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Entropy 2013, 15, 4319-4333; doi:10.


ISSN 1099-4300

The Phase Space Elementary Cell in Classical and

Generalized Statistics
Piero Quarati 1,2, * and Marcello Lissia 2

DISAT, Politecnico di Torino, Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino I-10129, Italy
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Cagliari, Monserrato I-09042, Italy;

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:;

Tel.: +39-0706754899; Fax: +39-070510212.

Received: 05 September 2013; in revised form: 25 September 2013/ Accepted: 27 September 2013 /
Published: 15 October 2013

Abstract: In the past, the phase-space elementary cell of a non-quantized system was
set equal to the third power of the Planck constant; in fact, it is not a necessary assumption.
We discuss how the phase space volume, the number of states and the elementary-cell volume
of a system of non-interacting N particles, changes when an interaction is switched on and
the system becomes or evolves to a system of correlated non-Boltzmann particles and derives
the appropriate expressions. Even if we assume that nowadays the volume of the elementary
cell is equal to the cube of the Planck constant, h3 , at least for quantum systems, we show
that there is a correspondence between different values of h in the past, with important
and, in principle, measurable cosmological and astrophysical consequences, and systems
with an effective smaller (or even larger) phase-space volume described by non-extensive
generalized statistics.

Keywords: classical statistical mechanics; thermodynamics

1. Introduction

In a microcanonical formulation, the entropy is proportional to the logarithm of the number of states,
W , accessible to the systems.
In quantum mechanics, we can count the number of microstates W corresponding to a microstate of
total energy, E. This number of microstates W is often called the multiplicity of the microstate.
Entropy 2013, 15 4320

In classical mechanics, the state of an N -particle system is represented in a 6N dimensional

coordinate-momentum space (Γ space). Boltzmann solved the problem of infinities when counting the
multiplicity of continuous states by dividing the phase-space in elementary cells, whose volume ∆Ω
remains arbitrary in classical mechanics.
The advent of quantum mechanics provided the framework to determine the volume of the smallest
elementary cell, which is given by the cube of the Planck constant: h3 . This lower bound to the volume
of the elementary cell is directly connected to the uncertainty principle.
In classical statistical mechanics, the arbitrary volume of the elementary cell does not affect physical
quantities. In fact, as long as the entropy of the system is proportional to the logarithm of the number of
states: W = Ω/(∆Ω)N

S = k ln (1)
(∆Ω)N N !
where Ω is the volume of the phase space accessible to the system, entropy differences:

∆S = S(A) − S(B) (2)

do not depend on the volume of the elementary cell ∆Ω, and therefore, all physical quantities that depend
on entropy differentials, such as the heat capacity:
CV = T (3)
∂T (V,N )

or the pressure:  
P =T (4)
∂V (E,N )

are similarly independent of the choice of the elementary cell volume.

However, the chemical potential:  
µ = −T (5)
∂N (E,V )
does depend on ∆Ω. Therefore, the tendency of particles to diffuse along the gradient of densities or,
more generally, of chemical potential appears to be affected by the elementary volume of the the phase
space. Furthermore, the elementary cell enters also in the Sackur-Tetrode entropy of a mono-atomic
classical ideal gas: "   #
S 5 V E m
= + ln (6)
kN 2 N N 3πh2
where E is the internal energy of the gas and m the mass of the particles of the system. In fact, this
entropy incorporates quantum effects through, for instance, the thermal wave length 3πh2 N/(mE).
Up to now, we have considered classical systems composed of non-interacting classical particles
or of particles subjected to short-range forces that do not alter the basic one-particle structure of the
excitations and that can be absorbed in a few effective parameters. This kind of systems can be
described by the Maxwell-Boltzmann (MB) statistics, and their excitation distribution is obtained by
the maximization method.
Entropy 2013, 15 4321

