restroom. I know I’m going to be sore.
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Alone at Work Ch.5 by DirtyNerdyChick47

A few nights after Richard’s birthday, he and I were alone at work again, but it
was a busy night and I was able to avoid him for most of the night. With just over
an hour left in our shift and no incidents, I’d thought I’d avoided him completely.
Things were slowing down and Richard was starting to eye me so I decided I could
hide in the restroom for a bit until the next shift started to trickle in and I’d
be safe.
I’d only just stepped into the restroom, the door not even fully closed behind me
when Richard forced his way in with me. He turned and locked the door, then turned
back to grab me from behind. He forced me over to the sinks, pressed his body up
close to mine, and wrapped his left hand around my throat. I whimpered in response
and Richard just growled. I could see him behind me in the large mirror lust and
hunger burning in his eyes.

“You thought you were in the clear tonight, didn’t you?” He breathed into my ear,
“You came in here thinking you were safe, but you forgot you belong to me, slut.
Don’t you, slut?”

He squeezed my throat causing me to choke and I just nodded.

“Good girl,” He growled.

He used his right hand to unbutton my jeans while his left stayed firmly around my
throat, just tight enough to make breathing difficult but not cutting it off
completely. His right hand slid into my panties and he quickly found my clit. His
fingers worked it back and forth slowly at first and then with more urgency. My
body began to respond almost immediately. I let out a soft moan and I felt Richard
begin to grind his hard cock against my ass through my jeans. He slid his hand
lower unto my panties and slid his index finger into me slowly fingering my pussy.

“Ughn, please don’t,” I grunted, “Please stop.”

“You’re begging me to stop,” Richard growled, “But your hips don’t lie.”

He was right. I know I didn’t want this, yet my hips were moving back and forth in
time with his fingers and I could hear how wet I was already from his actions.
Richard moved his fingers back to my clit, causing me to shudder and my knees to
buckle a bit. I bit my lip to stifle a moan. Richard suddenly pulled his hand away
and struggled to open my jeans more with one hand, so he opted to just force them
down over my hips. I then felt him reach between our bodies and heard him undo the
buckle on his jeans. Richard pulled me tight to his body again and I felt his naked
cock hard and hot between my ass cheeks. He returned his right hand between my
thighs and resumed finger fucking me while he slid his hard cock up and down
between my ass cheeks.

“Mmmm, fuck, I love your ass.” Richard moaned as he pumped his cock against my ass.

His fingers continued their work against my clit and the pleasure was too much, I
could feel an orgasm building. I tried to fight it, but there was nothing I could
do. Richard was pumping his cock between my ass cheeks faster and his fingers flew
across my clit. I looked up at the mirror and saw a mixture of fear and lust on my
face. I knew he owned me and part of me loved it. It was the final straw.

“Ooooh God, oh fuck, ahhh ahhh ahhh fuck,” I moaned through gritted teeth as the
orgasm hit me. “UUUUUUNGH FUUUUUCK!”

My body shuddered and tightened as the waves of pleasure washed over me. In the
mirror I saw the fear was gone and I was lost in lust and pleasure. Suddenly
Richard forced me to bend forward and I felt the head of his hard cock at the
entrance to my still spasming pussy.
“Aaaahhhhh.” I let out a long moan and instinctively started to push back.

The head of his cock slipped past my lips when we heard the alarm panel of our
office door beep indicating someone from day shift had arrived followed by the keys
beeping as they disarmed the alarm for the day.

“FUCK!” Richard cursed and pulled away quickly pulling up his pants and putting his
cock away.

“Later, slut,” He said rushing out of the restroom.

I stayed there, still recovering from my orgasm and breathing a sigh of relief. I
collected my thoughts, cleaned myself up and went back outside. When I walked out,
Richard was at his desk wrapping up as if nothing happened. I headed to my cubicle.
The shift ended and I headed home without further incident.

When I got home, I walked in and undressed. Exhausted, I collapsed face down on my
bed and passed out. I didn’t remember falling asleep, but I know I hadn’t been
asleep long when movement on my bed woke me. Startled, I opened my eyes and lifted
my head to look around, but was prevented from doing so by a heavy hand forcing my
face into my pillow. I panicked and started thrashing and kicking to get free.
Suddenly I felt the weight of a body on top of me pinning me down, preventing me
from moving much. I started to whimper into the pillow still trying to get away but
unable to move.

