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Food Research International 39 (2006) 413–425

Properties of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), citronella

(Cymbopogon nardus G.) and marjoram (Majorana hortensis L.)
flavors encapsulated into milk protein-based matrices
Renata Baranauskien_e a,*, Petras Rimantas Venskutonis a,
Koen Dewettinck b, Roland Verhé c
Department of Food Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, Radvil_enuz pl. 19, LT-50015 Kaunas, Lithuania
Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Department of Organic Chemistry, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium

Received 5 May 2005; accepted 10 September 2005


Encapsulating properties of skimmed milk powder (SMP) and whey protein concentrate (WPC) for the coating of the essential oil
(EO) of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and aroma extracts (AE) of citronella (Cymbopogon nardus G.) and sweet marjoram (Majorana
hortensis L.) by spray-drying were evaluated. The efficiency of microencapsulation expressed as a percentage of flavoring entrapped into
the microcapsules varied from 54.3% (marjoram in WPC) to 80.2% (oregano in SMP). The content of flavoring remaining on the surface
of encapsulated oregano EO was remarkably lower (1.1% and 1.4%) as compared with citronella (11.2% and 15.2%) and marjoram
(16.7% and 22.1%) AEs encapsulated in SMP and WPC matrixes, respectively. Consequently, the changes in the composition of indi-
vidual flavor compounds during encapsulation were considerably smaller for oregano EO as compared with citronella and marjoram
AEs. The release of aroma compounds from the encapsulated products was assessed by solid phase microextraction (SPME) of head-
space volatiles and their analysis by gas chromatography; some differences were observed between the analysed products. However,
the effect of SPME fiber polarity was another important factor affecting the amount of extracted aroma compounds from encapsulated
flavors. The percentages of nonpolar aliphatic terpenes were higher in the extracts obtained by nonpolar polydimethylsiloxane or bipolar
polydimethylsiloxane–divinylbenzene fibers, while the content of oxygenated constituents in most cases was higher on the polar polyac-
rylate fiber. The latter extracted lower amounts of volatiles during 10 min exposure. The scanning electron microscopy and particle size
analysis revealed that microcapsules were well-formed spherically shaped particles; however, SMP coated products had smoother surface
as compared to WPC, containing more dents and wrinkles on the capsule surface. Particle size varied from 6 to 280 lm for SMP and
from 2 to 556 lm for WPC microencapsulated products.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Oregano; Citronella; Marjoram; Essential oil; Aroma extract; Microencapsulation; Spray-drying; Flavor release; SPME; GC; GC–MS

1. Introduction harm of these negative processes, microencapsulation is

used in flavor industry to entrap liquid flavoring sub-
Flavors are complex mixtures of comparatively volatile stances, such as essential oils, oleoresins, aroma and flavor
substances and labile components of which the sensory per- mixtures in a protective layer of coating materials
ception can be changed as a result of oxidation, chemical (Beristain, Garcia, & Vernon-Carter, 2001; Gouin, 2004;
interactions or volatilization. In order to minimize the Jackson & Lee, 1991; Jeon, Vasanthan, Temelli, & Song,
2003; Shahidi & Han, 1993).
Corresponding author. Tel.: +370 37 300188; fax: +370 37 456647. Different biopolymers have been used in developing
E-mail address: (R. Baranauskien_e). microcapsules for the controlled-release of various core

0963-9969/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
414 R. Baranauskien_e et al. / Food Research International 39 (2006) 413–425

