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J. Asia-Pacific Entomol.

10(1): 6974 (2007)

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Frpelqlqj Shvw Uhshoohqw Sodqwv dqg Elrshvwlflghv iru

Vxvwdlqdeoh Shvw Pdqdjhphqw lq Fklqhvh Ndoh
Supawan Kianmatee* and S.L. Ranamukhaarachchi

Agricultural Systems and Engineering, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology,
Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

Abstract The objective of this investigation was to Lqwurgxfwlrq

study the use of pest repellent plant (PRP) species
and biopesticides for sustainable pest management in
Although chemical pesticides have been beneficial
Chinese kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. alboglabra
in crop protection, relying totally on synthetic pesti-
Bailey). Ten selected treatments composed of three
cides has resulted in unintended and unforeseen
PRP species namely citronella grass - (CG) [Cymbo-
problems, not only in developing insect resistant to
pogon nardus L. (Rendle)], sweet basil - (SwB) (Oci-
insecticides, but also other problems such as bringing
mum basilicum L.) and sacred basil - (SaB) (Ocimum
up secondary pest outbreaks and polluting the overall
sanctum L.)] were intercropped with Chinese kale,
environment (Jamornmarn, 2000). The increased use
integrated with two commonly used biopesticides, viz.
of pesticides for control of crop pests has caused
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and neem extract (Azadi-
health hazards to the consumers due to their long
rachta indica) and a control were tested in a ran-
persisting residues, inherent toxicity and biomagni-
domized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 repli-
ficance of pesticide residues in human body over a
cates. The insect pest species infested in Chinese kale
period of time (Awasthi, 2001). Hence, it is necessary
and their populations, % pest damage, fresh weight
to regulate the build up of pesticide residues in food
and quality of yield were investigated. The results
chain. There is also economic need for such regulation
showed that diamondback moth - (DBM) [Plutella
in view of quality control on pesticide residues in
xylostella (Linnaeus)] density was lowest in CG alone,
growing export of vegetables into the global market
CG+SaB, SwB+biopesticides and SaB+biopesticides,
(Awasthi, 2001). Dissathaporn et al. (2002) indicated
relatively low in SwB alone, CG+SaB+SwB, and
that pesticide residue has been an enormous problem
CG+biopesticides, and moderate in biopesticides and
in which restricts the export-oriented production
sacred basil alone, and highest in the control. The
systems. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to
densities of common cutworm - (CCW) [Spodoptera
minimize the pesticide residue problem when pro-
litura (Fabricius)], cabbage webworm - (CWW) [Hel-
ducing vegetables for external markets.
lula undalis (Fabricius)] and flea beetle - (FBT) (Phyl-
Chinese kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. alboglabra
lotreta sinuata Steph.) were not significantly different
Bailey) is one of the most commonly grown as well
among treatments. The overall pest damage was lowest
as intense pest attractive crops, which is mostly vulner-
in CG+biopesticides treated plots followed by SwB+
able to diamondback moth [Plutella xylostella (Lin-
biopesticides, SaB+biopesticides and biopesticides
naeus)], beet armyworm [Spodoptera exigua (Hbner)],
alone, and CG+biopesticides gave the best quality of
common cutworm [Spodoptera litura (Fabricius)], cab-
yield of Chinese kale, and hence such combinations
bage looper (Trichoplusia ni Hbner), cabbage web-
could be integrated for managing crucial insect pests,
worm [Hellula undalis (Fabricius)] and leaf eating
i.e. DBM and to minimize/avoid the use of highly
beetle (Phyllotreta chontanica Duvivier and P. sinuata
toxic synthetic pesticides in Chinese kale.
Steph.) (Kianmeesuk et al., 1999). As Chinese kale
is grown throughout the year and farmers often use
Key words Citronella grass, Sweet basil, Sacred basil, highly toxic insecticides to control insect pests, the
Bacillus thuringiensis, Neem extract insects may develop resistance to insecticides, and
in such a situation demanding the use of higher con-
*Corresponding author. centration of insecticides than safe recommended
Email: doses. This further leads to pesticide contamination
Tel: +66-2-5799547; Fax: +66-2-5799547 of water, air and overall environment and pesticide
(Received July 4, 2006; Accepted March 20, 2007) residue in crops. In Thailand, the pesticide residue
70 J. Asia-Pacific Entomol. Vol. 10 (2007)

