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Amanda Henry
North Dakota State University
November 2, 2011

Educational Leadership Reflections

As I reflect back on my journey through the Educational Leadership program, I am

amazed at how much I have grown from start to finish. It is through this program that I have had

a tremendous amount of support and guidance from my advisor, professors, administrators,

colleagues, and family. I have gained insight into my leadership style, my strengths as a leader,

and potential derailers. I have encountered numerous opportunities to foster myself into a better

leader and learn about the true interworking of administration. Through the reflective process of

the seven standards below, I have identified my areas of strength and potential derailers with my

plans for growth. It is through my coursework, practicum experiences, and this reflection that I

have and continue to build my foundation and framework as an educational leader.

Standard 1. 0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the
knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by facilitating the
development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a school or district vision of
learning supported by the school community.

As I reflect on this standard, I consider this to be the largest areas of growth for me and

an area I spent a significant amount of time on with my practicum. This standard focuses on

developing, articulating, implementing, stewarding, and promoting community involvement in a

vision. Encompassing all elements of a vision into a school is a necessary and vital component

that determines and embodies success or failure of the school.


Develop a Vision

In this area, I scored myself at a three in the developmental zone. There were various

assignments that can be implemented as evidence in this substandard but none provided that

vision application to the entire school. My evidence of developing a vision coincided more with

my classroom, my analysis of the school I am employed in, and how I see myself in the future.

The syllabus I created in Ed 632 states my vision, which is a framework to embody all

students in my current teaching position. The Leadership Essay from Ed 730 – describes my

vision as I foresee myself as an educational leader. In Ed 633, I created my vision for a

paperless classroom based on the latest technology applications and resources available. The

idea behind this type of a classroom was to promote the learning of all students.

The vision that I hold in my current position and, as I foresee it in the future, is based on

current and up-to-date theories, as well as, based on the principal of promoting learning for all

students regardless of ability, race, social position, etc. The 4MAT PowerPoint and the

differentiated instruction unit that I created in Ed 632 demonstrate this. One major influence of

my vision in my Leadership Essay of Ed 730 is based on The Sociological Inventory and Letter

to a hypothetical successor in Ed 712 and was a major take away for me as to the importance of

identifying social and cultural variable impacting any school. As part of my vision, I feel that

possessing the perception of the importance of knowing your community and how to assess the

schools and community needs when developing a vision is one area of strength when I am in an

administrative role. A vision must be an evolving document that fits the need of all.

Articulate a Vision

Expressing a vision that is clear, based on evidence, has direction, and is communicated

effectively is essential. For this substandard, I ranked myself in the developmental zone. This is

an area that I feel confident in my ability to use data based research strategies and strategic

planning to focus on student learning. I feel that I will naturally grow and develop in my ability

to communicate the vision to the community as I step into that administrative role. I provided my

Leadership Essay from Ed 730 as evidence of expressing my vision. The Check and Connect

program that I am involved in with my practicum uses data based research strategies to focus on

raising achievement and lowering drop-out rates and is directly tied to the vision of the school

and district. This program also allows me to communicate with the families of the students I

check and connect with. As I reflect on this substandard, I find myself thinking about how

important it is to have a vision. Articulating my vision of learning of all students must be done

in all that I do.

Implement a Vision

I scored myself in the competency range for this area. My practicum experience has

provided invaluable opportunities to implement the vision of our district and school. Both the

Check and Connect and the Response to Intervention program are two key pieces of the school

that I am a part of. Each is directly tied to promoting student achievement, involving the staff

and families to facilitate the learning and success of students. The Family School Partnerships

activity from Ed 712 prompted me to look at the communication between the school and

community and opportunities to improve in order to raise achievement. These programs,

activities and my experiences as a teacher have allowed me to follow the steps of having an

objective or goals and finding ways to implement and achieve a positive outcome. I hope to

transfer these skills to an administrative role to guide and drive the direction of a school and

community in a positive and effective manner.


Stewarding a Vision

I feel this is an area of strength and scored myself in the competency range. Stewarding a

vision is carried out by all members of the school and district. It is through effective

communication that you can establish a commitment, evaluate and revise a vision to maintain its

effectiveness. I believe through various courses and practicum experiences that I have developed

this area as strength. I believe that I encompass the vision in what I do and will continue to do so

by example as an educational leader.

