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Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

“The Alpha Tau Talk”

“Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide,
Honor, Learn, Lead through DKG
2020-2022 International Theme –International –State
Myrna Walker—Newsletter Editor Volume 5, Issue 4
mailto: Spring, 2022, p. 1

Next Meeting Information

Karen’s Korner Our next Alpha Tau meeting will be Saturday,
April 9, 2022, at 9:30 a.m.
Location: Karen’s house—1330 Meadow Lane,
As I look toward the end of my biennium and toward Bolivar, and by Google Meet
the future of Alpha Tau, I am looking forward with Meal: $5 for breakfast casserole, biscuits and
“warm courage and high hopes”. The veteran FACS gravy, fruit, and coffee
teachers and some students will recognize that phrase. Program: The focus will be on mental health,
But, that captures my feelings. and our presenter will be our 1st VP, Karla Spear!
At our February meeting, we voted to create a new *Our new Alpha Tau officers will be installed;
grant for Early Educators and expand our Grants-in-Aid. see who they are on p. 2 of this newsletter.
There will be more information about this in another *This will also be our Project Honor meeting—
section of the newsletter. Also, in a conversation with a invite a first or second year teacher as your
co-worker today about our meeting last Saturday, I guest!
secured a new prospective member! As the Covid *Please bring anything that will fit in a flat
pandemic continued, my hope just became for us to envelope as a gift for our adopted World
maintain and keep functioning. Even though Fellowship student. We will send it off together
attendance is down, and technology fails us at times, as a gift while she is at school for her masters at
you have all remained steadfast and devoted to our Ohio State University. Think gift cards, cards of
purposes. encouragement, post-it notes, pens, highlighters,
I truly enjoy and value learning. This term as notecards, and educational stuff! See page 2 for
president has definitely allowed me many opportunities more information about her.
to learn. I also value the courage and fortitude of our *Please reply that you ARE or ARE NOT
active teachers in this strangest of times. We have been coming by Wednesday, April 6th to Karla Spear
forced to be flexible, adapt to new situations, overcome at .
obstacles, and rise to the challenge. Some have decided
to take on new challenges and change paths. Being able
to move forward, in a different direction, also takes
President’s Message---------------------------- p. 1
courage. Each individual will have their own story to tell
Next Meeting Information -------------------- p. 1
of this time in our lives.
Previous Meeting Information ---------------p. 2
Support for each other as we attempt to move past this
Alpha Tau’s Officers---------------------------- p. 2
will benefit all as we promote the value of education and
Officers for 2022-2024-------------------------p. 2
the importance of each individual experience. Thank you
Our Adopted World Fellowship Recipient--p. 2
for this opportunity to grow personally and professionally.
Sister Personal/Professional News -------- p. 3
I often think, “how can I serve?” I will admit that this expe-
Spotlight on Education ------------------------ p. 3
rience brought some anxiety and self-doubt at times. Many
Upcoming Conferences ------------------------p. 4
years ago, a fellow teacher (Becky Legan, Alpha Tau reserve
Legal Brief ----------------------------------------p. 4
member) began teaching her students a poem called
Supporting Early Career Educators--------- p. 4
“Believe in Yourself’. Her students memorized it and when
Sister Chat-----------------------------------------p. 5
(cont. on p. 7)
Where Are We Going?--------------------------p. 6
We Have Been Sick ---------------------------- p. 6
Area Conference Reg. Form ------------------p. 7
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
The Alpha Tau Talk
Spring, 2022 p. 2

