M1-Safety Standards

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The responsibilities of most technicians focus on

1.2 | Introduction to Process the design and operation of the equipment and
systems they operate.
Process Safety
Safety is often described as an attitude that
Process safety – is described as the application of includes careful planning, following safety rules,
engineering, science and human factors to the safe work practices, and the use of personal
design and operation of chemical processes and protective equipment.
Many technicians believe that safety is the single
The primary purpose of process safety is to most important aspect in running a process.
prevent injuries, fatalities, fires, explosions or
unexpected releases of hazardous materials. Safety-conscious people are invaluable assets that
cannot be replaced.
Process safety focuses on the individual chemical
processes and operational procedure associated Good characteristics associated with the safe
with these systems. operation of a chemical plant or refinery
include: having a familiarity with system
A process safety analysis is used to establish safe and being alert, serious, exact, and visualizing
operating parameters, instrument interlock, any potential problems or risks.
alarms, process design, and start up, shutdown,
and emergency procedures. The foundation of any safety program is the
people who work in the plant.
Process safety programs cannot completely
eliminate risk, they can only control and reduce The Process Technician and the Chemical
them. Processing Industry

Occupational safety and health

This deals with items like personal protective

equipment, HAZCOM (Hazard Communication
Standard), permit systems, confined safe entry,
hot work, isolation hazardous energy, and so on.

HAZCOM is defined as increased plant worker

awareness of chemical hazards and gave
instruction on appropriate safety measures for
handling, sorting, storing and working with these It is easier to describe the role of a doctor and the
chemicals. medical profession, a lawyer and the criminal
justice system, or a school teacher and the
Process technicians are required to work with
education community because we have grown up
existing systems and programs. Understanding
watching them on television and hearing our
the key elements of process safety and
friends and parents describe them.
occupational safety allows technicians to
contribute significantly to the reduction of risks We know which occupations makes the most
and hazards associated with chemical processing money and the type of educational credentials
industry (CPI) required.
Because the role of the process technician or *math and science – basic math, statistics, energy,
operator is such a specialized occupation, heat, heat transfer, pressure, temperature, fluid
geographically and occupationally, it is a little flow, applied chemistry, applied physics, statistical
more difficult to explain what a process technician process control and control charts.
*language – reading, writing a and
Process operators communication

Process operators are typically found in areas that *computer technology – word processing, spread
are heavily industrialized. sheets, database and internet

The occupation of a process operator is best *safety, health and environment - general safety
defined by the chemical or process they are rules, Process safety management (PSM), Hazard
working with. Communication (HAZCOM), Hazardous Waste
Operations and Emergency Response
Process technicians can be found in chemical
(HAZWOPER), respiratory protection, personal
plants and refineries, the pulp and paper industry.
protective equipment (PPE), fire protection,
Food processing plants, power plants and many
Department of Transportation, environmental
other areas.
regulations, permits and so on.
Roles and responsibilities
*human relations – interpersonal skills, working in
The roles and responsibilities of a process self directed work teams, attitudes and behaviors,
technician will change depending on which area listening skills, working in self directed work team,
they are working in. attitude and behaviors, listening skills,
communication, motivation, goal setting, and time
Common relationships across the occupation management.
*college skills – well rounded, broad based
*equipment and technology-valves, piping, education (Future technicians will need to have a
pumps, compressors, tanks, steam turbines, variety of educational experiences in order to
motor, heat exchangers, cooling towers, boilers, address the rapidly changing workplace).
furnaces, reactors, distillation columns, wastewater
treatment system, plastic plant system, symbols Attitudes and Behaviors
and diagrams and so on.