materials. Each substance possesses unique emulsifying less commercially important essential oils than those of
and film-forming properties defining its ability to function citrus, mint, onion and garlic are still rather scarce.
as an encapsulant, therefore correct selection of coating This study was aimed to investigate the properties of
material for each application is an important task (Kim milk proteins for encapsulation of such natural flavorings
& Morr, 1996). Coating material must retain and protect as oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), citronella (Cymbopogon
the encapsulated volatiles from their loss and chemical nardus G.) and marjoram (Majorana hortensis L.). The
damage during manufacture, storage and handling; more- following objectives were raised in this study: (i) to deter-
over, it must release them into the final product during a mine the retention of volatile flavor compounds and evalu-
desirable step of manufacture or consumption (Kim, Morr, ate the efficiency of microencapsulation; (ii) to assess the
& Schenz, 1996). Carbohydrate-based matrixes, i.e., starch, changes in the composition of flavors taking place during
maltodextrins, gum arabic, and other gums, are commonly processing; (iii) to measure the release of volatiles from
used as flavor encapsulants (Gouin, 2004; Reineccius, 1989; microencapsulated products; and (iv) to analyse the micro-
Reineccius, 1991; Shahidi & Han, 1993). Flavor encapsula- structure and particle size distribution of spray-dried
tion into protein-based matrixes has been comparatively encapsulated products.
little investigated (Bylait_e, Venskutonis, & Mazdzierien_e,
2001; Kim & Morr, 1996; Kim et al., 1996; Sheu & Rosen- 2. Experimental
berg, 1993), however, studies of interactions of proteins
with volatile components have shown that proteins usually 2.1. Materials
possess a high binding capacity for the flavor compounds
(Bylait_e et al., 2001; Charles, Bernal, & Guichard, 1996; Whey protein concentrate (WPC) and skimmed milk
Damodaran & Kinsella, 1980, 1981; Dufour & Haertle, powder (SMP) obtained from the Joint Stock Company
1990; Franzen & Kinsella, 1974; Guichard, 2000; Landy, ‘‘Belgamilk’’ (Belgium) were used as encapsulating agents.
Druaux, & Voilley, 1995; OÕNeil, 1996; OÕNeil & Kinsella, Marjoram (Nat. Marjoran-Aromaextrakt 3-111350501)
1987). In recent years, the interest in milk proteins as mic- and citronella (Nat. Aroma Type Mellise 3-185500129)
roencapsulating agents and drug carriers for controlled aroma extracts (AEs) were purchased from Wild (Berlin,
core release applications has increased, and the concept Germany). Oregano essential oil (EO) (P0110902) was pur-
of using whey proteins as microencapsulating agents has chased from Frey and Lau GmbH (Henstedt-Ulzburg,
been established (Lee & Rosenberg, 2000; Rosenberg, Germany).
1997). A series of studies have indicated that whey proteins
exhibit excellent microencapsulating properties and are 2.2. Preparation of microencapsulated flavors
suitable for microencapsulation of volatile and non-volatile
core materials (Bylait_e et al., 2001; Gouin, 2004; Lee & The solutions of coating matrixes, 30% concentration
Rosenberg, 2000; Rosenberg & Sheu, 1996; Sheu & Rosen- (w/w), were prepared by reconstituting and dispersing
berg, 1995; Young, Sarda, & Rosenberg, 1993a; Young, dried powders in 40 C deionized water and after cooling
Sarda, & Rosenberg, 1993b). It has been shown that wall were mixed overnight to enhance hydration. EO (20%
systems of spray-dried microcapsules consisting of whey w/w of matrix solids) was emulsified into the hydrated coat-
proteins provide effective protection against core oxidation ing material. Homogenization was accomplished by using
(Bylait_e et al., 2001; Kim et al., 1996). Consequently, whey Ultra Turrax basic homogenizer (Ingenlaurbürg CAT.M.
proteins possess chemical and functional properties re- Zippere GmbH, Germany) operating at 16000 rpm for
quired for capsule forming wall material (Lee & Rosen- 7 min. Emulsions were spray-dried in A/S Niro Atomizer
berg, 2000). Whey protein concentrate (Sheu & (Copenhagen, Denmark) under the following parameters:
Rosenberg, 1993) and skim milk concentrate (Onwulata, inlet air temperature 190 ± 5 C, outlet air temperature
Smith, Craig, & Holsinger, 1994) have been reported to 90 ± 5 C, rotary atomizer wheel speed 30–40 rps. Dried
function well for encapsulating anhydrous milk fat, and powders were of a white color with a strong aroma of used
whey protein concentrate has been shown to effectively flavor. Dried products were packed in the glass containers
encapsulate volatile esters (Sheu & Rosenberg, 1993). and stored in laboratory freezer until further investigation.
Although many microencapsulation techniques have
been developed, spray-drying is the most common tech- 2.3. Total and surface oil determination
nology used in food industry due to low cost and readily
available equipment. Food ingredients entrapped by Total oil content of the spray-dried encapsulated prod-
spray-drying include fats, oils and flavor compounds ucts was determined in triplicate by distilling 10 g of encap-
(Rosenberg, Kopelman, & Talmon, 1990). Recently, sev- sulated powder for 3 h in a Clevenger-type apparatus
eral studies on the microencapsulation of volatile com- (AOAC). The volume of the oregano oil collected in the
pounds and natural essential oils have been reported trap was multiplied by a density factor 0.9019 g/mL to cal-
(Beristain et al., 2001; Bylait_e et al., 2001; Rish & Reinec- culate the weight of oil recovered from the sample. Five
cius, 1988; Venskutonis, Boceviciute, & Plaušinaitis, 2001). millilitre of pentane containing I.S. (0.3% v/v decane in
However, reports on the microencapsulation of various pentane) were added prior distillation of the analysed
R. Baranauskien_e et al. / Food Research International 39 (2006) 413–425 415