“Shhhhh, don’t worry, slut I’m not going to hurt you,” I heard a familiar voice
whisper into my ear, “I just need to finish what we started this morning.”

A cold shiver ran down my spine as I realized who was pinning me down. It was
Richard. My mind was racing. How did he get in? I tried to think back to when I got
home. Did I lock the front door?

“Good thing you left your door unlocked,” Richard said, as if reading my mind, “It
would have been troublesome if I’d had to break in through a window or something.”

Richard shifted on top of me and that’s when I realized I could feel his skin
against my own. He was already naked and his hard cock was wedged into my ass
again. I realized he was panting and I could feel him thrusting his cock up and
down between my ass cheeks. Tears filled my eyes and I struggled to get away again
raising my hips trying to buck him off me. He was too heavy for me to budge and my
bucking only positioned my body to give him better access to enter me from behind.

Richard chuckled behind me as he shifted more gripped my hips and pressed the head
of his hard cock against my tight pussy lips. I froze unsure what to do as Richard
tried forcing his cock into me. I was too tight and dry for him to do anything but
cause me pain. I yelped in pain but the pillow muffled my cries.

“Looks like I have to warm you up a bit first.” Richard said.

He grabbed a handful of my hair and forced my head to the side causing me to yelp
again. He used that moment to shove two fingers into my mouth. He slid them back
and forth over my tongue making me gag but soaking his fingers in my saliva at the
same time. He lifted some of his weight off me but used his forearm across my
shoulders to keep my pinned down and slid his saliva moisten fingers between my
thighs. He started rubbing at my slit from behind forcing my lips open and
searching for my clit.

I grunted as Richard roughly rubbed at my pussy lips and clit. My hips wiggled in
response, both in efforts to get away and in arousal. His fingers rubbed back and
forth against my clit, sending jolts of pleasure through my body. Richard pulled
his fingers away from my pussy and shoved them into my mouth again, wetting them
once more and returning them to my cunt, roughly slipping his fingers into me.

“Uhgn fuck,” I grunted then whimpered, “Please be gentle.”

Richard laughed, “Is that really what you want slut?” His fingers moved to my clit
again making me jump and moan. “You know as well as I do you like it rough and your
wet cunt doesn’t lie.”

I then realized how wet I’d become while Richard continued his assault on my clit
with his fingers. The obscene sounding wet squish as he shoved his fingers into me
again easily now gave away my arousal. Richard finger fucked my wet cunt for a
while while I writhed, moaned, and grunted in pleasure under him. He slowly pulled
his fingers out of me, then pressed them to my lips as he adjusted his position
behind me again. I could feel my wetness smear against my lips and they parted out
of reflex. I sucked his fingers clean, tasting my pussy as I did.

“Good girl.” Richard said into my ear.

He lowered his weight onto my body, again making it hard to breathe and his cock
settled again into the crack of my ass.

“I’m so glad we got interrupted earlier this morning,” He grunted into my ear as he
raised and lowered his hips searching for the entrance to my tight cunt, “Because
now I have you all to myself and I won’t have to worry about interruptions.”

“Ahhhhhh fuuuuuck,” I moaned as he entered me as deep as he could burying a quarter

of his shaft into my cunt, emphasizing his statement by sliding into me slowly so I
could feel every inch of his big cock slide past my stretched lips. Richard used
slow deliberate back and forth motions to force more of his hard cock into me,
sliding deeper into my stretched pussy with each thrust.

“I’m going to take my time with you today, little girl,” Richard moaned as he
buried his big dick balls deep into my tight pussy, “You’re going to be my little
fuck toy for the rest of the day, slut.”

“Ooooohhh, God nooooo,” I moaned as my pussy spasmed around Richard’s invading

shaft. “Please, just fuck me and go.”

Richard started pumping in and out of me breathing heavily into my ear as he did.
His big cock slowly pistoned in and out of me picking up speed with each long, full
stroke. He was using the full length of his big cock to torture me, knowing the
pleasure it was sending through my body was too much for me to fight. The long slow
steady strokes continued each time he’d fully enter me. He’d pause, holding his
throbbing cock as deep inside of me as he could, letting me feel how much he
actually filled me up. It was driving me wild. My hips were humping back in
response and no matter how hard I tried to fight it I could not.

