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Your Quest for Improving Focus and Quality of Life 



The Map of Your Quest Ahead 4 
Your Learning Tools 4 
Daily Video Lessons 4 
Workbook 4 
Journal 4 
The Tribe 5 


You Transform Through Practice 6 
Start with a Beginner’s Mind 6 
You Cannot Transcend What You Have Not Mastered 6 


4 Tips to Get the Most Out of This Quest 7 
The Top 3 Hurdles You Need to Be Aware of 8 
What Happens If I Miss A Day? 9 

Growth Survey 10 

Step 1 - Why Are You Here? 11 
Step 2 - Who Am I? 11 
Step 3 - Self Supporting Beliefs 12 




Day 1 - Why Do We Lie to Ourselves 17 

Day 2 - What Motivates Us, Really 18 

Day 3 - The Root Cause of Distraction 19 

Day 4 - Discomfort Is Rocket Fuel 20 

Day 5 - The Indistractable Model 21 

Day 6 - Internal Triggers Drive Distraction 23 

Day 7 - Reimagining Internal Triggers 24 

Day 8 - Reimagining The Task 26 

Day 9 - What Are You Distracted From 27 

Day 10 - Time Boxing 29 

Day 11 - Your Life Domain 32 

Day 12 - Your Relationship Domain 33 

Day 13 - Your Work Domain 34 

Day 14 - Are External Triggers Serving You, or Are You Serving Them 35 

Day 16 - Hack Back Social Media, YouTube, and Articles on the Web 38 

Day 17 - The Power of Precommitments 39 

Day 18 - Effort Pacts, Price Pacts, and Identity Pacts 40 

Day 19 - Tackling Office Distractions and Email 41 

Day 20 - Creating an Indistractable Workspace 44 

Day 21 - Spreading Social Antibodies 45 

Day 22 - How To Be an Indistractable Lover 46 

Day 23 - Raising Indistractable Children 47 

Day 24 - Psychological Nutrients and Understanding Kids’ Internal Triggers 48 

Day 25 - Helping Children Make Time For Traction 49 

Day 26 - Hack Back Kids’ Unwanted External Triggers 51 

Day 27 - Help Children Make Pacts 52 



The Map of Your Quest Ahead 

On your 27-day journey, make sure you carve out enough time to show up every day and 
make it a priority to become indistractable.  

It will take time, but in the end, you will be equipped with skills that will benefit you as you 
continue to practice them in your life.  

Each day, you will have the opportunity to ​discuss your reflections with the Tribe​. Learn 
from each others’ wisdom, ​review what you’ve learned, ​and consider how you can 
integrate lessons​ in your daily life, work, or business. 

Your Learning Tools 

This Quest is not for passive learning. You are at the beginning of a transformational 
journey. Besides absorbing learning content, you will use various learning tools to integrate 
and embody the lessons.  

1. Daily Video Lessons

Your lesson is released daily for the duration of 15 mins or less. You will also have
some tasks and exercises to complete.

2. Workbook
This workbook is designed to be used alongside your daily lesson videos. You will
find daily exercise instructions and extra notes in your workbooks. You may type
directly in the PDF or print it.

3. Journal
We suggest keeping an extra journal to write your ongoing daily reflections. You can
also use it if you want to go deeper in doing the tasks and exercises. Additionally, if
you’re going to get the most out of your Quest, we recommend reflecting on your
insights daily, sharing them, and teaching what you’ve learned.

4. The Tribe
Your Tribe is more than just a social group. It is your go-to space during any
moment of realizations and challenges in the Quest. You benefit from learning
socially, which is the primary way the brain learns.

You are invited to​ share your daily moments of realization​, post your questions,
learn from others’ insights, ask for support, and deepen your learning.


You Transform Through Practice 

You may have learned about the upcoming concepts in this Quest before; however, it is not 
about what information you know but how well you’ve embodied these practices in your 
life for real transformation to take place. The ​Becoming Focused and Indistractable 
Quest is not only about offering the best practices but a framework for any human being to 
become in control of their own life. 

Start with a Beginner’s Mind 

You cannot add water into a cup that is already full. 

Don't ask, ​“Do I know this?”​, but rather ​“Do I practice this in my life?”.​ This is the 
difference between knowledge and embodiment. ​Practice yields insight, which through 
more practice develops into embodiment.  

So, start with a beginner's mind. Coming in with the mindset that we already know 
everything about something hinders our ability to learn anything new. ​Repetition is key​. 

