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Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804

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QoS-aware cloud service composition: A systematic mapping study

from the perspective of computational intelligence
Qiping She, Xiaochao Wei∗, Guihua Nie, Donglin Chen
School of Economics, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Cloud service composition builds new value-added services by combining existing single services. How-
Received 26 January 2019 ever, because of the exuberant growth of cloud services and the varying quality of service (QoS), dis-
Revised 9 July 2019
covering required services and creating a service composition with certain quality guarantees becomes
Accepted 10 July 2019
a significant technical issue and attracts much concern. Computational intelligence techniques are con-
Available online 11 July 2019
sidered to be effective in solving such problems, and researchers have made substantial efforts in this
Keywords: area. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, there is not any systematic research about this issue
Computational intelligence techniques with a particular focus on computing intelligence. Thus, the current study aims to create a panoramic
Quality of service (QoS) view of QoS-aware cloud service composition from the perspective of computational intelligence. The ob-
Cloud service composition jectives of this paper are to (1) investigate the relevant studies on this field; (2) make a comprehensive
Systematic mapping study examination of the literature from different aspects: active researchers, research motivations, QoS param-
eters, algorithms, datasets, optimization strategies and could layers; (3) identify the areas which need
further research. For this, a search protocol has been well defined, and 105 articles from 2009 to 2018
were selected. This study classified these articles into three groups, including non-heuristic, heuristic and
meta-heuristic, and then examined the research works from several aspects. The results indicate that re-
ducing response time is the most important motivation for researchers, and meta-heuristic algorithms,
especially genetic algorithms, are the most widely used computational intelligence techniques. Besides,
the most widely used QoS attributes and datasets are also revealed. Additionally, the study points out
there are still some research challenges in this area, such as QoS evaluation in a dynamic environment
and inter-service correlations. In general, this study classified and compared the existing computational
intelligence techniques; analyzed the research status and identified future research directions. It can pro-
vide a basis for both researchers and practitioners who are interested in this area. More significantly, in
the field of expert and intelligent systems, this study can assist in the design and development of expert
and intelligent systems in enterprises, it can efficiently assist enterprises in business decisions and risk
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Khababa, 2016). Therefore, selecting the appropriate services and

combine them to meet the users’ QoS expectation becomes a
In cloud environments, services are delivered to users accord- key issue in computing service provisioning (Mistry, Bouguettaya,
ing to their requirements. As a single service may not neces- Dong, & Qin, 2018), which is called QoS-aware cloud service com-
sarily fulfill the user’s needs, existing services are combined to position (QoS-CSC) problem (Jula, Sundararajan, & Othman, 2014;
create value-added composite services (Jatoth, Gangadharan, & Tao, Zhao, Hu, & Zhou, 2009). Furthermore, with the development
Buyya, 2017). However, with the proliferation of cloud comput- of the new technologies (such as the internet of things, 5G Net-
ing, more providers provide cloud services with similar functional works), a lot of resources can also be encapsulated into cloud ser-
but diverse non-functional (quality of service) features (Seghir & vices, combinatorial optimization problems in many fields (such as
cloud manufacturing, intelligent transportation, mobile healthcare,
smart city, and so on) can be converted to the problem of QoS-CSC
(Khansari, Sharifian, & Motamedi, 2018; Lartigau, Xu, Nie, & Zhan,

Corresponding author at: Building Jian 4#, Gongda Road, Hongshan District, 2015; Li, He, Wang, & Zhang, 2018).
Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China QoS-CSC is a combinatorial optimization problem and also
E-mail addresses: (Q. She), (X. considered an NP-hard problem since more and more similar
Wei), (G. Nie), (D. Chen).
0957-4174/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804

single services have emerged in cloud environments (Kurdi, Al- 2. Backgrounds and related works
Anazi, Campbell, & Faries, 2015; Qi, Dou, Zhang, & Chen, 2012).
Specifically, service composition may happen at different cloud 2.1. Backgrounds
layers, such as IaaS (infrastructure as a service), PaaS (platform
as a service) and SaaS (software as a service) (Karim, Ding, & This section describes the key concepts related to the two main
Miri, 2013), and candidate services may be invocated from mul- fields: QoS-aware cloud service composition and computational in-
tiple cloud platforms, which makes the composition of services telligence, which will provide a foundation for the rest of the
in cloud environments more complicated than the combination of study.
web services. To address this issue, several techniques, including
framework-based mechanism, agent-based mechanism, and com- 2.1.1. QoS-aware cloud service composition
putational intelligence techniques, have been developed by schol- The problem of QoS-aware cloud service composition(QoS-CSC)
ars (Vakili & Navimipou, 2017). This study focuses on research is to find suitable concrete services for each task and combine
works on resolving QoS-CSC using computational intelligence tech- these single services together, so that the composite service can
niques. satisfy not only users’ requirements but also has the optimal global
Computational Intelligence (CI) is a sub-branch of artificial in- QoS (Liu, Chu, Song, Xue, & Lu, 2016b). Fig. 1 indicates the concep-
telligence (AI) that focus on studying to promote intelligent be- tual model of QoS-aware cloud service composition, including two
havior in complex, uncertain, and changing environments (Konar, main processes: service discovery and service composition (Seghir
2005; Oliveira et al., 2018). It is considered to be effective in solv- & Khababa, 2016). In the discovery process, the complex require-
ing complex problems such as NP-hard. CI technique was first uti- ments of users can be decomposed into serval tasks, and each
lized in QoS-CSC in 2009 (Kofler, Haq, & Schikuta, 2009). After that, task can be performed by a set of concrete services with similar
substantial efforts were made in this area, and different techniques functionality but different QoS. Therefore, how to evaluate the QoS
have been proposed to solve this issue, such as genetic algorithm property of candidate services becomes a very interesting and vital
(Klein, Ishikawa, & Honiden, 2012) and particle swarm optimiza- challenge. In the following, a brief description of composite mode,
tion algorithm (Wang, Sun, Zou, & Yang, 2013). QoS model and QoS aggregation for service composition will be
Though computational intelligence technique has received provided.
much concern in the field of QoS-aware cloud service composi-
tion, for all we know, there is no systematic research about this Composition mode. Services can be combined based on four
issue that focused specifically on computing intelligence. As a con- basic modes: sequential mode, loop mode, conditional mode, and
sequence, it becomes difficult and confusing to choose a suitable parallel mode, as is shown in Fig. 2. However, most articles only
computational intelligence technique because of the number of al- study the service combination in sequential mode, other compo-
gorithms described in the literature and the performance of each sition modes are considered to be converted to sequential mode
technique are not investigated, researchers also find it hard to as- through some strategies (Cardoso, Sheth, Miller, Arnold, & Kochut,
sess research gaps and future research trends. Therefore, to give 2004; Ramírez, Parejo, Romero, Segura, & Ruiz-Cortés, 2017).
an overview of the current research in this area and identify di-
rections for future studies, a systematic mapping was performed QoS model. It is a model of uncertainty transition between
based on 105 articles published between 2009 and 2018. The main qualitative concept and its quantitative representation (Wang,
differences between the present paper and the other reviews are: Zheng, Sun, & Zou, 2011). Current discussions on QoS model mainly
(1) the broad scope used to investigate this theme, as articles pub- concern QoS attributes for component services and composite ser-
lished in a decade year have been investigated; (2) a wide range vices, it refers to the non-functional feature of services and usu-
of metrics are taken into account to compare and analyze the cur- ally be defined as a set of parameters, such as response time, cost,
rent studies; (3) cover all of the QoS parameters and computational availability, etc. QoS model can be used to differentiate composi-
intelligence techniques that included in relevant studies, whereas tion plans during service provision, and the relevant requirements
other surveys usually only discuss the most commonly used ones. are usually defined in service level agreement (SLA) (Ye, Mistry,
The major contributions of this study are as follows: Bouguettaya, & Dong, 2016; Zhao, Sakr, Liu, & Bouguettaya, 2014). QoS aggregation. QoS aggregation techniques are used to

• Making a comprehensive examination of the research works compute the merged QoS value for composite service. There are
from different aspects, including active researchers, research five aggregation operations for developing an aggregation formula,
motivations, QoS parameters, applied approaches, utilized including summation, average, multiplication, min and max. For
datasets, optimization strategies and cloud layers. each QoS attribute, the utilization of aggregation operations is de-
• Discovering the active researchers in this field, also exploring pendent on the composite mode and the characteristic of the cor-
the applied approaches, QoS parameters, and datasets which responding QoS parameter. The specific QoS aggregation formula
are mostly used in recent works. will be provided in Section 5.
• Outlining the main challenges and crucial areas that needed
further research. 2.1.2. Computational intelligence
Computational intelligence (CI) was first proposed in
Bezdek (1998). Till date, there is still no uniform definition for
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: computational intelligence yet. For example, Engelbrecht defined
Section 2 introduces the backgrounds and related works. CI as the study of adaptive mechanisms to facilitate intelligent be-
Section 3 describes the research method used for selecting havior in complex and changing environments (Engelbrecht, 2007).
relevant articles. Section 4 provides a systematic analysis and Siddique and Adeli defined the computational intelligent system as
comparison of the selected studies. Section 5 presents the answers a system which deals with low-level data such as numerical data,
to research questions and makes a further discusses on results. has a pattern recognition component and does not use knowledge
Section 6 analyzes the study limitations. Section 7 concludes in the artificial intelligence (AI) sense (Siddique & Adeli, 2013).
this study and points out future works. The final section is the Although there is not yet full agreement on what computational
references. intelligence exactly is, there are widely accepted views on the
Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804 3

Fig. 1. QoS-aware cloud service composition process.

Fig. 2. Composition modes.

characteristics of CI, including calculating adaptability, fault tol- The most used but not limited to CI techniques are artificial
erance, and error rate close to human performance (Siddique & neural networks, metaheuristics and fuzzy systems (Kruse, Borgelt,
Adeli, 2013). This makes CI techniques are efficient in solving com- Braune, Mostaghim, & Steinbrecher, 2016). Moreover, some exact
plex problems that traditional techniques did not work effectively algorithms, such as integer programming and linear programming,
because of uncertain environments and dynamical data (Oliveira are also considered as CI techniques in recent years (Jatoth et al.,
et al., 2018). At present, CI has been widely used in multiple fields, 2017). In the following, the CI techniques used for QoS-aware cloud
such as network security (Wu & Banzhaf, 2010), intelligent trans- service composition will be briefly summarized. Because heuristic
portation (Zhao, Zheng, & Liu, 2018; Araghi, Khosravi, & Creighton, techniques have a long history of use in combinational problem
2015), financial market (Cavalcante, Brasileiro, Souza, Nobrega, & (Reeves, 1993), it is considered reasonable to categorize the survey
Oliveira, 2016) and cancer prediction (Cosma, Brown, Archer, Khan, into three groups (Jatoth et al., 2017), including non-heuristic algo-
& Graham Pockley, 2017). rithms, heuristic algorithms and meta-heuristic algorithms, which
helps to highlight the comparison of methods.
4 Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804 Non-heuristic (exact) algorithm. It is usually used to find an only five QoS parameters: efficiency, optimization, time, scalability
optimal solution set for optimization problems. Generally speak- and cost have been considered.
ing, every optimization problem can obtain a unique optimum so- A review on QoS-aware cloud service selection and composition
lution using an exhaustive search, but it usually needs to take a has been proposed in Hayyolalam and Pourhaji Kazem (2018), in
considerable amount of time to find the optimum solution. Thus, their research, articles were classified into two categories based on
it is vital to decrease the time complexity, and some techniques application environments: single and multi-cloud environment, the
have been developed to get fast exact algorithms for NP-hard prob- methods presented in the articles were analyzed and compared in
lems, including pruning the search tree, improved data processing detail, however, articles published before 2013 and newly articles
method, local search, and dynamic programming across the subsets published after August 2017 were not included.
(Woeginger, 2003). Some of the widely used non-heuristic (exact) In general, the existing review articles have made a discussion
algorithms are branch and bound algorithm, linear programming, on cloud service composition and provided great help for our re-
and integer programming. search, but there still have some weakness as follows:
(1) The existing review articles only analyze articles within five Heuristic algorithm. A heuristic algorithm is usually de- years; some new papers, especially those published in 2018
signed for the specific problem and created by “experience”, it were not included.
aims to make full use of special characteristics of the problem to (2) Only a few QoS parameters were investigated in some pa-
get a high-quality feasible solution in a reasonable computational pers. Besides, the QoS aggregation techniques for different
time (Reeves, 1993). This solution cannot be guaranteed to be the composition modes have been neglected.
best one, but it can be considered a shortcut if time is the major (3) Some key information has not been investigated, e.g., active
constraint (Yang, 2009). Some of the widely used heuristic algo- researchers in this field, the most important research moti-
rithms includes A∗ algorithm and hill-climbing algorithm. vations, and cloud computing layers. Meta-heuristic algorithm. Meta-heuristic is a high-level 3. Research methodology

