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Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics

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Antihypertensive agents in Alzheimer’s disease:

beyond vascular protection

Thibaud Lebouvier, Yaohua Chen, Patrick Duriez, Florence Pasquier & Régis

To cite this article: Thibaud Lebouvier, Yaohua Chen, Patrick Duriez, Florence Pasquier & Régis
Bordet (2019): Antihypertensive agents in Alzheimer’s disease: beyond vascular protection, Expert
Review of Neurotherapeutics, DOI: 10.1080/14737175.2020.1708195

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Published online: 27 Dec 2019.

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Antihypertensive agents in Alzheimer’s disease: beyond vascular protection

Thibaud Lebouviera,b*, Yaohua Chen b,c
*, Patrick Duriezc, Florence Pasquierb,c and Régis Bordetc
Inserm URM_S1172, University of Lille, Lille, France; bDISTALZ, University of Lille, Lille, France; cInserm, CHU Lille, University of Lille, Lille, France


Introduction: Midlife hypertension has been consistently linked with increased risk of cognitive decline Received 2 October 2019
and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Observational studies and randomized trials show that the use of Accepted 19 December 2019
antihypertensive therapy is associated with a lesser incidence or prevalence of cognitive impairment KEYWORDS
and dementia. However, whether antihypertensive agents specifically target the pathological process Alzheimer’s disease;
of AD remains elusive. pathology; vascular risk
Areas covered: This review of literature provides an update on the clinical and preclinical arguments factors; hypertension;
supporting anti-AD properties of antihypertensive drugs. The authors focused on validated all classes of antihypertensive agents;
antihypertensive treatments such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi), angiotensin prevention; neuroprotection;
receptor blockers (ARB), calcium channel blockers (CCB), β-blockers, diuretics, neprilysin inhibitors, treatment
and other agents. Three main mechanisms can be advocated: action on the concurrent vascular
pathology, action on the vascular component of Alzheimer’s pathophysiology, and action on nonvas-
cular targets.
Expert opinion: In 2019, while there is no doubt that hypertension should be treated in primary
prevention of vascular disease and in secondary prevention of stroke and mixed dementia, the place of
antihypertensive agents in the secondary prevention of ‘pure’ AD remains an outstanding question.

1. Background white matter lesion, and smaller brain volumes [9]. Many stu-
dies have tried to answer the question of whether antihyper-
The total number of people with dementia worldwide in 2018
tensive agents can prevent or slow down AD. There is a wealth
is estimated at 50 million and is projected to nearly triple,
of observational studies showing that the use of antihyperten-
reaching 150 million in 2050 [1]. Around 70% of these cases
sive therapy is associated with a lesser incidence or prevalence
are attributed to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a devastating con-
of cognitive impairment and dementia [10–16]. With the excep-
dition leading to dependence to caregivers [2]. AD thus repre-
tion of the Rotterdam Study cohort, where the decrease of the
sents an enormous strain on the health-care system,
relative risk for AD was not significant [12], most studies yielded
underlining the need for medicines that would slow progres-
the same results when separating AD from all-type dementia
sion, halt or prevent AD.
[10,12–16]. Four pivotal prospective observational studies were
Findings from observational studies have linked several
performed in population-based cohorts [13,14,16,17].
vascular risk factors (VRFs) with increased risk of late-life cog-
Interestingly, the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study and the
nitive impairment and AD (reviewed in [3]). According to
Rotterdam Study showed a positive correlation between the
a recent meta-analysis, a third of AD cases worldwide could
reduction of AD risk and duration of exposure to antihyperten-
be attributed to seven modifiable factors (low education, mid-
sive drugs, supporting a mechanistic link between antihyper-
life hypertension, midlife obesity, diabetes, physical inactivity,
tensive drug use and AD prevention [14,16].
smoking, and depression) [4]. In a longitudinal 20 year-long
In an effort to circumvent the biases of observational stu-
study gathering 1,409 middle-aged individuals, future demen-
dies, at least three randomized trials were performed to exam-
tia (fulfilling AD criteria in 80% of cases) was significantly
ine whether antihypertensive treatment prevents dementia
predicted by high age, low education, hypertension, hyperch-
± AD occurrence [18–20]. Two large placebo-controlled trials
olesterolemia, and obesity [5]. In this context, the idea that
testing different antihypertensive regimens in elderly patients
VRF treatment may also interfere with AD pathological process
with hypertension had to be stopped because of interim
was put forth [6,7].
analysis showing a reduction in stroke or mortality [18,20].
Among VRFs, hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia are
Despite this premature interruption, the SYST-EUR trial, includ-
readily modifiable with established therapeutic strategies [8].
ing 2418 patients ≥60 years [18], showed a marginally signifi-
But midlife hypertension is generally viewed as one of the main
cant decrease in the incidence of dementia after a median
evitable VRF for cognitive decline and AD [2,6,7,9,10]. Midlife
follow-up of 2 years (21 cases in the placebo group, 15 of
high blood pressure (BP) was also associated with an increase of

