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Болградський НВК «Спеціалізована школа І-ІІІ ступенів – ліцей»

Болградської міської ради Одеської області

Позакласний захід з англійської мови до Декади

іноземних мов у 11 – В класі

Quiz show “Cyber English”


вчитель іноземних мов

Ніколаєва А. Т.

Болград, 2021 р.
As you can see on the posters, I have printed out some quotes about languages.


Although English is not the most spoken language in the world, it is the official
language in 53 countries and is spoken as a first language by around 400 million
people worldwide. 

Everyone who learns a foreign language has his own aims or reasons of learning it.
What about you? Why do you learn English? Can you give me your reasons?

In today’s world, multilingualism is becoming more and more important. In

addition to opening up employment opportunities, being able to speak a foreign
language helps to make a real connection with people and to know more about
diverse cultures, places and lifestyles. The more proficient you are, the better you
can express yourself.

Today, I’d like to speak about English. We’ve got 2 teams and via playing and
competing we’ll get to know more new facts and infos about the English language.

So, let’s get started.

The teams, can you introduce yourselves.

1. Jeopardy Game
The team who will get the right to play first should guess my riddle
 If you drop me I’m sure to crack, but give me a smile and I’ll always smile
back. What am I?
Answer: A mirror

2. Spell it

3. Kahoot it

4. Cyber English

5. Captains’ contest
Words for it.

I wish I could take language

And fold it like cool, moist rags.

I would lay words on your forehead.

I would wrap words on your wrists.

“There, there,” my words would say –

Or something better.

I would ask them to murmur,

“Hush” and “Shh, shhh, it`s all right.”

I would ask them to hold you all night.

I wish I could take language

And daub and soothe and cool

Where fever blisters and burns,

Where fever turns yourself against you.

I wish I could take language

And heal the words that were the wounds

You have no names for.

The Way is like language. The more you use it,

the more it responds, becomes resilient, pliable,
lithe, liquid, smooth, supple, available, eager.

Go ahead, do anything you want to it. You can’t

hurt it. It is far more powerful than you are.
It’s there to serve and dominate you all at once.

Surrender to it and it will be your servant.

It is your tool, your toy, your master

1. There is a language spoken by 8 people

Can you imagine this? The Busuu language is spoken by eight people in the world!
It’s the language of Southern Bantoid of Cameroon. There were 8 speakers of the
language in 1986 and 3 in 2005

2. Over 300 languages are spoken in the US

The US is considered to be one of the most diverse countries in the world. There is
a huge number of unique settlers here such that they had a problem choosing the
official language when creating laws by the continental congress.

3. There is no official language in the US

With so many languages in the US, there is no official language, some people think
its English but it’s not. There are so many settlers bringing confusion in the official
language to use.

4. Spoken languages become extinct

A language dies out if there is no one to speak it, or record using written variations.
The dialect dies out and today, there are 241 languages that have become extinct.

5. Half the population of the world speaks 23 languages

More than half of the global population speaks 23 languages only. This is as
compared to more than seven thousand languages is interesting.

6. Half the world is bilingual.

At least more than half of the world’s population speak more than one language.

7. One country has more than 800 languages

Papua New Guinea is the country with the most number of languages in the world.
It has 841 languages but its predicted that 40 of these languages are to become
extinct as only a few people speak them.

8. Most translated document

The bible is the most translated document followed closely by Pinocchio. The bible
is translated to 683 languages and parts of it has been translated to more than 3000

9. Oldest written language

Sumerian is the oldest written language dating back to 3500 BC followed by
Egyptian dating back to 3300BC. Old Chinese dates back to 1250BC
10. The love language
French is known in the world today as the love language. Not only because of the
accent but France and Italy are known to be fine love destinations and it happens to
be the most dominant in these countries.

11. Smallest alphabet

The Papuan language is the language of Rotokas and its known to have 11 letters
only. This makes it the smallest alphabet.

12. Almost all languages in the world have been influenced by another language.
This is all thanks to diversity and immigration of people in different places in the

13. Basque is the only language in the world that has no correlation to any other
It is spoken in the mountains between Spain and France and the people here didn’t
get out too much hence the isolation of the language.

14. Most official languages

While the US boasts having no official language, South Africa is known to have
the most official languages totaling to 11. All this thanks to the diversity of the
country and their culture.

15. Most spoken language

Chinese mandarin is the most spoken language in the world with more than 1.3
billion speakers. However, these are more native speakers and the language isn’t
well adopted in the world.

16. The language of War

One of the most beautiful languages to learn is Russian. It’s also considered by
most people as the language of war. Not to know why but the average Russian is
said to be always angry and the languages doesn’t do their moods any good.

17. Most dominant language

While it’s not the most spoken language in the world, English is the most
dominant. It’s well received and adopted in the world with many people finding it
easy to learn and it’s an official language in most countries.

18. Thank the British empire and the iPhone

The dominance and diverse qualities of the English language are all thanks to the
iPhone and the British empire. England had so many territories and colonies and
they had no other option other than to adopt the language.

19. The official language of the air

Did you even know anything like this exists? This is the language of airplane travel
and it happens to be English adding to its dominance in the world. Everywhere in
the world, the pilot and his crew know English.

20. Longest alphabet

The Cambodian language has the longest alphabet with more than 73 characters.
It’s also one of the toughest languages to learn by yourself.

21. The language of symbols

Instead of alphabets, the Chinese mandarin language consists of symbols. These
represent different letters and are written differently. Most people assume they are
drawn not written.

22. Toughest language to learn

Chinese Mandarin is considered to be the toughest language to learn in the world.
All thanks to the lack of alphabets. They have symbols instead and its estimated
that the average Chinese local knows more than 8000 symbols while you have to
know more than 3000 symbols to read a newspaper.

23. Alphabet is Greek

Alphabet is an English word derived from Greek. The first two letters of the Greek
alphabet are alpha and beta that in turn make the word alphabet.

24. First printed language

The first language to be printed was German. It wasn’t the first language to be
written however but it was printed on a book.

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