in vegetables including Chinese kale was found since grass - (CG) [Cymbopogon nardus L. (Rendle)], sweet
1982 to 2003 (Frauke, 1997; Anon, 2004). basil - (SwB) (Ocimum basilicum L.) and sacred basil
The development of pest control methods that can - (SaB) (Ocimum sanctum L.)] were eventually selected
minimize the use of pesticides is required for pest for incorporating into Chinese kale culture as an
management. Metcalf and Luckmann (1982) reported intercrop to further assess and confirm their pest
that one of integrated pest management (IPM) tools repellent nature observed in previous studies. Further-
used for safe pest management was using pest repel- more, two commonly used biopesticides, i.e. Bacillus
lent plants. Furthermore, use of pest-resistant crops thuringiensis (Bt) and neem extract (Azadirachta
and varieties, adoption of cultural practices that pre- indica) were also integrated to enhance the overall
vent build up of pests, use of cropping system such pest management in Chinese kale. Ten treatments
as crop rotation, intercropping, etc., and the use of combining PRPs, Bt and neem extract (viz. 1) CG
biopesticides and semiochemicals, etc. for pest control alone, 2) SwB alone, 3) SaB alone, 4) CG+SaB, 5)
were reported by Weel and Wulp (1999). CG+SaB+SwB, 6) CG+ Bt+neem, 7) SwB+Bt+neem,
Zehnder (2004) indicated that some plants con- 8) SaB+Bt+neem, and 9) Bt+neem) were tested
tained organic substances that act as pest repellents together with a control (Chinese kale alone) in a
which keeping pests away from crops and avoiding randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3
potential damage. One of the examples is the use of replicates.
garlic to repel Japanese beetles, aphids, vegetable Selected PRPs were first grown in polyethylene
weevils and spider mites (Zehnder, 2004). Further- bags in December 2005 and reared in a nursery. The
more, basil (Ocimum spp.) help to repel tomato horn- land was prepared in a conventional manner, i.e.
worms, and marigolds repelled cucumber beetles and ploughing once, harrowing twice and then raised beds
nematodes (Zehnder, 2004). of 4 m 6 m were prepared in late January 2006.
The use of biopesticides, i.e. pesticidal substances Chicken manure was applied on raised beds at the
found in plants, can also provide effective and ecologi- rate of 6.25 tons/ha and mixed with soils. Selected
cally sound solutions to pest problems. Biopesticides PRPs were transplanted on plots with 2 m 1 m
are known to be effective in controlling pests that row spacing (one plant per hill and ten plants per
have developed resistance to chemical pesticides, leave plot) in early February 2006. In plots assigned to the
little or no toxic residues and are commonly harmless combination of CG+SaB, five plants each of citronella
to beneficial insects and other non-target organisms grass and sacred basil were planted alternatively,
(Harris and Dent, 1999). In vegetables, Bacillus thu- whereas in CG+SaB+SwB plots, four plants each of
ringiensis (Bt) is recommended to use for controlling citronella grass and sacred basil, and two plants of
of insects caterpillar including diamondback moth, sweet basil were planted alternatively in a way to
armyworm and cabbage looper (Dissathaporn et al., cover the plot area. Bt and neem applications were
2002). Neem (Azadirachta indica) is found to be active made after emergence of Chinese kale plants in
against a large number of pests, including diamond- corresponding plots as per treatments. One day after
back moth, thrips and aphids (Anon, 2003). planting PRPs, seeds of Chinese kale variety (BBT35)
The purpose of the present investigation was to were sown in the rest of the plot area at a rate of
study the use of pest repellent plant species and 12.5 kg/ha and covered with rice straw. Plots were
biopesticides for sustainable pest management in regularly irrigated twice a day using sprinklers. Excess
Chinese kale in order to minimize the use of highly seedlings were thinned out at four weeks after sowing.
toxic synthetic pesticides and their residue in both The crop was managed as per Thailand Department
food and environment. of Agricultural Extension recommendation. Two
weeks after sowing, N, P and K were broadcasted
at the rate of 100, 43 and 83 kg/ha, respectively. The
commercial preparation of neem extract (Azadirachtin
Pdwhuldov dqg Phwkrgv 0.1% W/V SL) was applied once a week from two
weeks after sowing onwards until harvest, while Bacillus
The study was conducted during December 2005 thuringiensis (Bt) Var. Aizawai (Potency 32,000 IU/mg
- March 2006 at the Agricultural Systems Experi- 4% WP) was applied when diamondback moth popula-
mental Station, Asian Institute of Technology, Thai- tion showed an increase. The synthetic insecticides
land. This experiment was a follow up study of were not applied to any plot nor to other crops in
screening and evaluating fourteen pest repellent plant the experimental station as non-pesticide methods are
(PRP) species initially chosen based on literature and usually practiced.
farmers experience for integrating into Chinese kale The data on insect pest species and their populations
culture for developing an IPM for pesticide-free kale were recorded at 19, 26 and 33 days after sowing.
production. Three PRP species including citronella Each plot was divided into twenty-quadrants (1 m2
Pest repellent plants biopesticides 71

