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Directions:- In each question bel- All men are dogs. Conclusions:-
low are given two statements fol- All dogs are cats. I. Some students are boys.
lowed by two conclusions numbered
Conclusions:- II. Some teachers are students.
I and II. You have take the two given
statements to be true even if they I. All men are cats. 14. Statements:-
seem to be at variance with com- II. All cats are men. Some tables are TVS.
monly known facts. Read the conclu- 7. Statements:- Some TVS are radios.
sions logically follows from the given All pens are roads. Conclusions:-
statements disregarding commonly
known facts. Give answer. All roads are houses. I. Some tables are radios.
(a) If only conclusion I follows. Conclusions:- II. All TVS are tables.
(b) If only conclusion II follows. I. All houses are pens. 15. Statements:-
(c) If either I or II follows. II. Some houses are pens. Some books are pens.
(d) If neither I nor II follows. 8. Statements:- No pen is pencil.
(e) If both I and II follow. All roads are waters. Conclusions:-
1. Statements:- Some waters are boats. I. Some pens are books.
All students are good. Conclusions:- II. All pencils are books.
Some good are boys. I. Some boats are roads. 16. Statements:-
Conclusions:- II. All waters are boats. Some bottles are drinks.
I. No boy is good. 9. Statements:- All drinks are cups.
II. Some students are boys. All jungles are tigers. Conclusions:-
2. Statements:- Some tigers are horses. I. Some bottles are cups.
Some girls are writers. Conclusions:- II. All drinks are bottles.
All writer are footballers. I. Some horses are jungles. 17. Statements:-
Conclusions:- II. No horse is jungle. No man is sky.
I. Some footballers are girls. 10. Statements:- No sky is road.
II. No girl is writer. Some hens are cows. Conclusions:-
3. Statements:- All cows are horses. I. No road is man.
No fan is light. Conclusions:- II. No road is sky.
Some lights are A.C. I. Some horses are hens. 18. Statements:-
Conclusions:- II. Some hens are horses. Some dogs are rats.
I. Some A.C. are fan. 11. Statements:- Some rats are not trees.
II. No A.C. is light. Some kings are queens. Conclusions:-
4. Statements:- All queens are beautiful. I. Some trees are dogs.
All balls are big. Conclusions:- II. No tree is dog.
Some big are bats. I. All kings are beautiful. 19. Statements:-
Conclusions:- II. All queens are kings. No toy is building.
I. Some bats are balls. 12. Statements:- All buildings are windows.
II. No big is bat. Many scooters are trucks. Conclusions:-
5. Statements:- All trucks are trains. I. Some windows are not toys.
All red are black. Conclusions:- II. Some windows are toys.
Some black are white. I. Some scooters are trains. 20. Statements:-
Conclusions:- II. No truck is a scooter. No earaser is pen.
I. All white are black. 13. Statements:- All pens are papers.
II. Some red are white. Most teachers are boys. Conclusions:-
6. Statements:- Some boys are students. I. Some papers are not earasers.


II. No earaser is paper. I. All huts are palaces is a pos- II. Some actors are not movies.
Directions- In each questions below sibility. 35. Statements:
are given two statements followed II. All huts are palaces. Some tables are not wood.
by two conclusions numbered I and 27. Statements: No wood is chair.
II. You have to take the given two Some windows are doors. Conclusions:
statements to be true even if they Some doors are gates. I. Some tables are not chair is
seem if to be at variance with com- Conclusions: a possibility.
monly known facts. Read all the con- I. Some windows are gates. II. Some tables are not chair.
clusions and then decide which of II. Some windows are gates is 36. Statements:
the given conclusions logically fol- a possibility. Some foxes are not lions.
lows from the given statements dis- 28. Statements: Some lions are not tigers.
regarding commonly known facts. All nights are days. Conclusions:
Given answer Some days are todays. I. No fox is tiger is a possibility.
(a) If only conclusion I follows. Conclusions: II. Some tigers are not fox is a
(b) If only conclusion II follows. I. Some nights are todays is a possibility.
(c) If either I or II follows. possibility. 37. Statements:
(d) If neither I or II follows. II. All todays are nights is a pos- Some hotels are not house.
(e) If both I and II follow. sibility. No house is hut.
21. Statements: 29. Statements: Conclusions:
All pens are pencils. All birds are animals. I. Some hotels are not hut i a
Some pencils are markers. Some animals are cows. possibility.
