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2011 (5).doc
23 May 2011




130/11 Bishop’s Address to Synod

Resolved that the Bishop be thanked for his Presidential Address to Synod.

Proposed Action: No action required

131/11 Bishop-in-Council Report

Resolved that this Synod receives the report of the Bishop-in-Council covering the work
of the Council since the last session of Synod.

Proposed Action: No action required

132/11 2009/10 Annual Accounts of the Diocese

Resolved that the audited diocesan accounts for the year 2009/10 be received and adopted
by Synod.

Proposed Action: No action required

133/11 2011/12 Diocesan Budget

Resolved that the Diocesan Budget for 2011/12 as presented to Synod be received and

Proposed Action: Bishop-in-Council to implement the budget.

134/11 Anglican Communion Covenant

Resolved that this Synod receives the final draft of the Anglican Communion Covenant
and encourages the General Synod to adopt the Covenant by resolution at its next

Proposed Action: The Registrar to advise the General Secretary of General Synod.

135/11 The Strategic Plan

Resolved that this Synod:

a) notes that current diocesan strategic plan is due to come to a conclusion at the
Synod session of 2013;
b) expresses its appreciation to the Bishop for his evaluation of the plan in his address
to Synod;
c) requests Bishop-in-Council to undertake a review of the implementation of the
plan; and
d) looks forward to receiving proposals for a new plan to be launched at the 2013
session of Synod.

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2011 (5).doc
23 May 2011

Proposed Action: Bishop-in-Council to review the implementation of the Strategic Plan

and to work with the Bishop in the development of the new plan to commence in 2013.

136/11 A’Beckett Park Development

Resolved that this Synod:

a) Receives the report on the development of the Centre for Spirituality &
Environment at A’Beckett Park;
b) Welcomes the significant progress that has been made over the past year;
c) Reiterates its strong commitment to this important initiative in the life of the

Proposed Action: Bishop-in-Council to continue to take the matter forward together

with the working group.

137/11 Impact of Carbon, Carbon Dioxide and Other Emissions

Resolved that this Synod appoints a working group to:

a) Seek advice from the experts as to what the impact of carbon, carbon dioxide and
other emission is on the people living in Gippsland;
b) Extend the perimeters of this research to include what impact carbon, carbon
dioxide and other emissions are causing to the natural environment in which we
live, work and have our being;
c) Review and collate the scientific and health research already undertaken into the
matters which are the subject of 1 and 2; and
d) Report to the final Session of this Synod to be held in 2012, with
recommendations as to any statement of policy or other action it believes Synod
should take as a result of the working group’s deliberations.

Proposed Action: Bishop-in-Council to implement.

138/11 Communications Strategy

That this Synod requires Bishop-in-Council to:

a) Develop a communication strategy for making members of the Anglican Church in

Gippsland aware of the resolutions of this synod and subsequent work of Bishop-
in-Council and other groups in actioning these resolutions
b) Articulate to the diocese the key objectives it is working on to strategically support
the mission of the Anglican churches of Gippsland
c) Consider the use of the Gippsland Anglican as a key feature of this communication

Proposed Action: Bishop-in-Council to implement.

139/11 Aged Care in the Diocese

Resolved that this Synod:

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23 May 2011

a) Notes that Gippsland Anglican Aged Care Limited has commissioned a report
from Clark Phillips Pty Ltd of Port Melbourne on the existing aged care operations
at Clifton Waters Village at Bairnsdale and Botterill Court at Morwell;
b) Notes further that the report has been received recommending four options for
development at Clifton Waters and some general strategies for aged care in
Morwell; and
c) In light of the growing need for aged care facilities in the Diocese, encourages
Gippsland Aged Care Limited, in partnership with Bishop-in-Council, to continue
to develop the capacity of the Diocese in this important area of ministry.

Proposed Action: That GAAC Limited and Bishop-in-Council continue to progress the

140/11 Diocesan Website

Resolved that this Synod:

a) Welcomes the upgrade of the Diocesan website;

b) Encourages synod members to use the website;
c) Further encourages synod members to provide feedback to the webmaster, Dr
Colin Thornby; and
d) Congratulates Dr Thornby for his excellent work on the website.

Proposed Action: That the resolution be drawn to the attention of parishes.

141/11 Synod Motions – Follow-up

Resolved that this Synod receives supplementary reports on follow-up action being taken
on the following Synod motions passed in 2010:

a) 123/10 - Impact of Alcohol on the Community

b) 126/10 - Foundations of the Faith (Synod Resolution 117/09)

Proposed Action: No action required

142/11 Study of Bishop’s Charge and Primate’s Sermon

Resolved that this Synod:

a) In noting the motion (Beth Delzoppo) thanking Bishop John for his Charge, also
thanks Archbishop Phillip, our Primate, for his fine sermon;
b) Invites our clergy to use the Bishop’s Charge and the Archbishop’s sermon to
engage parishioners in discussion and learning;
c) Asks the Synod Theology Working Group to formulate questions to facilitate this

Proposed Action: Bishop-in-Council to invite the Theology Working Group to take

appropriate action.

143/11 Support for Those Not Accepted for Ordination

That this Synod requests Bishop in Council to put in place a process to provide spiritual
direction and pastoral counselling for those who have answered a call for ordination as
deacon or priest but have been rejected.

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23 May 2011

Proposed Action: That Bishop-in-Council takes action to implement the proposed


144/11 Support for Overseas Missions

Resolved that the Gippsland Diocese includes a budget item committed to overseas
mission in every annual budget.

Proposed Action: That Bishop-in-Council takes action to implement the proposed


145/11 Motion of Appreciation

Resolved that this Synod expresses its appreciation to:

a) The Bishop for his leadership of the Synod and for his Presidential Address;
b) The Primate for his sermon and address to Synod on the Anglican Communion
c) The Chancellor and officers of Synod; the Chair and Deputy Chair of Committees,
the clerical and lay secretaries and the timekeeper;
d) The Parish of Drouin especially the Reverend Amy Turner, Mr Max Hine, Mrs Janet
Pursell for their hospitality and care in hosting the Synod Session;
e) The Registry staff for their preparatory work for Synod.

Proposed Action: The Registrar to write letters to all referred to in the motion.


 Bishop-in-Council (Further Amendment) Act

 Appointments (Amendment) Act
 Redundant Acts (Repeal) Act
 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Ministry Act
 Long Service Leave Canon (Assent) Act
 Constitution Amendment (Diocesan Council) (Assent) Act
 Constitution Amendment (Section 30) (Assent) Act


Bishop-in-Council – The Rev’d Barbara Logan and Mr Peter Down

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