Alpha Tau Officers for 2020-2022 If You Missed the February Meeting . . .
President—Karen Gorden Karen Gorden called the meeting to order after
First Vice-President—Karla Spear members enjoyed a continental breakfast prepared by
Second Vice-President—Kay Otterness President Karen Gorden. Karla Spear led the Pledge of
Secretary—Sarah Oglesbee Allegiance. Singing Grace was led by Myrna Walker.
Treasurer—Cay Sergent Karen Gorden welcomed the 9 members in attendance
Parliamentarian—Debra Agee and 3 on Google Meet.
Immediate Past President—Myrna Walker Karen read the minutes of the November meeting.
Cay Sergent made one correction. Jessie Sergent was
also on a State Committee. Laurie Whitlock moved to
accept the minutes as corrected, it was seconded and
Cay reported $4518.30 in Available Funds,
$1982.23 in the Grant-in-Aid Account and $2919.38 in
the Scholarship Account. The Treasurer's report was
New Alpha Tau Officers for 2022-2024! approved as read.
President—Jessie Gray Karla Spear moved that we donate $50 to World
1 Vice President---Jessie Sergent
st Fellowship from Available Funds. It was seconded
2nd Vice President—Kay Otterness and passed.
Karla Spear presented a slate of officers for 2022-
Secretary—Debbie Agee 2024. Faye Peters moved to accept the slate of
Treasurer—Cay Sergent officers as presented. Motion was seconded and
Parliamentarian—TBD passed. Cay will continue to serve in her appointed
Immediate Past President—Karen Gorden position as treasurer.
Cay announced that several of our members also
OUR ADOPTED WORLD FELLOWSHIP RECIPIENT are serving in State/International positions. Karen
The Missouri State World Fellowship Committee reported several illnesses within the membership and
is requesting that each chapter adopt one of the their families.
International World Fellowship Recipients. We are Debra Agee moved to allow Women Educators
to write letters of encouragement, send non- who are not relatives of Alpha Tau members to apply
religious holiday cards, birthday cards, send gift for Grants-in-Aid. The criteria for selection will be
cards, and even include info about our chapter. Our based upon the relationship of the applicant to
adopted recipient is: membership as currently outlined in the bylaws with
Ni Komang Darmini non-related applicants receiving the award should
639 Riverview Dr., Apt 10 there be no related applicants. Non-related applicants
Columbus, OH 43202 must attend the April meeting to receive their award.
Email: Motion was seconded and passed.
Birthday: August 16 Debra Agee moved to transfer $1000 seed money
Attending Ohio State Univ for MS of Arts in Educ from the Available Funds account to create a new
Early Educator Grant. The Early Educator Grant would
provide stipends to Early Educators in the first five
years of their teaching career to fund projects and
other career related expenses. The Scholarship
Something you need to know? Committee was tasked with determining the
Look it up at application process and criteria/rubric for selection.
The password for our yearbook under They will submit that to the chapter for an online vote.
Applicants must attend the April meeting to receive
Resources is dkgalphatau their award. Motion was seconded and passed.
(cont. on p . 6)
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
The Alpha Tau Talk
Spring, 2022, p. 3


*Debbie Agee proudly announces that she
is about to get her basement cleaned! This has
been on her To Do List since she retired 14 Spotlight on Education
years ago. Many of us retirees know exactly Education High on 2022 MO Legislation Agenda
how she feels. This author has not even A subject index of pre-filed 2022 bills in the Missouri
unpacked her work bag, and she retired 5 years House shows K-12 education is the most popular topic, with
ago! crime/punishment coming in second. Specifically, these are
*Laurie Whitlock is the proud owner of 2 the topics being discussed by the bills:
new knees—well, replaced ones, anyway. She Critical race theory and ‘divisive concepts’—at least
is so happy that she can walk again and 12 bills want to regulate the teaching of controversial topics
hopefully get back to traveling! (racism, sexism, LGBTQ-related content,). This includes how
Congratulations, Laurie! slavery and contributions of Black Americans are central to
*Karla Spear says she is now a chauffeur— understanding US history.
to her husband to his work, and her pay is Some bills explicitly forbid schools from teaching critical
coffee! He is now the IT Director at Climax race theory or that people are responsible for actions
Springs! committed in the past by those of the same race or sex, or
*Rhonda Agee’s son, Kody, graduated in that people are unconsciously biased solely because of their
December from MSU with a B.S. in Natural race or sex.
Science, and he is working for the Department School curriculum—some bills would allow or require
of Soil and Water Conservation as a District districts to add courses on specific topics, like: 9/11,
Field Representative. How awesome is that?! computer science, responsible use of social media, Hebrew
*Joann Brown’s 1st granddaughter was scriptures and the New Testament, Native American and
born on the 9th of February!! They are still Black history, Criminal justice, the Holocaust, LGBTQ
trying to get her down from the clouds! This contributions to society, Civil rights, and Insurance
makes her 4th grandbaby, but her 1st licensing. Other proposals add more scrutiny to school
granddaughter!!! She has a 4 year old, a 2 year curriculum, and one would require school boards to review
old, and now two 1 year olds!! the curriculum each year.
Covid restrictions—several bills want to prevent
schools from issuing masks or vaccine mandates. Schools
could require students to test or quarantine only if they
Sister Professional News have tested positive or have symptoms. One representative
*Rhonda Agee took her students to FBLA- wants to include “conscientious” objection as an exception
District Leadership Conference and she had one to all school vaccine requirements in his bill. Parents can
State qualifier and several top-ten finishers. receive exemptions now for religious or medical reasons.
Wow!! Congratulations to Rhonda and her Parental rights—bills have been filed called a “Parents’
awesome students!!! Bill of Rights.” These include parents’ rights to direct health
decisions, access health and mental health records, access
educational materials and curriculum, consent to recordings
If you want to get into Missouri State’s website, of biometric information, and be informed of investigations.
(, you must use your They also state that districts should make information
membership number as your username and available about activities and clubs, school choice
DKG2014society as the password for the first opportunities, vaccines, and special education
time. After that you can personalize it. If you opportunities. Some bills say parents have the right to
do not know your membership number, ask Cay object to course material and to visit their children at
or Karen. There are many helpful resources on school.
the website! (cont. on p. 5)
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
The Alpha Tau Talk
Spring, 2022, p. 4