AEs. Surface oil was being washed from 10 g of spray-dried Quadrupole type), and a HP5-MS capillary column
encapsulated powder for 4 h in a Soxhlet extraction appa- (30 m · 0.25 mm i.d.; coating thickness 0.25 lm). Working
ratus by using pentane. One millilitre of I.S. was added conditions were: injector 250 C, transfer line to MSD
prior extraction; each extract was evaporated to a volume 250 C, oven temperature: start 40 C, hold 2 min; pro-
of 2 mL at room temperature under a stream of nitrogen. grammed from 40 to 150 C at 5 C min 1, then further in-
The composition of pure oil, total oil, isolated from pro- crease to 170 C at 10 C min 1 and finally from 170 to
cessed products, and surface oil (nonentrapped into ma- 250 C at 30 C min 1, hold 2 min; carrier gas helium at
trixes) were analysed by gas chromatography (GC) and linear velocity 40 cm s 1; split 1:10; ionization: EI 70 eV;
gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). acquisition parameters: scanned m/z: 40–200 (2–15 min),
40–300 (15–20 min), 40–400 (>20 min). Thermal desorp-
2.4. Headspace solid phase microextraction tion of volatile analytes adsorbed on the SPME fibers
was carried out in the GC injector port at 250 C for 3 min.
Volatile flavors in headspace of microencapsulated pow- The components were identified by comparison their
der with surface oil removed were extracted using solid phase Kováts retention indexes (KI) related to C5–C17 n-alkanes
microextraction (SPME) fiber assembly (Supelco, Belle- obtained on nonpolar column with those provided in the
fonte, PA). SPME was performed with three different fibers, literature (Adams, 2001) and by comparison of their mass
namely, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS, 100 lm), poly- spectra with the data provided by the NIST 98.L mass
dimethylsiloxane–divinylbenzene (PDMS–DVB, 65 lm), spectral libraries. Positive identification was assumed when
and polyacrylate (PA, 85 lm) for microencapsulated oreg- a good match of mass spectrum and KI was achieved.
ano EO products, and with PDMS coating for microencap-
sulated citronella and marjoram AE powder. For headspace 2.7. Particle size distribution
SPME sampling, 0.15 g of each encapsulated powder were
placed in a 4 mL vial, closed with an open hole cap faced with A laser diffraction-based Malvern particle size analyser
a PTFE/white silicone septum, and equilibrated in a Gerber Mastersizer S fitted with an MSX64 dry powder feeder
Liebisch-Bielefeld 14 thermostat (Gerber Instruments, Eff- unit-sample (Malvern Instruments Inc., UK) was used for
retikon, Germany) at 35 C for 1 h. The fiber was exposed determination of powder particle diameter. The Malvern
to the headspace of encapsulated flavors for 10 min at Mastersizer S, which is considered a spatial sampling de-
35 C; afterwards the fiber was withdrawn into the housing, vice, utilises the phenomena that a powder particle when
the SPME device was removed from the sample vial, and the it falls through the laser beam causes laser light to scatter
fiber was desorbed into the GC–MS injector. through an angle dependent on the diameter of the particle.
The 300 mm lens was used. The active beam length was set
2.5. Gas chromatography at 10.00 mm and the analysis model used was polydisperse.
Particle characteristics were computed automatically from
Diluted in diethyl ether (20 lL in 1 mL) pure EO and a compressed range. Particle size measurement tests were
AEs, and the samples of retained after drying total and sur- replicated four times. The area-weighted mean diameter
face oils (prepared as described above) were analysed with d32 used as the particle size distribution parameter. Specific
a Fisons 8000 series chromatograph equipped with a flame surface area (m2/g) was taken into account as well.
ionization detector (FID) and a DB-5 fused silica capillary
column (polydimethylsiloxane, 5% phenyl, 50 m length, 2.8. Scanning electron microscopy
0.32 mm i.d., 0.25 lm film thickness, J&W Scientific, Fol-
som, CA). The carrier gas was helium at a flow rate of The outer structural features of the dry microcapsules
1.2 mL/min; detector temperature was 320 C, oven tem- were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A
perature was programmed from 50 C (2 min hold) to Philips 505 scanning electron microscope (Philips Electron
260 C (5 min hold) increasing at 5 C/min. A split/splitless Optics, The Netherlands) was used to investigate the outer
injector was used at 250 in split mode at a ratio 1:10; the microstructural properties of spray-dried microencapsu-
injection volume was 1 lL. The content of eluted com- lated products. Microencapsulated specimens were loaded
pounds was expressed as a GC peak area percentage; the onto a specimen stub, coated with gold with a sputter coater.
mean values were calculated from three to five injections. The conditions used to operate the electron microscope were
The coefficient of variation is defined as the ratio of the as follows: objective aperture 10 lm, sample distance
corresponding standard deviation (%RSD) to the average 25 mm, accelerating voltage 10 kV. Examinations were
value from three to five injections. made at 600·, 1200· and 2400· magnifications.

2.6. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry 2.9. Statistical analysis

Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) Data were statistically handled by one-way analysis of
analyses were performed on a HP 6890 GC Plus apparatus variance (ANOVA, vers. 2.2, 1999). DuncanÕs multiple-
coupled with a HP 5973 MSD (Mass Selective Detector – range test was applied for the calculation of the significant
416 R. Baranauskien_e et al. / Food Research International 39 (2006) 413–425

differences among the microencapsulated into different wall number of individual particles, a continuous number-
systems oregano, citronella and marjoram flavors, at the weighted distribution of particle diameters of projected
probability level P = 0.05. areas is obtained. The representative spectra of particle size
distribution of spray-dried encapsulated flavors in milk
3. Results and discussion proteins-based coating products are presented in Fig. 1.
Area-weighted mean diameter d32 of microencapsulated
3.1. Properties of spray-dried microencapsulation products products varied from 4.6 lm (citronella AE in WPC) to
17.5 lm (oregano EO in WPC). Reineccius (1989) con-
Retention of volatiles and effectiveness of microencapsu- cluded that emulsion particle size has a significant effect
lation are the most important characteristic features of the on the retention of orange EO in carbohydrate matrixes;
process. It mainly depends on the total oil retained in the the larger particle size, the coarser the emulsion and the
matrixes after spray-drying and the content of the oil which poorer retention of the flavor. The oregano oil encapsu-
was directly entrapped into the capsules. Milk protein- lated in SMP has the second smallest particle size (Table
based wall materials were quite effective encapsulating 1) and produced the lowest surface oil content (1.1%),
agents (Table 1). There was no significant difference be- while the mean particle diameter of the same oil encapsu-
tween the amount of total oil retained in SMP and WPC lated in WPC was 17.5 lm, although the content of oil
matrixes; however, SMP wall material was more effective on the surface was not statistically different to that in
by retaining from 80.6% (citronella AE) to 84.7% (marjo- SMP (1.4%). The particles of citronella AE encapsulated
ram AE) of total added to the emulsion flavor. WPC coat- in WPC powder were of the smallest mean diameter; how-
ing retained from 73.2% (oregano EO) to 81.0% (citronella ever, the surface oil content was not the highest one, and
AE) of total added to the emulsion flavor. The content of constituted 15.2% of the total added to the emulsion flavor.
surface oil in oregano EO encapsulated in SMP and The particles of encapsulated marjoram AE in SMP and
WPC matrixes were not statistically different (P = 0.05), WPC coatings were not statistically different at P = 0.05,
and varied from 1.1% (SMP) to 1.4% (WPC). However, however, the content of surface oil was different and consti-
remarkably higher amount of retained oil on the surface tuted 16.7% and 22.1%, respectively. It was reported that
was determined for spray-dried encapsulated AEs prod- surface oil content is strongly related to the emulsion drop-
ucts; it varied from 11.2% (citronella in SMP) to 22.1% let size (Rish & Reineccius, 1988), and low surface oil con-
(marjoram in WPC). tent is important for providing storage stability to
The mean particle size of a material may greatly influ- encapsulated cores (Anandaraman & Reineccius, 1987),
ence its reactivity or the quality of the end-product. Deter- i.e., the larger spray-dried microencapsulated particles
mining the diameter or the projected area of a large would be expected to contain less oil on its surface due

Table 1
Properties of spray-dried encapsulated oregano, citronella and marjoram flavors products
Properties of encapsulated flavors Oregano EO Citronella AE Marjoram AE
Total oil content (%) 81.3ab 73.2ab 80.6ab 81.0ab 84.7b 76.4ab
Surface oil content (%) 1.1a 1.4a 11.2c 15.2b 16.7b 22.1d
Encapsulation efficiency (%) 80.2c 71.8bc 69.4b 65.8b 67.9b 54.3a
Area-weighted mean diameter d32 8.6a 17.5c 10.6abc 4.6a 9.9abc 10.9abc
Specific surface area (m2/g) 1.0c 0.2a 0.6b 1.4d 0.6b 1.1c
Values within rows followed by the same letter do not differ statistically at P = 0.05.