strategy for exploring search spaces by using different methods
(Blum & Roli, 2001). Here, “Meta” means “beyond”, hence, meta- This systematic mapping is conducted according to the guide-
heuristic algorithms are often designed to address complex opti- lines provided in Petersen, Vakkalanka, and Kuzniarz (2015) and
mization problems using higher-level strategies, unlike heuristic al- Kitchenham and Charters (2007), which aims to provide a
gorithms, meta-heuristic algorithms are problem independent and panorama view of QoS-aware cloud service composition with a
suitable for broad issues (Bianchi, Dorigo, Gambardella, & Gutjahr, special concentration on computational intelligence. Fig. 3 illus-
2009). The classes of meta-heuristic algorithms include, but are not trated the systematic mapping process, and the main stages of this
restricted to, genetic algorithm (GA), imperialist competitive algo- mapping process are presented below.
rithm (ICA) and social learning optimization (SLO).
3.1. Need identification
2.2. Related works
Identification of the need for mapping study is the initial step
Some review papers about cloud service composition have been when planning the mapping. This study first searches for the rel-
published. This section would analyze the existing review articles evant review articles. The search work was performed strictly ac-
and outline their main strengths and weaknesses. cording to the search protocol proposed below. The difference is
Jula et al. have made a systematic review of cloud service that the article type is limited to the review article, and finally, five
composition based on 34 articles published from 2009 to 2013 review articles about the cloud service composition were found.
(Jula et al., 2014). This review investigated the existing methods A detailed analysis of these articles is in Section 2.2. We can find
and classified them into five groups, including classic and graph- that the existing articles have made a discussion on cloud service
based algorithms, combinatorial algorithms, machine-based meth- composition. However, there is no recent systematic research on
ods, structures methods and frameworks methods. This review also QoS-aware cloud service composition that emphasizes computing
examined the QoS parameters included in the literature and re- intelligence. As a consequence, it is challenging to assess research
vealed their percentages. However, article selection approach, open status and identify future research directions in this filed. There-
issues and papers published after 2013 were not contained. fore, the current study is intended to fill in this gap by identifying
Asghari and Navimipour surveyed the meta-heuristic algorithms the literature that solving QoS-aware cloud service composition us-
used in cloud service composition (Asghari & Navimipour, 2015). ing computational intelligence techniques with the period of 2009
This review divided the relevant articles into two categories: sin- to 2018. This mapping study can provide a solid basis for both re-
gle and multiple clouds and analyzed the performance of each al- searchers and practitioners who are interested in this area.
gorithm in terms of time and cost. However, the article selection
3.2. Research questions
mechanism, QoS parameters and open issues are not taken into ac-
count, and papers published after 2015 were not contained.
The main purpose of this mapping study is to provide an
Moreover, Asghari and Navimipour have investigated the service
overview of the study that solving QoS-aware cloud service com-
composition approaches in multi-cloud environments (Asghari &
position problems with computational intelligence techniques. This
Navimipour, 2016), such as all clouds, base cloud, a smart cloud,
COM2 and clustering algorithms. However, the article selection ap- leads to the following research questions (RQs):
proach has not been taken into consideration; also, QoS parameters (1) RQ1: What are the research motivations of the researchers?
were not included. (2) RQ2: Are there any active researchers in the field of CI-based
A further study on cloud service composition has been pre- QoS-CSC?
sented in Vakili and Navimipou (2017). In their survey, service (3) RQ3: What are the QoS parameters and QoS aggregation
composition methods were classified into three categories, includ- techniques used in CI based QoS-CSC?
ing agent-based methods, framework-based methods, and heuris- (4) RQ4: What are the current computational intelligence tech-
tic methods. They conducted a comprehensive analysis of existing niques that support QoS-CSC, and which datasets are used
research, including their advantages and disadvantages. However, for method testing and validation?
Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804 5

Fig. 3. Systematic mapping process.

(5) RQ5: What optimization strategies are adopted in research

works? Optimization strategies of the current research are
analyzed from three aspects: optimization mode, multi-
objective optimization strategy and QoS constraints strategy.
(6) RQ6: Which cloud layers are involved in the service compo-
sition process?
(7) RQ7: What are the future research directions in the field of
In order to answer these RQs, in the following, all the main
components of the search protocol will be discussed: search strat-
egy, study selection, quality assessment, data extraction and valid-
ity threats.

3.3. Search strategy

To identify the maximum number of relevant primary studies,

we defined a search strategy from three perspectives: data sources,
search scope and search strings.
In terms of data sources, the most commonly used electronic
databases recommended in Abdelmaboud, Jawawi, Ghani, Elsafi,
and Kitchenham (2015), Kitchenham et al. (2010), Zhang, Babar,
and Tell (2011) were identified as sources to find articles:
• Google scholar (
• SpringerLink (
• IEEE explorer ( Fig. 4. Article selection process.
• ACM Digital Library (
• Science Direct (
• Outcome: The outcome of the literature is a composite service
With regards to search scope, based on guidelines provided in that requires less cost and less response time. Therefore, the
Petersen, Vakkalanka, and Kuzniarz (2015), we limit our search to major item of the outcome may come down to the quality of
peer-reviewed publications, including journals, and conference pa- service (QoS).
pers. Besides, the search results are limited to the publication pe-
riod between 2009 and 2018. We chose this start date because Secondly, we used synonyms and alternate spellings of search
computational intelligence technique was first utilized in the study terms to identify as broad as articles we could find. The search
of QoS-aware cloud service composition in 2009. strings used for each database and the number of search results
About search strings, aim to specify search strings from re- can be found in Table 1. It should be noted that the initial search
search questions, PICO (population, intervention, comparison, out- was conducted in 2017, and a supplement was made in 2018 to
come) model suggested in Kitchenham and Charters (2007) was ensure that none of the articles published between 2009 and 2018
proposed to identify and combine keywords. were ignored.
Firstly, the major keywords were derived and listed below. Then EndNote X7 was used to remove duplicates, and this work
was done by two master students under the supervision of the
• Population: In this study, the population may refer to the cloud,
cloud service, cloud computing and cloud environment.
• Intervention: Here, intervention refers to a computational in-
telligence technique used for service composition. There are no 3.4. Study selection and quality assessment
specific interventions available for investigation.
• Comparison: In this study, we compare a huge number of tech- This section aims to select the primary studies from the articles
niques included in the literature, there is not a clear compari- retrieved by the search engine. the article selection process of this
son to be investigated. study is demonstrated in Fig. 4.
6 Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804

Table 1
Searches in databases.

Database Search strings Results

Google ((“quality of service” OR “QoS” OR “QoS-aware”) AND (“Cloud service” OR “Cloud computing” OR “Cloud environment”) AND (“service 8980
Scholar integration” OR “service composition” OR “service combination”))
((“quality of service” OR “QoS” OR “QoS-aware”) AND (“Cloud service” OR “Cloud computing” OR “Cloud environment”) AND (“resource 285
integration” OR “resource composition” OR “resource combination”))
Springer (Cloud AND QoS AND (“quality of service” OR “QoS-aware”) AND (“Cloud service” OR “Cloud computing” OR “Cloud environment”) 2102
AND (“service composition” OR“service combination” OR “service integration” OR “resource composition” OR“resource integration”
OR “resource combination”))
IEEE ((“quality of service” OR “QoS” OR “QoS-aware”) AND (“Cloud service” OR “Cloud computing” OR “Cloud environment”) AND (“service 768
composition” OR“service combination” OR “service integration” OR “resource composition” OR“resource integration” OR “resource
ACM "query": {content.ftsec:(+cloud +QoS “quality of service” “QoS” “QoS-aware” "service integration" "service composition” “service 1002
combination”" "resource integration" "resource composition”“resource combination”) AND (+"cloud computing")
Science ((“quality of service” OR “QoS” OR “QoS-aware”) AND (“Cloud service” OR “Cloud computing” OR “Cloud environment”) AND (“service 464
Direct composition” OR“service combination” OR “service integration”))
((“quality of service” OR “QoS” OR “QoS-aware”) AND (“Cloud service” OR “Cloud computing” OR “Cloud environment”) AND (“resource 36
composition” OR“resource combination” OR “resource integration”))

3.4.1. Study selection • QA4: Does this article have some meaningful research findings
The main phases of the article selection process include quick that can guide future research?
screening, full-text checking, and reference snowballing.
Then, the answer to each question was assigned a numerical Phase 1: quick screening. In this phase, the titles, keywords score, 0 (“no”), 0.5 (“to some extent”), or 1 (“yes”). Co-authors were
and abstracts of the retrieved articles were examined based on the divided into two groups to assess the selected primary studies re-
inclusion and exclusion criteria, which are described as follows. spectively, and the median value was taken to represent the con-
sensus view (Kitchenham et al., 2010).
Inclusion criteria Finally, all authors set a threshold of 3 to include any study
with a score of 3 or above. However, no article was excluded, thus,
• Studies that are written in English.
this mapping involved all the selected 105 studies.
• Studies that are published in international conferences or jour-
• Studies that focus on solving the QoS-aware cloud service com- 3.5. Data extraction
position problem using computational intelligence techniques.
In order to answer the previously defined research questions,
Exclusion criteria the following data were extracted when reviewing the primary
studies: (1) name of the article; (2) article type; (3) publication
• Studies that are not accessible in full-text. year; (4) name of publication venue; (5) names and affiliations of
• Studies that are not peer-reviewed articles. the authors; (6) research objectives; (7) QoS parameters included
• Studies that do not take QoS into consideration. in the study; (8) applied techniques; (9) some metrics for in-
• Studies that do not explain the proposed method in detail. vestigated researches (utilized datasets, optimization mode, multi-
• Studies that do not identify the research objective clearly. objective optimization strategy, QoS constraint strategy and cloud
layers). Section 4 provides a comprehensive investigation and de- Phase 2: full-text checking. In this phase, to make further scription of these 9 aspects by observing the investigated papers.
selections, the full text of the preliminarily selected publications To further improve the accuracy of the extracted data, the data ex-
was read completely to determine their relevance to the study. In traction work was done by the second author and then checked by
particular, those articles hard to make decisions were discussed at the first author.
team meetings. Phase 3: reference snowballing. In order to find as many rel- 3.6. Validity threats
evant articles as possible, the remaining articles from the previous
phase were used to conduct backward snowballing (Wohlin, 2014), Concerning the validity threats discussed in
which led to 4 studies were added. Finally, a total of 105 articles Petersen et al. (2015), the most significant validity threats as-
are included for this mapping. sociated with this study are selection bias and inaccurate data
Selection bias refers that an article may be incorrectly in-
3.4.2. Quality assessment
cluded or excluded. This threat is primarily related to the effective-
It is often difficult to distinguish the rigor and the effectiveness
ness of the search strategy, as we chose Google Scholar, Springer,
of the research methods presented in the literature. For additional
IEEE, ACM and Science Direct as data sources to find articles. This
examination, firstly, four questions were raised as quality assess-
choice was done according to the suggestions in related reviews
ment criteria to provide a quality assessment of the 105 selected
(Hayyolalam & Pourhaji Kazem, 2018; Vakili & Navimipou, 2017),
which led to some repeated papers have been selected because
• QA1: Is there a clear statement to show the differences be- Google Scholar is a kind of aggregation service, to address this is-
tween the current study and related works? sue, we used EndNote X7 to remove duplicates and manage liter-
• QA2: Does the study provide sufficient data to verify the valid- ature. Additionally, this threat is also related to the study selec-
ity of the research method? tion process because each researcher’s understanding of inclusion
• QA3: Does the study compare the proposed method and the and exclusion criteria is different. Articles selected by different re-
existing baseline methods? searchers are likely to be different. To minimize bias and improve
Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804 7

Table 2
Non-heuristic (exact) algorithms for QoS-CSC.

