Dept of Fertilsers 2009-10 Report

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S.No. Subjects Page No.

1. Introduction 5-11

2. Organizational Set up and Functions 12-13

3. Development & Growth of Fertilizer Industry 14-21

4. Availability of Major Fertilizers during 2009-10 22-23

5. Plan Performance 24-25

6. Measures of Support for Fertilizers 26-41

7. Public Sector Undertakings and Cooperative Societies 42-72

8. Fertilizer Education Projects 73-74

9. Information Technology (IT) 75-79

10. Vigilance Activities 80

11. Right to Information Act, 2005 81

12. Progressive Use of Official Language (Hindi) 82-83

13. Welfare of SCs, STs, OBCs and Physically Handicapped Persons 84-85

14. Women Empowerment 86-88

15. ANNEXURES I to XII 89-104

Shri M.K. Alagiri, Hon’ble Minister (C&F) along with Shri Srikant Kumar Jena, Hon’ble Minister of State (C&F)
receiving dividend cheque from Dr. Chandrapal Singh, Chairman, KRIBHCO


1.1 Introduction indigenous production. Even for that, the raw

materials and intermediates for are largely
1.1.1 Agriculture which accounts for one fifth of
imported. As for potash (K) since there are
GDP, provides sustenance to two-thirds of
no viable sources/reserves in the country, its
our population. Besides, it provides crucial
entire requirement is met through imports.
backward and forward linkages to the rest of
the economy. Successive five-year plan have
1.2 Growth of Fertilizer Industry
laid stress on self-sufficiency and self-reliance
in food grains production and concerted 1.2.1. The industry made a very humble beginning
efforts in this direction have resulted in in 1906, when the first manufacturing unit of
substantial increase in agriculture production Single Super Phosphate (SSP) was set up
and productivity. This is clear from the fact in Ranipet near Chennai with an annual
that from a very modest level of 52 million capacity of 6000 MT. The Fertilizer &
MT in 1951-52, food grain production rose Chemicals Travancore of India Ltd. (FACT)
to about 233.88 million MT in 2008-09. In at Cochin in Kerala and the Fertilizers
India’s success in agriculture sector, not only Corporation of India (FCI) in Sindri in Bihar
in terms of meeting total requirement of food (now Jharkhand) were the first large sized -
grains but also generating exportable fertilizer plants set up in the forties and fifties
surpluses the significant role played by with a view to establish an industrial base to
chemical fertilizers is well recognized and achieve self-sufficiency in food-grains.
established. Subsequently, green revolution in the late
sixties gave an impetus to the growth of
1.1.2 Keeping in view the vital role played by
fertilizer industry in India and the seventies
chemical fertilizers in the success of India’s
and eighties then witnessed a significant
green revolution and consequent self-reliance
addition to the fertilizer production capacity.
in food-grain production, the Government of
India has been consistently pursuing policies 1.2.2 The installed capacity as on 31.03.2009 has
conducive to increased availability and reached a level of 120.61 lakh MT of nitrogen
consumption of fertilizers in the country. As of capacity of which the non functional
a result, the annual consumption of fertilizers capacity is estimated as 10.52 lakh MT and
in nutrient terms (N, P & K), has increased 56.59 lakh MT of phosphatic nutrient, making
from 0.7 lakh MT in 1951-52 to 249.09 lakh India the 3rd largest fertilizer producer in the
MT 2008-09, while per hectare consumption world. The rapid build-up of fertilizer
of fertilizers, which was less than 1 Kg in production capacity in the country has been
1951-52 has risen to the level of 128.60 Kg achieved as a result of a favourable policy
(estimated) in 2008-09. environment facilitating large investments in
the public, co-operative and private sectors.
1.1.3 As of now, the country has achieved near
Presently, there are 56 large size fertilizer
self-sufficiency in production capacity of urea
plants in the country manufacturing a wide
with the result that India could substantially
range of nitrogenous, phosphatic and
manage its requirement of nitrogenous
complex fertilizers. Out of these, 30 (as on
fertilizers through the indigenous industry. In
date 28 are functioning) units produce urea,
case of phospatic fertilizers, nearly 50% of
21 units produce DAP and complex fertilizers,
domestic requirement is met through

5 units produce low analysis straight 1985. As the usage of gas increased and its
nitrogenous fertilizers and the remaining 9 available supply dwindled, a number of
manufacture ammonium sulphate as by- expansion projects came up in the last few
product. Besides, there are about 72 medium years with dual feed facility using both
and small-scale units in operation producing naphtha and gas. Feasibility of making
SSP. The sector-wise installed capacity is available Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to
given in the table below: - meet the demand of existing fertilizer plant
and/or for their expansion projects along with
SECTOR-WISE, NUTRIENT-WISE INSTALLED the possibility for utilising newly discovered
CAPACITY OF FERTILIZER MANUFACTURING gas reserves, is also being explored by
UNITS AS ON 31.03.2009. various fertilizer companies in India.
Sr. Sector Capacity Percentage 1.3.2. In case of phosphates, the paucity of
No. (lakh MT) Share domestic raw material has been a constraint
N P N P in the attainment of self-sufficiency in the
country. Indigenous rock phosphate supplies
1 Public Sector 34.98 4.33 29.0 7.65 meet only 5-10% of the total requirement of
2 Cooperative Sector 31.69 17.13 26.27 30.27
P2O5. A policy has therefore been adopted
which involves mix of three options, viz,
3 Private Sector 53.94 35.13 44.73 62.08 domestic production based on indigenous/
imported rock phosphate, imported sulphur
Total: 120.61 56.59 100.00 100.00
and ammonia; domestic production based
on indigenous / imported intermediates, viz.
1.3 Self-sufficiency in Fertilizer Sector ammonia and phosphoric acid; and third,
import of finished fertilizers. During 2008-09
1.3.1 Out of three main nutrients namely nitrogen, roughly 65% of the requirement of phosphatic
phosphate and potash, (N,P&K) required for fertilizers was met through the first two
various crops, indigenous raw materials are options.
available mainly for nitrogenous fertilizers.
The Government’s policy has hence aimed 1.3.3. In the absence of commercially exploitable
at achieving the maximum possible degree potash sources in the country, the entire
of self-sufficiency in the production of demand of potassic fertilizers for direct
nitrogenous fertilizers based on utilisation of application as well as for production of
indigenous feedstock. Prior to 1980, complex fertilizers is met through imports.
nitrogenous fertilizer plants were mainly 1.3.4. Given the volatility in international market for
based on naphtha as feedstock. A number fertilizers in general and urea market in
of fuel oil/LSHS based ammonia-urea plants particular, marginal provision through imports
were also set up during 1978 to 1982. In could be used to the country’s strategic
1980, two coal-based plants were set up for advantage. This is also desirable as the
the first time in the country at Talcher, international market, especially in case of
(Orissa) and Ramagundam, (Andhra urea, is very sensitive to demand supply
Pradesh). These coal based plants have, scenario. Under the new pricing regime for
however, been closed by Government w.e.f. urea units applicable since 01.04.2003, for
1.4.2002 due to technical and financial non- securing additional indigenous supply of urea,
viability. However, with natural gas becoming economically efficient units are being
available from offshore Bombay High and permitted to produce beyond their re-
South Basin, a number of gas based assessed capacity to substitute/ minimize
ammonia-urea plants have been set up since imports.

1.4 Fertilizer Subsidy 1.4.3 The steady increase in fertilizer subsidies
over the years has largely been the result of
1.4.1 The subsidy on fertilizers is passed on to
increasing production / consumption and
the farmers in the form of subsidized MRPs.
increases in the costs of inputs of indigenous
The selling prices as notified by Government
fertilizers and prices of imported fertilizers
for the subsidized fertilizers are much lower
from time to time. The cost of various inputs
than the normative delivered cost of these
/ utilities, such as coal, gas, naphtha, rock
fertilizers at farm gate level. The difference
phosphate, sulphur, ammonia, phosphoric
between the normative delivered cost at farm
acid, electricity, etc., as also the cost of
gate level and the notified selling prices is
transportation, went up significantly during
paid as subsidy to manufacturers/importers
the eighties. The gas-based fertilizer units
on sale of fertilizers to the farmers at the
commissioned during this period also
subsidized prices.
involved higher capital investment per tonne
1.4.2 The increase in rate of subsidy on fertilizers of installed capacity, necessitating constant
combined with increase in consumption of upward revision in the retention prices. The
fertilizers has led to a substantial increase in selling prices of fertilizers to the farmers,
requirement of subsidy. In spite of increase however, remained almost at the same level
in cost of fertilizers, the Government has between July, 1981 and July 1991. The
completely kept the farmers insulated from Government effected an increase of 30% in
this increase in cost and have increased the the issue prices of fertilizers in August, 1991
subsidy allocations to meet the consumption after a gap of a decade. The selling price of
needs of the farmer at subsidized level of urea, which was reduced by 10% in August
prices. The subsidy on fertilizers has been 1992, was revised upwards by 20% in June
increased sharply over the last few years. 1994 followed by another increase by 10%
The details of fertilizer subsidy over the last with effect from 21.2.97. The prices of urea
few years are as below:- were again revised in February 2002 by 5%

(Rs. in Crores)
Years Subsidy Released Total Liabilities Net
subsidy Carryover incidence
disbursed to next of subsidy
Urea Indigenous Imported Total
(P&K) (P&K) (P&K)
2002-03 7788 2488 737 3225 11013
2003-04 8509 2606 720 3326 11835 2002
2004-05 10986 3977 1165 5142 16128 3372 17498
2005-06 11749 4500 2050 6550 18299 5914 20841
2006-07 15354 6648 3950 10598 25952 8788 28826
2007-08 23204 10334 6800 17134 40338 5000 36550
2008-09 33901 32957 32598 65555 99456 17158 111614
2009-10* 25258 15447 16351 31798 57056 74214

and by Rs. 240 PMT of urea w.e.f. 28.2.2003. 1.5.3. The recommendations of ERC were
The price increase made effective from examined in consultation with the concerned
28.2.2003 was, however, later withdrawn Ministries/Departments. The views of the
w.e.f 12.3.2003. The current price is Rs. 4830 fertilizer industry and the State Governments/
per tonne exclusive of local levies. However, Union territories, and economists/research
the hikes in prices of urea have not materially institutes were also obtained. After due
altered the position in terms of the absolute examination of all these views, a New Pricing
outgo in the form of subsidy, because of the Scheme (NPS) for urea units for replacing
steady growth in production to meet the the RPS was formulated and notified on
growing demand and rise in the costs of 30.1.2003. The new scheme took effect from
inputs. 1.4.2003. It aims at inducing the urea units
to achieve internationally competitive levels
1.5 Fertilizer Pricing Policy of efficiency, besides bringing in greater
transparency and simplification in subsidy
1.5.1 Given the importance of fertilizer pricing and
subsidization in the overall policy
environment, which has direct implications 1.5.4. New Pricing Scheme (NPS) for urea was
with reference to the growth and development introduced w.e.f. 1st April, 2003. The Stage-
of agriculture and sustainability of the fertilizer I of NPS was of one year duration from 1st
industry, the need for streamlining the April, 2003 to 31st March, 2004 and Stage-
subsidy scheme in respect of urea producing II was of two year duration from 1st April to
units had been felt for a long time. A High 31st March, 2006. With the Stage-III of NPS
Powered Fertilizer Pricing Policy Review being implemented w.e.f. 1st October, 2006,
Committee (HPC) was constituted, under the the Stage-II of NPS stands extended upto
chairmanship of Prof. C.H. Hanumantha Rao, 31st September, 2006.
to review the existing system of subsidization
1.5.5. Under NPS, the existing urea units have been
of urea, suggest an alternative broad-based,
divided into six groups based on vintage and
scientific and transparent methodology, and
feedstock for determining the group based
recommend measures for greater
concession. These groups are : Pre-1992
cohesiveness in the policies applicable to
gas based units, post-1992 gas based units,
different segments of the industry. The HPC,
pre-1992 naphtha based units, post-1992
in its report submitted to the Government on
naphtha based units, fuel oil/low sulphur
3rd April 1998, inter-alia, recommended that
heavy stock (FO/LSHS) based units and
unit-wise RPS for urea may be discontinued
mixed energy based units. The mixed energy
and, instead, a uniform Normative Referral
based group shall include such gas based
Price be fixed for existing gas based urea
units that use alternative feedstock/fuel to
units and also for DAP and a Feedstock
the extent of more than 25% as admissible
Differential Cost Reimbursement (FDCR) be
on 1.4.2002.
given for a period of five years for non-gas
based urea units. 1.5.6. Under NPS, escalation/de-escalation is given
in respect of variable cost related to changes
1.5.2. The Expenditure Reforms Commission
in the price of feedstock, fuel, purchased
(ERC), headed by Shri K.P. Geethakrishnan,
power and water. Under the scheme, no
had also examined the issue of rationalizing
reimbursement is allowed in respect of
fertilizer subsidies. In its report submitted on
investment made by a unit for improvement
20 th September 2000, the ERC
in its operations nor are the gains as a result
recommended, inter-alia, dismantling of
of operational efficiencies to be mopped up.
existing RPS and in its place the introduction
of a Concession Scheme for urea units based 1.5.7. It has also been provided under the scheme
on feedstock used and the vintage of plants. that the concession rates during Stage-II shall