You Cannot Transcend What You Have Not Mastered 

This Quest will be a ticket to lead yourself, your workspace, and your loved ones to 
becoming indistractable. It’s giving the critical formula to value your time, sharpen your 
focus and live according to your values.  


4 Tips to Get the Most Out of This Quest 

1. Don’t aim for perfection​. We do not recommend you spend hours on the exercises
to make them “perfect.” Instead, be playful and have fun with it. The bare minimum
is to show up with intentional willingness every day.

Journaling means writing down your thoughts and the first thing that comes to 
mind. Write as little or as much as you like. You can always come back and take 
more time on a particular task after you complete the Quest. A job ​done​ is better 
than waiting until it is entirely perfect. 

2. Stay with the group​. Even if you miss a task, continue the journey with all the
others who joined the Quest with you. This Quest includes implementation days
during which you can catch up or rewatch the more challenging days.

3. Set an exact time.​ Dedicate time to watching videos and practicing the growth
work. Set a reminder on your phone or elsewhere. You can also add a routine such
as lighting a candle or make yourself a tea to create your optimal learning space.

4. Team up. ​The community is one of the most significant benefits of participating in a
Mindvalley Quest. Share your questions, inspirations, results, and thoughts. Find an
accountability partner you can team up with for the Quest’s length (instructions in
the ​Tribe Guidelines​).

The Top 3 Hurdles You Need to Be Aware of 
1. Not enough time​

Life gets in the way, and you might have the impression there is just not enough 
time. To prevent this, you need to prioritize and structure your day.  
Schedule each day at least 20 dedicated minutes for this Quest. While the lessons 
may be short sometimes, the exercises or journaling may run longer than the usual 
20 mins. Only by giving this Quest a high priority in the following weeks will you get 
long-lasting results.  
2. Low motivation.  
Spend extra time in this workbook to define your vision and context for this Quest. 
Knowing how your life will change is a huge motivator.  
Therefore,​ remind yourself why you started this Quest,​ and don’t wait to apply 
what you have learned.  
Celebrate ​the little victories to keep up the momentum. Reward yourself after each 
completed day and week. It will teach your brain that learning is fun and something 
to look forward to. 
Boost your motivation by teaching your insights to someone who can benefit from 
it. This way, you realize the progress you are making and start contributing to the 
world around you.  
3. Resistance.  

There will be days where you just don’t feel like continuing. It is normal feelings and 
part of every learning journey. Therefore, expect difficult days. It is essential to push 
through precisely on those days. Only by stepping out of your comfort zone can 
deep learning happen.  
You will not agree with everything in this Quest. ​The brain hates information 
that is contradictory to what we already learned. It might increase your resistance 
towards the Quest or the teacher. Don’t let this limit your learning experience. Treat 
this Quest as a buffet of practices and information from which you can freely choose 
what is right for you.   

What Happens If I Miss A Day?  
Even if your motivation is high and you prioritized this Quest for the next week, life might 
get in the way, and you miss 1 or 2 days. First, be kind to yourself. Don’t get distracted by 
self-judgment. Take a breath and continue where you are at.

Use the opportunity to catch up or re-watch any videos you may have missed. Schedule 
some extra time to catch up. You can also skip a task and come back to it after you finished 
the rest of the Quest. 
If you missed too many days, you always have the opportunity to re-start the Quest with 
the next batch of students. 


Growth Survey
Before you start your Quest, let’s first gauge where you are. This Growth Survey can be 
found ​here​ ​as well as attached below. It is helpful for two reasons: 

1. It will help clarify what areas you should focus on in the Quest.

2. It will help set a reference point for yourself, so you can later evaluate which areas you’ve
developed as a result of participating in this Quest.

Rate yourself again ​after​ the Quest is over. See how much you have grown and in which 
specific areas. Don’t overthink; use the first number that comes up in your head and heart. 

