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The business Year Impact:


The business Year offers 2 interviews, online and printed in their magazine plus 1 year of
advertising in their media. The interviews will be online from now on and the physical one will
be published in the magazine in May. The advertisement will be set when we tell them so.

TBY’s numbers:

·       TBY has a global media impact, circulating its publications in more than 35
countries worldwide
·       Global exposure 2021: 2,55Mio readers
·       Our website got around 1Mio unique visitors in 2020
·       25k subscribers to their weekly newsletter, with an open rate of 16,3%
·       Economic reference platforms for investors such as Bloomberg, Dow Jones Factiva, Facset
and Refinitiv. In the chart below you can see the number of subscribers of every financial
TBY’s Global & Colombia’s Exposure:

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