Shri M.K. Alagiri, Hon’ble Minister (C&F) giving awards at Fertilizer Association of India Seminar held at Hyderabad.

be adjusted for reduction in capital related reduction of fixed cost will be applicable w.e.f
charges and enforcement of efficient energy 1st April, 2009.
norms. Pre-set energy norms for urea units
1.6.2 Capacity utilization of Post – 1992 Naptha
during Stage-II of NPS have already been
based Group Average will be considered as
notified and intimated to urea units. Reduction
95% instead of 98% for calculating the base
in rates of concession during Stage-II of NPS
concession rates of urea units provided no
for urea units on account of reduction in
cost towards conversion is recognized under
capital related charges have also been
NPS III. The approved amendments will help
notified and intimated to urea units.
the indigenous urea units reduce their losses
1.6 Amendments to New Pricing Scheme due to the group averaging under New
Stage - III for Urea Units. Pricing Scheme Stage - III and help them to
generate resources for reinvestment in their
Following amendments in NPS III have been made plants towards modernization and increased
1.6.1 It has been decided that the reduction in the
fixed cost of each Urea units strictly due to 1.6.3 To maintain stocks of urea in case there is
Group Averaging principle under the New either a shortfall in production due to
Pricing Scheme III will be restricted to 10% disruption in supplies of feedstocks or delay/
of the Normated Fixed Cost computed under disruption in imports and to tide over the
the base concession rates. The limitation on sudden spurt in demand/shortages, a buffer

stocking scheme for urea is under MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICE OF FERTILIZERS
implementation in major States. The
(Rupees per MT)
companies are reimbursed buffer stocking
expenses on following parameters. Product From From
12.3.2003 18.06.08
(i) The company operating the buffer stock to
will be entitled to Inventory Carrying Cost 17.6.2008
(ICC) at a rate 1 percentage point less than
Urea 4830 4830
the PLR of SBI as notified from time to time.
This rate would be applicable at Rs 4650 Di Ammonium 9350 9350
per MT (MRP less than the dealer’s margin Phosphate (DAP)
i.e. Rs 4830- Rs 180) for the quantity and Muriate of Potash (MOP) 4455 4455
the duration for which the stock is carried as Mono-Ammonium 9350 9350
buffer. In case of cooperatives, it will be at Phosphate (MAP)
Rs 4630 per MT as dealers margin in this (w.e.f. 1.4.2007)
case is Rs 200 per MT. Triple Super Phosphate 7460 7460
(ii) The company will be paid warehousing (TSP) (w.e.f. 1.4.2008)
and insurance charges at the rate of Rs 23 Single Super Phosphate 3400 3400
per tonne per month on the quantity carried (SSP) (w.e.f. 1.5.2008 to
as buffer. 30.6.2009) all India MRP
Ammonium Sulphate (AS) 10350
(iii) Since the material will be moved in two
(w.e.f. 1.7.2008)
stages i.e. from the plant to the buffer
stocking point and then on to consumption Grades of Complex
points, additional handling charges at the rate Fertilizers - N:P:K:S
of Rs 30 per MT will be paid to the Fertilizer 16:20:00:13 7100 5875
Company on the quantity sold from the buffer (earlier 16:20:00)
stock. 20:20:00:00 7280 5343
(iv) In addition, freight from the buffer stocking 20:20:00:13 7280 6295
warehouse to the block in case of movement 23:23:00:00 8000 6145
outside the district in which buffer stocking
28:28:00:00 9080 7481
godown is located, will also be paid to the
company, in accordance with the provisions 10:26:26:00 8360 7197
under the Uniform policy for freight subsidy 12:32:16:00 8480 7637
announced by the Government with effect 14:28:14:00 8300 7050
from 1st April, 2008.
14:35:14:00 8660 8185
1.7 MRP of Decontrolled P & K Fertilizers 15:15:15:00 6980 5121

1.7.1 The MRP of the DAP/NPK/MOP has been 17:17:17:00 8100 5804
constant from February 2003 to 17.6.2008. 19:19:19:00 8300 6487
Then Department of Fertilizers introduced
nutrient based subsidy in June 2008 and
accordingly, revised the MRP of NPK 1.8 Global Scenario
Complex Fertilizers downwards w.e.f.
18.6.2008. However, the MRP of the other Prices of Major fertilizers, such as Urea, DAP
fertilizers remained the same. The MRP of and MOP and fertilizer inputs such as
fertilizers is shown in the table below:- Ammonia, Sulphur, Rock Phosphate and
Phosphoric acid increased manifold during

2008-09. This resulted in steep increase in acid which was US $ 566.25 cft pt (annual
prices of both finished fertilizers as well as contract price) for 2007-2008, went up to
intermediates and consequently led to 1985 cfr pt in April-June 2008 and to US $
substantial increase in subsidy outgo of the 2310 cft pt in July-September 2008. Sulphur
Government. Urea Price, which was US$ price increased from US $ 78.75 cfr per MT
280.75 fob per MT in January 2007 increased in January 2007 to US $ 561 cfr per MT in
to US$ 403.75 fob per MT in January 2008 January 2008 and to US $ 846 cfr pt in July
and US $ 815 fob per MT in August 2008. 2008. Price of Rock Phosphate which was
Price of DAP, which was US $ 320.5 cfr per US $ 79.5 cfr pt in January 2007 went up to
MT in January 2007 increased to US$ 802 US $ 245 cfr pt in January 2008 and to US
cfr per MT in January 2008 and US $ 1331 $ 460 cfr pt in June 2008.
cfr pt in May 2008. MOP price, which
The spurt in international prices have
prevailed at US $ 170 fob per MT in January
impacted prices of imported finished fertilizers
2007 went up to US $ 328 fob per MT in
as well as raw material in India. As a result,
January 2008 and US$ 945 fob per MT in
subsidy outgo for 2008-09 was about one
October 2008.
lakh crore.
Raw material prices also showed exponential
From July 2008 to January 2010, the prices
jumps during the last one year. Ammonia
of the raw materials/intermediates/finished
price, which, on an average, was $ 301.5 cfr
fertilizers have shown a declining trend. The
(India) per in January 2007, went upto US $
prices in January 2010 in comparison to that
389 cfr (India) per MT in January 2008 and
of and July 2008 and March 2009 are as
US $ 834 cfr (India) in September 2008. Price
follows :
of Phosphoric Acid witnessed a sharp
increase during the year. Price of Phosphoric

(US $ pmt)
Raw material/Intermediate/Fertilizers July 2008 March 2009 January 2010
DAP 1291.90 414.00 499.13
MOP 725.00 767.50 381.25
Urea FOB 783.00 305.63 306.88
Phos Acid, India (C&F) 2200-2310 650.760 610-627.50
Ammonia (C&F) 571.10 261.00 327.88
Sulphur (C&F) 846.00 57.00 139.50
Rock (C&F) 384.00 301.00 (in Jan,09) 142.50
Sulphuric Acid (C&F) Brazil 360.00 0.00-50.0 35.38


2.1 Organizational set up and functions 2.1.5 Joint Secretary (A&M) looks after the work
relating to the movement of fertilizers and
2.1.1 The main activities of Department of related policies and coordination with
Fertilizers (DOF) include planning, States, shipping and import of Urea 0n
promotion and development of the Fertilizer Government account, Parliamentary work
Industry, planning and monitoring of and coordination, branch administration
production, import and distribution of and vigilance, FMS, OMIFCO related
fertilizers and management of financial matters including off-take of Urea,
assistance by way of subsidy/concession implementation of finalized long term
for indigenous and imported fertilizers. List offtake arrangements.
of subjects allocated to the Department of
Fertilizers as per Government of India 2.1.6 The Economic Adviser, an officer of Joint
(Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961 Secretary level advises the Department on
amended from time to time has been given various economic issues which have
at Annexure-I. economic implications, S&T projects,
matters relating to agriculture Ministry such
2.1.2 The work of these divisions is handled by as Bio fertilizers, balanced fertilizers, soil
three Joint Secretaries, one Economic health cards, nutrient absorption issues,
Adviser & one Additional Secretary cum micro-nutrients, organic fertilizers based on
Financial Adviser. The Department is urban solid waste, subjects related to
broadly divided into 4 Divisions dealing renewable and non-renewable energy,
with (i) Fertilizers Projects and Planning clean technology and general
(ii) Fertilizer Imports, Movement and environmental issues, supply, demand,
Distribution (iii) Administration and availability and price movement forecasting
Vigilance and (iv) Finance and Accounts. of various fertilizers, intermediates and raw
2.1.3 The Joint Secretary in-charge of (P&P) looks materials and economic analysis of specific
after the work relating to Policy Coordination, importance assisting in firming up policy
Phosphatic Fertilizer Policy, P & K Subsidy issues.
payments and import on government account 2.1.7 The list containing the names of Minister-
payments, Joint Venture Projects of P & K in-charge and the officers of the level of
Fertilizers (domestic and overseas), and Deputy Secretary and who have worked in
WTO related issues. the Department during 2009-2010 is given
2.1.4 Joint Secretary (F&P) & ED FICC (Ex in Annexure-II.
officio) is entrusted with the work pertaining 2.2 Fertilizer Industry Coordination
to Urea Policy, PSUs matters except Committee (FICC)
vigilance Special Purpose Vehicle for
exploring Joint Ventures abroad, revival of 2.2.1 The office of Fertilizer Industry
closed Urea units including FCIL and Coordination Committee is an attached
HFCL, Urea Fertilizers Joint Ventures office under the Department of Fertilizers
Projects (domestic and overseas), over all headed by Executive Director. The FICC
project coordination including JVs and comprises of the Secretaries to the GOI in
long-term off-take policy. the Department of Fertilizers, Industrial

Shri Srikant Kumar Jena, Hon’ble Minister of State (C&F) inaugurating Health Mela organized by IFFCO at
Betnoti (Orissa).

Policy and Promotion, Agriculture and to administer and operate the New Pricing
Cooperation, Expenditure, Ministry of Scheme (NPS), which has come into
Petroleum & Natural Gas, Chairman, Tariff existence w.e.f. 1.4.2003.
Commission and two representatives of the
urea industry, FICC, which was initially 2.2.2 The Department has under its
constituted w.e.f. 1.12.1977 to administer administrative control nine (9) Public Sector
and operate the erstwhile Retention Price Undertakings (PSUs), one multi-state co-
cum subsidy Scheme (RPS), has been operative society. The list is given at
replaced vide Resolution dated 13.3.2003 Annexure-III.


3.1 Development & Growth of Fertilizer the year 2008-09 was less than the target
Industry mainly due to constraints in suppply and
quality of natural gas, equipment breakdowns
3.1.1 Capacity Build-up
and RCF Trombay-V & DIL Kanpur remained
At present, there are 56 large size fertilizer under unscheduled shutdown. In case of
units in the country manufacturing a wide phosphate, production in DAP plants was low
range of nitrogenous, phosphatic and on account of shortage of imported
complex fertilizers. Of these, 30 units (as on phosphoric acid and ammonia. Production
date 28 units are fucntioning) produce urea, of complexes was higher than the
21 units produce DAP and complex fertilizers, coresponding period of last year.
5 units produce low analysis straight
3.2.3. The installed capacity of urea units in the
nitrogenous fertilizers and 9 manufacture
country as follows:-
ammonium sulphate as by-product. Besides,
there are about 72 small and medium scale UREA UNITS SET UP BETWEEN: 1967-2009 WITH INSTALLED
units in operation producing single super
Year of Unit Feedstock Installed
phosphate (SSP). The total installed capacity Comm. and Sector Capacity
of fertilizer production which was 119.60 lakh (lakh/MT)
MT of nitrogen and 53.60 lakh MT of 1967 GSFC-Baroda Gas-Private 3.706
phosphate as on 31.03.2004, has margnally 1969 SFC-Kota Naphtha-Private 3.790
1970 DIL-Kanpur Naphtha-Private 7.220
incresed to120.61 lakh MT of nitrogen and
1971 MFL-Madras Naphtha-Public 4.868 @
56.59 lakh MT of phosphate as on 1973 ZIL -Goa Naphtha-Private 3.993
01.04.2009. 1975 SPIC-Tuticorin Naphtha-Private 6.200
1976 MCFL-Mangalore Naphtha-Private 3.800
3.2 Production Capacity And Capacity 1978 NFL-Nangal FO/LSHS-Public 4.785
Utilisation 1978 IFFCO-Kalol Gas-Coop. 5.445 @
1979 NFL-Bhatinda FO/LSHS-Public 5.115
3.2.1. The production of fertilizers during 2008-09 1979 NFL-Panipat FO/LSHS-Public 5.115
was 108.70 lakh MT of nitrogen and 34.65 1981 IFFCO-Phulpur Gas—Coop. 5.511
lakh MT of phosphate. The production target 1982 RCF-Trombay-V Gas-Public 3.30
for 2009-10 was 120.85 Lakh MT of nitrogen 1982 GNFC-Bharuch FO/LSHS-Private 6.360
1985 RCF-Thal Gas-Public 17.068
and 41.31 Lakh MT of Phosphate,
1986 KRIBHCO-Hazira Gas-Coop. 17.292
representing a growth rate of 11.1% in 1987 BVFCL-Namrup-III Gas-Public 3.150
nitrogen and 19.2% in Phosphate as (Formerly HFC)
compared to production in 2008-09. 1988 NFL-Vijaipur Gas-Public 8.646
Production target for nitrogenous fertilizer is 1988 IFFCO-Aonla Gas-Coop. 8.646
1988 Indogulf-Jagdishpur Gas-Private 8.646
more than the installed capacity. The
1992 NFCL-Kakinada Gas-Private 5.970
production target for phospahtic fertilizer is 1993 CFCL-Gadepan Gas-Private 8.646
less than installed capacity due to constraints 1994 TCL-Babrala Gas-Private 8.646
in availability of raw materials/ intermediates 1995 KRIBHCO SHYAM-Shahja- Gas-Private 8.646
which are substantially imported. However, hanpur (Formerly OCFL)
1996 IFFCO-Aonla expansion Gas-Cooperative 8.646
taken together, the production of ‘N’ and ‘P’
1997 NFL-Vijaipur expansion Gas-Public 8.646
during the year is higher than that in the 1997 IFFCO-Phulpur expansion Gas—Cooperative 8.646
corresponding period of last year. 1998 NFCL-Kakinada expansion Naphtha-Private 5.970
1999 CFCL-Gadepan expansion Naphtha/Gas-Private 8.646
3.2.2. The production performance of both 2005 BVFCL:Namrup-II Gas-Public 2.400 @
nitrogenous and phosphatic fertilizers during Note: @ After revamp

