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6-point plan to spread LGBTQ in Muslim Lands by Daniel Haqiqatjou

Two gay media strategists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen developed a six-point plan which they
called “Overhauling Straight America”.

The strategy was published in 1987 and later developed into a larger book called “AFTER THE BALL”.
The purpose of the strategy was to mainstream LGBT.

The strategy was so successful that in twenty years they were able to turn a deeply conservative
Christian country (USA) into a country that openly celebrates every aspect of the LGBT ideology.

We see the same exact same strategy applied with some modifications on the Muslim World. If we
allow this strategy to be executed, it is likely the Muslim World will adopt and celebrate LGBT even
faster than it was accepted in the West.

The Six Point Plan:

1) Talk about gays often and loudly.

The goal is to desensitize and make it seen to be completely normal and mainstream. This will make
the public unsurprised by homosexual or transgender behaviour.

Ideally, they want the Muslims to think about sexual preference like how you think about flavours of
ice cream or favorite sports. I like chocolate and she likes vanilla. I like cricket and he likes soccer. I
am heterosexual and she is homosexual. This is the kind of normality they are aiming for.

The key to desensitization is to introduce gay and trans elements through cultural venues (i.e., TV,
Movies, Music, Books, etc.). In this way, the desensitization and normalization process will be

2) Portray Gays as Victims.

This is critical. They should not be portrayed as aggressive challengers. That is why there is a huge
anti-bullying campaign. The point of these campaigns is to portray gays as victims who need
protection and support.

If they are successful in portraying homosexuals as victims, then this will create a natural reflex to
protect this group. Ideally, a homosexual is portrayed as one who is young, attractive and looks
normal by all accounts but is bullied.

In this way, the homosexual is transformed in the mind of the Muslim from the perception they have
from Qaum Lut as a nation who were punished and aggressors and by no means victims to innocent
victims and a symbol of innocence who needs protection.

3) Give the Protectors a Just Cause.

This is so that anyone who is outside of the newly identified victim community takes a protector
role. They need a just cause that they can rally behind.

You can make this just cause about diversity which Muslims already value for because of Islam. So,
make LGBT part of the diversity that Muslims can celebrate.

The just cause of protecting rights can also be given to Muslims. As protecting rights is an important
part of standing for justice within Islam.
Muslims are not going to support the homosexual act itself. So, this must be decentered. Rather the
center is made anti-discrimination. Are you going to discriminate and condemn these poor innocent

When this is presented in a positive and as a fight for rights and liberty, it will become a positive
message which Muslims would be more inclined to support in contrast to standing for the right of a
man penetrating a rectum of a man in a kind of a sexual fetish. Muslims will not stand behind such a
cause and reject it.

4) Emphasize that Gay Sex is Haraam.

The point is subtle and seems counter-intuitive as it seems that this will turn Muslims away from
accepting LGBT.

There is an element of reverse psychology as it makes you seem that you are a strong holder of
Islamic values. This then gives you space to promote anti-bullying or support of LGBT rights.

The argument that can be made is that LGBT behavior is Haraam but we must support the rights of
this victimized minority. This is a kind of a trojan horse that fools the Muslim community into
thinking that LGBT behavior is Haraam but supporting LGBT rights is Halaal and even praiseworthy.

Supporting LGBT is as bad and Haraam as the actual behavior. But this bait and switch makes it
easier to catch those who are ignorant about Islamic values to accept LGBT normalization.

This strategy has been used by some of the prominent Muslim preachers and academics for over 10
years in the West. They have been able to achieve to get the Muslim community, especially in
America to be more open to the idea that it is permissible for Muslims to support LGBT rights and to
align with a LGBT political programme. The message of these scholars is now being exported
throughout the Muslim World and Muslim scholars from the East are learning from this strategy.
This is slowly creeping into mainstream Islamic Orthodox discourse.

5) Make the Victimizer look bad.

Make those who oppose LGBT as oppressors who are old, out of touch, on the wrong side of history,
they don’t get it, intolerant and bigots. This is an important part of the victimized/oppressor dynamic
which is the framing of the entire LGBT prefoliation movement that they want to create in the
Muslim world.

If this strategy is successful, an average Muslim would not want to associate himself with anyone
who is anti-LGBT. This will first create a culture of silence where a Muslim does not want to speak
against LGBT and be looked a bigot or accused of intolerance. This culture of silence will eventually
allow the LGBT movement to operate in full swing.

6) Step-by-step Legal reform.

In many Muslim countries, there are laws that criminalize homosexual behaviour. These laws used to
exist in the West as well but were abolished and step-by-step legal reform has taken place to
completely transform the legal architecture in these communities. To replicate this in the Muslim
world there is a need for this step-by-step process.

6.1) The first step is to abolish Hudood. What western powers and NGOs recognize is that some
Muslims are uncomfortable with Hudood. They have through years and decades of programming
being conditioned to see Hudood as barbaric in the Western lands. The public has been primed to be
in favour of abolishing Hudood. This step is complete in many parts of the Muslim world. We often
hear of other counties that want to get rid of these punishments from their legal systems.

6.2) Decriminalize homosexual behaviour.

America and the EU have been placing sanctions on any country that has criminalized homosexuality
or homosexual behavior. There is pressure on them.

6.3) Next step is to legalize their social spaces (gay clubs, bars). These places should be allowed to
legally function and not be closed by the government.

6.4) Create a protected Legal Status. Means one who identifies as a LGBT will get protection under
the law which protects against any type of harassment, perceived abuse or harm.

6.5) Legalize gay marriages. This will have a lot of challenges in the legal system but activists have
been working hard over the years to normalize this behaviour. The argument which will be made is
that yes homosexuality is Haraam but people should have the right of marrying whoever they want
and to prevent whoever they want to marry is a type of discrimination.

6.6) Introduce hate speech laws and criminalize one who speaks against LGBT. This has happened in
many countries like South Africa.

6.7) Make LGBT part of the school curriculum where young children are going to school and it is
mandatory for them to be introduced to LGBT ideology and the idea that love is love. There is no
problem with a man and man getting together. There is no problem with a woman and woman
getting together.

6.8) Once you have that changed, it is very easy to require things like gender-neutral bathrooms.
Dissolve the concept of gender separation and make sure every space can include men and women.
Require people to change their language as if a person has a preferred pronoun, it becomes legally
binding to respect that pronoun usage.

6.9) More control on parents and their rights to opt-out of the LGBT curriculum in school. If a child
wants to change his gender, the parent is criminalized in trying to prevent this and defined as child

6.10) Remove all legal restrictions and make it illegal to discriminate in any manner against LGBT.
Whether it is in your business or how you teach in your religious school or Masajid.

Following this six-point plan, the Muslim world can be changed in ten years and twenty years max.

Knowing the plan is the first step in countering the plan.

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