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Proposal for Housing Web Application Development

Pater Lee1
School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Correspondence to: Pater Lee (

5 1 Functional specification

The Housing Web Application (HWA) provides users two functional modules below:
⚫ Building information management
⚫ Room information management

10 Figure 1: The main menu.

1.1 Building information management

1.1.1 Designed functions

This module is a typical table browser that provides the users the functions: manipulate the building information (ID, Name, and
Estate) including add, view, edit, delete, copy, search, and paging.

Figure 2: Building information management.

1.1.2 Program logic design at pseudo-code

This building table browser uses event-driven programming logic.

switch event
case click add : enter the add menu
case click view : enter the view menu of the cursor pointing record
5 case click edit : enter the edit menu of the cursor pointing record
case click delete : confirm prompt for user douple checking if delete the cursor pointing record
case click copy : enter the add menu with the information of the cursor pointing record
case input search : waiting for clicking search
case click search : filter the records by the condition
10 case click clear : clear the condition

1.2 Room information management

1.2.1 Designed functions

This module is a typical table browser that provides the users the functions: manipulate the room information (ID, Building Name,
15 Floor, Room, and Usable Floor Area) including add, view, edit, delete, copy, search, and paging.

Figure 3: The Room information management.

1.2.2 Program logic design at pseudo-code

This room information table browser uses event-driven programming logic.

20 Begin
switch event
case click add : enter the add menu
case click view : enter the view menu of the cursor pointing record
case click edit : enter the edit menu of the cursor pointing record
25 case click delete : confirm prompt for user douple checking if delete the cursor pointing record
case click copy : enter the add menu with the information of the cursor pointing record
case input search : waiting for clicking search
case click search : filter the records by the condition
case click clear : clear the condition
5 End

2 System design

2.1 File system structure

Figure 4: File system structure.

10 2.2 Database design

Two elements (building and room) involve in the application.

Table 1: Elements.

Elements Attributes Description Type Perspectives

building_id Building ID text
building building_en Building name in English text
estate_en Estate name text
room_id room ID text Dimension
building_id building ID text
room floor floor integer
room room number text
usable_floor_area usable floor area decimal measure

A database called computer_network_programming is created for the application and contains two tables (building and room).

Table 2: building table.

Table name Attributes Type Constraint

building_id char(14) PK, NN
building building_en char(20) NN
estate_en char(20) NN

Table 3: room table.

Table name Attributes Type Constraint

room_id char(8) PK,NN
building_id char(14) NN, UQ
room floor tinyint UN, ZF
room char(10) NN
usable_floor_area decimal(10,2) UN, ZF
Foreign key: building_id to the building_id of building table.

5 3 Functional verification test plan

Table 4: Functional verification test plan.

Function description Num. TC Tester

Building information management 20 Pater
Room information management 20 Pater

4 Plan

Table 5: Work Breakdown Structure and Schedule.

Work Breakdown Structure 2022
2 3
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Task I Task II Responsible Start Due Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
proposal v1 Pater 18.02.22 18.02.22
proposal v2 Pater 18.02.22 18.02.22
Writing test plan Pater 18.02.22 18.02.22
project report Pater 06.03.22 06.03.22
create database Pater 19.02.22 19.02.22
create tables Pater 19.02.22 19.02.22
upload data Pater 19.02.22 19.02.22
Develop create framework Pater 19.02.22 19.02.22
refine framework Pater 19.02.22 19.02.22
add home pape by PHP Pater 21.02.22 21.02.22
prepare test cases Pater 22.02.22 22.02.22
Test testing Pater 05.03.22 05.03.22

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