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Is fully engaging into performing certain activities/duties

willingly with no expectations of getting paid for the
performed duties and values your work creates. Duties can
be performed a lone or under a group.

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Kisakye hakim

This book was written by Kisakye Hakim, due to the experience from volunteering. I have
been volunteering with the UNAU, MIMSA, YAI and many others for over a period of five
years now.

I have attended, organized, planned and analyzed different activities such as workshops,
meeting, parties, seminars, debates to mention but a few and on top of this I have met new
people in different areas, offices and at different time.

I don’t and won’t have any regret for volunteering for its part and partial of what I am today
and among the many things I gained is the courage to boost my talent of writing and here I
am with a complete book and guide to any youth who wishes to start a successful journey
through volunteering.

From the time I stopped doing whatever I do for the good of money, I have witnessed a
steady forward movement, however slow it may be, but it’s steady.

Volunteering should be part and partial of every youth’s live, for through this we gain a lot as
youth as we are to see in the course of this book. As youth we should put our focus on money
making procedures not petty money making procedures.

Money making procedures not like petty money making that everyone can do, for them they
require someone who is courageous, focused, self-driven, confident, social, flexible,
inquisitive, exposed, faithful, discipline, reliable, trustworthy on top of education and
spirituality and all can be earned through volunteering apart from the last two and so many
other things can be earned from volunteering.

I dedicate the book to;

All my family members especially my mum and dad who are the reason for my existence
besides God, thank you for endless support whenever I call onto you and may HE have mercy
on you always.

All my friends especially Kiberu Shafic, Kibalama Joel, Lumu Anold, Nalusiba Ritah,
Wambuzi Alozious and Nagujja Joan and all the rest for the endless support you have always
given me, thanks for being my friends and it’s only God who knows what you deserve and
may HE grant it to you.

All UNAU members and alumni country wide especially the secretariat members; Baguma
Tinkasiimire, Agaba Ronald and Asaaba Linda for a conducive exploring learning friendly
environment you have always created for me and my friends, am always praising the Lord for
having meet you and may HE keep all of you strong and focused.

The Success Full Way Uganda team especially; Robert Walakira and Harry Mugisha, for the
great work done for me and the entire youth community of Uganda, may God bless you.

The Youth Approach Initiative team for giving me and my friends the plat form to build on
our communication skill as well esteeming confidence in ourselves, may God give you the
energy and courage to also hold other youths hands.

The entire Muslim students community especially; MIMSA, IMAU and alumni at large for
the great spiritual work done for the sake of Allah’s and may HE the most merciful, all
knowing grant you the best on earth and hereafter.

A story of two graduated young men
The two graduated young men are Eddy and Eric all meet at the university pursed the same
course, in the same year and completed together though they were just friends and not good
friends not until the job hunting season as usual in Uganda being a graduate is never enough,
for girls sometimes they acquire jobs after sexual harassment or with a boss’s hope of sex.

Putting all that aside these two had graduated in mass communications and all possessed
communication skill as per their course, both had all acquired good cv writing skills and each
started the hunt on his own, Eric had higher grades than Eddy though Eddy had connections
and a large network from volunteering.

After one to two weeks of a job hunt, one of Eric’s girlfriends Joy called him and told him as
she had heard of a job announcement though not in mass communication, but of an NGO and
they want a programs coordinator and junior project planner, job experience not mentioned
and Joy thinks Eric can try one job position.

On Eric getting the information, he remembered Eddy and gave him a call about the two jobs
and Eric told him as he was applying for a programs coordinator and Eddy applied for the
junior project planner all with the internet skills, they applied online and all received calls for
the interviews.

On the interview grounds there where 100 youths ready for the interview and all having read
Robert’s hand book of how to pass the job interview and even others having the hard copies
with them.

A three judge panel was ready for them; two men and one lady, they started going in for the
interview, after fifty of them entering, only one young lady entered and shortly came out
happy saying as they had assured her of being the junior project planner, because two of the
interviewers had met her before at campus as she was volunteering during the course of her

Here most of those who had applied for the same position, packed and left, Eddy was living
too not until Eric stopped him and told him “if they wanted those who had volunteered, they
would specify so don’t go, just try your luck and you were also a volunteer you may out way

Eric’s turn reached and he went in and like the first ones he came back with a hope of a call
and Eddy then entered and to his supplies, he strongly knew all the three for they used to
facilitate his university association programs and with no question asked of him, simply
jazzing their and then he was offered an appointment letter of being the programs

Eric waiting for Eddy, he came out with an appointment letter of a job he never applied for
and Eric wondered the way how the magic of volunteering had kicked him off. He blamed his
classmate who had now become a strong friend for having not told him about volunteering.