*instrument and electrical – instrumentation,

control loops

*maintenance – use hand tools, perform minor

maintenance, coordinate maintenance equipment
activities, fill oil reservoir and perform

*operation – start and stop process, control

industrial process and computer automation, Most prospective employers have a screening
catch samples, makes rounds, fill out checklist and device in their pre-employment interviews that
troubleshoot problems. checks for specific safety attitudes and behaviors.
Strong candidates for employment who General Plant Safety Rules
demonstrate poor attitude toward safety will find
General safety rules are designed to protect
difficult to pass initial interviews.
human life, the environment, and physical
The prospective employer will typically ask the equipment or facilities. Before entering a refinery
candidate, or chemical plant, a simple overview of the
general plant safety rules is conducted.
“If you are given a direct order by your immediate
supervisor to perform a task that you feel is These rules include the following:
unsafe, how will you respond?”.
-Do not go to a fire, explosion scene, accident or,
The candidate’s answer to this question will or vapor release unless you have specific duties or
determine whether he or she will be hired by the responsibilities.
-Obey all traffic rules
Industrial employers are also concerned about
-Do not park in designated fire lanes
environmental issues, and a prospective
employee’s attitude toward environment. -Report injuries immediately
The attitudes and behaviors for safe and -Stay clear of suspended loads
environmentally sound work habits include:
-Smoking and matches are not permitted in most
-working safely while performing job tasks - sections of the plant
complying with environmental rules and
regulations -responding to environmental spills -Drink from designated water fountains and
and release potable water

-reporting unsafe acts and conditions - -Use the right tool for the right job
maintaining good housekeeping -Report to the designated equipment owner
-obeying safety rules -studying safety and before entering an operating area.
environmental standards -Stay in your assigned area.
-following standard operating procedure -Illegal drugs and alcohol are not allowed in the
-performing minor maintenance on leaking plant
equipment -Firearms and cameras are not allowed in the
New Technology and Potential for Catastrophic plant
Events -Take steps to remove hazardous conditions.
Over the past 20 years, many advances have -Review and follow all safety rules and procedures
taken place that have revolutionized the chemical including personal protective equipment, hazard
processing industry (CPI). The CPI can now communication, respiratory protections, permit
produce more with fewer people because of new system, and fire prevention
technology. Several companies that employed
over 12,000 employees during the 1980’s are now -Know and understand the following alarms and
producing two to three times the product with rules associated with them: vapor release, fire or
only 2,000 employees. explosion, evacuation, and all clear.
1.4 | Safety History technology—was addressed thus creating the
second age of safety management—the human
SAFETY HISTORY factors age.

First age of safety management — the technology Second age of safety management — the human

The first age of safety started with the Industrial This age of safety management expanded to
Revolution in 1750-1760 and the invention of the focus on the human (human performance) as well
steam engine. as technology.

Most accidents were from the technology failing, Systems were designed to be human error
injuring workers and the public. The focus of tolerant so neither human action nor single faults
safety management was to ensure the technology would result in accidents. Much of this work
was safe to use. focused on man-machine interfaces and
workspace layout.
‘if the technology is safe, then we will be safe’.
"if the human is safe, then we will be safe"
This view of safety management became part of
what known as the ‘technical age’ or the age of This view of safety management continued until
the technology. accidents such as the Challenger space shuttle
accident and Chernobyl reactor meltdown. Safety
This technical age saw improvements in the ability practitioners were again required to rethink their
to identify the ‘broken part’—the part of the approach to managing safety. More than simply
technology that failed—and avoid single technical faults or human error, the Presidential
component failures. Sophisticated techniques Commission into Challenger found a “propensity
(such as probabilistic risk assessment) for within management to contain potentially serious
managing risky technology were developed for problems”.
this purpose.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (
Technological failures, problematic for so long, IAEA) reported similar findings and provided
could now be ‘engineered out of the system’. This recommendations that addressed more than
is what most people thought until the meltdown simply the technology or the people operating
of the Three Mile Island reactor (TMI). the reactor.
The accident came as a surprise to engineers and “creation and maintenance of a nuclear safety
managers. Despite all the risk assessments and culture”
technological safety features, the reactor
nevertheless melted down. The President’s These accidents and others (such as the crash of
Commission into TMI found the causes to be Air Ontario Flight 1363 and the Exxon Valdez oil
“people-related problems and not equipment spill) sparked another paradigm shift in safety
problems”. management. No longer was it enough to simply
focus on the technology or the human.
As hardware and software had become Organisational factors (such as management and
increasingly more reliable, the human contribution safety culture) also needed to be addressed to
to accidents had become ever more apparent. maintain safe operations.
In response, it was necessary for the focus of This signalled the start of the third age of safety
safety management to expand so that the human management—the organisational age.
element (the human factor)—as well as the
Third age of safety management — the complex interaction and interdependency also
organisation needs to be described, signalling the birth of the
current age of safety management—the holistic
This age of safety management expanded to
or systems age.
focus on the organisation as well as the human
and technology. Fourth age of safety management — the
systems/holistic age
Safety management in this organisational age saw
human error and technical failures more as a
consequence than a cause. Errors were viewed as
the ‘tip of the iceberg’ for more serious latent
conditions and problems higher up in the
organisation e.g. poor leadership for safety or
safety culture.

