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Mechanism of Nursing

Name of Drug Indication Contraindication Side Effect

Actions responsibilities
Generic Name:
Dobutamine Positive inotropic  For inotropic  Contraindicated  Headache  Monitor
effects are mediated support in the with IHSS;  Increase in HR urine flow,
Brand Name: by beta1-adrenergic short-term hypovolemia increase in cardiac
receptors in the treatment of (dobutamine is systolic BP output,
Classification: heart; increases the cardiac not a substitute  Increase in pulmonary
Sympathomimetic force of myocardial decompensation for blood, ventricular wedge
Beta1 selective contraction with due to depressed plasma, fluids, ectopic beats pressure,
adrenergic agonist relatively minor contractility, electrolytes,  Angina pain ECG and BP
effects on heart rate, resulting from which should be  Palpitations closely
Dosage: arrhythmogenesis; either organic restored prompty during
 Shortness of
2 – 20 mcg/kg/min has minor effects on heart disease or when loss has infusion;
40 mcg/kg/min blood vessels. from cardiac occurred and in adjust dose
 Nausea
surgical any case before and rate
Route: procedures. treatment with accordingly.
IV  Unlabeled uses: dobutamine);
inchildren with acute MI (may  Arrange to
congenital heart increase the size digitalize
disease of the infarct by patients who
undergoing intensifying have atrial
diagnostic ischemia); fibrillation
cardiac general with a rapid
catheterization, anesthesia with ventricular
to augment CV halogenated rate before
function hydrocarbons or giving
cyclopropane dobutamine
whih sensitize the
myocardium to  Use only in
catecholamines; acute

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