3.2.4 The following 9 urea plants of the companies 3.3 Strategy for Growth
are presently closed/under shutdown due to
various reasons, inter-alia, on account of 3.3.1 The following strategy has been adopted
technological obsolescence, feedstock to increase fertilizer production:
limitation, non-viability of unit/company and
• Expansion and capacity addition/
heavy financial losses.
efficiency enhancement through
Sl. Name of the Date of Annual Installed retrofitting / revamping of existing
No. Company/Unit closures Capacity fertilizer plants.
(In Lakh MT)
1. FCI: Gorakhpur 10.6.1990 2.85 • Setting up joint venture projects in
2. FCI: Ramagundam 1.4.1999 4.95
countries having abundant and
cheaper raw material resources.
3. FCI: Talcher 1.4.1999 4.95
4. FCI: Sindri 16.3.2002 3.30 • Working out the possibility of using
5. HFC: Durgapur 1.7.1997 3.30 alternative sources like liquefied
6. HFC: Barauni 1.1.1999 3.30 natural gas, coal gasification, etc., to
7. RCF: Trombay-I 1.5.1995 0.98 overcome the constraints in the
8. NLC: Neyveli 31.3.2002 1.53 domestic availability of cheap and
9. FACT: Cochin-I 15.5.2001 3.30 clean feedstock, particularly for the
Total 28.46
production of urea.
Note: Production by DIL-Kanpur (7.22 LMT) was suspended due • Looking at possibilities of revival of
to financial constraints. some of the closed units by setting
up brownfield units subject to available
3.2.5. The domestic fertilizer industry has by and of gas.
large attained the levels of capacity utilisation
comparable with others in the world. The 3.4 Feedstock Policy
capacity utilisation during 2008-09 was 90.1%
for nitrogen and 61.2% for phosphate. The 3.4.1 At present, natural gas based plants
estimated capacity utilisation during 2009- account for more than 66% of urea
10 is 99.2% of nitrogen and 76.9% of capacity, naphtha is used for less than 30%
phosphate. Within this gross capacity urea production and the balance capacity
utilization, the capacity utilisation in terms of is based on fuel oil and LSHS as feedstock.
the urea plants was 101.1% in 2008-09 and The two coal based plants at Ramagundam
106.3% in 2009.10. As for phosphate and Talcher were closed down due to
fertilizers, apart from the constraints technological obsolescence and non-
mentioned earlier, the actual production viability.
capacity utilisation has also been influenced
3.4.2. Natural gas has been the preferred
by the demand trends.
feedstock for the manufacture of urea over
3.2.6. The capacity utilisation of the fertilizer other feedstocks viz. naphtha and FO/
industry, particularly in respect of urea, is LSHS, firstly, because it is clean and
expected to improve further through efficient source of energy and secondly, it
revamping/ modernisation of the existing is considerably cheaper and more cost
plants. effective in terms of manufacturing cost of
urea which also has a direct impact on the
3.2.7. The unit-wise details of installed capacity, quantum of subsidy on urea.
production and capacity utilisation during
2008-09 and 2009-10 are given in 3.4.3. Accordingly, the pricing policy, announced
Annexure-IV. in January 2004, provides that new urea

projects, expansion of existing urea units above availability of gas, the production
and capacity increase through de- capacities in existing units will increase,
bottlenecking/revamp/modernization will be closed fertilizer units will be revived new
also allowed/recognized if the production Greenfield/Brown field projects will be set
comes from using natural gas/LNG as up and non gas based fertilizer plants will
feedstock. For the same reasons, a policy be converted to gas, taking the overall
for conversion of the existing naphtha/FO/ production capacity of urea in the country
LSHS based urea units to natural gas/LNG to more than 31 million tonnes. Likewise,
as feedstock has also been formulated in the projected requirement of urea by the
January 2004, which encourages early end of 11th Plan is expected to be around
conversion to natural gas/LNG. Pursuant 31 million tones including the required
to formulation of policy for conversion of quantities for maintaining the supply chain
non-gas urea units to gas, three naphtha and buffer stocks. It is expected that with
based plants namely, Chambal Fertilizers above availability of gas at reasonable
& Chemicals Limited (CFCL), Gadepan-II prices, the country will become self-
and IFFCO-Phulpur-I & II have already sufficient in urea requirement by the end
converted to NG/LNG. Shriram Fertilizers of 11th Plan. The above availability of gas
& Chemicals Limited (SFC-Kota) has also will also help our country to become an
started using gas w.e.f. 22nd September export surplus nation in urea sector.
3.5.3. The above requirement of gas is based on
3.5 Requirement and Availability of Gas to the desired need to make the country self-
Fertilizer Sector sufficient in urea production. This is
necessary in light of the fact that our
3.5.1 The projected requirement of gas during agricultural sector needs to be insulated
the 11th Plan period for fertilizer sector is from the volatile international prices of
as below: fertilizers and at the same time the fertilizer
subsidy bill need to be reduced. Urea is
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
the only fertilizer, in which the country can
Gas Demand 41.02 42.45 55.20 72.76 95.52
At NCV 8200
become self-sufficient with the projected
Kcal/SM) availability of gas in future. In phosphatic
and potassic sector, we are largely import
3.5.2. Six companies viz IFFCO, KRIBHCO, dependent and are subject to large-scale
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers volatility in world prices of these fertilizers.
Limited, INDO-Gulf Fertilizers Limited,
TATA Chemicals Limited and Chambal 3.5.4 The indigenous production capacities can
Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited have come up in future with the above gas
requested for firm availability of gas for availability provided the gas is available at
taking final investment decision to under- reasonable price. World over the price of
take expansion of their existing units. The gas is showing an upward trend but the
issue has been taken up with the Ministry countries rich in gas resources are having
of Petroleum and Natural Gas. The special assured price for fertilizer sector.
Empowered Group of Ministers (EGOM) The fertilizer sector in Middle East and
in its 65 th meeting held on 27-10-2009 North East Africa is based on gas prices
considered the demand of natural gas for of approximately 50 cents per MMBTU to
expansion and revamp of fertilizer plants $ 1.5 – 2 per MMBTU. This has led to a
and decided that they would be supplied lower cost of production in these countries,
natural gas as and when they are ready to which are also the major exporters of urea
utilize the gas. It is expected that with the in the world.

3.5.5 Though enhancement of indigenous location of the plant.
production capacity, the country not only
becomes self-sufficient in urea production 3.5.6. In addition to the issue of availability in
and immune from demand driven pricing of gas, the other major important
escalation in international prices, but it also issue in this sector is provision of gas
leads to increase in economic activity pipeline connectivity to the existing urea
within the country, increase in employment, units in the country and proposed urea
industrial development, etc. At the same units in future. At present 8 operational
level of gas prices, the country will save units are not on the gas grid and their
approximately USD 60 per MT of urea by connectivity with the gas grid is critical for
producing within the country as compared their conversion to gas. Further 8 closed
to importing from Middle East countries on units of FCIL and HFCL are presently away
price equivalent to cost of production. The from the gas grid and their connectivity
savings will be on account of lower capital with gas pipeline is prerequisite for revival
cost (USD 20 per MT approx), shipping of these closed units. Ministry of Petroleum
freight (USD 20 per MT) and port handling and Natural Gas has projected that the
charges (USD 20 per MT). In addition, following pipeline connectivity of gas to
there will be savings on account of internal existing and closed units in the country
transportation of urea depending upon the will be provided by 2012-13


S.No. Proposed pipeline Agency for Fertilizer unit Expected

connecting proposed to be year of
plants connected connectivity

Naphtha based plants

1. Dhabol, Bangalore GAIL ZIL, Goa 2011-12

2. Kochi-Mangalore-Bangalore GAIL MFCL, Mangalore 2012-13

3. Kochi-Mangalore-Bangalore GAIL FACT, Cochin 2011-12

(also from Kochi LNG Terminal)

Fuel Oil/LSHS based plants

4. Dadri-Bawana-Nangal GAIL NFL-Nangal, 2011-12

Panipat, Bhatinda

Closed Units

5. Spur from the following pipeline: GAIL FCI, Sindri 2012-13

Jagdishpur-Haldia FCI, Gorakhpur
HFC, Barauni
HFC, Durgapur
HFC, Haldia

3.6 Joint Ventures abroad quantity of Urea, if any, as per price agreed
for the additional quantity. In addition, 2.5
3.6.1 Due to constraints in the availability of gas lakh MT of surplus Ammonia per year is also
in the country, which is the preferred feed produced by the plant for which IFFCO has
stock for production of nitrogenous fertilizers, Ammonia Off-Take Agreement (AOTA).
and a near total dependence of the country OMIFCO is examining possibility of
on imported raw materials for production of expansion and increase in production of Urea
Phosphatic fertilizers and full import and Ammonia.
dependence for MOP, the Government has
been encouraging Indian companies to ICS Senegal
establish Joint ventures production facilities
with buy back arrangement in other countries, The Government of India (GoI), Indian
which are rich in fertilizer resources. Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Ltd. (IFFCO)
and Southern Petrochemicals Industries
3.6.2 Existing joint ventures, namely Oman India Corporation Ltd. (SPIC) formed a joint
Fertilizer Company (OMIFCO), Oman in venture company in Senegal named
Urea ad Industries Chimiques du Senegal Industries Chimiques du Senegal (ICS). Later
(ICS), Senegal and Indo- Maroc Phosphore on SPIC withdrew from the project. In recent
(MACID), Morocco in phosphate have past, the company suffered financial losses.
given the country assured sources of However, ICS Senegal has been restructured
supply of urea and phosphoric acid, a in 2008 with Government of India, IFFCO
critical input for production of Phosphatic and other Indian consortium partners having
fertilizers. Further, two more projects, 85% and Government of Senegal having
namely, Jordan India Fertilizer Company 15% share. The restructuring plan after
(JIFCO) in Jordan and Tunisia India having been approved by the Regional High
Fertilizer Company (TIFERT) in Tunisia are Court of Dakar (Senegal) on 27th March 2008
about to be commissioned in the year has come into effect and ICS Senegal, as
2010. The details of the existing joint restructured, is in operation.
venture in the fertilizer sector are:
ICS Senegal has a capacity to produce 6.60 OMIFCO Oman: lakh tones of phosphoric acid per annum
and also finished phosphate fertilizer such
Krishak Bharati Cooperative Ltd. (KRIBHCO), as DAP and Complex fertilizers. A major
Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperatives Ltd. portion of the phosphoric acid, about 5.5 LMT
(IFFCO) and Oman Oil Company with produced in the ICS plant is off-taken by
respective share holding of 25%, 25% and IFFCO as per a long term buy back
50% have collaborated and set up a world arrangement and utilized for production of
class urea-ammonia fertilizer plant ‘Oman phosphate fertilizers in India. The finished
India Fertilizer Company ‘ (OMIFCO) in fertilizers, DAP and complex fertilizers,
Oman at a cost of US $ 892 million. It produced by ICS Senegal is for domestic
consists of 5060 MTPD granular urea and consumption in Senegal.
3500 MTPD Ammonia plants along with
utilities in the coastal town of Sur in Oman. IJC Jordan
The annual capacity of the fertilizer complex
is 16.52 lakh MT of granular Urea. The entire SPIC, Jordan Phosphates Mines Company
quantity of urea is off taken by the Ltd. (JPMC) and Arab Investment Company
Government of India as per Urea Off-Take (AIC) set up a joint venture project, Indo-
Agreement (UOTA) at pre determined prices. Jordan Chemicals Company Limited (IJC) in
Government of India also off takes surplus Jordan in May 1997 with a capacity of 2.24

Shri S. Krishnan, Secretary (Fertilizers) inaugurating PDIL Bhawan at Vadodara.

lakh tonnes of phosphoric acid production in May 2005, both OCP & CFCL have sold
per annum. 52.17% of the equity of the joint one-third of their equity stake in IMACID to
venture is held by SPIC, 34.86% by JPMC TATA Chemicals Limited.
and 12.97% by AIC. Phosphoric Acid
produced by IJC is off-taken by SPIC and 3.7 Overseas Joint Ventures Under
other fertilizer units in India. Implementation / Consideration: IMACID Morocco 3.7.1 JIFCO Jordan

IMACID, a joint venture between Office Indian farmers Fertilizers Cooperative Ltd
Cherifien des Phosphates (OCP), Morocco, (IFFCO) and Jordan Phosphate Mining
and Chambal Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd. Company (JPMC) have agreed for setting
(CFCL), India to produce 3.60 lakh MT of up of a joint-venture Phosphoric Acid
phosphoric acid per annum was production plant, Jordan India Fertilizer
commissioned in Morocco in October 1999. Company (JIFCO) in Jordan with an installed
After subsequent joining of Tata Chemicals capacity of 1500 MT of phosphoric acid per
Limited (TCL), capacity of the plant has been day (MTPD). Equity hodling in the project is
increased to 4.30 LMT per annum. Initially, 52:48 between IFFCO and JPMC,
equity of US$ 65 million in the venture was respectively. The plant is expected to be
held by OCP & CFCL equally. Subsequently commissioned in 2010.

