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Air entering the first stage of any air compressor carries with it a certain amount of
native moisture. This is unavoidable, although the quantity carried will vary widely
with the ambient temperature and relative humidity. Figure 15-1 shows the effect of
ambient temperature and relative humidity on the quantity of moisture in atmospheric
air entering a compressor at 14.7 psia. Under any given conditions, the amount of
water vapor entering the compressor per 1,000 cubic feet of mixture may be approxi-
mated from these curves.

In any air-vapor mixture, each component has its own partial pressure and the air and
the vapor are each indifferent to the existence of the other. It follows that the condi-
tions of either component may be studied without reference to the other. In a certain
volume of mixture, each component fills the full volume at its own partial pressure.
The water vapor may saturate this space, or it may be superheated.

As this vapor is compressed, its volume is reduced; at the same time the temperature
automatically increases. As a result, the vapor becomes superheated. More pounds of
vapor are now contained in one cubic foot than when the vapor originally entered the

Under the laws of vapor, the maximum quantity of a particular vapor a given space
can contain is dependent solely upon the vapor temperature. As the compressed water
vapor is cooled, it will eventually reach the temperature at which the space becomes
saturated, now containing the maximum it can hold. Any further cooling will force
part of the vapor to condense into its liquid form-water.

The curves contained in Figure 15-2 show what happens over a wide range of pres-
sures and temperatures. However, these are saturated vapor curves based on starting
with 1,OOO cubic feet of saturated air. If the air is not saturated at the compressor’s
inlet, and it usually is not, use Figure 15-3 to obtain the initial water vapor weight

Air Dryers 233

Figure 15-1 Effects of ambient temperature and relative humidity.

entering the system per 1,000 cubic feet of compressed air. By reading left on Figure
15-4 from the juncture of the final pressure and final temperature, obtain the maxi-
mum weight of vapor that this same 1,OOO cubic feet can hold after compression and
cooling to saturation. If the latter is less than the former, the difference will be con-
densed. If the latter is higher, there will be no condensation. It is clearly evident that
the lower the temperature and the greater the pressure of compressed air, the greater
will be the amount of vapor condensed.


Few plant operators need to be told of the problems caused by water in compressed
air. They are most apparent to those who operate pneumatic tools, rock drills, auto-
matic pneumatic powered machinery, paint and other sprays, sandblasting equipment,
and pneumatic controls. However, almost all applications, particularly of 100-psig
power, could benefit from the elimination of water carryover. The principal problems
might be summarized as follows:

1. Washing away of required lubrication

2. Increase in wear and maintenance
3. Sluggish and inconsistent operation of automatic valves and cylinders
4. Malfunctioning and high maintenance of control instruments
234 Fluid Power Dynamics

Figure 15-2 Moistzire remaining in saturated air or gas when com-

pressed isothermally to pressure shown.

Figure 15-3 Dewpoint conversion chart.

5. Spoilage of product by spotting in paint and other types of spraying

6. Rusting of parts that have been sandblasted
7. Freezing in exposed lines during cold weather
8. Further condensation and possible freezing of moisture in the exhaust of
those more efficient tools that expand the air considerably
Air Dryers 235

Figure 15-4 Moisture in air at any pressure for ZOO f? of actual

volume at existing pressures.

A fact to remember is that water vapor, as vapor, does no harm in most pneumatic
systems. It is only when the vapor condenses and remains in the system as a liquid
that problems exist. The goal, therefore, is to condense and remove as much of the
vapor as is economically possible.

In conventional compressed air systems, vapor and liquid removal is limited. Most two-
stage compressors will include an intercooler between stages. On air-cooled units for
100 to 200 psig service, the air between stages is not cooled sufficiently to cause sub-
stantial liquid drop out and provision is not usually made for its removal. Water-cooled
intercoolers used on larger compressors will usually cool sufficiently to condense con-
siderable moisture at cooler pressure. Drainage facilities must always be provided and
used. Automatic drain traps are normally included to drain condensed water vapor.

AI1 compressed-air systems should always include a water-cooled aftercooler

between the compressor and receiver tank. In normal summer conditions, properly
designed and maintained aftercoolers at 100 psig will condense up to 70 percent of
the vapor entering the system. Most of this condensation will collect in the aftercooler
or the receiver tank. Therefore, both must be constantly drained.