10 10
Particles (%)

Particles (%)

0 0
0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000
a Particle Diameter (µm) b Particle Diameter (µm)

Fig. 1. Representative spectra of particle size distribution of encapsulated in SMP (a) and WPC (b) wall materials oregano (- - - - - -), citronella (     ) and
marjoram (––––) flavors.
R. Baranauskien_e et al. / Food Research International 39 (2006) 413–425 417

to their smaller surface area. Kim and Morr (1996) studied group, which can form hydrogen bonds with relevant sites
physical and chemical properties of spray-dried microen- in the protein molecules.
capsulated orange oil particles that were stabilized with
whey protein isolate, and the results obtained did not fol- 3.2. Composition of the flavorings after microencapsulation
low the mentioned relationship; it was concluded that fac-
tors other than particle size are controlling the surface oil When natural flavorings are encapsulated in the different
content of microencapsulated orange oil. matrixes it is important to know the changes in the compo-
Effectiveness of microencapsulation is calculated either sition taking place during emulsification and especially
by subtracting nonentrapped into capsules surface oil spray-drying. Such knowledge is useful in designing prepa-
from the total oil retained or by hydrodistillation EO rations with a specified flavoring and/or antimicrobial
from the matrix after washing out surface oil by the sol- activity. For this purpose spray-dried encapsulated flavors
vent (Bylait_e et al., 2001). The spray-dried encapsulated were isolated by hydrodistillation procedure and analysed
oregano products had the lowest oil content on their sur- by capillary GC and GC–MS. p-Cymene (30.3%), limonene
face and the efficiency of the process was almost equal (do (15.4%), linalool (4.0%), thymol (6.7%) and carvacrol
not differ statistically at P = 0.05) to the content of total (26.8%) were the major constituents in pure oregano EO
retained in the matrixes oil. On the contrary, the encapsu- used as initial material for encapsulation. Phenolic com-
lated AEs were of a high surface oil amount and the effi- pound carvacrol is an important impact compound of
ciency of the process significantly differed from the oregano aroma and the most active antimicrobial compo-
amount of the total flavor retained after spray-drying. nent (Hulin, Mathot, Mafart, & Dufosse, 1998; Ultee &
Thus, the efficiency of microencapsulation via spray- Smid, 2001).
drying varied from 54.3% (marjoram AE in WPC) to The composition of pure and microencapsulated in milk
80.2% (oregano EO in SMP). The most remarkable differ- protein matrixes oregano EO was quite similar (Table 2),
ences were observed for microencapsulated in both milk however, some changes in the percentage of some individ-
protein walls marjoram AE products. It must be men- ual compounds are observed. For instance, the content of
tioned that fine homogenization at the elevated pressures p-cymene in total oil from WPC was higher than in pure
has not been applied to the preparation of emulsions and EO by 26.9%. The percentage of carvacrol in the oil ex-
it could be important reason to the losses of flavors dur- tracted from the same matrix was lower by 74.6% as com-
ing spray-drying process. pared to that of pure. Surface oil was of a different
Operating conditions as well as the nature of core fla- composition as well. The content of more volatile constitu-
voring and coating carrier are the main determinant fac- ents, such as p-cymene, limonene and 1,8-cineole was lower
tors in the retention of volatile constituents (Flink & in the surface oil than in the pure EO. For example, the
Karel, 1970a, 1970b; Rosenberg et al., 1990; Voilley, content of p-cymene in surface oil was 12.1% (SMP) and
1995). It was reported that proteins possess sufficiently 26.1% (WPC) versus 30.3% in pure EO. The content of less
high binding capacity for flavor compounds (Franzen & volatile components, such as thymol and carvacrol in sur-
Kinsella, 1974; OÕNeil, 1996). The flavor binding mecha- face oil was remarkably higher than in pure EO; carvacrol
nism to proteins depends on the relationship between con- constituted 33.1% and 48.2% in WPC and SMP, respec-
formational state of a particular protein (Damodaran & tively, while in the pure EO it was present in less than
Kinsella, 1980, 1981; OÕNeil & Kinsella, 1987) and the 27%. These results could be explained by the losses of more
chemical physical characteristics of aroma compound volatile hydrophobic compounds, such as p-cymene, limo-
(Dufour & Haertle, 1990; Landy et al., 1995). Special nene and 1,8-cineole, not entrapped in the capsules and
attention has been given to b-lactoglobulin as the major consequently not protected from evaporation.
whey protein (Charles et al., 1996; Guichard, 2000). Some Significant changes in the composition of citronella
data on the binding of selected flavor compounds (e.g., (Table 3) and marjoram (Table 4) AEs were determined after
aldehydes, ketones, esters, acids, pyrazines, aromatics processing. Citronellal (33.9%), citronellol (8.7%) and gera-
and terpenes) were also reported (Charles et al., 1996; niol (16.4%) were the major compounds in citronella AE.
Dufour & Haertle, 1990; OÕNeil & Kinsella, 1987). It The content of the volatile monoterpene limonene signifi-
was found that hydrophobic interactions characteristic cantly decreased after encapsulation both in the total and
for ketones, esters and alcohols, while covalent or hydro- surface extract. The content of citronellal in total extract de-
gen bonding was associated with aldehydes (Charles et al., creased 3 times, while in the extract removed from the cap-
1996; Dufour & Haertle, 1990; OÕNeil & Kinsella, 1987). sule surface it was determined in low amounts (possibly that
Monoterpene hydrocarbons are the main constituents of it easily undergoes cyclization to isopulegol). On the con-
a number of EOs. Most likely, the presence of phenolic trary, the content of geraniol in encapsulated products in-
compounds (carvacrol and thymol) and monoterpene creased, especially in the surface extract (Table 3).
alcohols (citronellol, geraniol, terpinen-4-ol, etc.) in the Terpinen-4-ol, linalool, sabinene and camphene were the
analysed flavorings is one of the reasons for a compara- major components in marjoram AE (Table 4). Terpinen-
tively high retention of volatiles after spray-drying. Phen- 4-ol constituted 37% in the total AE and is known as the
olics and alcohols in their structure contain a hydroxyl main flavoring and antimicrobial component of marjoram
418 R. Baranauskien_e et al. / Food Research International 39 (2006) 413–425