Eric continued with the struggle until after six month walking day and evening, Eddy
recommended him for a mass communication job and as others were doing the interview,
Eric was busy with Eddy touring the job area and from here they became good strong friends.

So volunteering yield for the both of them at the cost of Eddy’s effort of volunteering.

Table of contents
AUTHOR ............................................................................................................................................... iv
Dedication .............................................................................................................................................. vi
A story of two graduated young men .................................................................................................. viii
Table of contents .................................................................................................................................. xii
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1
Why is it had to be a volunteer and even harder for you to find them? .................................................. 2
What is volunteering? ............................................................................................................................. 3
Principles of volunteering ....................................................................................................................... 6
Who is a volunteer? ................................................................................................................................ 8
What are the pillars of volunteering? ...................................................................................................... 9
Pillars of volunteering ........................................................................................................................... 10
Why is it unavoidable for someone to incur. ........................................................................................ 13
How can the association solve the problem of money? ........................................................................ 13
Steps taken to solve the above problems .............................................................................................. 13

What should a volunteer be ready to do to succeed as a volunteer? ..................................................... 20
What are the challenges to volunteers? ................................................................................................. 23
What are the benefits of a volunteer?.................................................................................................... 26
When is someone supposed to volunteer? ............................................................................................ 31
When is someone supposed to quit volunteering? ................................................................................ 33
Biggest volunteer program challenges .................................................................................................. 35
Top three challenges volunteer managers face with volunteers............................................................ 39
Other challenges volunteer managers are facing with volunteers ......................................................... 41
Some benefits of organizations from volunteers................................................................................... 42
Common travel challenges and solutions to volunteers while volunteering abroad. ............................ 43
Some of the common reasons people give as to why they volunteer .................................................... 45
References and sources for more readings .......................................................................................... 46

This book looks small but a must hand book for all new volunteers and those thinking about
volunteering. This book explains what is volunteering, who is a volunteer, principles of
volunteering, three cardinal pillars of volunteering, highlights on the volunteer program
challenges as well giving some of the possible solutions, what should a volunteer be ready to
do to succeed as a good volunteer, what are the common challenges to volunteers, what are
the benefits of volunteering, It also tell when is one supposed to volunteer, when is one
supposed to quite volunteering and some of the reasons people give as to why they volunteer.
Why is it hard to be a volunteer and even harder for you to find them?
❖ Lack of information
Google has replaced humans, whereas in past years people interested in volunteering
with your organization would simply call and talk to someone, now everything must
be available on your website. You must not only give the basics, your web gurus must
also anticipate questions that potential volunteers will have and provide answers.
It’s sort of like if you’re searching for something on eBay with very specific item in
mind (color, size, etc). If the seller doesn’t provide details, you will definitely search
for another. Here the seller is the organization.
❖ people value variety and NGOs don’t
For previous generations, job security was synonymous to longevity. Now, choosing a
new position every couple of years to mix things up is considered a desirable option
for many millennial.
This means that while it’s ideal to have volunteers committed for years and years, you
shouldn’t bank on running that kind of program.
❖ They feel unimportant
It is realized that volunteers aren’t going to come in and take over the board meetings.
There will be some undesirable jobs, but the most important thing is to make them
understand how key accomplishing these tasks are, by making these jobs important
hence they will fill it.

What is volunteering?
Volunteering is when an individual or individuals commit him/her/themselves to serve any
organization, institute, association, chapter or club expecting no payment as per the work

Volunteering is someone spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit the
environment or someone who they’re not closely related to. Volunteering must be a choice
freely made by each individual.

In volunteering, one works/ serves for a period he/she wishes to serve most volunteers
normally serve organizations such as NGO’s, religious organizations pertaining / working
hand in hands with the government at times.

These NGO’s not at any time supposed to go against the government. However, where the
government goes wrong, the NGOs may have a table discussion with it or somehow tell the
government what is good for its people inform of advice.

Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity where an individual or group

provides services for no financial gain to benefit another person, group or organization.

For the association, these are divided into some of the following.

➢ Religious association
➢ Humanitarian association
➢ Cultural association

Individuals are with usually expected to volunteering in religious association and cultural
association cause its mandatory for an individual of that religious or culture to serve it
without any excuse at all.