The problem with a conventional system that relies on heat exchangers (i.e., aftercool-
ers) for moisture removal is temperature. The aftercooler will only remove liquids that
have condensed at a temperature between the compressed air and cooling water
236 Fluid Power Dynamics

temperature. In most cases, this differential will be about 20 to 50 degrees lower than
the compressed air temperature, or around 70 to 90°F. As long as the compressed air
remains at or above this temperature range, any vapor that it still contains will stay in
a vapor or gaseous state. However, when the air temperature drops below this range,
additional vapor will condense into water.

This system involves processing the compressed air or gas after the aftercooler and
receiver to further reduce moisture content. This requires special equipment, a higher
first cost, and a higher operating cost. These costs must be balanced against the gains
obtained. They may show up as less wear and maintenance of tools and air-operated
devices, greater reliability of devices and controls, and greater production as a result
of fewer outages for repairs. In many cases, reduction or elimination of product spoil-
age or a better product quality may also result.

The degree of drying desired will vary with the pneumatic equipment and application
involved. The aim is to eliminate further condensation in the air lines and pneumatic
tools or devices. Prevailing atmospheric conditions also have an influence on the
approach that is most effective. In many 100-psig installations, a dew point at line
pressure of 500 to 350°Fis adequate. In other applications, such as instrument air sys-
tems dew points of -500°F is required.

Terminology involves drier outlet dew point at the line pressure or the pneumatic cir-
cuit. This is the saturation temperature of the remaining moisture contained in the
compressed air or gas. If the compressed gas temperature is never reduced below the
outlet dew point beyond the drying equipment, there will be no further condensation.

Another value sometimesinvolved when the gas pressure is reduced before it is used is the
dew point at that lower pressure condition. A major example is the use of 100 psig (or
higher) gas reduced to 15 psig for use in pneumatic instruments and controls. This dew
point will be lower because the volume involved increases as the pressure is decreased.
The dew point at atmospheric pressure is often used as a reference point for measurement
of drying efficiency. This is of little interest when handling compressed air or gas.

Figure 15-5 enables one to determine dew point at reduced pressure. The left scale
shows the dew point at the elevated pressure. Drop from the intersection of this value
and the elevated pressure line to the reduced pressure line and then back to the left to
read the dew point at the reduced pressure.

Figure 15-6 shows graphically the amount of moisture remaining in the vapor form
when the air-vapor mixture is conditioned to a certain dew point. This curve is based
on a volume of 1,000 cubic feet or an air vapor mixture ut its total pressure. For
example, 1,000 cubic feet at 100 psig air at 500°Fand 1,OOO cubic feet of 15 psig air
at 50°F will hold the same vapor at the dew point. However, 1,OOO cubic feet at 100
Air Dryers 237

Figure 15-5 Dewpoint conversion chart.

Figure 15-6 Moisture in air at any pressure.

psig and 50°Freduced to 15 psig will become 3,860 cubic feet at 50°F.As a result, it
is now capable of holding 3.86 times as much vapor and the dew point will not be
reached until the mixture temperature is lowered to its saturation temperature.
238 Fluid Power Dynamics

There are three general methods of drying compressed air: chemical, adsorption, and
refrigeration. In all cases, aftercooling and adequate condensation removal must be
done ahead of this drying equipment. The initial and operating costs and the results
obtained vary considerably.

These methods are primarily for water vapor removal. Removal of lubricating oil is
secondary, although all drying systems will reduce its carryover. It should be under-
stood that complete elimination of lubricating oil, particularly in the vapor form, is
very difficult and that when absolutely oil-free air is required, some form of nonlubri-
cated compressor is the best guaranteed method.

Chemical Dryers
Chemical dryers are materials that combine with or absorb moisture from air when
brought into close contact. There are two general types. One, using deliquescent
material in the form of pellets or beads, is reputed to obtain a dew point, with 700°F
inlet air to the dryer, of between 35 and 50"F,depending on the specific type of deli-
quescent material. The material turns into a liquid as the water vapor is absorbed. This
liquid must be drained off and the pellets or beads replaced periodically. Entering air
above 900°Fis not generally recommended.

The second type of chemical dryer utilizes an ethylene glycol liquid to absorb the
moisture. Standard dew point reduction claimed is 400"F,but greater reductions are
said to be possible with special equipment. The glycol is regenerated (i.e., dried) in a
still using fuel gas or steam as a heating agent. The released moisture is vented to
atmosphere. The regenerated glycol is recirculated by a pump through a water-cooled
heat exchanger that lowers the glycol temperature before returning to the dryer vessel.

Adsorption is the property of certain extremely porous materials to hold vapors in the
pores until the desiccant is either heated or exposed to a drier gas. The material is a
solid at all times and operates alternately through drying and reactivation cycles with
no change in composition. Adsorbing materials in principal use are activated alumina
and silica gel. Molecular sieves are also used. Atmospheric dew points of -1,000"F
are readily obtained using adsorption.