CONTACT Prof. Régis Bordet Faculté de Médecine, pôle recherche Département de Pharmacologie Médicale 1, Université Lille 2,
place de Verdun, Lille 59045, France
These authors contributed equally to this work
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

models and postmortem studies largely documented

Article highlights a synergistic association between hypertension and the two
● Observational studies showed that the use of antihypertensive ther-
pathological hallmarks of AD, namely β-amyloid deposits and
apy is associated with a lesser incidence or prevalence of cognitive neurofibrillary tangles, suggesting that antihypertensive
impairment and dementia, whereas randomized trials and data on agents may also reverse AD pathophysiology [30–33].
established AD are issuable.
● Action on the concurrent vascular pathology is probably the main
This survey thus aims to provide an update on the clinical
cause of cognitive decline reduction by antihypertensive drugs. and preclinical arguments supporting anti-AD properties of
● Action on the vascular component of Alzheimer’s pathophysiology is antihypertensive drugs, and to review putative mechanisms
the most appealing of the possible modes of action of antihyperten-
sive drugs; several ARBs and CCBs demonstrated positive effects on
(Table 1). Our aims are to provide a comprehensive view of
vascular amyloid clearance and alterations of vascular function in AD a timely debate, and to inspire future therapeutic guidelines
models. and trials.
● Action on nonvascular targets could explain anti-AD properties of
selective antihypertensive drugs, such as CCBs with high brain pene-
tration or some ARBs with PPARγ agonist properties. Off-targets may
be detrimental as well, as was shown with ACE and neprilysin
2. Search strategy
inhibitors – even though their theoretical pro-amyloidogenic proper-
ties do not seem to be clinically meaningful.
We searched the PubMed database for relevant articles pub-
● From this review of literature, ARBs (telmisartan in particular) and lished between 1 January 2000 and 31 August 2019. Search
CCBs (nilvadipine in particular) may offer the most benefit by inter- terms were ‘Alzheimer’s Disease’ OR Alzheimer OR ‘Amyloid
fering in amyloid formation, breakdown and clearance, and also
improving endothelial function.
beta-Peptides’ AND ‘antihypertensive agents’ OR different
class of antihypertensive agents.
We searched the clinical studies and preclinical research
articles. For conciseness, we focused on validated treatments
only. The search was limited to articles in English and full
which were AD, 11 cases in the treatment group, 8 of which papers. Abstracts were reviewed and articles potentially meet-
were AD), a result that was confirmed by an extended open- ing inclusion criteria identified. Reference lists and reviews
label follow-up of 5 years [21]. The more recent HYVET trial were hand-searched.
included 3336 significantly older patients (≥80 years). After
follow-up of 2 years, there was no significant difference in
3. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
the rate of incident dementia between treatment and placebo
groups despite a trend toward less incident AD (78 vs. 86 cases Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are the oldest
in the placebo group). When these data were combined in class of drugs targeting the renin-aldosterone angiotensin
a meta-analysis with other placebo-controlled trials of antihy- system (RAAS), and one of the most prescribed antihyperten-
pertensive treatment, the combined risk ratio favored treat- sive agents. They act by binding to the active site of ACE and
ment [20]. Lately, the SPRINT-MIND trial showed that an interfering with the ability of the enzyme to bind to and
intensive BP control compared with standard practices did cleave its substrates. ACE cleaves the biologically inactive
not significantly reduce the incidence of probable dementia angiotensin I into the vasoconstrictive angiotensin II [34]. It
[22]. No attempt to classify dementia subtype was made. also transforms the vasodilator bradykinin into inactive
However, the authors showed a lower risk of incident mild peptides.
cognitive impairment in the intensive treatment arm (14.6 vs
18.3 cases per 1000 person-years). Moreover, an intensive BP
3.1. Preclinical studies
control was significantly associated with a smaller increase in
white matter lesion volume and a greater decrease in total The case for ACE inhibitors in AD became certainly weaker
brain volume [23]. Again, the trial was terminated earlier after a demonstration that ACE was an Aβ peptide-cleaving
because of a benefit on cardiovascular event. enzyme, which was first shown in cellular models [35] and
Data in established AD are scarcer. Some observational later demonstrated at a molecular level [36]. ACE converts
studies show a slower cognitive decline in patients treated Aβ43 and Aβ42 to the less aggregable Aβ41 and Aβ40 species,
with antihypertensive drugs [24,25], although it is not respectively, and its inhibition seems to enhance Aβ deposi-
a universal finding [26]. tion in the brain of amyloid-beta precursor (APP) transgenic
The putative protective effect of antihypertensive therapies mice [27,28]. Conversely, mice overexpressing ACE in mono-
against AD is thus a topic of increasing interest. However, cytes and macrophages display a reduction of Aβ deposits and
antihypertensive agents are the lead stroke-preventing treat- a retention of cognitive abilities [37]. This apparent protection
ment. They contribute to protect the cerebrovascular structure from AD pathology supports an important role for ACE in Aβ
from the macroscopic (e.g. white matter injury, hypoperfusion, clearance, at least in the context of a transgene overexpres-
microbleeds) and microscopic (e.g. blood–brain barrier disrup- sion, and claimed against the use of centrally active ACE
tion, endothelial dysfunction, microvessel rarefaction) deleter- inhibitors in AD.
ious effects induced by hypertension [27]. Although vascular However, the deleterious effects of ACE inhibitors were not
dysfunction is viewed as a major contributor to AD [28,29], it confirmed with two other APP transgenic lines [38].
proves extremely difficult to distinguish a possible effect Normalization of the excessive hippocampal ACE activity was
on AD pathophysiology from the known effect of antihyper- even beneficial to Tg2576 APP mice in one study, by decreas-
tensive agents on the vascular burden in the brain. Yet animal ing amyloidogenic processing of APP and formation of

Table 1. Effect of antihypertensive drugs on Alzheimer’s pathophysiology.