Conclusions: Conclusions: II. Some hotels are not hut.
I. All pens are markers is a pos- I. Some birds are cows is a pos- 38. Statements:
sibility. sibility. Some stones are not wood.
II. Some pens are markers is a II. All birds are cows. No wood is tree.
possibility. 30. Statements: Conclusions:
22. Statements: No A is B. I. No tree is stone.
Some books are novels. No B is D. II. No tree is stone is a possi-
Some novels are stories. Conclusions: bility.
Conclusions: I. No A is D is a possibility. 39. Statements:
I. Some books are stories. II. No A is D. All cups are plates.
II. Some books are stories is a 31. Statements: Some plates are pink.
possibility. No rat is cat. Conclusions:
23. Statements: No cat is dog. I. Some cups are pink is a pos-
All readers are writters. Conclusions: sibility.
Some writters are printers. I. No dog is rat. II. Some pink is cup is a possi-
Conclusions: II. No dog is rat is a possibility. bility.
I. Some printers are readers is 32. Statements: 40. Statements:
a possibility. No tree is jungle. Some mangoes are fruits.
II. Some readers are printers. No jungle is forest. Some fruits are flowers.
24. Statements: Conclusions: Conclusions:
All men are women. I. No tree is forest is a possibil- I. Some mangoes are flowers.
Some women are beautiful. ity. II. Some mangoes are flowers
Conclusions: II. No forest is tree is a possi- is a possibility.
I. Some men are beautiful is a bility. Directions:- In each question be-
possibility. 33. Statements: low, there are three statements fol-
II. All beautiful is men is a pos- No phones is mobile. lowed by two conclusions numbered
sibility. No mobile is computer. I and II. You have to take the given
25. Statements: Conclusions: statements to be true even if they
Some cars are buses. I. Some phones are not com- seem to be at variance with com-
Some buses are roads. puter is a possibility. monly known facts and then decide
Conclusions: II. Some computers are not which of the given conclusions logi-
I. Some roads are buses. phone is a possibility. cally follow(s) from the given state-
II. All roads are cars is a possi- 34. Statements: ment. Give answer.
bility. No actor is director. (a) If only conclusion I follows.
26. Statements: Some directors are not movies.
(b) If only conclusion II follows.
All huts are houses. Conclusions:
I. Some actors are not movies (c) If either I or II follows.
Some houses are palaces.
Conclusions: is a possibility. (d) If neither I nor II follows.


(e) If both I and II follow. Conclusions: Some swans are parrots.
41. Statements:- I. Some turnips are pears
Some golds are diamonds. II. Some mangoes are turnips Conclusions:
All diamonds are silvers. 48. Statements: I. Some parrots are not pig
Some silvers are coppers. Some kites are snakes II. Some parrots are not gorilla
Conclusions:- No snakes is wolf 55. Statements:
I. Some coppers are silver. All zebras are kites All onions are tomatoes
II. Some silvers are diamonds. Conclusions: Some radishes are onions
I. some zebras are snakes All radishes are garlics
42. Statements:-
II. some kites are not wolf. Conclusions:
No school is college.
49. Statements: I. Some garlics are tomatoes
Some colleges are hostels.
All gorillas are jackals II. All tomatoes are garlics
All hostels are institutes.
All jackals are frogs 56. Statements:
All frogs are foxes. Some pumpkins are capsicums
I. Some institutes are school.
Conclusions: All capsicums are carrots
II. No institute is school.
I. Some foxes are gorillas No carrot is ginger
43. Statements:-
II. All jackals are foxes Conclusions:
Some bangles are rings. I. No ginger is pumpkins
50. Statements:
All rings are bracelets. II. Some pumpkins are not gin-
All rabbits are swans
All pendants are bracelets. ger
Some rabbits are eagles
Conclusions:- All swans are ostriches 57. Statements:
I. Some bracelets are pendants. Conclusions: All mangoes are Guavas
II. All bracelets are bangles. I. Some ostriches are eagles Some Guavas are peaches
44. Statements:- II. All ostriches are rabbits. All peaches are pineapples
No teacher is engineer. 51. Statements: Conclusions:
All engineers are cooks. Some peas are brinjals I. All mangoes are pineapples
Some cooks are servants. Some brinjals are tomatoes II. No mango is pineapple
Conclusions:- All tomatoes are beans 58. Statements:
I. No servant is engineer. Conclusions: Some turnip are not hibiscus
II. Some servants are engineers. I. Some peas are tomatoes All hibiscus are roses
45. Statements:- II. Some beans are peas All roses are lilys
All wires are cables. 52. Statements: Conclusions:
No bulb is cable. Some garlics are not Chilli I. Some hibiscus are lilys
Some garlics are pumpkins II. Some Lilys are turnips
Some bulbs are switches.
