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北京 2022 年冬奧會紀念鈔票慈善珍藏版

Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022

Charity Set
競投表格 Bidding Form

This bidding form can be downloaded from the “Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter Games” website ( of the
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (“BOCHK” or the “Bank”) or obtained at any of the Bank’s branches.

紀念鈔慈善競投 ─ 重要時間須知 Commemorative Banknote Charity Bidding – Important Timeline

競投申請期 2021年12月13日至 Bidding Period From 13 December 2021 to
2022年1月10日 10 January 2022
競投結果公佈 2022年2月14日起 Bidding Result Announcement From 14 February 2022 onwards
發送中標通知書予中標者 2022年2月18日或之前 Issuance of Result Notification to On or before 18 February 2022
Successful Bidders
退回支票 /本票予未能成 2022年2月14日或之後 Return of Cheque/Bank Draft to On or after 14 February 2022
功競投人士 Unsuccessful Bidders
領鈔期 2022年2月21日起 Collection Period From 21 February 2022 onwards

注意事項 Important Notes

1. 在填寫「北京2022年冬奧會紀念鈔票慈善珍藏版」
(「紀念鈔 1. Please read the terms and conditions and the notice in relation to personal data
carefully before completing the Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter
Games Beijing 2022 Charity Set (the “Commemorative Banknote Charity Set”)
料通知。 Bidding Form.
2. 投標者必須為2021年內滿18歲並持有效香港身份證之人士。 2. A Bidder must be aged 18 or above in 2021 as well as a holder of valid Hong Kong
3. 請用黑色或深藍色原子筆以中文正楷或英文正楷填寫。 Identity Card.
3. Please complete in English BLOCK letters in black or dark blue ink.
4. 投標者必須填寫本競投表格所要求提供的資料,並在競投
4. Bidders must provide all the necessary information as required and duly sign this
表格上簽署。如投標者提供的資料欠完整,有關競投申請 bidding form. Application with incomplete information will be deemed void
將被視作無效。 without notice.
5. 紀念鈔慈善珍藏版不設競投數量限制。每張競投表格可競 5. There is no limit to the number of sets for bidding. In each bidding form, bidders may
select more than one category (seven categories in total) of the Commemorative
Banknote Charity Set, but only one set can be selected in each category. Bidders are
如投標者有意在同一款紀念鈔中競投超過一套,必須另行 required to complete separate forms to bid on more than one set in the same category.
填寫競投表格。 6. Please enclose a separate crossed cheque/bank draft payable to “Commemorative
6. 請為所競投的每套紀念鈔慈善珍藏版各附上一張劃線支票 / Banknote of the Olympic Winter Games Charity Bidding” for each set the bidder
wishes to bid on. Please put down the bidder’s name, Hong Kong Identity Card
本票,抬頭寫上「冬奧會紀念鈔票慈善競投」,並於支票 /
number, Hong Kong phone number, the chosen category and serial number of the
本票背面寫上投標者的姓名、香港身份證號碼、香港聯絡 banknote on the back of each cheque/bank draft. If cheque is selected for payment, it
電話號碼、競投的紀念鈔款式及號碼。如使用支票,該等 must be issued under the bidder’s name.
支票須為投標者本人名下的支票。 7. Please post the completed bidding form and crossed cheque(s)/bank draft(s),
7. 請填妥本競投表格,連同上述劃線支票 /本票,以及回郵 together with a self-stamped return envelope, to P.O. Box 60151 Tsat Tsz Mui Post
Office Hong Kong. Please mark “Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter
Games Charity Bidding” on the envelope.
明:「冬奧會紀念鈔票慈善競投」。 8. Deadline for mail-in bids: 10 January 2022 (as determined in accordance with the
8. 截止日期:2022年1月10日(本地郵遞以香港郵政局郵戳日 postmark date by Hongkong Post for local mail and the date of actual receipt for
期為準,外地郵遞以實際收到日期為準)。 international mail).
9. All cheques/bank drafts submitted by successful bidders will be cleared from 11 to 31
9. 中標者的支票 /本票將於2022年1月11日至1月31日期間兌
January 2022. Please ensure that there are sufficient funds in relevant account(s)
現,請確保於上述期間賬戶備有足夠的款項。 during this period.

北京 2022 年冬奧會紀念鈔票慈善珍藏版
Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 Charity Set
競投表格 Bidding Form

(same as Hong Kong Identity Card)
投標者姓名(先生 /女士 /小姐 *)
Bidder’s Name (Mr/Ms/Miss*) 姓名 Name

Hong Kong Identity Card No. 地址 Address

Valid Hong Kong Address

Hong Kong Mobile Phone No.

辦公室 /住宅電話號碼
Office/Residential Phone No.

