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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 1 (1988) 271-275 271

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - - Printed in The Netherlands




Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 332
Smyth Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061 (U.S.A.)

Department of Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 (U.S.A.)

(Accepted for publication February 29, 1988)


Mishra, S. and Ramey, H.J., Jr., 1988. A new derivative type-curve for pressure buildup analysis with boundary
effects. J. Pet. Sci. Eng., 1:

This study investigates pressure buildup behavior of wells with wellbore storage and skin in bounded circular
reservoirs,when inner and outer boundary effectsinteract to fullyor partiallydominate the well pressure response.
Using dimensionless pressure derivative as the dependent variable,we show that early time response is governed by
CDe 2s and latetime response by r2D/CD . Equations are provided to estimate the limitsof the intermediate time period,
which corresponds to infiniteacting radial flow and a semi-log straight line on a pressure-time graph. W e present a
new buildup derivative type-curve, incorporating inner boundary (early-time) and outer boundary (late-time) ef-
fects.Applications of this type -curve in buildup test design and interpretation are discussed.

Introduction In this study, we expand upon the work of

Chen and Brigham (1978) to identify condi-
For a well with wellbore storage and skin and tions under which the inner and outer bound-
producing from a bounded reservoir, it is pos- ary combine to dominate the well pressure
sible for inner and outer boundary effects to in- response. A second objective is to develop a
teract and dominate the well pressure response. general buildup type curve incorporating inner
Chen and Brigham (1978) investigated condi- and outer boundary effects.
tions under which such interference might ob-
scure the semi-log straight line, corresponding
to infinite acting radial flow, on a H o m e r Theory
buildup graph (Horner, 1951 ). It was found that
this could occur even for small values of well- The dimensionless wellbore pressure re-
bore storage coefficient in reasonably sized sponse during drawdown for a well with storage
drainage areas. However, they observed that a and damage may be expressed using the con-
semi-log straight line with 5-10% error in slope volution theorem as (van Everdingen and
could be found in almost all cases. Hurst, 1949):

0920-4105/88/$03.50 © 1988 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


inverting the Laplace space solution with the

PwD ( tD ) = 2nkh (Pi -Pw0 algorithm of Stehfest (1970).
In the recent literature, use of the pressure
derivative has been shown to enhance the pres-
=L-l( - ~ ) (1) sure response signal (e.g., Bourdet et al., 1984 ).
Hence, pressure derivative, rather than pres-
CD12 -t-
sure, is chosen as the dependent variable in this
work. The dimensionless buildup derivative
Here, L - 1 is the inverse Laplace transform op- group is defined as:
erator, I the Laplace space variable, S the skin
factor, tD the dimensionless time defined as: , %Ds 2~kh d(pw~- p w 0 (7)
pDSmdln--~-D)- qlL din(At)
tD -- O~tct r 2 (2) and is easily seen to be the slope of a dimen-
sionless MDH buildup graph (Miller et al.,
and CD the dimensionless wellbore storage 1950).
coefficient defined by:
C Correlations
CD -- 27~0Ct hr~ (3)
For large producing times such that tpD> tDpss,
In eq. 1,/~D is the appropriate reservoir model Ramey and Cobb (1971) show that, for a given
in Laplace space, and for the case of a well system, all dimensionless MDH buildup graphs
draining from the center of a closed circle, it is are identical. This observation facilitates elim-
given as (van Everdingen and Hurst, 1949): inating producing time effects from our analy-
1 [Ko(x/-l)Ii(reDxffl)+Io(xfll)Kl(reDx/~l) 1 sis. Under these conditions, we examined
dimensionless buildup behavior for several
combinations of CD, S and reD and found that
(4) two parameters are sufficient to correlate the
buildup response when Pbs is graphed as a
where In and Kn are modified Bessel functions,
function of z~tD/C D. The early-time behavior,
of order n, of the first and second kind, respec-
reflecting inner boundary (wellbore storage and
tively, and reD is the dimensionless outer radius
skin) effects, is controlled by the group CDe2.~.
ro/rw. Late-time data, influenced by outer boundary
Defining the dimensionless buildup pressure
effects, are correlatable with FeD/C
2 D. Fig. 1
demonstrates the appropriateness of these cor-
relating parameters for a variety of conditions.
PD~(AtD) = 2nkh (Pw~--Pwf) (5)
qP Such behavior suggests that the overall pres-
sure response may be approximated by super-
we obtain, from eq. 1, by superposition:
posing the independent effects of (a) a well with
PDs (AtD) =PwD ( tpD ) -I-PwD (AtD) storage and skin in an infinite system, (b) a
well without storage and skin in a finite system.
--PwD (tpD +AtD) (6) This logic is similar to that used by Bourdet
where AtD is the dimensionless shut-in time and and Gringarten (1980) in generating their dou-
tpD the dimensionless producing time. Eq. 6 is ble-porosity system type-curves, and forms the
used for computing buildup pressure response. basis for developing the new type-curve.
Appropriate PwD terms are calculated by sub- It should be pointed out that the use of CDe '23
stituting eq. 4 in eq. 1, and then numerically as a correlating parameter for wellbore storage



103 106
107 105
1010 104







* 100 1.1 10000,
+ I00O 0.0 31623.

B 10 6.9 1000.0
* 100 5.8 3162.3
+ 1000 4.6 10000.

C 100 9.2 1000.0

* 1000 8.1 3162.3
+ 10000 6.9 10000.