Legal Brief
For the past several issues, we have been **Future International Conventions
discussing the major legal challenges facing July 12-16, 2022--New Orleans, LA
education, according to Crystal Lee, author and 2024--National Harbor, MD (Gaylord National, D.C.)
researcher. We have previously discussed 2026--Aurora, CO (Gaylord Rockies)
government funding , school safety, discipline, **SW Area Conference Apr. 22-23, 2022
technology, vouchers, the common core, Registration and $20 fee due by April 8
standardized testing, teacher salaries, and the (see registration form on the last page)
teaching of evolution.
Teacher tenure, of course, means that a
teacher cannot be fired unless the school district Major Issues in Education-
(cont. from previous column)
shows “just cause”. Tenure can be granted to
those who receive satisfactory evaluations from 1 bullying to an adult over that same period. But that still
to 5 years, depending on the state. A few states do means that almost 60% of students are NOT reporting
not grant tenure, and this issue has long been
controversial. Although every state has anti-bullying legislation in
place, there are differences in how each state defines
Pros for tenure are: it protects teachers from bullying and what procedures are required when bullying
being dismissed for personal or political reasons,
educators can advocate for students without fear is reported. Only about 1/3 of states call for schools to
of punishment, it gives teachers freedom to try include support services like counseling for victims or
even the bullies. Bullied students often feel angry,
innovative instructional methods, and it also
protects more experienced AND more expensive anxious, lonely and helpless. They are often scared to go
teachers from being replaced with new teachers to school, which causes them to suffer academically and
develop low self-worth. They are also at greater risk of
who earn lower salaries.
Cons for tenure include that it makes it engaging in violence or suicidal behavior.
Major Issues in Education: 20 Hot Topics (Covering Every
difficult to dismiss ineffective teachers because
Level) (
going through the legal process is very costly and
time-consuming, it can encourage complacency Supporting Early-Career Educators—Do We SEE?
since teachers’ jobs are “too” secure no matter SEE is one of the 3 international projects of DKG, along
what kind of job they do. While granting of with World Fellowship and Schools for Africa. It is
tenure is determined by teacher evaluations, designed to encourage and support teachers in the first
more than 99% of teachers receive ratings of five years of their career.
satisfactory or better. Some administrators say Why? Because retaining quality teachers is becoming
they are reluctant to give low ratings because of extremely challenging. The rate in the US of beginning
the time and effort required to document teachers leaving our profession in the first year is about
performance and provide support for 10%, with 33% leaving by year 3 and 46% leaving by
improvement. their 5th year. And this statistic was before Covid hit!
Bullying continues to be a major issue in Has it ever occurred to you that as much is expected of
schools. According to a National Center for a new teacher on the first day of school as is expected of a
Educational Statistics study, 21% of students in 30 year veteran teacher? So teachers supporting teachers
grades 6-12 reported being bullied going to or is crucial! Missouri ranks about 49th in the country in
from school in 2015. The same study showed that starting teacher pay. We must do everything we can to
the percentage of students who said they were encourage our teachers to stay in the profession.
bullied almost every day dropped from 7% in We must SEE ways to help—by giving emotional
2007 to 4% in 2015. support (Survival Kits, gift cards), offering advice
More good news was that the percentage (Teaching Tips, websites), providing help (volunteering,
increased from 36% to 43% as to reporting adopting), assisting with expenses (stipends), and
(cont. in the next column) celebrating successes (honoring with awards).
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Alpha Tau Chapter
Spring, 2022, p. 5
Spotlight on Education Sister Chat
(cont. from p. 3) In each issue of The Alpha Tau Talk we highlight a
Expanding school choice—typically viewed as member. This time we highlight Rhonda Agee, our
expanding charter schools and making it easier to nominee for this year’s Key Woman Educator! Rhonda is
choose homeschooling, virtual schools or private a young 49 years old and lives in Halfway. She has
schools. Opponents often argue this choice may taught for 19 years—14 at Halfway and 5 at SBU!
harm traditional public schools, but several bills She has a BS in Business Ad and a Masters in
would give parents the power to decide whether Administration, plus she almost has an MS in Education
their children can enroll in Missouri’s virtual course as well. After earning her bachelors, she worked at SBU
access program. as an Administrative Assistant in the College of Business
One bill would expand charter schools to and then as the Director of the MBA program. She also
anywhere in Missouri’s charter counties instead of taught a couple of classes as an adjunct instructor at
just KC and St. Louis school districts, as they are that time.
allowed now. Others would adjust how charter She left SBU to work as the Office Manager for
schools are funded, while others would allow Sterling Investment Advisors, then returned to SBU to
students to attend public schools outside their be a full-time Instructor in the College of Business. But
district, under certain circumstances. when she learned the Business teacher position at
One bill would even offer a refundable tax credit Halfway was open and she could get her teaching
to parents who pay tuition at a private school or at certificate at the same time (that’s why she “almost” has
a public school outside their district. So there are an MS ED), Rhonda became the Business teacher at
many proposals to expand school choice. Halfway in August of 2008, and she is still there!
School board oversight—these would give Her responsibilities over the years have included
