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 Narrative text is a text which tells about past event and has a purpose to entertain /
amuse the reader.
Generic Structure TEXT
 Orientation
In this part, the writer is introducing the characters or the participants in the story.
 Complication
In this part, the problem of the story is rising. From the rising point and the climax of
the story is here.
 Resolution
In the part, the problem is resolved, here we can see whether the story has a happy
ending or sad ending.
 Using part action verb.
 Using specific noun as pronoun of person, animal in the story.
 Using adjectives which are for noun phrase.  
 Using time connectives and Conjunctions to arrange the events.
 Using adverbs and adverbial phrase to show the location of events.
 Using dialogue to elicit an emotional response from the reader.
 Using Past Tense

 Fable
 Simple fable is a story about animal which behave like human
 Myths 
 Stories that are believed by some people but the stories can not be true. It was
told in an ancient culture to explain a practice, belief, or natural occurrence
 Legend
 It is a story which relates to on how a place or a certain thing is formed
 Fairy Tales
 Story which relate much which magic things
 Science Fiction Story
 Story which explore the science as the background or plot of the
 Short Stories
 Story fo one or two pages
 Novels
 Long even very long and complex story
 Horror Story
 A story with horror contents

A long time ago, in a small village far deep in north Sumatra, there lived a
poor man named Toba. He spent his day in a simple hut among the farming field. He
made a living from fishing and farming, although he remained poor. No matter how
hard he worked. He always earned little. 
One day he went fishing as usual. He didn’t catch much fish. Just when he was
about to get disappointed. He got a big beautiful golden fish on his net. He was more
than happy. He caught the biggest fish in his life. He brought the fish home in a joyful
feeling. He was planning to cook the fish for lunch. To his surprise, the golden fish
turned into a person. She was not just anybody, she was a very beautiful princess.
Toba admired how lovely the woman who stood in his kitchen. 
The woman later opened up to Toba. She told him about her trouble and
feeling. She also told him about the cursed that made her turned into a golden fish.
She wanted to stay in Toba’s house, but Toba must kept her secret to himself. The
princess asked him to never relieved the truth to anyone, or something bad was going
to be happened. 
Toba said yes to her. After a while, he asked the princess to marry him. Luckily
the princess agreed. Then they both got married and lived happily in their simple hut.
Their happiness grew with the birth of their son. He completed the happy couple, and
they named him Samosir. 
He grew up to became a very healthy boy who liked to eat a lot. Every day he
would go to the rice field where his father worked and brought him lunch. One day,
just like any other day, Samosir’s mother asked him to bring lunch. But today Samosir
was hungry. He ate most of the food in the lunch bag, and left very little for his father. 
After he saw his father, Samosir gave the lunch. Toba was very happy because
he was hungry from working all day. As he opened the lunch bag and saw a little food
left in it, he became very angry. He shouted at his son using loud voice, “You are nota
good son of a fish!” Samosir shocked to listen to his father’s anger. He cried to his
home and tried to find his mother. 
Sobbing, he asked the mother why did his father said that he was a son of a
fish. The mother was upset that Toba broke his promise. A big earthquake and heavy
rain flooded their home. It formed into a spring with a small island in the middle.
People called the spring lake as Toba Lake and the small island, Samosir.

Please answer these questions based on the text above!

1. What is the title of the text about based on what you have known?
2. What is the type of the narrative text above?
3. Please mark the generic structure of the text with different color!
4. What can we learn from the text above?

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