Promoting Community Involvement in the Vision

I scored myself in the developmental zone for this competency as I believe this is an area

for me to expand and develop once in a leadership role. I collaborated with my team to design

and develop collaboration projects and handouts for the STEM families in order to communicate

and demonstrate what we are doing to incorporate those students into our school. Through the

Crisis Management Report, Family school Partnerships activity of Ed 712, and the School

Culture & Climate Assessment paper of Ed 730 I understand the complexity, power and

importance of involving the community in the school and vision. As an educational leader, I will

embody the community and involve them in the vision and the school as they truly are an

invaluable resource that must be utilized.


Overall, I would say that I am presently at the borderline of developmental and

competency range for Standard 1. I feel that I can provide and demonstrate evidence of my

competency for each but there is still room for growth. This however, is part of the next step of

moving into that educational leadership role. I started this program with some knowledge of my

personal vision from my teaching experiences. I was lacking in my ability to develop, articulate

and promote on a community level my, or the district’s, vision. While I have gained insight and

understanding in these areas from the various coursework and practicum experience, I feel those

are my potential derailers. I plan to continue my process of growth by continuing on the Check

and Connect, STEM, and RTI teams as a part of my practicum. These programs offer

opportunities to build relationships with the community and are at a stage of evaluating and

evolvement as they are relatively new to the school and district.

The coursework highlighted the importance of relationships, communication and

stakeholders. I hope to continue to branch out further in my relationships with others in the

school district, specifically special education and alternative education and continue to develop

avenues to involve stakeholders in our school.

Standard 2. 0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the
knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by promoting a positive school
culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying best practice to student
learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for staff.

As I reflect on this standard, I believe that it is through my teaching and this coursework

that I understand how critical a role the educational leader has in the classroom, school and

district. To me, it boils down to leading by example; being that positive force that brings people

together, not dividing them; while focusing on increasing student achievement and helping all

students to learn.

Promote Positive School Culture

In this substandard, I scored myself in the competency range because I feel that I have a

firm understanding of the importance of a positive school culture. How people act and react is

contagious. Leading by example is an excellent way to promote positivity and set those

expectations for all. The School Culture and Climate Assessment paper in Ed 730 allowed me to

conduct a survey to analyze the culture and climate of our school. I shared those concerns and

areas of need with the administrators and we have seen a positive change in how they manage

and set forth their expectations in a more encouraging and helpful manner. We have seen this

begin to trickle down through the ranks and the positivity floating around in the school is

amazing! This illustrates one more piece of evidence that communicating effectively can have a

tremendous impact. As an educational leader, I hope to utilize the skills I developed in my

coursework to positively impact and promote school culture.

Promote Effective Instructional Program

I scored myself in the competency range of this substandard. As a teacher, I have

developed my instruction based on best practices and have daily opportunities to evaluate

valuable curriculum. The coursework and my practicum have provided additional knowledge and

understanding on how to analyze, implement, facilitate, and promote effective instruction to

accommodate and maximize student learning. I am leading one discussion board for professional

development which aims to improve and guide the mentorship program. I was also a team leader

for the new SharePoint software that is used by teachers. One of the many roles of an

administrator is being the instructional leader. It is my goal to stay current with the new

practices, best practices, and technology in order to facilitate and promote what it best for


Apply Best Practice to Student Learning

I scored myself in the competency range for this substandard because I feel I have daily

practice as a teacher in utilizing instruction effectively. I also believe my coursework has

supplemented additional knowledge and practice in this area. As an educational leader and an

instructional leader, I believe it is important to make sure the curriculum offered and

implemented is developmentally appropriate. The Differentiated Instruction Unit and the 4MAT

PowerPoint I completed in Ed 632 demonstrates my understanding of how to address the diverse

needs of the students and recognize the various types of learning styles found in every classroom.

Part of my practicum experience was to look at data and decide which students need remedial,

advanced or special education classes. These examples and artifacts are just a few instances that

demonstrate my experience and growth I have achieved to understand and meet the diverse needs

of students in my classroom and throughout the school.

Design Comprehensive Professional Growth Plans

I scored myself in the developmental range for this competency as I feel that I have

attained many useful skills and experience throughout my coursework and my practicum.