Rate how true these statements are to you on a scale from 1 to 10.
(1 - least true; 10 - most true) 

Rate these statements on a scale from 1 to 10.  Pre-rating Post-rating 

(1 - least true; 10 - most true) 

Improving Focus:​ I can stay focused on achieving my goals and living a 

purposeful life. I am fully in control of how I spend my time 
Time management: ​My schedule reflects my values, aspirations, and goals. I 
rarely go off track.  7
Stronger Discipline: ​I am deeply aware of my internal triggers, the root causes 
of my distractions, and I know how to navigate them.  2
Better Habits: ​I know how to master cues in an external environment that lead 
me to distraction..   5
Improving Focus & Get Organized: I​ easily hold my deep focus while 
Better Habits: ​Every time I use digital devices and consume information online, 
I do it purposefully. 
Increasing Productivity: ​I know how to use my e-mail, group chats, desktop, 
smartphone in a way that stimulates my efficiency and productivity. 
Improving Quality of Life: ​I am always attentive and present in relationships 
with my family, friends, loved ones. We have caring, trusting, and supportive 
relationships with one another. 
Improving Quality of Life: ​I lead by example and teach kids how to be 
focused, build time traction habits, and live according to their values ​(choose, if 
applicable to you). 

Deep change comes through tiny habits repeated over time. To create motivation, begin 
with the end in mind. It starts with intention. Set your intentions now to form a robust basis 
for the Quest ahead.  

Step 1 - Why Are You Here?

I decided to purchase and start this Quest because:

It is important to me because: (Include what or who this could benefit): 

Step 2 - Who Am I? 

It is essential to start with knowing what you wish to get out of the experience. 
help to create more clarity, especially when the seed is planted right before you start.  

By the end of this Quest, I am… 

Three core values associated with this identity are… 

Step 3 - Self Supporting Beliefs 

‘’Whether you believe you can, or believe you can’t, you’re right.’’ 
Henry Ford 

Once you have your intentions clear and know who you want to become, consider the 
beliefs that align with that intention. Beliefs are the ultimate cornerstone of success. Think 
of the beliefs that your highest self would have about themselves and their abilities, and 
adopt them. 

Write down 3-5 empowering statements about yourself and make them as simple and 
straightforward as possible. Ensure they are present tense, positive, emotionally 
meaningful, and written in the first person. ​( I, me, my ). 


I am poised and ready for more good than I can ever imagine. 
It is easy to live my life full of bliss, abundance, and ease.  

If you choose to take this Quest, read and sign the ‘Declaration to Me’ contract. When you 
commit to writing what you want to accomplish, you increase the likelihood of acting 
accordingly. Eliciting this type of personal commitment is one of the most critical aspects of 
behavior change, especially when you share this self-contract with others close to you.  

You can print it out, sign it, and put it somewhere visible to remind yourself throughout the 

I, _________________________________, hereby commit to the full challenge of taking 

this Quest towards the evolution of my highest potential: 

1. I commit to showing up and playing full out in this Quest.

2. I commit to opening to ways in which I might change and evolve.
3. I commit to having the courage to uncover, break past patterns, and redefine new ones.
4. I commit to joining my fellow Tribe members in this process to open and share my
vulnerabilities because I understand these are pivotal to learning.
5. I commit to refrain from judgment of myself and others.
6. I commit to being respectful with all communication and always speaking with full
honesty and humility.
7. I commit to being respectful to my boundaries and those of others.
8. I take full responsibility for my participation, and I know I am not coerced in any way into
any activity or belief system.
9. I understand that every moment matters. I commit to take on my truest nature.

Signed:____________________________ Dated:__________ 

❏ For this Quest’s, schedule at least 20 mins every day to go through the daily lesson 
and exercises. Block time each day when you are most alert and ready to learn, 
reflect, and focus on your transformation. 
❏ Complete the Self-Assessment. 
❏ Ensure you have a journal ready for the Quest.  
❏ Read and understand the ​Tribe Guidelines​. 
❏ Join the online Tribe and introduce yourself.  



Part 1:​ The Importance of Being Indistractable 

Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5 

What  The Root  The 

Why Do We Lie  Discomfort if 
Motivates Us,  Causes of  Indistractable 
To Ourselves  Rocket Fuel 
Really  Distraction  Model 

Part 2:​ Mastering Internal Triggers 

Day 6  Day 7  Day 8 

Internal  Reimagining 
Triggers Drive  Internal 
The Task 
Distraction  Triggers 

Part 3:​ Making Time For Traction 

Day 9  Day 10  Day 11  Day 12  Day 13 

What Are You  Your Life  Your Work 
Time Boxing  Relationship 
Distracted From  Domain  Domain 

Part 4:​ Hacking Back External Triggers 

Day 14  Day 15  Day 16 

Are External  Hack Back your 
Hack Back 
Triggers  Phone, 
Social Media, 
Serving You, or  Desktop, Group 
YouTube, and 
Are You  Chat, and 
Articles on the 
Serving Them  Meetings 