Antihypertensive drugs Preclinical studies Clinical trials Global outcome
Angiotensine-converting Absence of noxiousness
enzyme inhibitors Not sufficient data to support
a neuroprotective effect
Captopril ↓ Amyloidogenic processing ([39,41])
↓ ROS [39]
↓ Inflammation [41]
Perindopril ↓ ACE activity [40] No effect [19,43]
Angiotensin receptor Encouraging positive preclinical data
blockers Potential candidate for future trial, especially
Valsartan ↓ Aβ deposit [51,52]
↓ Aβ oligomerization [51,52]
Losartan ↓ Aβ deposit [51,52]
↓ Aβ oligomerization [51,52]
↓ Tau phosphorylation [59]
↓ Oxidative stress in microvessels [61]
Candesartan ↓ Aβ oligomerization [51,52] Slight effect in some cognitive domains
Telmisartan ↓ LDL-R and ApoE [55]
↑ Cerebral blood flow [53]
↓ Expression of cytokines [54,57]
↓ Glial activation [58]
Calcium channel blockers Encouraging data for a future trial, with
more selective criteria of patients
Nimodipine ↓ Calcium release [79–81] Slight effect on cognitive function [91]
↓ Amyloidogenesis [82]
↓ Expression of cytokines [88]
↓ Iron entry and toxicity [89]
Nilvadipine ↓ Amyloidogenesis [78] No effect on cognitive outcome, except for
↑ Aβ42 clearance [78,85] male APOE4 [97]
Inhibition of vasoactivity and ↑ Regional cerebral blood flow [96]
restoration of cortical perfusion [86]
Nitrendipine ↓ Amyloidogenesis [84] ↓ Incidence of dementia by 50%, especially
↓ Tau phosphorylation [84] for AD (8 vs. 15 cases) [21]
Nicardipine ↓ Iron entry and toxicity [90]
β-Blockers ↓ Hippocampal Aβ42 and [99–102] Contradictory results in cohorts, no No sufficient data to support
↓ Hyperphosphorylated tau [99–101] available clinical trial [11,105] a neuroprotective effect
Diuretics Not sufficient preclinical data, mostly results
from cohorts
Thiazide diuretics ↓ Aβ oligomerization [51] None
Potassium-sparing diuretics Raise and maintain potassium level Trend to lesser incidence [20]
In cohorts, reduction of risk to develop AD
Neprilysin inhibitors ↑ Aβ levels [110,111] Low brain penetration [114] Not clarified for the absence of noxiousness
α-1-Adrenoceptor Release of APOE and cytokines [115] Improve behavioral symptoms [116] Not clarified for the neuroprotective effect
antagonist (prazosin)

reactive oxygen species [39]. In a rat model of intra- [42], a finding that was not replicated in other cohorts.
hippocampal injections of Aβ, perindopril improved learning Perindopril was not superior nor inferior to placebo to prevent
and memory, which correlated with decreased ACE activity incidence of non-stroke-related dementia [19] or continued
and delayed AD pathology [40]. Furthermore, ACE inhibitors cognitive decline [43] in the Perindopril Protection Against
might be beneficial by reducing glial-induced inflammation, Recurrent Stroke Study (PROGRESS). In two prospective obser-
since angiotensin II leads to unregulated inflammation by glial vational studies, centrally active ACE-inhibitors like perindopril
activation and to inhibition of acetylcholine release. A recent or captopril seemed to prevent cognitive decline in both
study demonstrated in vitro anti-inflammatory properties of cognitively normal [44] and demented patients [45], as com-
captopril, and reduced amyloid burden, macrophage/micro- pared with non-centrally active ACE inhibitors that do not
glia accumulation by an intranasal captopril treatment as cross the blood–brain barrier. To further address putative pro-
well [41]. amyloidogenic effects of ACE inhibitors, a cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) study showed that ramipril inhibited ACE activity in the
CSF and improved blood pressure, but did not influence CSF
3.2. Clinical trials
Aβ1-42 [46]. One interesting pharmacogenetics study showed
Human studies testing ACE inhibitors support the absence of that the use of ACE-inhibitors during 1 year might slow the
noxiousness of ACE inhibitors. Only one observational study in cognitive decline in patients with AD, but only for APOE4
a cohort of >6,000 demented patients in UK showed an asso- carriers of specific ACE genotypes [47].
ciation between ACE-inhibitors use and a slight increase risk of Overall, if some caution was justified regarding the use of
mortality in patients with AD (adjusted HR 1.19 [95% CI ACE inhibitors in AD, available preclinical data are inconclusive
1.07;1.33] but without evidence of increased hospitalization and clinical data cleared most concerns regarding their