Publisher Reference Optimization Multi-objective Algorithm Dataset QoS constraints Cloud layers
mode optimization

IEEE (Kofler et al., 2009) Global s Parallel branch and bound RG s SaaS
(Wang et al., 2011) Global n-s Mixed integer WS-DREAM, RG s SaaS
(Hossain et al., Global n-s Linear programming n-m s IaaS
(Bao & Dou, 2012) Global n-s Improved tree-pruning Generated by s SaaS
based algorithm computer
(Cui et al., 2012) Global n-s Viterbi algorithm n-m s SaaS
(Li et al., 2013) Global n-s Voting algorithm RG n-m IaaS
(Karim et al., 2013) Global n-s Analytic hierarchy process RG s IaaS,
(Dou et al., 2015) Global n-s History record-based RG n-m SaaS
service optimization
(Ye et al., 2016) Global n-s Time series group SG n-m IaaS,
similarity approach SaaS
(Zhang et al., Local+Global n-s Block-elimination-based QWS, RG s SaaS
2016) mapreduce method
(Wang et al., 2016) Global s Mixed integer Datasets (Al-Masri & s IaaS
programming Mahmoud, 2007;
Zheng, Zhang, & Lyu,
2010; Zhang, Zheng,
& Lyu, 2011)
(Chen et al., 2016) Local+ s Vector ordinal WS-Dream, QWS, RG s SaaS
Global optimization
(Bharathan et al., Global n-s Integer linear QWS s SaaS
2017) programming
(Wang et al., 2018) Global s 0-1 linear programming Datasets (Al-Masri & s IaaS
Mahmoud, 2007;
Zheng et al., 2010),
Elsevier (Qi et al., 2012) Local n-s Mixed integer RG s SaaS
(Huang et al., Global n-s Dijkstra algorithm, RG s IaaS
2014a) κ -shortest pathalgorit
(Gabrel et al., Global s Directed graph structure WSC-09, WSR-QoS n-s SaaS
(Zhu et al., 2018) Global n-s GraphPlan and fuzzy logic WS-Challenge.Testset n-s SssS
Generator 2009
Springer (Badidi et al., Global s TOPSIS RG s SaaS
ACM (Alrifai et al., Global n-s Mixed integer QWS, SG s SaaS
2010) programming
(Ye et al., 2014) Global n-s Decision analysis approach RG s IaaS,
SERSC (Lu et al., 2014) Global n-s Hypothesis test QWS, Simulated s SaaS
KSII (Wang et al., Global n-s Branch-and-bound method RG s SaaS
s: supported, n-s: not supported, n-m: not mentioned, RG: Randomly generated dataset, SG: Synthetically generated dataset.

reliability, two researchers worked together in this work. More- heuristic algorithms. In Section 4.1–4.3, 105 selected articles that
over, the selection process was carried out in multiple steps (quick belong to these categories have been summarized, and the metrics
screening, full-text checking and reference snowballing) to reduce for current researches are provided as well.
misinterpretations to a minimum.
Inaccurate data extraction refers that the data may be extracted 4.1. Non-heuristic (exact) algorithms
by different researchers in different ways. In other words, sub-
jective behavior in the data extraction process may lead to in- There are 23 articles belong to the non-heuristic. In the fol-
accurate extraction results. To mitigate this risk, the data extrac- lowing, a brief description of the current non-heuristic (exact) al-
tion was done by the second author, and then the first author gorithms will be provided, and their metrics will be shown in
checked the correctness by tracing the extracted information back Table 2.
into the statements in each paper, In general, letting another au- In Kofler et al. (2009) the composition of work-flows has been
thor check the extraction is a common practice in the systematic converted to a multi-dimensional multi-choice knapsack problem,
study (Petersen et al., 2015). and a parallelizable branch and bound algorithm is developed to
achieve the optimal happiness measure. Also, in Hossain, Hassan,
4. Classification and approaches in QoS-CSC Qurishi, and Alghamdi (2012) the VM (virtual machine) resource
allocation and composition problem has been converted to a multi-
In this section, current computational intelligence techniques dimensional bin-packing problem, and this problem is addressed
used in QoS-CSC are divided into three categories, including by using linear programming, in addition, a heuristic approach has
non-heuristic (exact) algorithms, heuristic algorithms and meta- been proposed and proved to have similar performance.
8 Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804

In Wang et al. (2011) the uncertainty characteristics in cloud proach based on branch-and-bound method has been proposed to
environments has been paid attention, a cloud model is developed identify the optimal composition path and satisfy various QoS re-
to identify the uncertainty of the QoS, and mixed integer program- strictions. Authors in Wang, Zhou, Yang, and Chang (2016) have put
ming is applied to obtain the optimal service set. Moreover, consid- forward a network-aware service composition method to cut down
ering the candidate services may be invocated from different cloud network resource consumption and optimize the QoS of composite
platforms, a local optimization enumeration method has been pro- services. Furthermore, researchers in Wang, Zhou, and Bao (2018)
posed in Qi et al. (2012) to obtain the QoS qualified composite ser- considered the trade-off among network resource consumption,
vice. energy consumption and QoS performance, they handled the QoS-
The correlations among multiple services have also been taken CSC problem as a multi-objective optimization problem, and the
into account, in Bao and Dou (2012) a service composition method optimum solution (such as, high QoS utility, low network resource
has been proposed by using finite state machine (FSM), this consumption, and low energy consumption) has been discovered
method consists of two phases, firstly, the composition tree is con- by means of 0–1 linear programming.
structed based on tree-pruning-based algorithm, and then a sim- Concerning users’ preferences, as well as the context infor-
ple additive weighting (SAW) technique is adopted to identify the mation, a conceptual framework designed to deliver personal-
optimal service set. In Chen, Huang, Lin, and Shen (2016) QoS ized services has been proposed in Badidi, Atif, Sheng, and Mah-
dependency has been introduced and vector ordinal optimization eswaran (2018), a TOPSIS (technique for order performance by sim-
techniques are utilized to address this multi-objective composi- ilarity to ideal solution) algorithm is adopted to select the appro-
tion optimization problem. In Bharathan, Rajendran, and Sundar- priate services under users’ QoS constraints and current context.
raj (2017) a penalty-based approach has been developed for ser- In Zhu, Fang, Li, and Kuang (2018), GraphPlan and fuzzy logic are
vice composition in geodistributed cloud environments, in this ap- utilized together to solve the problem of QoS-CSC, fuzzy rules are
proach, violations in QoS constraints are allowed but with an asso- developed to rank services based on user preferences, which helps
ciated penalty. reduce the searching space. In Cui, Li, and Zheng (2012) several as-
Authors in Ye, Bouguettaya, and Zhou (2014) have put forward a pects of QoS are taken into account, including QoS attributes, user
novel cross-layers (SaaS and IaaS layers) composition approach, in preference and the service relationships, and a service composition
this approach, a Bayesian network-based method is adopted to rep- method based Viterbi algorithm has been proposed to reason out
resent consumers’ preferences in their economic model, and an in- the global optimal solution.
fluence diagram is utilized to resolve the combination optimization Authors in Gabrel, Manouvrier, Moreau, and Murat (2017) fo-
problem. Thereafter, researchers in Ye et al. (2016) make a long- cus on automatic syntactic service composition, in their study, ex-
term QoS prediction according to short-term QoS advertisements ecution time and throughput criteria have been considered, service
and QoS history records; then the time series similarity measure composition process is formulated as a scheduling problem under
is performed between consumer requirements and the predicted AND/OR constraints, and a new directed-graph-structure-based al-
QoS values to obtain the suitable solution. Moreover, researchers gorithm has been presented to achieve the optimum results.
in Karim et al. (2013) have also presented a two-phase approach,
firstly, consumer’s QoS constraints are mapped to SaaS layer, then 4.2. Heuristic algorithms
SaaS layer is allowed to choose the optimal IaaS service under
these QoS requirements. There are 20 articles belong to the heuristic. The classification
Skyline selection method has been used by some researches of current heuristic algorithms will be discussed in the following,
to reduce the time consumption for service composition. In and their metrics will be presented in Table 3.
Alrifai, Skoutas, and Risse (2010) the skyline services are identi- In Wu and Khoury (2012) researchers have presented a multi-
fied based on the QoS values, and then an approach is developed objective approach based on tree-based search algorithm to op-
to efficiently select and composite services by pruning non-skyline timize various QoS parameters in cloud service composition.
ones. Also, researches in Zhang, Kai, Khan, and Malluhi (2016) have In Huang, Liu, Yu, Duan, and Tanaka (2013) a system model
proposed an integrated skyline query processing approach to select is developed to characterize service provisioning behavior in
qualified candidate services and combine them. Moreover, authors virtualization-based cloud computing, then a novel approximation
in Li, Wu, and Lu (2013) have adopted a shortest-path based vot- algorithm and a variant of a well-known QoS routing procedure are
ing algorithm to discover the optimum solution, which also signif- utilized to resolve the QoS-aware service composition problem.
icantly reduced the response time. To adaptively evaluate and composite services in cloud envi-
Besides, reliability, accuracy, trustworthiness and privacy assur- ronments, an adaptive method has been designed in Yang, Lin,
ance have also been paid attention, authors in Lu, Hu, Wang, and and Dou (2013) for dynamic service evaluation and composition.
Li (2014) have proposed a dynamic cloud service combination ap- In Tao, LaiLi, Xu, and Zhang (2013) researchers have proposed a
proach based on objective QoS (reliability, availability and execu- parallel intelligent method based on adaptive chaos optimization
tion time) and stochasticity and subjective trust evaluation. Fur- with reflex migration to address the issue of cloud manufacturing
thermore, a privacy-aware service composition method in multi- service composition optimal-selection. Thereafter, in Huang, Li, and
cloud environments has been provided in Dou, Zhang, Liu, and Tao (2014) a new chaos control operator algorithm has been devel-
Chen (2015), in this research, service evaluation is performed based oped to adaptively find Pareto-optimal solution for service compo-
on QoS history records, not the QoS values published from the sition in cloud manufacturing. Furthermore, in Wang, Wang, Hu,
provider, and the k-means algorithm is adopted to filter represen- Zhang, and Gu (2016) a novel multi-agent reinforcement learning
tative history records, it greatly reduces the response time and im- method has been proposed to adaptively achieve the optimal solu-
proves the privacy assurance for not transaction records are all re- tion for the large scale service composition process.
quired to unveil. For trustworthy service selection and composition, in Hang and
Considering the network resource consumption in the cloud en- Singh (2011) a trustworthy service composition method have been
vironment, a network–cloud service selection problem is formu- proposed based on Bayesian networks, and a beta-mixture model
lated as a variant of multi-constrained optimal path problem in is utilized to express the trust distribution for each composition. In
Huang, Liu, and Duan (2014a), and an exact algorithm is proposed Li, Zheng, Chen, Song, and Chen (2014) a novel heuristic approach
to solve this issue. In Wang, Yang, and Mi (2015b) the network QoS has been presented for trustworthy service composition. This ap-
and service QoS are taken into consideration separately, and an ap- proach includes three stages. Firstly, a local selection approach is
Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804 9