簽署 # 日期 請填寫以上資料 Please fill in the above information

Signature# Date

* 請刪去不適用者。
• 明白及接受本競投表格所列明的條款及細則及個人資料通知;
• 將按照本競投表格所載條款及細則,競投有關的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版;及
• 同意在成功競投後接納中標的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版,並支付其在本競投表格所填寫的投標價。
* Please delete where inappropriate.
Once this bidding form is signed, it indicates that the bidder:
• understands and accepts the terms and conditions and the notice in relation to personal data set out in this bidding form;
• shall bid for the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this bidding form; and
• agrees to accept the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) after making a successful bid and pay the bid price(s) as shown in this bidding form.

單鈔 — 金鑽珍藏版
A Single Note – Gold Premium Edition
(15 套 sets)

競投底價:每套港幣10,000元 ■ AA000002 ■ AA333333

Minimum Bid Price (per set): HK$10,000 ■ AA000003 ■ AA444444

■ AA000006 ■ AA555555
Bid Price ■ AA000008 ■ AA666666
■ AA000009 ■ AA777777
支票 /本票號碼
Cheque/Bank Draft No. ■ AA111111 ■ AA888888

如未能成功競投所選擇號碼,本人願意 /不願意 * 接受右列其他號碼,並交由安永會計師事務所安排。 ■ AA123456 ■ AA999999

If my bid for the selected serial number is unsuccessful, I hereby agree/disagree* to bid on any other serial number ■ AA222222
listed on the right as arranged by Ernst & Young.
* 請刪去不適用者。否則,即表示投標者不接受右列其他號碼。
Please delete as appropriate. Otherwise, it will be assumed that the bidder disagrees to bid on any other serial number listed on
Please choose one set only and
the right.
tick ( √ ) the appropriate box.

北京 2022 年冬奧會紀念鈔票慈善珍藏版
Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 Charity Set
競投表格 Bidding Form

(same as Hong Kong Identity Card)
投標者姓名(先生 /女士 /小姐 *)
Bidder’s Name (Mr/Ms/Miss*) 姓名 Name

Hong Kong Identity Card No. 地址 Address

Valid Hong Kong Address

Hong Kong Mobile Phone No.

辦公室 /住宅電話號碼
Office/Residential Phone No.

簽署 # 日期 請填寫以上資料 Please fill in the above information

Signature# Date

* 請刪去不適用者。
• 明白及接受本競投表格所列明的條款及細則及個人資料通知;
• 將按照本競投表格所載條款及細則,競投有關的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版;及
• 同意在成功競投後接納中標的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版,並支付其在本競投表格所填寫的投標價。
* Please delete where inappropriate.
Once this bidding form is signed, it indicates that the bidder:
• understands and accepts the terms and conditions and the notice in relation to personal data set out in this bidding form;
• shall bid for the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this bidding form; and
• agrees to accept the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) after making a successful bid and pay the bid price(s) as shown in this bidding form.

單鈔 — 銀鑽珍藏版
B Single Note – Silver Premium Edition
(50 套 sets)

競投底價:每套港幣8,000元 ■ AA000011 ■ AA000666 ■ AA066666 ■ AA555000

■ AA000022 ■ AA000888 ■ AA088888 ■ AA666000
Minimum Bid Price (per set): HK$8,000
■ AA000033 ■ AA000999 ■ AA099999 ■ AA888000
投標價 ■ AA000044 ■ AA001111 ■ AA100000 ■ AA999000
Bid Price ■ AA000055 ■ AA002222 ■ AA200000 ■ AA111100
支票 /本票號碼 ■ AA000066 ■ AA003333 ■ AA300000 ■ AA222200
Cheque/Bank Draft No.
■ AA000077 ■ AA006666 ■ AA500000 ■ AA333300
如未能成功競投所選擇號碼,本人願意 /不願意 * 接受右列其他號碼,並交由 ■ AA000088 ■ AA008888 ■ AA600000 ■ AA555500
安永會計師事務所安排。 ■ AA000099 ■ AA009999 ■ AA800000 ■ AA666600
If my bid for the selected serial number is unsuccessful, I hereby agree/disagree* to ■ AA000111 ■ AA011111 ■ AA900000 ■ AA888800
bid on any other serial number listed on the right as arranged by Ernst & Young. ■ AA000222 ■ AA012345 ■ AA111000 ■ AA999900
* 請刪去不適用者。否則,即表示投標者不接受右列其他號碼。 ■ AA000333 ■ AA022222 ■ AA222000
Please delete as appropriate. Otherwise, it will be assumed that the bidder disagrees to bid on
■ AA000555 ■ AA033333 ■ AA333000
any other serial number listed on the right.

Please choose one set only and tick ( √ ) the appropriate box.

北京 2022 年冬奧會紀念鈔票慈善珍藏版
Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 Charity Set
競投表格 Bidding Form

(same as Hong Kong Identity Card)
投標者姓名(先生 /女士 /小姐 *)
Bidder’s Name (Mr/Ms/Miss*) 姓名 Name

Hong Kong Identity Card No. 地址 Address

Valid Hong Kong Address

Hong Kong Mobile Phone No.

辦公室 /住宅電話號碼
Office/Residential Phone No.