Table 2
Composition of oregano EO before and after encapsulation in GC area percent
Compound KI on DB5 Identification Pure EO EO from SMP EO from WPC
Total Surface Total Surface
a-Pinene 940 KI, MS 5.9e 4.1c 0.9a 4.7d 2.8b
Camphene 959 KI, MS 0.5d 0.4b 0.1a 0.4b 0.2c
Sabinene 980 KI, MS 0.0ab 0.0ab 0.4b 0.0ab 0.0ab
b-Pinene 986 KI, MS 0.3c 0.2b 0.2a 0.3d 0.2b
Myrcene 996 KI, MS 0.1b 0.0ab 0.1ab 0.1ab 0.1ab
a-Terpinene 1023 KI, MS 1.7d 0.8b 0.3a 0.9c 0.7b
p-Cymene 1037 KI, MS 30.3b 31.2b 12.1a 38.4d 26.1b
Limonene 1040 KI, MS 15.4d 12.4b 5.6a 16.3d 10.2b
1,8-Cineole 1044 KI, MS 0.2a 1.6d 0.5b 2.3e 1.2c
trans-b-Ocimene 1055 KI, MS 0.1ab 0.1ab nd 0.1b 0.0a
c-Terpinene 1066 KI, MS 1.3b 0.1a 0.1a 0.2a 0.2a
trans-Sabinene hydrate 1080 KI, MS 0.1bc 0.1abc 0.0a 0.1c 0.1abc
Terpinolene 1093 KI, MS 2.0e 1.2b 0.6a 1.7d 1.4c
cis-Sabinene hydrate 1094 KI, MS 0.6a 0.5a nd 0.8a 1.5b
Linalool 1104 KI, MS 4.0c 2.8a 3.7bc 4.3d 3.5b
cis-p-Menth-2-en-1-ol 1136 KI, MS 0.0a 0.0abc 0.1c 0.1abc 0.0a
Camphor 1149 KI, MS 0.1a 0.2d 0.2bc 0.2c 0.2bc
Isoborneol 1155 KI, MS 0.3c 0.2bc 0.3bc 0.2a 0.1a
Borneol 1165 KI, MS 0.5b 0.5ab 0.5ab 0.5ab 0.5ab
Terpinen-4-ol 1184 KI, MS 0.1a 0.2b 0.3d 0.2c 0.1a
a-Terpineol 1192 KI, MS 1.6a 2.6b 3.5d 2.4b 3.3d
Thymol 1305 KI, MS 6.7a 9.4b 14.6c 6.1a 10.0b
Carvacrol 1320 KI, MS 26.8b 27.4b 48.2d 15.4a 33.1c
b-Caryophyllene 1436 KI, MS 0.1d 0.1a 0.1b 0.1b 0.1c
RSD (%) 3.7 6.4 7.7 3.6 6.8
RSD, average coefficient of variance of individual compounds (%); nd, not detected. Values within rows followed by the same letter do not differ
statistically at P = 0.05.

Table 3
Composition of the main constituents of citronella AE before and after encapsulation in GC area percent
Compound KI on DB5 Identification Pure AE AE from SMP AE from WPC
Total Surface Total Surface
Limonene 1040 KI, MS 5.2c 1.0b 0.2a 1.0b 0.9b
Linalool 1107 KI, MS 0.9b 1.0b 0.6ab 2.3c 0.4a
Citronellal 1163 KI, MS 33.9d 11.9b 4.2a 14.7c 5.6a
Citronellol 1236 KI, MS 8.7a 12.3c 12.9c 10.6d 8.6a
Geraniol 1262 KI, MS 16.4d 22.7b 31.5d 18.1a 26.2c
Citronellyl acetate 1355 KI, MS 5.0e 3.7c 2.2b 4.2d 0.5a
Geranyl acetate 1384 KI, MS 7.3e 4.8c 5.5d 4.0b 1.3a
b-Elemene 1404 KI, MS 5.3c 4.3bc 0.3a 5.1c 0.3a
d-Cadinene 1539 KI, MS 4.1bc 3.9bc 0.2a 4.4c 0.9a
Germacrene D 1573 KI, MS 4.9b 6.4d 1.8a 4.9b 3.9c
RSD (%) 8.7 19.1 10.6 18.5 3.6
RSD, average coefficient of variance of individual compounds (%); nd, not detected. Values within rows followed by the same letter do not differ
statistically at P = 0.05.