Table 3
Heuristic algorithms for QoS-CSC

Publisher Author Optimization Multi- Algorithm Dataset QoS Cloud layer

mode objective constraints

IEEE (Wu & Khoury, 2012) Global s Tree-based search n-m s SaaS
(Yu & Bouguettaya, 2013) Local s Bottom-up algorithm SG s SaaS
(Tao et al., 2013) Global s Adaptive chaos n-m s IaaS,
optimization algorithm SaaS
(Huang et al., 2014b) Global n-s Approximation algorithm RG s IaaS
(Neiat et al., 2014) Global n-s A∗ algorithm SG n-s IaaS
(Mostafa & Zhang, 2015) Global s Reinforcement learning RG s SaaS
(Deng et al., 2016a) Global n-s Pruning method RG n-s SaaS
(Wu et al., 2017) Global n-s Top-k iteration RG s IaaS
composition process
(Kurdi et al., 2018) Global n-s MultiCuckoo algorithm OWL-S XPlan s SaaS
(Huang et al., 2018) Global n-s Approximation algorithm RG s IaaS
Elsevier (Li et al., 2014) Global n-s Trust-based heuristic QWS, RG s SaaS
(Pourhaji Kazem, Pedram, & Global n-s Bayesian network QWS s SaaS
Abolhassani, 2015)
(Wang, Wang, Hu et al., 2016) Global n-s Multi-agent reinforcement Simulated s SaaS
Springer (Ghobaei-Arani et al., 2018) Global n-s Cuckoo search algorithm Simulated s SaaS
ACM (Hang & Singh, 2011) Global n-s Bayesian network Simulated n-s SaaS
Taylor & Francis (Huang et al., 2014) Local n-s Chaos control optimal n-m s IaaS,
algorithm SaaS
Sersc (Xiao & Liu, 2014) Global n-s Evolution strategy Developed s SaaS
Inass (Bhushan & Ch, 2016) n-m n-s Heuristic-based on OWLS-Xplan s SaaS
ICICE (Huang et al., 2013) Global n-s Approximation algorithm RG s IaaS
Wiley (Yang et al., 2013) Global n-s Markov decision process RG n-s IaaS

s: supported, n-s: not supported, n-m: not mentioned, RG: Randomly generated dataset, SG: Synthetically generated dataset.

utilized to choose trustworthy candidates. Secondly, convex hulls based on PROMETHEE has been introduced for composing best
are created to decrease the service search time, at last, a heuris- QoS-aware services with the minimum number of cloud combina-
tic algorithm is adopted to combine services. Moreover, in Wu, tions, this approach achieved a significant improvement in com-
Dou, Hu, and Chen (2017) an improved top-k iteration process is position time by processing a minimum number of services than
performed for trusted service combination in multi-cloud environ- other benchmarks.
ments based on the user’s real-time demands. Specifically, authors in Kurdi, Ezzat, Altoaimy, Ahmed, and
Considering the importance of the network to cloud comput- Youcef-Toumi (2018) and Ghobaei-Arani, Rahmanian, Aslanpour,
ing, authors in Huang, Liu, Duan, and Yan (2014b) have expressed and Dashti (2018) have presented a cuckoo-inspired algorithm to
the network–cloud convergence problem as a variant of multi- combine IoT (Internet of Things) services and web services in
constrained optimal path problem, and an approximation algo- multi-cloud environments. Additionally, a novel heuristic approach
rithm is developed to address this issue. Furthermore, in Huang, based on A∗ algorithm is proposed in Neiat, Bouguettaya, Sellis,
Duan, Guo, Yan, and Yu (2018) a service composition model is pro- and Ye (2014) to select and composite spatiotemporal sensor-cloud
posed to converge network resources and cloud services, in this services, and two new QoS parameters, freshness and certainty, are
model, multiple QoS attributes have been taken into consideration introduced.
and end-to-end service performance is guaranteed.
In consideration of QoS correlations between cloud services, 4.3. Meta-heuristic algorithms
authors in Deng, Wu, Hu, and Zhao (2016a) have developed
a novel correlation-aware service pruning approach to select There are 62 articles belong to the meta-heuristic. In the fol-
and composite the qualified candidate services. In addition, in lowing, we will provide a summary of the current meta-heuristic
Pourhaji Kazem, Pedram, and Abolhassani (2015) a Bayesian net- algorithms, and more metrics about the current classification will
work based probabilistic QoS Model has been designed for grid be described in Table 4.
service composition, both the uncertainty of grid services and One of the requirements of QoS-CSC is that it ought to be
the dependency among QoS values are taken into account. In carried out in real time, in line with this purpose, authors in
Xiao and Liu (2014) an evolution strategy has been utilized to Wang et al. (2013) have utilized an improved particle swarm al-
address the service composition problem with QoS constraints in gorithm to select services that satisfy specific QoS requirements,
dynamical cloud environments. And a multi-objective approach the proposed approach employs a skyline operator to filter su-
based on reinforcement learning has been proposed in Mostafa and perfluous candidates, which reduces the time cost. Moreover, re-
Zhang (2015) to solve the problem of dynamic service composition searchers in Huo, Zhuang, Gu, Ni, and Xue (2015) have proposed
with conflicting objectives and specifical QoS constraints. a discrete gbest-guided artificial bee colony algorithm to reduce
To reduce the time complexity, in Yu & Bouguettaya (2013) the the time complexity. In this approach, QoS variation is considered,
dominance relationship between service providers is defined as and a time attenuation function is proposed to make the QoS value
a composite service skyline, and a new bottom-up algorithm is more in line with the current service performance.
developed to reduce searching space significantly and obtain the To simultaneously optimize the execution cost and response
composite service skyline. In Bhushan and Ch (2016) an algorithm time, in Jula, Othman, and Sundararajan (2013) a new memetic
10 Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804

Table 4
Meta-heuristic algorithms for QoS-CSC

Publisher Author Optimization Multi-objective Algorithm Dataset QoS Cloud Layer

mode optimization constraints

IEEE (Ludwig, 2012) Global n-s Improved genetic RG n-s SaaS

(Jula et al., 2013) Global s Hybrid imperialist WS-DREAM, n-m SaaS
competitive-gravitational RG
attraction search
(Dastjerdi & Global s Multi-objective SG s IaaS,
Buyya, 2014) evolutionary algorithm SaaS
(Klein et al., 2014) Global n-s Self-adaptive genetic PlanetLab s SaaS
algorithm Trace Dataset
(Zhang et al., 2015) Local+Global n-s Parallel ant colony TSPLIB n-m n-m
optimization algorithm
(Liu et al., 2015) Global n-s Genetic algorithm, RG s SaaS
simulated annealing and
tabu search
(Wang et al., 2015) Global n-s Genetic algorithm, RG s SaaS
simulated annealing
(Feng & Kong, 2015) Global s Fuzzy multi-objective RG n-s n-m
genetic algorithm
(Zhang et al., 2015) Global n-s Genetic algorithm QWS,RG s SaaS
(Deng et al., 2016b) Global n-s Teaching-learning-based RG n-s SaaS
optimization algorithm
(Deng et al., 2016d) Global n-s Genetic algorithm RG n-s SaaS, PaaS
(Deng et al., 2016c) Global n-s Differential evolution RG s SaaS,
(Wang et al., 2016) Global s Quantum genetic QWS n-s SaaS
(Mistry et al., 2018) Global n-s Hybrid genetic algorithm SG s IaaS
(Khanam et al., 2018) Global n-s Particle swarm QWS s SaaS
(Li et al., 2018) Global n-s Empirical RG s IaaS
genetic algorithm
(Kumar, Bahsoon, & Global s Multi-objective Dataset (Zheng, s SaaS
Chen, 2018) evolutionary algorithm Zhang, &
Lyu, 2014)
Elsevier (Wu & Zhu, 2013) Global n-s Ant colony optimization RG s SaaS
(Zhao et al., 2014) Local+Global n-s Negative selection immune RG s SaaS
(Jula et al., 2015) Global n-s Imperialist competitive WS- n-m SaaS
algorithm DREAM,QoS
(Wang et al., 2015a) Global n-s Genetic algorithm RG s SaaS
(Yu et al., 2015) Local n-s Ant colony optimization OWL-S XPlan s SaaS
(Xin Zhao et al., 2015) Global s Evolutionary algorithm RG,SG s SaaS
(Wang et al., 2015) Global s An ant colony algorithm SG s SaaS

(Jrad et al., 2015) Global n-s Hybrid utility-based Simulated s IaaS

genetic algorithm
(Jian et al., 2016) Global s Improved genetic QWS,WS- s SaaS
algorithm DREAM
(Liu et al., 2016a) Local+Global s Culture genetic algorithm RG s SaaS
(Liu et al., 2016b) Global n-s Special social learning RG s SaaS
optimization algorithm
(Spezzano, 2016) Global s Multi-objective particle QWS s SaaS
swarm optimization
(Chen et al., 2016) Global s Evolutionary algorithm SG s SaaS
(Xu et al., 2017) Global n-s Artificial bee colony RG s SaaS
(Wang et al., 2017) Global n-s Genetic algorithm QWS s SaaS
(Liang & Du, 2017) Local+Global n-s Cooperative coevolutionary RG s SaaS
(Jatoth et al., 2018) Local+Global n-s MapReduce-based SG s SaaS
evolutionary algorithm
(Xiaolong Xu et al., Local+Global n-s Particle swarm n-m n-s SaaS
2018) optimization algorithm
(Bouzary et al., 2018) Global n-s Invasive weed RG s n-m
optimization (IWO)
(Zhou, Yao, Lin, Chan, Global s Adaptive multi-population RG s SaaS
& Li, 2018) differential artificial bee
colony algorithm
(continued on next page)
Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804 11

Table 4 (continued)

Publisher Author Optimization Multi-objective Algorithm Dataset QoS Cloud Layer

mode optimization constraints

(Zhang et al., 2018) Global s Biogeography-based Simulated s IaaS

optimization (BBO)
Springer (Ye et al., 2011) Global n-s Genetic algorithm RG s IaaS,
(Wang et al., 2013) Global n-s Particle swarm QWS,SG s SaaS
(Xiang et al., 2014) Global s Group leader algorithm RG s SaaS
(Liu et al., 2014) Global n-s Culture genetic algorithm RG s SaaS
(Huo et al., 2015) Local+Global n-s Artificial bee colony QWS,RG s SaaS
(Seghir & Local+Global n-s Genetic algorithm, fruit fly RG s n-m
Khababa, 2016) optimization algorithm
(Alamri, 2016) n-m n-s Bees algorithm Simulated s IaaS,
(Qi et al., 2017) Global n-s knowledge-based RG n-s SaaS
differential evolution
(Karimi et al., 2017) Global n-s Genetic algorithm QWS s SaaS
(Liu & Zhang, 2017) Global n-s Genetic algorithm RG s SaaS
(Zhou & Yao, 2017a) Global n-s Hybrid RG s SaaS
optimization algorithm
(Zhou & Yao, 2017c) Global n-s Hybrid artificial bee RG s SaaS
colony algorithm
(Zhou & Yao, 2017d) Global s Hybrid artificial bee RG s IaaS
colony algorithm
(Jin et al., 2017) Global n-s Genetic algorithm RG s SaaS
(Jian et al., 2018) Global s Modified bird swarm RG s IaaS
(Khansari et al., 2018) Global s Quantum genetic Simulated s IaaS,
algorithm PaaS
(Que, Zhong, Chen, Global n-s Information entropy Simulated s IaaS
Chen, & Ji, 2018) immune genetic
ACM (Klein et al., 2012) Global n-s Genetic algorithm RG s IaaS
(Wagner et al., 2012) Global s Genetic algorithm RG s SaaS
(Amato & Global s Multi-object genetic SG s IaaS
Venticinque, 2016) algorithm
KSII (Wang et al., 2016) Global n-s Genetic algorithm and SG s SaaS
simulated annealing
(Liu et al., 2018) Global s Hybrid multi-objective QWS s n-m
evolutionary algorithm
Taylor & (Lartigau et al., 2015) Global n-s Adapted artificial bee SG s IaaS
Francis colony algorithm
(Zhou & Yao, 2017b) Global s Hybrid artificial bee SG s SaaS
colony and cuckoo
search algorithm
s: supported, n-s: not supported, n-m: not mentioned, RG: Randomly generated dataset, SG: Synthetically generated dataset.