簽署 # 日期 請填寫以上資料 Please fill in the above information

Signature# Date

* 請刪去不適用者。
• 明白及接受本競投表格所列明的條款及細則及個人資料通知;
• 將按照本競投表格所載條款及細則,競投有關的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版;及
• 同意在成功競投後接納中標的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版,並支付其在本競投表格所填寫的投標價。
* Please delete where inappropriate.
Once this bidding form is signed, it indicates that the bidder:
• understands and accepts the terms and conditions and the notice in relation to personal data set out in this bidding form;
• shall bid for the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this bidding form; and
• agrees to accept the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) after making a successful bid and pay the bid price(s) as shown in this bidding form.

單鈔 — 銅鑽珍藏版
C Single Note – Bronze Premium Edition
(50 套 sets)

競投底價:每套港幣5,000元 ■ AA088880 ■ AA388388 ■ AA888333 ■ AA888822

■ AA111888 ■ AA388883 ■ AA888666 ■ AA888866
Minimum Bid Price (per set): HK$5,000
■ AA118888 ■ AA388888 ■ AA888889 ■ AA688886
投標價 ■ AA188888 ■ AA666888 ■ AA888899 ■ AA111188
Bid Price ■ AA188188 ■ AA668888 ■ AA888999 ■ AA222288
支票 /本票號碼 ■ AA222888 ■ AA688688 ■ AA988888 ■ AA333388
Cheque/Bank Draft No.
■ AA228888 ■ AA688888 ■ AA988988 ■ AA666688
如未能成功競投所選擇號碼,本人願意 /不願意 * 接受右列其他號碼,並交由 ■ AA288288 ■ AA822228 ■ AA998888 ■ AA111118
安永會計師事務所安排。 ■ AA288882 ■ AA882288 ■ AA999888 ■ AA222228
If my bid for the selected serial number is unsuccessful, I hereby agree/disagree* to ■ AA288888 ■ AA886688 ■ AA999988 ■ AA333338
bid on any other serial number listed on the right as arranged by Ernst & Young. ■ AA333888 ■ AA886886 ■ AA999998 ■ AA666668
* 請刪去不適用者。否則,即表示投標者不接受右列其他號碼。 ■ AA338888 ■ AA888111 ■ AA888886
Please delete as appropriate. Otherwise, it will be assumed that the bidder disagrees to bid on
■ AA339999 ■ AA888222 ■ AA888811
any other serial number listed on the right.

Please choose one set only and tick ( √ ) the appropriate box.

北京 2022 年冬奧會紀念鈔票慈善珍藏版
Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 Charity Set
競投表格 Bidding Form

(same as Hong Kong Identity Card)
投標者姓名(先生 /女士 /小姐 *)
Bidder’s Name (Mr/Ms/Miss*) 姓名 Name

Hong Kong Identity Card No. 地址 Address

Valid Hong Kong Address

Hong Kong Mobile Phone No.

辦公室 /住宅電話號碼
Office/Residential Phone No.

簽署 # 日期 請填寫以上資料 Please fill in the above information

Signature# Date

* 請刪去不適用者。
• 明白及接受本競投表格所列明的條款及細則及個人資料通知;
• 將按照本競投表格所載條款及細則,競投有關的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版;及
• 同意在成功競投後接納中標的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版,並支付其在本競投表格所填寫的投標價。
* Please delete where inappropriate.
Once this bidding form is signed, it indicates that the bidder:
• understands and accepts the terms and conditions and the notice in relation to personal data set out in this bidding form;
• shall bid for the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this bidding form; and
• agrees to accept the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) after making a successful bid and pay the bid price(s) as shown in this bidding form.

四連張 — 白金珍藏版
D 4-in-1 Uncut Notes – Platinum Deluxe Edition
(25 套 sets)

競投底價:每套港幣30,000元 無英文冠字 Non-prefix sets

第一張鈔票號碼 內含鈔票號碼 第一張鈔票號碼 內含鈔票號碼

Minimum Bid Price (per set): HK$30,000 Serial number on the
first banknote
serial number
Serial number on the
first banknote
serial number

投標價 ■ 300003 300003 ■ 443333 553333

Bid Price
■ 300300 300300 ■ 825009 900009
支票 /本票號碼
Cheque/Bank Draft No. ■ 301103 301103 ■ 825999 900999
■ 303030 303030 ■ 906666 906666
如未能成功競投所選擇號碼,本人願意 /不願意 * 接受右列其他號碼,
■ 303333 303333 ■ 908888 908888
If my bid for the selected serial number is unsuccessful, I hereby agree/ ■ 302310 310310 ■ 909909 909909
disagree* to bid on any other serial number listed on the right as arranged ■ 305123 321123 ■ 909988 909988
by Ernst & Young.
■ 298222 322222 ■ 909999 909999
* 請刪去不適用者。否則,即表示投標者不接受右列其他號碼。
Please delete as appropriate. Otherwise, it will be assumed that the bidder disagrees ■ 304328 328328 ■ 906888 922888
to bid on any other serial number listed on the right.
■ 304823 328823 ■ 912288 928288
■ 309666 333666 ■ 909333 933333
■ 345678 345678 ■ 915939 939939
■ 433210 543210

Please choose one set only and tick ( √ ) the appropriate box.

