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Health and Safety Culture

1.0. Introduction of Health and Safety Culture
The health and safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes,
perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behaviour that determine the commitment to, and the style
and proficiency of, an organization’s health and safety management. Success of a health and safety
management is critically linked with the positive health and safety culture at the organization. As health
and safety management and culture is linked with people working within the organization good
understanding about the health and safety culture is important in order to manage occupational health
and safety.
1.1. Factors Affecting health and safety culture
There are various factors at the organization which affects the health and safety culture at the
organization. Management commitment and management style of the organization, involvement of
employees in the organization decisions such as drafting policies, procedures, suggestions consultations
etc., providing adequate training to enhance competency of employees, adequate communication in place,
compliance with the organization internal and external procedures and continuous development and
learning of the organization are few factors which have influence in health and safety culture at
In same way there are several barriers are there which will act as a barrier for the development of the
positive health and safety culture at work place. Complex task and instruction, conflict in roles, behavioural
problems of employees, improper procedure of communication, lack of knowledge and competency to
carry out the work, bad past experience in organization regarding implementation of health and safety
requirement, lack of leadership and commitment from management, lack of consultation and involvement
of employees for decision making etc. are some factors which play as a barrier for the development of
positive health and safety culture.
Following are the categories of the factors which affects the health and safety culture at organization.
 Individual factors

As it is well understood that the culture is a shared value and believes between group of people thus
individuals within the organization plays vital role for the development of positive health and safety
culture. Training and competency of individual, motivation of provided to the employees, attitude of
employees at workplace, adaptation of job my employees which is assigned to them, personal reasons
such as family matters, medical conditions, stress, psychosocial issues etc. are the individual factors which
have direct impact in the health and safety culture at the workplace.

 Job Factor

As the job should be done by employees and job factor also have impact in health and safety culture.
Carrying out manual handling activities, repetitive works, monotonous works, work related stress, interface
with the machinery and equipment, design and effectiveness of the work and procedure, rotation of the
work, fatigue from the shift work etc. can be the job factors which shall have impact on the development
of the health and safety culture at workplace.

 Organization Factors

Organization factor is another factor which has direct influence in health and safety culture at workplace.
Organizational changes, existing health and safety culture at workplace, managing behaviour based health
and safety, leadership and supervision, arrangement of adequate communication and consultation,
arrangement of required resources to carry out work, incident investigations to understand human factor,
response to the incident and emergencies, rectification of unsafe conditions etc. are the organizational
factors affecting health and safety culture at workplace.
2.0. Assessment of Health and Safety Culture
A detail health and safety culture assessment is carried out for the Arabtec Construction LLC’s one of the
construction project. The scope of the project is to construct a sewage network for the newly developed
residential area. Detail assessment of the existing health and safety culture of the construction project is
carried out. Various indicators of health and safety culture is evaluated to assess the health and safety
2.1. Methodology

Range of methodology is used in order to carry out the assessment of health and safety culture. A detail
site walkthrough and observation of workplace is used to identify the general health and safety status,
employees work practices, behaviour and attitude towards the health and safety. Interview with the range
employees such as project manager, engineers, health and safety staffs, supervisors, workers etc. were
conducted in order to understand their perception and understanding about the health and safety
functions. In addition to that a checklist consisting the various indicators of health and safety culture was
used to evaluate each indicator in detail to identify the gaps.
Various health and safety records, directive documents such as health and safety policy, plans, and other
procedures as well as other functional documents such as training records, inspection records, incident
investigations etc. were evaluated in order to understand the existing health and safety culture.
2.2. Indicators of Health and Safety cultures

Various indicators of health and safety cultures are evaluated during the assessment of the health and
safety culture of the construction project. Following indicators were evaluated and gaps were identified
during the assessment.
2.2.1. Management commitment

Management commitment is a key factor for the health and safety management and plays a vital role for
the health and safety culture at workplace. It is evident that management commitment is adequate in
health and safety matters. It is evident that health and safety policy and programs are developed, reviewed
adequately. Management observed involved in health and safety activities fairly. The management
employees observed carrying out site visits to show their involvement. Compliance of the health and safety
rules such as using required personal protective equipment etc. from management observed adequate
which shows the leaderships and lead by example. However, some of the gaps were identified during the
assessment. Health and Safety policy, programs are observed not communicated with the employees
adequately, consultation part with employees prior to develop procedures, programme and policy
observed ignored.