The number of different microstates w accessible to a system of N identical particles is obtained by

dividing by N ! the number of microstates W of a corresponding system of distinguishable particles:
w= (7)
which is greatly reduced with respect to W . According to Gibbs, all microstates in this microcanonical
ensemble have equal probabilities.
In classical statistical mechanics, the statement (∆Ω)N = h3N is justified considering the product of
an N independent quantum one-particle system or from the pure dimensional point of view: the Planck
constant has dimensions of the two-dimensional phase-space volume x × p, and each particle occupies a
volume ∆Ω = h3 . A possible dimensionless factor cannot be excluded classically.
In conclusion, in classical discrete and continuum statistical mechanics, the volume of an elementary
cell is not determined a priori; it is dimensionless in units of the cube of the Planck constant and could
span a large set of values. The choice that the cell has a volume exactly equal to h3 is plausible, but only
the experiment could possibly determine this constant in classical mechanics.
There exist complex natural and artificial systems characterized by long-range space-time correlations
whose dynamics cover only a multi-fractal subset of the whole phase space and develop non-Gaussian
correlations, at least for practical finite equilibration times. These kinds of systems can be effectively
described by generalized statistical mechanics that are a continuous deformation of the usual one [1,2]. A
particularly simple such generalized approach is the one that uses the non-extensive Tsallis entropy [3,4]
in its continuous and quantum versions. We have already studied modifications of the phase-space
elementary cell in the context of non-extensive statistical mechanics [5]; this work develops such an
approach on a more general basis.
Recently, S. Abe [6] used this choice ∆Ω = h3 , but only for classical discrete systems. He argues that
variation of entropy or other measurable quantities in non-extensive systems do not depend on h3 only
in discrete systems. On the contrary, entropy or other measurable quantities in continuum non-extensive
systems depend on h3 against the hypothesis that the systems are classical. We shall elaborate on this
point in Section 3.
In this paper, we show how the phase-space volume can be deformed and how the non-extensive
expression of the number of states changes from the one of an ideal non-interacting particle system.
We obtain first the value of the deformed phase space volume. Then, we deduce the elementary cell
volume as a function of the entropic deformation parameter.
Even quantum systems, which appear to have a lower bound to the phase-space volume, due to the
uncertainty principle, could have an effective volume of the elementary cell slightly smaller than h3 in
non-Boltzmann systems with a fractal measure of the volume. In addition, there exists the possibility
that the Planck constant and, therefore, the volume h3 were different in the past. Both possibilities
would have measurable cosmological and astrophysical consequences. Entropic uncertainty relations
are also considered.

2. The Deformation of Phase Space Volume

The very large number of microstates makes both the phase-space and elementary-cell volume
practically insensitive to small variations of the distribution function. In fact, the likelihood of deviations
Entropy 2013, 15 4322