北京 2022 年冬奧會紀念鈔票慈善珍藏版
Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 Charity Set
競投表格 Bidding Form

(same as Hong Kong Identity Card)
投標者姓名(先生 /女士 /小姐 *)
Bidder’s Name (Mr/Ms/Miss*) 姓名 Name

Hong Kong Identity Card No. 地址 Address

Valid Hong Kong Address

Hong Kong Mobile Phone No.

辦公室 /住宅電話號碼
Office/Residential Phone No.

簽署 # 日期 請填寫以上資料 Please fill in the above information

Signature# Date

* 請刪去不適用者。
• 明白及接受本競投表格所列明的條款及細則及個人資料通知;
• 將按照本競投表格所載條款及細則,競投有關的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版;及
• 同意在成功競投後接納中標的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版,並支付其在本競投表格所填寫的投標價。
* Please delete where inappropriate.
Once this bidding form is signed, it indicates that the bidder:
• understands and accepts the terms and conditions and the notice in relation to personal data set out in this bidding form;
• shall bid for the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this bidding form; and
• agrees to accept the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) after making a successful bid and pay the bid price(s) as shown in this bidding form.

四連張 — 珍珠珍藏版
E 4-in-1 Uncut Notes – Pearl Deluxe Edition
(25 套 sets)

競投底價:每套港幣20,000元 第一張鈔票號碼
Serial number on the
Serial number on the
first banknote serial number first banknote serial number
Minimum Bid Price (per set): HK$20,000
■ AA300003 AA300003 ■ AA443333 AA553333
投標價 AA300300 AA900009
■ AA300300 ■ AA825009
Bid Price
■ AA301103 AA301103 ■ AA825999 AA900999
支票 /本票號碼
Cheque/Bank Draft No. ■ AA303030 AA303030 ■ AA906666 AA906666
■ AA303333 AA303333 ■ AA908888 AA908888
如未能成功競投所選擇號碼,本人願意 /不願意 * 接受右列其他號碼,
並交由安永會計師事務所安排。 ■ AA302310 AA310310 ■ AA909909 AA909909
If my bid for the selected serial number is unsuccessful, I hereby agree/ ■ AA305123 AA321123 ■ AA909988 AA909988
disagree* to bid on any other serial number listed on the right as arranged
■ AA298222 AA322222 ■ AA909999 AA909999
by Ernst & Young.
■ AA304328 AA328328 ■ AA906888 AA922888
* 請刪去不適用者。否則,即表示投標者不接受右列其他號碼。
Please delete as appropriate. Otherwise, it will be assumed that the bidder disagrees ■ AA304823 AA328823 ■ AA912288 AA928288
to bid on any other serial number listed on the right.
■ AA309666 AA333666 ■ AA909333 AA933333
■ AA345678 AA345678 ■ AA915939 AA939939
■ AA433210 AA543210

Please choose one set only and tick ( √ ) the appropriate box.

北京 2022 年冬奧會紀念鈔票慈善珍藏版
Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 Charity Set
競投表格 Bidding Form

(same as Hong Kong Identity Card)
投標者姓名(先生 /女士 /小姐 *)
Bidder’s Name (Mr/Ms/Miss*) 姓名 Name

Hong Kong Identity Card No. 地址 Address

Valid Hong Kong Address

Hong Kong Mobile Phone No.

辦公室 /住宅電話號碼
Office/Residential Phone No.

簽署 # 日期 請填寫以上資料 Please fill in the above information

Signature# Date

* 請刪去不適用者。
• 明白及接受本競投表格所列明的條款及細則及個人資料通知;
• 將按照本競投表格所載條款及細則,競投有關的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版;及
• 同意在成功競投後接納中標的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版,並支付其在本競投表格所填寫的投標價。
* Please delete where inappropriate.
Once this bidding form is signed, it indicates that the bidder:
• understands and accepts the terms and conditions and the notice in relation to personal data set out in this bidding form;
• shall bid for the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this bidding form; and
• agrees to accept the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) after making a successful bid and pay the bid price(s) as shown in this bidding form.