parents more control over school board members. Computer Applications, Business Technology,
Some would establish a procedure for voters to Multimedia, Desktop Publishing, Accounting, Personal
recall school board members and one would allow Finance, Intro to Business, and Jr Hi Keyboarding. If
registered voters to petition to place items on the that is not enough, she also sponsors FBLA (grades 6
board agenda. through 12!) is the Yearbook Adviser, serves as an in-
School attendance—these range from: to house Tech Assistant, and is often the clock or
reduce public benefits for families if their children bookkeeper at athletic events! Oh, my!
have poor school attendance, to expand the age Rhonda joined Alpha Tau 4 years ago and has been
range for children to attend school, to change the on the Communications, Professional Affairs, and
starting age of attending school to 5, and finally to Webmaster Committees, and co-hosted a Google
require students to attend school until the age of 18 Classroom Presentation for a meeting program. She
unless they complete high school earlier or unless says one thing that is different in DKG now than when
they have a full time job. (cont. on p. 7)
Teacher shortages—to fill slots in high-
demand areas, bills are proposed to adjust salary
plans to provide incentives for teachers in hard-to- Rhonda
staff subjects or schools. This bill would go against
the single salary schedule. Teachers would also be Agee
allowed to return from retirement for up to 2 years
without affecting their benefits, as long as there
was a shortage of certified teachers in the district. Bus. Tch.
Suspensions/Expulsions—a bill is proposed to
require extensive record-keeping on school FBLA Sponsor
discipline that takes students out of the classroom Yearbook Adv.
or forbid schools from expelling students in K-3rd
grade Wife
Missouri legislature files over 120 bills on K-12 Mom
education – The Beacon
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Alpha Tau Chapter
Spring, 2022, p. 6
We Have Been Sick!
Where in the World are We Going? Several of our sisters have been sick lately! It has
Do you want to know where your Alpha Tau been a hard winter!
sisters are traveling this year? *As mentioned previously, Laurie Whitlock has
*Bob and Evonne Miner will be visiting Ireland had both knees replaced.
during St. Patrick’s Day in March! How cool is that! *Rose Mary Owens has been extremely ill. Her
May the road rise up to meet them! surgeon told her that she is a miracle because she
*Myrna Walker and traveling buddies are going coded six times while she was ill. BUT she says God is
to Terceira, an island of the Azores, smack dab in the good and prayers have been answered. About the
middle of the Atlantic, at the end of May. It is called middle of December she began responding to therapy
the “Hawaii of the Atlantic.” THEN, at the beginning in a way they did not think possible, and she is
of September, they are doing an 11-day land and sea scheduled to return to her home at The Montclair at
cruise to Alaska! the beginning of March from rehabilitation at The
*Dale and Rhonda Agee are planning an Maples in Springfield. She says that she is improving
anniversary trip somewhere—maybe diamond daily. She is still in need of a wheelchair, but her
digging, like they did last anniversary! But she and therapist think there is a chance she may walk again.
daughter Madison are definitely going on their bi- She says that most call this a miracle, including the
annual international Agricultural Field Trip—this doctor performing her last surgery. Rose Mary is our
time to Italy/Europe in June!! It was supposed to be only living charter member, we believe. If you would
to Australia, but travel restrictions struck! like to send her a card, here is her address at The
*Karla Spear and hubby are still considering Maples: Rose Mary Owens
destinations, but here is the short list: a trip to 1000 E Montclair Apt 328
Orlando with daughter and son-in-law, a road trip to Springfield, MO 65807
one of the Great Lakes and/or Niagara Falls, and a *Magda Neill developed heart blockages in three
road trip to Montana. Husband has already said that of her arteries and had to have four stents put in just
numerous days of crappie fishing and catfishing will this month. She is doing well after the procedure.
being in April, and Karla will join him periodically *Janet Locke has to have a valve replacement, but
(maybe). Ha! she also fell and broke her shoulder! This was not
good timing!
For some not traveling this year due to financial, *Myrna Walker had to have two kidney surgeries
time, covid, or other reasons, here is a bucket list last year due to a stubborn kidney stone, but evidently
for the future: that has caused kidney damage in her left kidney,
*Karen Gorden: a train tour across Canada, leaving it with only 13% functionality. She is still in-
Disney World with the grandkids, and Sanibel Island progress with this problem.
What about the rest of you? Still dreaming? *Marinell Andrew’s husband passed away, and
we send our deepest sympathy to her in this great
Did you know that DKG has an emergency fund If You Missed the February Meeting cont. from p. 2
for members that sustain major losses from floods, Rhonda Agee was selected to be our Key Woman
tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and Educator. Cay announced the SW Area Conference will
other natural disasters? Members may be be held April 22 and 23 at the National Avenue
nominated by their chapter or state organizations Christian Church in Springfield. Karen will send out
presidents to receive $500 from the fund. more information.
This fund was started following a 1948 flood that Jessie Gray, a first grade teacher at Pleasant Hope,
destroyed Vanport, Oregon. It demonstrates the presented information on Pleasant Hope, Pleasant Hope
Society’s “genuine spiritual fellowship,” schools, and the literacy program she is using called
Members can donate to the fund by sending in a Secret Stories by Katie Garner, followed by a tour of the
check made out to DKG Emergency Fund, or by elementary school. Meeting adjourned.
credit card on the Society website. (Debra Agee, Sub Secretary, edited by Myrna Walker)
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Alpha Tau Chapter
Spring, 2022, p. 7

