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Platanos x Sisinel Smut Fanfic

Bottom!Sisinel || Top!Platanos
Human!Sisinel || Human!Platanos

It was a new day in the camp. We heard that there's this new person coming here and I was
pretty surprised, because not a lot of people come here.
My face dropped when I heard his name. His name was Platanos. Could he be my old
Tomorrow he will show up, I really wonder if it’s gonna be him.

**next day**

The day has come. I will finally see if it’s actually him

“Greetings, I'm platanos.” I hear a deep, kinda seductive voice that I instantly recognize. So it
is indeed him. God, I hope he doesn't recognize me.

Then I see him staring at me, looking a little mad. I decide to look up, making direct eye
contact with him

“Oh, so you’re here? God, gimme a break, I don’t wanna see you here” He said in an angry

I wanted to punch him so bad. It's been more than 7 months since I saw him in front of me. I
can't even remember what made us hate each other.

I only remember the day when I slapped him because he replaced me with Năsosu.

I was mad. He hated me a lot after that day. I didn't even want to see him anymore and
neither did he wanted to.

We distanced a lot and we also blocked each other on social media.

But then I had to go to this camp for the rest of my life, probably…

My parents never told me why I'm going to this camp and for how much time but now I'm
here for 3 years and I kinda understand now that I'm gonna stay here my entire life.

"Guys, form a line in front of me!! Alright, good. BOB I TOLD U TO STOP EATING ROCKS."
said the leader of the camp.

Everyone lined up in a straight line in front of the leader. I was pretty far away from Platanos
since there are 200 people in this camp.

" Today you will be doing a film/movie with a partner I'm gonna choose for you. "

I hear people talking everywhere. A lot of whispers.

"What type of film??"
"So we can't do the film together?"

I agree, I didn't like the fact that he will choose who we will do the project with but I honestly
don't even have with who to do the film since Vio and Năsosu don't really want to do it with
me because as they said I'm "not a good partner for projects". I mean.. they ARE kinda right.

"Okay, so you guys will choose the type of movie you'll make. Starting with the pairs…"

"Vio with Bob."

"Yoon with Woo"
"Bum with Sang"
"Năsosu with Alex"
"Rareș with Petrică"
"Giulia with Maria"
"Kaylee with Jacob"

And finally…

"Platanos with…"

Please don't be me please don't be me. Don't say my name.


This is bullshit.

"Now go to one of your rooms and think of what type of movie you'll make."

Everyone went inside with their project partner.

Me and Platanos were the only ones left.

"So.. In which room do we go?" I asked.

Platanos trying to avoid eye contact said:

"We can go to my room."

I was kinda panicking at that moment. And at THAT right moment the memory of why we
distanced so much popped up in my head.

I was very good friends with Platanos before. I started catching feelings for him. I planned on
confessing to him. But right on that day he replaced me with Năsosu. He still didn't tell me
why he did it.

We entered his room and sat on his bed. It was complete silence.
Oh god, l was in a room only with Platanos? That wasn’t gonna end well, we both knew it.
Ignoring the fear I had within me, I asked:

“So, what did we have to do again?”

“We need to make a movie.” Platanos answers in an annoyed tone.

“And what will this movie be about?” I continue questioning.

“I don’t know.” He simply said.

After that, there was an awkward silence. We both didn't know what to do. I was still thinking
about why he replaced me with Năsosu 8 months ago. I decided that I either ask him now, or
I never ask about it.

“So, why did you replace me with Năsosu?” I whisper.

“What did you say?” he asked.

I repeat my words. He gives me a shocked face. That shocked face became an angry one
and he remained at that. I sighed, knowing I shouldn't have asked. But still, my feelings for
Platanos were still there, I couldn’t simply ignore them. I had to ask him about it.

“Well you see, I replaced you with him because I thought he was better than you. I thought
that he could do more things than you. And I found out I was wrong. He secretly hated me,
he never listened to me when I needed him. But you, Sisinel, you always listened to me
when I needed it most and I wanna thank you.”

What is he on? He’s suddenly thanking me? Did he realize his mistakes? Did he realize that
Năsosu wasn’t actually better than me?

“Y-You’re thanking me? What are you on, Platanos, what’s gotten into you?” I ask him, very
confused about the situation.

“To keep it simple, I realized my past mistakes. I wanted to talk with you about it for a while
now, but I never had the perfect chance. I am really sorry I hurt you Sisinel, I truly am sorry.
Is there any way I can make up for my past mistakes?”

There is.

“There isn’t.” I say.

