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Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Athletics and
Fitness Training Unit

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates

Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Unit overview
Athletics covers many events. These events often include running, jumping,
throwing and walking. The most famous event for athletics is the Olympic
Games. The Olympic Games an international sporting tournament which takes
place every four years. In this unit, you will learn about the most common types
of athletic events, track and field events. You will also learn about common
training methods. These methods can help improve performance.

Areas of focus
Track events
⛣ Sprinting
⛣ Middle-distance running
⛣ Hurdles – 100 m and 400 m
⛣ Relay races – 100 m and 400 m

Field events
⛣ Long jump
⛣ Triple jump
⛣ Shot put
⛣ Javelin

Training methods
⛣ Speed training
⛣ Strength training
⛣ Flexibility training

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Learning outcomes
Performs all phases of a sprint event with correct technique. (10.1.1)
Uses efficient and effective stride pattern and hurdling technique consistently.
Performs springs, take-offs and landings effectively and with consistency on a
horizontal plane to generate power in specific athletics events (10.1.4)
Performs springs, take-offs and landings effectively and with consistency on a
vertical plane to generate power in specific athletics events. (10.1.5)
Throws to a target using a mature pattern and a full pre-phase of the throw, to
generate more power and accuracy (10.1.8)

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Key terms
Term Form Definition

accelerate verb to increase in speed

a collection of sporting events that involve

athletics noun
running, jumping, throwing or walking

cardiovascular the ability of the heart to deliver oxygen to

endurance muscles during physical activity

a measurement of how far apart people or

distance noun
objects are

achieving maximum results using as little

efficient adjective
energy as possible

noun a range of health- and skill-related aspects

maximal adjective as great, powerful or large as possible

the force that keeps an object moving
momentum noun or keeps an event developing after it has

muscular the ability of muscles to keep doing

endurance something difficult for a long time

pace noun how fast or slow you are moving

the strength you need to go as fast as
power noun
the action of moving something around its
rotation noun
axis or centre

sprint verb running at a high speed

technique noun The way in which a sport skill is performed

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Athletics is a collection of sporting events that involve competitive

running, jumping, throwing and walking. The most common types
of athletic competitions are track and field.

Activity 1

Look at the statements below. Are the statements true or false?

Statement True or false

Javelin is a field event.

The 400 m race is a track event.

The 100 m race is a long-distance running


The 200 m race is a sprint event.

Did you The Special Olympics World Games were held

Know in Abu Dhabi in March 2019. Athletics was one

of the sports athletes competed in.

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Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

100-metre sprint
The 100 m sprint in an individual sprinting event. It takes place on one side of
an Olympic track. The aim is to run as fast as possible with good technique
and to complete the race in the shortest time possible.

Activity 2

Look at the picture below. Can you identify three key points for a good sprint
start position? Write them in the box below.




Complete the 100 m sprint and write down your time in the box below.

100 m time:

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Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

200-metre sprint
The 200 m sprint is another individual sprint event. This event is twice the
distance of the 100 m, but it starts on the bend of an Olympic track.

Activity 3

Check your technique. Run the 200 m. Ask a friend to watch your technique
and tick off everything you do correctly in the list below.


Drives leg forwards using a high knee to produce a good

stride length

Runs on the balls of the feet/toes with the feet pointing


Pushes hard up and off the surface with the feet

Keeps eyes and head forward

Rises into a more upright position as the race progresses

Uses arms to gain momentum; kept a bend in the elbow and

pumps arms alternately

Fingers in a relaxed loosely curled position

No signs of straining or tension in the face, neck and


Tall, relaxed and smooth

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Complete the 200 m sprint and write down your time in the box below.

200m time:

UAE Ahmad Hassan took part in

the Special Olympics 2019 in

Hero Abu Dhabi. He ran the 100- and

200-metre sprints.

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

To train effectively and be good at athletics, you need guidelines or a set of
rules to follow. The FITT principle is a good way to design a training plan. It
sets out easy-to-follow guidelines so you can train and improve.

Activity 4

Fill in the gaps correctly to complete the FITT principle definitions.

This refers to how MANY TIMES per

week you will be training.

This is how HARD you will be training.

This refers to how LONG you will be


This refers to the METHOD of training

and is related to your training goals.

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Shot Put
The shot put is an athletic field event. It
involves throwing a shot as far as possible.
A shot is a heavy, ball-shaped object. It must
be thrown as far as possible using a pushing
motion. Athletes must remain inside the
throwing ring during their attempt for it to be

Activity 5

Name the components of fitness that you need in order to be a good shot-
put athlete.

Components of fitness

In your PE lesson, try the shot put and record your distance below.


female shot put fact.

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Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

400-metre sprint
This race is one full lap of an Olympic track. The 400 m race is classed as a
sprint event, but you must pace yourself. If you don’t, you will be too tired at
the end of the race. It takes a mixture of speed and endurance to be successful
at the 400 m sprint.

Activity 6

Tick the true statement.

You should run at full intensity for the whole race.

You should set off from a standing start.

You should complete two laps of the track.

It is classed as a sprint race.

Run the 400 m sprint and record your time below.

400 m time:

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Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

800-metre race
The 800-metre race is a middle-distance event. It requires a unique blend
of pure speed and endurance. An 800 m athlete must train aerobically and
anaerobically to be successful. The race is two full laps of an Olympic track.

Activity 7

Run the 800 m race and record your time below.

800 m time:

Measuring intensity
Measuring intensity or how hard you train is very important. If your training is
too easy, you will not improve. If you train too hard, you may injure yourself.

