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Hunger Games Introduction PPT NAME: ________________________________

As you view the slideshow, fill in the blanks or answer the questions below.
1. The winner of the reality TV show is showered with gifts such as a new

________________, ___________________ for life, and a

______________________ mentoring new _______________________ each year.

2. What happens to the loser(s)? ___________________________________________

3. _________-year old ______________________ Everdeen finds herself in a no-win

situation: Save her _____________________________________ and lose her own

life, or save _________________________ at their expense.

4. Who is the author of The Hunger Games trilogy? ____________________________

5. She began writing for ____________________________ television shows before

writing her first novel, _____________________________________________.

6. How was the author inspired to write The Hunger Games? _____________________


7. She was also influenced by ___________________________________, especially

the story of _______________________________________________________.

8. What else contributed to her inspiration? ___________________________________


9. Based on these clues, what do you think the book will be about? ________________



10. Time period of the story: _______________________________________________

11. Place (former continent): ______________________________________________

12. What happened to the land? ____________________________________________


13. The new country is called ______________________________________.

1 Introduction to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Handout © Hunger Games Lessons, 2011
Hunger Games Introduction PPT NAME: ________________________________

14. The country consists of ___________ districts surrounding the

_______________________ city.

15. The districts are a _________________________________ society.

16. The Capitol is a _________________________________ society.

17. A ________________________ is a fictional society characterized by human

misery, _____________________________, disease, and


18. A __________________________ is a fictional society that is ideally

_________________________: free from _____________________________ and


19. Why are the district citizens being punished by the Capitol? ___________________



20. The Capitol is located in the ____________________________ mountains, which

provided a natural protection for the __________________________ from the



21. Each district has its own ______________________________ that provides for the

people of the Capitol.

22. Think about it: How would you feel if you worked all day long only to see the fruit of

your labor go to other people’s families, while yours starved? __________________


23. What happened to the 13th district and why? _______________________________


24. DISTRICT 12 location: _________________________________ mountains

2 Introduction to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Handout © Hunger Games Lessons, 2011
Hunger Games Introduction PPT NAME: ________________________________

25. What is significant about this mountain range? _____________________________


26. District 12’s industry is ____________________________________________.

27. What happened to Katniss’s father? ______________________________________


28. What happened to Katniss’s mother? _____________________________________


29. How did Katniss feed her family? ________________________________________


30. Who participates? ____________________________________________________

31. How is a competitor chosen? ___________________________________________


32. What is the object of the Games, and how is that achieved? ___________________


33. What is the purpose of The Hunger Games? _______________________________



34. If you are poor and have little food, what can you do to get food? _______________


35. Think about it: Why would the Capitol want you to depend on them for food? _____



3 Introduction to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Handout © Hunger Games Lessons, 2011
Hunger Games Introduction PPT NAME: ________________________________

36. Think about it: Who do you think the poor citizens start to resent? Why? ________


37. How does this benefit the Capitol? _______________________________________


READ CHAPTER 1 of The Hunger Games before continuing on.


Who is...
1. Katniss Everdeen: _____________________________________________________

2. Primrose Everdeen: ___________________________________________________

3. Gale Hawthorne: ______________________________________________________

4. Mrs. Everdeen: _______________________________________________________

5. Greasy Sae: _________________________________________________________

6. Madge Undersee: _____________________________________________________

7. Mr. Undersee: ________________________________________________________

8. Effie Trinket: _________________________________________________________

9. Haymitch Abernathy:


4 Introduction to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Handout © Hunger Games Lessons, 2011
Hunger Games Introduction PPT NAME: ________________________________

10. Peacekeepers: ______________________________________________________

5 Introduction to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Handout © Hunger Games Lessons, 2011
Hunger Games Introduction PPT NAME: ________________________________

Discussion Points: Part One

Slide 34: Would you volunteer for a sibling? Why or why not?

Slide 35: • How do the district 12 citizens address Katniss when she volunteers for
• What does this gesture symbolize?
• What gestures do we use today that might have similar meanings?

Slide 37: What do the woods symbolize to Katniss and Gale?

Slide 39: Discuss the symbolism of the arrow-shaped Katniss plant (also known as
arrowroot). See my “Food symbolism” file for more details.

Slide 44: Describe the Capitol. How is it different from District 12?

Slide 45: What can you infer about the Capitol citizens based on their behavior and
appearance? How do they view (and treat) the district citizens/tributes?

Slide 46: • What is your impression of President Snow?

• The Capitol citizens?
• The stylists? Prep team?
• How do they view the Games?
• In our current society, who would Capitol citizens be most like? Why?