整版三十五連張 — 鑽石珍藏版
F 35-in-1 Uncut Notes – Diamond Deluxe Edition
(17 套 sets)

競投底價:每套港幣60,000元 無英文冠字 Non-prefix sets

左上角鈔票號碼 左上角鈔票號碼
Minimum Bid Price (per set): HK$60,000 Serial number
on the top-left corner
Serial number
on the top-left corner
of the 35-in-1 Notes serial number of the 35-in-1 Notes serial number
Bid Price ■ 347006 600006 ■ 732688 882688
支票 /本票號碼 ■ 346321 654321 ■ 733288 888288
Cheque/Bank Draft No.
■ 354662 662662 ■ 733388 888388
如未能成功競投所選擇號碼,本人願意 /不願意 * 接受右列其他號碼, ■ 732822 822822 ■ 733838 888838
並交由安永會計師事務所安排。 ■ 735088 880088 ■ 734888 889888
If my bid for the selected serial number is unsuccessful, I hereby agree/
■ 735228 880228
disagree* to bid on any other serial number listed on the right as arranged
by Ernst & Young. ■ 735288 880288
* 請刪去不適用者。否則,即表示投標者不接受右列其他號碼。 ■ 735338 880338
Please delete as appropriate. Otherwise, it will be assumed that the bidder disagrees
to bid on any other serial number listed on the right. ■ 730888 880888
■ 731188 881188
■ 731388 881388
■ 731888 881888

Please choose one set only and tick ( √ ) the appropriate box.

北京 2022 年冬奧會紀念鈔票慈善珍藏版
Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 Charity Set
競投表格 Bidding Form

(same as Hong Kong Identity Card)
投標者姓名(先生 /女士 /小姐 *)
Bidder’s Name (Mr/Ms/Miss*) 姓名 Name

Hong Kong Identity Card No. 地址 Address

Valid Hong Kong Address

Hong Kong Mobile Phone No.

辦公室 /住宅電話號碼
Office/Residential Phone No.

簽署 # 日期 請填寫以上資料 Please fill in the above information

Signature# Date

* 請刪去不適用者。
• 明白及接受本競投表格所列明的條款及細則及個人資料通知;
• 將按照本競投表格所載條款及細則,競投有關的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版;及
• 同意在成功競投後接納中標的紀念鈔慈善珍藏版,並支付其在本競投表格所填寫的投標價。
* Please delete where inappropriate.
Once this bidding form is signed, it indicates that the bidder:
• understands and accepts the terms and conditions and the notice in relation to personal data set out in this bidding form;
• shall bid for the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this bidding form; and
• agrees to accept the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) after making a successful bid and pay the bid price(s) as shown in this bidding form.

整版三十五連張 — 翡翠珍藏版
G 35-in-1 Uncut Notes – Jade Deluxe Edition
(18 套 sets)

競投底價:每套港幣50,000元 左上角鈔票號碼
Serial number 內含鈔票號碼
Serial number 內含鈔票號碼
on the top-left corner Embedded on the top-left corner Embedded
Minimum Bid Price (per set): HK$50,000 of the 35-in-1 Notes serial number of the 35-in-1 Notes serial number

投標價 ■ AA735008 AA800008 ■ AA733288 AA888288

Bid Price ■ AA735188 AA880188 ■ AA733388 AA888388
支票 /本票號碼 ■ AA735288 AA880288 ■ AA733828 AA888828
Cheque/Bank Draft No.
■ AA735388 AA880388 ■ AA733833 AA888833
如未能成功競投所選擇號碼,本人願意 /不願意 * 接受右列其他號碼, ■ AA730668 AA880668 ■ AA733838 AA888838
並交由安永會計師事務所安排。 ■ AA730888 AA880888 ■ AA734388 AA889388
If my bid for the selected serial number is unsuccessful, I hereby agree/
disagree* to bid on any other serial number listed on the right as arranged ■ AA731111 AA881111
by Ernst & Young. ■ AA732828 AA882828
* 請刪去不適用者。否則,即表示投標者不接受右列其他號碼。 ■ AA732888 AA882888
Please delete as appropriate. Otherwise, it will be assumed that the bidder disagrees
to bid on any other serial number listed on the right. ■ AA731228 AA886228
■ AA733088 AA888088
■ AA733188 AA888188

Please choose one set only and tick ( √ ) the appropriate box.

1. 投標者必須為2021年內滿18歲並持有效香港身份證之人士。
2. 投標截止日期為2022年1月10日。投標者須於該日期或之前,根據本條款及細則的規定遞交本競投表格及有關支票 /本票。逾
3. 紀念鈔慈善珍藏版設有以下七款:單鈔 — 金鑽珍藏版、單鈔 — 銀鑽珍藏版、單鈔 — 銅鑽珍藏版、四連張 — 白金珍藏版、
四連張 — 珍珠珍藏版、整版三十五連張 — 鑽石珍藏版、整版三十五連張 — 翡翠珍藏版。
4. 紀念鈔慈善珍藏版不設競投數量限制。每張競投表格可競投多款(合共七款)紀念鈔慈善珍藏版,但每款只限一套。如投標者
5. 所有投標價均須以港幣為單位。
6. 投標者須為所競投的每套紀念鈔慈善珍藏版各附上一張劃線支票 /本票,抬頭寫上「冬奧會紀念鈔票慈善競投」,並於支票 /
本票背面寫上投標者的姓名、香港身份證號碼、香港聯絡電話號碼、競投的紀念鈔款式及號碼。支票 /本票須由本地持牌銀行
7. 投標者須填妥本競投表格,連同上述劃線支票 /本票,以及回郵信封,寄回香港七姊妹道郵政信箱60151號。投標者須在信封
8. 任何投標申請未遵循本競投表格內所列的條款及細則,或提供虛假資料 /聲明,即告無效,有關支票 /本票將獲退回。
9. 所有競投申請一經遞交,均不得修改或撤回。
10. 本行有權調整競投申請期、競投結果公佈日期、通知日期及領鈔期。如有調整,本行將適時公佈。