is exponentially small, with the exponent proportional to the large number of degrees of freedom.
However interactions can create strong correlations that strongly reduce the effective number of degrees
of freedom relevant at finite time-scales.
Since the equilibrium (maximum) value, W0 , is much larger than the values of the number of
microstates W associated with distributions even slightly different from equilibrium, one usually
identifies the state of maximum probability with the real state that is experimentally measured
(Sommerfeld [7], p. 218). However, we will show how going from an extensive classical system to a
non-extensive one, i.e., from a pure MB distribution to distributions with power-law tails, small changes
of the phase-space volume can influence the description of the system.
The effect on Ω of variations from the Maxwellian distribution function nio of the i-th state can be
found in the paper by Bohm and Schutzer [8]. In the book of Diu et al. [9], it is shown that in classical
physics, the elementary cell is the Planck constant by comparing the sequence of the admissible states to
the sequence of states in quantum mechanics.
Long-range interactions, correlations, memory effects, a fractal space, elementary length or discrete
time are some of the physical reasons systems could not be consistently described by MB distributions.
Such systems can often be better described by generalized statistics, as developed in the last few years.
In fact, one might also view these effective descriptions as non-equilibrium metastable states: if the
lifetime is long enough, the final thermodynamical equilibrium is not experimentally relevant.
For the sake of simplicity, we discuss only the so-called q-statistics [3,4]. However, similar
conclusions could be reached with other power-law deformations of the MB statistics, such as
the κ-statistics [10,11], which offers a mathematically attractive context, symmetry properties, and
interesting relations with the formalism of relativity.
Criticisms to the use of non-extensive, generalized statistics can be found, for instance, in works by
Gross [12]. In Shalizi [13], for instance, one can find criticisms of the use of approaches that adopt
deformed, non-extensive or generalized statistics.
In the following, we show how the phase-space volume varies for small deviations from the standard
distribution function using the specific formalism of the generalized q-statistics.
The phase space volume for a system of N non-interacting Boltzmann particles (or molecules) is
defined by:
N! 1
Ω0 = (∆Ω0 )N (8)
n10 !n20 ! · · · N !
for interacting non-Boltzmann particles, we define:
N! 1
Ωq = (∆Ωq )N (9)
n1q !n2q ! · · · N !
where ni0 and niq are, respectively, the standard and deformed distributions. The number of accessible
states is:
N! Ω0
W0 = = N! (10)
n10 !n20 ! · · · (∆Ω0 )N
N! Ωq
Wq = = N! (11)
n1q !n2q ! · · · (∆Ωq )N
We are interested in small deviations from the standard distributions and define: δni = niq − ni0 .
Entropy 2013, 15 4323

Using the Stirling formula, ln Wq = ln(N !) − i ln(niq !) can be expanded around the value W0 (ni0 )
that maximizes the phase volume Ω0 at the MB distribution, which is expressed as:

ni0 = AM e−ai with ai ≡ βi (12)

where  3/2
N β
AM = ∆Ω0 (13)
V 2πm
and the normalization is such that ni0 = N . In this expansion:
X X 1 X δn2i
ln Wq = N ln N − ni0 ln ni0 − (1 + ln ni0 ) δni − + ··· (14)
i i
2 i

terms linear in δni vanish, because of the maximum conditions, and retaining the leading contribution,
the explicit expressions of Wq and Ωq for a gas that deviates only slightly from the MB distribution,
assuming for the moment an unchanged elementary cell, are:
1 X δn2i
Wq = W0 exp − (15)
2 i ni0

and: !
1 X δn2i
Ωq = Ω0 exp − (16)
2 i ni0
The deformed distribution is:
niq = AM Aq e−β−(1/2)(1−q)(β) (17)
with i niq = N where:
Aq = 1 + (1 − q) + o(1 − q)2 (18)
For q ≈ 1, we have:  
15 (1 − q) 2
niq = ni0 1 + (1 − q) − (βi ) (19)
8 2

X (δni )2 2
(1 − q)2 X

15 2
= ni0 − (βi )
ni0 4 i
"  #
(1 − q)2 15 15
= N − h(βi )2 i + h(βi )4 i (20)
4 4 2
"  #
(1 − q)2 15 15 15 945 45
= N − + = N (1 − q)2
4 4 2 4 16 4

where in the preceding equations, we have calculated the average values with the
unperturbed distribution.
Therefore, we obtain:
Wq = W0 e−(45/8)N (1−q) (21)
Entropy 2013, 15 4324

From Wq /W0 = (Ωq /Ω0 ) (∆Ω0 /∆Ωq )N (see, for instance, Equations (10) and (11)), this change
can be interpreted microscopically as a change of an elementary cell leaving the phase-space
volume unchanged:
∆Ωq = ∆Ω0 e(45/8)(1−q) (22)
Because the correction factor to Wq depends on (q − 1)2 , ∆Ωq is always larger than ∆Ω0 . However, if
we had assumed that the number of accessible states were independent of q, Ωq and (∆Ωq )N would
change in the same way, and one could obtain an elementary cell smaller than ∆Ω0 ; in particular,
∆Ωq = ∆Ω0 exp(−(45/8)(1 − q)2 . Here, we just remark that W0 and Wq have different values only to
the second order in an expansion in (1 − q). In the definition of the standard entropy, we use W0 , while
in the definition of the q-entropy, we should use the q-logarithm of Wq . However, the leading linear
correction comes only from the q-logarithm, and one can use W0 .

