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Modern Montessori School

Vocabulary (2)

Name:__________________ Date: ____________________

Grade Six (A – B – C – D – E – F )

Study the following vocabulary

1. impertinent: impolite; rude and not showing respect for somebody who is older or more important

2. vengeance : revenge

3. abominably: in a way that is extremely unpleasant

4. plucky: having a lot of courage; being very determined; brave

5. hastily: very quickly, because you are in a hurry, especially when this has bad results

6. fortnight: two weeks

7. fussy: too concerned about having things exactly as you want them; hard to please

8. longing: a strong feeling of wanting something/somebody

9. conceited : being too proud of yourself and what you do

10. flourish : to grow well; to be healthy and happy

A. Use the following words in meaningful sentences

1. fortnight:_________________________________________________________________________

2. hastily:_________________________________________________________________________
B. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box below to make each sentence complete.

flourish - longing - fortnight - impertinent - conceited - fussy - abominably -

hastily - vengeance - plucky

1. Would it be __________________ to ask why you're leaving?

2. He sought __________________ against those who had humiliated his country.

3. The child was __________________ rude to the guests, so he was sent to his room for the rest of the

4. The __________________ preschooler stood up to the bully who was taking his friend's lunch.

5. He __________________ stuffed a few clothes into a bag, and then went to his friend’s house.

6. Rather than just stay one week, some hotels offer a discount if you remain for a __________________.

7. Our teacher is very __________________ about punctuation.

8. She felt a deep sense of loneliness and __________________ to go back home.

9. It's very _________________ of you to assume that your work is always the best.

10. These plants __________________in a damp climate.

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