experimental pro-amyloidogenic properties. This is probably ischemia [57]. More recently, telmisartan was shown to reduce
consistent with the much lower efficiency of hydrolysis of Aβ glial activation [58] in the 5XFAD transgenic mouse model.
by ACE compared to other Aβ degrading enzymes, such as ARBs could also interfere with the AD process through tau-
neprilysin, endothelin-converting enzyme, and insulin- mediated effects: in the rat, intracerebroventricular injections
degrading enzyme (reviewed in [48]). ACE inhibitors might of angiotensin II significantly increased tau phosphorylation,
also act by other pathways which are beneficial for cognition, an effect that was attenuated by losartan [59]. The relevance
as shown in some preclinical studies above. As we will later of those findings for AD however remains doubtful, since tau
discuss, a similar debate was recently stirred up by the new phosphorylation is a nonspecific answer to any kind of neuro-
class of neprilysin inhibitors. nal insult. In line with this, losartan-induced prolonged hypo-
tension was also shown to lead to tau hyperphosphorylation
through oxidative stress [50].
4. Angiotensin receptor blockers Beyond the effects on AD pathology, two remarkable
studies yielded the same interesting results using different
Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) act downstream of ACE
ARBs (olmesartan and losartan) and different treatment
inhibitors in the RAAS. The ARBs are non-peptide compounds
schemes on different APP transgenic mouse lines. Both
that specifically block the binding of angiotensin II to the
demonstrated that ARBs protected cognitive function and
angiotensin I receptor [34].
cerebrovascular activity through decreased oxidative stress
in brain microvessels. Interestingly, those benefits occurred
without any decrease in Aβ levels and were not related to
4.1. Preclinical studies
changes in blood pressure [60,61].
Most preclinical studies generally support the use of ARBs
in AD, with only rare exceptions [49,50]. The work of The
4.2. Clinical trials
Mount Sinaï group in New York stands among the interesting
data published on ARBs in preclinical AD models [51]. By Observational studies on ARBs are conflicting. While
screening 55 commonly prescribed antihypertensive drugs a population-based cohort study showed that ARB treatment
looking for anti-Aβ properties in vitro, they determined that was associated with a reduced risk of dementia, including AD
only valsartan and losartan were capable of both lowering Aβ [62], those results were not confirmed in a cohort of hyper-
and decreasing oligomerization of Aβ peptides in primary tensive patients [63], raising the possibility that hypertension
neuronal cultures, while candesartan acted on oligomerization was a confounding factor in the first study.
only [51,52]. Going to animal models, they showed that pre- More interesting is the SCOPE trial, which included 4937
ventive treatment of Tg2576 mice with valsartan significantly patients aged 70 to 89 years with mild-to-moderate hyperten-
reduced brain Aβ deposits and Aβ-mediated cognitive dete- sion and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score ≥24.
rioration, independently of blood-pressure lowering [52]. Double-blind treatment was initiated with candesartan or pla-
Unfortunately, those anti-amyloidogenic properties did not cebo, and an open-label therapy was added as needed to
appear to be specific to ARBs as a class, since other ARBs, like control BP. While there was no difference in the whole popu-
telmisartan, did not have any in vitro effect on Aβ, and there are lation of the study, the MMSE score declined less in the low
no available data in vivo. In an acute mouse model of intracer- cognitive function group (MMSE 24–28) receiving candesartan
ebroventricular injection of Aβ, telmisartan was able to reduce [64] (reviewed in [65]). This analysis was not pre-specified but
amyloid deposition [53] and improve cognition [53,54], thereby suggested that candesartan was able to hamper an initiated
suggesting that mechanisms other than action on Aβ produc- cognitive decline, regardless of its degenerative or vascular
tion or aggregation may decrease the amyloid load. Actually, nature. In a cognitive sub-study performed in 257 subjects
telmisartan draws an increasing interest because of a putative enrolled in SCOPE, the candesartan group showed less decline
pleiotropic vascular protection. Telmisartan is indeed a partial on attention and episodic memory but no difference in execu-
agonist of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ), tive function and working memory [66]. Although caution
a central regulator in insulin and glucose metabolism. should be exerted, the cognitive domains on which candesar-
Interestingly, in spontaneously hypertensive stroke resistant tan had a protective effect do not discard an effect on an AD
rats, chronically administered telmisartan strongly reduced low- (rather than vascular) component.
density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R) and ApoE expression in We did not find published clinical studies on ARBs in AD,
neurons [55]. Since ApoE and LDL-R are key elements in the underlining the gap between a wealth of encouraging precli-
amyloidogenic processing of APP [56], these data provide nical data and the paucity of clinical trials in AD. Few clinical
a potential mechanism for the possible anti-amyloidogenic trials are ongoing [67,68], using mostly telmisartan and losar-
properties of telmisartan. In a simpler model of intracerebral tan, with an estimated study completion in 2021.
injection of Aβ, telmisartan also enhanced cerebral blood flow Overall, while telmisartan has certainly an interesting pro-
and attenuated the Aβ-induced increase in expression of cyto- file, and PPARγ is a longstanding target in AD [69], its super-
kines [53,54]. The smaller efficacy of losartan and the partial iority to other ARBs remains questionable. Indeed, many ARBs
reversion of the effects by a PPARγ antagonist supported an share to some extent some PPARγ agonist properties [70] and
added value for telmisartan [53,54]. Those beneficial effects on the studies performed with valsartan, losartan, and olmisartan
cognition and cytokine release were confirmed in a rat model on AD transgenic mice provide more compelling evidence
combining intracerebroventricular injection of Aβ and cerebral than the ones performed with telmisartan on short-term Aβ