However, I feel as though I am still in the growing stage. Recently our district moved to site-

based staff and professional development. I have been a part of the team that has designed staff

development for this school year and we are currently in the implementation process. One area of

focus for our professional development is for staff members to go out and observe other

businesses or university to determine what skills and knowledge students would need to pursue

that type of career. We are in the process of developing forms for teachers to use when they do

observe; however, I feel there is much to be done and improved throughout the course of the

year. I recognize the importance of educational leaders taking the role of an instructional leader.

It is my plan to continue with the team to aid in the process of planning and implementing staff

development. I want to bring it to the next level of designing an action plan to monitor, evaluate,

and revamp as necessary to set the foundation up for when our school expands to become

another high school.



I would identify my potential derailer in my ability to develop comprehensive growth

plans with teachers and other school personnel. As I complete my Ed 735, I will have gained

more concrete experience in this area as one of our major projects is designed to guide us

through this standard. In order to build my confidence and ability in this area, I hope to transfer

the skills I will use in Ed 735 to apply it to the professional development team; specifically,

observations and the development of plans for growth with teachers. I also plan to keep open

communication with the staff regarding the current state of staff development to maintain what

we are doing sound and improve those things that we are not doing so well. I also plan to utilize

the Charlotte Danielson model that I was exposed to in Ed 735 as we move forward in the

development of professional growth.

Standard 3. 0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the
knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by managing the organization,
operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning

As I reflect on this standard, I believe that I have acquired a substantial amount of

knowledge and growth in understanding the importance and complexity of management on all

levels. Part of being able to lead is being able to manage. Through my coursework I am now

able to better identify stakeholders and resources available in the community. I feel that although

I have demonstrated some practice of managing, this is still an area for further development in

order to have all the pieces working together to maximize student learning and achievement.

Manage the Organization

I scored myself in the developmental area for this competency as I feel that I have

attained many skills and ideas, but my application has been somewhat limited to specific areas. I

feel that areas I need to improve in include demonstrating the management of time and deploying

resources. The professional development team has provided the opportunity to develop these

areas and I hope to continue to aid in the process to further strengthen my skills. Strong areas for

me include the ability to design action plans that focus on organization and management of

resources because of the activities performed in Ed 712. Both the Family School Partnership

Action Plan and the Crisis Management Report provide evidence of my ability to focus on parts

of the organization in relation to student learning and safety. As communication is a vital

component of the successful management of any organization, I will utilize my abilities to open

up communication channels across all avenues to focus on student learning and raising


Manage Operations

I scored myself in the competency range for this area because I feel that I have a solid

understanding of what is available within the school and community to promote student learning,

and collaboration with all stakeholders. As part of Professional Development Team, I helped to

create a survey to be completed by the staff to gain insight into what their needs are in order to

build meaningful and purposeful staff development for the following school year that aligns with

the vision of the district. In Ed 712, I completed a project on Working with Community Agencies

that demonstrates my knowledge of community resources available and how they can be utilized

to promote student learning. Part of our RTI-A & B team focused on recognizing the positives

of student behavior. I helped to create shout-out forms that are filled out by the staff and sent to

the student. We are going a step further next semester by sending a note home to communicate

their achievement to the family. I believe that there are many ways in which to employ and

manage the day-to-day operations and community resources to maximize student experiences

and learning. As an educational leader, I will use my newly developed knowledge and skills to

aid in maximizing the collective efforts of all involved.

Manage Resources

I scored myself in the development range of this category as I have acquired and

demonstrated my knowledge and application of utilizing resources available but feel that I need

more experience in this area. The Working with Community Agencies activity of Ed 712

exhibits my knowledge of community resources available and used in our school. The memo

that corresponds with this activity provides insight to those that enhance the school and those

that have the potential to be used in an effective manner to enhance student learning. In my

Administrative Uses of Technology paper of Ed 633, I reviewed various technology applications

and how they can enhance student learning. As a part of my STEM participation, I have been

staffed with Active Boards, computers in my classroom and Active Voters to supplement my

teaching to engage and improve student learning. As I move forward and continue to develop as

an educational leader, it is my goal to continually assess and utilize technology, and community

resources to improve the performance of our students and school.