“If you want to me stop and leave,” Richard whispered into my ear as he kissed and
nibbled at my neck, “Say the word and I’m gone.”

As he said it, he increased the rhythm and tempo of his thrusts and was sliding in
and out of me faster with short fast half thrusts, followed by one long full
thrust. He was stretching my tight cunt with his thick cock and I could feel my
orgasm edging closer and closer. He knew what he was doing to me and he knew he’d
already won this game.
“Ahhh ahhh ooooohhh, fuck uhgn,” I moaned and panted, “Please…”

“Please what, slut? Do you want it, Mariah? Do you want me to keep fucking you?”
Richard taunted as he slid his hard cock as deep inside me as he could before
suddenly pulling out. “Or should I just go?” He said as the head of his cock
slipped just between my wet pussy lips.

He knew I wanted him to keep fucking me, I was past the point of no return, so
close to cumming and I didn’t want him to stop. I wanted him to slam it in me, fuck
me, punish me, punish me for being such a tease. I deserved it.

“Yes, fuck me. Fuck me! Do it! I need it!” I wanted to say, but I could not summon
up the words, to actually ask him to do it. It would be an admission, a shameful
confession that I was a slut, the slut he claimed I was. The slut that would
willingly beg my rapist to fuck me. My head spun with emotion, lust, and reason.

“He’s done this to you before,” I thought, “You’ve already given in and begged for
it, you begged him to make you cum. Why is this any different? You just need to
cum, don’t you, slut?” I thought to myself.

“Come on, slut, your cunt is dripping wet. You need it, you need to cum, don’t
you?” Richard asked teasing my clit with the head of his cock, “If I’m wrong say
it, like I said, say the word and I’m gone.”

As he waited, he started rubbing the head of his cock up and down my slit, and it
was such exquisite torture, sending electrical surges of pleasure shooting though
my body. I shivered and realized I’d started to gently rock against him. I was
ashamed that I was doing it, but I was a lost cause. My mind was giving in to the
urges and demands of my body, letting it take control. I had no fight left. I just
needed to cum.

“Please, fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me, please, you fucking bastard!” I moaned in
frustration, “Please, make me cum!”

“Good girl,” I heard him laugh. Then I felt him. His cock plunged deep inside me.

“Oohh yes! Yeesss! Ughn!!” My mouth open in a cry of ecstasy as I cried out in
pleasure, and at the feeling of being filled, “I’m such a fucking slut!”

“That’s right!” Richard grunted, “You’re my slut! This tight little cunt belongs to

As he spoke, his words hit me and I realized he was right. Here I was begging a man
who is not only forcing me to take his cock, but a man who has done this multiple
times, a man who obviously knows exactly how much of a slut I really am. Even I had
no idea.

Richard continued his assault on my tight cunt, pounding me deep and hard with his
fat cock. I was moaning and bucking beneath him, his body weight still pinning me
face down to my bed as I writhed in pleasure from the pounding he was giving me.

“Uhgn uhgn uhgn, yes! Please, don’t stop! You’re gonna make me cum!” I panted, “I’m
a slut, I’m a whore, I’m your slut, use my body and just fuck me! Just fuck me!
Fuck meeeeeeeeee!”

My entire body stiffened as my orgasm tore through me. I was lost in complete
orgasmic bliss, I saw spots and my vision became dark and narrow. Richard was
pulling my hips back into him, grunting and panting. The sounds of our bodies
slapping and the lewd squishing from his cock pistoning in and out of my soaked
cunt filled my ears.

“Oooh, yeah, ugh cum ugh for me ugh slut. That’s right, cum on this big dick,”
Richard grunted through gritted teeth behind me, “Oh fuck yeah, this is my cunt,
you’re my slut, my fucking slut. You need this cock don’t you?”

“Yes, uuhgn I need it, uhgn I need it, uhgn I need it,” I babbled as he pounded me,
my whole body shuddering and convulsing as I came hard on Richard’s cock, “I’m
cumming, Richard! Oh God! Oh Richard! Ughn Richard! I’m cumming on your big dick!
Don’t stop! Please!”