algorithm has been proposed by integrating the imperialist com- netic algorithm (FMOGA) is designed to generate optimal com-
petitive search and gravitational attraction search. Furthermore, position instance sets. In Wang, He, Shi, and Li (2016) and
a novel imperialist competitive algorithm has been put forward Khansari et al. (2018) multi-objective cloud service composition
in Jula, Othman, and Sundararajan (2015), in this approach, ser- methods have been designed for web services and IoT appli-
vice providers are divided into three categories by means of PRO- cations by employing quantum genetic algorithm. In Jian, Li,
CLUS (as an appropriate clustering algorithm for high-dimensional and Kuang (2018) a multi-objective method has been put for-
data), and each supplier is assigned a probability according to ward based on modified bird swarm optimization for edge cloud
the total service time, which facilitates the service composition computing service composition in the internet of things. In
process. Moreover, an ant colony optimation algorithm (Wang, Kumar, Bahsoon, and Chen (2018) a novel multi-tenant middleware
Shen, & Luo, 2015) and genetic algorithm (Deng, Wu, Taheri, for dynamic service composition in the SaaS cloud has been devel-
Zomaya, & Wu, 2016d) have also been introduced to create oped by using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms.
service mashups with optimal response time and cost perfor- In Ye, Zhou, and Bouguettaya (2011) a genetic algorithm based
mance. In addition, some multi-objective methods have been approach has been presented to composite application services
proposed for cloud service composition. in Wagner, Kloepper, (SaaS) and utility services (IaaS). To solve the workflow selec-
Ishikawa, and Honiden (2012) and Kholidy, Hassan, Sarhan, Erradi, tion problem, an improved genetic algorithm has been devel-
& Abdelwahed (2015) genetic algorithm-based multi-objective op- oped in Ludwig (2012). Furthermore, some hybrid genetic algo-
timization algorithms have been proposed to select services that rithms have been developed to address the QoS-CSC problem. Ap-
meet users’ QoS requirements. In Feng and Kong (2015) the tri- proaches based on genetic and simulated annealing algorithm have
angular fuzzy number is used to represent the QoS attributes been proposed in Wang, Ding, Yang, Mi, and Xiong (2015) and
and the user preferences weight, and a fuzzy multi-objective ge- Wang et al. (2016) to optimize the overall QoS values and
12 Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804

satisfy the specific constraints in quality metrics. A hybrid genetic with the large problem size by integrating PROMETHEE into the
algorithm has been presented in Seghir and Khababa (2016) by genetic algorithm. In Alamri (2016) the bees algorithm has been
integrating the genetic algorithm and fruit fly optimization introduced for the media service composition in the mobile health-
algorithm. Moreover, authors in Karimi, Isazadeh, and Rah- care environment. Additionally, in Liang and Du (2017) a novel co-
mani (2017) have designed a new method for QoS-CSC problem operative coevolutionary algorithm is designed for dynamic ser-
by integrating data mining methods and genetic algorithm. And a vice composition with QoS constraints and potential QoS correla-
new MapReduce-based evolutionary algorithm has been proposed tions. Moreover, to satisfy the long-term expectation of IaaS ser-
in Jatoth, Gangadharan, Fiore, and Buyya (2018) to composite in- vice providers in dynamic cloud environments, an advanced hy-
terrelated web services by combining conventional genetic algo- brid adaptive genetic optimization approach has been designed in
rithm and estimation of distribution algorithms together. Addition- Mistry et al. (2018).
ally, the differential evolution algorithm Qi, Xu, Xue, Wang, and To obtain credible, high-quality composite services, authors in
Sun (2017), particle swarm optimisation (Khanam, Kumar, & Ku- Zhang, Rao, and Wang (2015) have introduced the trust service
mar, 2018; Xu, Rong, Pereira, & Trovati, 2018) are also proved to quality (T-QoS) and put forward a new parallel ant colony al-
have good performance in addressing such combinatorial optimiza- gorithm. Considering the variation of QoS value, researchers in
tion problem. Jian et al. (2016) have proposed an interval-based fuzzy ranking
In Liu, Jia, Xue, and An (2014) the problem of reliable web method, in which an improved genetic algorithm (GA) is devel-
service composition is converted to a local optimization problem oped to composite services in diverse problem size. Furthermore,
through global QoS restricts decomposition, and then culture ge- aiming at achieving low response time, low cost, low network la-
netic algorithm is utilized to select optimal web service based on tency, and high reliability in multi-cloud environments, authors in
QoS dynamic prediction. In Liu, Chu, Jia, Shen, and Wang (2016a) a Liu, Gu, Fu, Zhang, and Buyya (2018) have proposed an novel hy-
two-stage approach has been proposed to obtain services in dy- brid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on local search,
namic environments, firstly, culture genetic algorithm is utilized to NSGA-II (A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm) and
choose better candidates; secondly, services are selected according differential evolution algorithm.
to the QoS values that predicted by an improved case-based rea- Researchers in Xu et al. (2017) have taken the service domain
soning method. Furthermore, in Liu et al. (2016b) a specific social features into consideration and developed a set of service domain
learning algorithm has been proposed, which combines improved oriented artificial bee colony algorithms. Quantitative and quali-
differential evolutionary algorithm and improved social cognitive tative non-functional properties (NFPs) of cloud services are con-
optimization, through experiments, this approach is proved to be sidered separately in Wang et al. (2017), and an NFP-aware ap-
effective and efficient. proach for QoS-CSC has been proposed based on quantitative con-
Considering the influence of the network on service quality, a straints and qualitative preferences. Considering suppliers’ long-
network-aware method has been proposed in Klein et al. (2012), term economic expectations, a novel dynamic meta-heuristic opti-
which handles the network QoS and service QoS separately. Fur- mization method has been proposed in Mistry et al. (2018). More-
thermore, a self-adaptive network-aware method has been pro- over, a novel composition method for long-term service provision
posed in Klein, Ishikawa, and Honiden (2014), in this method, a has been proposed in Liu, Wei, Tang, Qin, and Yao (2015), in this
network model is designed to measure the network latency, and approach, three meta-heuristic approaches, tabu search, simulated
a genetic algorithm is used to balance network latency and other annealing and genetic algorithm, are developed to select services.
QoS attributes while reducing composition time. Also, in Wang, Some researchers have paid attention to the multi-cloud ser-
Yang, and Mi (2015a) a composition model has been designed to vice composition problem. Authors in Yu, Chen, and Li (2015) have
differentiate the QoS between network environment and services, adopted the greedy algorithm and ant colony algorithm to se-
and a genetic algorithm is utilized to composite web service in lect services in cross-cloud environments. Moreover, some is-
muti-cloud environments while minimizing the SLA violations. sues may arise when the number of cloud providers increases,
A mobility-enabled approach for QoS-CSC has been presented such as lacking interoperability, cost differences, the heterogene-
in Deng, Huang, Hu, Zhao, and Wu (2016b), this approach includes ity of current public cloud platform technologies, and dynamic
three steps, firstly, a mobility model is proposed to formally model SLA conditions, these issues have been considered in Amato and
service invocations; secondly, a QoS computation rule is specified Venticinque (2016), and a multi-objective genetic algorithm has
to obtain mobility-aware QoS values; finally, a teaching-learning- been developed to reduce the computational time. Researchers in
based optimization algorithm is developed for selecting services. Dastjerdi and Buyya (2014) focus more on compatibility issues and
Furthermore, in Deng, Huang, Wu, and Wu (2016c) a differential an ontology-based approach is developed to examine the compat-
evolutionary based algorithm has been proposed to handle the ibility between services, in this approach, a set of evolutionary al-
problem of cloud service composition in mobile environments with gorithms and fuzzy logic are combined to address the composition
temporal constraints and QoS restrictions. In Spezzano (2016) a optimization problem. In Zhang, Liu, and Liu (2015) a service com-
self-organizing framework that supports the collection of ser- position method based on GA is presented to resolve the service
vices in dynamic cloud environments has been proposed, in this composition in the geo-distributed multi-cloud environments.
study, the runtime modifications of QoS are taken into consider- Authors in Xin Zhao, Shen, Peng, and Zhao (2015) have pre-
ation, especially, an ant-based clustering algorithm and a multi- sented a method for service composition with SLA constraints, in
objective particle swarm optimization algorithm using crowding this approach, a fuzzy preference model is proposed to represent
distance technique are designed to select services. In Wu and users’ QoS preferences, a single evolutionary algorithm and a hy-
Zhu (2013) the transactional properties of services have been in- brid evolutionary algorithm have been both adopted to obtain the
vestigated; the dynamic service composition problem is formulated solutions. Researchers in Jrad, Tao, Brandic, and Streit (2015) have
as a constrained directed acyclic graph, and the ant colony opti- developed a novel utility-based genetic matching algorithm to se-
mization algorithm is utilized to seek a near-to-optimal solution. In lect services and evaluate the performance of the proposed algo-
Zhao, Wen, and Li (2014) a negative selection immune optimization rithm by executing DNA sequencing application on a realistic sim-
algorithm is proposed for the large-scale and dynamic changing ulation platform. The proposed algorithm proves to reduce execu-
web service selection problem. In Jian, Zhu, and Xia (2016) a novel tion costs while fulfilling the SLAs.
QoS interval model has been developed to capture the uncertainty With respect to the service composition and optimal selec-
of QoS, and a service composition method is designed to cope tion in cloud manufacturing, in Lartigau et al. (2015) an adapted
Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804 13

artificial bee colony algorithm has been proposed to tackle the is- QoS value is often subject to fluctuations and variations be-
sue of cloud manufacturing service composition with the consid- cause of some unexpected factors, such as network and ser-
eration of transportation cost. In Liu and Zhang (2017) a matrix- vice correlations. To makes the QoS value more in line with
coded genetic algorithm with collaboratively evolutional popula- the service characteristics, some scholars have improved QoS
tions has been developed for distributed manufacturing resources mathematical models to obtain a more precise QoS value.
composition. In Zhou and Yao (2017c) a hybrid artificial bee colony (3) Proposing new approaches (RM3). Achieving certain goals,
algorithm has been proposed by employing both the probabilistic such as reducing the composition time, handling problems
model of Archimedean copula estimation of distribution algorithm of uncertainty and dynamism, requires changes for the cur-
and the chaos operators of the global best-guided artificial bee rent approach. In some cases, new approaches have been de-
colony. In Bouzary, Chen, and Krishnaiyer (2018) an invasive weed signed to achieve these goals.
optimization algorithm has been proposed for QoS-aware service (4) Algorithm improvements (RM4). Some advanced strategies
composition in cloud manufacturing. Furthermore, in Que, Zhong, are proposed to improve the algorithm’s solution process or
Chen, Chen, and Ji (2018) a new information entropy immune ge- search strategy to reduce time consumption or avoid local
netic algorithm (IEIGA) is proposed for adaptive manufacturing ser- optimization.
vice composition and optimal selection. (5) Self-adaptable, automatic, or dynamic composition (RM5).
Considering the energy consumption in cloud manufacturing Due to the uncertainty of the cloud environments, self-
system, in Xiang, Hu, Yu, and Wu (2014) a multi-objective ap- adaptable, automated, or dynamic service composition ap-
proach has been presented by combining the group leader al- proaches have been paid much attention to get better solu-
gorithm and Pareto solution idea to offer users with high qual- tions. In these approaches, evaluating the QoS value of the
ity and low energy consumption services. Moreover, in Zhou and services, balancing the optimization of different QoS param-
Yao (2017b) and Zhou and Yao (2017d) authors have designed eters, and improving the convergence speed are important
multi-objective methods based on the combination of artificial bee issues.
colony and cuckoo search, the proposed approach takes both the (6) Increasing reliability, accuracy, trustworthiness and pri-
service quality and the energy consumption into account. vacy assurance (RM6). One of the key factors that attract
Researchers in Zhou and Yao (2017a) have taken the ser- consumers utilizing cloud service is reliability, but in dy-
vice correlations into account and then proposed a hybrid namic and open cloud environments, the randomness of ser-
teaching–learning-based optimization algorithm to solve the prob- vices results in a low success rate. To provide a reliable
lem of manufacturing service composition. Also, in Jin, Yao, and and trusted service composition with privacy protection, re-
Chen (2017) a genetic algorithm based approach has been devel- searchers have to consider this problem seriously.
oped for the correlation-aware service composition in cloud man- (7) Reducing the composition cost (RM7). Efforts are made to
ufacturing. In Chen, Dou, Li, and Wu (2016) authors have proposed reduce the composition cost under time constraints.
an e-dominance multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (EDMOEA) (8) Decreasing the time complexity (RM8). Reducing the time
to find the Pareto optimal web services with the tradeoff of the complexity is always an important fundamental aim in solv-
QoS performance and the QoS risk. In Zhang, Xu, Zhang, Yu, and ing optimization problems.
Chen (2018) a hybrid approach has been proposed to solve the (9) Satisfy customers’ requirements (RM9). Strictly comply
manufacturing service supply chain optimization problem by com- with consumers’ QoS requirements, and simplify the service
bining the biogeography-based optimization (BBO) algorithm with composition process would improve customer satisfaction.
the intuitionistic fuzzy entropy weight (IFEW) method.
Moreover, to implement mass customization on cloud manu- The percentage and number of each motivation category are
facturing, it is a promising way to assemble a set of IoT services shown in Fig. 5; it can be found that much of the attention focuses
as a manufacturing cloud service for effectively satisfying user on RM8 (decreasing the time complexity), which means reducing
customized production requirements. In Li et al. (2018) empirical response time is the most important motivation for researchers.
knowledge (EK) has been discussed, and an EK-oriented genetic al- This is because customers’ needs frequently change, so reducing
gorithm has been designed for the large-scale IoT service optimal response time is the key to ensuring that cloud services are deliv-
composition. ered on demand in real time. Conversely, few studies consider RM8
(reducing the composition cost); this may be because the price of
cloud service is already very low. Moreover, some researches aim
5. Results and discussions
to achieve multiple optimization goals simultaneously, such as low
response time, low cost, low network latency and high reliability
This section will give answers to research questions and discuss
(Jula et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2018).
the results.