All pumpkins are capsicums 59. Statements:
Conclusions: All sheeps are crabs
I. All switches are wires.
I. Som e capsic ums are Some sheeps are mosquitoes
II. No switches is wire.
garlics No mosquito is crocodile
46. Statements:
II. Some garlics are not capsi- Conclusions:
Some capsicums are turnips
cums. I. No crocodile is sheep
All turnips are onions
53. Statements: II. Some crabs are mosquitoes
Some onions are radishes
Some onions are corns 60. Statements:
No corns is spinach Some gorillas are chimpanzees
I. Some radishes are capsi-
No spinach is turnip No chimpanzee is camel
Conclusions: All camels are bears
II. Som e onions are cap si-
cums I. Some onions are not turnip Conclusions:
47. Statements: II. Some onions are not spin- I. Some bears are not chimpan-
ach. zee
Some spinaches are pears
54. Statements: II. Some gorillas are bears
All pears are mangoes
No pig is Gorilla 61. Statements:
All turnips are spinaches
No gorilla is swan All teachers are professors.


No professor is reader. possibility. No screw is a nut.
All readers are rectors. II. No tube is frame is a possi- Conclusions:
Conclusions: bility. I. Some tools are not screw.
I. No rector is teacher is a pos- 68. Statements:
II. Some hamme rs are not
sibility. Some rabbits are ants.
II. Some rector is not teacher All ants are pigeons.
No pigeon is butterfly. III. Some nuts are not tools.
is a possibility.
62. Statements: Conclusions: (a) None follows.
Some cities are towns. I. Some rabbits are butterfly is (b) Only I follows.
All towns are villages. a possibility. (c) Only II follows.
All villages are farmers. II. Some rabbits are not pigeons (d) Only III follows.
Conclusions: is a possibility.
(e) All follows.
I. All farmers are cities is a pos- 69. Statements:
No parrot is bird. 73. Statements:
II. Some cities are not farmers No bird is fly. Some parrots are not crow.
is a possibility. All files are insects. Some crows are not pigeons.
63. Statements: Conclusions: No pigeon is a koel.
All pins are storms. I. No parrot is fly is a possibil- Conclusions:
No storm is thunder. ity. I. Some koels are parrots.
Some thunders are cyclones. II. All insects are birds is a pos-
II. No koel is parrot.
Conclusions: sibility.
I. Some cyclones are pins is a 70. Statements: III. Some pigeons are not par-
possibility. All letters are black. rots.
II. No thunder is pin is a possi- No black is blue. (a) None follows.
bility. Some blue is green. (b) Only III follows.
64. Statements: Conclusions: (c) Only II follows.
No hills is mountain. I. Some letters are blue is a (d) Only either I or II follows.
All mountains are dams. possibility.
II. All letters are green is a pos- (e) All follows.
No dam is river.
Conclusions: sibility. 74. Statements:
I. Some hills are dams is a pos- Directions: In each question below Some coffees are tea.
sibility. are given three statements followed No tea is milk.
II. No hill is dam is a possibil- by three conclusions numbered I, II Some milks are not hot.
ity. and III. You have to take the given Conclusions:
65. Statements: statements to be true even if they
I. Some tea is not hot.
All books are magazines. seem to be at variance with com-
Some m agazines are note- monly known facts. Read all the con- II. All tea are hot.
books. clusions and then decide which of III. Some coffees are not milk.
Some notebooks are papers. the given conclusions logically fol- (a) Only I follows.
Conclusions: lows from the given statements, dis- (b) Only either I or II and III fol-
I. All books are papers is a pos- regarding commonly known facts. lows.
sibility. 71. Statements: (c) Only III follows.
II. Some magazines are papers No sweet is mint. (d) Only II follows.
is a possibility.
No mint is food. (e) All follows.
66. Statements:
No flower is branch. Some food are not diet. 75. Statements:
Some branches are roses. Conclusions: No stick is bat.