I went limp as suddenly as I tensed up when my orgasm crashed into me. Spent and
seeing stars, my ass still lifted as Richard pumped away. His hard cock throbbing
inside of me.

“Oh fuuuck, I’m gonna cum, slut!” Richard bellowed, “I’m gonna fucking ahhh flood
this tight cunt with my cum!”

All I could do is whimper and shudder beneath him as he used me. The aftershocks of
the orgasm and the pleasure surging through me from Richard’s cock was too much. I
could feel his cock throbbing and swelling inside me.

“Ahhhhh Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” Richard moaned, “Ugn ugn ugn fuck yessssss!”

I could feel the hot splashes of cum inside me as my cunt spasmed and milked every
drop of cum from his cock. Richard kept pumping until he was completely spent, then
finally collapsing on me. I laid under him panting, trying to catch my breath. The
weight of his body on top of mine made it difficult.

I must have passed out, because when I opened my eyes I was on my back, looking up
at the ceiling of my bedroom. I tried to sit up and realized I couldn’t move. After
a split second of panic, I noticed I was tied to my bed with a soft satin rope. I
looked around my room and saw Richard standing at the side of my bed, his cock hard
and menacing in his right hand. He was stroking himself, slowly looking down at my

“Finally awake,” Richard said, still stroking his hard cock, “Good, I was hoping I
wouldn’t have to start without you.”

As he said it, he moved closer to me and leaned his face over my chest and reached
down with his free hand to roughly grope and squeeze my tits. My nipples were
getting hard. I felt myself starting to relax under his touch. My nipples were
responding, but so was my pussy. I could feel my clit beginning to throb. God, he
knew exactly what to do. He was playing with my tits, kneading then with his big
hand, and tugging my nipples. I heard him moan under his breath. It sounded more
like the growl of some wild animal. I watched as his tongue snaked out and flicked
the nipple. He slid his tongue around it and took it into his mouth, his stubble
scratching against my soft skin. I was getting lost in the sensations. He was
making me wet. God, he was making me so hot, and I was completely powerless to stop

Richard took his mouth away and resumed pinching and pulling at my nipples, taking
turns on each of them, stroking his cock over me the whole while. He grinned and
straddled my chest, aiming his hard cock for my mouth. I willingly parted my lips
and swirled my tongue around his head and swallowed his cock.

“Mmmmm, yesssssss,” Richard hissed and threw his head back, “That’s my slut.”

I moaned around Richard’s cock in response and bobbed my head back and forth along
his shaft as he pumped his hips gently fucking my mouth. Richard groaned with
pleasure as his hard shaft slipped in and out of my mouth. He slowed then stopped
pulling his cock from my lips and looking down at me.

“Mmm, fuck, look at those big fucking tits!” He grunted as he lowered himself,
resting his cock between them, “So big, so soft. Mmmmm, fuuuck.”

He squeezed my big tits around his shaft and began fucking my tits. He moved slowly
at first, but quickly picked up speed. His thumbs played back and forth across my
nipples and he squeezed them around his shaft. It sent shivers through my body.
Richard pumped his hips faster and I felt him stiffen and shudder on top of me. He
froze in place suddenly, his eyes closed and his breathing shallowed.

“Not yet, not yet, not yet,” He said just loud enough for me to hear, “Those
gorgeous tits almost made me cum, slut, but I have plans for you.”

Richard held his place with the head of his cock peeking out at my from between the
top of my tits. I snaked my tongue from between my lips and flicked it across the
head of his cock. Richard shuddered and groaned. I continued flicking my tongue
back and forth before leaning down and taking the head of his cock between my lips.

“Ooooh, fuuuuck,” Richard groaned, “You are such a naughty slut.”

I nodded then sucked the head of his cock letting it pop from my lips and looked up
at him. Richard just looked down at me and grinned. He started moving his hips back
and forth again between my tits. I flicked my tongue against the head of his cock
each time it popped out from between my tits, causing him to shudder and moan.

“Fuck, slut, your tits are amazing,” Richard grunted as he pulled his cock away
from my tits and lowered himself down my body, “But I need more of this tight

Richard held himself on top of me, as he guided his cock towards my opening with
his hand. I felt the tip rub against my swollen lips, up and down, as probed around
my slit. He was taking his time, deliberately holding back before sliding the thing
inside me. Now I was aching for it, panting, willing him to do it. He was teasing
me. God, I needed it.