3.7.2. JV in Tunisia 3.7.4. JV in Australia:

Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Ltd
(GSFC) and Coromandel International Ltd (IFFCO) has entered into a ‘Principles of Off-
(CIL), formerly Coromandel Fertilizers take Agreement’ with Legend International
Ltd.(CFL) both Indian entities alongwith Holdings of Australia to undertake joint mining
Groupe Chimique Tunisien (GCT) & of rock phosphate in Lady Annie mines
Compagnie Des Phosphates De Gafsa (Georgina Basins in Queens land) along with
(CPG), both Tunisian entities are setting an assured three million MT annual off-take.
up a joint venture project, Tunisian Indian A total of US $800 million investment has
Fertilisers S.A. (TIFERT) at Skhira in been envisaged for undertaking rock
Tunisian for production of 3.6 lakh MT of phosphate mining in Australia. IFFCO will
Phosphoric Acid per annum. The entire receive 30 million options in Legend
production of phosphoric acid would be for International Holdings. IFFCO would provide
off take by GSFC and CIL. An MOU to this both technical and financial facilitation to
effect was signed in October, 2005 Legend International Holdings in the
between parties. Estimated cost of the development of its phosphate mining and
project is approx. US $ 165 million + 5% shipment of its product to India.
with equity of US$66 million and
borrowings of US $99 million. The project In Ammonia-Urea sector, KRIBHCO and
is expected to be commissioned in NWCF, a private company in Australia are in
2010. the process of setting up of a coal bases
ammonia-urea plant in Australia. The project
3.7.3. Cooperation in Syria cost is approx. US $ 2.6 billion and
KRIBHCO’s equity will be approx. US $ 165
The India-Syrian Joint Commission in its million. The Australian company proposed to
meeting held in January 2008 took note of enter into a 20 year agreement for supply of
the mutual interest of both countries in the urea. Agreement on mutual Terms &
field of Phosphatic raw-materials and Conditions including the price on which the
products. It was agreed that both countries urea will be made, are yet to be finalized.
would work for cooperation in the fertilizer
sector in Syria. Accordingly, a consortium 3.7.5 Cooperation in Ghana
of Indian entities including MECON, RITES
and PDIL (All central Government PSUs), Given its gas reserves, Ghana is considered
having expertise in the fields of mining, a rich source of nitrogenous feedstock.
beneficiation, processing, setting-up and Chairman of Ghana National Petroleum
running the phosphatic plants and logistic Corporation (GNPC), Ghana during his visit
aspects are undertaking capacity to India met the Prime Minister of India and
enhancement consultancy study with possibility of cooperation in fertilizer sector
GECOPHAM in Syria. Government of India was discussed. Subsequently, a fertilizer
is funding the study. In May 2009, MOU delegation including representative of the
has been signed between the Indian Department and RCF and GAIL has visited
Consortium and GECOPHAM and the Ghana. Possibility of setting up of a joint
former has started the studies, which is venture Urea-Ammonia plant in Ghana is
expected to be finalized soon. Government being explored. Memorandum of Intent (MOI)
of India and Government of Syria are in at the Government level for the purpose is
dialogue to formalize a Government level being finalized. Which would also include
MOU spelling out broad framework of framework of gas allocation by the GNPC
cooperation in phosphate sector. for the project. After finalization and signing

of the MOI, both would sides would designate IFFCO and IPL have requested
their respective entities for preparing Detailed PotashOne for providing detailed costing
Pre-Feasibility Report (DPFR). and other economic parameters
involved in the project.
3.7.6 Discussions for cooperation in fertilizer
iii) RCF and IDC/FOSKOR of South Africa
are exploring the possibilities to set up
a Phosphoric Acid and Ammonia-Urea
Discussion are on with the fertilizer and
fertilizer project near Maputo Port, the
mining entities in following resource rich
capital city of Mozambique. The project
countries for long term cooperation for setting
proposes to source Rock from the new
up of projects for production and off take of
mines of Foskor in Phalaborwa, South
Africa. An MOU has been signed
(i) Discussion at Government level is between RCF and IDC/FOSKOR.
underway with the Government of Department of Fertilizers has been
Senegal for development of Matam pursuing with M/s SASOL, for allocation
phosphate mines. of gas in Mozambique for setting up a
JV ammonia-urea project.
ii) Two separate consortia of Indian entities
comprising IPL & IFFCO and MMTC & iv) M/s SPIC and Chambal Fertilizers are
RCF are in discussion with M/s in the process of setting-up a gas based
PotashOne and M/s Athabasca Inc nitrogenous fertilizer plant at Dubai in
respectively of Saskatchewan province UAE to produce 4.00 LMT of urea per
for setting up Joint Venture projects in annum.
mining of Potash and off take to India.
v) Discussion are also going on for
Consortium of RCF and MMTC which
exploring possibilities for a Ammonia-
is pursuing with Athabasca, have signed
Urea project Qatar with buy back by
an MOU for JV project with Athabasca
India. IFFCO and QUAFCO (Public
for evaluation and assessment in
sector entity of Qatar) have signed
technical, marketing and financial
‘Agreement of Intention’ on 24.2.2009
aspect. They have also signed a
for the same.
confidentiality Agreement for sharing
related information. Consortium of


4.1 Availability of Major Fertilizers During farmers anywhere in the country at notified
2009-10 maximum retail price.

Controlled Fertilizer – Urea 4.2 Decontrolled Fertilizers – DAP & MOP

4.1.1 The availability of urea, which is the only Kharif 2009

fertilizer under price and partial movement
control of Government, remained satisfactory 4.2.1 In case of fertilizers other than the urea,
throughout the Kharif 2009 season as well which are decontrolled, no allocation is made
as during the current Rabi 2009-10(Up to under Essential Commodities Act (ECA) by
December, 2009). the Central Government. Assessment of
requirement of Urea, DAP and MOP is being
Kharif 2009 made by the Department of Agriculture &
Cooperation to enable better monitoring of
4.1.2 The field opening stock of 4.35 LMT as on availability at the national level.
1.4.2009 coupled with indigenous production
of 101.09 LMT and imports of 25.34 LMT 4.2.2 DAP and MOP are the two major decontrolled
helped in progressively ensuring adequate and decanalised fertilizers, which may be
availability to the States throughout the imported freely.
season. The cumulative availability of urea
at the end of the season was nearly 123.11 DAP
LMT against the assessed requirement of 4.2.3 The imports of 37.55 LMT of DAP coupled
136.36 LMT. The sales have been 120.03 with indigenous production of 26.04 LMT and
LMT during Kharif 2009. the opening stock of 1.60 LMT of DAP as on
Rabi 2009-10 1 st April, 2009 resulted in satisfactory
availability of about 65.19 LMT DAP during
4.1.3 The requirement of urea for Rabi 2009-10 Kharif 2009 season. Sales of DAP in Kharif
has been assessed at 145.53 LMT 2009 were about 61.34 LMT.
envisaging a growth of about 5.03% over
the sales of 134.18 LMT in Rabi 2008-09. MOP
The requirement is being met from the 4.2.4 The imports of 17.12 LMT of MOP taken
opening stocks taken together with estimated together with opening stock as on 1st April,
production of 111.61 LMT and imports of 2009 resulted in availability of about 22.51
about 25.04 LMT during the season. Thus LMT. The sales of MOP were reported as
the cumulative availability of urea for Rabi about 18.51 LMT.
2009-10 has been estimated to be about
142.93 LMT by the end of 31st March, 2010. Rabi 2009-10
4.1.4. Allocation of urea under ECA was restricted DAP
to 50% of production of installed capacity of
each manufacturer during Kharif 2009 and 4.2.5. The production of DAP during Rabi 2009-10
Rabi 2009-10. The manufacturers are free is estimated to be about 17.79 LMT. Stocks
to sell the remaining quantity of urea to the as on 1.10.2009 coupled with estimated
imports will be adequate in meeting the

country’s requirement of DAP assessed at 4.3 Movement of Fertilizers
57.77 LMT during Rabi 2009-10, considering
that about 14.54 MT of MOP was extra 4.3.1 Under the Allocation of Business Rules,
supplied during Kharif 2009 towards the the Department of Fertilizers has been
requirement of Rabi 2009-10. entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring
movement, distribution and allocation of
MOP controlled fertilizer, i.e. urea, from various
fertilizer plants and ports in accordance
4.2.6 Stocks of MOP as on 1.10.2009 coupled with with the State-wise requirement assessed
adequate imports till March 2010 will ensure by the Department of Agriculture & Co-
that the country’s requirement of MOP during operation (DAC). The distribution of
Rabi 2009-10 is fully met. imported urea is made keeping in view the
4.2.7 Following table summarizes the season-wise requirements of each of the States.
position in respect of the availability and sales 4.3.2 The major share in transportation of
of the major fertilizer i.e. Urea, DAP & MOP fertilizers is of the Railways. During 2008-
during the last three seasons: 09, Railways had moved about 41.35
milion tonnes of the fertilizers produced
Crop season Demand Cumulative Cumulative %age of
Assessment Availability Sales availability indigenously imported in the country.
to assessed During the current year, about 37.73 million
tonnes of fertilizer produced and imported
Kharif 2008 in the country has been moved during the
Urea 137.11 134.66 127.92 -1.7 period April-January, 2010.
DAP 42.75 53.19 52.85 24.42
MOP 17.19 22.79 21.55 32.57
NPK 48.98 37.00 36.13 -24.46 4.3.3 Judicious management of the demand-
supply balance has helped in maintaining
Rabi 2008-09 the average lead of fertilizer movement by
Urea 144.22 142.95 138.58 -0.88
DAP 52.07 46.90 46.18 -9.92 rail. During 2008-09 the average lead was
MOP 20.66 21.72 19.33 5.13 801 KMs. During the current year the
NPK 43.34 35.95 34.90 -17.05
average lead for the period April-
Kharif 2009 November, 2009 would also be almost
Urea 136.36 130.78 120.02 -4.09 same.
DAP 49.20 65.19 61.34 32.5
MOP 21.61 22.51 18.52 4.16
NPK 47.52 36.39 34.81 -23.42


5.1 Plan Performance 120.61 lakh MT and 29.05 LMT to 56.59

LMT respectively during the same period.
5.1.1 The installed capacity and production of
fertilizers in the country at the end of eighth 5.1.3 Year-wise consumption, production and
five year plan, in the terminal year of the imports of fertilizers in nutrients terms are
ninth plan and at the beginning of 5th year of given in Annexure-V.
tenth plan (2006-07) are indicated below:



(In lakh MT)

Sr. Particulars At the end of At the end of At the beginning

No. Eighth Five Year Ninth Plan of 5th year of Tenth
Plan (1996-97) (2001-02) Plan (2006-07)
1 Capacity
i) Nitrogen 97.77 120.58 120.61
ii) Phosphates 29.05 52.31 56.59
2 Production
i) Nitrogen 85.99 107.68 115.78
ii) Phosphates 25.56 38.60 45.17

5.1.2 The installed capacity of nitrogen and 5.1.4 The production of fertilizers in nutrient terms
phosphate in the terminal year (1996-97) of during 2008-09 was 108.70 lakh MT of
the eighth plan was 97.77 lakh MT and 29.05 nitrogen and 34.64 lakh MT of phosphate.
lakh MT, respectively. Three major phosphatic The estimated production for 2009-10 is
fertilizer plants were commissioned during 119.68 lakh MT of nitrogen and 43.52 lakh
the ninth five year plan period, namely, Oswal MT of phosphate. Sector-wise targets and
Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.-Paradeep, (since achievements in respect of production and
taken over by IFFCO), Indo-Gulf Corporation- capacity utilization from 2001-02 onwards are
Dahej and Gujarat State Fertilizers Company given in Annexures-VI & VII.
Ltd.-Sikka-II. Consequent upon reassessment
of urea capacity on the basis of Dr. Y.K. Alagh 5.2 Plan Outlays
Committee and DAP capacity by Tariff 5.2.1 For the Eleventh Five Year (2007-12),
Commission, despite phasing out of 10 urea Planning Commission has approved an
units due to closure, the installed capacity of outlay of Rs. 20627.87 crore consisting of
nitrogen and phosphate has increased from Rs. 1492.00 crore as Domestic Budgetary
97.77 lakh MT at the end of eighth plan to Support and Rs. 19135.87 as Internal & Extra