All roses are red. I. Some sweet are not food. Some bats are umbrellas.
Conclusions: II. Some diet are not sweet. Some umbrellas are not guns.
I. Some flower is red is a possi- III. Some mint are not diet. Conclusions:
(a) None follows. I. Some bats are not guns.
II. All flowers are red is a possi-
bility. (b) Only I and II follows. II. Some guns are not stick.
67. Statements: (c) Only III follows. III. Some umbrellas are not
All pictures are frames. (d) Only II follows. stick.
No frame is fan. (e) All follows. (a) Only II follows.
Some fans are tubes. 72. Statements: (b) Only III follows.
Conclusions: (c) Only I and II follows.
All tools are hammers.
I. Some fans are pictures is a
Some hammers are not screw. (d) Only I follows.


(e) None follows. (a) All follow Conclusions:
76. Statements: (b) Only I follows I. Som e Jharkhand is not
Some spiders are swans (c) Only II follows Har-yana
All swans are lotus (d) Only III follows II. Some Delhi is not Bihar
All lotus are roses (e) None follows III. Som e De lhi is not
Conclusions: 80. Statements: Jharkhand
I. Some roses are spiders All blackberrys are oranges (a) None follows
II. Some lotus are spiders Some oranges are peaches (b) Only I follows
III. All spiders are roses Some peaches are cauliflower (c) Only II follows
(a) All follow Conclusions: (d) Only III follows
(b) Only I follows I. Some blackberry are cauli- (e) All follow
(c) Only II follows flowers 84. Statements:
(d) Only III follows II. Some oranges are cauliflow- All Hindi is Greek
(e) Only I and II follow ers No greek is Bihar
77. Statements: III. No orange is cauliflower Some Bihar is Punjab
All oranges are onions (a) All follows Conclusions:
Some onions are tomatoes (b) Only I follows I. Some Hindi is Bihar
All tomatoes are spinaches (c) Only II follows II. No Hindi is Bihar
Conclusions: (d) Only either II or III follows III. Some Punjab is not Greek
I. All onions are spinaches (e) Only III follows (a) All follow
II. All oranges are spinaches 81. Statements: (b) Only I and II follow
III. Some spinaches are onions No boxing is Hindi (c) Only II and III follow
(a) All follow Some Hindi is Greek (d) Only I and III follow
(b) Only I follows Some Greek is English (e) None follows
(c) Only II follows Conclusions: 85. Statements:
(d) Only III follows I. Some Greek are not boxing Some marigolds are not grapes
II. Some Hindi is English Some grapes are oranges
(e) None of these
III. Some English is not boxing All oranges are papaya
78. Statements:
(a) All follow Conclusions:
No apple is coconut
(b) Only I follows I. No marigolds is orange
Some coconuts are mangoes
(c) Only II follows II. All grapes are papayas
All mangoes are pineapples
(d) Only III follows III. Some papayas are grapes
(e) None follows (a) All follow
I. Some pineapples are not
apple 82. Statements: (b) Only I follows
II. Some m angoes are not Some hockey is golf (c) Only II follows
apple Some golf is judo (d) Only III follows
III. Some coconuts are pine- All judo is swimming (e) None follows
apples Conclusions: 86. Statements:
(a) All follow I. Some golf is swimming All gorillas are peacocks
(b) Only I follow II. Some hockey is swimming Some peacocks are kites
(c) Only II follow III. Some hockey is judo No kite is eagle
(d) Only III follow (a) None follows Conclusions:
(e) None of these (b) Only I follows I. Som e pe acoc ks are not
79. Statements: (c) Only II follows eagle
No lion is rabbit (d) Only III follows II. All gorillas are kites
No rabbit is turtle (e) All follow III. No eagle is gorillas
Some turtles are zebras 83. Statements: (a) None follows
Conclusions: No Jharkhand is Bihar (b) Only I follows
I. Some zebras are not rabbit No Bihar is Haryana (c) Only II follows
II. No Lion is turtle All Haryana is Delhi (d) Only III follows
III. Some zebras are not lion (e) All follow


87. Statements: (c) Only II follows (a) None follow.
All carrots are corns (d) Only III follows (b) Only II and III follow.
No corn is brinjal (e) All follows (c) Only I and III follow.
Some brinjals are potatoes Directions: In each question below (d) Only I and IV follow.
