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Budget Reform

and State Modernisation in France

A clearer Budget
and a more reactive
A Programme budget Globalisation for more tions and payrolls (amounts and num-
bers of personnel) will be capped.
structured on flexible management While the current system leads certain
important political aims spending departments to try and use
Up to now, ministers and their manage- up all their appropriations with a view
France is breaking with the tradition ment services received their appro- to obtaining the same amount the fol-
of expenditure-oriented budgets by priations through a large number of lowing year, the appropriation carry-
drawing up a Programme budget separate budgets, one for each self- over regime will be relaxed to encou-
based on a three-tier structure. The contained ‘chapter’. In the new bud- rage multi-annual management of
Missions correspond to the State’s getary system, appropriations may appropriations. It will now be possible
major public policies. Each Mission be freely apportioned among the to negotiate the carryover of up to 3%
comprises a set of Programmes to Programmes, and their breakdown of any appropriations, and each year
which appropriations are allocated according to sub-programmes and ministers will have commitment author-
and broken down into sub-pro- type of expenditure is now purely ity for a multiyear timeframe in addi-
grammes (Actions) that together indicative. This globalisation will make tion to their spending appropriations.
constitute the operational means of for much more flexible management, The system will operate on a com-
implementing the Programme. The because the people in charge of indi- mitment accounting basis, which will
previous budgetary structure based on vidual Programmes will be able to make multiyear Programme manage-
‘budget chapters’ obscured the ulti- reallocate appropriations between ment more transparent.
mate aims of budget appropriations sub-programmes or types of expen-
and the cost of administrative policies diture. Because of its very long-term
and structures. By breaking down the effect on public finances, personnel Departments will have
budget into public policy objectives, expenditure is the only exception to
the State’s missions and public ser- the globalisation principle; it cannot
greater autonomy and
vice goals become fully transparent. be topped up with other appropria- responsibility
Greater transparency: the example of the Justice budget Henceforth there will be a clearly iden-
tified Programme managers for each
Then: 30 chapters Now: 6 Programmes Programme, both at national and local
level. This is the spirit in which a ver-
Title III – Service resources itable ‘chain of responsibilities’ is being
Administrative jurisdiction
◗ Personnel – service pay set up in the French administration.
◗ Retired personnel – pensions and
Each national Programme breaks
◗ Active and retired personnel, welfare costs The judicial system down at a local level into Operational
◗ Departmental equipment and operations Budget Programmes (OBPs). OBP
◗ Operating subsidies spending departments are allocated
◗ Sundry expenditure Prisons and correctional
administration a global budget structured along the
Title IV – Public intervention lines of the national Programme bud-
◗ Political and administrative interventions get, and have a great deal of latitude
◗ Social programmes – aid and solidarity
Legal protection of youth in how they allocate appropriations
Title V – State investment according to the aims assigned to
◗ Administrative and other facilities
them, while at the same time making
Title VI – Investment grants awarded Free access to justice and legal aid
allowances for local specifics. Local
by the State
◗ Cultural and social facilities
spending departments will now play
Backing for judicial policy and a substantive part in managing State
related organisations policies within the framework of a
centrally defined strategy. This new
The new budgetary architecture and relationship between central Govern-
ment and decentralised departments
ensuing management methods ensure
calls for goal-oriented management
greater transparency in the State’s actions and dialogue.
and public finance-related issues.
The Administration
engaged in Management
by Performance
Prior commitment to Accountability after A new public
performance goals the event accounting system
In exchange for the high degree of Up to now, there has not been enough Currently, public accounting in essen-
autonomy they now have, Programme focus on the effectiveness of public ce tracks execution of expenditure
managers have to be fully commit- spending, and more emphasis was and revenue on a cash basis. To bring
ted to their goals and be accountable placed on complying with spending itself in line with budgetary reform,
for their management acts via results authorisations. With the introduction the French state is setting up a new
indicators and target values. Three of global Programme-oriented bud- accounting system incorporating
criteria are used to measure perfor- gets, spending departments will be the existing cash-basis methods, the
mance: social and economic effecti- accountable to Parliament for their accrual accounting model as prac-
veness, the quality of service, and management decisions, their actual tised by business and management
efficiency. Every year, ministers and expenditure, their management of accounting for Programme-cost
Programme managers will have to human resources and the levels of analysis purposes. The new accoun-
make commitments to achieve spe- performance they achieve according ting standards, which draw on cor-
cific results through an Annual to the resources they have been allo- porate accounting and are adapted to
Performance Plan (APP) appended cated. When the budget has been exe- the specifics of the State, will give
to the Budget Act. The APP will more cuted, these points are included in an Parliament greater accounting trans-
particularly state Programme appro- Annual Performance Report (APR) parency. With this new budget and
priations, the main goals relating to appended to the Budget Review Act. accounting classification, the French
this policy, performance indicators, The APR is modelled on the APP to administration has found the means
the expected results and related tax make it easier to compare authorisa- to measure the cost of its public poli-
expenditure. Including financial data tions with execution. Finally, the APR cies and assess its asset base (land,
and performance measurements in for the past year has to be submitted property, debts etc.). Lastly, as from
the same document will make for to Parliament and reviewed before 2006, the State’s accounts will be cer-
better assessment of the public poli- the following year’s Budget Act is pass- tified by the State Audit Office.
cy performance and efficiency. ed. This timeframe, which requires a
review of how the previous budget was
executed before the next budget can
be debated, constitutes the mecha-
nism known as the “virtuous chain”.