I would identify my potential derailers in the area of managing the organization and

managing resources based on my current work in coursework and my practicum. I believe that I

have a solid understanding of these areas but need more application experience. While that will

come with an administrative role, I hope to continue my development in these areas to

encompass a broader range, not just what I have from experience in my classroom. I plan to stay

connected with the RTI A & B teams and seek out ways to actively involve more of the

community within our school. I would like to put together a more comprehensive list and

information of the community agencies available. In order to expand and strengthen my

experience in managing the organization, I will seek out to help in the process of planning a

fiscal budget for the professional development team that I currently serve on. I believe this will

provide the opportunity for me to see what is involved in budgeting for various programs. I

believe that taking these action steps will help to strengthen my competencies in managing the

organization and resources.

Standard 4. 0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the
knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by collaborating with families
and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and
mobilizing community resources.

As I reflect on this standard, I feel this is an area that I grew extensively in and plan to

continue to grow and develop. I am much more aware of how the community can play such a

positive role in promoting the success of all students. I also recognize the extent of power that

partnerships with families and the community have on students, staff and the community. To

me, that is a profound mark of growth. It is through this course that I have gained and expanded

my knowledge and understanding of this.

Collaborate with Families and Other Community Members

I scored myself in the developmental zone of this competency because I feel that I have a

strong foundational understanding of the power of collaborating with families and the

community. However, I feel that I lack experience in working with the various media agencies,

and involving family and other stakeholders in decision-making processes. The Family School

Partnerships Action Plan created for Ed 712, and the Check and Connect Program provides the

structure to involve the family in the child’s education. Hosting student-led conferences is a

great way to promote communication between student, parent and teacher and is conducted

throughout Sheyenne. I feel that I have a lot of room for growth and development as an

educational leader in ways to incorporate media to be a positive ally and to continue to develop

more opportunities to involve families and the community within the school system. It is through

the collective effort of all that student learning, success and achievement is maximized.

Respond to Community Interests and Needs

I scored myself in the developmental zone for this competency as well because I feel that

I have gained an understanding of the ties between the school needs and community needs and

how they go further and deeper than just the education aspect. There are cultural, social, and

economic needs that I addressed in my Sociological Inventory Data and Letter to Successor in

Ed 712. Through this process I feel confident in my ability of knowing how to identify the needs

of the community, but I feel that I lack experience in leading programs to serve students with

special and exceptional needs. It will be important for me as an educational leader to transfer the

skills learned in Ed 712 to my administrative role to ensure that I am knowledgeable and

productive in understanding and addressing the community needs.

Mobilize Community Resources

I scored myself in the developmental zone of this competency. I feel that I have gained a

substantial amount of knowledge on resources out in the community and the impact of utilizing

resources, but I lack in the area of utilizing the school to serve as an agency to the community.

Both the Working with Community Agencies Memo and the Crisis Management Report that was

developed in Ed 712 provide evidence of my understanding of the positive impact communities

can help to aid or supplement the school to enhance education or provide safety. As I move

forward as an educational leader, I will take the knowledge and skills developed in the

coursework with me to promote a continuous collaboration with the community and to find ways

to promote the school as an agency for the community to utilize.


I would identify my derailers in this standard in working with the media, involving

family and the community in the decision-making process, and promoting the school as an

agency to the community. While I have some experience with each, there is needed growth as I

move into an educational leadership role. The media can greatly help or hinder the perceptions

of the school. The involvement of families and the community in the decision making process is

an absolute must as they are the support and foundation from which a school can build on. I also

feel there are many creative ways that a school can act as an agent to the community.

In order to strengthen my abilities in working with the media and involving family and

stakeholders, I would like to write an article(s) for the school newspaper, website, and the West

Fargo Pioneer that would discuss and highlight the things that we do to promote student

involvement and success. This would be a great opportunity to shed positive light on our school

while promoting and opening the door for the possibility of working with other agencies in the

community. Keeping open communication would allow families to be involved in the process

and an opportunity to voice their opinions.

In addition, there is much needed growth for the school to become a means to provide for

the community. There are some great programs that are implemented in the school system

already such as “Fill the Dome” and various fundraisers for United Way and other programs. It

would be great to bring the community in for a family fun night or a cultural awareness night. I

have spoken with current administrators about these ideas and received a positive response. I

think it is time for me to take that next step to find out what is needed and see if it is something

that can be done. Anything to strengthen the relationship between the school and community is a

powerful entity.

Standard 5. 0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the
knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairly,
and in an ethical manner.