Conclusions: are given three statements followed (e) All follow.
by four conclusions numbered I, II, 94. Statements:
I. No carrot is brinjal
III and IV. You have to take the given
II. Some potatoes are not corn Some DVDs are CDs.
statements to be true even if they
III. Some potatoes are not car- seem to be at variance with com- No CD is floppy.
rots monly known facts. Read all the con- Some floppies are pendrives.
(a) All follows clusions and then decide which of Conclusions:
(b) Only I follows the given conclusions logically fol- I. Some DVDs are floppy.
(c) Only II follow lows from the given statements, dis- II. Some CD are pendrives.
regarding commonly known facts.
(d) Only III follow III. Some pendrives are not CD.
91. Statements:
(e) None follow IV. Some DVDs are not floppy.
Some kings are soldiers.
88. Statements: (a) Only II and III follow.
All soldiers are warriors.
No swan is mosquito (b) Only I and III follow.
No warrior is sentry.
No mosquito is sheep (c) Only III and IV follow.
All sheeps are parrots (d) Only II and IV follow.
I. No king is a warrior.
Conclusions: (e) None of these.
II. Some sentries are not sol-
I. No swan is sheep 95. Statements:
II. No mosquito is parrot Some soldiers are honest.
III. Some kings are warriors.
III. Some parrots are not swan Some honest are Indian.
IV. Some sentries are kings.
(a) All follows All Indian are intelligent.
(a) All follow.
(b) Only I follows Conclusions:
(b) Only I and III follow.
(c) Only II follows I. No Indian is intelligent.
(c) Only II and IV follow.
(d) Only III follows II. Some intelligent are hon-
(d) Only II and III follow.
(e) None follow (e) None of these.
III. Some Indian are intelli-
89. Statements: 92. Statements: gent.
Some tigers are jackals Some shores are not trees. IV. Some soldiers are Indian.
All jackals are crocodiles Some trees are houses. (a) All follow.
No crocodile is camel No house is wood. (b) Only either are I or III and II fol-
Conclusions: Conclusions: low.
I. All tigers are crocodiles I. Some trees are not shores. (c) Only II and III follow.
II. No jackal is camel II. Some woods are not trees. (d) Only II and IV follow.
III. Some tigers are not camel III. Some trees are not woods. (e) None of these.
(a) None follows IV. No tree is shore. 96. Statement:
(b) Only I follows (a) None follow. No Goa is Kolkata
(c) Only II follow (b) Only II and IV follow. Some Kolkata is Mizoram
(d) Only III follows (c) Only III follow. All Mizoram is tennis
(e) Only II and III follows. (d) Only I and III follow. Conclusions:
90. Statements: (e) All follow. I. Some Mizoram is not Goa
All cricketers are footballers 93. Statements: II. No Goa is Mizoram
No footballer is judo Some scales are metals. III. Some Kolkata is tennis
Some judo is not hockey Some metals are weights. IV. No tennis is Goa
Conclusions: All weights are rings. (a) Only I and II follow
I. No hockey is cricketer Conclusions: (b) Only II and III follow
II. No cricketer is judo I. Some metals are rings. (c) Only I and III follow
III. No footballer is hockey II. No scale is weight. (d) Only III and IV follow
(a) None follows III. Some metals are not rings. (e) All follow
(b) Only I follows IV. Some rings are weights. 97. Statements:


All peacocks are cocks III. Some mangoes are fruit (e) None follows
All cocks are ducks IV. Some pineapples are not 104. Statements:
Some ducks are parrots fruit No marigold is flower
Conclusions: (a) Only I and II follow All flowers are fruits
I. All peacocks are ducks (b) Only II and III follow No fruit is tree
II. All cocks are parrots (c) Only II and IV follow Conclusions:
III. Some parrots are peacocks (d) Only II and IV follow I. No marigold is fruit
IV. All parrots are ducks (e) All follow II. Some fruits are not mari-
(a) All follow 101. Statements: gold