Slide 48: The Girl Who Was on Fire (shown before they are engulfed in flames):
• What do you think of Katniss and Peeta’s Opening Ceremony outfits?
• Why might this be an effective slogan for Katniss?

Slide 49: Opening Ceremony: Does this event remind you of other events from history
or present time? Why?

Slide 50: • How does the Capitol crowd react to the District 12 tributes?
• How might this help them during the Games?

Slide 52: • How do you picture the Capitol’s hovercraft and train?
• Create your own depiction.

6 Introduction to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Handout © Hunger Games Lessons, 2011
Hunger Games Introduction PPT NAME: ________________________________

Slide 53: Compare the characters from the novel to the characters from the movie.
• Which characters were left out?
• Which characters had larger roles than you expected?
• Were the characters portrayed the way you imagined them?

Slide 54: • What strategy does Haymitch suggest for Katniss and Peeta during training?
• How does it set them apart from the other tributes?
• Do you think it will be effective? Why or why not?

Slide 55: How does Katniss shock the Gamemakers?

Slide 56: • Why do you think Peeta wants to train separately?

• What does Peeta mean when he says he doesn’t want to be a “piece in their

Slide 58: What do you think Peeta’s motivation is for declaring his love for Katniss?
Do you think he really loves her? Why or why not?

Discussion Points: Part Two

Slide 62: Which tributes would you sponsor or place bets on?

Slide 63: • What does a Cornucopia symbolize in the fall?

• What does it symbolize in the novel?

Slide 66: • What is Katniss’s biggest obstacle, in your opinion?

• Finding food & water? The Careers? Peeta? The Gamemakers’ weapons? Others?

Slide 67: • How do the Gamemakers intervene during the Hunger Games?
• Do you think it is playing fairly? Why or why not?

Slide 68: • Why does Katniss decide to ally with Rue?

• What are Rue’s strengths?
• How do the two tributes compliment one another?
• What do we learn about district 11 through Rue?
• Does that change your opinion of district 12? Why or why not?
• What strategy do they formulate to defeat the Careers?

7 Introduction to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Handout © Hunger Games Lessons, 2011
Hunger Games Introduction PPT NAME: ________________________________

Slide 69: • What does it mean to “rue” the day?

• How might that saying apply here?
• The flower rue: What might it symbolize?

Slide 71: • Re-read the lyrics to the song (p. 234-235).

• What is the speaker’s message to the listener?
• Compare the lyrics with Taylor Swift’s “Safe and Sound.”
• How are they similar? Different?

Discussion Points: Part Three

Slide 74: The Rule Change
• What motivates Katniss to try to find Peeta? Is it for her own gain or well-being, or

Slide 75: • Why does Katniss try to help Peeta?

• If the rule hadn’t changed, would she have tried to find and save his life? Why or
why not?

Slide 76: The green and silver moth… • What type of moth could this be?
• What do you think it symbolizes?

Slide 78: The Wolf Muttations

• What makes these Capitol-created creatures most disturbing?
• Are they effective as a weapon? Why?
• Do you think the eyes the real eyes of the tributes? Why or why not?

Slide 79: Author’s Purpose

• As Cato is dying, how does Katniss feel about him?
• How has this changed from the beginning of the Games?
• How do YOU feel about Cato’s death?
• What message might the author want you to take from this?

Slide 81: Research the word: Panem

What does it mean? How does it apply here?

Slide 82: THINK ABOUT…

• What would happen if the Capitol citizens were no longer entertained? Or happy?
• Would they remain loyal to The Capitol? What would happen then?
• How is this similar to modern-day politics? Do politicians today make promises to

8 Introduction to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Handout © Hunger Games Lessons, 2011
Hunger Games Introduction PPT NAME: ________________________________

ensure support?
• What motivates a citizen to remain loyal to a leader?

Slide 84: On the count of three…

• Do you think Katniss would have swallowed the berries?
• Was she just acting, or was she really willing to go through with killing herself?
• Do you think Peeta was acting?
• Would he have let Katniss kill herself?
• Why or why not?

Slide 86: • Is she able to completely transform back to her old self?
• What has changed in her life? How has she changed?
• Who has she hurt by her actions?
• What will the consequences of her actions be?
• How will (or do) those people react?

Slide 87: Think about…

• How will Gale react to Katniss when she returns?
• How will their friendship change?
• Will she continue to hunt in the woods now that she is a Victor?
• What will her relationship with Peeta be like?
• Will there be consequences to her act of defiance during the Games?
• What happens on the Victory Tour?
• How will the other districts feel toward Katniss and Peeta? (Especially those
in districts 1, 2, and 11?)
• How well will she do as a mentor to new tributes?

© 2012, Hunger Games Lessons ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

9 Introduction to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Handout © Hunger Games Lessons, 2011

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