5.2. Active researchers (RQ2)

5.1. Research motivations (RQ1)
In this study, researchers are taken as an active researcher
To obtain a comprehensive view of this topic, it is necessary
when they have more than two included articles. Active re-
to investigate the motivations of the researchers. Research moti-
searchers and their papers are listed in Table 6, and the affiliation
vations are classified into nine categories based on the objective
of authors has also been paid attention. It can be observed that
categories proposed in Jula et al. (2014), and each article can be
two authors: Athman Bouguettaya and Xifan Yao have the largest
placed in more than one categories, as illustrated in Table 5. The
number of articles. The main difference is that Xifan Yao focus on
motivation categories are defined as follows:
the fileld of QoS-aware cloud manufacturing service composition.
(1) Service composition in multi-clouds (RM1). Sometimes,
services for composition are invoked from different cloud 5.3. QoS parameters and QoS aggregating techniques(RQ3)
platforms, which may bring some new problems, such as
communication delay, which need to be further studied. 5.3.1. QoS parameters
(2) Improved QoS mathematical model (RM2). Accurate QoS In this section, the QoS parameters included in the litera-
value is critical to the service composition. However, the ture have been investigated. Based on Table 7, it can be found
14 Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804

Table 5
Desired motivations in the investigated researches.

Publisher Reference RM1 RM2 RM3 RM4 RM5 RM6 RM7 RM8 RM9
√ √ √
IEEE (Kofler et al., 2009)
√ √ √ √
(Wang et al., 2011)
√ √ √ √
(Hossain et al., 2012)
√ √ √
(Ludwig, 2012)
√ √ √
(Bao & Dou, 2012)
√ √ √
(Wu & Khoury, 2012)

(Cui et al., 2012)
√ √ √
(Li et al., 2013)
√ √
(Yu & Bouguettaya, 2013)
√ √ √ √
(Jula et al., 2013)
√ √ √
(Karim et al., 2013)
√ √ √
(Tao et al., 2013)
√ √ √ √
(Dastjerdi & Buyya, 2014)
√ √ √ √ √
(Klein et al., 2014)
√ √ √
(Huang et al., 2014b)
√ √
(Neiat et al., 2014)
√ √ √
(Zhang et al., 2015)
√ √ √ √ √
(Dou et al., 2015)

(Liu et al., 2015)
√ √ √
(Mostafa & Zhang, 2015)
√ √
(Wang et al., 2015)
√ √ √
(Feng & Kong, 2015)
√ √ √
(Zhang et al., 2015)
√ √ √
(Ye et al., 2016)
√ √ √
(Zhang et al., 2016)
√ √ √ √
(Deng et al., 2016a)
√ √ √
(Deng et al., 2016b)
√ √ √ √ √
(Wang et al., 2016)
√ √ √ √
(Chen et al., 2016)
√ √ √ √
(Deng et al., 2016c)
√ √
(Deng et al., 2016d)

(Wang et al., 2016)
√ √ √ √ √
(Wu et al., 2017)
√ √ √
(Bharathan et al., 2017)
√ √ √ √
(Wang et al., 2018)
√ √ √
(Kurdi et al., 2018)
√ √ √ √
(Mistry et al., 2018)
√ √ √
(Huang et al., 2018)

(Khanam et al., 2018)
√ √
(Li et al., 2018)
√ √ √
(Kumar et al., 2018)
√ √ √
Elsevier (Qi et al., 2012)
√ √
(Wu & Zhu, 2013)
√ √ √ √
(Li et al., 2014)
√ √ √
(Huang et al., 2014a)
√ √ √
(Zhao et al., 2014)
√ √
(Jula et al., 2015)
√ √ √ √ √
(Wang et al., 2015a)
√ √ √
(Yu et al., 2015)
√ √ √ √
(Xin Zhao et al., 2015)
√ √ √
(Wang et al., 2015)
√ √ √ √
(Jrad et al., 2015)
√ √
(Pourhaji Kazem et al., 2015)
√ √ √
(Jian et al., 2016)
√ √ √ √ √
(Liu et al., 2016a)
√ √
(Liu et al., 2016b)
√ √ √
(Spezzano, 2016)
√ √
(Chen et al., 2016)
√ √
(Wang, Wang, Hu et al., 2016)
√ √ √
(Xu et al., 2017)
√ √ √ √ √
(Gabrel et al., 2017)
√ √ √ √
(Wang et al., 2017)
√ √ √ √ √
(Liang & Du, 2017)
√ √
(Zhu et al., 2018)
√ √ √
(Jatoth et al., 2018)
√ √
(Xiaolong Xu et al., 2018)

(Bouzary et al., 2018)
√ √ √ √ √
(Zhou et al., 2018)
√ √ √
(Zhang et al., 2018)
√ √
Springer (Ye et al., 2011)
√ √
(Wang et al., 2013)
√ √
(Xiang et al., 2014)
√ √ √ √
(Liu et al., 2014)
√ √ √ √
(Huo et al., 2015)
√ √ √ √
(Seghir & Khababa, 2016)
(continued on next page)
Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804 15

Table 5 (continued)

Publisher Reference RM1 RM2 RM3 RM4 RM5 RM6 RM7 RM8 RM9
√ √
(Alamri, 2016)
√ √
(Qi et al., 2017)
√ √
(Karimi et al., 2017)
√ √ √
(Liu & Zhang, 2017)
√ √
(Zhou & Yao, 2017a)
√ √ √
(Zhou & Yao, 2017c)
√ √
(Zhou & Yao, 2017d)
√ √
(Jin et al., 2017)
√ √ √
(Badidi et al., 2018)
√ √ √
(Jian et al., 2018)
√ √ √
(Ghobaei-Arani et al., 2018)
√ √ √ √
(Khansari et al., 2018)
√ √ √
(Que et al., 2018)
√ √ √
ACM (Alrifai et al., 2010)

(Hang & Singh, 2011)
√ √ √ √
(Klein et al., 2012)
√ √ √
(Wagner et al., 2012)
√ √ √
(Ye et al., 2014)
√ √ √ √
(Amato & Venticinque, 2016)
√ √ √ √
KSII (Wang et al., 2015b)
√ √ √
(Wang et al., 2016)
√ √ √ √
(Liu et al., 2018)
√ √
Taylor & Francis (Huang et al., 2014)

(Lartigau et al., 2015)
√ √ √
(Zhou & Yao, 2017b)
√ √ √ √
Sersc (Lu et al., 2014)
√ √ √ √ √
(Xiao & Liu, 2014)
√ √ √
Inass (Bhushan & Ch, 2016)
√ √
IEICE (Huang et al., 2013)
√ √ √
Wiley (Yang et al., 2013)

Fig. 5. (a) Percentage of each motivation category and (b) Number of each motivation category.

that QoS parameters include generic ones such as cost, time, 5.3.2. QoS aggregating techniques
throughput, reputation, as well as domain-dependent ones, like The aggregation formulas of the most used QoS attributes are
image-related QoS (resolution, color depth) (Wu & Zhu, 2013), shown in Table 9 (Amato & Venticinque, 2016; Karimi et al., 2017;
manufacturing-related QoS (energy, maintainability, function sim- Kholidy et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2015; Seghir & Khababa, 2016; Wang
ilarity, eco-impact) (Tao et al., 2013; Lartigau et al., 2015), media- et al., 2015a). It can be found that only a few articles have stud-
related QoS (server profile, video bandwidth) (Alamri, 2016). In ad- ied QoS aggregation in multiple modes. Most articles focus only
dition, user-perceived QoS parameters have also been introduced on service combinations in sequential mode.
by some researchers (Li et al., 2014). In this study, we focus on
5.4. Applied approaches and datasets (RQ4)
generic QoS. More than 40 QoS parameters are included in the
literature, to analyze conveniently, the parameters that focus on 5.4.1. Applied approaches
the relevant service attributes are classified into one group, as is Based on the research above, methods used in QoS-CSC are
shown in Table 8. As a result, the number of QoS parameters is classified into three groups: non-heuristic, heuristics and meta-
reduced to 23. According to Fig. 6, it can be found that the most heuristics. According to Fig. 7, it can be found that 22% of the pa-
considered QoS parameters were response time (24%), cost (19%), pers focus on non-heuristic, 19% focus on heuristics, and 59% focus
availability (16%), reliability (15%), reputation (7%) and throughput on meta-heuristics. Meta-heuristic algorithms are the most widely
(6%). used computational intelligence techniques in this field. This is
16 Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804

Table 6
Active researchers and their papers.

Author Number of papers Papers Affiliation

Athman 6 (Ye et al., 2011), (Yu & Bouguettaya, 2013), (Ye et al., Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne,
Bouguettaya 2014), (Ye et al., 2016), (Mistry et al., 2018), Australia
(Neiat et al., 2014)
Xifan Yao 6 (Zhou & Yao, 2017a), (Zhou & Yao, 2017b), (Zhou & South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Yao, 2017c), (Zhou & Yao, 2017d), (Zhou et al., 2018),
(Jin et al., 2017)
Jiajun Zhou 5 (Zhou & Yao, 2017a), (Zhou & Yao, 2017b), (Zhou & South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Yao, 2017c), (Zhou & Yao, 2017d), (Zhou et al., 2018)
Shangguang Wang 5 (Wang et al., 2011), (Wang et al., 2013), (Lu et al., 2014), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
(Wang et al., 2016), (Wang et al., 2018) Beijing, China
Wanchun Dou 5 (Bao & Dou, 2012), (Qi et al., 2012), (Dou et al., 2015), Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
(Yang et al., 2013), (Wu et al., 2017)
Zhen Ye 4 (Ye et al., 2011), (Ye et al., 2014), (Ye et al., 2016), University of Queensland, Royal Melbourne Institute of
(Neiat et al., 2014) Technology, Australia
Zhi-Zhong Liu 4 (Liu et al., 2014), (Liu et al., 2016a), (Liu et al., 2016b), Henan Polytechnic University, Harbin Institute of
(Xu et al., 2017) Technology, China
Jun Huang 4 (Huang et al., 2013), (Huang et al., 2014a), (Huang et al., Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
2014b), (Huang et al., 2018) Chongqing, China
Qiang Duan 4 (Huang et al., 2013), (Huang et al., 2014a), (Huang et al., The Pennsylvania State University, USA
2014b), (Huang et al., 2018)
Dandan Wang 4 (Wang et al., 2015), (Wang et al., 2015a), (Wang et al., University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing,
Yang Yang 4 2015b), (Wang et al., 2016) China
Zhenqiang Mi 4
Shuiguang Deng 4 (Deng et al., 2016a), (Deng et al., 2016b), (Deng et al., Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
2016c), (Deng et al., 2016d)
Zhaohui Wu 3 (Deng et al., 2016b), (Deng et al., 2016c), (Deng et al., Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Hongyue Wu 3 (Deng et al., 2016a), (Deng et al., 2016c), (Deng et al., Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Jinjun Chen 3 (Dou et al., 2015), (Qi et al., 2012), (Wu et al., 2017) University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Xiaofang Zhou 3 (Ye et al., 2011), (Ye et al., 2014), (Ye et al., 2016), University of Queensland, Australia
Li Liu 3 (Liu, et al., 2018), (Wang et al., 2016), (Zhang, et al., University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing,
2015) China
Fuyuki Ishikawa 3 (Klein et al., 2012), (Klein et al., 2014), (Wagner et al., National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
Shinichi Honiden 3 (Klein et al., 2012), (Klein et al., 2014), (Wagner et al., The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Fig. 6. Percentages of each QoS parameter and (b) Number of each QoS parameter.