injection models. Beyond the effect on Aβ pathology, which that nilvadipine treatment increased plasma Aβ level in trans-
does not seem to be shared by all ARBs, the most interesting genic animals, Paris et al. showed that some CCBs, among
and consistent data are the ones addressing their positive which nilvadipine, were able to increase Aβ42 transcytosis
effects on vasculature and cognition. Interestingly in that across an in vitro blood–brain barrier model, as well as to
regard, a confidential positron electron tomography study increase brain clearance of intracranially administered human
showed that telmisartan as compared to nimodipine increased Aβ42 [78,85]. Aβ clearance properties were independent of
rCBF in 10 AD patients after 6 month-treatment [71]. blood-pressure lowering, brain penetration of the drugs and
L-type CCB inhibition, suggesting that nilvadipine acted
directly on brain endothelial and/or mural cells [84]. Beyond
5. Calcium channel blockers
its effect on Aβ transcytosis, nilvadipine was shown to inhibit
Calcium ions are critical mediators of cell signaling, and cal- the vasoactivity elicited by Aβ in isolated human arteries and
cium channels are ubiquitously expressed. Far from being to restore cortical perfusion levels in transgenic mice [86].
specific to vascular smooth muscle cells, the L-type channels, Among the additional possible mechanisms of neuropro-
the primary target of calcium channel blockers (CCBs), are tection by CCBs are inhibition of Tau hyperphosphorylation
heavily expressed by neurons [72,73] and may be reached by [84,87], inhibition of Aβ-induced release of proinflammatory
CCBs depending on brain penetration. Hence, CCBs are good cytokines by microglia [88], and prevention of iron entry
candidates as pleiotropic drugs that could influence both and toxicity [89,90].
neural conduction and cerebral blood flow to circumvent AD.
The effect of CCBs in AD models has been studied since the
5.2. Clinical studies
1990s [74]. Although a few studies have focused on verapamil
and diltiazem [75], most have been performed with CCBs of The dementia prevention trials performed with CCBs were
the dihydropyridine family. Nimodipine is the most studied of pioneered by the SYST-EUR vascular dementia sub-study,
this class, because its lipophilic properties favor brain penetra- which investigated whether a long-term treatment with
tion. Recently, however, interesting data have emerged on nitrendipine could reduce the incidence of dementia [18]. As
nilvadipine. Both drugs block L-type calcium channels, but mentioned earlier, the SYST-EUR study was prematurely inter-
nimodipine also acts on T-type channels [72,73]. rupted after an interim analysis showing a 42% reduction in
the incidence of stroke in the treated group. However, 2,418
patients with a median follow-up of 2 years participated to the
5.1. Preclinical studies
sub-study. Active treatment reduced the incidence of demen-
Most published work supports an action of CCBs on amyloid. tia by 50% (11 vs. 21 cases), and those results were confirmed
In rats, impairment of spatial memory following intracerebro- in the open-label extension study [21]. Unexpectedly, nitren-
ventricular injection of Aβ was prevented both by nilvadipine dipine prevented more Alzheimer’s dementia (8 vs. 15 cases)
and nimodipine treatments [76,77]. In a thorough study, Paris than vascular dementia (3 vs. 6 cases). The criteria used to
et al. showed that chronic oral treatment with nilvadipine define vascular and Alzheimer dementias were however ques-
decreased Aβ burden in the brains of transgenic PS1/APPsw tionable, even at that time, and one can wonder whether AD
mice, and improved learning abilities and spatial memory [78]. diagnosis would have withstood the use of brain MRI and
The putative mechanisms of action of CCBs on amyloid are biomarkers.
threefold. The first hypothesis is that CCBs suppress Aβ- Nimodipine has been extensively tested in dementia
induced calcium release. Indeed, in vitro studies suggest that patients in the 1990s. The drug has even had the privilege of
the neurotoxicity of Aβ species is mediated by an increase in a 2005 Cochrane Review to evaluate its effects on dementia.
cytosolic calcium, resulting from direct or indirect stimulation Of the 14 trials included in the meta-analysis, 2 trials included
of L-type calcium channels [79]. Nimodipine was repeatedly only patients with AD, 9 trials included only patients with
shown to attenuate Aβ-induced neurotoxicity [80,81]. cerebrovascular dementia (CVD), and three trials included
Inhibition of amyloidogenesis is the second putative effect patients with AD, CVD, and mixed disease. In hindsight, inclu-
of CCBs. In primary cultures expressing human APP, sion criteria are now obsolete, judgment criteria are only
a sustained high concentration of cytosolic calcium inhibited clinical and study durations are too short. However,
the alpha-secretase cleavage of APP (non-amyloidogenic path- a beneficial effect was seen on cognitive function and on
way) and induced the production of intraneuronal Aβ42 (amy- overall clinical improvement at 12 weeks with a dose of
loidogenic pathway), a process that was prevented by 90 mg/day. There was no effect on functional scales [91].
nimodipine [82]. The latter is controversial since nimodipine With the emergence of cholinesterase inhibitors, clinical
was shown to increase Aβ42 production and secretion in research on nimodipine was dropped in the 2000s despite
a different culture setting [78,83]. Paris et al. showed that these encouraging results in short-term clinical trials. Only
among several L-type CCBs, only nilvadipine and to a lesser one small 24-week trial showed no advantage of the combina-
extent nitrendipine were able to lower Aβ production, inde- tion of galantamine/nimodipine over galantamine alone [92].
pendently of their action on L-type calcium channels. This Following exciting preclinical results, the rather old drug
effect might be due to inhibition of the spleen tyrosine kinase nilvadipine has recently gained its way to clinical trials. In
Syk, which indirectly inhibits the β-cleavage of APP [78,84]. a proof-of-concept case report of a mild AD patient, nilvadi-
The third and perhaps most interesting mechanism of pine elevated both the regional cerebral blood flow and the
action of CCBs is on brain vasculature. From the observation Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score [93].