Individuals normally work for the humanitarian association more because here there is no
strong bond that someone has before he/she decided to volunteer. Individuals, also
normally volunteer at the institute because of personal reason.

Chapters and clubs are usually in schools, university that represents some humanitarian
NGOs. These are usually, led by one of the teacher in schools and tutors/lecturers in
universities known as patrons. Apart from these, they are composed of students. These
association are usually registered by the school and the must follow the school rules and
regulations; on top of that, they must also follow the constitution of the mother

When a chapter or club is formed at school/ institute/ university and the association
accept to pattern with it to reach its goal, the chapter/club is free to do any activity that it
decides as long as it follows the constitution of the association.

Sometimes the activity may be done without informing the mother association, but it’s
not always good to leave mother association uninformed of anything taking place in its
name. In this the club/chapter needs no permission to do its activity under the name of the
association after the agreement.

Usually clubs and chapters have to be launched for recognition at school/ university.

Principles of volunteering
• Volunteering benefits the community and the volunteer
• Volunteer work is unpaid
• Volunteering is always a matter of choice

• Volunteering is a legitimate way in which citizens can participate in the activities of
their community
• Volunteering is a vehicle for individuals or groups to address human, environment
and social needs.
• Volunteering is an activity performed in the not-for-profit sector only.
• Volunteering is not a substitute for paid work.
• Volunteers do not replace paid workers nor constitute a threat to the job security of
paid workers.
• Volunteering respects the rights, dignity and culture of others.
• Volunteering promotes human rights and equality.

Who is a volunteer?
A volunteer is a person/ individual who commit him/herself in serving/working for any
institute, organization, chapter or club without expectation of payments. He/she does it as
work/service but not a job.

A job is work done well, that someone is willing to pay for the value it creates. For more

A volunteer is an individual based not on religion set, culture or color. This individual is
not forced by anyone to volunteer, but she/he may be explained to and convinced to

A volunteer is a person who voluntarily commits his/her time and energy to offer a
service for the benefit of society and community, the environment or individuals outside
one’s immediate family.

A volunteer normally registers with the association/institution/ chapter/club or
organization that he will be serving. There is no contract done with a volunteer not for a
single time, however he/she can be called in by the law to explain certain issues that may
concern him/her with the association after registration.

A volunteer has to agree and accept to follow the constitution before he/she registers with
the association.

What are the pillars of volunteering?

Pillars of volunteering are things that one has to do as a must, to be considered a

Failure to do any/take it under consideration, then one is regarded not to be a volunteer.

This is similar to some who goes to school, sits not in class, copy no notice, follows no

rules at school, does no exams even though that person registered and paid fees in full,
he/she is not regarded to have studied from that school.

Pillars of volunteering
According to me, there are basically three pillars.

a) Time
b) Money
c) Services

One to be considered a volunteer has to scarifies time, money and then delivers services.

Volunteering is not by words, but by actions in that one must do the activities of the
association and be involved in planning for the feature of the association.

On the issue of time, one has to forego some things in most cases to be able to meet the needs
of the association or be a good time planner and manager.

For example students, sometimes certain association activities collide with the class programs
and one misses the program, but not a lesson to attend to the association work to show some

But this doesn’t mean that one has to always dodge class to do association work. When this
happen for the first time, second time, it is not supposed to happen for the third time. Then
the association has to sit and make proper arrangement on this not to keep on happening.

The association is advised to divide the members and each be given certain responsibilities at
different times. But there is no free time for the association work to be done not for a single
time. One has to take his/her work hand in hand with the association work.

A good committed, self-driven and motivated volunteer must be able to subject in his/her
money into the association work; however much they make no salary usually at the school
and university level.

This is individual for committed volunteer, because money to do the club or chapter activities
as stipulated by their work plan which is always got from volunteers. Sometimes the mother
association may come in to support the clubs or chapters with money, but it’s not always.

The mother association usually comes in, when it’s the one that has ordered the club/chapter
to do a certain activity. When the club/chapter wishes to do any activity, it has to get the
money from the volunteers starting from the patron to the students.

Whenever someone complaining to be a volunteer doesn’t inject in some money, that person
is not at a single time going to be committed to the association. This individual will miss the
association activities because he/she doesn’t want to inject in his money and will never make
a follow up of the done activities.