(b) Only I follows Some bottles are cups III. No flower is tree
(c) Only II follows All cups are plates IV. All flowers are trees
(d) Only III follows No plates are pocket (a) Only I and II follow
(e) Only IV follows Conclusions: (b) Only II and III follow
98. Statements: I. Some bottles are plates (c) Only III and IV follow
All tables are chairs II. All cups are pocket (d) Only II and IV
No chair is cup III. No cups is pocket (e) All follows
Some cups is plates IV. Some bottles are not pocket 105. Statements:
Conclusions: (a) Only I, II and III follow Some corn is not wheat
I. No table is cup (b) Only I, III and IV follow All wheat is rice
II. No chair is plate (c) Only II, III and IV follow No rice is jungle
III. Some chairs are not plates (d) Only I, II, IV follow Conclusions:
IV. Some plates are not chair (e) None follows I. No corn is rice
(a) All follows 102. Statements: II. Some corn is not rice
(b) Only I, II and III follow No mosquito is frog III. No wheat is jungle
(c) Only I, II and IV follow All frog are foxes IV. All wheat is jungle
(d) Only II, III and IV follow All foxes are camels (a) Only I follows
(e) None follows Conclusions: (b) Only II follows
99. Statements: I. No mosquito is fox (c) Only III follows
No Monday is day II. All frogs are camels (d) Only IV follows
Some days are holiday III. No camel is mosquito (e) None follows
All holidays are Sunday. IV. some mosquitoes are foxes 106. Statements:
Conclusions: (a) Only I, II and IV follow All papers are breads
I. No Monday is holiday (b) Only either I or IV and II fol- No bread is telephone
II. Some days are Sunday low Some telephones are wires
III. Some Sunday are not Mon- (c) Only II, III and IV follow Conclusions
day (d) Only I, III and IV follow I. No paper is telephone
IV. Some holiday are not Mon- (e) All follow II. All papers are telephones
day 103. Statements: III. No bread is wire
(a) Only I, II and III follow Some oranges are lemons IV. Some wires are not paper
(b) Only II, III and IV follow All lemons are bananas (a) Only I and II follow
(c) Only I, II and IV follow Some bananas are lotus (b) Only II and III follow
(d) Only I, III and IV follow Conclusions: (c) Only III and IV follow
(e) None follows I. Some oranges are bananas (d) Only I and IV follow
100. Statements: II. All lemons are lotus (e) All follow
Some sparrows are mangoes III. Some lotus are oranges 107. Statements:
Some mangoes are pineapples IV. Some lemons are lotus. No dog is fox
No pineapples are fruit (a) Only I follows No fox is elephant
Conclusions: (b) Only II follows Some elephants are town
I. Some sparrows are pine- (c) Only III follows Conclusions:
apples (d) Only IV follows I. No dog is elephant
II. Some mangoes are fruit


II. No fox is down (d) Only III follows II. Some desktops are radios.
III. Some towns are not fox (e) None follows 115. Statements:
IV. Some towns are not fox Directions:In each question No rat is horse.
(a) Only I follows below are given four statements fol- Some horses are monkeys.
(b) Only II follows lowed by two conclusions numbered All monkeys are cats.
I and II. You have to take the given
(c) Only III follows All cats are dogs.
statements to be true even if they
(d) Only IV follows seem to be at variance with com- Conclusions:
(e) None follows monly known facts. Read all the con- I. Some dogs are not rats.
108. Statements: clusions and then decide which of II. Some dogs are rats.
All buildings are huts the given conclusions logically fol- 116. Statement:
lows from the given statements, dis- All rabbits are horses
Some huts are small
regarding commonly known facts.
No small is village All horses are parrots
Give answer:
Conclusions: Some parrots are peacocks
(a) If only conclusion I follows.
I. All buildings are small No peacock is eagle
(b) If only conclusion II follows.