Budgetary Resources (IEBR). possibilities of Joint Ventures abroad. Since
there is no firm proposal in hand right now
5.2.2 For the year 2009-10, a plan outlay of Rs. only a token provision of Rs.0.10 crore has
1024.16 crore was approved by the Planning been provided.
Commission, with Rs. 824.16 crore to be
met out of IEBR and balance amount of Rs. 5.2.4 Of the total outlay, the budgetary support of
200.00 crore as budgetary support. The Rs.215.00 crore is for Fertilizers & Chemicals
details of Plan outlays are given in Travancore Limited (Rs.89.99 crore), Madras
Annexure-VIII. Fertilizers Limited, (Rs. 74.50 crore),
Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizers Corporation
5.2.3 The outlays for 2010-11 is Rs. 2914.00 crore, Limited (Rs.45.00 crore) and other
of which an amount of Rs. 2699.96 crore Departmental Schemes (Rs.5.5 crore). Under
will be met from the internal and extra the other Departmental Schemes, there is a
budgetary resources and the blance amount provision of Rs. 2.00 crore for S&T
of Rs. 215.00 crore will be provided by way Programme: Rs. 3.5 crore for information
of budgetary support. The gross outlay of Technology. Rs.0.001 crore has been for
Rs. 2914.00 crore is for FCI-FAGMIL (Rs. investment for Joint Ventures abroad.
11.29 crore), Fertilizers and Chemicals
Tranvancore Ltd. (Rs.89.99 crore), 5.2.5 For the year 2009-10, there was net
Brahamaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation budgetary provision of Rs. 50,200.00 crore,
Ltd. (Rs. 45.00 crore), Madras Fertilizers Ltd. Rs. 200.00 crore under Plan and Rs.
(Rs. 74.5 crore), National Fertilizers Ltd., (Rs. 50000.00 crore under Non-Plan. In the
900.5 crore), Project and Development of Revised Estimate (RE) for 2009-10, the net
India Ltd. (Rs. 5.38 crore), Rastriya provision is Rs. 53200.00 crore, Rs.200.00
Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. (Rs. 622.82 crore under Plan and Rs. 53000.00 crore
crore), Krishak Bharti Cooperative Ltd. (Rs. under Non-Plan. The details of Non-Plan and
1160.00 crore), and other Mis. Departmental Plan Provision in 2009-10 (BE), 2008-10 (RE)
Schemes such as (MIS/IT and R&D) 5.50. and 2010-11 (BE) are given in Annexure-IX.
Department of Fertilizers is exploring


6.1 Measures of support for fertilizers capacity utilization, energy consumption,

distance from the source of feedstock/raw
6.1.1 For sustained agricultural growth and to materials, etc. Though the RPS did achieve
promote balanced nutrient application, it is its objective of increasing investment in the
imperative that fertilizers are made available fertilizer industry, and thereby creating new
to farmers at affordable prices. With this capacities and enhanced fertilizer production
objective, urea being the only controlled along with increasing use of chemical
fertilizer, is sold at statutorily notified uniform fertilizers, the scheme had been criticized
sale price, and decontrolled phosphatic and for being cost plus in nature and not providing
potassic fertilizers are sold at indicative incentives for encouraging efficiency.
maximum retail prices (MRPs). The problems
faced by the manufacturers in earning a 6.2.2. Given the importance of fertilizer pricing and
reasonable return on their investment with subsidization in the overall policy
reference to controlled prices, are mitigated environment, which has direct implications
by providing support under the New Pricing with reference to the growth and development
Scheme for urea units and the Concession of agriculture and sustainability of the fertilizer
Scheme for decontrolled phosphatic and industry, the need for streamlining the
potassic fertilizers. The statutorily notified sale subsidy scheme in respect of urea producing
price and indicative MRP is generally less units had been felt for a long time. A High
than the cost of production of the respective Powered Fertilizer Pricing Policy Review
manufacturing unit. The difference between Committee (HPC) was constituted, under the
the cost of production and the selling price/ chairmanship of Prof. C.H. Hanumantha Rao,
MRP is paid as subsidy/concession to to review the existing system of subsidization
manufacturers. As the consumer prices of of urea, suggest an alternative broad-based,
both indigenous and imported fertilizers are scientific and transparent methodology, and
fixed uniformly, financial support is also given recommend measures for greater
on imported urea and decontrolled cohesiveness in the policies applicable to
phosphatic and potassic fertilizers. different segments of the industry. The HPC,
in its report submitted to the Government on
6.2 Measures of Support for Urea 3rd April 1998, inter-alia, recommended that
6.2.1 Until 31.3.2003, the subsidy to urea unit-wise RPS for urea may be discontinued
manufacturers was being regulated in terms and, instead, a uniform Normative Referral
of the provisions of the erstwhile Retention Price be fixed for existing gas based urea
Price Scheme (RPS). Under RPS, the units and also for DAP and a Feedstock
difference between retention price (cost of Differential Cost Reimbursement (FDCR) be
production as assessed by the Government given for a period of five years for non-gas
plus 12% post tax return on networth) and based urea units.
the statutorily notified sale price was paid as 6.2.3. The Expenditure Reforms Commission
subsidy to each urea unit. Retention price (ERC), headed by Shri K.P. Geethakrishnan,
used to be determined unit wise, which had also examined the issue of rationalizing
differed from unit to unit, depending upon fertilizer subsidies. In its report submitted on
the technology, feedstock used, the level of 20 th September 2000, the ERC

recommended, inter-alia, dismantling of investment made by a unit for improvement
existing RPS and in its place the introduction in its operations nor are the gains as a result
of a Concession Scheme for urea units based of operational efficiencies to be mopped up.
on feedstock used and the vintage of plants.
6.2.8. It has also been provided under the scheme
6.2.4. The recommendations of ERC were that the concession rates during Stage-II shall
examined in consultation with the concerned be adjusted for reduction in capital related
Ministries/Departments. The views of the charges and enforcement of efficient energy
fertilizer industry and the State Governments/ norms. Pre-set energy norms for urea units
Union territories, and economists/research during Stage-II of NPS have already been
institutes were also obtained. After due notified and intimated to urea units. Reduction
examination of all these views, a New Pricing in rates of concession during Stage-II of NPS
Scheme (NPS) for urea units for replacing for urea units on account of reduction in
the RPS was formulated and notified on capital related charges have also been
30.1.2003. The new scheme took effect from notified and intimated to urea units.
1.4.2003. It aims at inducing the urea units
to achieve internationally competitive levels 6.3 Amendments to New Pricing Scheme
of efficiency, besides bringing in greater Stage - III for Urea Units.
transparency and simplification in subsidy Following amendments in NPS III have been
administration. made
6.2.5. New Pricing Scheme (NPS) for urea was 6.3.1 It has been decided that the reduction in the
introduced w.e.f. 1st April, 2003. The Stage- fixed cost of each Urea units strictly due to
I of NPS was of one year duration from 1st Group Averaging principle under the New
April, 2003 to 31st March, 2004 and Stage- Pricing Scheme III will be restricted to 10%
II was of two year duration from 1st April to of the Normated Fixed Cost computed under
31st March, 2006. With the Stage-III of NPS the base concession rates. The limitation on
being implemented w.e.f. 1st October, 2006, reduction of fixed cost will be applicable w.e.f
the Stage-II of NPS stands extended upto 1st April, 2009.
31st September, 2006.
6.3.2 Capacity utilization of Post – 1992 Naptha
6.2.6 Under NPS, the existing urea units have been based Group Average will be considered as
divided into six groups based on vintage and 95% instead of 98% for calculating the base
feedstock for determining the group based concession rates of urea units provided no
concession. These groups are : Pre-1992 cost towards conversion is recognized under
gas based units, post-1992 gas based units, NPS III. The approved amendments will help
pre-1992 naphtha based units, post-1992 the indigenous urea units reduce their losses
naphtha based units, fuel oil/low sulphur due to the group averaging under New
heavy stock (FO/LSHS) based units and Pricing Scheme Stage - III and help them to
mixed energy based units. The mixed energy generate resources for reinvestment in their
based group shall include such gas based plants towards modernization and increased
units that use alternative feedstock/fuel to efficiency.
the extent of more than 25% as admissible
on 1.4.2002. 6.3.3 To maintain stocks of urea in case there is
either a shortfall in production due to
6.2.7. Under NPS, escalation/de-escalation is given disruption in supplies of feedstocks or delay/
in respect of variable cost related to changes disruption in imports and to tide over the
in the price of feedstock, fuel, purchased sudden spurt in demand/shortages, a buffer
power and water. Under the scheme, no stocking scheme for urea is under
reimbursement is allowed in respect of implementation in major States. The

companies are reimbursed buffer stocking urea distribution will be totally decontrolled
expenses on following parameters. after evaluation of Stage-I and with the
concurrence of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The company operating the buffer stock will
be entitled to Inventory Carrying Cost (ICC) 6.4.2 The total decontrol of urea distribution was
at a rate 1 percentage point less than the deferred initially for a period of six months
PLR of SBI as notified from time to time. w.e.f. 1.4.2004 i.e., up to Kharif 2004, which
This rate would be applicable at Rs 4650 has been subsequently deferred up to Rabi
per MT (MRP less than the dealer’s margin 2005-06 i.e., up to 31.3.2006. The existing
i.e. Rs 4830- Rs 180) for the quantity and system of 50% ECA allocation and 50%
the duration for which the stock is carried as outside ECA allocation has been extended
buffer. In case of cooperatives, it will be at upto 31-3-2010.
Rs 4630 per MT as dealers margin in this
case is Rs 200 per MT. 6.4.3 The pricing policy for urea units for Stage-III
of New Pricing Schemes (NPS) which is
I. The company will be paid warehousing effective from 1.10.2006 to 31.3.2010 has
and insurance charges at the rate of been formulated keeping in view the
Rs 23 per tonne per month on the recommendations of the Working Group set
quantity carried as buffer. up under the Chairmanship of Dr. Y.K. Alagh.
The salient features of the proposed Stage-
II. Since the material will be moved in two III Policy which is aimed at promoting further
stages i.e. from the plant to the buffer investment in the urea sector, are to
stocking point and then on to maximize urea production from the Urea units
consumption points, additional handling including through conversion of non-gas
charges at the rate of Rs 30 per MT will based Units to gas, incentivising additional
be paid to the Fertilizer Company on urea production and encourage investment
the quantity sold from the buffer stock. in Joint Venture (JV) projects abroad. It is
III. In addition, freight from the buffer also aimed at establishing a more efficient
stocking warehouse to the block in case urea distribution and movement system in
of movement outside the district in which order to ensure availability of urea in the
buffer stocking godown is located, will remotest corners of the country.
also be paid to the company, in 6.4.4 The Stage-III policy seeks to promote usage
accordance with the provisions under of most efficient and comparatively cheaper
the Uniform policy for freight subsidy feed stock natural gas/LNG for production of
announced by the Government with urea in the country. The policy lays down a
effect from 1st April, 2008. definite plan for conversion of all non-gas
6.4. Phased Decontrol of Urea Distribution based urea units to gas. At present, there
are 8 urea units (MFL,SPIC, ZIL, MCFL,
6.4.1 As per the New Pricing Scheme for urea GNFC, NFL-Nangal, NFL-Bhatinda, NFL-
units, it was also envisaged that decontrol of Panipat) in the country which are based on
urea distribution/movement will be carried out naphtha or FO/LSHS as feed stock. All these
in a phased manner. During Stage-I, i.e. from 8 units are required to switch over to natural
1.4.2003 to 31.3.2004, the allocation of urea gas/LNG within a period of next three years.
under the Essential Commodities Act 1955 Beyond this time limit, the high cost urea
(ECA) was restricted up to 75% and 50% of produced by these non-gas based units will
installed capacity (as reassessed) of each not be entitled to subsidy at the existing levels
unit in Kharif 2003 and Rabi 2003-04, and it will be restricted to import parity price
respectively. It was further envisaged that of urea. The units, which are unable to tie
during Stage-II commencing from 1.4.2004, up gas will have to explore alternative