3. Classical Volume Cell, Continuous States and Non-Maxwellian Statistics

When computing the entropy of a classical system with states parameterized by continuous
parameters, coarse graining, i.e. a finite cell size, overcomes the difficulties of defining the
correct measure of probability densities. Abe [6] argues that generalized statistical mechanics with
non-logarithmic entropies can be applied only to physical systems with discrete degrees of freedom.
In fact, the elementary volume necessary to regularize the sum over states in continuous Hamiltonian
systems does not disappear in the final results for non-additive entropic functions: if the elementary cell is
assumed to be h3 from the underling quantized formulation, classical results would contain the quantum
constant h3 . This reasoning spurred an interesting discussion [14,15] between Abe and Andresen.
We remark that a discrete cell can appear also in classical mechanics, for instance, due to effective
coarse graining with a volume not necessarily equal to h3 . In addition, the same constant h can have an
interpretation also in a classical context [16–18].
We conclude that both continuous and discrete classical systems can contain a phase space elementary
cell that in classical physics can have any value: in particular, its volume can be h3 . Therefore,
both continuous and discrete system can be described by generalized statistical mechanics that permit
elementary cells with a volume different from h3 .

4. The Generalized Number of States and the Generalized Elementary Cell Volume

We consider the standard classical phase space Ω0 , which is maximum when the global
thermodynamical equilibrium distribution ni0 is the MB distribution for the i-th state. The elementary
phase space cell is ∆Ω0 , and N is the number of particles of the system.
Let us define the dimensionless quantity:
Ω0 W0
M0N ≡ N
= = w0 (23)
(∆Ω0 ) N!

which is the measure of the 3D phase-space volume relative to the volume of the one-particle cell ∆Ω0
and where w0 is the number of microstates.
Entropy 2013, 15 4325

Analogously in the q-deformed formalism, we define the q-volume Ωq and the q elementary cell ∆Ωq
and introduce the dimensionless measure:
Ωq Wq
Mq⊗q N = N
= = wq (24)
(∆Ωq ) N!

where we have used the q-power (see, for instance, [19]):

Mq⊗q N = N Mq(1−q) − N + 1

⊗q N
The expansion of Mq for N  1 around the value q = 1 (see Appendix A for details) gives:
⊗q N N q−1 2 2
Mq = Mq 1 + N (ln Mq ) (26)
"  2 #
Wq q−1 W0
= × 1+ ln (27)
N! 2 N!

where, inside the logarithm, we have used Mq = M0 to the order in 1 − q considered. If we divide the
above equation by the corresponding equation with the index of zero (q = 1), we find:
" 2 #   
⊗ N N
Mq q

Wq q−1 W0 Ωq ∆Ω0
= × 1+ ln = (28)
M0N W0 2 N! Ω0 ∆Ωq

⊗q N
where the last equality derives from definitions (23) and (24) of M0N and Mq . Therefore:
 −1/N "  2 #−1/N  1/N
Wq q−1 W0 Ωq
∆Ωq = ∆Ω0 1+ ln (29)
W0 2 N! Ω0

Inserting the deformed expression of Wq , as derived in Equation (21), and ascribing the whole
dependence on q to the micro-physics, i.e. Ωq = Ω0 , as it appears reasonable if the thermodynamical
limit exists, we obtain, finally:
"  2 #−1/N
(45/8)(q−1)2 q−1 W0
∆Ωq = ∆Ω0 e × 1+ ln . (30)
2 N!