II. Some huts are villages Conclusions:
(c) If either conclusion I or II
III. Some huts are not villages I. No eagle is rabbit
IV. No village is building II. All rabbits are eagles
(d) If neither Conclusion I or II
(a) Only I follows follow. 117. Statements:
(b) Only II follows (e) If both conclusions I and II Some sparrows are parrots
(c) Only III follows follow. All parrots are kites
(d) Only IV follows 111. Statements: No kite is crane
(e) None follows No tree is green. Some cranes are ducks
109. Statements: All greens are fruits. Conclusions:
All peacocks are birds Some fruits are not flowers. I. Some ducks are sparrows
Some birds are not fly Some flowers are not yellow. II. Som e sp arrows are not
All flies are mosquitoes Conclusions: crane
Conclusions: I. Some yellow is not fruits. 118. Statements:
I. No peacocks is fly II. Some fruits are not yellow. All cauliflowers are brinjals
II. Some birds are mosquitoes 112. Statements: All brinjals are gingers
III. Some mosquitoes are not All people are good. No ginger is mango
peacock Some good is student. Some mangoes are pumpkins
IV. Some mosquitoes are flies. No student is bad. Conclusions:
(a) Only I follows Some bad is boy. I. Some pumpkins are not
(b) Only II follows Conclusions: cauliflower
(c) Only III follows I. Some good is not bad. II. All cauliflowers are gingers
(d) Only IV follows II. Some good is not boy. 119. Statements:
(e) None follows 113. Statements: Some snakes are spiders
110. Statements: All Physics are Maths. No spider is tiger
All Maths are English. All tigers are eagles
All rats are cats
Some English are Hindis. No eagle is dove
Some cats are dogs
Some Hindis are Urdu. Conclusions:
All cows are rats
Conclusions: I. Some snakes are not tiger
I. All Physics are English. II. No spider is dove
I. All rats are dogs
II. All cows are dogs II. All English are Physics. 120. Statements:
III. All cows are cats 114. Statements: No guava is papaya
IV. No cow is dog All radios are computers. Some papayas are oranges
(a) Only I and II follow All computers are laptops. All oranges are pineapples
(b) Only either II or IV and III fol- All laptops are desktops. No pineapple is watermelon
low Some desktops are mobiles. Conclusions:
(c) Only II and IV follow Conclusions: I. No guava is watermelon
I. Some mobiles are radios. II. Some pineapples are not


guava II. Some oranges are not mari- Some D’s are E’s
121. Statements: gold Conclusions :
Some sunflowers are roses 127. Statements: I. Some E’s are A’s
II. Some D’s are A’s
All roses are lotus No elephant is goat
III. Some D’s are not A’s
Some lotus are not jasmine Some goats are lions
(a) All follow
All jasmines are grapes All lions are deers
(b) Only either II or III follows
Conclusions: No deer is bear (c) Only III follows
I. Some sunflowers are not Conclusions: (d) Only I follows
jas m ine I. No bear is elephant (e) None of these
II. Some lotus are grapes II. Som e de ers are not el- 132. Statements:
ephant All lions are tigers
122. Statements:
Some tigers are goats
Some tables are trees 128. Statements:
All goats are horses
Some trees are jungles Some swans are ostriches Some horses are animals
All jungles are houses All ostriches are eagles Conclusions :
No house is building No eagle is hen I. Some horses are lions
Conclusions: All hens are cock II. Some lions are animals
III. Some tigers are horses
I. Some tables are buildings Conclusions:
(a) None follows
II. Some tables are not build- I. Some cocks are not ostrich (b) Only I follows
ing II. Some swans are not hen (c) Only II follows
123. Statements: 129. Statements: (d) Only III follows
All spinaches are radishes All potatoes are brinjal (e) All follow
All radishes are gingers No brinjal is garlic 133. Statements :
Some gingers are pumpkins Some garlics are onions Some disciplines are preachers
All preachers are saints
Some pumpkins are carrots All onions are pumpkins
Some saints are disciples
Conclusions: Conclusions: All disciples are rules
I. All spinaches are pumpkins I. Some pumpkins are not po- Conclusions :
II. All spinaches are carrots tato I. Some rules are disciplines
124. Statements: II. No brinjal is pumpkin II. Some disciples are disci-
All gorillas are jackals 130. Statements: plines
III. Some saints are disciplines
No jackal is rabbit No Sunday is Monday
(a) None follows
Some rabbits are turtles All Monday is holiday (b) Only I follows