justified by the fact that QoS-CSC is NP-hard and it needs to be (TLBO), simulated annealing (SA), tabu search (TS), immune algo-
solved in an acceptable amount of time. rithm (IA), invasive weed optimization (IWO), biogeography-based
To further investigate the meta-heuristic method, we examined optimization (BBO), group leader algorithm (GLA), bees algorithm
all of the metaheuristic algorithms used in the literature, includ- (BA), quantum genetic algorithm (QGA), bird swarm algorithm
ing genetic algorithm (GA), evolutionary algorithm (EA), imperial- (BSA), immune genetic algorithm (IGA) and cooperative coevolu-
ist competitive algorithm (ICA), artificial bee colony (ABC), particle tion (CC). The number of papers of each meta-heuristic algorithms
swarm optimization (PSO), ant colony optimization (ACO), social and their percentage are specified in Fig. 8. It can be observed that
learning optimization (SLO), fruit fly optimization algorithm (FOA), genetic algorithms are the most widely used meta-heuristic algo-
differential evolution (DE), teaching-learning-based optimization rithm in this field.
Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804 17

Table 7
QoS Parameters included in the literature.

Publisher Author QoS parameters

IEEE (Kofler et al., 2009) Execution time, Cost

(Wang et al., 2011) Price, Response time, Throughput, Reputation, Availability, Reliability
(Hossain et al., 2012) Response time, Cost
(Ludwig, 2012) Response time, Cost, Availability, Reliability
(Bao & Dou, 2012) Response time, Cost, Reliability, Availability, Reputation
(Wu & Khoury, 2012) Cost, Time, Reliability, Availability.
(Cui et al., 2012) Response time, Price, Reliability, Reputation
(Li et al., 2013) Response time, Execution time, Communication latency
(Yu & Bouguettaya, 2013) Latency, Reliability, Availability, Fee, Reputation
(Jula et al., 2013) Response time, Execution fees
(Karim et al., 2013) Response time, Availability, Data control, Reliability, Usability, Reputation, Security, Cost
(Tao et al., 2013) Cost, Time, Reliability, Energy, Trust, Maintainability, Function similarity
(Dastjerdi & Buyya, 2014) Compatibility, Cost, Deployment time, Reliability
(Klein et al., 2014) Latency, Price
(Huang et al., 2014b) Execution time, Response time
(Neiat et al., 2014) Service time, Freshness, Certainty
(Zhang et al., 2015) Reliability, Security, Response time
(Dou et al., 2015) Execution price, Execution latency, Reputation, Successful execution rate, Availability
(Liu et al., 2015) Response time, Cost, Availability, Reliability
(Mostafa & Zhang, 2015) Availability, Response time, Cost
(Wang et al., 2015) Time, Availability, Price, Reputation
(Feng & Kong, 2015) Price, Time, Delay, Availability, Reliability, Reputation
(Zhang et al., 2015) Cost, Response time, Reliability
(Ye et al., 2016) Response time, Throughput, Cost
(Zhang et al., 2016) Waiting time, Service time, Cost, Reputation, Reliability, Availability
(Deng et al., 2016a) Cost, Response time, Availability, Reliability, Reputation
(Deng et al., 2016b) Cost, Response time, Throughput, Availability
(Wang et al., 2016) Delay, Throughput, Reliability
(Chen et al., 2016) Response Time, Cost, Availability, Reliability, Throughput, Reputation
(Deng et al., 2016c) Execution cost, Response time, Reliability, Availability
(Deng et al., 2016d) Price, Response time
(Wang et al., 2016) Response Time, Availability, Reliability, Throughput, Latency, Success Rate
(Wu et al., 2017) Price, Latency
(Bharathan et al., 2017) Response time, Availability, Reliability, Throughput, Successability
(Wang et al., 2018) Latency, Throughput, Reliability
(Kurdi et al., 2018) Execution time, Number of combined clouds
(Mistry et al., 2018) Availability, Response time, Throughput, Price
(Huang et al., 2018) Response Time, Execution time, Process latency, Storage Capacity, Cost, Delay, Bandwidth
(Khanam et al., 2018) Response time, Availability, Reliability
(Li et al., 2018) Execution time, Respond time, Cost, Availability, Reliability, Energy
(Kumar et al., 2018) Throughput, Response time, Cost.
Elsevier (Qi et al., 2012) Reputation, Price, Duration, Availability, Success Rate
(Wu & Zhu, 2013) Domain-independent (response time, availability, reliability); Domain-dependent (resolution or color depth for
image processing services)
(Li et al., 2014) Generic QoS (Response time, Availability, Price, Reliability); Domain-specific QoS; User-perceived QoS
(Huang et al., 2014a) Execution time
(Zhao et al., 2014) Time, Cost, Avaliability, Reliability
(Jula et al., 2015) Service time
(Wang et al., 2015a) Response time, Availability, Price, Reputation
(Yu et al., 2015) Number of clouds
(Xin Zhao et al., 2015) Price, Response time, Throughput, Availability
(Wang et al., 2015) Execution time, Cost
(Jrad et al., 2015) Response time, Availability, Latency, Throughput
(Pourhaji Kazem et al., Response time, Availability, Throughput, Reliability, Latency
(Jian et al., 2016) Response time, Price, Latency, Availability, Successability, Reliability, Throughput, Reputation
(Liu et al., 2016a) Cost, Availability, Response time, Reliability
(Liu et al., 2016b) Cost, Availability, Response time, Reliability, Success execution rate
(Spezzano, 2016) Response time, Latency, Availability, Reliability, Successability, Throughput
(Chen et al., 2016) Execution time, Latency time, Cost, Availability, Reliability
(Wang, Wang, Hu et al., Cost, Response time, Availability, Reliability
(Xu et al., 2017) Cost, Response time, Reliability, Availability
(Gabrel et al., 2017) Execution time, Throughput, Cost, Reliability
(Wang et al., 2017) Time, Price, Availability, Reliability, Platform, Location, Provider
(Liang & Du, 2017) Time, Cost, Reputation, Success rate, Availability
(Zhu et al., 2018) Response time, Throughput
(Jatoth et al., 2018) Price, Throughput, Availability, Reliability, Response time
(Xiaolong Xu et al., 2018) Response Time, Execution Cost, Reliability, Availability
(Bouzary et al., 2018) Cost, Time, Availability, Reliability
(Zhou et al., 2018) Cost, Time, Availability, Reliability, Reputation
(Zhang et al., 2018) Cost, Time, Availability, Reliability
(continued on next page)
18 Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804

Table 7 (continued)

Publisher Author QoS parameters

Springer (Ye et al., 2011) Response time, Cost, Availability, Reputation

(Wang et al., 2013) Response Time, Latency, Availability, Reliability, Successability, Throughput
(Xiang et al., 2014) Service processing time, Cost, Reliability
(Liu et al., 2014) Cost, Response time, Availability, Reliability
(Huo et al., 2015) Response time, Availability, Throughput, Price, Reputation
(Seghir & Khababa, 2016) Reliability, Availability, Time, Reputation, Throughput, Price
(Alamri, 2016) Media-related QoS (server profile, video bandwidth)
(Qi et al., 2017) Response time, Availability, Reliability
(Karimi et al., 2017) Response time, Availability, Price, Successability
(Liu & Zhang, 2017) Time, Cost, Reliability
(Zhou & Yao, 2017a) Time, Cost, Availability, Reliability
(Zhou & Yao, 2017c) Time, Cost, Availability, Reliability
(Zhou & Yao, 2017d) Time, Cost, Availability, Reliability
(Jin et al., 2017) Execution time, Cost, Availability, Reliability
(Badidi et al., 2018) Freshness of context information, Precision, Probability of correctness
(Jian et al., 2018) Time, Cost, Availability, Reliability
(Ghobaei-Arani et al., Response time, Cost, Availability, Reliability
(Khansari et al., 2018) Response time, Cost, Availability, Reliability, Latency
(Que et al., 2018) Time, Reliability, Cost, Ability
ACM (Alrifai et al., 2010) Response time, Price, Availability, Reliability, Throughput, Reputation
(Hang & Singh, 2011) Latency, Throughput, Failure
(Klein et al., 2012) Network latency, Transfer rate, Execution time
(Wagner et al., 2012) Price, Response time, Reliability
(Ye et al., 2014) Reputation, Throughput, Cost
(Amato & Time, Cost, Availability, Reliability
Venticinque, 2016)
KSII (Wang et al., 2015b) Response time, Availability, Price, Reputation, Network delay, Network availability
(Wang et al., 2016) Time, Availability, Price, Reputation
(Liu et al., 2018) Response time, Reliability, Cost
Taylor & (Huang et al., 2014) Time, Cost, Reliability, Energy
Francis (Lartigau et al., 2015) Price, Manufacturing time, Reliability, Maintainability, Availability, Eco-impact
(Zhou & Yao, 2017b) Time, Price, Availability, Reputation
Sersc (Lu et al., 2014) Execution time, Reliability, Availability, Throughput, Comprehensive evaluation
(Xiao & Liu, 2014) Availability, Cost, Execution time, Reputation
Inass (Bhushan & Ch, 2016) Price, Response time, Availability, Throughput, Successability
IEICE (Huang et al., 2013) Running time
Wiley (Yang et al., 2013) Price, Duration, Availability, Reputation, Success rate

Fig. 7. (a) Approach categories and (b) Number of papers in each category.

In general, researchers often make some improvements to the was collected by Al-Masri and Mahmoud (Al-Masri & Mahmoud,
basic algorithms. Sometimes more than two methods may be 20 07, 20 09), including 2507 real Web services, each service has
adopted together in one article. Some researchers proposed a new nine quality parameters, such as reliability, throughput, success-
algorithm by integrating two or more existing methods, and the ability, etc. WS-DREAM dataset includes 4532 real Web services
new method has proven to be more effective (Jula et al., 2013; Liu (Zheng & Lyu, 2008; Zheng et al., 2010), two quality parameters,
et al., 2016b). response time and throughput, are considered. OWL-S XPlan pack-
age (Klusch & Gerber, 2006) is a semantic service composition
5.4.2. Datasets planner with a default web service test set (Kurdi et al., 2018).
In order to assess the proposed methods and analyze their per- In addition, synthetically generated dataset, randomly generated
formance, authors need to conduct experiments by using dataset. dataset and simulated datasets are also used to evaluate the pro-
According to Tables 7–9, the most commonly used are three posed method.
datasets, QWS, WS-DREAM, and OWL-S XPlan. The QWS dataset
Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804 19

Fig. 8. (a) Percentage of each meta-heuristic algorithm and (b) Number of papers of each meta-heuristic algorithm.

Table 8
Classification of QoS parameters.

QoS parameters Relevant parameters included in each group

Time Response time, Execution time, Time, Running time, Service time, Deployment time, Waiting time, Duration
Cost Cost, Price, Execution cost, Execution price, Execution fees, Fee
Latency Latency, Latency time, Communication latency, Execution latency, Network latency, Process latency, Delay
Successability Successability, Success rate, Successful execution rate
Reliability Certainty, Reliability
Reputation Reputation, Trust
Comprehensive Evaluation Comprehensive evaluation, Ability

Table 9
QoS aggregation techniques for four composition modes.