The expression of the q-deformed elementary cell is made of two factors: the first is the elementary cell
derived without the use of q-algebra (see Equation (22)); the second represents the correction due to the
q-algebra. Note that the last relation shows how ∆Ωq can be smaller or larger than ∆Ω0 , depending on
the value of q.
In Appendix B, we also consider the corresponding entropy with a few numerical examples.

5. Entropic Uncertainty Relations and Elementary Cell

The above sections show the link between elementary-cell volume and the uncertainty principle. It
is well known that generalizations and extensions of the original uncertainty relations of Heisenberg
have been proposed involving Shannon, Rényi and, later, Tsallis entropy. To be more clear: quantum
Entropy 2013, 15 4326

mechanical uncertainty relations for momentum and position were expressed as inequalities in terms of
Shannon, Rényi or Tsallis entropy.
Uncertainty phase space volume is related to the phase-space elementary cell that therefore can be
expressed in terms of Shannon, Rényi and Tsallis entropy, giving us the elementary volume for these
generalized statistics [20–27].
Let us introduce the experimental phase-space elementary cell volume ∆ΩE as the volume of phase
space determined by the resolution of the measuring instruments. On the other hand, the elementary cell
volume, as discussed in the previous sections, is related to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and does
not depend on the accuracy of our measuring instruments.
In the Shannon information formalism, the entropy is:
H=− pk ln pk (31)

where pk is the dimensionless position distribution for the k state (κB = 1). The quantity, H, is the
position for Shannon. Analogously, H can also be expressed for momentum.
In the Rényi framework [23], position and momentum entropy have the expressions:
1 X α
Hαx = ln pk (32)
α k
1 X β
Hβp = ln pk (33)
β k

where Hαx and Hβp represent the uncertainty in position and momentum for Rényi statistics in the quantum
world. When the entropic parameter α or β goes to one, one recovers the Shannon entropy.
Shannon connected the content of the measure of information with a probability distribution, inserting
the set of probabilities obtained from quantum mechanics into the information entropy.
We define the dimensionless relative volume of the cell: ωS
∆ΩE δxδp
ωS = = (34)
∆Ω0 h
This quantity decreases as we enter into the quantum regime. In the Shannon frame, we have identified
h3 with the standard elementary cell ∆Ω0 .
From the entropic uncertainty relations, we can give analytical expressions of ω in the Shannon, Rényi
and Tsallis statistics.
In quantum mechanics and in information theory, the entropic uncertainty is defined as the sum of
temporal and spectral entropies. The uncertainty principle of Heisenberg can be expressed as a lower
bound on the sum of these entropies. This is much stronger than the standard statement of the uncertainty
Heisenberg principle in terms of the product of standard deviations.
The Shannon entropic uncertainty relation can be written: as [23]
H x + H p ≥ 1 − ln 2 − ln ωS (35)
By inverting the above relation, we obtain:
x +H p )
ωS ≥ e3−ln 8 e−3(H (36)
Entropy 2013, 15 4327

The lower quantum mechanics bound on (H x +H p ) is found for ω = 1: (H x +H p ) ≥ 1−ln 2 ≈ 0.307.

Corresponding to ω < 1(> 1), one has lower bounds greater (smaller) than 1 − ln 2.
Let us report the following limiting cases (these limits are unphysical, because they violate the
Heisenberg principle):

• if ∆ΩE goes to zero, then (H x + H p ) goes to infinity (complete lack of information);

• if (H x + H p ) = 0 (perfect information), then ωS = exp(3 − ln 8).

