Ll-Bag Technique State The Materials / PURPOSE

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ll-Bag technique

State the materials / PURPOSE

 Paper lining  Disposable syringes with  Test tube holder
 Extra paper for making bag needles (G23 and G25)  Medicines:
for waste materials (paper  Hypodermic needles (G19, 22,  *Betadine
bag) 23, 25)
 Plastic linen/lining  Sterile dressings (OS)  *Spirit of ammonia
 Apron  Sterile cord tie
 Hand towel in plastic bag  Adhesive plaster  *70% alcohol
 Soap in a soap dish  Dressing (OS, cotton ball)
 Thermometers in case (one  Alcohol lamp  *Acetic acid
oral and rectal)  Tape measure  *Ophthalmic ointment
 2 pairs of scissors (1 surgical  Baby’s scale (antibiotic)
and 1 bandage)  1 pair of rubber gloves  *Benedict’s solution
 2 pairs of forceps (curved and  2 test tubes  *Zephiran solution
straight)  *Hydrogen peroxide

What is?
Bag technique- a tool making use of public health bag through which the nurse, during his/her home visit, can perform
nursing procedures with ease and deftness, saving time and effort with the end in view of rendering effective nursing care.

Public health bag- is an essential and indispensable equipment of the public health nurse which he/she has to carry along
when he/she goes out home visiting. It contains basic medications and articles which are necessary for giving care.
Baby weighing scale Cord clam
*FLAP Test tubes and test tube holder
Receptacle *TOP CENTER Last Part:
Paper lining Soap in a soap dish
Paper waste bag in pocket of bag Hand towel (2pcs) 1. Handwash
2. Document the
procedures/Relevant findings
*FRONT OF THE BAG Kidney basin 3. Discuss when will be the next
Oral and rectal thermometer
Medicine dropper
*BACK OF THE BAG Surgical scissors
70% alcohol Curved and straight forceps
Ammonia Sterile OS
Betadine Tape measure
Hydrogen peroxide Bandage (roller)
Benedict’s solution Syringes and needles
Cotton applicator
*CENTER OF THE BAG Sterile cotton balls
Medicine glass Adhesive plaster
4. When washing with water: 6. State the principles/rationale
(Surgical) From Hands to behind a specific action.
elbow or Greater to lesser
To avoid Contamination:
(Clean/ Aseptic) Elbow to
Hands or Lesser to Greater  Keep hands above the elbow
Handwashing 5. Do not move arms back and and Away from scrub attire
1. Defines Handwashing forth the water, just to one and non – sterile surfaces
side, and don’t go back.
It is an act of cleaning the hands with 6. Allow water to sink off from
water and soap / or alcohol for the your arm. (Do not shake and
purpose of removing soil or wave hands to remove water) 5 MOMENTS
microorganisms to prevent cross 7. Dry with a sterile towel 1. Before touching the patient
contaminations. 2. Before doing the aseptic
2. State the purposes procedure
4. Identify materials/equipment 3. After exposure to anybody
To cleanse hands from needed. fluid
contamination of pathogens (like 4. After touching the patient
bacteria and viruses) or chemicals Types of Handwashing
5. After touching the
that can cause disease from patient 1. Alcohol-based rub– Material: surroundings
to nurse and nurse to patient. Alcohol
3. Enumerate special 2. Surgical Hand Hygiene /
considerations. Antisepsis– (Greater to
Lesser) Materials: Orange
1. Remove all jewelry tape, Brush, povidone-Iodine,
2. Inspect hand and nails if: Paper towel/ Sterile towel,
 free of cuts and Nail pick
wounds 3. Antiseptic Handwash –
 Nails must not extend (Lesser to Greater) Material:
past the fingertips Water, Soap, Paper
3. 90-degree angle elbow towel/Sterile towel
It should not have folds because it
may cause irritation and breakage.

Gloving Technique
2 types of Sterile Gloving
 Open Glove Technique
Definition:  Close Glove Technique
Sterile or fitted coverings for the
hands, usually with a separate sheath
for each finger and thumb. Clean
gloves are worn to protect the health
care personnel from urine, stool,
blood, saliva, and drainage from
wounds and lesions of patients.
 Wore when there is contact
with sterile instruments or a
patient’s sterile part.