Reactivation or regeneration is usually obtained by diverting a portion of the already

dried air through a reducing valve or orifice, reducing its pressure to atmospheric, and
passing it through the wet desiccant bed. This air, with the moisture it has picked up
from the saturated desiccant bed, is vented to atmosphere. The diverted air may vary
from 7 to 17 percent of the main stream flow, depending upon the final dew point
desired from the dryer. Heating the activating air prior to its passing through the des-
iccant bed, or heating the bed itself, is often done to improve the efficiency of the
Air Dryers 239

regeneration process. This requires less diverted air since each cubic foot of diverted
air will carry much more moisture out of the system. Other modifications are also
available to reduce or even eliminate the diverted air quantity.

The use of refrigeration for drying compressed air is growing rapidly. It has been
applied widely to small installations, to sections of larger plants, and even to entire
manufacturing plant systems. Refrigerated air dryers have been applied to the air sys-
tem both before and after compression. In the before compression system, the air must
be cooled to a lower temperature for a given final line pressure dew point. This takes
more refrigeration power for the same end result. Partially offsetting this is a saving in
air compressor power per 1,OOO cubic feet per minute (cfm) of atmospheric air com-
pressed due to the reduction in volume at the compressor inlet caused by the cooling
and the removal of moisture. There is also a reduction in discharge temperature on
single-stage compressors that may at times have some value. An atmospheric (inlet)
dew point of 350°F is claimed.

When air is refrigeratedfolIowing compression, two systems have been used. Flow of
air through directly refrigerated coils is used predominately in the smaller and moder-
ate-sized systems. These are generally standardized for cooling to 350"F, which is the
dew point obtained at line pressure. Figure 15-7 diagrams the equipment furnished in
a small self-contained direct-refrigeration dryer.

The larger systems chill water that is circulated through coils to cool the air. A dew
point at line pressure of about 500°Fis obtainable with this method. Figure 15-8 illus-
trates a typical system of a chiller-dryer unit. The designs shown are regenerative
since the incoming air is partially cooled by the outgoing air stream. This reduces the
size and first cost of the refrigeration compressor and exchanger. It also reduces

Figure 15-7 Diagram of equipmentfurnished in small self-containeddirect-

refrigeration dryer.
240 Fluid Power Dynamics

Figure 15-8 Diagram of a typical regenerative chiller-drier.

power cost and reheats the air returning to the line. Reheating of the air after it is dried
has several advantages: the air volume is increased and less free air is required;
chance of line condensation is still further reduced; and sweating of the cold pipe
leaving the dryer is eliminated. Reheating dryers seldom need further reheating.

Combination Systems

The use of a combination dryer should be investigated when a very low dew point is
necessary. Placing a refrigeration system ahead of an adsorption dryer will let the
more economical refrigeration unit remove most of the vapor and reduce the load on
the desiccant.

Most plants are highly dependent on their compressed air supply, and it should be
ensured that the air is in at least reasonable condition at all times, even if the drying sys-
Air Dryers 241

Figure 15-9 Desiccant air d 9 e z

tem is out of use for maintenance or repair. It is possible that the line condensation
would be so bad that some air applications would be handicapped or even shut down if
there were no protection. A vital part of all the effort to separate water in the conven-
tional compressed air system is also the trapping of dirt, pipe scale, and other contami-
nants. This is still necessary with a dried air system. As a minimum, all branch lines
should be taken off the top of the main and all feeder lines off the top of branch lines.

Absolute prevention of line freezing can be obtained only when the dew point of the
line air is below any temperature to which it may be exposed. Freezing is always pos-
sible if there is line condensation. For example, when air lines are run outdoors in
winter weather or pass through cold storage rooms, the ambient temperatures will
change the dew point and cause any moisture in the air to condense and freeze.

The dryer unit has an air inlet, an air outlet, a waste air outlet, two heater coils, and
two four-way reversing valves (see Figure 15-9). Although the illustration shows the
two tanks in a functioning mode, they are universal in operation. By this, we mean
that this changes the tanks over when the active tank becomes totally saturated, and
the tank that was on the regeneration cycle then becomes the active unit.

With this process, there will always be one tank in active service, and one on regener-
ation or stand-by. A timer governs the changeover process. The timer changes the
position of the four-way, or reversing, valves. This operation reverses the airflow
through the tanks; the tank that was regenerated will now dry the air,while the satu-
rated tank will be regenerated.

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