Why is it unavoidable for someone to incur.
This is very important because it even happens when someone wants to join any club/chapter
or association as registration fee, In case the club/ chapter is having an outreach, someone has
to pay for the transportation if the rest have been catered for.

Some activities done by the association need money and it is from the volunteers.

How can the association solve the problem of money?

There is some good ways in which the association/ clubs/ chapter helps its volunteers to
reduce on the cost they incur sometimes, but not solving the problem of money. It also comes
in when the finance Minister / treasurer takes the association money and the club /chapter/
association run aims bankrupt.

Steps taken to solve the above problems

These are for universities, institutions and schools and not the mother organizations

1. Each association/chapter/club must open up an account and must at least have five
signatories; in this case the association will always sit and have a meeting to see whether
it’s necessary to withdraw the money from the bank after the agreement of the active

The five members can be

✓ The patron / the teacher/lecturer

✓ The president of the club / association
✓ The secretary of the club/chapter
✓ The director of programs
✓ Then the finance minister/ treasurer

Note: The patron, president, director of programs and finance minister should be a must.
This is solves the swindling habit.

2. The club/chapter having an account, it can sit down and agree to a certain amount of
money that should be paid by the members which also helps in certain association
3. The association can also set up a monthly/term/semester subscription fee which can also
help to keep money ready to do its activities.
4. The club/chapter can organize some open workshop under the agreement with its
members. In which all people to attend must pay and many even be awarded some
certificates? The money that remains can be kept for the association work.
5. The association/ chapter/club can also choose to do some cheap activities that won’t cost
then a lot of money. On this, no one who is reasonable that is going to blame you,
because you would have done your level best.
6. Sometimes the association/chapter/ club can write proposals as well as budgets and take
them to different people/organizations for a particular activity. The people to whom the

proposal are taken they may/may not respond positively as the association / club/ chapter
wants, but you should be ready for this at any time.
On this, not all people/organizations are taken proposal, but you must look and see who
is considered for a particular activity.
7. Whenever the association chapter /club organize an activity and you are to invite some
guests/ facilitators, on the letter of invitation, attach a budget just in case if someone
wishes that activity to happen, he/she may give you something.
Usually avoid being extravagant, in that when someone sends in money and the budget in
already cleared, then keep the money for another activity.
8. The association/chapter/club can set up an income generating source for its activities to
be done. This is very good, but very difficult to do if some of the members are not
committed to the association, because this is something that cannot be done by one
person, but the whole group and when some of you don’t agree please don’t rush to do it
because it won’t work out.

This to be set up, it depends on the society where you are and what group of people you
are with. Some members do disagree because of selfishness whereby they get concern
what will be done to the source when they live, without knowing that they will have
made themselves able in the society. This source can grow from one level to another and
even start employing some of the members.
To do this, the group has to sit and make a budget and see how much money is needed to
do the project, the money is divided by the number of members.
For such projects they can be long term projects and become a goal of every regime not
until it is achieved as each member through the association contributes to it existence and
surely after some time, it can be achieved.
The leaders usually contribute the highest percentage compared to rest. This at its success
can earn the association/ club/ chapter a lot of money and sees the process of asking
money from the volunteers.

Note: This is not at one time called partnership and no one has shares, it’s just open and
free when the others leave, the others came and run the project.
This is not run by one individual and because it’s not a one man’s idea. It must be run by
the executive committee; they have to be let down whether they all commit or one
individual. When one of the committee members is realized swindling money before the
committee realizes, then the whole committee should be changed and appoint another
one, this is because you never know the collaborators of the swindler and in that case you
have to take down the whole committee no matter what, but for the good of the
The project money should always go direct to the account of the association and be
withdrawn from the account when needed.
9. All members of the association/chapter who are interested in leadership, on applying for
the different chapter posts, must pay a nonrefundable fee which is also decided by the
association members. This helps the association/chapter work be done.

10. The association can organize some open parties where each and every one must pay to be
part of it; the balance can be diverted to the association activities.
11. Usually leaders at their handover party, they are awarded with certificates and these
certificates are a must to be paid for so as to facilitate some chapter work.
12. Alumni’s day is usually placed in place for the association to get some money from the
alumni, the association should always keep in contact with all the alumni, contact them
early not only for their day, but for all activities and this creates chances for some of
them to attend some activities.
Every one to volunteer is not by words but by services and someone’s failure to serve as
expected, that person shouldn’t go ahead with volunteering. Association members have
full authority to disown any inactive member in the association without any one’s
concern, no matter the level of that person be it a leader or patron.