feedstocks like Coal Bed Methane (CBM) to encourage the existing urea units to
and coal gas. SFC has started using gas produce beyond 100% of their installed
w.e.f. 22.9.2007. capacities by introducing a system of
incentives for additional urea production
6.4.5. The availability of gas is critical to the growth subject to merit order procurement. The
of urea industry in the country. Presently, policy of requiring prior Government
the indigenous availability is not sufficient to permission for additional urea production has
meet the demand of existing gas based urea been dispensed with. All production between
units in the country. To this end, the 100% and 110% of the existing reassessed
Department of Fertilizers constituted a capacity will be incentivised on the existing
Committee under the chairmanship of net gain sharing formula between the
Secretary(P&NG) with Secretary(Fertilizers), Government and the unit in the ratio of 65:35
Secretary(Expenditure), Secretary(Planning respectively with the proviso that the total
Commission) as its members to deliberate amount paid to the units after including the
upon various issues relating to connectivity component of variable cost will be capped
and assured supply of gas to the fertilizer at the units own concession rate. The units
sector. The Committee will also develop an increasing production beyond 110% will be
appropriate mechanism for fixing the price compensated at their concession rate subject
of the gas in a transparent manner. to the over all cap of Import Parity Price
6.4.6 In order to incentivise conversion of non gas (IPP). To the extent Government does not
based units to gas, the policy provides for a require any quantities of additional
regime where there will be no mopping up of production, the urea companies would be
energy efficiency for a fixed period of five free to dispose of the remaining quantities
years for naphtha based as well as FO/LSHS by way of export or sale to complex
based units. The policy also recognizes the manufacturers without any permission. The
comparative higher cost of conversion of FO/ policy also encourages setting up of Joint
LSHS based units to gas and provides for Venture projects abroad where gas is readily
one time capital investment assistance to available at reasonable prices. It recognizes
these units for conversion to gas during the our heavy dependence on imported raw
next three years. A specific policy to this materials/intermediates and feedstock in the
effect has been announced by the fertilizer sector and to properly leverage this
Government on 6th March 2009. position, the policy seeks to create
specialized agency to coordinate investments
6.4.7 The policy also lays down a formulation to abroad in fertilizer sector.
dis-incentivise high cost production from the
non-gas based units and to facilitate their 6.4.9 The policy seeks to rationalize distribution
early conversion to gas. It is proposed that and movement of urea and the system of
these units may be allowed to produce 100% freight reimbursement with the objective of
of capacity should they adhere to an agreed ensuring availability of urea in all parts of
timetable for conversion to Gas and tie up the country. The Government will continue
requisite Gas/CBM/Coal gas. If they do not, to regulate movement of urea up to 50% of
they will be given only 75% of the fixed costs production depending upon the exigency of
beyond 93% of capacity utilization in the 1st the situation. The State Governments will be
year (1.4.2007) and 50% of the fixed cost required to allocate the entire quantity of
beyond 93% capacity utilization from 2nd year planned urea arrivals including both regulated
(1.4.2008) onwards. and de-regulated urea in districtwise,
monthwise and supplierwise format. The units
6.4.8 Considering the likely growth in consumption will be required to maintain a district level
of urea in the years to come, the policy seeks stock point and the subsidy will be paid only

when the urea reaches the district. The policy will encourage increase in indigenous
monitoring of movement and distribution of production from the existing urea units in the
urea throughout the country up to the district country and facilitate early conversion of non-
level will be done by an On line Web based gas based units to gas leading to substantial
monitoring system. To facilitate movement savings in subsidy. It is also expected that
of fertilizers to far flung area, the with the launch of Fertilizer Monitoring
reimbursement of freight will be based on System (FMS) to monitor movement of
actual leads for rail and road movement. The fertilizers upto district level and the freight
rail freight will be reimbursed as per the rationalization proposed in the new policy,
actual expenditure and the road freight will the distribution of fertilizers in remote corners
be escalated as per composite road transport of the country will improve considerably
index every year. One time enhancement of without any complaints of shortages in future.
33% will be granted on the road component The Department of Fertilizers will continue
of primary freight to offset the impact of its endeavour to promote the growth of
Supreme Court directive regarding maximum fertilizer industry in the country and ensure
truck load limit of 9 MT on road vehicles. adequate availability of fertilizers to the
The existing special freight subsidy scheme farmers.
will continue for supply of urea to the North
Eastern States except Assam and Jammu & 6.5 Pricing policy for investment in Fertilizer
Kashmir. In addition, the Department will sector.
operate a buffer stock through the state Urea
institutional agencies/fertilizer companies in
major urea consuming States up to a limit of 6.5.1 A pricing policy was announced on 29.1.2004
5% of the seasonal requirement. for setting up new urea projects and
expansion of existing urea projects for
6.4.10 The Stage-III of NPS seeks to carry on the augmenting the domestic production capacity
existing 6 group classification of urea of urea to meet the growing demand for
manufacturing units in the country with enhancing the agricultural production in the
updation of all costs upto 31st March, 2003. country. The new policy aimed at enabling
The respective pre-set energy consumption the entrepreneurs to decide about their
norm of each urea units during Stage-II of investment plans in the fertilizer sector. The
NPS or the actual energy consumption new policy was expected to encourage
achieved during the year 2003, whichever is setting up of plants with international
lower, will be recognized as the norm for efficiency standards for fresh investment in
Stage-III of NPS. The policy also provides new projects and expansion of existing units.
for updation of costs on account of cost of The policy was based on the principle of
bags through 3 year moving weighted Long Run Average Cost (LRAC).
average cost of bags to compensate for the
rise in prices for the last three years. It also 6.5.2 The above policy was not successful in
provides for payment of sales tax on input attracting investment in this sector. The non-
and other taxes recognized under erstwhile availability of natural gas, which is the critical
Retention Price Scheme, on actual basis. feedstock for production of urea, has also
been one of the major constraints in further
6.4.11 NPS Stage-III seeks to take forward the addition of indigenous capacity for production
principles of uniformity and efficiency in urea of urea. However with the projected improved
production as enunciated during Stage I and availability of gas from 2009 onwards, it is
II of NPS and also aims at bringing in more expected that investment in fertilizer sector
transparency in distribution of fertilizers will also take place. The Government has
across the country. It is expected that the recently announced on 4th September 2008,

a new investment policy for urea sector to 4. Revival/Brownfield projects: T h e
attract the much required investment in this urea from the revived units of Hindustan
sector. The policy is based on IPP benchmark Fertilizer Corporation Limited(HFCL)
and has been finalized in consultation with and Fertilizer Corporation of India
the industry. Limited (FCIL) will be recognized at 95%
of IPP with prescribed floor & ceiling
6.5.3 The policy is expected to lead to savings to price, if the revival of closed units takes
the Government in the form of availability of placed in public sector.
Urea at a price below IPP and will also lead
to indirect savings by bringing down the 5. Greenfield projects: The pricing of
import price due to reduction in imports. The Greenfield projects will be decided
New Investment Policy aims at revamp, based on a bidding process which will
expansion, revival of existing urea units and be for a discount over IPP, after firming
setting up of Greenfield/ Brownfield projects. up of the location (States) of the
The policy is likely to substantially bridge the proposed new plants.
gap in next five years between the
consumption and domestic production 6. Gas transportation charges: An
subject to confirmed and adequate availability additional gas transportation cost will be
of gas at reasonable prices. The salient paid to units undertaking expansion and
features of the new investment policy are as revival on the basis of actuals (upto 5.2
under :- Gcal per MT of urea) as decided by the
Regulator(Gas) subject to a maximum
1. The policy is based on Import Parity ceiling of USD 25 per MT of urea.
Price (IPP) benchmarked with suitable
floor and ceiling prices of USD 250/MT 7. Allocation of Gas: Only non-APM gas
and USD 425/MT respectively. will be considered for the new
investment in urea sector.
2. Revamp project: Any improvement in
capacity of existing plants through 8. Coal gasification based Urea Projects:
investment upto Rs. 1000 crore, in the The Coal gasification based urea
existing train of ammonia-urea projects will also be treated on par with
production will be treated as revamp of a revival or a Greenfield project as the
existing units. The additional urea from case may be. In addition, any other
the revamp of existing units will be incentives or tax benefits as provided
recognized at 85% of IPP with the floor by Government for encouraging coal
and ceiling price as indicated above. gasification technology will also be
extended to these projects.
3. Expansion projects: Setting up of a new
ammonia-urea plant (a separate new 9. Joint Ventures abroad: The Joint
ammonia-urea train) in the premises of Venture projects abroad in gas rich
the existing fertilizer plants, utilizing countries are also proposed to be
some of the common utilities will qualify encouraged through firm offtake
for being treated as expansion project. contracts with pricing decided on the
The investment should exceed a basis of prevailing market conditions
minimum limit of Rs.3000 crore. The and in mutual consultation with the joint
urea from the expansion of existing units venture company. However, the principle
will be recognized at 90% of IPP, with for deciding upon the maximum price
the floor and ceiling price as indicated will be the price achieved under
above. Greenfield projects or 95% of IPP as
proposed for revival projects (in absence

of any Greenfield projects) with a cap of complex fertilizers. Under this regime, the
of USD 405 CIF India per MT and a farm gate price of each nutrient will be
floor of USD 225 CIF India per MT uniform across all subsidized fertilizers. The
(inclusive of handling and bagging costs) selling price of subsidized fertilizers will be
determined on the basis of the nutrients
10. Time period for proposed investment contained therein
policy: Only those revamp projects
which start production of additional 6.6.2 Under existing pricing regime, the price of
capacities within four years of nutrients in complex fertilizers were higher
notification of the new policy would than the price of same nutrients in other
qualify for the dispensation straight fertilizers like Urea, DAP, MOP and
recommended above. Similarly SSP. This led to comparatively higher usage
production from expansion and revival of straight fertilizers vis-à-vis complex
(brownfield) units that come about within fertilizers, which are agronomically better
five years of notification of the new fertilizer products. The nutrient based pricing
policy would qualify for dispensation will lead to parity in price of complex fertilizers
provided in the policy. If the production with other straight fertilizers and, thus, is
does not come through within the expected to promote balanced fertilization by
stipulated time period, such brownfield encouraging usage of complex fertilizers.
projects will be treated similar to a
Greenfield projects wherein price will be Policy for encouraging production and
decided through limited bidding options. availability of fortified and coated
The time period for setting up of new fertilizers in the country.
Joint Ventures would also be five years Department of Fertilizers has notified on 2nd
under the new investment policy. June 2008 a policy for encouraging
6.6. Nutrient based pricing regime for all production and availability of fortified and
subsidized fertilizers. coated fertilizers in the country. In terms of
this policy, the indigenous manufacturers/
6.6.1 The Government intends to move towards a producers of the subsidized fertilizers are
nutrient based subsidy regime in order to allowed to produce fortified/coated subsidized
ensure balanced application of fertilizers and fertilizers up to a maximum of 20% of their
increase in agriculture productivity. The total production of respective subsidized
Nutrient Based Subsidy regime is under fertilizers. The manufacturers/producers are
consideration of Group of Ministers allowed to sell all the FCO approved fortified/
constituted to examine the nutrient based coated subsidized fertilizers, except for
subsidy policy and measures for Zincated Urea and Boronated SSP at a price
rationalization of fertilizer subsidy up to 5% above the MRP of the subsidized
disbursement. fertilizer as indicated in the table above. For
Zincated Urea and Boronated SSP, the
Keeping in view the interests of the farmers manufacturers are allowed to charge up to
and to promote balanced use of fertilizers, 10% above MRP of Urea and SSP
the Department of Fertilizers has notified on respectively.
17 th June 2008 a nutrient based pricing
regime for all subsidized fertilizers. It has 6.7 Policy for uniform freight subsidy on all
been further decided to fix the farmgate price fertilizers under the fertilizer subsidy
of nutrients at the level of their existing price regime.
in straight fertilizers viz. Urea, DAP, MOP
and SSP. This will lead to significant reduction 6.7.1 To ensure easy availability of fertilizers in all
in existing Maximum Retail Prices (MRPs) parts of the country, the Department of

Fertilizers has notified on 17th July 2008 a reimbursement of project cost as approved
uniform freight subsidy regime for all by Public Investment Board (PIB) through a
subsidized fertilizers, wherein freight subsidy special fixed cost component and retention
will be paid separately on receipt of all of energy savings for five years after
subsidized fertilizers in the districts/blocks. conversion to Natural Gas.
The freight subsidy will constitute of two
components, namely, rail freight and road 6.8.3 The 4 FO/LHS based units have already
freight. The rail freight will be paid on actual, started work on conversion of units to gas.
and the road freight will be paid on a The proposals for conversion of FO/LSHS
normative average district lead (average of plants of NFL and GNVFC were submitted
the actual leads of block headquarters from to PIB for their consideration. PIB agreed to
the nearest rail rake point) and a normative the above proposals for conversion in the
per KM rate. meetings held on 5th and 13th November,
2009. Proposal of NFL has been submitted
6.7.2 The uniform freight subsidy regime will to CCEA for clearing the investment for the
facilitate availability of fertilizers in all parts projects while GNVFC is initiating actions for
of the country, especially in areas which are their conversion project.
far from the production facilities and ports by
reimbursing freight on actual. 6.8.4 Assured availability of gas is main constraint
for expediting conversion process. The units
6.8 Policy for Conversion of existing non-gas are in regular touch with gas suppliers for
based Urea units to Natural gas/LNG for confirm commitment towards supply of gas,
feedstock/fuel after which conversion process will be
6.8.1 At present there are 8 units in this country
which is based on Naphtha (4) and FOLHS 6.9 Concession Scheme for decontrolled P&K
(4) as feedstock/fuel. Under New Pricing Fertilizers
Policy Stage-III, specific time schedule of
three years has been laid down for Background
conversion of the non gas based units to 6.9.1. Government of India decontrolled Phosphatic
gas. and Potassic (P&K) fertilizers with effect from
6.8.2 The policy for New Pricing Scheme (Stage – 25th August 1992 on the recommendations
III) notified on 8th March 2007 committed of Joint Parliamentary Committee.
Capital Subsidy for FO/LSHS based units Afterwards, the prices of these fertilizers
through a separate Scheme to be notified in registered a sharp increase compared to
consultation with Department of Expenditure Urea. This exercised an adverse impact on
(DOE) and completion of conversion within the demand and consumption of the P&K
three years. The issue of notification of a fertilizers. It, in turn, led to fear of imbalance
scheme for Capital Assistance towards FO/ in the usage of Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P)
LSHS conversion was considered by the and Potash (K) nutrients in the soil and
Department in consultation with DOE and it adverse effect on agricultural productivity. In
was decided to finalise a scheme based on order to cushion the impact of increase in
the deferred payment of project cost linked prices of the decontrolled P & K fertilizers
to production of urea post conversion. and promote balanced usage of NPK
Accordingly, a separate scheme for nutrients, Department of Agriculture & Co-
conversion of FO/LSHS units to gas was operation (DAC) introduced a scheme of
finalized and notified on 6th March 2009. The concession on decontrolled P & K fertilizers
policy for conversion subsidy towards in 1992-93 on adhoc basis. The Concession
conversion of FO/LSHS projects provides for Scheme initially covered Di-ammonium