By requiring Programme managers to link their

actual results to the resources allocated, the French
administration seeks to make public spending more

The three lines of performance analysis

Standpoint Goal Sample goal Sample indicator

Citizen Social and economic Health: cut breast cancer Average time elapsing before
effectiveness screening time breast cancers are detected

User Quality of services Police: cut police Average time between police
provided intervention time forces being alerted and their
arrival on the scene

Taxpayer Efficiency Roads: reduce Average maintenance cost

maintenance costs per kilometre (A-roads)
A greater Role
for Parliament
Extended powers Stronger links between Greater access to
of amendment budget execution information and control
For the parliamentary budget vote,
and parliamentary powers for Parliament
the traditional distinction between authorisation The constitutional bylaw on the
the ‘current services appropriation’,
Budget Acts institutionalises the bud-
namely the appropriations base re- In order to strengthen the link
get policy debate introduced in 1996
quired to continue State action on an between budget execution and par-
at the Parliament. This debate is the
unchanged basis, and ‘new measures’ liamentary authorisation, supervi-
opportunity, before the debate on the
no longer holds. From now on, mem- sion of movements of appropriations
Budget Review Bill, for an initial review
bers of parliament will examine all the in the process of being administered
of the implementation of the previous
budgets and pass them to the first will be stepped up. Most of these
year's Budget Act and a multi-annual
Euro every year. movements – credit transfers, carry-
approach of the budget policy.
The voting unit in Parliament will now overs, advances or cancellations –
More stringent control over current
be the Mission, that is, a consistent are subject to prior notification of
credit movements will increase the
set of Programmes. The MPs’ powers Parliament and are capped, the ceil-
impact of Parliament’s budget autho-
of amendment are thus greatly extend- ing being a percentage of the initial
risations. The Finance Committees of
ed, because they will now be able to appropriations.
both assemblies will have greater
reallocate appropriations between That notwithstanding, in order to
investigative and hearing powers.
the various Programmes making up preserve the balanced budget as de-
They will be able to conduct on-the-
a particular Mission. fined by the Budget Act, Parliament
spot investigations on particular mat-
Furthermore, with the budget policy has recognised Government’s right
ters and refer them to the State Audit
debate in the spring, Parliament will to cancel up to 1.5% of the initial
Office as part of their control and
now be playing a greater part in out- appropriations by decree, thereby
assessment remit.
lining public finance strategy and set- affording Government the benefit of
ting priority objectives for the next a mechanism for fine-tuning budget
Budget Act. execution.
Restoring the balance
of power between
Government and
Parliament’s greater involvement in public finance management Parliament will give
Up to 2005 From January 2006
the vote on the Budget
Act all its meaning.
New measures 47 Missions
services for each 47 votes
appropriation: ministry:
only 1 vote 97 passed in

94% of appropriations are renewed virtually 100% of the appropriations are debated in
automatically from one year to the next (current Parliament, for each Mission.
services appropriation) without being brought into
question. The debates focus essentially on only
6% of the general budget.
Missions of State Budget
in France (2005)
Welfare and retirement schemes Agriculture, fish and forest policies and rural affairs

Urban policy and housing Civil security


Territorial policy
Ecology and sustainable
Tax rebates and relief
Economic and Social Council
States’s financial
commitments Economic development
and regulation
Sport, youth
Economic strategy and
and community life
running public finances
and integration Employment

Security Foreign State policy

General and local

School education state administration

Sanitary Safety

Judicial system
Running governmental work
Management and control
of public finances
Research and higher education

Remembrance and links with the nation


Relations with local authorities Provisions

Public authorities Public aid for development

Ministerial Missions Interministerial Missions

of the Constitutional Bylaw
of 1st August 2001
Implementation of the reform will be phased over three stages

2003 2004 2005

T4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4

1st milestone 2nd milestone 3rd milestone

Building the foundations Prefiguration Implementation

◗ Structuring the Missions, ◗ Presentation of appropriations in ◗ The 2006 budget in LOLF

programmes and sub- LOLF (constitutional bylaw) (constitutional bylaw) format
programmes format
◗ Inventory and reporting
◗ Experimental areas for 2004 ◗ Performance goals and indicators procedures for jobs
◗ Rolling out the budget and ◗ New management and
◗ Accounting reference framework accounting classifications organisational methods
in the ministries (operational budget programmes,
◗ Structuring the budget and
management dialogue,
accounting classification ◗ Assessment and development
ministerial accounting
of the experiments
◗ Communication plans department, etc.)
◗ Accounting procedures
◗ Initial assessment
◗ Training programmes
◗ All parties involved are trained
in the new budget execution
processes and the new
accounting system

Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry Internet site:

moderfie Internet site:

moderfie hot line: / + 33 (0) 1 44 43 77 50

Publisher: Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry, Department of Budgetary Reform,
Budget Department and Communication Department, 139 rue de Bercy, 75572 Paris cedex 12
Editor, artistic direction, design and creation: Publicis Consultants • Paris
Printed in France

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