Recapitulating the beneficial short-term effects observed 6.2. Diuretics

with nimodipine, a six-week, open-label study gathering 55
There are few preclinical reports on diuretics in AD models.
patients with mild to moderate AD showed that nivaldipine
The aforementioned high throughput screening of drugs able
was well tolerated and there was a treatment benefit on the
to inhibit oligomerization Aβ42 showed that furosemide did
MMSE and executive functions [94,95]. The recent 18-month
not only prevent oligomerisation in vitro but also dissociated
European multicentre NILVAD trial was designed to demon-
oligomers in the brain of Tg2576 mice [51]. Research on
strate a positive effect of nilvadipine, based on this encoura-
furosemide did not go further to date.
ging data. The study enrolled more than 500 people with
Clinical trials on diuretics are mostly represented by preven-
mild to moderate AD according to the 1984 NINCDS-ADRDA
tion trials. The aforementioned negative HYVET trial used the
criteria, and compared a once-daily dose of 8 mg nilvadipine
potassium-sparing diuretic indapamide as the first-line treat-
to placebo during 78 weeks [96]. The study failed to demon-
ment, combined with 2 to 4 mg perindopril if needed [20].
strate any effect of nilvadipine on the cognitive outcome.
There was however a trend toward a lesser incidence of AD in
However, in predefined subgroup analyses, there was less
the treated group. Likewise, in the Ginkgo Evaluation in
cognitive decline in patients with MMSE >20, in males and in
Memory Study (GEMS), cognitively normal persons on diuretics,
APOE ε4 carriers [97]. As found in the aforementioned case-
ACE inhibitors or ARBs and mild cognitive impairment patients
report, a subgroup of patients in the NILVAD trial showed an
on diuretics had a 50% reduction in the risk of developing
increase of cerebral blood flow in hippocampal regions [98].
dementia [106]. Last, the 3-year reduction in AD risk observed
Overall, CCBs show preclinical arguments favoring
with the antihypertensive treatment in the Cache County study
a protective role against AD. This putative role does not appear
was greatest with the diuretics, and specifically potassium-
to be a drug class-effect. Only selected molecules within this
sparing diuretics [17].
class yielded interesting results – perhaps depending on brain
penetration. The clinical outcome of CCBs are more mitigated,
and possibly specific subgroup of patients should be targeted. 6.3. Neprilysin inhibitors
Neprilysin is a ubiquitous neutral endopeptidase. Peripherally,
6. Other antihypertensive agents its inhibition increases the bioavailability of natriuretic peptides,
The other classes of antihypertensive agents have brought bradykinin, and substance P, resulting in a strong antihyperten-
comparatively less attention. This relative paucity of data is sive effect through increased natriuresis and vasodilation. The
due to deceptive preliminary data, absence of brain penetra- first-in-class neprilysin inhibitor sacubitril was successfully tested
tion or (in the case of neprilysin inhibitors) novelty of the in hypertension [107] and heart failure [108] in combination with
drug. the ARB enalapril. To date, enalapril/sacubitril combination has
only been approved for heart-failure patients.
This success-story was tarnished by a warning issued in
6.1. β-Blockers 2015 [109]. Neprilysin is indeed an Aβ-degrading enzyme.
The nonselective β-blocker propanolol has been the subject of While it is not clear to what extent neprilysin contributes to
a few encouraging reports from a single group, showing Aβ clearance in humans, preclinical data suggest that neprilysin
a reduction of cognitive impairment and hippocampal Aβ42 deficiency increases brain Aβ levels [110] and worsens cognitive
and hyperphosphorylated tau levels in propranolol-treated deficits and Aβ pathology in the 5XFAD transgenic mouse
Tg2576 mice [99]. Interestingly the results were recapitulated model [111]. Hence, the same questions that surrounded ACE
in senescence-prone mice spontaneously [100] or chronic cor- inhibitors years ago are currently stirring up a controversy on
ticosterone administration [101]. Comparatively, the selective neprilysin inhibitors [109,112]. Reassuring preliminary results
β1 adrenergic receptor antagonist nebivolol significantly came recently. In a thorough study performed on cynomolgus
reduced brain amyloid content but failed to improve cognitive monkeys, a well-known AD model that spontaneously develops
function [102]. However, the use of centrally acting β-blockers brain amyloidosis, there was a significant short-term increase in
is hindered by the possible involvement of beta-adrenergic Aβ species half-life and cerebrospinal fluid levels, but levels
systems in learning and memory [103,104]. normalized after 2 weeks [113]. A 39-week treatment did not
Clinical studies on β-blockers are confusing. In 2,212 affect amyloid pathology [113]. Both studies were sponsored by
African-American adults aged 65 years and older, centrally the pharmaceutical company that develops sacubitril. In
acting sympatholytic agents, as opposed to other antihyper- humans, brain penetration of the active metabolites of sacubi-
tensive agents, were associated with an increased risk of tril was low and the drug did not change cerebrospinal fluid
diagnosis of cognitive impairment [11]. In sharp contrast levels of Aβ40 and Aβ42 [114].
are the results from the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study, which
prospectively followed 2,197 elderly Japanese American men
6.4. α-1-Adrenoceptor antagonist and other alkaloid
during more than 15 years. In this cohort, β-blocker use as
the sole antihypertensive drug at baseline was associated
with a lower risk of cognitive impairment as compared with With the rationale that enhanced responsiveness to norepi-
men not taking any antihypertensive medications. This asso- nephrine at the α-1-adrenoceptor may contribute to the
ciation was not found with other antihypertensive pathophysiology of dementia, the centrally-acting α-1-adreno-
agents [105]. ceptor antagonist prazosin was tested in vitro and in vivo.