“You like that?” he asked.

“Yeah, God, stop teasing me and put it in. Please, put it in!” I whimpered.

“You are such a little slut. I love hearing you say that,” he said, but he still
did not enter me.

I moaned in pleasure at his words. He had called me a slut, and it sent a throb of
pleasure through my body.

“I am a Slut.” I thought to myself.

He called me a slut. I felt offended, but deep down I knew it to be true. I wanted
this, we both knew it and it made me feel so naughty.

“I am a slut,” I gasped not realizing that I’d said it out loud, “Oh God, yes I am,
I’m a dirty little slut!”

“You like that?” he growled quietly as he finally pushed his shaft inside me.

“Oh yes, I love it.” I moaned.

“Love what, slut?” Richard said, pausing, “Do you love my cock inside you or me
calling you a slut?”

“Both,” I hissed.

He began to pump his hips quickly with long full thrusts. He was fucking me like
the slut I am. Just what I needed. He increased his pace and drove his shaft as
deep inside me as he could. God, Richard’s cock felt so good inside me.

“Your body is so fucking sexy, Mariah,” he whispered, “You’re my slut and you love
it, don’t you?”

“Yes!” I gasped, “Oh God! Yes, Richard, I’m your slut! I’m just a dirty slut for
you to fuck and I love it! I love your cock! Fuck me! Fuck me! Uuuuuugnh fuuuuuck

I was cumming hard on his cock already. The dirty talk, and admitting to both of us
that I truly was just a horny slut drove me over the edge. God, it felt so good
saying it. Every time I called myself a slut, my pussy throbbed and I shuddered.
Richard was pounding my tight cunt now deep and hard and all I could do was grunt
and gasp as he used me.

“Uhgn, fuck,” he groaned, forcing him cock deep inside me, then rotating his hips
so his cock moved inside me in a circular motion, “You like it, don’t you, Mariah?
You like to be fucked like a slut, huh?”

“Oh oh oh oh uhh fuck yesssss! I love it! I love it!” I moaned.

I felt like I was in a state of constant orgasm now. Each time I’d come down from
one, another would crash over me like a wave. Richard was dominating me, pounding
my cunt hard, fucking me like a slut. He’d tied me to my bed to restrain me, so I’d
know I was his plaything and there was nothing I could do about it. I just
surrendered to the sensations, letting him have me, take me, fuck me any way he
wanted, and I was loving every second of it.

“Oh fuck! Oh, Richard, I’m cumming again!” I grunted, “Fuck me, Richard! Use me!
I’m just a dirty slut! I’m your slut, your fuck toy! Uuuuuuunhhgggggnn!”

I was cumming again as Richard fucked me senseless, his hard throbbing cock buried
deep inside me.

“That’s right, bitch, cum on my dick!” Richard grunted, “I’m gonna cum inside you,
slut, I’m gonna cum deep inside your tight slutty pussy. I’m claiming this cunt!
It’s my property and I’m going to use it whenever I want!”

“Yes!” I screamed, “It’s yours, I’m yours, I’m a slut, I’m a whore, I’m your
fucking slut!”

As I said it, I felt Richard stiffen and his cock swell inside me as he filled me
with another load of his hot cum. I convulsed under him pulling at the ropes as I
came yet again. I collapsed back onto the bed shuddering and gasping for breath as
Richard continued pumping his cum inside me. It felt like he dumped a gallon of cum
inside me and I could feel it leaking out of my pussy and down to my ass. Richard’s
pumping slowed until he stopped and just held his cock inside me. It was on fire
and it still throbbed and pulsed as it slowly deflated. My cunt spasmed around it.

“Damn, I can’t get enough of this pussy,” Richard gasped in amazement as he leaned
forward and bit my neck.
I shuddered and let out a whimper. Richard started pumping his hips again his semi
hard cock slid in and out of my well fucked cunt. My eyes widened in shock as I
realized his cock was coming back to life. Richard just looked down at me and

“Ooohh God, you’re getting hard again.” I gasped in shock.