What should a volunteer be ready to do to succeed as a volunteer?
These are so many, however some are personal and others are general.
Some of the personal things include;
• One has got to control his/her emotions in all kinds of situations no matter what.
Sometimes a member may annoy you, but you’re not supposed to express that to
him/her and supposed to continue working with that person for the good of the
• You must be neutral and free to all members of the association. In this case, whether
your friend or not, has a good idea, for the good of the association, you must support
• You should have/make your mind think as fast as possible in different situations.
Some members, when terrible situations or emergencies come, they tend to ignore and
may end up living the association.

• You should be flexible to change with change. In this, you may bring up a mind-
sounding strong point and most of the members don’t buy it, please explain and if
they still resist, quit it for you won’t succeed without support.
• Sometimes you should be unreasonable by not following what is on ground, so as to
make the group realize what is good for it. This is advised to leaders, something may
be good, but people may not realize it unless it is done.
• One should always be friendly and approachable to anyone. Keeping outside issues
out of the association, contributes to its existence and long standing. In this also
private issues are left private and out of the association, unless there is need for
association assistance.
• Sexual relationships should be avoided, in case they have occurred, let them keep out
of the association work. This usually affects a lot of people and they end up putting
the association at stake.
General things;

These are some of the things that everyone must be ready to do to succeed as a volunteer.
• Everyone must be ready to surrender some of his/her time to the association/club
• Everyone must be ready to listen and learn from anyone be it from within the
association or out.
• Everyone must be ready to give in some of his/her money to the association any time
where it is inevitable. It is this very money that facilitates the association activities
and it’s what others supplement on.
• Everyone must be ready to meet the different people and make sure you network with
them at any time.
• Everyone must be ready to be disappointed whether directly or indirectly by one or
some of the members in the association, for this is true and common.
• Everyone must be ready to work with others as a group and unit, because it’s not a
one man’s home.

• Everyone must be ready to come up with developmental ideas for the association.
• Everyone must be ready to convince others to join the group, for it has to function as a

What are the challenges to volunteers?

There are so many challenges volunteers face, some of them are general and others are
General challenges;
• Time management is the major problem that most volunteers face, because they
don’t know how to balance their time and this ends up making them inactive in
the association work.
• Lack of money is another good problem for student volunteers; however some
join the volunteering with the aim of getting money in the short run. This is bad
and usually these people can easily be identified by any of the members in the

association. These people usually ask a lot about the money status of the mother
association and when they realize that money is not there in the short run, they
start absenting themselves for the association work and later quit the association.
• Inactive members also become a problem to other volunteers, because they are
assumed to be part of the group, expected to participate, to be disappointed they
don’t, not even say that they won’t and this slows the association work. Whenever
these people are seen, are good at giving excuses and as well asking about what is
going on in the association. Even if you keep on updating them, they will never
become active, when you inform them that the association is dropping them, they
inform you how much they love the association.
• Decision making for the association; is another big problem to the volunteers,
because some of them tend to favor themselves and their friends in decision
making which is not right and such a person should be left out in decision making
when realized.

• Discourage is another problem; nonmembers always tend to discourage the
volunteers and tell them as they are good at wasting their time. As a matter of fact
so many people quite volunteering as a result of discourage.
• Disappointments and embarrassments are also working hand in hand problem that
volunteers face. For instances, the group may suggest to organize a workshop,
facilitators contacted and at the last hour, they don’t show up, and sometimes it’s
the association members that don’t show up in the expected numbers. This after
all the hard work done, disappointed at last weakens the hearts of the strong
volunteers and shades off the weak volunteers.
• At some institutions, some humanitarian and religious associations face
administration opposition, sometimes this is done when activities are to happen
and at the last hour the institution cancel’s/refuses it to occur. This also sometimes
weakens the group leaders.

