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Instructieopdrachten EMCO-F1 CNC

Instructie Description Omschrijving Adressen

G00 Rapid Traverse IJlgang XYZ
G01 Linear Interpolation Lineaire interpolatie XYZF
G02 Circular Interpolation Clockwise Circulaire interpolatie rechtsom XYZF
G03 Circular Interpolation Counter Circulaire interpolatie linksom XYZF
G04 Dwell Wachttijd X
G21 Empty Line Lege regel
G25 Jump to Subroutine Oproepen onderprogramma L
G27 Jump Instruction Springopdracht L
G40 Cutter Radius Compensation Compensatie opheffen
G45 Add Milling Cutter Radius Freesradius optellen
G46 Deduct Milling Cutter Radius Freesradius aftrekken
G47 Add Cutter Radius Twice Freesradius 2 * bijtellen
G48 Deduct Cutter Radius Twice Freesradius 2 * aftrekken
G72 Pocket Milling Cycle Kamerfreescyclus XYZF
G73 Chip Breakage Cycle Spaanbreekcyclus ZF
G81 Boring Cycle Boorcyclus ZF
G82 Boring Cycle with Dwell Boorcyclus met wachttijd ZF
G83 Boring Cycle with Chip Uithaalcyclus ZF
G85 Reaming Cycle Ruimcyclus ZF
G89 Reaming Cycle with Dwell Ruimcyclus met wachttijd ZF
G90 Absolute Value Programming Absoluutmaatprogrammering
G91 Incremental Value Programming Incrementeelmaatprogrammering
G92 Programmed Offset of Reference Absoluutmaatprogrammering met XYZ
Point nulpunt benoemen
M00 Program Hold Geprogrammeerde stop
M03 Milling Spindle On Clockwise Spilrichting rechtsom
M05 Milling Spindle Off Spilstop
M06 Tool Change Gereedschapwissel met D S Hz T
M17 Jump Back into Main Program Terugspringopdracht
M30 Program End Programma einde
M98 Automatic Play Compensation Automatische spelingscompensatie XYZ
M99 Circle Parameters Cirkelparameters IJK
Bediening EMCO-F1 CNC
De EMCO-F1 CNC freesmachine wordt aan- en uitgezet door het draaien van de sleutel.
De rode knop (noodstop) is belangrijk tijdens het frezen. Als het echt mis dreigt te gaan kun je
met deze knop direct alles stopzetten.

Met de schakelaar linksonder wordt de het draaien van de frees ingesteld (CNC-, aan en uit-
stand). Deze moet in principe op CNC staan, zodat de freesmachine reageert op de schakelcodes
M03 en M05 waarmee de frees wordt aan- en uitgezet. Met de draaiknop wordt het toerental
ingesteld. Het toerental kan niet numeriek worden ingesteld, zodat hier altijd handbediening
vereist is. Een toerental van 2000 omw/min is voor het practicum het meest geschikt.

Met de “+” en “-”-toetsen rondom het assenstelsel kan de spil worden bewogen als de
freesmachine op handbediening staat. Wanneer tegelijkertijd op de “~”-toets wordt gedrukt vindt
de beweging met ijlgang plaats. Zonder deze toets wordt de bewegingssnelheid geregeld met de
draaiknop ernaast.

INP Geheugentoets (Input)

DEL Verwijdertoets (Delete)
REV Per regel terug (Reverse)
FWD Per regel vooruit (Forward)

H/C Omschakeltoets Hand/CNC-gebruik

M 1. M-Mode: Cursor staat op G:
Wanneer nu op de “M”-toets wordt gedrukt, wordt M geschreven, nu kan
een M-code worden gekozen in plaats van een G-code
2. Testloop: De cursor moet vooraan in regel N00 staan
Door telkens op de “M”-toets te drukken, wordt het programma regel
voor regel gecheckt.
START Starten van het programma

- 1. Ingave minus-waarden
2. Hoofdspil uit, wanneer het programma zich in een tussenstop bevindt
(M00 of (INP + FWD)

INP + FWD Tussenstop

INP + REV 1. Afbreken van het programma
2. Verwijderen van een Alarm
DEL + INP Programma verwijderen
~ + INP Tussenvoegen van regels
~ + DEL Verwijderen van regels
1 2 3 START Regel voor regel gebruik
WelEdit is een programma waarmee het zelfgeschreven CNC programma via een PC naar de
besturingscomputer van de EMCO-F1 gestuurd wordt.