Part 5:​ Preventing Distraction with Pacts 

Day 17  Day 18 

Effort Pacts, 
The Power of 
Price Pacts, 
and Identity 

Part 6:​ How to Make Your Workplace Indistractable 

Day 19  Day 20 

Tackling Office  Creating an 

Distractions  Indistractable 
and Email  Workplace 

Part 7:​ How to Have Indistractable Relationships 

Day 21  Day 22  Day 23  Day 24  Day 25  Day 26  Day 27 
Psychological  Hack Back Kids 
Spreading Social  Helping 
How to be an  Raising  Nutrients and  Unwanted  Help Children Make 
Antibodies and  Children Make 
Indistractable  Indistractable  Understanding  External  Pacts 
Having Indistractable  Time for 
Lover  Children  Kids Internal  Triggers 
Friendships  Traction 

Day 1 - Why Do We Lie to Ourselves 

Key Learning Points 

Today we have talked about three characteristics that make us distractable. We have gone over 
the biases, patterns of thinking, and habits that force us to choose immediate rewards rather than 
being present and focused on long-lasting goals. Finally, we have uncovered one of the truths 
about the human condition: ​we often break promises to ourselves against our best interests.​  
Fortunately, ​we can step back from our desires, recognize them for what they are, and do 
something about them. Let’s start today! 

Your Mission for Today 

1. ​Name one thing you did today that ​moved you closer to what you wanted​ (​e.g., going to the
gym, focusing on an important task at work, etc​.) and the ​benefit you received ​from that action
(living healthfully, helping my team close a sale​).

2. Name one thing you did today that ​moved you away​ from what you wanted (​e.g., wasting time
online, procrastinating at work, etc.​) and the foregone benefit of taking that action (​spending time
with someone I love, being a team player at work​.)


Day 2 - What Motivates Us, Really 
Key Learning Points 

1. The drive to relieve discomfort is the root cause of all of our behavior.
2. The distractions in our lives are the result of proximate causes. We need to focus on
and address the root causes.
3. The desire to feel something different is the driving force behind why we do what
we do.
4. We invite discomfort into our lives to experience the pleasurable effects of relieving
5. Dealing with the discomfort driving the desire for escape will help us avoid resorting
to distractions.

Your Mission for Today 

Reflect on the root causes of your distractions. 

● Reflect on and point out all the moments when you got distracted today.
● What caused your distraction?
● What are the root causes you need to address to avoid getting caught in similar


Day 3 - ​The Root Cause of Distraction 
Key Learning Points

1. We crave the​ relief from feeling bad​ rather than feeling good or getting a reward.
2. The discomfort of ​wanting drives our behaviors​.
3. The root cause of all distractions consists in finding ​relief from pain​ in doing something
4. By understanding our pain, we can begin to ​control it​. We can cope with it and ​rise
above​ it.

Your Mission for Today

1. Think about your main distractions. You can also refer back to the ones you wrote
down in the previous day's exercise.
2. Write down three root causes of discomfort you may be trying to escape by doing
the unwanted behavior.


Day 4 - Discomfort Is Rocket Fuel 
Key Learning Points 

1. If satisfaction and pleasure were permanent, there might be little incentive to continue
seeking further benefits or advances.
2. Factors creating internal triggers:
● Boredom
● Negativity Bias
● Rumination
● Hedonic Adaptation
3. People prefer doing to thinking.
4. By reflecting on what went wrong and how to rectify it, people may discover alternative
5. Dissatisfaction is a power we can channel to make things better.

Your Mission for Today

1. Reflect on the one or two things that caused you a feeling of dissatisfaction today.
2. How can you channel the dissatisfaction into making things better?


Day 5 - The Indistractable Model 
Key Learning Points 
1. Performance has everything to do with the​ thoughts in our heads​. 
2. Willpower acts like an ​emotion​. 
3. Changing our ​mindset​ about our temperament is the key to ​becoming 
4. Mindset matters ​more than physical dependence. 
5. We are only powerless ​if we think we are​. 
6. The power to change is ​within us​. 
7. People who are more ​self-compassionate​ experience a greater ​sense of 

Your Mission for Today
Reflect on the following questions: 

1. Do you harbor any self-defeating beliefs about your abilities? Write down any labels
you attach to yourself and consider whether they are serving you.
2. How would you respond to a good friend who has experienced a setback? Write
down what you would say to them if they failed to do something you tend to get
distracted doing.
3. How does your response to yourself at moments of setback or failure make you feel
about yourself? Are you able to console yourself with the same words you’d offer a
friend? How can you change your future response to yourself to be more


Day 6 - Internal Triggers Drive 
Key Learning Points
1. It is essential to step back, notice, observe and ​let the desire disappear naturally​.
2. When we attempt to suppress specific thoughts deliberately, this would only make
them more likely to surface.
3. We need to ​reimagine the internal triggers​.