“Are you sure?”

No, I am not.

“Yeah, I guess”
I should tell him. No, I shouldn't. It’s now or never! What if he likes me? There’s no way for
that to happen. There’s no way he still likes me. We are enemies, enemies can’t love each
other, can they?

“Sisinel please tell me if there’s any way I can make it up to you, like I said I truly feel bad for
my past actions, I don't want us to be enemies anymore.”

I had to say it..

“Would you do anything?”


“So, make out with me then?”

The silence filled the room. He was surprised to hear what I said, it was obvious, since I saw
his face.

"Wait.. what?" He asked.

Did I really have to repeat that?..

"I said.. make out with me."

He looked at me shocked.

"Could you.. like… repeat that?" asked again.

Is he fucking deaf or something??

I pushed him on top of me, bringing his lips to mine, in a soft kiss.

His lips were really softer than I thought. I was surprised to see his eyes closed, slightly
blushing while his soft lips were against mine. We made out for a hot minute, then we pulled
out for air.

..huff...puff….huff… that was nicer than expected.

After that short break for air, I lean in to kiss him again, this time, slightly biting his lip,
making him moan. The second his mouth was open, I added my tongue, exploring him.

We fought for dominance, until he won. He pinned me to the bed, ripping my t-shirt off of me.
his hands traveled around my slim body, making me shiver a little.

“Are you cold?” He asked me in a gentle tone.

“N-No, I’m alright” I assure him.

"Alright then." He replied while pressing wet kisses against my neck. I slightly whimper
against his gentle touch.

I didn’t even realize when his hands traveled down to my pants,slightly massaging in
between my legs. God, that felt so nice. He undoes my pants,trying to throw them on a chair,
landing on the floor instead. He then lightly bites my neck, then stops. He looks up to me,
then goes to my ear and whispers.

“May I?”

“May you what?” I ask teasingly.

“Don’t tease me slut. May I mark my new property?”

O-oh..I definitely wasn't expecting that.


Platanos lightly bites my earlobe, then goes back to my neck. He starts biting it, earning a
moan from me. Will that become a hickey? As I let him continue marking me, I feel his strong
palm on my nipple.

Why is it feeling so good?

His mouth went lower, leaving trails of wet kisses against my chest, until he reached my left
nipple. From there, he took it in his mouth, nibbling and slightly biting it. After giving the
same attention to my other one, he continued leaving kisses, until he reached my boxers. He
once again asked for consent, which I loved. After giving him my consent, he removed my
boxers, revealing my penis.

Platanos spat on his hand, then he placed it on my dick.

“Does that feel good, my slut?” He asked in a gentle, yet not-so-gentle tone.

“Yes.. just like that. ” I say, praising him.

I see him blush, then, he starts stroking me faster, while making lewd faces, turning me on
even more. His hands on my member felt so heavenly, his kisses were like a sweet poison, it
was like I was stuck in a spell.

“God, Platanos, I’m close!” I moan.

He picks up the pace, using both hands now.

“Mmh, ah fuck, I'm cumming!” I say.

He places his mouth on my dick, removing his hands from my penis. Platanos starts giving
me a blowjob, overstimulating me. He slurps all my juices, swallowing them. The lewd sound
of him almost choking on my dick filling the room.

God, why is he so good at this?

He starts giving me a handjob again, while biting my neck, leaving slight marks. I cum for the
second time and he decides that I should pleasure him as well. He turns me, making me
face the wall, with my ass up. He then wets his dick with saliva, then he thrusts in me, at a
slow pace.

It doesn’t hurt like everyone says it does, I feel pure pleasure. I hear Platanos moan my
name, turning me on.

“Let me ride you.” I say, confident.

“You want to..what?”

“I want to ride your dick.” I repeat myself.

“Alright, then, pretty boy, come to me.” He says.

I position myself on him and then I let myself go down his full length, starting to bounce on
him. I see his eyes locked on me, making me blush and whine. Platanos giggles, holding my
waist. I lower myself so I can kiss him. He feels so good in me. We both moan in pleasure.

“Sisinel, I’m close.” Platanos says as he thrusts in deeper inside me “I’m gonna cum, fuck…”
I hear Platanos say as he releases himself inside me. I then remove myself from his dick, so
I can clean him.

I then get next to him, hugging me close to me, never wanting to let go of him.

“Platanos, will you be my boyfriend?” I ask.

“Yes Sisinel, I would love to.” He says “Now, let’s sleep, we’ll do the movie tomorrow

Probably The End

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