2.2.2. Communication/Consultation and Training

Communication, consultation and training is another critical factor which influence the health and safety
culture in organization. During the evaluation it is identified that the training requirements are identified
and required trainings are delivered as per the training plan. Adequate site health and safety induction
arrangement and program observed in place for the newly joined and visitors on site. Visitors were given
with all the required information about the workplace. Meetings within the team including project
manager, site engineers, health and safety staffs are being conducted and health and safety issues are
discussed. Site tool box talks are conducted by the supervisors to their respective employees. Adequate
posters and banners are observed posted around the work area for the effective hazard communication
and awareness.
However, some of the gaps are identified in communication, consultation and training area. Training
effectiveness observed not assessed after the training. Lack of assessment leads to ineffective training and
defeats the whole purpose of training. Identification of new employees is observed not in place. As new
employees they are prone to the hazards and lack of identification may lead to insufficient supervision.
Thus, identification of new joiners to be in place for the adequate supervision. Sufficient guidance while
new is the foundation of positive health and safety culture. Major lagging in the consultation with
employees is evident. There is no mechanism in place for the consultation with employees.

2.2.3. Promotion of Health and safety

Encouragement and promotion for the health and safety is essential for the development of the positive
health and safety culture within the organization. It is evident that there are several health and safety
promotional activities are carried out at workplace. Disciplinary action procedures and health and safety
incentive procedures are in place. Incentive and disciplinary actions were taken as per the requirements.
Various campaigns are observed conducted for the various health and safety subjects in order to increase
the awareness and employees encouragement.

2.2.4. Allocating resources

Resources requirements for the hazard control and management of health and safety are observed
identified and allocated. Resources such as fire extinguishers, firefighting arrangements, competent staff
etc. are observed allocated. However, it is evident that there is no dedicated budget for the health and
safety is observed allocated. Lack of dedicated budget cause lacking of some of the health and safety
resources such as training for the authorized gas tester observed not approved since long period.

2.2.5. Continuous Development

Health and safety is a function which needs continuous review and developments of the performance for
the continuous development. Continuous progressive development in health and safety develops a positive
health and safety culture at workplace. As a continuous development steps it is observed that health and
safety goals and targets are set, health and safety policy and procedures observed reviewed and revised on
timely manner as needed. Health and safety audit observed conducted but the adequacy observed not
adequate. There is only one internal audit observed conducted in a year period, no follow ups on audit
actions evident. In addition goal and target observed set but there is no measuring in place to identify the
performance to achieve those goals and targets.

2.2.6. Development and Implementation of Health and Safety procedures

Health and safety programs and procedures plays a vital role to establish a culture at workplace. It
uniforms the health and safety operation procedures which all needs to ensure while working. It is
observed that the health and safety programs and plans are developed as per the requirement and
implemented. Safe operating procedures for various activities such as excavation, erection of scaffolding,
lifting activities, operation equipment etc. are observed in place and implemented. Hazard identification
and risk assessment for each task observed carried out and implemented. Near misses, incidents reporting
procedures observed in place and observed implemented. However, it is evident the incident investigation
and its finding observed not communicated with the employees. Lack of investigation finding
communication may lead to reoccurrence of the same kind of incident at workplace. Repetition of incident
may lower the moral off employees leading to negative health and safety culture.
2.2.7. Welfare facilities
Allocation of required welfare facilities at workplace plays a vital role for the positive health and safety
culture. When there are no required welfare facilities are provided employees may feel ignored which
lowers their moral developing negative culture. Welfare arrangement observed fair at workplace. Drinking
water, sanitation arrangements, rest areas, eating areas, smoking areas etc. are observed provided and
maintained adequately. Adequate hygiene in the welfare facilities observed maintained. However, it is
evident that there is no dedicated first aid room observed provided. First aiders, first aid boxes etc. are

3.0. Improvement Strategy

After the evaluation of the health and safety culture at the workplace there are various positive indicators
of the health and safety cultures are evident. However, some of the gaps are also identified and
improvement of those gaps may help to improve the health and safety culture at workplace. Following
improvement strategy is suggested for the improvement.
3.1. Improvement in Management involvement
Management involvement are managed adequately at workplace and leadership is sufficient. However due
to some miscommunications and other reason management representatives are not able to attend some
of the site activities. Schedule for the site safety activities such as walkthrough etc. to be scheduled and
communicated in advance in order to ensure the availability of the management representative. This will
boost morale of employees.
3.2. Improvement of Consultation and Communication
Communication method used within the project is observed insufficient as plan policies are prepared but
it’s not effectively informed and communicated with the workers. Major lagging in consultation observed.
Following to be implemented for the improvement in consultation.
 Tow way communication

When two-way communication process is establish workers point of view and workers concerns are
included into the decision making, preparing policy and procedure it would be more effective as the
procedure shall be more practical, workers feel involved and respected, ownership of safety procedure
shall be increased resulting high morale in employees. In order to establish two way communication
systems a forum to be developed for discussion with employees on regular basis, supervisors to take
feedback from employees and send to management, suggestion box and forms to be installed in prominent
locations on site.
 Health and Safety committee