Without removing these problems and others

existing higher up in the organisation, failures at
the ‘sharp-end’ would continue e.g. without
removing the ‘parent problems’, ‘progeny’ errors
and technical failures will continue to appear. New
safety management models and assessments
appeared which enabled safety managers to find
This holistic approach aims to understand the
and then remove weaknesses higher up in the in
complexity of day-to-day work by describing the
the organisation (e.g. safety culture or climate
often complex interrelationships and
surveys) that could lead to serious accidents in the
interdependencies between the technology,
human and organisation.
"if the organisation is safe, then we will be safe’
This allows the description of the organisation to
This view continued until accidents such as the more closely reflect the true reality today’s work
2003 Columbia Space Shuttle disaster. More than which can often be complex e.g. people working
simply isolated failures at the organisational level together using complex technology across
or clear human and technological failures, the multiple locations and divisions within the
Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) organisation.
found causes in the complex and interdependent
Without using this Holistic Safety approach, we
interactions of the technology, human and
are effectively only seeing part of the picture, or
organisation present at the time of the accident.
only a few pieces of the ‘puzzle’.
‘systems fail in complex ways’
Adopting the holistic approach means seeing
By trying to accurately describe this complexity, more clearly how each piece of the puzzle fits in,
the CAIB considered that control measures could affects, and is and dependent upon other pieces.
be better designed to prevent such accidents
This not only provides a more complete or ‘real’
happening again.
picture of the context but also means control
This accident and others sparked another measures and steps taken will be both more
paradigm shift in safety management. No longer efficient and effective at avoiding accidents. This is
was it enough to simply focus on technological, different to the other ages of safety where:
human and organisational factors in isolation. The
1. isolated or component failures are
identified e.g. blaming the person last in
line of the accident ‘chain’—people at the

2. identifying upstream, contextual factors as

erroneous (e.g. poor safety culture)
without actually describing why they
1.5 | Occupational Safety and Institutional Structures and Mechanisms

To effectively implement the OSH

Health Standards standards, the Secretary of Labor and
Philippines, Occupational Safety and Health Employment has the authority to conduct annual
Standards spot audits to check for compliance. No person or
entity shall obstruct, impede, or delay the orders
The Occupational Safety and Health of the Secretary of Labor and Employment or
Standards (OSH Standards), as amended in 1989 their representatives.
serves as the country’s central legislation in
promoting a safe and healthy workplace for all The Secretary may also order the stoppage of
working people by protecting them against all work or suspension of operations of any unit of an
hazards in their work environment. establishment when non-compliance with the law
or IRR poses grave and imminent danger to the
On August 17, 2018 the OSH Law was updated health and safety of workers in the workplace.
though Republic Act No. 11058, An Act
Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Duties and Rights of Employers and Workers
Safety and Health Standards and Providing Duties of Employers
Penalties for Violations Thereof. Its corresponding
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) was 1. Provide a place of employment for workers
published on December 7, 2018 through which is free from hazardous conditions
Department Order No. 198. that are causing or are likely to cause
death, illness, or physical harm to the
The regulations or areas covered by 1989 OSH workers.
which have not been revised by R.A. No. 11058 still
applies. In order to promote the safety and health 2. Provide complete job safety instruction
of workers, the policies and programs and proper orientation to all workers,
implemented aim to be dynamic, inclusive, and including those relating to familiarization
gender-sensitive. with their work environment.