(Baratta et al., 1998). The changes obtained during pro- content of nonentrapped extract. The changes of monoter-
cessing were rather significant. The contents of the mono- pene alcohol a-terpineol were not significant (no statistical
terpene hydrocarbons, camphene and sabinene, in the difference at P = 0.05) in the marjoram AE from all prod-
extracts retained after spray-drying were almost two times ucts analysed.
higher as compared to that in pure AE. While the contents
of the same compounds in the surface AE was not statisti- 3.3. Release of volatile aroma compounds from encapsulated
cally different from the initial AE. The percentages of linal- products
ool and terpinen-4-ol decreased significantly after
processing compared to their content in the pure extracts. The contribution of volatile compounds to the aroma
These changes could be explained by the losses of aroma perceived in a food product will depend on the aroma char-
compounds during encapsulation and a comparatively high acteristics of the product and their rate of release from the
R. Baranauskien_e et al. / Food Research International 39 (2006) 413–425 419

Table 4
Composition of the main constituents of marjoram AE before and after encapsulation in GC area percent
Compound KI on DB5 Identification Pure AE AE from SMP AE from WPC
Total Surface Total Surface
Camphene 960 KI, MS 5.2a 9.6b 6.9b 13.9c 6.4ab
Sabinene 980 KI, MS 7.5a 10.7b 7.7a 15.6c 7.2a
p-Cymene 1037 KI, MS 3.2b 0.4a 1.4c 5.7d 2.8b
c-Terpinene 1066 KI, MS 6.3c 3.4b 1.3a 8.0d 1.2a
Terpinolene 1093 KI, MS 2.5b 3.6c 2.0ab 1.7a 1.9ab
Linalool 1105 KI, MS 25.3c 11.5b 13.9b 9.3a 12.2b
Terpinen-4-ol 1184 KI, MS 36.9d 27.7c 23.3b 16.8a 22.2b
a-Terpineol 1192 KI, MS 4.2b 4.0ab 3.9ab 4.5b 3.9ab
b-Caryophyllene 1430 KI, MS 2.8d 2.3c 1.8b 1.9b 1.6a
RSD (%) 11.4 11.0 14.8 10.6 4.8
RSD, average coefficient of variance of individual compounds (%); nd, not detected. Values within rows followed by the same letter do not differ
statistically at P = 0.05.

food matrix into the headspace above the food (Rosenberg encapsulated in SMP oregano EO headspace. It is obvious
et al., 1990). SPME–GC–MS was used to compare the re- that the coatings extract different amounts of similar ana-
lease of the main compounds in the headspace of microen- lytes. Aliphatic terpenes, a-pinene, a-terpinene, terpino-
capsulated flavors. Three different SPME-coated fibers, lene, c-terpinene and p-cymene, are nonpolar compounds
PDMS (nonpolar, absorbent-type), combined PDMS– and their percentages were higher in the nonpolar PDMS
DVB (bipolar, adsorbent-type) and PA (polar, absorbent- or bipolar PDMS–DVB-coated fibers. The oxygenated
type), were used in our study. The PDMS is a nonpolar constituents, such as isoborneol, borneol, terpinen-4-ol,
coating that has been known to work effectively on a wide linalool, a-terpineol, thymol and carvacrol, are more polar
range of analytes, both polar and nonpolar, while the PA compounds, and consequently their content in most cases
coating is more polar phase, which readily extracts more was higher on the polar PA-coating fiber. For example,
polar analytes (Steffen & Pawliszyn, 1996). When the por- the content of nonpolar p-cymene on nonpolar PDMS
ous polymer DVB is suspended in PDMS, the resulting and bipolar PDMS–DVB-coated fibers constituted 39.4%
polarity is relatively low; however, it has been demon- and 25.0%, respectively, whereas the content of this com-
strated that this fiber extracts such polar compounds as pound on polar PA-coated fiber was 14.3%. The content
amines (Shirey, 2000). of the most abundant carvacrol was the highest on the po-
Fig. 2 illustrates the percentage distribution of the main lar PA-coating (39.7%) compared to that on PDMS
components extracted by different fiber coatings from (25.6%) and PDMS–DVB (25.3%) fibers.

Fig. 2. Composition of volatile compounds extracted by different SPME fibers, namely PDMS, PDMS–DVB and PA, from the headspace of encapsulated
oregano EO in SMP; *, limonene + 1,8-cineole (10:1).
420 R. Baranauskien_e et al. / Food Research International 39 (2006) 413–425

The concentrations of the main compounds extracted [(673.2 ± 49.1) · 106 au]. For example, as it was expected,
from the headspace of microencapsulated in protein-based the highest amount of p-cymene [(592.5 ± 57.7) · 106 au]
matrixes flavors headspace by different fibers were also ex- was collected with nonpolar PDMS-coated fiber. The
pressed in arbitrary units (au) related to the peak area, PDMS–DVB and PA-coatings extracted approximately
which provides more comprehensive information about 1.7 [(345.2 ± 28.0) · 106 au] and 6.2 [(95.9 ± 5.9) · 106 au]
extraction efficiency as long as peak areas are directly re- times lower amounts of this compound, respectively
lated to the absolute amount of a particular compound ab- (Fig. 3). The polar properties possessing phenolic com-
sorbed by the matrix. In terms of the expected aroma pound carvacrol constituted (385.5 ± 21.4) · 106 and
impact, the absolute amount of different constituents in (349.4 ± 31.0) · 106 au amounts of volatiles on PDMS
headspace is very important. For instance, such informa- and PDMS–DVB coatings, respectively, while on polar
tion should be taken into account when tailoring natural PA the amount of this constituent was lower, i.e.,
antimicrobial agents for individual products and making 267.2 ± 24.8 · 106 au, although the percentage content of
prognosis on their action effectiveness. In mixtures of carvacrol was higher on polar PA-coating (39.7%) com-
EOs with the product under preservation there is a direct pared to that obtained on PDMS (25.6%) fiber (Fig. 2).
contact between antimicrobial agents and microflora pres- Steffen and Pawliszyn (1996) reported that most of analytes
ent in the product. When EOs or their products are used as extracted using PDMS-coated fiber reach equilibrium with-
preservatives, which are not directly contacting with the in 40 min, while the analytes extracted using PA-coating
product (e.g., impregnation of packages) headspace com- reach equilibrium within 60 min. In our study the fibers
position and the intensity of the release of antimicrobial were in contact with headspace volatiles 10 min and this
substances is of a crucial importance. Such products could fact could be one of explanations for the remarkable differ-
be used as antimicrobial agents, which have to be activated ences in extraction efficiencies. PA is a crystalline polymer;
at a specified time and process conditions, e.g., in dried consequently the analytes diffuse through it at a slower
soups or other similar kind of products. rate. For this reason, the analytes take longer time to reach
The concentrations of the main compounds extracted equilibrium with PA coating than with PDMS-coated fiber
from microencapsulated in SMP oregano EO headspace (Steffen & Pawliszyn, 1996). The SPME method strongly
by different fibers expressed in arbitrary units are provided depends on experimental conditions and sample matrix
in Fig. 3. The highest enrichment of oregano volatile com- (Yang & Peppard, 1994).
pounds was obtained with PDMS-coated fiber [(1502.4 ± Figs. 4 and 5 represent the concentrations of the main
104.3) · 106 au]; it was slightly lower in case of PDMS– compounds extracted from microencapsulated in WPC ma-
DVB [(1392.4 ± 85.9) · 106 au], and more than twice trix oregano EO headspace by different fibers expressed in
less ability was observed when using PA-coated fiber peak area percentage and in arbitrary units, respectively.