No turtle is wolf Some holiday is Saturday (c) Only II follows
Conclusions: No Saturday is Tuesday (d) Only III follows
I. No gorilla is wolf Conclusions: (e) All follows
I. Som e Saturd ay are not 134. Statements :
II. No jackal is wolf
Sunday Some farmers are landlords
125. Statements: All landlords are labours
Some pigs are mice II. No Tuesday is Sunday
Some labours are merchants
No mouse is monkey Directions- In each of the ques- All merchants are business
tions below are given four state- Conclusions :
Some monkeys are horses
ments followed by three conclusions I. Some merchants are farm-
No horse is frog numbered I, II, and III. You have to ers
Conclusions: take the given statements to be true II. Some business are farmers
I. Some pigs are not frog even if they seem if to be at vari- III. Some merchants are not
II. Some pigs are not monkey ance with commonly known facts. farmers
Read all the conclusions and then (a) All follows
126. Statements:
decide which of the given conclu- (b) Only III follows
All marigolds are coconuts sions logically follows from the given (c) Only either I or III follows
Some coconuts are not guava statements disregarding commonly (d) Only II follows
All guavas are oranges known facts. (e) None of these
No orange is peach 131. Statements : 135. Statements :
All A’s are B’s All benches are trees
All B’s are C’s All trees are flowers
I. Som e coconuts are not Some C’s are D’s
peach All flowers are fruits


All fruits are rivers Conclusions: No book is copy
Conclusions : I. No duck is nest Conclusions:
I. All rivers are benches II. No bird is duck I. Some books are not ink
II. All fruits are benches
III. Some sparrows are not nest II. Some pens are not copy
III. All flowers are benches
(a) None follows (a) All follow III. No copy is ink
(b) Only I follows (b) Only I and II follow (a) All follow
(c) Only II follows (c) Only II and III follow (b) Only I and II follow
(d) Only III follows (d) Only I and III follow (c) Only II and III follow
(e) All follows
(e) None of these (d) Only I and III follow
136. Statement:
138. Statements: (e) None follows
All golds are silvers
Some fishes are frogs 140. Statements:
Some silvers are diamonds
No frog is kingfisher All watermelons are peaches
No diamond is ring
All kingfishers are sparrows No peach is mango
All rings are tins
Some sparrows are swans Some mangoes are grapes
Conclusions: No grape is apple
I. Some tins are golds
I. Some fishes are sparrows Conclusions:
II. Some silvers are tins
II. Some swans are not frog I. No watermelon is apple
III. Some silvers are not ring
III. All kingfishers are swans II. No peach is apple
(a) All follow
(a) None follows III. Some m angoes are not
(b) Only I follows
(b) Only I follows apple
(c) Only II follows
(c) Only II follows (a) None follows
(d) Only III follows
(d) Only III follows (b) Only I follows
(e) None of these
(e) All follow (c) Only II follows
137. Statements:
139. Statements: (d) Only III follows
No nest is bird
No ink is pen (e) All follow
All birds are pigeons
Some pens are pencils
All pigeons are sparrows
All pencils are books
No sparrow is duck



1. (d) 21. (e) 41. (e) 61. (a) 81. (b) 101. (b) 121. (d)
2. (a) 22. (b) 42. (c) 62. (e) 82. (b) 102. (b) 122. (c)
3. (d) 23. (a) 43. (a) 63. (a) 83. (c) 103. (a) 123. (d)
4. (d) 24. (e) 44. (c) 64. (e) 84. (c) 104. (b) 124. (d)
5. (d) 25. (e) 45. (d) 65. (e) 85. (d) 105. (c) 125. (b)
6. (a) 26. (a) 46. (b) 66. (e) 86. (b) 106. (d) 126. (d)
7. (b) 27. (b) 47. (d) 67. (b) 87. (a) 107. (*) 127. (b)
8. (d) 28. (e) 48. (b) 68. (e) 88. (e) 108. (c) 128. (e)
9. (c) 29. (a) 49. (e) 69. (a) 89. (e) 109. (d) 129. (a)
10. (e) 30. (a) 50. (a) 70. (b) 90. (c) 110. (d) 130. (d)
11. (d) 31. (b) 51. (d) 71. (a) 91. (d) 111. (d) 131. (b)
12. (a) 32. (e) 52. (a) 72. (a) 92. (c) 112. (a) 132. (d)
13. (a) 33. (e) 53. (b) 73. (d) 93. (d) 113. (a) 133. (d)
14. (d) 34. (a) 54. (b) 74. (b) 94. (c) 114. (b) 134. (c)
15. (a) 35. (a) 55. (a) 75. (b) 95. (c) 115. (a) 135. (a)
16. (a) 36. (e) 56. (b) 76. (e) 96. (c) 116. (d) 136. (d)
17. (b) 37. (a) 57. (d) 77. (d) 97. (b) 117. (b) 137. (c)
18. (c) 38. (b) 58. (a) 78. (a) 98. (*) 118. (e) 138. (a)
19. (a) 39. (e) 59. (b) 79. (b) 99. (b) 119. (a) 139. (b)
20. (a) 40. (b) 60. (a) 80. (d) 100. (*) 120. (b) 140. (d)
98.Only I, IV and either II or III follow
100. Only IV follow
107. Only III and IV follow

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