The Act applies to all establishments, 3. Ensure that chemical, physical, and
projects, sites, and other places where work is biological substances and agents and
being undertaken. This includes establishments ergonomic and psychosocial stressors do
located inside special economic zones; utilities not pose a risk to health.
engaged in air, sea, and land transportation; the 4. Use only approved specific industry set of
mining, fishing, construction, agriculture, and standards of devices and equipment for
maritime industries, among others; and the workplace.
contractors and subcontractors engaged in
projects of the public sector. 5. Comply with OSH standards: training,
medical examination, provisions on
However, the OSH standards do not apply to the protective and safety devices (e.g. PPE and
public sector as they have their own set of rules machine guards). Training for workers
and regulations issued by the Civil Service includes health promotion, hazards
Commission and other government agencies. associated with their work, health risks
involved or to which they are exposed to,
preventive measures to eliminate or
minimize risks, steps to be taken in cases
of emergency, and safety instruction for 2. Undergo the mandatory workers’ OSH
the jobs, activities, and tasks to be handled seminar.
by workers. 3. Proper use of all safeguards and safety
devices provided for workers’ protection.
6. Involve workers in the process of
4. Comply with instructions to prevent
organizing, planning, implementing,
accidents or imminent danger situations in
monitoring, and evaluating the OSH
the workplace.
management system.
5. Observe prescribed steps to be taken in
7. Provide for trainings and drills, evacuation cases of emergency (i.e. participating
plans, etc., to deal with emergencies, fires, during the conduct of national or local
and accidents including first-aid disaster drills.
arrangements. 6. Report to their immediate supervisor or
any other responsible safety and health
8. Comply with all reportorial requirements of
personnel any work hazard that may be
the OSH standards.
discovered in the workplace.
9. Register establishment to DOLE 7. File claims for compensation benefits due
(Department of Labor and Employment). to work-related disability or death

10. Install safety signage and devices in Rights of Workers

prominent positions and strategic
1. Right to Know – All workers shall be
locations, in a language understandable to
appropriately informed by the employer
all, and in accordance with OSH standards
about all types of hazards in the
on sign colors, to warn workers and the
workplace, and be provided access to
public of hazards in the workplace
training, education, and orientation on
11. Have workers undergo appropriate safety and risks.
training and certification as a requirement 2. Right to Refuse Unsafe Work – The worker
before the use of heavy duty equipment. has the right to refuse work without threat
or reprisal from the employer if an
12. Is liable for complying with OSH
imminent danger situation exists.
standards, including the penalties imposed
3. Right to Report Accidents – Workers and
for violations.
their representatives shall have the right to
13. In the case of a stoppage of work due to report accidents, dangerous occurrences,
imminent danger as a result of the and hazards to the employer, to DOLE,
employer’s fault, the affected workers must and other concerned government
still be paid their corresponding wages agencies. They shall be free from any form
during the period of suspension of of retaliation for reporting an accident.
operations. 4. Right to Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) – Employers shall provide workers
PPE for any part of the body that may be
Duties of Workers exposed to hazards; a lifeline, safety belt,
or harness; and respirators, masks, or
Duties of Workers
shields when necessary. This should be
1. Participate in capacity building activities on free of charge.
safety and health. 5.
Workplace Requirements

OSH Program – Workplaces covered by the

OSH Standards must implement a suitable
OSH Program depending on its size and level
of risk. This program should be communicated
and be made readily available to all persons in
the workplace. Likewise, the establishment
should also submit a copy of their OSH
program to the DOLE Regional, Provincial,
Field, or Satellite Office having jurisdiction over

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