Your Mission for Today 

Recall one incident when mental abstinence backfired, leaving you further away
from what you wanted.

For example: When I went on an extreme diet, I gained back all the weight and some more. 


Day 7 - Reimagining Internal Triggers 
Today  you’ve  learned  about  the  4-step  process  of  reimagining  your  internal  triggers.  We 
invite you to recall the material and use the distraction tracker today.  

Distraction Tracker 
Time  Distraction  Feeling  Internal  External  Ideas 

8:15  Checked News  Anxious  X  Surf The Urge 

Googled Instead  Set time goal and see 

9:32  Frustrated  X 
of Writing  if it can beat it 

The Process to Reimagine Internal Triggers: 

​ ​Step 1​: Look for the discomfort that precedes the distraction - focus on the internal 
Step 2:​ Write down the internal trigger. 
Step 3:​ Explore the sensations that come along with your reaction to the internal trigger. 
Step 4:​ Be aware of liminal moments. 

Key Learning Points

1. It is easier to remember​ how you felt​ before the behavior when it occurs.
2. External triggers are​ more comfortable to identify ​than internal ones.
3. Identifying​ an internal trigger can take away much of its power.
4. Stay with the feelings​ before acting on the impulse.
5. Focus on ​reconditioning your mind​ to seek relief from internal triggers in a
thoughtful​ way​.

Your Mission for Today 

1. Think of a distraction you frequently deal with.
● What discomfort(s) or internal trigger(s) did you feel immediately before the
For example: When I feel stressed, I tend to scroll news headlines. 

2. What observations can you make about yourself when you feel these internal triggers?
● Be sure to avoid placing judgment on your actions. Simply state your observations of the
● Bonus action: Name a few "liminal moments" in your day.

Day 8 - Reimagining The Task 
Key Learning Points

1. "Fun turns out to be fun even if it doesn't involve much, or any, enjoyment." ~ Ian
2. Play can be part of any difficult task, and it can free us from discomfort.
3. Fun and play can be used as a tool to keep us focused on what is essential.
4. The key is to find the beauty of a task in its difficulty.

The two elements needed to play:

● Deliberateness
● Novelty
5. Find ​novelty​ by​ focusing intently​ on a task and looking for variability.

Your Mission for Today 

1. Describe one frequent task you have to do that you see as boring.

2. Now it’s time to move beyond boredom:

● What can you do to reimagine the task to make it feel more like play?
● What small challenges, constraints, or novelty can you add to make it fun?


Day 9 - What Are You Distracted From 
Key Learning Points 

1. You can only call something a distraction when you know what it is distracting you
Planning ahead is the only way to know the difference between traction and distraction.
2. Begin with why you are going to do something.
3. Values are guidelines for our actions.
4. Commit to a practice that improves your schedule over time.
5. Focus on differentiating between traction and distraction for every moment of the

Your Mission for Today 

1. Craft your ​perfect day​ on a typical day of the week.

● What does it look like?
● How are you spending your time living up to your values?

2. Compare your ​ideal day​ to your current daily schedule.

● What could be improved?
● What are you not making enough time for?


Day 10 - Time Boxing 
Today you will find the example of the timebox schedule below. 

Key Learning Points 

1. Time Boxing helps you decide what you are going to do and when you will do it.
2. Eliminate all the white space in your calendar.
3. Success is measured by whether you did what you planned to do.
4. Decide how much time you want to spend in each of your life domains:
● Create a weekly calendar template.
● Book 15 min weekly to reflect and refine your calendar.

Steps to Reflect and Refine: 

● When did I do what I said I would do?
● When did I get distracted?

● What changes can I make to get the time I need to express my values

Timebox Scheduling Example 

Please, find the free schedule maker from Nir ​here​. 

Your Mission for Today 

1. Name the activities you want to do for yourself every week. List all the things that serve
your values of physical health, wellness, and personal growth.