11. 本行已委任安永會計師事務所作為獨立第三方協助處理競投事宜,確保公平及公正。
12. 對於每套紀念鈔慈善珍藏版,本行將出售予投標價最高並成功支付有關金額的投標者(「中標者」)。
13. 投標者可於2022年2月14日起透過紀念鈔網頁或在線客服 /查詢熱線 (852) 3988 1818查詢
14. 所有中標者的支票 /本票將於2022年1月11日至1月31日期間兌現,若投標者成功投得多於一套紀念鈔慈善珍藏版,本行可能
分批兌現其支票 /本票,請確保於上述期間賬戶備有足夠的款項。如支票 /本票未能成功兌現,有關投標申請將被視為無效,
15. 本行將委託安永會計師事務所於2022年2月18日或之前,按競投表格上填寫的地址,以平郵方式個別通知中標者(「中標通知
16. 所有中標者將獲本行發出收據,並於領鈔時一併領取。
17. 本行將委託安永會計師事務所於2022年2月14日或之後,按競投表格上填寫的地址,以平郵方式向未能成功競投人士退回已遞
交的支票 /本票,不附加任何利息。為方便退票安排,投標時須就每套紀念鈔慈善珍藏版各附上一張劃線支票 /本票。如支票 /
本票於2022年2月14日起一個月內未能成功退回,本行將銷毀該等支票 /本票,並不承擔投標者因此而引起的任何損失。
18. 本行、安永會計師事務所或其第三方服務提供者概不就其郵遞是否準時或確實送遞至投標者(包括中標者)提供任何保證或承

19. 中標者必須帶同中標通知書正本及香港身份證正、副本,於指定日期,親臨指定地點領取紀念鈔慈善珍藏版。為符合法律及監
20. 紀念鈔慈善珍藏版不予更換。中標者於領取紀念鈔慈善珍藏版時,必須即場檢查,並簽收作實。除非紀念鈔慈善珍藏版在領取
21. 如中標者未能根據本條款及細則領取紀念鈔慈善珍藏版(包括但不限於因錯過指定日期、到非指定地點、未能出示香港身份證

22. 除非另有說明,否則本條款及細則內提及之日期,僅指本行於當日的正常營業時間,不包括任何星期六、日及香港懸掛8號或
23. 如有任何爭議,本行及 /或安永會計師事務所將保留最終決定權。
24. 此條款及細則的中英文版本如有歧異,概以中文為準。
25. 如 欲 瞭 解 競 投 詳 情, 請 瀏 覽 紀 念 鈔 網 頁。 如 有 查 詢, 請 致 電 在 線 客 服 /查 詢 熱 線
(852) 3988 1818。

1. 資料當事人申請競投紀念鈔慈善珍藏版(「申請」),均須向本行提供競投表格內所需資料,否則相關申請或不獲接納。
2. 關於資料當事人的資料用途,可包括以下全部或部分用途:
(a) 處理申請;
(b) 關於申請的運作(包括但不限於付款及領取紀念鈔);
(c) 釐定本行對資料當事人或資料當事人對本行的負債款額;
(d) 執行資料當事人向本行所負義務,包括但不限於向資料當事人追收欠款;
(e) 本行或其任何分行履行任何對其有約束力法例的規定而作出披露;
(f) 使本行的實際或建議承讓人,或本行對資料當事人所擁有的權利的參與人或附屬參與人得以評估作為擬轉讓、參與或附屬
(g) (如資料當事人為本行客戶)協助檢查本行記錄的客戶資料準確性,以便本行向資料當事人提供服務;及 /或
(h) 與上述有關的用途。
3. 本行會對其所持有的資料當事人的資料保密,但本行可能會把該資料提供給以下各方作第 (2) 段所列的用途:
(a) 任何代理人、承辦商或向本行提供行政、電腦或付款或其他與申請或本行業務運作有關服務的第三方服務供應商;
(b) 任何對本行有保密責任的人士,包括中國銀行集團內已承諾將資料保密的公司;
(c) 本行有責任根據對其本身或任何分行具法律約束力的規定而向其作出披露的任何人士;及 /或
(d) 本行的任何實際或建議承讓人,或本行對客戶所擁有的權利的參與人或附屬參與人或受讓人。
4. 根據條例中的條款,任何資料當事人均有權:
(a) 查悉本行是否持有其資料及查閱該等資料;
(b) 要求本行更正任何有關其不準確的資料;及
(c) 查悉本行對於資料的政策及常規和獲告知本行持有的個人資料種類。
5. 根據條例的條款,本行有權就處理任何查閱資料的要求收取合理費用。
6. 任何關於查閱或更改由本行持有的資料,或索取關於本行資料政策及常規或所持有的資料種類的要求,可向下列人士提出:
傳真:(852) 2826 6860
7. 本通知不會限制資料當事人在條例下所享有的權利。