The functions are available from the buttons on the screen and also in the drop-down menus.
Place the mouse pointer on the buttons to see the 'tool tips'.

To enter a new line of CNC code, first select a G-code or M-code from the scrollable tables on
the right. Use Tab or Enter to move to the next and subsequent fields. Enter in those fields the
parameter values required by the G or M code. When entry in the last field, Comments, is
complete, pressing Enter creates a new line for code.

After the End of Program code, M30, has been typed, pressing Enter after the Comments field
terminates line insertion. Insert mode can also be terminated by deleting the automatically
produced new line, marked with a + sign, before choosing a G or M code for that line.

Use the 'Open' button to access an existing file.

Click on any line shown in the main grid to make that line available for editing. A selected line is
highlighted in blue.

Delete a line by first selecting the line in the main grid and then clicking 'Delete'. To insert a line,
select an existing line and click 'Insert'. Lines are inserted below the selected line.

WELedit knows which parameters are required for each G or M code. It also knows the
acceptable range for the parameter values and will not accept out-of-range values. The range
changes with a change from Metric to Imperial units.
WELedit will not let you start a new line until you have completed all the parameter entries
required by the current one.
When entering a new line of code, WELedit presents the parameter values of the most recent
preceding line with the same G or M code. Very often at least one of these parameters does not
need to be changed, so, just skip over it or them with Tab or Enter.

When a line has had a comment added, the beginning of the comment can be seen in the main
grid. Place the mouse pointer on it to display the complete comment.
All comments, including the general text that can be added at the bottom of the screen, are saved
when the file is saved to disk. They are printed when the Print function in the File menu is

Click 'Send' to transfer a program to the mill and follow the on-screen instructions:

Alternatively, click 'Receive' to upload a program from the lathe or mill to the PC. Again, follow
the on-screen instructions.

WELedit manages the line numbering, automatically renumbering whenever lines are inserted or
deleted. It prevents you from creating more than the maximum numbers of lines of code the mill
can handle: 210 lines (0 to 209).
You will find the Undo and Redo features useful.
WELsoft Website Notes
Note 3

Target audience: WELedit and AlphaCAM users and users entering NC code directly on the
machines’ control panel.

Subject: How to verify CNC Code sent to the Emco Compact 5 CNC Lathe (Mk4) or F1 Mill
from WELedit or AlphaCAM or entered manually on the machines’ control panel

• After NC code has been sent to the Emco machine it must be verified. That is, the
machine must check that it can handle the numbers sent to it. This is not because
the numbers are incorrect. Rather, because the smallest movement of the machines
is 1/72mm and calculations have been done to 1/100mm, the machines may not be
able to make every move asked of them by the NC code.

• Problem numbers usually occur when curves have to be machined. These numbers
are usually in M99 lines and are the J and K values (mill) or the I and K values
(lathe). It is easy, but a pain, to work round.

• To verify the NC code press and hold down the M (minus) key. The machine works
through the code line by line checking all the figures. If you are lucky you will get to
the end with no problems. If you are not lucky, an error message will appear because
one of the figures on a line is unacceptable.

• If you get an error message, clear it and identify the problem figure by pressing and
HOLDING the REV key while you press and RELEASE the INP key. A number will
be highlighted, probably a J value (mill) or I value (lathe). Note the number and then
delete it with the DEL key. Enter a new number which is the old number plus one (eg
old number 60, new number 61) and press the INP key and then the FWD key.

• Continue the verification procedure by pressing and holding the M key. It starts again
from the beginning. If there is still a problem with the new number you entered,
delete it as before and enter the old number minus one (eg old number 60, new
number 59). Check the code again.

• If there is still have a problem, try changing the original J value (mill) or I value
(lathe) up or down by 2.

