(A) Simple If and Then Question

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NSW Thinking Skills Assessment Year 5 Set 1

Surname: __________________________________

First Name: ________________________________

1.) If a man owns a car, then he can drive it.

If the above information is true, which of the following is also true?

A.) If you don't own a car, then you can't drive a car.
B.) Only those who own a car know how to drive a car.
C.) A person can drive a car even if he doesn't own one.
D.) If you can drive a car, then you own a car.

The correct answer is option C.

It is not stated in the passage that only those who own a car can drive a car. What makes it
true, is that anyone can learn how to drive. In fact, most taxi drivers didn't own a car. And if
you can drive a vehicle, it does not mean you own it. This is also the reason why option A, B
and D is incorrect.

2.) If a bird flies at night without noise, then it is an owl. Owls are the only type of bird that
flies without noise.

If the above information is true, which of the following is also true?

A.) If a bird makes noise while flying, then it is not an owl.

B.) If an owl flies in the morning, then they'll make noise.
C.) If a bird doesn't fly at night, and also doesn't make noises, then it is an owl.
D.) If a bird flies at night, then it is an owl.

The correct answer is option A.

The owl is the only bird that creates no sound when flying. So if a bird makes noise while
flying, then it is not an owl.

Option B is incorrect because owls create no sound when flying regardless. It is part of their
natural ability and it has nothing to do with time.

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NSW Thinking Skills Assessment Year 5 Set 1

Option C is incorrect because almost all birds don't make noise when they're not flying save
for the hatchlings in the nests.

Option D is incorrect because all birds can fly at night; not only owls.

3.) If a man sets a bear-traps in the woods, then he must be catching bears.

If the above information is true, which of the following is also true?

A.) If someone's been trapped by a bear-trap, then it must be a bear.

B.) If a man catches a bear, then it must be because of the bear-trap.

C.) If there's a bear-trap in the woods, then the one who set it might not be a man.

D.) If a man sets a trap in the woods, it must be a bear trap.

The correct answer is option C.

It could be a woman who set the trap in the woods instead of a man. The passage didn't say
that only man can perform it.

Option A is incorrect because animals like wolves, or even humans can be a victim of those
traps if they stepped on them.

Option B is incorrect because there are other methods in catching bears aside from
bear-traps. A net, for example, or even shooting them with bow and arrows.

Option D is incorrect because there are a lot of animal traps out there other than for catching
bears. And not all traps set in the woods are for bears; it could be for deers or squirrels.

4.) If all birds have wings but not all birds can fly, and ostriches have wings but cannot fly,
then ostriches are still a bird.

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NSW Thinking Skills Assessment Year 5 Set 1

If the above information is true, which of the following is also true?

A.) If ostriches don't have wings but can fly, they are also a bird.

B.) If ostriches have wings and can fly, then all birds can fly.

C.) If ostriches don't have wings and cannot fly, then ostriches are not a bird.

D.) If a bird has wings but cannot fly, then it is an ostrich.

The correct answer is option C.

Even though some cannot fly, all birds must have wings. If ostriches don't have one, then
they might not belong to the family of birds. This is also what makes option A incorrect.

Option B and D is incorrect because ostrich is not the only flightless bird that exists. There
are others, such as chicken and flamingo that has wings but cannot fly. Making ostriches fly
won't give chicken and other flightless birds the ability to fly.

5.) If it's Friday and Johnny's happy, then he will bake a cake.

If the above information is true, which of the following is also true?

A.) If someone happily baked a cake on Friday, then it must be Johnny.

B.) Johnny can't bake a cake when he's upset.
C.) If Johnny is happy but it's not Friday, he can't bake a cake.
D.) If it's Friday but he's not happy, then he will not bake a cake.

The correct answer is option D.

There are two factors that determine whether Johnny bakes a cake or not. The first, is if it's
Friday. The second is when he's happy.
Without one of these two, Johnny will not bake a cake. So in this case, it is Friday but
Johnny is not happy. We can infer from this situation that he will not bake because he's not

Option A is incorrect because Johnny is not the only person that bakes on Friday. There
could be thousands of them in other places, and all might be as happy as he is.

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Option B and C is incorrect because Johnny can still bake whether he's happy or upset. The
only thing is, he doesn't want to bake when he's not happy. It's not about his ability to bake,
it's about his mood.

Does he want to bake a cake this time?

Thus, despite having the ability and time to bake, he won't do it if he's upset.

6.) If Claire reads a book, then she is in the library. If she visits a library, then she'll read the
autobiography of successful people in history.

If the above information is true, which of the following is also true?

A.) If she doesn't visit the library, she can still read autobiographies.

B.) If she doesn't read a book, then she won't visit a library.

C.) If she read a book but not an autobiography, then she's not in the library.

D.) If she visits the library, she won't read an autobiography.

The correct answer is option B.

The only place she reads a book, according to the passage, is in the library.
From that we can infer that she won't read a book when she's not in the library. This also
means that option A is incorrect.

Option C is incorrect because she can read other kinds of books if she wants to. And
whatever might that book is, she'll only read it in the library.

Option D directly contradicts what is written in the passage. If Claire reads a book in the
library, she'll choose autobiography because that is what she wants, according to the
passage. With that reason, we know that option D is incorrect.

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NSW Thinking Skills Assessment Year 5 Set 1

7.) If Dennis wakes up earlier than others, that is because he sleeps earlier at night. But if he
wakes up late in the morning, then it is Saturday.

If the above information is true, which of the following is also true?

A.) If someone wakes up earlier than him, then he wakes up late.

B.) He sleeps later on Friday night.

C.) He sleeps later on Saturday night.

D.) If he wakes up earlier in the morning, he'll sleep earlier at night.

The correct answer is option B.

The only factor that determines whether he wakes up earlier or late in the morning is the
time he sleeps at night. The passage says that if he sleeps early, then he'll wake up early
too. Thus, if he wakes up late during Saturdays, then it implies that he sleeps late on Friday
night. This also means that option C is incorrect, because if he sleeps late on Saturday night,
the results will be on Sunday morning.

Option A is incorrect because waking later than others doesn't mean that you woke up late
relative to time. You could be the last one to wake up earlier than others, but if it's still early,
then you didn't wake up late at all. Consider this, you all woke up within 6 AM to 7 PM.
Whether you are the last to wake up or not, it won't change the fact that you woke up within
that hour which is still early in the morning.

Option D is incorrect because waking up earlier in the morning doesn't make you sleep
earlier at night too. Let's take Dennis, for example. We know that he wakes up earlier on
Friday morning. But we also know that he'll sleep late on Friday night.

8.) If Freddy's bored, then the only thing he'll do is going to the river and fish.

If the above information is true, which of the following is also true?

A.) If someone fish in the river, then it is Freddy.

B.) If Freddy goes to the river, then he's going to fish.
C.) If Freddy doesn't fish in the river, then he has plenty of fish in his house.
D.) If Freddy doesn't fish in the river, then he's not bored.

The correct answer is option D.

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It is stated in the passage that fishing is the only thing he'll do if he's bored. In this case,
Freddy didn't go fishing in the river. So it is sufficient to conclude that he's not bored,
because when he does, he'll go to the river.

Option A is incorrect because Freddy is not the only one who can fish in the river.

Option B is incorrect because there are many things you can do in the river other than
fishing, except if he's bored. But this time, it is not stated that he is.

Option C is incorrect because he will fish despite already having plenty of fish. The main
purpose of it was not to gather food, but just for his entertainment.

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