Fig. 3. Flavor profile of the main constituents in the headspace of encapsulated oregano EO in SMP. The amounts of constituents were determined by
SPME–GC–MS, with three different fibers, namely PDMS, PDMS–DVB and PA; *, limonene + 1,8-cineole (10:1).
R. Baranauskien_e et al. / Food Research International 39 (2006) 413–425 421

Fig. 4. Composition of volatile compounds extracted by different SPME fibers, namely PDMS, PDMS–DVB and PA, from the headspace of encapsulated
oregano EO in WPC; *, limonene + 1,8-cineole (10:1).

Fig. 5. Flavor profile of the main constituents in the headspace of encapsulated oregano EO in WPC. The amounts of constituents were determined by
SPME–GC–MS, with three different fibers, namely PDMS, PDMS–DVB and PA; *, limonene + 1,8-cineole (10:1).

The monoterpene hydrocarbons are more volatile compo- lower vapor pressure of 5.33 Pa at 20 C (Lide, 2003). It
nents than oxygenated ones. For instance, vapor pressure has been determined that the headspace of encapsulated
of nonpolar p-cymene is 200 Pa at 20 C (boiling tempera- oregano EO in WPC mostly consists of nonpolar p-cym-
ture = 177 C), while that of polar compound linalool ene, which constituted 60.5% (960.8 ± 108.5 mln au) on
(boiling point = 198–200 C) is almost 10 times lower PDMS-, 65.9% (1056.9 ± 76.2 mln au) on PDMS–DVB-
(21 Pa at 25 C); thymol (boiling point = 233 C) has even and 35.9% (553.1 ± 35.2 mln au) on PA-coated fibers,
422 R. Baranauskien_e et al. / Food Research International 39 (2006) 413–425

respectively. Conversely, as it was expected, the phenolic monoterpene alcohols, citronellol and geraniol, was higher
constituent carvacrol is polar and was better accumulated by 47.9% and 60.8%, respectively in the headspace of WPC
on polar PA-coated fiber (33.3% and 513.4 ± 40.9 mln au) matrix than in that of SMP; however, the absolute amounts
compared to that on nonpolar PDMS-(19.2% and of each of these analytes were significantly higher in the
305.4 ± 27.2 mln au) or bipolar PDMS–DVB-coated headspace above citronella AE encapsulated in SMP and
(6.4% and 102.2 ± 6.4 mln au) fibers. The all fibers applied constituted (24.2 ± 1.0) · 106 and (39.2 ± 1.8) · 106 au,
were almost of the same ability to extract volatile respectively. The total absolute amount of volatiles ex-
compounds from the headspace of encapsulated in WPC tracted on PDMS-coated fiber in the headspace of citro-
oregano oil; the total amount of aroma compounds consti- nella AE encapsulated in SMP was (242.2 ± 8.4) · 106 au,
tuted (1588.5 ± 155.9) · 106, (1602.4 ± 101.2) · 106 and while the amount of released citronella volatiles from
(1540.0 ± 93.5) · 106 au, on PDMS-, PDMS–DVB- and WPC matrix was almost 4 times lower [(58.2 ± 5.3) ·
PA-coated fibers, respectively. 106 au].
A rather different distribution of volatile constituents The redistribution of the main volatile constituents in
was determined in the headspace of citronella AE encapsu- the headspace of processed marjoram products extracted
lated into analysed wall materials with PDMS-coated fiber with PDMS-coated fiber is provided in Table 6. The vola-
(Table 5). The content of volatile limonene was only 0.7% tile monoterpenes, a-thujene, p-cymene, c-terpinene, con-
[(1.6 ± 0.3) · 106 au] above the SMP matrix, while it con- stituted a significant part of volatiles in marjoram AE
stituted 9.2% [(5.4 ± 0.7) · 106 au] of total absorbed vola- headspace. Their changes measured in the headspace above
tiles above WPC wall material. The content of the the processed marjoram AE were not so significant as com-
oxygenated monoterpene compound citronellal was 4.7% pared with citronella. For example, the content of p-cym-
[(11.5 ± 1.2) · 106 au] in the headspace of citronella AE ene constituted 26.4% and 32.3% above SMP and WPC
encapsulated in SMP, whereas above WPC it constituted matrixes, respectively. The content of c-terpinene was also
29.4% [(17.1 ± 3.0) · 106 au]. The content of the main quite similar in the headspace of both products. However,

