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Respected Sir/Ma’am,

I, Natasha Malhotra, am applying for the advertised research project- ‘Dynamic Interactions
Between Cognition and Emotion during Childhood and Adolescence- Impacts on Learning’. I
am applying to this specific leading educational institution for its dynamic research areas and
mentorship and guidance provided by the industry experts. The respected institution would
aid in contributing immensely for my growth as an individual and provide numerous learning
opportunities. Additionally, the research project would provide the academia and working
professionals with quantifiable data on how an individuals’ mood and mental processes affect
the ability to learn and how effective learning strategies can be developed.

Since the time I evinced my interest in studying psychology, I came to realize that
psychology is an inter-relatedness of affect, behaviour and cognition. Learning is a
continuous and evolving process and is dependent on various factors inter alia intelligence
quotient, the environment in which one learns, pedagogy and under what emotional patterns
is an individual learning. The learning style varies with every individual as does their
personality. The willingness and motivation to learn alters with age and the circumstances of
an individual. A person is efficient and effective in learning and acquiring new skill set
subject to their mental well-being. Additionally, I have done internships at mental health care
centres that have children with special needs. I taught these neurodiverse children, various
concepts such as basic math, concept of good touch and bad touch, computer skills.
Moreover, I had also interned in a reputed psychiatric hospital, wherein, I aided and assisted
the people in advance stage in day care activities having psychological disturbances such as
Schizophrenia and depression. As a young student of psychology, in my humble opinion, I
possess the ability to communicate effectively and without any hindrance with children and
adolescents in order to collect the data for enabling me to undertake research in relation to
‘Dynamic Interactions Between Cognition and Emotion During Childhood and Adolescence-
Impacts on Learning’.

Additionally, during the course of M.A. Clinical Psychology, I conducted a dissertation on

‘Perceived Maternal Emotional Availability and Anxiety Among Children of Working and
Non-Working Mothers’. The aim of conducting this research was to understand the thought
process of children of working and non-working mothers and the aftermath of the same
including but not limited to psychological disturbances caused to them, if any. Moreover,
during my Bachelors in Psychology, I conducted various researches on the ‘Awareness and
sensitization regarding the LGBTQIA Community among the Indian youth’, ‘Maternal
Perception of Parenting Style in Various Living Spaces and Case Study on an individual with
Autism-Spectrum Disorder. I am highly adept in collecting qualitative data, coding it and
running the same on various statistical softwares. During the course of my B.A(H) in
Psychology, I also learnt how to design effective questionnaires, identify the sample,
collection of data and maintaining objectivity at all times.

The project would aid in acquiring in-depth statistical knowledge and discover an unexplored
relationship of mood and cognition on learning. Via this research, we would arrive at a
conclusion and also, would create awareness amongst children, adolescents and their care
takers of their moods and how it affects their ability to learn and develop effective learning

Apropos my training needs, I would require a consistent mentorship and guidance, which
shall enable me to conduct an extensive-research in the field of learning, a concept that is at
the heart of psychology. The research undertaken by me would enhance the existing literature
on the subject with the able guidance and consistent mentorship provided by the esteemed
faculty(ies) to me.

I would contribute in the research project, ‘Dynamic Interactions Between Cognition and
Emotion During Childhood and Adolescence- Impacts on Learning’ with the zeal I possess
for the subject coupled with my knowledge of the theoretical aspects of the concept of
learning. Additionally, being an International Student, I can add value to the research project
by bringing a holistic approach, how children and adolescents of the east learn, and contribute
in providing an analytical mind. Furthermore, I am a professional dancer and am aware of
how an individual’s mood affects their ability to learn dance movements. This is another area
that can be explored through this research project and could contribute to the academia.

Becoming a part of the research project and being associated with your esteemed university
would give me a competitive advantage and I hope to gain and nurture my skills as a
researcher. Additionally, I look forward to being mentored by experts of the field, gain
productive experiences with people hailing from various backgrounds, and obtain a wider
perspective related to research project and life.

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