per quadrant) leaving a border area and randomly (CWW - H. undalis) and flea beetle (FBT - P. sinuata)
selected five Chinese kale plants from each quadrant throughout the growing season. Among the insect pests,
were used for observations. Percentage pest damage, DBM density was significantly different among treat-
fresh weight and quality of Chinese kale were collected ments at 33 DAS (p=0.042) (Table 1). The number
at harvest. Chinese kale was harvested for yield using of DBM was highest in the control treatment (0.15
a sampling quadrate of 1m 1 m placed at 3 different insects per 5 plants), lowest in CG, CG+SaB, SwB+
locations within each plot. The quality was assessed biopesticides and SaB+biopesticides (0.02 insects per
on 10 randomly selected plants from each plot by 5 plants), relatively low in SwB, CG+SaB+SwB, and
estimating % leaf area eaten using 0-5 scale [0 - no CG+biopesticides (0.03 insects per 5 plants), and
apparent damage; 1 - minor feeding damage (1% leaf moderate in biopesticides (0.07 insects per 5 plants)
area eaten); 2 - minor-moderate feeding damage and sacred basil (0.10 insects per 5 plants). At 19
(2-5% leaf area eaten); 3 - moderate damage (6-10% and 26 DAS, DBM population was relatively low,
leaf area eaten); 4 - moderate-heavy damage (11-30% and there was no significant difference among treat-
leaf area eaten); and 5 - heavy damage (>30% leaf ments existed. The results showed that both PRPs
area eaten)] (Greene et al., 1969). as well as their combination with Bt and neem extract
Data on insect pest population were analyzed using could significantly reduce the number of DBM larvae,
GLM procedure, while pest damage (%) was arcsine- compared to control and plots received biopesticides
transformed, and ANOVA was performed. Fishers alone. This indicates that biopesticides alone would
Protected Least Significant Difference (LSD=0.05) not ensure the satisfactory control of DBM and PRPs
was employed to compare treatment means (Steel and could widen the scopes of managing DBM together
Torrie, 1980). ANOVA was directly used for data with biopesticides.
on fresh weight of Chinese kale. Although not significant among treatments, the CCW
population was highest at 33 DAS and the density
ranged from 5.77 insects per 5 plants in biopesticide
treatment to 21.07 insects per 5 plants in control
Uhvxowv dqg Glvfxvvlrq (Table 2). The density of CCW was relatively low
in CG+biopesticides (7.25 insects per 5 plants), SaB+
biopesticides (12.48 insects per 5 plants) and SwB+
Qxpehu ri Shvwv biopesticides (12.88 insects per 5 plants) and the rest
of treatments had relatively high densities (more than
The insect pest species found in Chinese kale plots 15 insects per 5 plants). The result showed that the
were diamondback moth (DBM - P. xylostella), com- combining PRPs with biopesticides showed better
mon cutworm (CCW - S. litura), cabbage webworm control of larvae than PRPs alone.

Table 1. The mean number of diamondback moth larvae observed in Chinese kale plots at 19, 26 and 33 days after sowing
Insect pests infested, no./5 plants
Treatment 1)
19 DAS 26 DAS 33 DAS
1. Control 0.050.05 0.000.00 0.150.10a 3)
2. Citronella grass (CG) 0.020.03 0.020.03 0.020.03c
3. Sweet basil (SwB) 0.130.14 0.000.00 0.030.03bc
4. Sacred basil (SaB) 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.100.05ab
5. CG+SaB 0.030.06 0.000.00 0.020.03c
6. CG+SaB+SwB 0.050.05 0.000.00 0.030.03bc
7. CG+biopesticides 0.050.05 0.020.03 0.030.03bc
8. SwB+biopesticides 0.000.00 0.020.03 0.020.03c
9. SaB+biopesticides 0.050.09 0.020.03 0.020.03c
10. Biopesticides 0.050.05 0.050.09 0.070.06bc
LSD (p=0.05) ns4) ns 0.082
CV% 128.7 217.2 98.6
Days after sowing
No pest repellent plant used, and only Chinese kale was grown
Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at p=0.05
ns - Not significantly different at p=0.05
72 J. Asia-Pacific Entomol. Vol. 10 (2007)