Table 5
Main compounds released in the headspace of encapsulated citronella AE extracted by PDMS-coated fiber
Constituent KI on HP5MS Identification Headspace composition of AE encapsulated
in SMP in WPC
% au · 10 % au · 106
p-Cymene 1030 KI, MS 0.3 ± 0.0 0.8 ± 0.1 1.2 ± 0.2 0.7 ± 0.0
Limonene 1035 KI, MS 0.7 ± 0.1 1.6 ± 0.3 9.2 ± 1.4 5.4 ± 0.7
Linalool 1103 KI, MS 1.5 ± 0.0 3.6 ± 0.1 2.6 ± 0.4 1.5 ± 0.1
Citronellal 1156 KI, MS 4.7 ± 0.6 11.5 ± 1.6 29.4 ± 0.6 17.1 ± 3.0
Citronellol 1234 KI, MS 7.4 ± 0.3 17.8 ± 0.8 10.9 ± 0.2 6.3 ± 0.1
Geraniol 1262 KI, MS 10.0 ± 0.5 24.2 ± 1.0 16.1 ± 3.4 9.4 ± 0.9
Citronellyl acetate 1365 KI, MS 16.2 ± 0.7 39.2 ± 1.8 4.0 ± 0.3 2.3 ± 0.2
Geranyl acetate 1395 KI, MS 17.0 ± 0.8 41.2 ± 2.1 4.6 ± 0.0 2.7 ± 0.0
b-Elemene 1401 KI, MS 13.8 ± 0.3 33.3 ± 0.6 3.0 ± 0.1 1.8 ± 0.0

Table 6
Main compounds released in the headspace of encapsulated marjoram AE extracted by PDMS-coated fiber
Constituent KI on HP5MS Identification Headspace composition of AE encapsulated
in SMP in WPC
% au · 10 % au · 106
Sabinene 979 KI, MS 3.3 ± 0.1 12.3 ± 0.5 7.8 ± 0.5 50.1 ± 3.1
b-Pinene 983 KI, MS 0.9 ± 0.1 3.3 ± 0.0 2.1 ± 0.1 13.2 ± 0.4
p-Cymene 1026 KI, MS 26.4 ± 4.2 98.0 ± 4.2 32.3 ± 5.6 207.6 ± 35.7
c-Terpinene 1061 KI, MS 12.1 ± 1.0 45.0 ± 3.7 13.1 ± 1.5 84.4 ± 9.8
trans-Sabinene hydrate 1070 KI, MS 4.8 ± 0.4 18.0 ± 1.3 3.6 ± 0.2 23.0 ± 1.1
Terpinolene 1092 KI, MS 1.1 ± 0.0 3.9 ± 0.0 3.1 ± 0.1 20.1 ± 0.8
Linalool 1104 KI, MS 10.9 ± 0.5 40.6 ± 1.9 7.1 ± 0.3 45.4 ± 1.7
trans-p-Menth-2-en-ol 1140 KI, MS 0.8 ± 0.0 3.0 ± 0.0 0.6 ± 0.0 3.6 ± 0.1
Terpinen-4-ol 1186 KI, MS 17.1 ± 1.9 63.6 ± 6.9 10.8 ± 1.4 69.6 ± 9.1
a-Terpineol 1198 KI, MS 2.2 ± 0.1 8.3 ± 0.4 1.4 ± 0.0 8.7 ± 0.2
Linalyl acetate 1261 KI, MS 6.0 ± 0.5 22.1 ± 1.9 4.7 ± 0.3 30.4 ± 1.7
Thymol 1305 KI, MS 1.1 ± 0.1 3.9 ± 0.3 0.8 ± 0.1 5.1 ± 0.4
b-Caryophyllene 1434 KI, MS 2.8 ± 0.1 10.4 ± 0.4 1.3 ± 0.0 8.5 ± 0.2
R. Baranauskien_e et al. / Food Research International 39 (2006) 413–425 423

the absolute amount of these constituents was almost twice encapsulated flavors headspace. Although the accuracy
as higher in the headspace of marjoram AE encapsulated in and repeatability of the results in this study were quite
WPC. The contents of the less volatile oxygenated mono- good for all measurements, more detailed investigations,
terpenes, such as linalool, trans-sabinene hydrate and preferably using model systems containing pure com-
trans-p-menth-2-en-1-ol were less different in the headspace pounds are required to obtain more comprehensive expla-
above both products obtained. Higher percentage of terpi- nations for the differences in GC peak area of individual
nen-4-ol was observed in the headspace of SMP (>17%) as constituents. The precision of SPME measurements was
compared to WPC (10.8%); the absolute amount of the estimated by running three replicate extractions and corre-
same compound in the headspace of WPC [(69.6 ± sponding percent relative standard deviation (RSD%) of
9.1) · 106 au] was only slightly higher as compared to that GC–MS peak area was calculated for all these extractions
of SMP [(63.6 ± 6.9) · 106 au]. The PDMS-coating ex- with each fiber applied. The RSDs values for the SPME fi-
tracted (371.4 ± 21.5) · 106 au of total volatiles above mar- bers applied ranging between 1% and 19%, and for most of
joram AE encapsulated in SMP, while the absolute amount components fell below 10%.
of released marjoram volatiles from the WPC headspace
was 1.7 times higher and constituted (642.4 ± 64.3) · 3.4. Microstructural properties of spray-dried
106 au. microencapsulated particles by SEM
The efficiencies of the SPME fibers applied to collect
volatiles from the encapsulated flavors were different. The The outer topographies of spray-dried microencapsu-
results obtained indicate that there is some effect of fiber lated products were assessed by SEM (Fig. 6). Microscopy
polarity on the extraction of terpenic compounds from is the only method that provides direct information

Fig. 6. Outer topography of SMP and WPC-based microcapsules containing oregano (a, b), citronella (c, d) and marjoram (e, f) flavors (magnification
2400·, scale bar 10 lm).
424 R. Baranauskien_e et al. / Food Research International 39 (2006) 413–425

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