Terms and Conditions
Application Procedure
1. A bidder must be aged 18 or above in 2021 as well as a holder of valid Hong Kong Identity Card.
2. The deadline for mail-in bids is 10 January 2022. A bidder shall submit the bidding form(s) and the relevant crossed cheque(s)/bank draft(s) in
accordance with these terms and conditions on or before such date. Late submission will not be accepted (as determined in accordance with the
postmark date by Hongkong Post for local mail and the date of actual receipt for international mail).
3. There are seven categories of Commemorative Banknote Charity Set: Single Note – Gold Premium Edition, Single Note – Silver Premium Edition,
Single Note – Bronze Premium Edition, 4-in-1 Uncut Notes – Platinum Deluxe Edition, 4-in-1 Uncut Notes – Pearl Deluxe Edition, 35-in-1 Uncut
Notes – Diamond Deluxe Edition and 35-in-1 Uncut Notes – Jade Deluxe Edition.
4. There is no limit to the number of the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set for bidding. In each bidding form, bidders may select more than one
category (seven categories in total) of the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set, but only one set can be selected in each category. Bidders are
required to complete separate forms to bid on more than one set in the same category.
5. All bid prices must be denominated in Hong Kong Dollars.
6. Please enclose a separate crossed cheque/bank draft payable to “Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter Games Charity Bidding”
for each Commemorative Banknote Charity Set the bidder wishes to bid on. Please put down the bidder’s name, Hong Kong Identity Card
number, Hong Kong phone number, the chosen category and serial number of the banknote on the back of each cheque/bank draft. The cheque/
bank draft must be issued by a local licensed bank. If cheque is selected for payment, it must be issued under the bidder’s name. Post-dated
cheques will not be accepted.
7. Please post the completed bidding form(s) and the crossed cheque(s)/bank draft(s), together with a self-stamped return envelope, to P.O. Box
60151 Tsat Tsz Mui Post Office Hong Kong. Please mark “Commemorative Banknote of the Olympic Winter Games Charity Bidding” on the
8. Failure to follow the terms and conditions as set out in this bidding form, or provision of false information or declaration, will result in the
voidance of the bid, and relevant cheque(s)/bank draft(s) will be returned to the bidder.
9. All bids once submitted cannot be amended or withdrawn.
10. The Bank reserves the right to adjust the deadline for bidding submission, the dates of the bidding result announcement and notification issuance,
as well as the collection period. Amendments (if any) will be announced in due course.

Bidding and Payment Procedure

11. The Bank has appointed Ernst & Young as an independent party for administering the bidding process to ensure its fairness and impartiality.
12. The Bank will sell each Commemorative Banknote Charity Set to the highest bidder who has duly paid the amounts successfully (the “successful
13. Bidders may check the bidding results by visiting the Commemorative Banknote website ( or by calling the
Online Chat/Enquiry Hotline on (852) 3988 1818 from 14 February 2022 onwards.
14. All cheques/bank drafts submitted by successful bidders will be cleared from 11 to 31 January 2022, and the Bank may clear the cheques/bank
drafts in phases if a successful bidder has more than one successful bid. Please ensure that there are sufficient funds in relevant account(s) during
this period. If a cheque/bank draft cannot be cleared, relevant bidding application will be deemed invalid and shall be substituted by the next
highest bid.
15. The Bank will entrust Ernst & Young to send a separate result notification to each successful bidder (the “result notification”) by ordinary post to
the address provided in the bidding form, on or before 18 February 2022. Bidders must ensure that the information provided in this bidding form
is complete and accurate. Otherwise, they will be liable for the consequences resulting from the incomplete or inaccurate information they have
16. Successful bidders will receive an official receipt issued by the Bank upon collection of the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set.
17. From 14 February 2022 onwards, cheques/bank drafts submitted by unsuccessful bidders will be returned (without interest) by Ernst & Young on
behalf of the Bank by ordinary post to the address provided in the bidding form. To facilitate the return of cheque(s)/bank draft(s), bidders must
enclose a separate crossed cheque/bank draft for each Commemorative Banknote Charity Set to be bidden on. If the cheques/bank drafts are not
successfully returned within one month after 14 February 2022, the Bank will destroy the cheques/bank drafts and will not be held liable for any
loss that may be incurred.
18. The Bank, Ernst & Young or its third party service providers will not provide any warranties or undertakings whether the post has been delivered
to the bidders (including the successful bidders) on time and will not bear any responsibility for any loss resulting from the failure of puncture or
actual receipt of such post by the bidders or any person who is to receive such post.