QoS Parameters Composition Mode

Sequential:(n Parallel:(n parallel Conditional:(called CSi,j Loop:(called CSi,j h

sequential cloud cloud services) with pri probability) times)

Response time(QRT ) qRT (C Si, j ) qRT (C Si, j ) [qRT (C Si, j )∗pri ] h∗ qRT (CSi,j )
i=1 i=1 i=1
n n n
Cost(Qc ) qc (C Si, j ) qc (C Si, j ) [qc (C Si, j ) ∗ pri ] h∗ qc (CSi,j )
i=1 i=1 i=1

n n
Availability(QAva ) qAva (C Si, j ) qAva (C Si, j ) [qAva (C Si, j ) ∗ pri ] [qAva (CSi,j )]h
i=1 i=1 i=1

n n
Reliability(QRel ) qRel (C Si, j ) qRel (C Si, j ) [qRel (C Si, j ) ∗ pri ] [qRel (CSi,j )]h
i=1 i=1 i=1
Reputation(QRep ) avgni=1 qRep (C Si, j ) avgni=1 qRep (C Si, j ) [qRep (C Si, j ) ∗ pri ] qRep (CSi,j )
Throughput(QThr ) minni=1 qT hr (C Si, j ) minni=1 qT hr (C Si, j ) [qT hr (C Si, j ) ∗ pri ] qRep (CSi,j )

n n
Latency(QLat ) qLat (C Si, j ) qLat (C Si, j ) [qLat (C Si, j )∗pri ] h∗ qLat (CSi,j )
i=1 i=1 i=1

n n
Successability(QSuc ) qSuc (C Si, j ) qSuc (C Si, j ) [qSuc (C Si, j ) ∗ pri ] [qSuc (CSi,j )]h
i=1 i=1 i=1
q(CSi,j ) denotes the QoS value of service CSi,j . In the case of the conditional composition mode: i=1 pri = 1 and n is the number of choices.

5.5. Optimization strategy (RQ5) brid optimization mode, and the rest focus on local optimization
We analyzed the optimization strategies of the current research
from three aspects: optimization mode, multi-objective optimiza- 5.5.2. Multi-objective optimization
tion strategy and QoS constraints strategy. It means that several QoS parameters are considered as opti-
mization targets. For example, some researchers try to optimize re-
sponse time and cost at the same time. Articles supporting multi-
5.5.1. Optimization mode objective optimization have been investigated; the percentage and
Three optimization modes are utilized in the literature, includ- number are shown in Fig. 10, it can be observed that only 30% of
ing local optimization mode, global optimization mode and hybrid the analyzed methods support multi-objective optimization, which
optimization mode (local and global). According to Fig. 9, 87% of means that most articles only take one of the QoS parameters or
the articles focus on global optimization mode, 10% focus on hy- total QoS as the optimization goal.
20 Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804

Fig. 9. (a) Percentage of each optimization mode and (b) Number of each optimization mode.

Fig. 10. (a) Percentage of papers supporting multi-objective optimization and (b) Number of papers supporting multi-objective optimization.

Fig. 11. (a)Percentage of papers supporting QoS constraints and (b) Number of papers supporting QoS constraints.

5.5.3. QoS constraints 5.6. Observation on cloud layers(RQ7)

The purpose of QoS-CSC is to select a set of specific services
that meet the user’s specific requirements on QoS. However, there In cloud environments, service composition may happen at dif-
are still some studies that do not consider QoS constraints. Accord- ferent cloud layers (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS). The composition mecha-
ing to Fig. 11, 83% of studies support QoS constraints, 11% do not nism is investigated and the result is illustrated in Fig. 12. Accord-
support QoS constraints, and the remaining 6% has not mentioned ing to this figure, it can be found that the majority of studies only
whether they provide support. consider service composition at the same layer, 66% of studies fo-
cus on the SaaS layer, 19% focus on the IaaS layer, only 10% focus
Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804 21

Fig. 12. (a) Percentage of papers in term of Cloud layers and (b) Number of papers in term of Cloud layers.

on multi-layers, the rest 5% not mentioned which cloud layers are has significant impacts on cloud service selection and composition.
considered. Therefore, it is required to handle inter-service dependencies and
conflicts in the process of cloud service composition problem.
5.7. Research challenges and future directions(RQ8)
5.7.4. Many-objective optimization for cloud service composition
After analyzing the data collected through this mapping study,
Cloud service composition faces a great challenge posed by
we observed that there are still some problems unresolved in the
users with diverse QoS requirements and fuzzy preferences, so it
existing research. In the following, we will provide a brief descrip-
is hard to make appropriate trade-offs between different QoS pa-
tion of the existing research challenges, and identify the future re-
rameters (Cremene, Suciu, Pallez, & Dumitrescu, 2015). Recently,
search directions.
this problem has been partially resolved from the perspective of
multi-objective optimization, but only a few QoS parameters (e.g.
5.7.1. Flexible QoS model of cloud service cost, response time) have been considered as optimization objects.
In cloud environments, services may be composted in a pub- (Amato & Venticinque, 2016; Chen et al., 2016; Kholidy et al., 2015;
lic cloud, private cloud, or hybrid clouds. Services could either be Liu & Zhang, 2015). Moreover, these methods have exposed defects
provided by a single provider or composited in multi-cloud en- when the number of targets arises. For another, some technique,
vironments (Dou et al., 2015; Mezni & Sellami, 2017). Moreover, like NSGA-III (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, the Third
cloud service composition may happen at multiple cloud layers Version) (Yu, Ma, & Zhang, 2015), can provide an excellent support
(e.g., SaaS and IaaS layers) (Ye, Bouguettaya, & Zhou, 2013; Ye et al., mechanism for many-objective optimization (Ramírez et al., 2017),
2011). Different component services may have their specific char- however, these techniques are seldom used in QoS-CSC problems.
acteristics, and a single QoS model cannot represent all QoS pa- This calls for further research on many-objective optimization of
rameters for service composition in different environments (Vakili cloud service composition.
& Navimipou, 2017). However, researchers are still used to resolve
the service composition problem by designing a single QoS model.
Accordingly, a more flexible QoS model is required to describe dif- 5.7.5. Cloud service composition in the mobile environment
ferent aspects of the quality attributes of different component ser- Nowadays, because of popular mobile devices and ubiquitous
vices (Li et al., 2014). internet connectivity, services can be available in different sce-
narios, but some new issues will also appear due to some un-
predictable factors, such as changes in signal strength of the mo-
5.7.2. QoS evaluation in a dynamic environment
bile network. Therefore, some new techniques have to be proposed
The QoS values of cloud services are often subject to fluctua-
to increase the adaptability of services composition under spa-
tions and variations because of numerous uncertainties, e.g., net-
tiotemporal constraints (Kasamatsu, Kumar, & Hu, 2017), such as
work congestion and communication delay (X. Jian et al., 2016; Su,
mobility-aware QoS computation rule (Deng et al., 2016a), dynamic
Xiao, Liu, Zhang, & Zhang, 2016). How to obtain adequate and pre-
and automatic composition model (Liu, Xue, Shen, & Li, 2013; Paik,
cise QoS parameter data has always been a key issue in cloud ser-
Chen, & Huhns, 2014; Wang, Wang, Zhang, Yu, & Hu, 2016).
vice composition problem (Ma, Zhu, Hu, Tang, & Dong, 2017; Mao,
Chen, Towey, Chen, & Xie, 2015). There is a need to consider the
uncertainty of QoS (Yin et al., 2014), handle QoS probability distri- 5.7.6. Secure and reliable cloud service composition
bution (H. Zheng, Yang, & Zhao, 2016), and propose more efficient Due to the open and shared characteristic of cloud comput-
QoS prediction approaches (Luo, Liu, Zhang, & Chang, 2016). ing, it is vulnerable to different types of malicious access and
threats (Brucker, Zhou, Malmignati, Shi, & Merabti, 2017), which
5.7.3. Inter-service correlations (dependency and conflict) will lead to some security issues, such as information flow secu-
The QoS value of composite service depends on both on it- rity and authorization. A few security issues have been concerned
self and other services (Bao & Dou, 2012), thus inter-dependency in Bharathi, Vijayakumar, and Pradeep (2015), Dou et al. (2015),
and conflict correlations often arise because of the incompatibil- Lin, Hu, and Zhang (2016), Xi, Sun, Ma, and Shen (2015), but have
ity between services (Ai & Tang, 2008; Dastjerdi & Buyya, 2014). not been solved well. In-depth research is required to support se-
Since this correlation affects the QoS value (Deng et al., 2016a), it cure and reliable service composition.
22 Q. She, X. Wei and G. Nie et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 138 (2019) 112804

6. Study limitations In summary, this study provided a comprehensive description

and investigation on QoS-CSC from the perspective of computa-
Although we do our utmost to ensure the rigor and objectivity tional intelligence, which can provide a solid basis for both re-
of the research, the results of this study may still be affected by searchers and practitioners and bring a lot of benefits. Firstly, it
certain limitations. In the following, a summary of the limitations can provide a starting point for researchers who are interested
existing in this study will be provided. in this field, helps to save efforts and help them make more im-
provements. Secondly, this study can help lower learning curve and
6.1. Limitations in search scope bias to conduct a further literature review, as the search protocol
can be used again. Thirdly, in the context of expert and intelli-
One of the main purposes of this study is to explore the largest gent systems, our approach is of significance to enterprise man-
possible number of publications. However, to ensure the quality of agement in the current fiercely competitive business environment.
the selected studies and reduce bias, we have omitted a search for With the development of the internet of things and 5G networks, a
grey literature that not being formally published, such as technical lot of resources can be encapsulated into cloud services, this study
reports or graduate theses. On one hand, we assumed that high- can assist in the design and development of expert and intelli-
quality grey literature research will be published in a journal or gent systems in enterprises, and the bottlenecks faced by small-
conference in the future, on the one hand, there are so many jour- and medium-sized enterprises can be solved by the effective ser-
nal articles and conference papers published in recent years, we vice composition techniques.
think that the gray literature will not affect our research results. In future research, our work will be unfolded in two directions.
However, it also should be noted that only international journal On the one hand, we will focus on the cloud service composition
articles and conference papers are concerned in this study. with a time window. Current studies often assume that services
are provided together, but in practical applications, multiple tasks
6.2. Limitations in data sources did not execute at the same time, some non-critical tasks can be
delayed. Therefore, we not only need to choose a suitable set of
In our study, studies were retrieved by an automated search services, but we also need to determine the invocation time of
from five different databases: Google Scholar, Springer, IEEE, Sci- each particular service. This work can help save cost and balance
ence Direct and ACM. Some other databases, such as Doaj can’t load, especially when the price of the cloud service fluctuates with
be accessed. This may lead to some relevant studies not indexed time. On the other hand, we also paid much attention to service
within our choices. To address this issue, on the one hand, we composition across multiple cloud layers; we attempt to propose a
adopted backward snowballing method to find more relevant ar- flexible QoS model for cloud service.
ticles, on the other hand, we used Google Scholar to explore the
potentially relevant studies to the largest extent. However, it is still Declaration of interests
important to consider the absence of some important studies.
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
7. Conclusions and future works cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.
This mapping study sought to give an overview of the research
Credit authorship contribution statement
on QoS-aware cloud service composition from the perspective of
computational intelligence. For this, a search protocol has been
Qiping She: Validation, Visualization, Writing - original draft.
well defined, and 105 articles published from 2009 to 2018 were
Xiaochao Wei: Data curation, Funding acquisition, Writing - re-
selected as primary studies.
view & editing. Guihua Nie: Conceptualization, Formal analysis,
This study introduced a classification of service composition
Methodology. Donglin Chen: Investigation, Project administration,
techniques, including non-heuristic (exact), heuristic and meta-
heuristic, and then made a comprehensive examination of the se-
lected primary studies from various aspects. The main findings of
this study showed that reducing response time is the most impor-
tant motivation for researchers, it takes great priority over reduc-
This work was supported by the China Postdoctoral Science
ing composition cost. The observation on QoS parameters demon-
Foundation funded project (No. 2014M552102, 2018T110814) MOE
strated that the most considered QoS parameters were response
(Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social
time (24%), cost (19%), availability (16%), reliability (15%), repu-
Sciences (No. 16YJC630131), National Natural Science Foundation of
tation (7%) and throughput (6%). The observation on algorithm
China (No. 71601151).
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service composition was meta-heuristic (59%) algorithm, and ge- References
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