The Rényi entropic relation is:

1 ln α ln β 1
Hαx + Hβp ≥− + − ln 2 − ln ωR (37)
2 1−α 1−β 3

where ωR = ∆ΩE /∆ΩR , ∆ΩR is the elementary cell in the Rényi frame, and the entropic parameters
must verify α−1 + β −1 = 2. Therefore, from Equation (7) of [23], we derive:
1 p 3 ln α ln β
ωR ≥ e−3(Hα +Hβ ) e− 2 ( 1−α + 1−β )
If the same measure of uncertainty is used for both variables, position and momentum, we obtain
from Equation (46) of [23]:
1 x p 1
ωR̂ ≥ e−3(Hβ +Hβ ) 3 (2β − 1)(3/2−3β)/(1−β) (39)
8 β

with 1/2 ≤ β ≤ 1.
The cell ∆ΩR can easily be derived in terms of the sum of position and momentum uncertainty and
of the experimental phase-space elementary cell volume.
A detailed analysis in terms of the phase-space elementary cell needs to be performed. At the moment,
we say that the volume of the elementary cell depends on the effective statistics relevant for the specific
physical system, and its value in units of h3 can be smaller than one; in some cases, this effective volume
can be even much bigger than one. In addition, the Planck constant, and, therefore, the fine-structure
constant h̄c/e2 ≈ 137.036, could have had values different from the one presently measured.
Existing generalizations of the uncertainty principle do not make reference to the implications for the
volume of the elementary cell in quantum dynamics. Parallel modifications of the elementary cell can
be studied within classical dynamics, where the scale h3 is not derived from an uncertainty principle.
For instance T. H. Boyer interprets h as the scale of random classical zero-point radiation that is one of
the solutions of the Maxwell equations [16–18].
We stress the important relation between non-extensive statistics and modifications of the elementary
volume of phase space.
In the following, we summarize uncertainty entropic relations derived from Bialynicki-Birula [23] and
Wilk [24,26] using also the condition of the non-negativity of momentum entropy and position entropy
and of the right-hand sides of inequalities (7) and (46) of [23] and (19) and (20) of [24]
For Shannon, we have:
2 (H x +H p ) ∆Ω0 2
e ≥ ≥ (40)
e δxδp e
Entropy 2013, 15 4328

For Rényi, we have:

from Equation (7) of [23] if α 6= β with α ≥ 1 and β ≤ 1:
1 ln α ln β p ∆ΩR 1 ln α ln β
2e ( 1−α + 1−β ) e(Hα +Hβ ) ≥ ≥ 2e 2 ( 1−α + 1−β )
2 (41)
where 1/α + 1/β = 2;
from Equation (46) of [23], if α = β:
Hβx +Hβp
∆ΩR̂ β−1/2
2β(2β − 1) 1−β e ≥ ≥ 2β(2β − 1) 1−β (42)
where 1/2 ≤ β ≤ 1.
For Tsallis, we have two relations with α 6= β (α > β): if η < 1 (from Equation (19) of [24]):
1 1
" #α/(α−1)
  2(α−1) 1/3   2(α−1)
β ∆Ωq β 1
2β ≥ ≥ 2β (43)
α δxδp α 1 + (1 − α)(Hβx + Hβp )

while if η > 1 (from Equation (20) of [24]):

1 1
" #α/(α−1)
  2(1−α) 1/3   2(1−α)
α ∆Ωq α 1
2β ≥ ≥ 2β (44)
β δxδp β 1 + (α − 1)(Hβx + Hβp )

where: !(α−1)/α
β δxδp
η(α, β) = (2β)(α−1)/α 1/3
α ∆Ωq
The distribution of momentum and position with different entropic parameters are taken with the same
elementary cell ∆Ωq .
The meaning of the above relations can be summarized as follows. Once the effective statistical
framework (Shannon, Rényi, Tsallis or others), and, therefore, the corresponding volume of the
elementary cell, is determined by the physical characteristics of the system, the only meaningful
measurements of two conjugate quantities, such as position and momentum, are those whose uncertainty
product satisfies the above relations.

