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Ecotourism is understood as a sub-category of sustainable tourism

restricted to the natural environment. A series of researchers’ pinpoint

Ceballos-Lascurain’s definition as one of the most widely embraced defining

ecotourism as ‘travelling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated

natural areas with specific objectives of studying, admiring, and enjoying the

scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural

manifestations (both past and present found in these areas’. Also note that

ecotourism necessitates high-quality maintenance of resources such as

landscapes, rivers, forests, and wildlife. Underline the fact that, however

satisfactory such a definition of ecotourism is, it falls short in defining the

impacts that this form of tourism can have on the cultural and ecological

environment of the destination. Another factor that was also neglected in the

previous definitions is the economic aspect. Relatedly, one critique of

ecotourism is its reliance upon market-based conservation. Argued that

market-based conservation strategies do not always offer guidance on how

to protect aspects of nature that conflict with, or are neutral to human

interests. Indeed, that if the goal is to make significant and long-lasting

gains in conservation, ethics and aesthetics must hold a paramount position

in conservation. While conservation of nature should be perpetual, the

market forces that would regulate it are certainly not. Considering all the

above-mentioned factors, the most inclusive definition of ecotourism was

eventually proposed by the IES as ‘responsible travel to natural areas that

conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and

involves interpretation and education’ (The International Ecotourism

Society, 2015).

Furthermore, micro-business, micro, small and medium enterprises

(MSMEs) in developing countries are important socially and economically for

a number of reasons, which include: (i) their wide dispersion across rural

areas and therefore they are very important for rural economic development;

(ii) their ability to absorb a significant large number of workers; (iii) their role

as a place for entrepreneurship and business skill development, especially

in rural areas; and (iv) as a source of business opportunities for women.

However, their development is hampered by a number of constraints, and

most significant being the lack of access to bank loans and difficulties in

marketing (Raghuvanshi, Agrawal & Ghosh, 2017).

Moreover, Maragusan have some micro-businesses or enterprises

industry that may affect our ecotourism industry through of the mechanical

process of the different products to make an output. Ecotourism is a form of

sustainable travel that supports the local environment instead of putting

more pressure on it and exploiting its resources. Things are rarely simple,

however, and ecotourism is a complex concept. Its importance is growing

more and more each year, as more and more people travel farther and

farther away. If you care about nature, the environment, and local

communities, you should ensure that your travels are carried out

sustainably. Ecotourism is a component of sustainable tourism. In many

ways, sustainable tourism exemplifies the relationship between ecotourism

and sustainable development (Andrei, 2019).

In addition, Maragusan in an ecotourism place, since it has a lot of

tourist destination that could satisfy the tourist. Nevertheless, the effect of

micro business in the place is important to address, therefore the tourism

office will take an action to work with it. Hence, the goals of this study is to

evaluates the empirical evidence of what will be the effects of micro business

industry on the ecotourism industry.

Research Objectives

The aims of the study are to determine the effects of micro business

industry on the ecotourism industry of Maragusan.

Which intends:

1. To describe the level of the micro business industry in terms of its


2. To determine the level of ecotourism in terms of its indicator;

3. To determine the significant relationship between ecotourism and

micro business industry;

4. To determine which domain in the micro business industry that

significantly influences or significant determinant of the ecotourism


Research Questions

1. How could affect the of micro business industry on the ecotourism


2. What would the visitors expected to experience at the destination?

3. What is the significant difference between micro business industry

and ecotourism industry?

4. What are the factors of micro business industry significantly influence

the ecotourism industry?

Research Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between the effects of micro business

industry on the ecotourism industry. Because the department of tourism are

fairly distributed of what the tourists want to meet their every satisfaction,

before living the place.

Review of Related Literature

This review presented a comprehensive view of the effects of micro

business industry on the ecotourism industry. It is clear from this

presentation that the concepts are viewed from different perspectives by

different theorists. The following authors contribute more information about

the study.

This chapter has revealed that there is a need for sustainable

development in tourism, and the connection between tourism and

environment is much stronger than in other sectors. Ecotourism must

account for social, economic and environmental implications, in order to

succeed. The purpose of this study look at ways in which ecotourism and

sustainable development can be evaluated; and suggest ways to improve

current ecotourism practices


Ecotourism is a sub-component of the field of sustainable tourism.

Ecotourism’s perceived potential as an effective tool for sustainable

development is the main reason why developing countries are now

embracing it and including it in their economic development and

conservation strategies. Ecotourism, as an alternative tourism, involves

visiting natural areas in order to learn, to study, or to carry out activities

environmentally friendly, that is, a tourism based on the nature experience,

which enables the economic and social development of local communities. It

focuses primarily on experiencing and learning about nature, its landscape,

flora, fauna and their habitats, as well as cultural artifacts from the locality.

A symbiotic and complex relationship between the environment and tourist

activities is possible when this philosophy can be translated into appropriate

policy, careful planning and tactful practicum. Carefully planned and

operated ecotourism sites, especially if it is village-based and includes local

participation, is able to provide direct benefits that might offset pressure

from other less sustainable activities that make use of natural and cultural

resources. Eco tourism, natural resources, cultural heritage, rural lifestyle

and an integrated tourism is a type of local economic activities. Therefore,

ecotourism in naturel and cultural areas was carried out with a number of

elements in their natural landscape and cultural landscape (water, vista,

topography, vegetation, clean air), as well as in the variety of recreational

activities suitable for all kinds of environments. Therefore, ecotourism and

its natural assets and raw materials to create, as well as directing people to

travel is an attractive force (Kiper, 2013).