Prazosin was able to reduce the generation of amyloid β in and cerebrovascular disease is something more than the mere
neuroblastoma cells but did not influence amyloid plaque addition of two highly prevalent conditions. Concurrent cerebro-
load in transgenic APP23 mice. However, prazosin seemed to vascular disease is more common in AD than in any other
prevent memory deficits over time, possibly through neurodegenerative disease [122], occurring in at least one-third
the release of apolipoprotein E and anti-inflammatory cyto- of all cases [123]. Vascular and AD pathologies may act synergis-
kines [115]. Clinically, prazosin was tested in a small double- tically to increase the likelihood of neuronal death – and hence
blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study. The drug was symptoms – in dementia of mixed vascular and neurodegenera-
well tolerated and improved behavioral symptoms in patients tive etiology [122]. According to the neurovascular hypothesis
with agitation/aggression in AD [116]. Neuroprotective effects of AD, brain vascular insults might even be causative in most
were not tested. late-onset sporadic forms of AD (reviewed in [124]). Incident
Two small reports additionally showed that Reserpine, vascular pathology is indeed associated with a faster decline
a pleiotropic indole alkaloid drug that has been used both as in AD [125,126].
an antipsychotic and antihypertensive agent, prevents Aβ toxi- Logically, preventing overt strokes or silent microvascular
city and increases lifespan in a C. elegans AD model [117,118]. Its lesions will have a positive effect on the cognitive outcome. In
numerous side-effects probably dissuade further research in AD. that regard, antihypertensive drugs participate to reduce the
vascular burden in AD. The PROGRESS study clearly shows that
an antihypertensive agent like perindopril protects against
7. Discussion
post-recurrent stroke dementia, and not against dementia
Several mechanisms can be advocated when trying to under- without recurrent stroke [19]. Once a putative neurodegenera-
stand how antihypertensive agents could slow down AD pro- tive process has engaged, perindopril seems to be less effec-
gression (Figure 1). Putative mechanisms are threefold: (1) tive [43], and any remaining activity of perindopril could be
action on the concurrent vascular pathology; (2) action on due to the prevention of silent strokes [120].
the vascular component of Alzheimer’s pathophysiology; (3) On the other hand, the action of antihypertensive agents
action on a nonvascular component. might go well beyond the prevention of vascular lesions. In
the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study, antihypertensive agents abol-
ish the positive association between hypertension and hippo-
7.1. Action on the concurrent vascular pathology
campal atrophy, which is one of the radiological hallmarks
Hypertension is one of the long-known risk factors for stroke of AD [127]. Furthermore, in a postmortem study of 291 brains
[8,119] or silent cerebrovascular disease [120,121]. While the link with normal brain aging or AD pathology, but no significant
between VRFs and AD only begins to be ascertained, the relation cerebrovascular disease, there was substantially less AD neu-
between AD and cerebrovascular disease has been extensively ropathology in the medicated hypertension group than in the
studied in recent years [28]. AD is generally not seen as a primary non-medicated hypertension and non-hypertension
vascular disease. However, although mechanistic links remain groups [128]. Thus, there are hints, but no hard evidence
elusive, it is becoming obvious that the concomitance of AD from clinical studies supporting a protective effect of

Figure 1. Putative mechanisms of action of antihypertensive drugs on Alzheimer’s disease.