6. Astrophysical and Cosmological Implications

Experiments have been arranged in astrophysics to measure the cosmic red shift, the variation of the
fine-structure constant in space and time, and to observe a cosmological rate of change of the Planck
constant: results are under scrutiny and do not appear to give conclusive answers. Cosmic acceleration
should be verified by future ground-based laboratory experiments, where dark matter and dark energy
are looked for.
It is believed that phase-space structures with a volume smaller than h3 do not exist or do not
matter; however, Zurek [28] has shown that sub-Planck structures exist in the quantum version of
classically chaotic systems. This situation is allowed in non-extensive statistical mechanics [29], where
an elementary cell smaller than the Planck constant can be admitted at particular values of the entropic
Entropy 2013, 15 4329

A conjecture on a hierarchical cosmological time evolution of the Planck constant has been accepted.
This hypothetical phenomenon might be responsible for the cosmological high redshifts as an alternative
mechanism to the Doppler effect. The Bohr radius of a hydrogen atom and the probability of the alpha
decay of atomic nuclei have been estimated: both results seem to be compatible with observational data
concerning the light elements’ abundance in the early Universe [30].
Several laboratory measurements of the variation in time of the fine-structure constant assume that the
variation is entirely caused by the dependence on time of the Planck constant. Laboratory measurements
are reviewed by J. P. Uzan [31].
Insofar as the microscopic world is described by the principles of quantum mechanics, physical results
must follow the uncertainty principle of space coordinate and momentum and depends on the Planck
constant: for instance, atomic and nuclear energy levels are functions of the fine structure constant.
On the other side, the uncertainty principle and the Planck constant are not confined to microscopic
physics, but they also determine the fundamental characteristics of the macroscopic physics, including
the astrophysical phenomena of large objects, cosmic radiation or the cosmological evolution of
the universe.
Laboratory experiments measure the present value of the Planck constant h and, indirectly, the
corresponding quantum phase-space elementary cell. However, there exist recent astrophysical
observations that should test the value of h in the past [31–33]. These first observations suggest that
the Planck constant was smaller in the past.
If this smaller Planck constant must apply also to the elementary cell of the phase space, we could
describe these results by a generalized statistical mechanics caused, for instance, by non-ideal conditions
in the past.
Therefore, we may justify an elementary cell or a Planck constant different (smaller) than the
actual value:

• by observing the cosmological rate of change of the Planck constant, future cosmic acceleration
can be verified from ground-based laboratory experiments [33];

• by observations, suggesting a smaller value of the fine structure constant at high redshift [32];

• by the classical interpretation [16–18] of the constant h;

• by a fractal space-time [34].

7. Conclusions

In this work, we have shown that for classical systems non-describable by the Maxwell-Boltzmann-
Gibbs statistics, but by generalized statistics (like the Tsallis q-statistics), the number of accessible states
and the elementary cell volume differ from the ideal case: the deformed phase-space elementary volume
is always larger than the ideal one independently of the sign of 1 − q, because the leading correction
depends on (1 − q)2 , while the number of states and the elementary cell are smaller or larger, depending
on q. In classical systems, the elementary cell is not a universal constant, and the elementary cell can
have a volume slightly smaller than h3 in spite of the uncertainty principle.
Entropy 2013, 15 4330

If we assume that the volume of the elementary cell is h3 , this cell could have been smaller in the
past because h was smaller for its intrinsic evolution or, vice versa, one could correlate the evolution of
h to the change of the effective volume of the elementary cell, due to stronger spatial and temporal
correlations or the fractal measure of space when densities and interactions were stronger. These
interpretations are especially interesting if the need for smaller values of the Planck constant in the past
to explain some astrophysical effects, de-coherence effects and electromagnetic problems is confirmed.
We have shown results only in the limit of small deviations from the standard dynamics, since they
seem to be the most relevant for possible applications, but the qualitative considerations and results
would be similar without these simplifying approximations.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Entropy 2013, 15 4332