• In the rare event of this failing, restore the original J (mill) or I (lathe) values and try
changing the K value up or down by one or two. Sometimes you have to fiddle about
for a long time and it’s a pain if the problem is right at the end of a long code list.
Eventually you will crack it. There is no short cut as far as I know!

• If you make changes in the code on the Emco machine, make the same changes in
the code shown on the WELedit or AlphaEDIT screens and SAVE it so that, next time
you will have code that is OK for the part you want to make. Alternatively, remember
that WELedit and AlphaEDIT let you receive and save code sent to a PC by a
machine. Similarly, update your pencil and paper code list if you have entered code
directly on the machines’ control panel.

Note 11

Target audience: Users of the Emco F1 mill and WELedit

Subject: Can I machine an ellipse on this mill? (query from Paul Fletcher via e-mail)

Yes - but you need to think of an ellipse as a series of blended arcs ranging from large to
small radius. There is a snag. As far as we know, the largest radius the F1 mill can handle is
99mm. Bigger than that you get an error message.

You could experiment and try cutting an arc with a radius greater than 99mm just in case
there is variation between older and newer F1 mills (and F1 woodworkers). Perhaps
someone out there knows?

You need to design ellipses carefully and keep them small. Its very easy to get arcs at the
ends of the minor axis greater than 99mm radius. Maybe a geometrical drawing textbook
will have helpful guidance.

Example: When AlphaCAM draws an ellipse with a major axis of 85mm and a minor axis of
43mm, the radius at the ends of the minor axis is 85mm while the radius at the ends of the
major axis is 11mm. (AlphaCAM was set to 4 arcs per quadrant.)

The cutter is 5mm flat ended and the centre of the cutter will follow the ellipse and cut a
groove 2mm deep.

Below is the NC code produced by AlphaCAM. You will notice that, because the ellipse has
four quadrants and four arcs per quadrant, there are sixteen G03 commands followed by
M99 commands. Each pair of commands defines a partial arc and the arcs blend together to
form an approximate ellipse.

N- G- X - Y - Z - F
000 92- 250- 250 3000
001M06D 250S2000 00T002
003 00 9373 2831 3000
004 00 9373 2831 200
005 01 9373 2831- 200 100
006 03 9113 3553- 200 150
007M99I 1132J 0K 0
008 03 8125 4338- 200 150
009M99I 2357J1953K 0
010 03 6835 4785- 200 150
011M99I 2361J4721K 0
012 03 5111 4962- 200 150
013M99I 1724J8323K 0
014 03 3387 4785- 200 150
015M99I 0J8500K 0
016 03 2097 4338- 200 150
017M99I 1070J5169K 0
018 03 1109 3553- 200 150
019M99I 1369J2738K 0
020 03 849 2831- 200 150
021M99I 871J 722K 0
022 03 1109 2109- 200 150
023M99I 1132J 0K 0
024 03 2097 1324- 200 150
025M99I 2357J1953K 0
026 03 3387 876- 200 150
027M99I 2361J4721K 0
028 03 5111 700- 200 150
029M99I 1724J8323K 0
030 03 6835 876- 200 150
031M99I 0J8500K 0
032 03 8125 1324- 200 150
033M99I 1070J5169K 0
034 03 9113 2109- 200 150
035M99I 1369J2738K 0
036 03 9373 2831- 200 150
037M99I 871J 722K 0
038 00 9373 2831 600
040 00 9373 2831 3000
041 00- 250- 250 3000
042 64

It takes 43 lines of code for one pass round the groove. If you need to go deeper you need
to take several cuts: therefore more lines of code. If you want to machine an elliptical
pocket, eg the inside of a box, there are even more lines of code. And even more to cut the
outside of the box.

Here you run into a limitation of the F1 mill/woodworker. It is mechanically a very good
machine but its control system can only take 210 lines of code at a time. You need to break
a long code list into sections and ensure the cutter starts the next section in the right place.

Please refer to Technical Notes 3 for guidance on verifying NC code once it has been loaded
into the mill's native controller.

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