2. Once you have your list, note how much time you’d like to allocate for each activity in a
typical week.


Day 11 - Your Life Domain 

Key Learning Points 

1. You are at the center of the ​3 Life Domains ​where you spend most of your time:
a. You
b. Relationships
c. Work
2. Prioritize and timebox ​'you'​ time.
3. Benefits of Timeboxing according to your values:
a. Visualizing the qualities of the person you want to be reflected on your
b. You will be much more likely to do what you promised yourself you would
4. You cannot always control the result, but you can control ​what you do​ in response.
5. When it comes to your time, stop worrying about outcomes you can't control,
instead focus on the inputs you can.

Your Mission for Today 

1. Take some time to look at your weekly schedule as a game or puzzle.
● Think creatively about how you can rearrange the pieces of the "puzzle" and make
room for the activities you want to do.
2. Do you see any tasks that you can eliminate or outsource?
● Write down 2-3 things that you can erase from your schedule and fill in this time
with "you" time.


Day 12 - Your Relationship Domain 

Key Learning Points 

1. To sustain healthy and happy relationships, we need to schedule a time for each
2. We need quality time together for the relationship to grow.
3. Make sure to schedule a time for domestic chores as it leads to equitable
4. Consistency is the most crucial element of the relationships.

Your Mission for Today 

1. Name the activities you want to do with or for the essential people in your life every
2. Note how much time you’d like to allocate for each activity in a typical week.
3. Review your list and include domestic responsibilities as part of your commitment
to your significant others.


Day 13 - Your Work Domain 
Key Learning Points 

1. Make sure that time you are spending at work is consistent with your values.
2. The clarification around how we spend our time at work fosters and enhances
trust: the essential part of our working relationships.
3. To have an indistractable work domain:
a) Use a detailed time-box schedule.
b) Review your schedule regularly to make better decisions about time allocation.
c) Reallocate your time to more critical tasks if needed.

Your Mission for Today 

1. Reflect on the activities you want to do every week in the work domain of your life,
especially those aligned with your values.
2. Note how much time you would like to allocate to each activity during a regular
week. Think creatively about how you can start rearranging your time allocation in
the work domain to align it to your desired schedule.


Day 14 - ​Are External Triggers Serving 
You, or Are You Serving Them 
Key Learning Points
1. External triggers are cues in our environment that tell us what to do next.
○ Our behavior is constituted of motivation, ability, and a trigger.
2. Sometimes if the external trigger leads us to traction, it serves us.
3. Removing the external trigger that doesn't serve us is a step towards managing

Your Mission for Today 

1. Reflect on and write down all the external triggers you experience on a typical day.
○ Consider the external triggers that get your attention at home, at work, or with
your family.
2. Think about each trigger you have found. Did the trigger serve you, or did you serve
the trigger?


Day 15 - Hack Back your Phone, 
Desktop, Group Chat, and Meetings 
Key Learning Points
1. To hack back your ​smartphone​:
● Remove the apps you don't need.
● Relocate the apps that distract you.
● Reorganize and categorize your apps. For example, you can use three
categories: primary, aspirational, and slot machines.

2. To hack back your ​desktop​:

● Declutter your digital workspace.
● Turn off desktop notifications.

3. To hack back your ​group chats​:

● Use group chats like a sauna: get in and get out quickly.
● Be picky about who you invite to the chats.
● Use group chats selectively.

4. To hack back your ​meetings:

● Decrease the number of devices during the meetings, have one laptop
per meeting.
● Make charging stations unattainable.
● Call the meetings that are truly necessary.

Your Mission for Today 

1. Make your life immune to interruptions. Set aside some time today to hack back your:
● Smartphone
● Desktop
● Group Chats
● Meetings
2. Think about how you would communicate with colleagues or your loved ones about the
changes you would like to bring.
For example, set expectations with colleagues by letting them know that you have set 
aside a time in your calendar for group chat and may not always be available to participate in 
the discussion. 


Day 16 - Hack Back Social Media, 
YouTube, and Articles on the Web 
Key Learning Points 
1. Newsfeeds and social media are often driving us to distractions.
2. Purposefully allocate the time you want to spend on social media feeds or watching
3. Hack back your ​social media and news feed​:
● Eliminate your news feed by adding extensions to your browser.
● Use clever bookmarking protocol.
4. Use social media wisely ​to aid your work, advance your career and connect with
others proactively.

Your Mission for Today 

1. Become indistractable by setting aside some time today to hack back your:
○ Social Media
○ Youtube
○ Articles on the Web
2. Think about how you can use ​temptation bundling​ as motivation to perform
another activity.

For example, create a bundle of podcasts you want to listen to, and enjoy while you are jogging 
or doing laundry. 