As I reflect on this standard, I find that this standard reflects the core values I hold for

myself and what I look for in those in any field or position. In both my personal and professional

life, I embrace these concepts. I believe that this is an area of competency and strength for me. It

is through the various courses and assignments of this coursework that emphasizes that a leader

can be successful without having to compromise integrity and values. This standard encompasses

and promotes what makes a leader great.

Acts with Integrity

I scored myself in the strength range for this standard. The Strengths Finder 2.0

Assessment and Essay that I completed in Ed 634 showcased my strengths as a leader with

emphasis in relationships. You cannot build a solid relationship without a sense of integrity and

respect. I use my ability to form relationships to hold open and meaningful conversations with

others to keep communication and interactions positive and effective. I have demonstrated my

ability in this area through my participation in the Check and Connect Program which requires

confidentiality at times, as well as, open honest communication and interactions. I also know that

while it can be easier to ignore what is right and what values you hold, it is necessary to ‘take the

high road’ and conduct yourself in a manner that you are proud of. I hope to take this with me

and lead by example as a future educational leader.


Acts Fairly

I scored myself in the competency range for this area as I feel that I have an

understanding of the skills, but I still have room to grow. The In-Basket Exercise completed in

ED 645 provided insight to my current strengths and potential derailers. My strengths included

sensitivity, communication, and motivation when interacting with others. I believe that I practice

these skills on a daily basis in my classroom. I also addressed my feelings and finding of the

necessity to treat all the same in my discussion questions from Ed 634.

Acts Ethically

I scored myself in the competency range for this area as I feel that I have a strong

understanding of ethical and legal principals. I believe the Handbook Policy Activity and

various Legal Briefs that I produced in Ed 631 demonstrate that I have the foundational

knowledge of the legal principals in a school setting. However, school rules are situational and it

would be imperative that I know and understand the rules and regulations of the school I am



I believe that my potential derailers for this standard are maintaining and coinciding my

values and beliefs with the vision and goals of the school. This may mean differing views and

opinions but it is vitally important that I continually be respectful of others, and really listen to

understand what they have to say. I will communicate in a positive and effective manner that will

not hinder the communication or relationship. It will also be necessary for me to be a transparent

leader so there is no confusion or question in my abilities or credibility. I will need to continually


work on upholding my values with the schools vision in order to promote the success of all


Standard 6. 0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the
knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by understanding, responding
to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.

When reflecting on this standard, I feel that my experience as a teacher allows me to see

things from a classroom point of view. This course has opened my eyes and expanded my

knowledge substantially in regards to the larger context. I feel that while I have a better

understanding of the differing variable that can impact student learning, I have much to learn in

how to make all of the pieces fit together and how to guide and direct those variables to create a

cohesive school that promotes student learning and achievement.

Understand the Larger Context

I scored myself in the developmental zone in this competency because I feel that I have

grown throughout the coursework in understanding the factors that impact a child’s learning and

education. One of the best activities conducted in this program, I feel, is the Sociological

Inventory and Letter to Successor of Ed7 12. This has had a profound impact on how I now look

at things. It has provided insight and a foundation of ways to analyze the school as an

Educational Leader. This assignment started with an analysis of the history of the place and then

expanded to include the cultural and social norms and expectations of the community. This

knowledge is imperative for any educational leader that steps into an administrative role. It will

give insight to where a school is at and where it could or should be. Another beneficial activity

from Ed 712 was the Working with Community Agencies because it provided the opportunity for

me to see and compile a list of resources that are available in the community that are beneficial

to the success of the school and students. As I continue to grow as an educational leader, I hope

to build on my knowledge and resources in order to influence how those factors impact student


Respond to the Larger Context

I scored myself in the developmental zone of this category because I feel that my

communication skills are strong and the coursework provided me with the skills of knowing how

to analyze and identify trends, issues, or concerns that impact the school. Again, Ed 712

provided multiple opportunities for me to learn and demonstrate ways to gather data on differing

factors in and out of the school and report my findings to the appropriate people. Ed 735 also

provided me the opportunity to conduct a gap analysis of professional learning at the school and

presented my findings to a mock school board with my recommendations for improvement. As I

move into educational leadership role, I will take these newly developed skills with me in order

to understand, acknowledge, and respond to the needs of the students, staff, and community on a


Influence the Larger Context

I scored myself in the developmental zone of this category because I have a solid

understanding of the necessity and power of being able to influence the larger context and have

some application experience. One concern at both the district and national level is the increase

in drop-out rates. As one way to address this issue, our school has implemented the Check and

Connect Program which focuses on building that relationship with students, which is directly

correlated with student achievement. Part of my practicum focused on running the pilot stage of

this program and now aiding the process of implementing it school wide. Being a part of the RTI

A &B program allows for me to promote the success for all students through positive

interventions regardless of background. One area of focus that I will continue to expand my

foundation on as educational leader is broadening my communication and dialogue with parents

and the community because those relationships are a major factor in promoting student success.