“This pussy is just too good,” Richard said with a grin, “I just can’t stop

I felt myself flush with pride as he described my pussy, and he slowly and
deliberately fucked me. Oh God, it felt so fucking good.

I raised my hips to meet his thrusts, my pussy making lewd squishing sounds with
each thrust. Richard reached up and untied my wrists one at a time without losing
the rhythm in his hips. As my wrists came free, my arms instinctively wrapped
around Richard’s back and I bucked my hips into him harder.

“Fuck me, you bastard, use me like the dirty little slut I am, the slut you made
me!” I moaned, “Fuck your slut and fill me with your cum!

“I didn’t make you a slut, Mariah,” Richard said, his hips moving up and down in
time with my own, “I knew you were a fucking slut from the moment I met you. I just
let it out of the cage you kept it in.”

Suddenly Richard pulled his cock out of me, raised himself up, grabbed me by the
hair and flipped me over. Before I could even react, he plunged his shaft back
inside me deep and hard. He started fucking me fast from behind, gripping my hips
and pulling me back against him.

“Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” I screamed, “So deep! Uuhgn, so fucking deep!”

Richard pounded me from behind over and over, panting and moaning. His cock forced
itself as deep as he could with each hard thrust. Then suddenly, without warning, I
felt his thumb press against my tight little asshole and apply pressure. He slowly
shoved his thumb into my ass as he used my dripping cunt.

“Oh Richard, oh fuck, Richard, oh God!” I moaned over and over.

“Do you like that, slut?” he asked.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” I panted, “Don’t stop! Please! God, Richard, don’t stop!”

I reached down between my legs and rubbed my clit furiously as I felt my orgasm
coming. My whole body stiffened as another orgasm hit me harder than any previous
one I’d had so far. My cunt gripped Richard’s shaft and he grunted in pleasure.

“You’re gonna make me cum again, slut!” Richard bellowed.

“Ahhh ahhh ahhh, cum inside me! Ooooh God! Fill my cunt with your hot cum!” I
screamed as I came so hard.

“Ooooh, fuck yessssss!” Richard groaned and shoved his cock deep inside me and held
it there. His cock pulsed and throbbed inside me and I shuddered as I felt him
unload inside me yet again.

“Ooh, fuck,” Richard said out of breath, “You’re such a good little slut.”
I just blushed and laid there panting. With that Richard pulled his slimy cock out
of me went to the restroom to clean up and started to leave. He stopped at my
bedroom door just before exiting.

“I mean it,” he said, “You’re my slut and I am going to use you whenever I want.
Don’t forget that.”

I didn’t look at him I just hid my face in my pillow until I heard my front door
close and I knew he was gone. I felt sick. I got up and locked my front door, then
I went into my bathroom I thought I was going to be sick so I hovered near my
toilet for a moment before turning on the shower and stepping in. The cold water
was a shock when it hit me and I let out a sharp gasp. The water was freezing but
it felt good, easing the tension in my muscles. I let the water wash over me and
then slowly raised the temperature of the water and began washing my body. My pussy
was red and swollen when I looked at it in the shower and it was still dripping
with Richard’s cum. I rinsed his cum off my body and as I did, I felt my body

My fingers had found their way to my sore clit and I was slowly rubbing it back and
forth. My breathing had become ragged and shallow as I played with myself. It felt
so good even though I was sore I couldn’t stop. I thought back to what just
happened in my bedroom, I begged Richard to fuck me, I admitted I was a slut, that
I was his slut, and I told him that I loved his big cock. I shuddered as I gently
slipped two fingers into my well fucked cunt. The gentleness of my fingers felt so
good after the rough fucking I’d just received.

“Uuuughn fuck,” I moaned, “Oh God, I’m such a horny slut.”

The words made me shudder again as the left my lips and as I finger fucked myself
my free hand made its way up my body and found my breasts. I gasped at the sudden
sharp pain as I twisted and pulled at my nipples. The feeling sent me over the

Yesssss oh fuck oh fuck, I hissed as I came again and my knees buckled, “Fuck that
was so good.”

I slid down my shower wall and just sat there letting the hot water run over me
lost in a daze. After I’m not sure how long, I finally got up, rinsed myself off
again and went to bed.

I really am a dirty slut.

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