A. Appendix
⊗q N
In this Appendix, we give a few more details about the expansion of Mq for values of q close to
From the definition of the q-power [19]:
M ⊗q N = N M (1−q) − N + 1


we expand the logarithm of the N -th q-power of M up to the leading correction in x ≡ (1 − q) ln M :

x2 (N x)2
⊗q N
 ln M x ln M 3
ln M = ln [1 + N (e − 1)] = N x+ − + o(x ) (47)
x x 2 2
x(N − 1)
= ln M N − ln M N + o(x2 ) (48)
Considering the case N  1, taking the exponential and substituting back x = (1−q) ln M , the result is:
xN 2
⊗q N N 2 N (q − 1) N 2 2
M =M 1− ln M + o(x ) = M 1 + (ln M ) + o((1 − q) ) (49)
2 2
Note that in the opposite limit N = 1, the first correction in q − 1 vanishes (see Equation (48)); in fact,
the case N = 1 does not depend on q:
M ⊗q 1 = M (1−q)

=M (50)

Since the difference between M0 and Mq is of the order (1 − q)2 (see Equation (21) and consider that
W = N !M N ), we can take M N = MqN = M0N = Ω0 /(∆Ω0 )N inside the logarithm and consider only
terms up to 1 − q:
"   2 #
Ωq Ω 0 q − 1 Ω0
M ⊗q N = N
= N
1+ ln (51)
(∆Ωq ) (∆Ω0 ) 2 (∆Ω0 )N

The expression of the number of available states becomes:

"   2 #
Ωq Ω0 q−1 Ω0
Wq = N ! = N! 1+ ln (52)
(∆Ωq )N (∆Ω0 )N 2 (∆Ω0 )N

or, in other notation:

 
 1/N !2 "   2 #
q−1 2 W0 q−1 W0
Wq = W0 1 + N ln  = W0 1+ ln (53)
2 N! 2 N!

B. Appendix

In this Appendix, as an application of the expressions reported in the main text based on the
q-definition of the elementary cell, we give the expression of the entropy Sq using the rules of q-algebra
⊗ N
for Mq q :
⊗q N
(1) M q −1
= lnq wq ≈ (54)
k 1−q
Entropy 2013, 15 4333

In the case of one particle:

Sq W 1−q − 1
= 0 (55)
k 1−q
Using as suggested by Sommerfeld [7] for one particle W0 = 3 · 104 , let us give as examples:
1 (1)
S = 9.32 (56)
k q=1.02
1 (1)
S = 10.05 (57)
k q=1.005
1 (1)
S = ln W0 = 10.31 (58)
k q=1
we see that Sq decreases as q increases from q = 1. In fact, for |1 − q|  1/ ln W0 ≈ 0.1, one finds
Sq /k ∼ ln W0 [1 − (1/2)(q − 1) ln W0 ].
We calculate now the q-entropy for N identical particles using the q-algebra for the sum:
(  (1−q)N )
1 1 ⊕N 1 q−1
Sq (N ) = Sq (1) = W0 1 + ln W0 −1 (59)
k k 1−q 2

For large N and q > 1, or, better, for N (q − 1)  1/ ln W0 , which means in our case N  1/(10(q − 1),
one finds Sq (N )/k ≈ 1/(q − 1)(1 − exp(−(q − 1)N ln W0 )). In the opposite limit, N |q − 1|  1/ ln W0 ,
which means in our case (q − 1)  1/(10N ), one finds Sq (N )/k ≈ N ln W0 − (q − 1)N ln A(N ln A −
1)/2. In general, the entropy grows linearly as N ln W0 , as long as it is smaller than 1/(q − 1); then, it
saturates to the constant 1/(q − 1). As numerical examples for the chosen W0 = 3 · 104 :
1 1
q = 1.02 Sq (N ) ≈ = 50 (60)
k q−1
1 1
q = 1.005 Sq (N ) ≈ = 200 (61)
k q−1
q=1 Sq (N ) = N ln W0 ≈ 10.31N (62)

c 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article
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