Day 17 - The Power of 
Key Learning Points 
1. Precommitment is a powerful mechanism that keeps distractions out. They help us
stick with decisions we’ve made in advance.
2. Precommitments should only be used after you applied the other three
indistractable strategies:
• Master internal triggers
• Have traction of the day
• Hack back internal triggers

Your Mission for Today 

1. Reflect on the precommitment you made that successfully moved you
towards traction in the “You” domain.
For example, I enrolled in college or signed up for the ten sessions with a personal
2. Think about why this precommitment worked for you?


Day 18 - ​Effort Pacts, Price Pacts, and 
Identity Pacts 
Key Learning Points 
1. An ​effort pact ​prevents distraction by making unwanted behaviors more
challenging to do.
○ To forge an effort pact, make a pact with other people to increase
2. A ​price pact​ adds a cost to getting distracted.
○ Price pacts are most effective when you can remove the external triggers that
lead to distraction.
○ Use price pact for short tasks.
○ Price pacts can be challenging to start, but they are an effective technique.
○ Learn self-compassion before making a price pact.
3. An ​identity pact​ is a precommitment to a self-image.
○ Identity pact means reframing how we see ourselves. Call yourself
○ Share with others about your new self-image.
○ Adopt rituals to reinforce your identity and influence your future actions.

Your Mission for Today 

1. Reflect on how might you use an effort, price, and identity pacts to fend off distraction?
2. Think about one person you can ask​ to enter the effort pact​ to work on your long-term
3. Name​ three ways you can remind yourself​ of your new identity as an indistractable


Day 19 - Tackling Office Distractions 
and Email 
Key Learning Points 

1. Make your workspace indistractable by signaling when you do not want to be

○ Print the "Do Not Disturb" sign.
○ Come up with your indistractable symbol.
2. To ​hack back your email​, reduce the number of messages received.
○ To receive fewer emails, send fewer emails.
○ Schedule a specific time to respond to emails.
○ Delay delivery of your reply if the message is not urgent.
○ Get rid of unwanted emails, unsubscribe from newsletters you do not read.
○ Spend less time on each message by filtering emails into "today" and "this
week" categories.

Note: ​Please, see an example of the ​"Do Not Disturb" sign below. 

Your Mission for Today
1. Make sure your workspace is indistractable.
● Consider printing the "Do Not Disturb" sign for your screen or come up with the
idea of a powerful signal.
1. Set aside some time today to hack back your emails.
2. Observe today the number of emails you've got. Try to filter them into "today" and
"this week" categories.


Day 20 - Creating an Indistractable 
Key Learning Points
1. Indistractable organizations foster ​psychological safety​, provide a place for open 
discussions, and, most important, have leaders who exemplify the importance of 
doing focused work.  
2. The root cause of distraction at work is a dysfunctional company culture that creates 
the "cycle of responsiveness.” 
3. Teams that foster safety and facilitate regular open discussions about concerns 
have ​happier employees and customers​.  
Your Mission for Today 
1. Reflect on whether your ​workplace culture​ perpetuates distraction.  
● Do you have control over the outcomes of your work? 
● Do you feel interrupted during your workday with random requests, 
unannounced meetings, or last-minute work? 
2. Based on your answers, think about 1-2 ​possible solutions ​that you may share with 
your team to encourage them to consider creating a workplace culture that fosters 

Day 21 - Spreading Social Antibodies  
Key Learning Points 
1. Distraction in social situations can keep us from being fully present with essential 
people in our lives.  
2. “Social antibodies” are ways groups protect themselves from harmful behaviors by 
making them unacceptable. 
○ To tackle distraction among friends, we can make digital devices 
unacceptable during social gatherings.  
○ Prepare a few tactful phrases — like asking, “Is everything OK?”— to 
discourage phone usage among friends.  
Your Mission for Today 
1. Recall the last time you found yourself in a social setting full of external triggers. 
How did that affect your experience with your friends?  
2. Based on your answer, consider listing 2-3 ideas that can improve your relationships 
by making time and space for distraction-free discussions.  


Day 22 - How To Be an Indistractable 
Key Learning Points
1. Indistractable partners reclaim time for fun, intimacy, and togetherness.
2. To become an indistractable lover:
○ Establish a bedtime in your schedules and hold each other accountable.
○ Find ways to cope with internal triggers driving our unwanted behavior. For
example, establish a 10-minute rule.
○ Remove external triggers that don't serve your relationship.
○ Leverage precommitment and use pacts to create indistractable

Your Mission for Today

1. Briefly describe your typical evening routine before bed. Note how much time is
spent on the people you love.
2. Think about the ways you can improve your relationships, by
○ Mastering your internal triggers.
○ Making time for your loved one in your routine.
○ Removing external triggers.
○ Making pacts with each other.


