Caitanya Mahaprabhu Canvassed Door To Door

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Indian man (1): But mat-para people are very seldom available.

Prabhupāda: No. How do you know? If you do not know what is

the meaning of mat-para, how you can say "seldom"? Do you
know what is mat-para? Unless you know who is mat-para, how
you can say like that? You have no knowledge. Mat-para means a
simple thing: one who has fully surrendered to Kṛṣṇa. That's all.
This is very seldom? There are so many. But you have decided
"seldom." Why seldom? Here you see so many young men, our
association. They are fully surrendered to Kṛṣṇa. They do not
know anything else than Kṛṣṇa. So why it is seldom? You won't
take. That is your fault. Rather, they are coming to you. They are
canvassing. But you are so stubborn, you'll not take it. That is
your fault. They are canvassing door to door. Why do you say, "It
is seldom"? It is very easily available. But you won't take. That is
your fault. Caitanya Mahāprabhu personally came, and He
canvassed door to door. He sent His men door to door. We are
sending all over the world. But you do not come. Mat-para is not
seldom. At least at the present moment, it has become very easily
available. But you don't take. That is your fault. (break)

(Conversation - Hrishikesh - ”77-05-13)

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