Formal safety committee shall consist of all the concern such as project manager, site supervisor, engineer,
workers representative where all the concerns shall be discussed and representation of all the group of
employees shall be ensured. Once the safety committee is formed then meetings of the committee can be
held on a regular basis in order to ensure that the issues and concerns of all employee groups is addressed.
Procedures, policy can be updated as per the feedback received from the employees. Policies and
procedures shall be more realistic and practical if the employees feedback is taken. There is no direct cost
involved in order to form a safety committee but only committee has to be set up and time for the meeting
to be allocated for the regular meetings.
3.3. Evaluation of Trainings
Attendees’ feedback to be taken and evaluated after the training session in order to identify the training
session’s effectiveness. Feedback given for the improvement shall be taken into consideration. Training
programs shall be more effective by following such means and attendees shall be more interested for the
3.4. Allocation of Resources

It is identified during the evaluation that the there is no dedicated budget for the health and safety
observed and some of the allocation of resources such as training of the authorized gas testing observed
not conducted due to the unapproved budget. Careful assignment of dedicate budget helps to improve the
health and safety performance and allocate the required resource. Budget requirement for the health and
safety to be evaluated and allocated to ensure the adequate functionality and improvement in health and
safety culture.
3.5. Implementation of audit plan and follow-up

Review the audit plan and carry out the audit as per the schedule. Audit team to be fixed and audit in order
to find out the compliance of procedures, law, and policy to be identified. Findings of audit to be recorded
and actions for improvement to be recommended actions to be taken and closed. Follow ups to be done to
ensure the regular compliance of the recommendation and its suitability.
3.6. Measuring the achievement of goal and targets

Key performance indicators to be set in order to measure the goal and targets set. Continuous monitoring
of goal to be ensured in order to achieve the set target. Problems faced to achieve the target to be
identified and such areas to be improved.
3.7. Incident Communication

It is observed that incident reports are prepared after incident causes are identified, preventive actions and
corrective actions are recommended, but the same is not communicated adequately. Due to same
repeated incident of same nature observed damage of underground utility (GRP pipes) observed repeated
thrice in project. Recommended actions for prevention and correction are not monitored this is why the
repetition of same kind of incident in place. Lesson learnt register to be prepared and all the root causes,
preventive actions to be mentioned and same must be shared with all the working team in order to avoid
repeating of same kind of incident on site.
3.8. Welfare Facility

First aid room to be provided in order to ensure with the local law as well as to improve the moral of the
employees. When the required facilities are provided employees feels cared which boosts their moral
causing the positive health and safety culture at workplace. Thus welfare arrangement to be taken
seriously in order the develop a positive health and safety culture at workplace.
4.0. Action Plan

Cost Review
Recommendations Action(s) Time Scale Responsibilities Success Criteria
AED Date

1 Preparation of HSE Activities  List out the health and 15 days HSE  Availability of 25.09.2020
Schedule safety activities plan Engineer/Officer schedule.
 Prepare the schedule  Review of
 Communicate all attendance
including management sheet to ensure
to ensure their management
presence. presence

2 Establish discussion forum  Circulate message to all 30 Days HR Department/  Discussion notes 10.10.2020
the concern. HSE Department/ of forum
 Schedule the discussion Project manager
 Carry out the discussion
 Record the issues

3 Providing suggestion/  Procure suggestion/ 20 Days Procurement 300  Availability of 05.10.2020

complaint box complaint boxes Department/ suggestion box
 Fixing boxes on site. Project Manager/  Review and
 Educate employees Site Supervisor implementation
about the uses of of suggestions
complaint boxes

4 HSE committee  Circulate message for 30 days Project  Record of safety 10.10.2020
safety committee. Manager/HSE committee
 Select members from Manager  Review of safety
different employee committee
group. meeting
 Carry out safety
committee meeting
5 Attendees Feedback  Feedback forms to be 20 Days HSE Department  Updated 20.09.2020
prepared trainings
 Get training feedback  Attendees
 Analyses the feedback feedback
and improve the

6 First Aid Room  Arrange room of first 60 Days Project Manager/ 10,000  Availability of 30.11.2020
aid Procurement Apprx. first aid room on
 Procure required items Department site
for first aid room

7 Audit follow up plan  Record the 40 Days HSE Department  Successful follow 20.11.2020
recommended action up plan
plan  Successful
 Prepare follow up plan implementation
 Conduct follow up audit of recommended

8 Prepare key performance  Identify key 20 Days HSE Manager  Availability of 25.09.2020
indicator performance indicators key performance
 Prepare a indication indicator
plan  Monitoring
 Monitor on regular record of
basis performance