Heart rate
Heart rate is one way to measure how fit you are and how hard you are training.

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Activity 8

Take your resting heart rate. Place your fingers on the pulse in your wrist or
your neck. Count the beats for 60 seconds. Plot your resting heart rate on
the graph below.

Heart rate recovery

Resting HR Race HR

Run the 400 m sprint and take your heart rate as soon as you are finished. Plot
this on the graph.

Answer the questions below about your heart rate.

What is your resting heart rate?

Is your resting heart rate healthy? Yes / No

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Javelin is a field event. The javelin thrower runs within a specific area to gain
speed and then throws the javelin into the field area. The distance is then
measured. The throw that travels the longest distance is the winner.  

In the Javelin event, the men throw

Fast a javelin between 2.6 and 2.7 m in

length and 800 g in weight.

Activity 9

From the picture identify two key points that

make it a good technique for throwing a
javelin. Write your answers in the box.

1. 2.

Try throwing a Javelin in a PE lesson. Record your score below.


Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Strength training
To be good at the shot put and many other athletic events, you need to be
strong. Being strong can help you perform better and prevent injury. To get
stronger, you must train in a specific way.

Activity 10

Circle the guidelines that will help you get stronger.

Lifting heavy weights Lifting light weights

Isolation movements Low repetitions High repetitions

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Relay race
A relay race is a track event in which athletes run a set distance while carrying
a baton. The baton is passed from runner to runner. A relay team has four
runners. There are two relay races in athletics: the 4 x 100-metre relay and the
4 x 400-metre relay.

Activity 11

Can you calculate the total distance covered in the 4 x 100-metre relay race
and the 4 x 400-metre relay race? Write your answer in the boxes below.

Race Distance covered

4 x 100-metre relay

4 x 400-metre relay

Run the 4 x 100-metre or the 4 x 400-metre relay race with a team and record
your teams time below.

4 x 100-metre relay time:

4 x 400-metre relay time:

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Long Jump
The long-jump is a very simple field event. Athletes sprint along a runway that
is about 40 metres long and jump as far as possible into a sandpit from a take-
off board. The distance travelled from the edge of the board to the closest
mark in the sand to it is then measured. Speed is very important if you want to
have a successful jump. Having powerful legs is also very important.

Activity 12

Complete a standing broad jump in your PE lesson. Write the

distance you jumped in box below.


In your PE lesson, try the long jump and record your distance below.


See Elite Extension Task E1

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Triple jump
The triple jump is a field event in athletics. An athlete makes a horizontal jump
using three distinct, continuous movements to cover as much distance as
triple jump sequence
hop step jump
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must take off and must land on must land in

land on the same opposite foot landing area

Activity 13

Put the statements below into the correct order to correctly explain the
technique. Put a number in the box next to each statement to order them.

A jump that lands in any A hop in which the

manner but usually with athlete takes off and
both feet together lands on the same foot

The athlete runs down the A step in which the

approach ramp as fast as athlete lands on the
they can. other foot

If an athlete touches the ground touches the ground with a wrong leg, the
jump is disallowed.
In your PE lesson, try the triple jump and record your distance below.


Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Flexibility training
Flexibility training is used to improve the movement at a joint and to avoid an
injury. Some flexibility training, such as dynamic stretching, should be done at
the start of an exercise session. Some flexibility training like static stretching
should be done at the end of an exercise session.

Dynamic stretching Static stretching

Static stretching stretches
Dynamic stretching uses the muscles while the body is at
movement and active effort of rest.
the muscle to stretch.
It slowly lengthens muscles.
Unlike static stretching, you do
not hold the end position. You should hold a stretch for 30

Activity 14

Name and draw two dynamic stretches and two static stretches which you
have done in your PE lesson.

1. 2.

Stretch a minimum of 3 times per week,
more if you can. This will help improve
flexibility and performance.

See Elite Extension Task E2

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Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Hurdling is a track event in which a runner races over a series of obstacles
called hurdles. It is a race that can be run over 110 or 400 metres. Runners
may knock hurdles down while running over them but this is not an effective
technique. Clearing the hurdles with speed is key to winning the race.

Activity 15

Run the 110-metre or the 400-metre hurdle race and record your
time below.

110-metre hurdles:

400-metre hurdles:

When running sprint races, drive with a big, strong
arm action. This will help you run as fast as possible.

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Athletics and Fitness Training Unit


Activity 16

In your PE lesson, you will be involved in an athletics competition. Write your

teams results from each event in the boxes below.

Track events

Event Team member Result: Time

100 m sprint

200 m sprint

400 m sprint

800 m race

110m hurdles

4x100m relay

Field events

Event Team member Result: Distance

Long jump

Triple jump

Shot put


Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Activity 17

Write what you have learned in this unit about track events in athletics.
Write what you have learned in this unit about field events in athletics.

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Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Elite extension activities

Activity E1

Write and compare the two distances from your standing broad jump and
your long-jump that you recorded in the lesson.
What was the difference in distance between the two jumps? Explain why you
think this might be. Write your thoughts in the box below.

Broad Jump: Long Jump:

Difference in distance


Activity E2

Name the muscles that are being stretched in the pictures below. Write your
answer under each picture.

Copyright © Ministry of Education – United Arab Emirates
Athletics and Fitness Training Unit

Teacher’s feedback

Things to think about:

Did the student participate?

What was the student’s attitude like towards activities?

Did the student display safe and appropriate behaviour?

Additional comments:

Student’s comments

Things to think about:

What did you enjoy?

What did you perform well?

What do you need to improve?

Additional comments:

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