Phosphate (DAP), Muriate of Potash (MOP) Governments. The Special Freight Subsidy
and 11 grades of NPK complex fertilizers. Reimbursement Scheme was also introduced
Then, it was extended to SSP in 1993-94. in 1997 for supply of fertilizers in the difficult
Scheme of concession for P&K fertilizers has areas of J&K and North-eastern States. The
been allowed to continue till date with further Scheme was further extended to certain
amendments therein from time to time. areas of Himachal Pradesh subsequently.
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Freight for movement of Fertilizers in other
administered the Concession Scheme from areas was included in the concession
1992 to September 2000. Subsequently, the amount.
scheme was transferred to Department of
Fertilizers w.e.f. 1.10.2000. The basic 6.9.3. Cost Price Study of DAP and MOP
purpose of this Scheme has been to provide Based on the cost price study of DAP and
fertilizers to the farmers at the subsidized MOP conducted by Bureau of Industrial Costs
rates and also to ensure reasonable rate of & Prices (BICP - now called Tariff
return on the investments made by the Commission), Department of Agriculture &
entrepreneurs in the Fertilizer Sector. During Cooperation started announcing rates of
1992-93 and 1993-94, the State concession based on the cost plus approach
Governments released payment of on quarterly basis w.e.f. 1.4.1999. The total
concession to the manufacturers/importers delivered cost of fertilizers being higher than
of P&K fertilizers based on the grants the MRP indicated by the Government, the
provided by Department of Agriculture & difference in the delivered price of fertilizers
Cooperation. Department of Agriculture & at the farm gate and the MRP is
Cooperation started releasing payment of compensated by the Government as subsidy
concession to the manufacturers/importers to the manufacturers/importers for selling the
from 1994-95 based on the certification of fertilizers at the MRP indicated by the
sales carried out by the State Governments. Government. The Government introduced a
The manufacturers/importers were given new methodology for working out subsidy to
payment of concession on 100% basis based complex fertilizers w.e.f. 1.4.2002 based on
on certification of sales up to 1996-97. the recommendations of the Tariff
6.9.2. Major Changes in Concession Scheme Commission. Accordingly, the complex
during 1997-98 manufacturers were divided into two groups
based on feedstock for sourcing Nitrogen. In
During 1997-98, some major changes took the meantime, the administration of the
place in the Concession Scheme. Concession Scheme was transferred from
Accordingly, the Department of Agriculture & Department of Agriculture & Cooperation to
Cooperation, started indicating an all India Department of Fertilizers w.e.f. October 2000.
uniform Maximum Retail Price (MRP) for With the passage of time, the structure of
DAP/NPK/MOP. The responsibility of DAP industry changed as some of the new
indicating MRP in respect of SSP rested with DAP manufacturing plants like M/s. Oswal
the State Governments. During 1997-98 itself, Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. and M/s Indo
the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Gulf Fertilizers Corporation Ltd. were
also introduced the system of releasing 80% established using the Rock Phosphate for
‘On Account’ payment of concession to the manufacturing indigenous Phosphoric acid/
manufacturers/importers on the sale of DAP. Accordingly, the Tariff Commission
decontrolled P & K fertilizers w.e.f. 1.4.1997. made a fresh Cost Price Study and submitted
The balance 20% payment of concession its report in February 2003. Payment of
was released to the manufacturers/importers concession to the DAP manufacturing units
after the certification of sales by the State from 2003-04 to 2007-08 was made as per

two groups depending upon the source of referred to the Expert Group. The Expert
the raw materials (Rock Phosphate/ Group submitted its report in October 2005.
Phosphoric acid). The recommendations of the Expert Group
were considered by the IMG.
6.9.4. Expert Group
6.9.5. MRP of decontrolled P&K Fertilizers
CCEA while approving price of Phosphoric
acid for the year 2004-05, directed The MRP of the DAP/NPK/MOP has been
constant from February 2003 to 17.6.2008.
Department of Fertilizers to evolve a Then Department of Fertilizers introduced
methodology for working out concession of nutrient based subsidy in June 2008 and
P&K fertilizers based on the international accordingly, revised the MRP of NPK
price of DAP to be adopted as a bench mark. Complex Fertilizers downwards w.e.f.
The Department of Fertilizers accordingly 18.6.2008. However, the MRP of the other
framed a proposal suggesting methodology fertilizers remained the same. The MRP of
to link phosphoric acid price with international fertilizers is as below as on date
DAP price. Subsequently, the matter was


(Rupees per MT)

Product From 12.3.2003 to From 18.06.08

Urea 4830 4830
Di Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) 9350 9350
Muriate of Potash (MOP) 4455 4455
Mono-Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) (w.e.f. 1.4.2007) 9350 9350
Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) (w.e.f. 1.4.2008) 7460 7460
Single Super Phosphate (SSP) 3400 3400
(w.e.f. 1.5.2008 to 30.6.2009) all India MRP
Ammonium Sulphate (AS) (w.e.f. 1.7.2008) 10350
Grades of Complex Fertilizers - N:P:K:S
16:20:00:13 (earlier 16:20:00) 7100 5875
20:20:00:00 7280 5343
20:20:00:13 7280 6295
23:23:00:00 8000 6145
28:28:00:00 9080 7481
10:26:26:00 8360 7197
12:32:16:00 8480 7637
14:28:14:00 8300 7050
14:35:14:00 8660 8185
15:15:15:00 6980 5121
17:17:17:00 8100 5804
19:19:19:00 8300 6487

6.9.6 Recent Changes in the Concession Phosphate (TSP) has been included in the
Scheme Concession Scheme from 1.4.2008 and
Ammonium Sulphate has been included in
Policy For Uniform Freight Subsidy : the Concession Scheme w.e.f. 1.7.2008 for
Department of Fertilizers also announced a GSFC, Baroda and FACT, Udyogmandal.
policy for uniform freight subsidy on Accordingly, as on date, the P & K fertilizers
17.7.2008 on all fertilizers under the fertilizer covered under the Concession Scheme are
subsidy regime w.e.f. 1.4.2008 (except SSP). DAP/MOP/NPK Complexes/MAP (introduced
Accordingly, the payment of freight subsidy w.e.f. 1.4.2007)/Ammonium Sulphate, TSP
is made to the manufacturers/importers (with effect from 1.4.2008) and SSP. The
based on the actual lead based on the actual input/fertilizer prices for Concession Scheme
expenditure on the basis of actual lead for are derived on the basis of an outlier
supplying the fertilizers in the states/districts. methodology. The Buffer Stocking Scheme
As per this policy, the special freight has also been allowed to continue with 3.5
reimbursement scheme for J & K and North Lakh MTs for DAP and 1 Lakh MTs for MOP
Eastern States has been withdrawn as buffer. Modifications in certain elements
retrospectively w.e.f. 1.4.2008. Department of the Concession Scheme were also carried
of Fertilizers has assigned Tariff Commission out with effect from 1.4.2009 to adjust
to undertake study for finalizing the freight parameters of concession scheme to
per kilometer per tonne for road International pricing dynamics and rationalize
transportation of fertilizers. ‘N’ grouping as well as payment system.
Accordingly, the following changes have been
6.9.7 Concession Scheme for Decontrolled P effected in the existing policy for P &K
& K Fertilizers Fertilizers.

Tariff Commission conducted fresh cost price (i) Final rates of concession is worked out
study of DAP/MOP and NPK complexes and on monthly basis taking into account
submitted its report in December 2007. the average international price of the
Based on the examination of the Tariff month preceding the last month or the
Commission Report and the long-term actual weighted average C&F landed
approach suggested by the Expert Group price at the Indian ports for the current
under the Chairmanship of Prof. Abhijit Sen, month, whichever is lower w.e.f. 1st April,
the Concession Scheme was examined. The 2009 with respect to DAP and MOP
Government approved the Concession w.e.f. 1st April, 2009. In case of raw
Scheme with effect from 1.4.2008 for DAP/ materials/inputs for complex fertilizers,
MOP/NPK Complexes/MAP. MRP of the there is a lag of one month.
decontrolled P & K fertilizers is as mentioned
above. The final rates of concession is (ii) From 1.12.2008, payment of concession
worked out on monthly basis. Concession is made to the manufacturers/importers
for indigenous DAP is the same as that of of the Decontrolled fertilizers (except
imported DAP (on the basis of import parity SSP) on the basis of arrival/receipt of
price). Concession on complex fertilizers is fertilizers and certificate of receipt by
based on the methodology recommended by the State Government/statutory auditor
Tariff Commission with certain modifications. of the company subject to final
The NPK complex industry has been divided settlement on the basis of sale of the
into 4 groups depending upon the source of quantity.
Nitrogen. A separate cost of ‘S’ for Sulphur (iii) Instead of product-wise, group-wise ‘N’
containing complex fertilizers has also been has been adopted w.e.f. 1st April, 2009
recognized w.e.f. 1.4.2008. Triple Super for computation of concession for
complex fertilizers w.e.f. 1st April, 2009.

6.9.8 Cost Price study of Ammonium Sulphate The manufacturers of SSP are allowed to
claim 85% (90% with Bank Guarantee) ‘On
Department of Fertilizers have assigned the Account’ payment of concession. The
Tariff Commission to conduct cost price study balance payment of concession is settled
of Ammonium Sulphate (AS) by GSFC/FACT based on the certificates of sales issued
included under the Concession Scheme. by the State Governments in prescribed
6.9.9 Concession Scheme for single super Proforma ‘B’.
phosphate (SSP) 6.9.10 Revised policy for ad-hoc concession
At present 77 SSP manufacturing units all for single super phosphate(SSP) with
over India are covered under the Concession effect from 1.10.2009.
Scheme. Department of Fertilizers revised Government have decided to implement a
the Concession Scheme on SSP on revised policy for ad-hoc subsidy for SSP
25.8.2008 w.e.f. 1.5.2008, which remained w.e.f. 1st October, 2009, which includes
in operation from 1.5.2008 to 30.9.2009. open selling price of SSP w.e.f. 1.10.2009
Accordingly, the manufacturers were required in place of all India MRP of Rs. 3400/-
to sell SSP at all India uniform MRP of Rs. PMT prevailed earlier. Government
3400/- per MT. Separate rate of concession provides an ad-hoc concession of Rs.
for SSP were announced month-wise based 2000/- PMT for Powdered, Granulated and
on the indigenous and imported Rock Boronated SSP. The manufactures/
Phosphate depending upon the rise/fall of marketers of SSP are eligible to claim 85%
the cost of raw materials (Rock Phosphate ‘On Account’ payment of concession
and Sulphur) as well as exchange rate. The month-wise w.e.f. 1.10.2009 in the
month-wise rates of concession announced prescribed Proforma ‘A’ & ‘C’ duly certified
during May 2008 to July 2009 for SSP have by the Statutory Auditor of the Company.
been as follows: While claiming ‘On Account’ payment of
Month/year Rates of Rates of
concession, the manufacturers are required
Concession Concession to produce a certificate issued by the State
based on based on Government of the State in which the unit
Imported Rock Indigenous
Phosphate Rock Phosphate
is located about the certification of the
(Rs. PMT) (Rs. PMT) quality. The manufacturers are required to
May, 2008 6406 4587 put stamp/print “Quality Certified” on each
June, 2008 8942 5383
bag of SSP released in the market. The
manufacturers must have the well
July, 2008 9160 5674
equipped laboratory to test the samples of
August, 2008 10391 6776
the SSP. The balance payment of
September, 2008 11661 6990 concession shall be released by the
October, 2008 13003 5823 Department of Fertilizers based on the sale
November,2008 7914 3070 certificates issued by the State
December, 2008 8965 2012 Governments in prescribed Proforma ‘B’.
January, 2009 8075 1967
Ad-hoc concession for SSP w.e.f. 1 st
October, 2009 will be provided to those
February, 2009 7503 1961
eligible SSP units only, which have either
March, 2009 5870 1944 annual capacity utilization of at least 50%
April, 2009 2927 1873 or annual production of 40,000 MT of SSP.
May, 2009 2709 2006 For the purpose of recognizing capacity
June, 2009 2453 1982 utilization/production, capacity as on 31st
July, 2009 2510 1986
March, 2009 will be taken into account.

