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Guidelines for the Final Year Thesis Presentations for

B.Sc. (Hons) in Food Production and Technology

Management Degree Programme
Department of Livestock and Avian Sciences

Date : 12th January 2022

Time : To be announced
Duration : 7 minutes for oral presentation and 2 minutes for discussion
Mode : Virtual via Zoom

Designing slides for the 7-minute oral presentation

 Content : Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results & Discussion,
Conclusions, References, and Acknowledgement
 Prepare your slides with summarized content of your research work
 Build your talk with a good flow
 Avoid complex terminology/technical jargons and be confident in what
you are talking about
 Avoid too many details
 Emphasize key points
 Use tables, figures, flow charts, photos, etc. to make the things clear
 Use visual aids simple, neat and orderly
 Use color and contrast for emphasis but use them in moderation
 Letters should be readable from a distance

Delivering your presentation

 Do not introduce yourself. The Chairperson will introduce you and your
presentation title to the audience. Therefore, directly start your
 Speak in a clear, audible voice loud enough to be clearly heard. Avoid
 Do not read the slides.
 Make frequent eye contact with the audience.
 Adhere strictly to your time limit. Organize your main points and rate of
speech so that you speak for your 7 minutes.
 At the end of your presentation, summarize your main points and give a
strong concluding remark that reinforces why your information is of
 Respond to questions politely, good-humoredly, and briefly.

 Since the event is scheduled to be held virtually, you are expected to
do live Zoom Presentations and participate online for the discussion
(Q&A Session).

Video Recording
Please note that it is compulsory to submit a 7-minute video recording of your
presentation. In a case where a student would not be able to join live via Zoom
due to a technical difficulty or connectivity problem, we need to maintain the
smooth functioning of the event without any delays.
Guidelines for the video recording are as follows:
 Should be continuous
 Use a place free from any external disturbances
 Avoid areas that have an echo or bad acoustics
 Arrange your video screen to the bottom-left corner so as not to disturb
the content of the slide
 Should be dressed professionally
 Speak slowly and pronounce clearly without pausing
 Make sure you have good front lighting. If your rear is facing a window,
close the shades.
 Place the camera at eye-level

Ten Simple Rules for Making Good Oral Presentations

i) Talk to the audience
ii) Less is more
iii) Only talk when you have something to say
iv) Make the Take-Home Message persistent
v) Be logical
vi) Treat the floor as stage
vii) Practice and time your presentation
viii) Use visuals sparingly but effectively
ix) Review audio and/or video of your presentations
x) Provide appropriate acknowledgements
Read more:

Save your PowerPoint Presentation and Video Recording by your Student ID Number
(e.g., 17XXXX) and send them as an email attachment to Mr DMD Rasika
( with a copy each to Ms. Sachini Munasinghe
(, Ms. K.Arthika (, Ms. Pamalka
( and Mr. Lakmal ( on or
before 4.00 PM, 11th January 2022.
Verify the content with your respective supervisors before sending.

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