Collection Procedure
19. Successful bidders must present the original of the result notification, as well as their Hong Kong Identity Card (original and photocopy) at the
designated location, on the designated date to collect the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) in person. For compliance of the laws and
regulatory requirements, the Bank shall have the right to require successful bidders to provide further information and documents. All the
originals shall be made available to the Bank for verification and the photocopies shall be kept by the Bank for its records.
20. Replacements of the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) are not allowed. Successful bidders should check the condition of the
Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) and acknowledge receipt of the set(s) upon collection. Returns of the Commemorative Banknote Charity
Set(s) will only be accepted if found damaged at the time of collection. Returns of the Commemorative Banknote(s) will not be accepted after the
bidders have left the Bank’s counters. The Bank has absolute discretion to allow returns for relevant Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s). If
returns are accepted by the Bank, the Bank will refund the bidding amounts paid by such successful bidder for such Commemorative Banknote
Charity Set(s) (without any interest), but will not be responsible for any other costs, expenses and losses, directly or indirectly, incurred by such
bidder for such bidding or arising otherwise in relation thereto.
21. Should successful bidders fail to collect the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s) in accordance with these terms and conditions (reasons
include but not limited to missing the designated date, failure to get to the designated location, failure to present Hong Kong Identity Card and
the result notification, as well as failure to provide further information and documents as requested by the Bank), he/she shall be deemed to have
forgone his/her right to collect the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s). The amounts paid by the successful bidders will not be refunded, and
will be donated for local charity cause. The Bank has absolute discretion to dispose of the uncollected Commemorative Banknote Charity Set(s).

22. Unless otherwise stated, any reference to a date in the terms and conditions only refers to the normal business hours of the Bank on such date,
and does not include Saturdays, Sundays or any time during which a tropical cyclone warning signal number 8 or above, or a “black” rainstorm
warning signal, is in force in Hong Kong. Reference to date and time herein shall refer to Hong Kong time.
23. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Bank and/or Ernst & Young shall be final and conclusive.
24. If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions of the terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
25. For details regarding the bidding, please visit the Commemorative Banknote website ( For enquiries, please call
the Online Chat/Enquiry Hotline on (852) 3988 1818.

Notice in Relation to Personal Data

Notice to bidders (the “data subjects”) for the Commemorative Banknote Charity Set in relation to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the
1. It is necessary for data subjects to supply the Bank with data requested in this bidding form for application of the Commemorative Banknote
Charity Set (the “application”), otherwise, relevant application may not be accepted.
2. The purposes for which data relating to a data subject may be used may comprise of all or part of the following purposes:
(a) processing of the application;
(b) ensuring the operation relating to the application including, but not limited to, payment and collection of the banknotes;
(c) determining the amount of indebtedness owed to or by data subjects;
(d) enforcing data subjects’ obligations, including without limitation the collection of amounts outstanding from data subjects;
(e) disclosing by the Bank or any of its branches to comply with any law by which it is bound;
(f) enabling an actual or potential assignee of the Bank, or participant or sub-participant of the Bank’s rights in respect of the data subject, to
evaluate the transaction intended to be the subject of the assignment, participation or sub-participation;
(g) (if the data subject is a customer of the Bank) enabling the Bank to verify the accuracy of the customer data in the Bank’s records,
so as to facilitate the provision of services to the data subject; and/or
(h) purposes relating thereto.
3. Data held by the Bank relating to a data subject will be kept confidential but the Bank may provide such information to the following parties for
the purposes set out in paragraph (2):
(a) any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, computer, payment or other services to the Bank in
connection with the application or operation of its business;
(b) any other person under a duty of confidentiality to the Bank including any of the companies under the Bank of China Group which have
undertaken to keep such information confidential;
(c) any person to whom the bank is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on the Bank or any of its
branches; and/or
(d) any actual or proposed assignee of the Bank or participant of a sub-participant or transferee of the Bank’s rights in respect of the data
Notwithstanding that the place of business of any of the above-mentioned parties is outside the places where the Bank has operations, or that
such data following disclosure will be collected, held, processed, used or further disclosed by such parties in whole or in part outside the places
where the Bank has operations in accordance with the applicable local practices, laws, rules and regulations.
4. Under and in accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, any individual data subject has the right:
(a) to check whether the Bank holds data about such data subject and of access to such data;
(b) to require the Bank to correct any data relating to such data subject which is inaccurate; and
(c) to ascertain the Bank’s policies and practices in relation to data and to be informed of the kind of personal data held by the Bank.
5. In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, the Bank has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.
6. The person to whom requests for access to or correction of data held by the Bank, or for information regarding the Bank’s data policies and
practices and kinds of data held by the Bank, should be sent to the following:
The Data Protection Officer
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
Address: Bank of China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Hong Kong
Fax: (852) 2826 6860
7. Nothing in this Notice shall limit the rights of data subjects under the Ordinance.


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