Reading and Writing Skills Activity Sheet.

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Republic of the Philippines Form No.

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Date Effective
: 02 November 2021
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NAME: _______________________________________________________

STRAND: _______________________________

COMPETENCY: Properties of a Well-Written Text: Organization, and Coherence and Cohesion


At the end of the lesson you are expected to:

a) Identify the properties of a well-written text (EN11/12RWS-IIIgh-4)

b) Revise faulty and weak paragraph
c) Evaluate text based on its organization (EN11/12RWS-IIIgh-4.1); and
coherence and cohesion (EN11/12RWS-IIIgh-4.2); and
d) Express the importance of knowing the properties of a well-written text.

Direction: Read thoroughly the following lessons in this activity sheet and answer activities provided.

Here are some words you might find difficult to understand in answering this activity sheet:

1. Coherence- the connection of ideas to the central concept of the text.

2. Cohesion- the smooth flow or transition of ideas in the text.
3. Logical- all the ideas in the text are sensible to the meaning of the text and
are connected to one another.
4. Structure- the introduction, body ,and conclusion of the text.
5. Transitional words- word or phrases that use for the smooth flow of ideas in
the text
6. Concept- the main idea or topic of a text.

Text organization refers to the way a text is organized that helps to guide the reader logically
through it. This property makes a text readable and its message clear. It is achieved when ideas
are logically and accurately arranged.

Organization can be achieved through the following techniques:

1. Physical format is an aspect of text organization that is immediately apparent to the

readers. It is seen in how the text physically appears like headings and subheadings, bullet
points or font emphasis (bold, italics, colored, etc.)

Note: Make sure that when you’re writing, specifically for academic purposes, that you
know the prescribed format (e.g. font styles, margins, paper size). Below are examples of
improper physical format.

2. Signal words, better known as transitional words, are textual cues that readers can use to
follow a text. They can “signal” the transition from one point to another, the ordering of
events and concepts, or the writer’s chosen text type (e.g., linear narration, question and
Republic of the Philippines Form No.
Issue Status
Date Effective
: 02 November 2021
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato Approved : President

Contact No. +639685331496 / +639670025670

Email Address: Website:

Use Signal/ Transitional Words Example

Agreement/ In addition, again, and, also, Computers perform difficult
Addition/Similarity moreover, likewise, not and timesaving
only… but also,of course, mathematical computations,
furthermore as well as problems in logic
and reasoning.
Opposition/ Limitation/ In contrast, different from, in Despite the health risk,
Contradiction soite of, after all, but, unlike, many Filipinos choose to
yet, while, instead, despite, work than to stay at home.
however, rather,
nevertheless, whereas
Cause/ Condition/ Purpose as long as, unless, when, Face to face learning will be
whenever, in the event that, allowed in the event that the
provided that, due to, given vaccine for COVID-19 is
that, because of available.
Examples/ Support/ In other words, truly, indeed, Truly, Japanese cuisines
Emphasis including, surprisingly, to like tempura, ramen, and
repeat, to clarify, to explain, sushi, including their wasabi
surely, for this reason, that dishes, are very well
is to say, including, like accepted by Filipino palate.
Effect/ Consequence/ Result As a result, in that case, for, Atherosclerosis is the result
thus, then, hence, of the buildup of fat, fibrin,
consequently, therefore, parts of dead cells, and
thereupon, accordingly. calcium on the inside of the
henceforth arteries. No one knows what
causes this disease, but a
number of things can speed
its development.
Conclusion/ Summary/ As can be seen, generally Generally speaking, signal
Restatement speaking, in the final words are use to give hint to
analysis, all things the readers of what is about
considered, in brief, all in all, to happen in the text.
in fact, overall, after all, on
balance, to summarize

3. Structure - any written text should have an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Tips for an Organize Structure

✔ Introduction-- Your introduction should have your thesis statement (your
standpoint or argument). It should also give a brief background regarding your topic.
The goal is to make sure your reader will be hooked in reading your entire essay or
✔ Body- This is where you're going to state your supporting details regarding your
topic. It should be well-organized from the least important to the most important
supporting details (or evidence).
✔ Conclusion- This may have a summary of your main point, a restatement of your
thesis statement, a final message, or a challenge to your reader.
Republic of the Philippines Form No.
Issue Status
Date Effective
: 02 November 2021
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato Approved : President

Contact No. +639685331496 / +639670025670

Email Address: Website:

Coherence occurs when ideas are connected at the conceptual

or idea level. It can be seen through well-defended arguments
and organized points.
Cohesion is the connection of ideas at the sentence level. It can
be readily seen in a text through the smooth flow of the sentences

1. The use of pronouns to refrain from using a specific word repeatedly.

Ricky is a father of four. Ricky has three Ricky is a father of four. He has three sons
sons and one daughter. I have a dog and one daughter. I have a dog named Puti.
named Puti. Puti is a very active dog, so I It is a very active dog, so I make sure that it
make sure that Puti eats only nutritious eats only nutritious food.