9 Lesson learnt register  Identify lesson learnt 30 Days HSE Manager/ Site  Availability of 05.10.2020
from the incidents Engineer/ lesson learnt
 Prepare the register for Supervisor register
lesson learnt  Record of
of lesson learnt
 Communicate those  Prevention of
lesson learnt with all reoccurrence of
the concerns same incidents

10 Assessment of health and  Form a team for 30 Days HSE  Record of team 10.10.2020
budget requirement assessment Department/Mana  Assessment
 Prepare the assessment ging Director/ report
report Finance  Availability of
 Providing required Department budget
5.0. Business Case
As the assessment has been carried out in order to assess the health and safety culture within the
construction site and positive as well as negative indicators are noted during the assessment. In order to
improve the positive health and safety culture strategy of improvement has been prepared. Importance of
implementing the suggested improvement strategy shall be highlighted during the business case report. It
helps to drag management attention towards the improvement needed in current health and safety
culture within the construction area. This business case study shall highlight the requirement of resources,
methods to implement the strategy, legal obligations to fulfil the requirements, cost analysis and benefits
that an organization shall achieve by implementing the improvement strategy.
5.1. Additional Resources Requirements

With the assessment the required additional resources required are noted. In order to comply with the
legal requirements and for the development of the positive health and safety culture within the project
availability of these resources are very important. Resources which requires direct financial impact are
highlighted here. Other improvement areas does not have any direct financial impact, it only has the time
and arrangement of other procedural improvements.
Following additional resources are required for the improvement of health and safety culture.

a. Arrangement of suggestion/complaint boxes

Having suggestion/complaint boxes in work site may help management to get the view of employees and
improvement in required areas. Employees also feel involved and respected when they can suggest and
complaint their concern and their concerns are taken into consideration. This will boost their morale and
they shall be more satisfied. The cost involved with this is not much only approximately AED 500 shall take
in order to purchase 3 suggestion boxes and posting on work site. In front of the benefit of the same the
cost is nominal. It’s just a onetime investment and further only review of those suggestions and complaints
are required.
b. Arrangement of first aid room

As per the Abu Dhabi municipality construction code of conduct the first aid room on site to be available on
site when there are more than 200 employees is present. On the other hand first aid room is required on
site in order to deal with emergency on site. Employees in need will get proper care in case of emergency
in first aid room. The approximate cost of arranging a first aid room on site is about AED 10,000. As
materials and equipments such as stretchers, general medical items to be purchased. In order to fulfill the
legal requirement as well as to meet an emergency situation first aid room on site is required. AED 10,000
is a onetime investment and that can be utilized throughout the project as well as the materials and
equipment can be utilized in other projects too upon completing the same project so the cost can be
minimized as it’s a onetime cost.
5.2. Legal Requirements

There are several local and international legal requirements are there which requires to comply in order to
avoid the legal action by authorities. Following are the local and h legal requirements that requires
improvement in health and safety management system in construction site. Regulations such as, Abu
Dhabi, Decree no 42 of the year 2009 Abu Dhabi Environment Health and Safety management system, Abu
Dhabi construction code of conduct released by Abu Dhabi municipality, Ministerial order no 32 of year
1982 for
the protection of workers from the risk of work, Abu Dhabi Ministerial resolution no 37/2 of year 1982,
Regarding the level of medical attention, ISO 45001 are some of the legal frameworks which insists the
compliance with the above mentioned improvement at the workplace. Non-compliance with these
requirements may lead to the legal action by the enforcing bodies.
5.3. Cost Benefit Analysis

There are several improvement areas are identified during the assessment process. Some of these requires
to provide additional resources such as providing suggestion boxes, providing first aid room are some areas
where direct cost is involved.
Out of these one item, providing first aid room, which requires significant cost. However these are some
resources which are only requires one time investment such once the first aid room is provided then there
is no other cost involved in it and that can be used for other projects also so the cost shall be shared. Cost
involved in this looks high in first place but when thoughts are given and the benefits are assessed, in long
run organization shall have more benefit than cost in this regards.
Other areas where cost is involves are providing suggestion box. Cost involved in this area is very minimal
but the benefits are high. Such as providing suggestion boxes will help employees thoughts and their
involvement into the health and safety which will increase the morale of employees, implementation of
procedures will be effective and incidents will be less as a result profitability will be high.
Other improvement areas do not have direct cost effective such as scheduling top management visits,
implementing audit plan, forming safety forums and safety committee, assessment of health and safety
budget, evaluating training effectiveness, implementing audit plans and follow up actions, development off
key performance indicators, incident register for incident communicating etc. are the areas where only
time is an investment and that will give several benefits to organization. such as employees will be more
involved and management system will be more effective, employees morale shall be boost and
productivity will increase.
Therefore, implementing the improvement strategy shall give several benefits to organization and same to
be implemented adequately.

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