Economic Benefits of Ecotourism

Local jobs are only one of the economic benefits of ecotourism. As well

as providing an income for staff who work at ecotourism sites, ecotourism

allows them the opportunity to receive training in skills that can transfer to

other areas of employment and even nutrition when they receive meals at

work. Surplus income allows workers or their family members to start up

small businesses or to pass on the money to other community members by

buying local goods and paying for child care and other services. Ecotourism

companies can also help give back to the community by offering training in

useful skills.

Ecotourism and Travelers

The advantages that ecotourism offer travelers are personal, but their

effects are widespread. Through visiting areas of stunning natural beauty,

seeing animals in their native habitats and meeting members of local

communities, travelers can increase their awareness of the importance of

conserving resources and avoiding waste. They're encouraged to live more

sustainably at home, and they can also increase their understanding of and

sensitivity toward other cultures. Additionally, travelers learn how to help

support other communities, not by handing out free gifts like toys and

stationery, but by buying local produce and goods. When eco tourists return

home, they spread the message to their families, friends and coworkers

(Green, 2018).

Characteristics of Ecotourism

Unfortunately, abuse of the ecotourism label does exist, but tourists

can judge the validity of a destination by looking at several factors. Good

ecotourism conserves local cultural and biological diversity, promotes the

sustainable use of resources and supports local economies through

employment and the use of local services. Other factors to look for include

empowerment of the local community by shared participation in

management, cultural and environmental awareness and minimal impact of

tourist activities on local natural resources. To find genuine ecotourism

opportunities, search the directories of reputable organizations such as The

International Ecotourism Society and Responsible Travel (Green, 2018).

Impacts of Economic to Ecotourism

Positive Impact

The main idea behind ecotourism is to educate tourists about

conservation efforts and research developments in fragile natural areas,

while also offering travelers a chance to experience those areas firsthand.

Ideally, the efforts work for both the travelers and the environments they

visit. Eco tourists gain knowledge of ecosystems, biology and geology of

specific natural locations, which in turn informs their conservation efforts.

Some of the money that goes into ecotourism also goes to conservation

efforts, such as repopulating endangered species and reforestation

(Swanston, 2018).

Negative Impact

Tourism inevitably leads to development – even in ecotourism efforts.

When natural areas become popular in the travel industry, they usually

become the site of hotels, excavations and other tourist industry activities.

These activities sometimes displace indigenous groups and local people from

their homelands, which not only damages the integrity of those local

communities, but prevents its members from benefiting from the economic

benefits of a growing tourism industry (Swanston 2018).

Synthesis of the Present Studies

The studies reviewed provide ample evidence that ecotourism are

essential in every places to meet the tourist expectation and satisfaction

when they are travelling. It also gives them a fresh and clean air to

experience when they visit the place.

Conceptual Framework


 Micro business industry  Ecotourism industry
 Could make an healthy  Clean community
community  Lot of business
 Affect the ecotourism

Ecotourism is defined as travelling to relatively undisturbed natural

areas with specific objective of studying, admiring and enjoying scenery and

its wild animals and plants as well as existing. Ecotourism, a unique subset

of the tourism industry, is ‚focused on the enhancement or maintenance of

natural systems through tourism. Ecotourism means different things to

different people. To some, it is the general term that encompasses nature‐

based, adventure, soft adventure, and cultural tourism. The term

ecotourism was coined in 1983 by “Hctor Ceballos Lascurain” a Mexican

environmentalist, and was initially used to describe nature-based travel to

relatively undisturbed areas with an emphasis on education. Ecotourism

guarantees the sustainable use of environmental resources, while generating

economic opportunities for the local people (Chowdhury & Sarkar, 2011).

Ecotourism is a form of tourism developed in natural areas, whose

goal is to acknowledge and to appreciate nature and local culture, which

includes conservation measures and ensures an active involvement,

generating benefits for the local population; Ecotourism clothes the

sustainable tourism principles, but differs from it by aspects related to local

community issues, interpretation for visitors to a particular destination, the

number of visitors; Tourism has a complex impact on the environment, but

it is also generating both cost and benefits; The interest of tourists for travel

in natural areas (land or water) has increased recently Ecotourism

contributes to increased revenues from tourism, but also to the positive

social effects; Worldwide, there are a large number of natural areas

associated with a specific cultural diversity, resulting in particular through

the perpetuation of the long traditions and customs; Tourists have a certain

responsibility towards the destination visited and the environment by their

choice itself, behavior and activities performed in that space, and therefore it

is important to be informed about the quality and sensitivity of destination

(Sâmbotın, 2011).

Scope and Delimitation

This study was purposely designed to look effects of micro business

industry on the ecotourism industry. This sought to find out whether tourist

satisfaction was meet through evaluating by the given questions. And also

the main purpose of this study is to identify the numbers who among the

tourist would satisfy about the ecotourism industry.

This study primarily focused on the effects of micro business industry

on the ecotourism industry at the municipality of Maragusan, Davao de Oro.

This study consists on tourist satisfaction about the food souvenirs when

they are travelling, the respondents of this study are limited to 8-10 local


Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually or operationally defined to

enhance the understanding of the readers of this paper.

 Ecotourism. As used in this study, it refers to catering tourists

wishing to experience the natural environment without

damaging it or disturbing its habitat.

 Business. As used in this study, it refers to an organization or

enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or

professional activities.

 Dispersion. As used in this study, it refers to an action or

process of distributing things or people over a wide area.

 Aesthetic. As used in this study, it refers to concerned with

beauty or the appreciation of beauty.

 Constraint. As used in this study, it refers to limitation or


 Economic. As used in this study, it refers to social science

concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption

of goods and services.

 Diversity. As used in this study, it refers to understanding that

each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual


 Indigenous. As used in this study, it refers to the notion of a

place-based human ethic culture that has not migrated from its

homeland, and is not a settler or colonial population.

 Integrity. As used in this study, it refers to the quality of being

honest and having strong moral; moral uprightness.


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