2. The use of transitional devices to connect sentences with linked ideas.

Chicken adobo is my favourite dish. I want Chicken adobo is my favourite dish, but I
chicken curry today want chicken curry today.

3. Employs a repetition of keywords to tie up the paragraphs subtly.


“…But what have we done to promote the art of thinking? Certainly we make no room
for thought in our daily lives. Suppose a man were to say to his friends, "I'm not going to
PTA tonight (or choir practice or the baseball game) because I need some time to myself,
some time to think"? Such a man would be shunned by his neighbors; his family would
be ashamed of him. What if a teenager were to say, "I'm not going to the dance tonight
because I need some time to think"?…”

(Carolyn Kane, from "Thinking: A Neglected Art." Newsweek, December 14, 1981)

Direction: Answer the following activities.

Republic of the Philippines Form No.
Issue Status
Date Effective
: 02 November 2021
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato Approved : President

Contact No. +639685331496 / +639670025670

Email Address: Website:

Activity 1

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in space provided.

____1. Which sentence BEST explain coherence and cohesion?

a) Coherence and cohesion make the text focus and flow smoothly.
b) Coherence makes the sentences logically connected while cohesion makes the
sentence united.
c) Cohesion makes the text focus on one concept while coherence makes the text easy
to read.
d) Without coherence and cohesion, the text will not have a proper structure.

____2. Which is of the following has proper cohesion?

a) I read the monthly salary report. Indeed, the weather is fine today.
b) I will attend the party if you will lend me a dress to wear.
c) Rita wants to be a designer. Rita loves to draw gowns, as a result, her notebooks are
full sketches.
d) That boy is the son of a farmer, however, he is very hardworking.

____3. Which of the following does not have coherence?

a) I read the monthly salary report. Indeed, the weather is fine today.
b) I will attend the party if you will lend me a dress to wear.
c) Rita wants to be a designer. Rita loves to draw gowns, as a result, her notebooks are
full sketches.
d) That boy is the son of a farmer, however, he is very hardworking

____4. Choose which statement is logical to the statement below.

Knowing the properties of well-written text helps the writer to effectively communicate the
message of their text to the readers.____________.

a) A lot of us, do not know these properties.

b) Organization is the most challenging of all.
c) Therefore, we should know the characteristics of each property.
d) All of the above.

____5. Which of the following has a proper organization?

a) I am a Filipino, so I love music. Music is an art. All Filipinos love music.

b) I was disappointed by the movie. It is too cliché. I wasted my money buying the
movie ticket. The chair is not comfortable. I won’t come to this theater again.
c) Some days my dad doesn’t make it home from work until after I’m bed. Some weeks
my dad travels, and I don’t see him for several days.
d) All of the above.
Republic of the Philippines Form No.
Issue Status
Date Effective
: 02 November 2021
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato Approved : President

Contact No. +639685331496 / +639670025670

Email Address: Website:

Activity 2.

Read the paragraph below and answer the following questions. Please write your answer
in a separate sheet.

It is a fact that capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime. Statistics show

that in states with capital punishment, murder rates are the same or almost the
same as in states without capital punishment. It is more expensive to put a
person on death row than in life imprisonment because of the cost of
maximum security. Capital punishment has been used unjustly. Statistics show
that every execution is of a man and that nine out of ten are black. So
prejudice shows right through (Jose and Larioque, 2016).

Guided questions:

1. Is the main idea of the text evident to the readers? Why and why not?
2. Does it have a logical organization? Justify your answer.
4. Do the ideas in the text cohesive and coherent? Explain.

Activity 3.

Choose one topic. Write an essay with at least 3 paragraphs about it. Make sure that your
essay has proper language use, mechanics, organization, and coherence and cohesion.
Please write your answer in a separate sheet.

1. Effects of Covid-19 in the life of every Filipino

2. Life during Enhance Community Quarantine
3. Being a student in times of Covid-19

Score Language Use Mechanics Organization Coherence and
(25%) (25%) (25%) Cohesion
5 Content has Content has Ideas are Ideas are
proper proper logically and logically,
language use. mechanics. accurately clearly, and
Republic of the Philippines Form No.
Issue Status
Date Effective
: 02 November 2021
Barangay Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato Approved : President

Contact No. +639685331496 / +639670025670

Email Address: Website:

linked to one
4 There are few There are few Few ideas Few of the
errors in grammatical presented are ideas
language use errors but the organized presented
but the clarity of the logically. smoothly
message is ideas is still linked to one
there established. another.
2 There are There are The idea was Lack of ideas.
several errors several there but Some points
in language grammatical organized. introduced are
use. errors. inconsistent.
Thoughts are
1 Inappropriate Limited Ideas are No connection
language use. vocabulary; unrelated to to the topic.
errors impair one another.

NOTE: All content of this activity sheet was compiled from DepEd Region V Bicol learning module
in Reading and Writing Skills. This activity sheet was simplified in the hopes of addressing the
need of the learners in this institution.

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