antihypertensive drugs toward AD beyond the prevention of Alternatively, drugs may act on one or several secondary
cerebrovascular pathology. targets unrelated with the one responsible for its antihyperten-
sive effect. The PPARγ agonist properties of several ARBs [70]
fall in that category. Likewise, the possible superiority of nilva-
7.2. Action on the vascular component of Alzheimer’s dipine to other CCBs in preclinical studies might be due to
pathophysiology targets other than L-type calcium channels, such as the tyrosine
kinase Syk [84].
Preventing cerebrovascular events may have indirect conse-
Interestingly, unexpected effects may as well disfavor the
quences on the AD process, since there are putative pathophy-
drug, as showed the controversies surrounding ACE and nepri-
siological links between ischemic injury, aberrant
lysin inhibitors, which were both suspected of promoting AD
beta-amyloid processing and neuronal dysfunction [124].
pathology by inhibiting Aβ-degrading enzymes.
Above all, the treatment of VRFs could act upstream of
a shared pathway leading to vascular pathology on the one
hand and to AD on the other [124]. Alteration of the neurovas- 8. Expert opinion
cular unit and the blood–brain barrier are thought to play
Whether and how the treatment of hypertension (and VRFs as
a central role in AD pathophysiology and symptoms [124]. In
a whole) hampers Alzheimer’s pathological process is a timely
most AD cases, β-amyloid deposits also occur around capillaries
issue. While many observational and interventional studies
and in arterial walls (a condition termed cerebral amyloid angio-
suggest that improved control of hypertension decreases
pathy) [129,130]. By causing collagenous thickening and reduced
dementia incidence, it remains doubtful whether antihyper-
pulsatility of arteries and arterioles, hypertension could in turn
tensive drugs prevent AD specifically. Definitive proof will be
impair perivascular drainage of β-amyloid and prompt cerebral
hard (even impossible?) to obtain since dementia prevention
amyloid angiopathy [131]. Vascular pathology also causes
trials in hypertensive individuals are now unethical, consider-
a blood–brain barrier breakdown which may also accelerate
ing that hypertension decreases the risk of cardiovascular and
amyloidogenesis, and decrease brain perfusion [132]. Be they
cerebrovascular events – even in the oldest old [20]. The place
the cause or consequence of AD, preserving blood–brain barrier
of antihypertensive agents in the secondary prevention of AD
integrity and neurovascular unit function might both favor the
is a simple question – yet remains an area of uncertainty.
vascular clearance of Aβ and preserve neurovascular coupling,
Research is desperately needed to tackle the outstanding
whose demise is one of the earliest observable changes in AD.
question of the role of antihypertensive drugs in the primary
Antihypertensive drugs, and particularly the ARBs and the
prevention of AD. The relative paucity of preclinical research
CCBs are interesting in that regard, because preliminary data
studies and the lack of state-of-the-art clinical trials testing
show positive effects on vascular amyloid clearance [78,85]
a vascular intervention are striking. Until now, research fund-
and alterations of vascular function [51,52,58,59,84,96] in AD
ing was probably the main limiting factor, because most anti-
models. While those properties seem to be shared by several
hypertensive agents are in the public domain, and studies on
ARBs and may represent a class-effect, only individual drugs
VRFs depend mostly on academic funding. On the preclinical
in the CCB class yielded positive results, probably depending
side, the swiftness of the publication and the state-of-the-art
on brain penetration. Interestingly, beyond AD models, ARBs
techniques used in the sacubitril study recently demonstrated
attenuate vascular oxidative stress in chronic hypoperfu-
the quality shift of industry-funded work [113], that could
sion [133], and restore blood–brain barrier integrity in vitro
serve as a reference to reassess the effect of the main anti-
[134] and in vivo [135,136], in hypertensive encephalopathy
hypertensive drugs on amyloid processing. On the clinical
and diabetes models. Those protective effects result in
side, the use of CSF biomarkers and neuroimaging (3T-MRI
improved cognition independently of blood-pressure lower-
and tau/amyloid PET) is eagerly awaited to assess the
ing in an hypertensive rat model [135].
effect of selected long-term antihypertensive treatment on
Alzheimer pathology and vascular burdens.
For future trials, new diagnostic criteria [141,142] and neu-
7.3. Action on a nonvascular component of Alzheimer’s
roimaging markers [143,144] should be systematically used to
better differentiate their respective action on the vascular load
Third, the possibility that drugs approved for hypertension may and on AD pathophysiology. Above all, future trials should
interact with AD-related pathophysiological pathways through answer the one question with real therapeutic implications:
mechanisms unrelated to its original therapeutic intention must should patients with AD but without major hypertension nor
not be discarded [137,138]. The concept of drug repositioning cerebrovascular disease be treated with the same stringent
in AD, beyond antihypertensive agents, has been discussed in objectives as in secondary prevention of stroke, despite poten-
recent reviews [139,140]. Antihypertensive agents may have tial side effects? A drop of BP is commonly observed several
unforeseen effects on Alzheimer’s pathological process because years before the onset of symptoms in late-onset dementia
of an extravascular, neuroglial expression of the primary target. [145], and BP continues to fall after the diagnosis [146]. The
The CCBs are probably the best example of such effects, since effect of antihypertensive drugs should thus be carefully mon-
calcium channels are also expressed by neurons. Calcium fluxes itored in dementia, and their overall use can be questioned,
are potentially involved in amyloidogenesis and neurodegen- especially in frail patients. Yet evidence of an increased risk of
eration, providing a strong rationale to their putative protective orthostatic hypotension in demented patients treated with
properties against AD. antihypertensive drugs is lacking. In the NILVAD study, there

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