What are the benefits of a volunteer?
Volunteering may have positive benefits to the volunteer as well as the person or
community served. Benefits of someone volunteering are many to an extent that I can’t
even cover half of them but some of the obvious ones are;
▪ For every volunteer, making friends becomes part and partial of his/her life. Some
people take it for granted but if you ask any good volunteer that how many friends
you have, he/she won’t have a perfect total, but the answer is many.
▪ Volunteering is renowned for skill development and is often intended to promote
goodness and to improve on human quality of life.
▪ Work experience, is a funny question to volunteers, because they do have it at all the
time and it’s a question that don’t take them time to answer that they have what is
▪ Exposure is another benefit which volunteers get even without their consent and they
just find themselves having it. This is realized, when you ask a volunteer, that how
many big people have you meet and how many offices have you visited, he/she will
start mentioning them and in the end he will say I need some time to list them down/ I
have forgotten them.
▪ Networking is the most done thing and benefit of a volunteer; this is done in so many
ways and by so many means. You can realize this by checking on the mail lists and
contacts these people usually have and through this a lot is achieved.
▪ Learning being an endless process, it becomes easier for volunteers, because
whenever they gather, visit a new area, they get to learn a lot of things that one can’t
get when sited and reading books, what people have to know is that so many things to
be learn are not written in books. Volunteers learn by a process popularly known as
learn on job/duty or after being given a task to solve and some time they find
themselves making research due to the given task.
▪ Self-awareness, through the hard work of volunteering, one can easily realize his/her
abilities, desires, dreams and emotions and this makes that person to succeed in life. It
also opens up your mind to know what you want and what you can do.

▪ Self-confidence and esteem is the commonest to the volunteers at least 90% have it.
When do you realize this; when you tell a volunteer to go to a place you fill is had or
occupied by big people/ hard people to approach, he/she will answer you that it’s ok, I
will go. It is also never hard for such people to explain any point over which they
have the information.
▪ Self-expression, on this through volunteering, as a volunteer you gate so many areas
where you are supposed to express yourself and as a matter of fact, a volunteer will
never find it had to talk to any group of people and will never fall to express
him/herself freely.
▪ Self-judgment is another benefit for volunteers, on this any volunteer knows; what
he/she is good at and not. When you posse a question over something you want
him/her to do, the answer will be yes or no and not I think I can/ I don’t know.

▪ Volunteers know how to brand themselves in the most presentable way for particular
purpose. You just have got to tell the volunteer that we are heading in this direction
and will show you how to present yourself.
▪ Volunteers also get leadership skills as a benefit, some people think that, one is just
trained how to become a leader which is not continuously true to all people. When
one volunteer’s, at one point he/she becomes a leader and acquires the skill, which are
supplemented by the really leadership training sometimes.
▪ Volunteers acquire project planning, organizing, management and analysis skills
during the voluntary work, this due to the many events; workshops, projects mention
them, they get involved into directly or indirectly during the voluntary work.
▪ Emotional control is an additive benefit to volunteer, because they encounter a lot of
stressing, annoying, sad mention them, during the voluntary work.
▪ Abrupt situations and emergencies are not a threat to volunteers, because during the
voluntary work one handles a number of them unknowingly.

▪ Touring is another benefit some active volunteers benefit after the hard work,
sometimes the mother association may wish to give some of it member a trip and
guess what? Only the active members will go, for they will be known by the
secretariat and their applications will easily be recognized.
▪ Job opportunities is the most important benefit volunteers get, but some people think
that the jobs are in the mother association itself; yes sometime and not most times, but
the network, exposure, friends and other benefits of volunteering makes the
volunteers explore many job opportunities. In this volunteers sometime get job
information earlier than anyone, even before its advertisement and hence high chances
of winning the job. Sometimes volunteers find familiar faces on the interview desk
and what do you think happens when you find someone you once hosted for an event
or ever meet in his office. Because of self-recognition, some volunteers know what
they are good at and they end up starting their own jobs, NGOs and at the end

employers. Some people volunteer intending to make contacts for possible
▪ Referees are the people who know you well for being good in certain things and some
volunteers end up getting jobs they never even studied for, but because of the network
and confidence, they end up applying for particular jobs/positions with clear
qualifications on paper but with experience and strong referees on their master CV

When is someone supposed to volunteer?

There is no exact age and time at which someone is supposed to start volunteering, but
provided someone is understanding what is meant by volunteering, however young/old
that person may be.

Someone before volunteering with any organization, association, institution etc., has to
first understand the aims and targets of the association. He/she still has to find out
whether his/her target will be achieved in that particular area.
In brief one has to know more through orientation about the
association/institute/organization etc., before volunteering.
Volunteering is self-driven and not group influence, because if you’re influenced and no
self-driven involved, after time when challenges set in, one will have to quit and not
counting the value added or left out in the process. The friends have just, to tell you about
a group you can volunteer with and it’s you to make a decision to join or not.
Some people volunteer to work for institutions like hospitals, health organizations, after
realizing the need of help, here one volunteers’ in the cause of good kind heart, he/she
has for the people and expects nothing after the voluntary work, apart from God’s
rewards or a job opportunity when it comes along the way, but it’s not a must come.

Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as medicine,
education or emergency rescue and others serve on an as-needed basis, such as in
response to a natural disaster.

When is someone supposed to quit volunteering?

This is personal to each and every individual, however for those who volunteer when
there is need for help, when the need is done, such an individual is advised to stop and
quit, however he/she has the last decision to stay or quit.
People volunteer and some even die when still volunteering. When people leave school,
they still continue volunteering by injecting in money into the young generation to
continue volunteering.
One can only quit volunteering when he/she wishes, some youth quit after acquiring a job
and this is not right, because they are supposed to continue by supporting the young
generation, who are volunteering.

Not every job done in your life that one has to be paid, most of the jobs we do are not
paid, but a few of them are the ones which we are paid for, so never quit volunteering and
actually if you analyze it critically, we get really friends through volunteering.
Have you ever asked yourself how you got your best friend, you may have got him
because he saved you from something, because he helped somewhere, because she
assisted you when doing a certain task, but did you pay him/her and the answer is no.
Sometimes you may even volunteer to do something be it a duty that you’re not paid for
and no one asked you to volunteer.
In my conclusion a good volunteer will usually find easy everywhere even at a paid work
place and trust me every one volunteers in life though you may not realize it at that
particular time.
Therefore once a volunteer always a volunteer even though you start or you are having a
paid job still at a certain point you will volunteer without giving it a second thought
because you are used to doing good.

Biggest volunteer program challenges
Nonprofit groups have historically been faced with many challenges and more than likely,
they always will be. It’s the nature of the game. Regardless of geographical location, or types
of communities or initiatives they serve, nearly all nonprofit and volunteer program
challenges tend to fall into the same two buckets: time and money.


When you work for a nonprofit or volunteer program, it’s not uncommon to hear about, get
brought into discussions on, or simply just commiserate over the lack of funds that your
organization has at its disposal. How can you possibly implement and achieve all of your
goals with such a modest budget?

There are several steps you can take to understand this issue (specifically how it is affecting
your organization) and begin to address it:

1. Review costs- take a look at how your organization spends money and on which
programs or initiatives that will benefit the organization long-term or money is being
spent on “Band-Aid” fixes?
2. Track the return on your investments- for all expenses; be sure on how they are
impacting on the organization. In times of financial crisis, budget cuts are quick and
brutal, but be aware of the risk on your investments. For example some costs are
necessary like for volunteer screening programs to prevent potentially costly
situations and help build royalty with in your volunteer group.
3. Build loyalty with your staff and volunteers- recruiting is an expensive
undertaking. It depletes both time resources and financial resources for background
checks, onboarding and training. Investing intelligently in a solid onboarding program
helps to reduce turnover and control this cost.

NB: onboarding new volunteers into the organization, has three tips for creating a positive
volunteer recruitment and onboarding experience.

• Create a detailed description of what is expected. When recruiting new volunteers,
provide the duties and qualifications for the service roles you are trying to fill,
along with the rules and expectations set by your organization.
• Ask what skills or interests new volunteers have. When volunteers can utilize their
skills or spend time doing what they are passionate about, they are more likely to
enjoy their service and stay committed to your organization.
• Make screening volunteers a mandatory step for new volunteers. Screening is the
first step to verifying that the people you are bringing into your organization are
The other most common challenge to overcome as a nonprofit organization is time.
This manifests in a variety of format:

➢ Marketing - Effective marketing take significant staff input to plan and
deliver. It can be difficult to allocate time resource to other functions when so
many other functions require support.
➢ Recruiting – Every successful organization is able to dedicate resources to
recruiting volunteers. Once individuals have been identified, interviewed and
screened, even more resources are required to onboard and train them.
➢ Administrative tasks – Time and time again, nonprofit organizations are
unable to complete all of their administrative tasks because they don’t have
enough hours in the day.
C. Many organizations on survey by Clear Logic Consulting Professionals also reported
lack of staff to properly train volunteers and high absenteeism or turnover amongst

Top three challenges volunteer managers face with volunteers
Working with volunteers is great but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some bumps in the road.
Knowing the bump is there save quite a bit of headache. Not all volunteers will present these
challenges and by the way most of them won’t; but still you have to be prepared for that
occasional one that can come along and shake things up;

➢ Volunteers are harder to hold accountable.