In doing so, I will be able to make a positive influence and impact on the culture and education

of the students, families, school and community.


I believe I have a solid understanding of all the political, social, economic, legal and

cultural factors that affect a student and the school. I also believe I have the knowledge and

ability to analyze these factors. However, I see potential derailers in my ability to respond,

influence and blend all of the differing variables and influences of the community and students’

lives to create a cohesive unit that works with each other, not against. In order to continue my

growth in this standard and as an educational leader, I will continue to participate in the

programs I joined as part of my practicum to continue building relationships. I will also continue

to work on opening the dialogue in a larger context which will provide insight into the needs and

demands of the community and open doors to make plans of action that are effective. I will also

continue to work closely with the administrators in following through with the various programs

that are newly implemented such as the RTI A & B programs, Check and Connect and

Professional Development.

Standard 7. 0: Internship. The internship provides significant opportunities for candidates

to synthesize and apply the knowledge and practice and develop the skills identified in
Standards 1-6 through substantial, sustained, standards-based work in real settings,
planned and guided cooperatively by the institution and school district personnel for
graduate credit.

As I reflect on this final standard and my journaling of my practicum, I believe that I

applied and developed my skills in areas of need for myself and the school. West Fargo is

working on some great initiatives which I believe can have a real impact on student learning.

Some of the programs that are in the implementation phase and, which I am a part of at

Sheyenne, include:

1. Check and Connect Program which focuses on mentorship and student drop-out rates;
2. Response to Interventions - Academic and Behaviors that also focuses on student
3. STEM & 21st Century Skills that focus and maximizing student learning; and,
4. Professional Development that is site based to meet the direct needs of staff and
I believe that these are great programs that are very powerful and, if implemented

correctly, have the potential to set the culture and climate of the school when we become the

second high school. Knowing that these programs could make such an impact, and the fact I

have had the opportunity to be a part it all is amazing.

Substantial, Sustained, Standards Based, Real Setting, Planned and Guided Cooperatively

For each of these categories, I scored myself in the competency range. I feel that I

planned and created a meaningful experience that allowed me to further my strengths, grow in

my derailers and provided opportunities to impact and influence my school and students for the

better. I was able to observe real situations of students and parents coming in to pick up cell

phones that were confiscated during the school day, or meetings to set up behavior contracts. I

was also able to participate in the collaboration, planning and implementation of STEM, RTI A

& B, Professional Development and Student Schedules. In addition, I lead and continue to lead

the staff through the Check and Connect Program with Staff Development and Discussion

Boards. Each of these areas has provided me with the tools, resources, and confidence I need as I

move into an administrative role.

I believe the practicum is an essential component of the Educational Leadership Program

because of the opportunities for gain from experiencing what it is like to be an educational leader

or administrator first hand. It is similar to student teaching because it is through this experience

that you know if it is truly something you can or want to do. I believe that continuing down the

educational leadership path is the right choice for me.


As I near the end of this program and my practicum I see my potential derailers to be

finishing what I started. I will continue to be a part of the various programs and continue to lead

in any way that I can. By finishing what I started, I mean that I want to continue down this path

and constantly grow and define myself as a leader. That way, when the opportunity arises, I can

step into that leadership role completely prepared with the skills, resources and confidence to be

successful in enriching the achievements and accomplishments of students, families, staff and


Final Thoughts

I am amazed by how much I have learned and grown in such a short amount of time.

They say it takes 10,000 hours to master anything; a skill, a sport, a curriculum, or leading. I

believe that is true. This program has laid the groundwork for me to build my foundation as an

educational leader. While I have gained an incredible amount of knowledge and practice in this

course, and I feel I am ready to be in an administrative role, I am also excited and eager to

continue to grow and develop as an educational leader.

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