ALPHA TAU MEMBERS ARE INVOLVED! Karen’s Korner cont. from p. 1

Someone mentioned at our February meeting that for they came to my room, I continued to have them
a small chapter we have a lot of members that are repeat the poem from time to time. The words of
involved in state offices or committees, now or in the that poem carry me through some times of doubt
past! That is something to be proud of, Alpha Tau sisters! and angst. I encourage you to continue to look at
Just take a look: yourselves with a “can do” attitude and follow your
Past State Presidents: Faye Peters, Cay Sergent calling and your dreams.
Current State 1st VP: Myrna Walker Karen Gorden, President
International Membership Committee: Cay Sergent
State Communication Committee: Cay and Jessie Sergent Believe in Yourself
Finance Committee: Cay Sergent, Myrna Walker Believe in yourself and in your dream
Educational Excellence Committee: Myrna Walker Sweeping obstacles away
Research Committee: Jenny Griffith Though impossible things may seem.
Advisory Committee: Faye Peters, Cay Sergent Believe in yourself and in your plan.
Someday, somehow, you’ll get through
Sister Chat (cont. from p. 5) Say not—I cannot—but, I can
joined is how we have to adapt to our ever-changing , To the goal you have in view.
online/virtual world with the pandemic. Isn’t that the The prizes of life we fail to win
truth! Mountains fall and seas divide
One thing that is different in education from when she Because we doubt the power within
stated teaching 19 years ago is, again, how much more Before the one who in his stride
prevalent online and virtual education has become. She Takes a hard road day by day.
illustrates by saying, “My daughter will graduate from Anonymous
college in 3 years as opposed to the typical 4 because of
the availability of online/dual credit classes.”
Rhonda will have been married to her husband Dale
for 28 years in May, and they have two children—a son
Kody (22), and a daughter Madison (20). In Rhonda’s
spare time (when does she find that?), she likes to travel,
read, watch Netflix, as well as do jigsaw puzzles.
When asked if she would still choose teaching as a
career if she had it all to do over again, Rhonda says, “Yes,
as I love working with the students and helping them
achieve their full potential. I would not change my path to
get there (did not major in education in college) as I think
my positions and experiences prior to teaching at the high
school level helped make me a better educator.”
We are proud of our Key Woman Educator and happy
that she chose education as her career as well!!

“Be the person who breaks the cycle. If you were judged,
choose understanding. If you were rejected, choose
acceptance. If you were shamed, choose compassion. Be
the person you needed when you were hurting, not the
person who hurt you. Vow to be better than what broke
you—to heal instead of becoming bitter so you can act from
your heart, not your pain.”
Lori Deschene

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