Volunteers need to be held accountable for the job they do, but because they offered
the job for free of charge, they have an unexpressed expectation that you will simply
appreciate the job they have done.
➢ Volunteers are harder to fire.
Some time you may have to drop someone from the truck, maybe they are not doing
their job effectively and no chances of improvement, may be they have become toxic
to the entire group, but if they are volunteers, it’s not easy letting them go. Not letting
a volunteer go is a timely fashion which can impede your team’s momentum. Doing

what is right for the overall team in good but not easy as long as it is affecting some
individual directly, but you must do it.
➢ Volunteers are harder to lead.
Volunteers are much harder to lead than employees; the boss-employee culture is
much different from the leader/volunteer culture. Volunteers are self-motivated
people, they are driven; but not always by a desire to follow or to buy into the leader’s
vision. Often volunteers have their visions that they want to bring into the team.
When you find yourself with the kind of volunteer that is seeking to implement their
own strategy instead of the one you have set then it may be time to go by point two.
Not every volunteer must be at the organization.
Being volunteers doesn’t get them the right to do what they want; it’s not a one man’s
house, but rather staying on the truck and primary goals of the organization.

Other challenges volunteer managers are facing with volunteers
➢ Recruiting enough volunteers to accomplish the things that need to be done.
➢ Getting volunteers, matching them to right task, and keeping them.
➢ Recruiting enough volunteers to staff events.
➢ Identifying members who can become consistent, active volunteers and transition into
leaders of the organization.
➢ Being a volunteer based organization, managing volunteers with conflicting opinions.
➢ Engaging volunteers to follow through with assignments.
➢ The same people seem to volunteer- getting into “burnout”.
➢ Retention is the biggest issue.

Some benefits of organizations from volunteers
Apart from volunteers gaining from the organizations, the organizations also gain a lot in
working with volunteers and these are some of the benefits.

• Volunteers don’t add to the payroll, small to medium size organizations don’t have a
lot of money for the payroll, so when someone is willing to share in the labor for free
then they are ahead of the game.
• Volunteers are motivated; generally, if someone volunteers for a duty then they are
interested and motivated to jump in full swing.
• Increased man power/labor, in case of volunteering the organization may not limit the
number of workers as compared to would be paid employees.
• Saves time, due to the increased man power, the time taken to complete the work by
volunteers is far less compare to a limited number of paid employees.

Common travel challenges and solutions to volunteers while volunteering
✓ Losing your self-confidence.
Here a volunteer needs to stay confident and focused on the program you will be
working on and keep the fact in mind that it is not tough a task as it looks. One needs
to remember that the travel is for a purpose and that one is to gain unparalleled
experience of life.
✓ Getting homesick.
As a result of missing your family back home, this problem sets in, but a volunteer
should always focus on the team around that you live, travel, eat, joke and of course
work with are for the time being taken as your new family.
✓ Being reticent
Opening up with the new faces is vital for effective communication hence success in
your work. The entire volunteer abroad concept is designed in such a manner that it
will prompt you to bring out the genial side of yours. With all the volunteering

sessions and excursion with your fellow volunteers, orientation sessions with the
support staff, soon you will lose the habit of restraining yourself from approaching a
✓ Running low on cash.
The major part of traveling cost is covered under the fee a volunteer pay for a
program and this leaves you with only personal optional expenses like shopping.
✓ Safety concern
As a responsible volunteer placement organization, volunteering solutions make sure
of a safe and comfortable stay for all its overseas volunteers. Also along with all this,
a basic stream of cautiousness is expected from all volunteers; which counts for a
general travel ethic.
✓ Adjusting with the geographical changes
Getting acclimatized with the new environment is one of the common problems any
overseas traveler faces. All it needs is to give yourself some time to blend in with this

atmospheric change. Try and read about the climatic conditions of the destination of
volunteering before you leave.

Some of the common reasons people give as to why they volunteer

1. Networking
2. Job opportunities
3. Exposure
4. Self-confidence
5. Get money
6. Touring
7. To get to know their potential
8. To know themselves better
9. To ;learn from others
10. Acquire leadership skills

References and sources for more readings
1. Article on challenges to working with volunteers by Pastor Mark Foster. 1 -dec-2014
8. Job Interview by Robert Walakira. July 2012.
9. Nail your dream job with a professional CV by Robert walakira.oct.2012.
10. Nonprofit
12. Unlock your passion and potential to be an achiever by Robert Omita Okoth. 2014.


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