Table 2. The mean number of common cutworm, cabbage webworm larvae and flea beetle adults observed in Chinese kale
plots at 19, 26 and 33 days after sowing

Insect pests infested, no./5 plants

Common cutworm Cabbage webworm Flea beetle
26 DAS 33 DAS 19 DAS 26 DAS 19 DAS 26 DAS 33 DAS
1. Control 10.007.36 21.074.09 0.280.32 0.080.08 0.720.37 0.470.20 0.550.56
2. Citronella grass (CG) 1.121.85 20.789.34 0.180.20 0.120.06 0.600.41 0.400.33 0.570.19
3. Sweet basil (SwB) 3.552.43 18.027.36 0.130.06 0.120.08 0.700.36 0.280.33 0.330.25
4. Sacred basil (SaB) 8.529.39 16.2813.59 0.120.10 0.120.12 0.230.13 0.120.03 0.080.06
5. CG+SaB 6.553.06 18.7310.38 0.070.06 0.100.05 0.730.57 0.270.08 0.320.15
6. CG+SaB+SwB 8.736.73 15.9714.54 0.070.06 0.070.08 0.370.06 0.280.14 0.230.10
7. CG+biopesticides 5.936.04 7.254.05 0.070.03 0.070.03 0.520.38 0.330.20 0.300.26
8. SwB+biopesticides 1.020.76 12.8817.57 0.070.11 0.020.03 0.400.09 0.330.06 0.200.00
9. SaB+biopesticides 6.785.82 12.483.81 0.080.10 0.020.03 0.680.28 0.250.23 0.350.23
10. Biopesticides 3.971.35 5.772.25 0.070.08 0.050.05 0.830.42 0.530.26 0.500.52
LSD (p=0.05) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
CV% 88.3 61.7 125.4 78.9 59.6 65.2 79.0
Days after sowing
No pest repellent plant used, and only Chinese kale was grown
ns - Not significantly different at p=0.05

There were no significant differences in the number Overall pest damage was lowest in CG+biopesticides
of CWW larvae among treatments (Table 2). The treatment (33.3%) followed by SwB+biopesticides
number of larvae was highest at 19 DAS. The control (46.7%), SaB+biopesticides (56.7%) and biopesticides
had 0.28 larvae per 5 plants, while there was a great alone (56.7%). The pest damage was highest in the
reduction in CG+SaB, CG+SaB+SwB, CG+biopesti- control treatment (86.7%), which suggests that PRPs
cides, SwB+biopesticides, SaB+biopesticides and bio- and biopesticides can significantly reduce the pest
pesticides alone. At 26 DAS too, there was a reduction damage in Chinese kale. Moreover, pest damage was
of CWW larvae, and combinations of PRPs and bio- lower in the treatments with PRPs+biopesticides, i.e.
pesticides i.e. SwB+biopesticides and SaB+biopesticides CG+ biopesticides, and SwB+biopesticides, than the
gave better results than control, PRPs and biopesti- treatments with PRPs or biopesticides alone. These
cides alone. This shows that CWW larvae can be sup- effects were shown under control effects in Table 3.
pressed/repelled by combining PRPs as well as their
combination with biopestcides.
The number of FBT was not significantly different \lhog dqg Txdolw|
among treatments (Table 2). Nevertheless, the number
of FBT adults was lowest in sacred basil treatment Chinese kale yield was not significantly different
at 19, 26 and 33 DAS whereas the highest numbers among treatments (Table 3). Control and citronella
of insect were found in biopesticides treatment at 19 grass treatments had the lowest yield (1.7 kg/m2) while
and 26 DAS. Moreover, the combinations of PRPs the highest yield was in CG+biopesticides and SwB+
and biopesticides gave better control of FBT when biopesticides treatment (2.2 kg/m2). Other treatments
compared to control and biopesticides alone. It is including CG+SaB+SwB, SaB+biopesticides and bio-
likely that biopesticides alone cannot suppress FBT pesticides alone had moderate yields. Chinese kale
population without combining with PRPs. planted with PRPs alone had lower yields than 2.0
kg/m . The result indicates that the combination of
three PRPs as well as the combinations of PRPs and
Shvw Gdpdjh biopesticides give higher yields than that of PRPs
The percent pest damage at harvest was signifi- Similar to pest damage, the mean quality score was
cantly different among treatments (p=0.002) (Table 3). highest in the control treatment (4.0-moderate-heavy
Pest repellent plants biopesticides 73

Table 3. Pest damage (%) at harvest (40 days after sowing), control effects, yield and quality score of Chinese kale