 To provide a barrier that
prevents the transfer of
microorganisms to surgical
 To protect the nurse from the
patient’s blood and exudates
during the procedure.
time of day, in women, the stage of Is the number of breaths a person
the menstrual cycle. takes per minute. Measured when a
person is in rest. By counting how
Normal: 97.8 F (36.5 C) – 99 F (37.2
Vital Signs many times the chest rises.
Definition: Considerations:
Pulse Rate:
Also called cardinal signs, these are  When checking respiration, it
This is the measurement of the heart
the indicators of health status, as is important to note if the
rate or the number of times the
these indicate the effectiveness of person has any difficulty in
heartbeats per minute. As the heart
circulatory, respiratory, neural, and breathing.
pushes blood through, the arteries
endocrine body functions. expand and contract with the flow of Normal: 12-16 breaths per minute
Measurement of the body’s most blood.
basic functions. Taking a pulse not only measures the
Blood Pressure:
1. Body Temperature heart rate but also indicates the
2. Pulse Rate Heart rhythm and Strength of the Hypotension: occurs when blood
3. Respiration Rate (Rate of pulse. pressure drops below the normal
Breathing) range. 90/60 mm Hg or below.
Normal: Adult 60-100 beats per
4. Blood Pressure minute Hypertension: also called high blood
5. Pain
pressure, is blood pressure that is
Child ?? beats per minute
higher than normal.
Tachycardia – a faster than normal
Purpose: Categories:
heart rate. Heart rate over 100 beats
per minute. Normal:
Systolic less than 120
Body Temperature: Bradycardia - a slower than normal
Diastolic less than 80 (120/80)
heart rate. Heart rates fewer than 60
Varies depending on gender, recent times a minute.
activity, food and fluid consumptions, Elevated:
Respiration Rate: Systolic of 120 to 129
Diastolic less than 80
Stage 1:
Whatever the experiencing person
Systolic is 130 to 139
says it is and exists in parts.
Diastolic between 80 to 89
Self-report is the most reliable
Stage 2: indication of pain.
Systolic is 140 or higher
The patient is asked to tell the
Diastolic is 90 or higher
intensity of pain in range 1-10.
Considerations: 1 is the lowest and 10 as the highest.
Before measuring blood pressure
according to American Heart
 Don’t smoke or drink coffee
30 minutes before taking BP
 Go to the bathroom before
taking BP
 Relax 5 minutes
 Sit with back supported
 Keep feet on the floor
 Take multiple readings (One
minute apart)

 Record date, time, and blood

 Take bp the same time every
Kapag nagmemeasure ng fundic UMBILICAL GRIP
height from symphysis pubis
hangang fundus hindi xiphoid
process sabi ni mam joan, mali yung
Leopolds Maneuver
Pwede daw mameasure ang Fundic PAWLIKS GRIP
The Leopold maneuvers are used to height kahit walang tape measure.
palpate the gravid uterus TO DETERMINE THE ENGAGEMENT
Bartolome methodsdsds ewan ko di
systematically. This method of OF THE HEAD OF THE FETUS
ko na tanda. Sana di itanong di ko
abdominal palpation is of low cost, mahanap sa net e 4TH MANEUVER
easy to perform, and non-invasive.
It is used to determine the position,
presentation, and engagement of the THE ATTITUDE OF THE FETUS
fetus in utero.

Considerations: 1ST MANEUVER

 Rub hands to become warm FUNDAL GRIP
 Empty bladder of the patients
 Dorsal Recumbent (To relax
Body Mechanics
Instruments Used:
instrument, similar to a used to grasp very small objects
hemostat, used by doctors and when are too large.
surgeons to hold a suturing
Bandage scissor - This helps in
needle for closing wounds
cutting bandages without
during suturing and surgical
gouging the skin.
Thumb Forcep - are used for
Mayo scissor - Mayo scissor is
grasping, holding or
used to cut thick tissues such as
manipulating body tissue. They
Vaginal Speculum - is a those found in the uterus,
are non-ratchet style. For
medical device that allows muscles, breast, and foot.
example, you could use thumb
physicians and health providers Sponge holder- Sponge Holder forceps to hold or move tissue
to better view a woman's cervix is commonly used to hold a during surgery or to move
and vagina during pelvic exams. swab, which can be used to dressings.
Vaginal Retractor - aids in the clean and prep the skin
Tissue Forcep - Tissue forceps
visualization of the interior of Kelly Forcep Curve- Kelly are used in surgical procedures
the vagina during gynecological Hemostatic Forceps are for grasping tissue
and obstetrical procedures and primarily used for clamping
examinations. Episiotomy scissors - The
large blood vessels or
midwife or obstetrician may
Stitch Scissor - allow manipulating heavy
decide to make a surgical cut to
cutting/segregation of tissues tissue/straight
the perineum with scissors or a
and cutting of sutures during Kelly Forcep Straight - (also scalpel to make the baby's birth
ophthalmic procedures. called mosquito forceps when easier and prevent severe tears
Needle holder - also called they are smaller) are a general that can be difficult to repair.
needle driver, is a surgical purpose EMS and surgical tool
Maternity Pad - Special  Observe condition of
maternity pads can help absorb Perineum
the heavier bleeding while still People needs:
keeping you comfortable and
 Post Partum
secure while you recover from  Bed read
delivery.  Contains stool and urinary
When Performing:
 Provide privacy and dignity,
Perineal Care:  Standard precaustions. Clean
Definition: front to back
 Clean catheter from meatus
Cleaning the genital area to prevent out
infection and odor and improve  Retract and clean foreskin of
comfort uncircumcised mae
Routine aprt of complete bed bath,  Separate labia of female
but also as needed between baths  Provide comfort with warm
especially for incontinence, diarrhea, water, being gentle, and
and skin irritation or discharge rinsing well.
 Know when to change gloves,
water, and wash cloths.
 Clean vulva and Perineum
 Promote healing
 Prevent infection
 Make woman comfortable
 Stimulate micturition
Dry Sterile Towel

Sterile Gloves

Warm water
Antiseptic Solution / Betadine

Bed pan


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