0.01 I I I I I
I I0 IO0 I 000 10000 le + 0 5 le+06
Fig. 1. Validationof CDe2s and r2eD/CDas correlatingparameters.

dominated pressure data was first theoretically whether the semi-log straight line will develop
justified by Bourdet and Gringarten (1980). or not on a pressure-time graph. On the type-
Moreover, since the onset of outer boundary ef- curve of Fig. 2, the semi-log straight line is
fects can be correlated with tD/re2D for draw- equivalent to apb8 value of 0.50.
down data, the use of AtD/CD as the time group Since the semi-log straight line is integral to
intuitively suggests re2D/CD a s the late-time conventional analysis of buildup pressure data,
correlating parameter for buildup data. These it is useful to specify its limits. By examining
choices have been validated for buildup deriv- the behavior o f p ~ as it approaches (and de-
ative data in Fig. 1. viates from) the value of 0.50, we find that:

A new type-curve AtD

CD Ibegin'~3010g(CDe2s) (8)
Fig. 2 shows the buildup derivative type-curve AtD r~D
developed in this study. The dimensionless de- CD ]end"~IO~D (9)
rivative group Pb8 is graphed as a function of
the time group AtD/CD on log-log coordinates. Conditions under which boundary effects
As mentioned earlier, the early and late time might dominate the well pressure response can
correlating parameters a r e CDe2s and reD/eD,
2 also be quantitatively established. Defining in-
respectively. The intermediate time period re- terference between inner and outer boundary
flects the degree of interference between inner to be such that less than half a log-cycle of semi-
and outer boundary effects, which determines log straight line is present, we have:







0.1 I I0 I00 I000 10000 le+05 l e+06 le+07

Ato/C o

Fig. 2. New buildup derivative type-curve.

laid on Fig. 2 and a match is obtained for the

CD [ end < 100"5 [begin (10) entire c u r v e . CDe 28 and reD/Cr~
2 are read-off as
the parameters of the early and late time match,
Substitution from eqs. 8 and 9 then yields: respectively. Permeability-thickness is ob-
tained from the pressure match. CD can be cal-
r2eD/CD culated from the early-time line of unit-slope
log(CDe2s ) > 10000 (11)
on the log-log graph, and then both reD and S
as the limiting condition for a semi-log straight can be estimated.
line to develop on an MDH buildup graph. This procedure can be useful when the semi-
log straight line has been obscured by interfer-
Applications ence between inner and outer boundary effects,
in which case a conventional semi-log analysis
The type-curve presented in Fig. 2 can be used or a type-curve analysis based on existing stor-
for buildup test design and interpretation. In age and skin type-curves may not work.
test design, an often sought information is the
duration of the semi-log straight line. Based on Summary
a-priori estimates of wellbore/reservoir param-
eters, this can be calculated using eqs. 8 and 9. We have presented a new buildup derivative
For interpretation, field data is plotted on type-curve for wells with storage and damage
log-log paper with d (Pws-Pwf)/d (log/It) on the in bounded circular reservoirs. Equations for
y-axis and At on the x-axis. This is then over- estimating the beginning and end of the proper

semi-log straight line o n a n M D H buildup g r a p h porosity

/t viscosity(cp)
are provided. T h e t y p e - c u r v e s h o u l d be useful
in buildup t e s t design a n d i n t e r p r e t a t i o n for
s i t u a t i o n s w h e n i n n e r a n d o u t e r b o u n d a r y ef- References
fects i n t e r a c t to fully or p a r t i a l l y d o m i n a t e t h e
well p r e s s u r e response.
Bourdet, D. and Gringarten, A.C., 1980. Determination of
fissure volume and block size in fractured reservoirs by
type curve analysis. Paper SPE 9293 presented at the
SPE 55th Annual Fall Technical Conference and Ex-
We thank Stanford University, Stanford hibition, Dallas, Sept. 21-24.
C e n t e r for R e s e r v o i r F o r e c a s t i n g a n d S t a n f o r d Bourdet, D., Ayoub, J.A. and Pirard, Y.M., 1984. Use of
G e o t h e r m a l P r o g r a m ( D O E C o n t r a c t No. D E - pressure derivative in well test interpretation. Paper
S P E 12777 presented at the California Regional Meet-
A T 0 3 - 8 0 S F 1 1 4 5 9 ) for f u n d i n g this study. ing, Long Beach, April 11-13.
Chen, H.K. and Brigham, W.E., 1978. Pressure buildup for
Appendix m nomenclature a well with storage and skin in a closed square. J. Pet.
Technol., Jan., pp. 141-146.
ct total system compressibility (atm- 1) Homer, D.R., 1951. Pressure Buildup in Wells. Proc. Third
C wellbore storage coefficient (cc/atm) World Pet. Congr., The Hague, II,pp. 503-523.
h formation thickness (cm) Miller, C.C., Dyes, A.B. and Hutchinson, C.A., 1950. The
k formation permeability (darcy) estimation of permeability and reservoirpressure from
Pwf flowing sandface pressure (atm) bottom-hole pressure buildup characteristics. Trans.
Pw~ shut-in sandface pressure (atm) AIME, 189: 91-100.
Pl initial pressure (atm) Ramey, H.J.,Jr. and Cobb, W.M., 1971. A general pressure
q well flow rate (cc/s) buildup theory for a well in a closed drainage area. J.
rw wellbore radius (cm) Pet. Technol., Dec., pp. 1493-1505.
re external radius (cm) Stehfest, H., 1970. Numerical inversion of Laplace trans-
t time (s) forms, algorithm 368. Commun. A C M , 13: 47.
tp producing time (s) van Everdingen, A.F. and Hurst, W., 1949. The application
At shut-in time (s) of the Laplace transformation to flow problems in res-
tD~ dimensionless time to pseudo-steady state ervoirs.Trans. AIME, 186: 305-324.

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