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MTH 304 - Differential Equations
Online Quiz 3, Spring 2021
Duration: 30 minutes
You should complete your work before 09:05


1. This quiz consists of 5 questions.To receive full credits, you have to justify your answers.

2. You need to submit your work as a scanned document (pdf file) by email to

3. You should submit only one email containing one pdf file with a filename of the form FullName.pdf

4. Your name, student ID, and signature should appear on each page.

5. Submissions sent to my LAU email address WILL NOT be considered.

6. Avoid sending large photos, otherwise this will delay the submission/receipt of your email.

7. Make sure to submit your work before the deadline otherwise you loose grades.
Emails received after the submission deadline will loose credits according to the below rules:

• If I receive your quiz 1-5 minutes late you will loose 15% of your grade.
• If I receive your quiz 6-10 minutes late you will loose 30% of your grade.
• If I receive your quiz 11-15 minutes late you will loose 60% of your grade.
• If I receive your quiz more than 15 minutes late, your quiz will not be considered and your
grade will be Zero.

8. For online proctoring, you should join the meeting room on, enable your
camera and mute your microphone. At any time the proctor can unmute you. You
are not allowed to talk to or chat with the instructor during the quiz. The session
will be recorded.
1. [12 Points]
Solve the differential equation y 00 sin(3x) + 9y sin(3x) = 1

2. [12 Points]

(a) Find the general solution to the third-order differential equation y 000 − 4y 0 = 0.
(b) Find a particular solution to the differential equation y 000 − 4y 0 = t + e−2t by extending the
method of undetermined coefficients to the case of third-order differential equations.

3. [16 Points]
Let the differential equation xy 00 + 3y = 0.

(a) What are the ordinary points of the differential equation?

(b) Use the change of variable t = x − 1 to rewrite the differential equation as a second-order
differential equation involving t and y(t).
(c) Find a power series solution of the differential equation you obtained in part (b) about
t0 = 0. Find the first five terms only.
(d) Guess a power series solution to the differential equation xy 00 + 3y = 0 of the form y =

an (x − 1)n (the first five terms only).

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