Day 23 - Raising Indistractable 
Key Learning Points 
1. Teaching children how to manage distraction will benefit them throughout their
2. Kids’ tech use can be beneficial, while too much or too little can have slightly
harmful effects.
3. Avoid convenient excuses about your child’s undesirable behavior.

Your Mission for Today 

1. Recall something from your childhood that your parents often restricted your use
For example, restricting rap music, comic books, television, etc. 

2. Reflect on how it made you feel towards the thing they restricted.


Day 24 - Psychological Nutrients and 
Understanding Kids’ Internal Triggers
Key Learning Points 
1. To help kids manage distraction, we need to start by understanding their underlying
needs and internal triggers.
2. Children need three things to thrive: a sense of autonomy, competence, and
3. To help kids manage distraction:
○ Provide them with more offline opportunities to satisfy their needs.
○ Teach them methods for handling distraction and model being indistractable

Your Mission for Today 

1. Reflect on the internal triggers that drive kids' behaviors.
○ Does your child have enough opportunities to be creative and autonomous during
the day?
○ Does your kid feel overly restricted?
○ Are there enough opportunities for your child to play with other kids, free from
being told what to do by others?
2. Open a dialog with your kid(s) to understand their internal triggers better.
3. Share with them about the steps you’re taking to remove unhelpful distractions
from your life.


Day 25 - Helping Children Make Time 
For Traction
Key Learning Points 
1. Teach your children how to manage distraction and make time for traction. 
○ Engage children in a meaningful conversation about their values and time 
○ Give them a greater sense of autonomy over how their time is spent. 
2. Make sure to include time for fun and enjoyment in your kids' schedule. 
○ Friendships are important for children's development. 
○ Allocate time for family activities to grow the feeling of togetherness. 
Your Mission for Today 
1. Have a conversation with your children and write down all the activities that serve 
the values of physical health, wellness, and personal growth. 
○ For example, consider time for sleep, healthy eating, exercise, and personal 
development and learning. 
2. List together with your kid the activities she or he wants to do for fun and 
○ For example, playing with friends, browsing the web, watching videos on YouTube, 
or just vegging out. 
3. Have a conversation with your children to answer the following questions: 
○ How are these activities aligned with their values? 
○ How can you prioritize these activities? Eliminate or add something missing? 
○ Think creatively about the kid's schedule to add some fun activities and time for 

Activity  The Time I’d Like To Allocate Weekly 


Day 26 - Hack Back Kids’ Unwanted 
External Triggers
Key Learning Points 
1. Teach your children to use digital devices responsibly.
2. Give your children smartphones only when they are ready and know how to turn off
external triggers.
3. Kids need plenty of sleep. Make sure nothing gets in the way of them getting
adequate rest.
4. Respect their time and don’t interrupt them when they have scheduled time to focus
on something, be that work or play.

Your Mission for Today 

1. Reflect on your kid's readiness for digital devices.
● Is he or she able to utilize the built-in settings to turn off external triggers?
● Does the child’s smartphone get in the way of her or his work or family time?
2. Based on your reflection, determine whether your child may need a few more “swim
lessons” regarding using technology appropriately.


Day 27 - Help Children Make Pacts

Key Learning Points 

1. Help your child to precommit and follow through.
○ Even young children can learn to use precommitments as long as they set
the rules and know how to use a timer or other binding systems.
2. Teach your children media literacy.
○ Explain the motivations of companies to keep children engaged in browsing
and watching videos.
3. Put the kids in charge.
○ When kids practice monitoring their behavior, they learn how to manage
their own time and attention.

Your Mission for Today 

1. Talk with your child to identify how they might use a precommitment to fend off the
2. Discuss tech use with your child.
Don't forget to include his or her input and co-create precommitments together.




1. Celebrate yourself for following through the Quest! How can you reward yourself for
your progress?

2. Reflect on what you have learned so far. What were your 3 main takeaways from the first
week of the Quest?

1) _____________________________________________________________________

2) _____________________________________________________________________

3) _____________________________________________________________________

3. Fill in your​ Growth Survey​, it can be also found at the beginning of the Workbook to
celebrate progress you have made!





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