Control Mean quality

Treatment Mean Pest damage (%) 3) Yield (kg/m2)
effects score5)
1. Control1) 86.75.8 (1.060.11)a 2) 0.0 1.70.9 (17.09.0)4) 4.0
2. Citronella grass (CG) 70.017.3 (0.790.23) 19.2 1.70.1 (17.30.6) 2.8
3. Sweet basil (SwB) 70.010.0 (0.780.14) 19.2 1.91.1 (18.310.8) 2.8
4. Sacred basil (SaB) 63.315.3 (0.700.21) 26.9 1.80.8 (18.08.0) 2.8
5. CG+SaB 66.715.3 (0.740.20) 23.1 1.90.7 (19.06.2) 2.9
6. CG+SaB+SwB 60.017.3 (0.660.23) 30.8 2.00.2 (20.02.0) 2.7
7. CG+biopesticides 33.315.3 (0.340.16) 61.5 2.20.4 (21.73.5) 2.1
8. SwB+biopesticides 46.715.3 (0.490.17) 46.2 2.20.6 (22.06.1) 2.5
9. SaB+biopesticides 56.711.6 (0.610.15) 34.6 2.10.5 (20.75.1) 2.4
10. Biopesticides 56.711.6 (0.610.15) 34.6 2.10.0 (20.30.6) 2.5
LSD (p=0.05) 0.250 ns
CV% 21.5 25.3
No pest repellent plant used, and only Chinese kale was grown
Values in parenthesis are Arc Sine-transformed values; Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly
different at p=0.05
Control effects = (control damage-treatment damage)/control damagex100
Values within parenthesis are in t/ha
Quality score : 0 - no apparent damage; 1 - minor feeding damage (1% leaf area eaten); 2 - minor- moderate feeding
damage (2-5% leaf area eaten); 3 - moderate damage (6-10% leaf area eaten); 4 - moderate-heavy damage (11-30% leaf
area eaten); and 5 - heavy damage (>30% leaf area eaten)
ns - Not significantly different at p=0.05

damage) which indicates a greater pest damage than repellent effects of chemical substances synthesized
that of lower quality scores. The lowest score was by PRPs on insect pests of many other crops including
in CG+biopesticides treatment (2.1-minor-moderate Chinese kale. Moreover, the use of PRPs integrated
feeding damage) (Table 3). The treatments with PRPs+ with biopesticides could significantly reduce percen-
biopesticides and biopesticides alone also had lower tage pest damage and improve quality of yield of
quality scores than the treatments with PRPs alone, Chinese kale. As Palaniappan and Annadurai (1999)
and this indicates that the combinations of biopesti- and Farlex (2004) indicated that organic agriculture
cides with PRPs can improve the quality of Chinese needed to avoid the use of synthetic pesticides, the
kale yield when compared to the use of PRPs alone. use of PRPs and biopesticides might be an alternative
The results of this investigation indicates that the method of control that could be applied in organic
integrated use of selected PRPs and biopesticides can Chinese kale production. This investigation provided
reduce the densities of insect pests of Chinese kale, useful information for Chinese kale growers who
especially DBM larvae. Sinchaisri et al. (1988) also could apply these biological measures for controlling
found that crude extract of citronella grass could repel insect pests and avoid the heavy use of highly toxic
DBM larvae under laboratory conditions and sug- synthetic pesticides and existence of such residue both
gested that this plant species contained some quantities in food and environment. The use of PRPs and
of repellent chemicals that affected DBM larvae. biopesticides are also harmless to both beneficial
Tawatsin et al. (2001) showed that volatile oils ex- insects and other non-target organisms. Krishnamo-
tracted from citronella grass (Cymbopogon winterianus) orthy and Mani (2001) stated that insecticides could
could repel both day- and night-biting mosquitoes. be applied effectively in short periods of pest attacks
Nakahara et al. (2003) reported that major constituents in vegetable crops, unfortunately, they are ineffective
of the citronella oil were geraniol, trans-citral, cis- on many of the pests including diamondback moth,
citral, geranyl acetate, citronellal and citronellol, and and have many negative effects, especially pesticide
which may have repellent effects on DBM larvae. residue in the environment. Therefore, it is necessary
Furthermore, sacred basil reduced the number of to explore to find more effective control measures
FBT. This finding supports those of Kareem (1999) such as mechanical and biological control to protect
in which a wide array of chemicals synthesized by crops and leave no pesticide residue in the environ-
plants had effects in the control of insect pests. There- ment.
fore, it would be interesting to further investigate the
74 J. Asia-Pacific Entomol. Vol. 10 (2007)

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visor of the Agricultural Technology Laboratories, for tech- House, New Delhi.
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