6.9.11 Rationalizing and Streamlining of audits of SSP plants and to confirm to
Concession Scheme whether the SSP units are using the
specified/notified grades of Rock Phosphate.
To ensure standard and quality of SSP, a The objective behind the constitution of TAC
Technical Audit & Inspection Cell (TAC), by is to put a curb on the sale of non-standard
Projects & Development India Ltd., (PDIL), SSP to the farmers and to cross check the
was constituted. Accordingly, the TAC is concession claimed by the industry.
assigned the task of examining various
grades of Rock Phosphate (both indigenous 6.9.12 In order to be eligible for concession under
and imported) and recommending the grades the Concession Scheme, the manufacturers
of Rock Phosphate with source of origin, of SSP are required to use only those grades
along with technical parameters, such as of Rock Phosphate as raw material for SSP,
consumption norms of each grade for which are notified by Department of
manufacture of SSP as per FCO Fertilizers from time to time. The grades/
specifications. The TAC is also mandated to sources of Rock Phosphate notified by the
conduct six monthly techno-commercial Department are as below:

Notification No.M-19011/33/2001-MPR dated 19th September, 2001

S.No. Primary Grade of rock phosphate Specification of blending rock Source of origin

A Mined rock chips with 31.5% and – Rajasthan State

above P2O5 content by wt. Mines & Minerals
On an average Limited (RSMML)

B Jordan Rock with 30.0% and above – Rock imported

P2O5 content by wt. On an average from Jordan.

C Beneficiated rock phosphate – RSMML

(BRP with 33.55% and above P2O5
content by wt. On an average.

D Syrian rock with 29.36% and above – Rock imported

P2O5 content by wt. On an average. from Syria

E Beneficiated rock phosphate Jhabua A or B grade rock with BRP from

(BRP with 33.55% and above P2O5 23% P2O5 content by wt. To get RSMML and
content by wt. On an average. a mixture having 31.6% and blending rock
above P2O5 content by wt. from Madhya
On an average. Pradesh State
Mining Corpn.Ltd.

F Jordan rock with 31.6% and Jhabua rock with 25% P2O5 Rock imported
above P2O5 content by wt. content by wt to get a mixture from Jordan and
On an average. having 30% and above P2O5 blending rock
content by wt. On an average. from MPSMC.

Notification No.M-19011/33/2001-MPR dated 8th October, 2001

G Egyptian rock with 32% and above – Rock imported

P2O5 content by wt. On an average. from Egypt.

H Beneficiated rock phosphate (BRP) Lower grade rocks with 25% BRP from
with 33.55% and above P2O5 P2O5 content by wt. From mines RSMML.
content by wt. On an average. of Madhya Pradesh State Mining Blending rock
Coproration Ltd., RSMML, from MPSMC,
Rajasthan State Mineral RSMDC, RSMML
Development Corpn. (RSMDC) or and Hindustan
27-31% P2O5 content by wt. Zinc. Ltd. (HZL).
of Matton mines to get a mixture
having 31.4% and above P2O5
content by wt. On an average.

Notification No. M-19011/33/2001-MPR dated 31st January, 2002

I Beneficiated rock phosphate (BRP) (i) Lower grade rocks with +22% BRP from
with 33.55% and above P2O5 content but less than 25% P2O5 content RSMML.
by wt. on an average. by wt. Of RSMDC to get a Blending rock
mixture having 31.7% and above from RSMDC
P2O5 content by wt. On an and RSMML.
(ii) Rocks with 25% and above to
27% P2O5 content by wt. from
mines of RSMDC to get a mixture
having 31.4% and above P2O5
content by wt on an average.
(iii) Rocks with +30% P2O5
content by wt. From mines of
RSMDC to get a mixture having
31.5% P2O5 content by wt. on
an average.
(iv) Rock with 23% P2O5 content
by wt. From mines of RSMML to
get a mixture having 31.4% P2O5
content by wt. On an average.

J Jordan rock with 32% and above Lower grade rock with 25% P2O5 Rock imported
P2O5 content by wt. On an average. content by wt. From mines of from Egypt and
RSMML to get a mixture having blending rock
30.66% P2O5 content by wt. from RSMML.
On an average.

Notification No. 19011/33/2001-MPR dated 13th May, 2002

K Israeli Rock phosphate with 32% Not applicable Rock phosphate

P2O5 content and above by wt. imported from
On an average. Israel.

Notification No. M-19011/33/2001-MPR (Vol.II) dated 23rd April 2003
L Beneficiated rock phosphate with Lower grade rock with P2O5 BRP from
33.5% P2O5 content by wt content 29% by wt and above RSMML.
on an average. with 2.78% average iron oxide Blending rock
content of MPSMC to get a from Hirapur
mixture of 31.4% on an average. Mines of
M Notification NO.19011/33/2001-MPR dated 14.12.2005
Beneficiated Rock Phosphate with 30.2% P2O5 produced by M/s. Krishana Phoschem Ltd.,
115-118, AKVN Industrial Area, P.O. Meghnagar, Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh
19011/33/2001-MPR dated 19.9.2006 (Notified on 19.9.2006)
N Beneficiated rock phosphate (BRP – RSMML
with 33.55% and above P2O5
content by wt. On an average.
O 19011/33/2001-MPR (Vol-II) dt. 8.5.2007
Primary grade of Rock Phosphate of Vietnam with 34% P205 content
by weight on an average.
P 19011/33/2001-MPR (Vol-II) dt. 30.10.2007
Primary grade of Rock Phosphate of Algeria with 31.2% P205 content
by weight on an average.
Q 19011/33/2001-MPR (Vol-II) dt. 19.11.2007
Primary grade of Rock Phosphate of Egypt with 31.02% P205 content
by weight on an average.
R Notification No. 19011/33/2001-MPR (Vol.II) dt. 15.6.2009
Beneficiated Rock Phosphate with 31% P2O5 produced by
M/s. BEC fertilizers Ltd., Bilaspur Chhattisgarh

6.9.13 In the wake of shortage of Rock Phosphate M/s. Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Ltd.,
of the specified/notified grades, Department M/s. Madhya Pradesh State Mining Corpn.
of Fertilizers modified the existing guidelines Ltd. have been involved in the process.
pertaining to the use of Rock Phosphate and Department has also allowed to produce
issued fresh guidelines on 10 August 2005, Beneficiated Rock Phosphate in the private
whereby the scope of grades/sources of sector by M/s. Krishna Phoschem Ltd.,
Rock Phosphate were expanded. As per the Meghnagar, Madhya Pradesh. A few more
modified guidelines, the manufacturers of such units propose to install Beneficiated
SSP can procure the Rock Phosphate from Rock Plant (BRP) units in the country. The
the sources other than the notified ones. State Governments endowed with the natural
Keeping in view the worldwide scarcity of resources of Rock Phosphate e.g. Madhya
Rock Phosphate and its rising prices in the Pradesh and Rajasthan have been requested
international market, Department of Fertilizers to consider the possibility of de-reserving
is taking steps to explore the Rock Phosphate mines (so far reserved only for State mining
indigenously. For this purpose, the Geological entities) for collaboration with mining entities
Survey of India, Indian Bureau of Mines, of other States and also private for financial

and technical support. Department of Department of Fertilizers aims at providing
Fertilizers also proposes to explore the the Phosphatic & Potassic fertilizers to the
possibility of mining Potash from the farmers at the subsidized rates. Presently,
indigenous sources. Steps are being taken Di Ammonium Phosphate (DAP), Muriate of
in this regard. Potash (MOP), 12 grades of NPK complex
fertilizers, Mono Ammonium Phosphate
6.10 Subsidy Amount (MAP), Triple Super Phosphate (TSP),
The following amounts of subsidy have been Ammonium Sulphate (AS) and SSP are
released on P&K Fertilizers including SSP. covered under the Concession Scheme. The
objective of the Concession Scheme is to
Years Subsidy release on make the above mentioned decontrolled
P & K Fertilizers Phosphatic & Potassic fertilizers available to
(Rs. In Crore) the farmers at the affordable prices and also
2002-03 3225 to ensure reasonable rate of return on the
investments made by the entrepreneurs in
2003-04 3326 the Phosphatic & Potassic fertilizers sector.
2004-05 5142 The total delivered cost of fertilizers under
2005-06 6550 the Concession Scheme at the farm gate is
higher than the MRP payable by the farmers.
2006-07 10598 The difference between the total delivered
2007-08 17134 cost of the fertilizers at the farm gate and
2008-09 65555 the MRP payable by the farmer is given by
the Government of India, Department of
Fertilizers as concession/subsidy to the
6.11 Fulfillment of Social Responsibility by farmers and reimbursed to the fertilizer
virtue of Concession Scheme. manufacturers/importers.
The Concession Scheme for decontrolled P
& K fertilizers being administered by


7.1 Public Sector Undertaking and Co- (AAIFR) on 9.4.2002 upheld BIFR’s order
operative Societies dated 2.11.2001.

There are nine public enterprises and one However, on appeals filed by the Government
multi-state co-operative society namely and the Company against the orders of
Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited AAIFR and BIFR for winding up of FCI, the
(KRIBHCO) under the administrative control High Court of Delhi on 26.11.2002 directed
of the Department. A statement indicating the BIFR to reconsider their order dated
profitability of these organizations has been 2.11.2001 to the extent of hiving off the
given at Annexure–X. Jodhpur Mining Organisation for forming a
new company and revival of other units if
7.2. The Fertilizer Corporation of India Limited
any proposals are received within a
reasonable time. BIFR in their meeting held
7.2.1 Introduction on 2.4.2004 sanctioned the scheme of
arrangement of de-merger between FCI and
Incorporated on 1st January, 1961, FCI was FAGMIL with effect from 1.4.2003 and
re-organized along with National Fertilizers confirmed their prima facie opinion regarding
Ltd. (NFL) with effect from 1.4.1978 into five winding up of the company. BIFR vide their
companies namely, FCI, NFL, Hindustan orders dated 17.5.2004 conveyed their
Fertilizer Corporation Ltd.(HFC), Rashtriya opinion to High Court of Delhi. This reference
Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. (RCF) and was registered as Company Petition (C.P.)
Projects & Development India Ltd. (PDIL). No.183/2004 in the High Court. Pursuant to
Following re-organisation, FCI comprised four the prayer of the Department of Fertilizers,
units located at Sindri (Jharkhand), the High Court has, inter-alia, granted further
Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh), Ramagundam time to the company and the Department for
(Andhra Pradesh) and Talcher (Orissa), with submission of a viable proposal for revival
a total annual capacity of 5.87 lakh MT of of the FCIL. The matter is pending before
nitrogen besides an abandoned project at the High Court. The matter last came up for
Korba (Chhattisgarh). As on 31.3.2009, FCI hearing in the Delhi High court on 21.12.2009
had an authorized share capital of Rs.800 and on the request of FCIL for referring the
crore and paid up share capital of Rs.750.92 matter back to BIFR, the Hon’ble Court
crore. The accumulated losses as on desired the opinion of the official liquidator
31.3.2009 were Rs.9878.36 crore. of Delhi High Court. The matter is fixed for
7.2.2 Reference to BIFR hearing on 15.2.2010.
The Corporation was declared sick in 7.2.3 Closure of the Company
November, 1992 by the Board for Industrial
and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR), and on In view of the continuing losses of the
2.11.2001, the BIFR ordered winding up the Company, stemming from technical and
FCI in terms of Section 20(1) of the Sick financial non-viability of operations, the
Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Government decided to close down FCI in
Act, 1985. The Appellate Authority for September 2002. Consequently, a Voluntary
Industrial and Financial Reconstruction Separation Scheme (VSS) was offered to all

its 5712 employees. All the employees, who from 1.4.2002 to form a separate entity with
opted for VSS have since been released, the name of Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer
except 46 employees who are engaged in Corporation Ltd.(BVFCL). As on 31st March
discharging statutory obligations including 2009, HFC had an authorized capital of Rs.
safety and security of properties/assets of 1200 crore and a paid up capital of Rs.
the various units of the Company. 686.54 crores.

7.2.4 Production / Sales Performance 7.3.2 Closure of the Company/ Reference to

In view of the closure of the Company, the
operations have remained suspended as per The Company was declared sick by B.I.F.R.
details given below: in November 1992. During the course of
proceedings before BIFR, the AAIFR through
Name of Unit Year of stoppage its order dated 26.4.2002 permitted hiving
off the Namrup units of HFC into a new
Gorakhpur 1990
company under the name of “Brahmaputra
Ramagundam 1999 Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited” w.e.f.
Talcher 1999 1.4.2002 and remitted back the matter to
BIFR for reconsideration of its decision
Sindri 2002 regarding revival of Durgapur, Barauni units
Korba (*) : The project was and the Research Division. Thereafter,
never commissioned. Namrup units of the Company were de-
merged with effect from 1.4.2002 and the
residual Company comprising three units at
7.2.5 Financial Results Barauni, Durgapur and Haldia and the
Fertilizer Promotion & Agricultural Research
During the year 2008-09, the Company Division (FP&ARD) was ordered to be closed
earned a net profit of Rs. 5800.22 crore, as on account of techno-economic non-viability.
against a loss of Rs. 1504.83 crore during Almost all employees had opted for Voluntary
2007-08. The profit has been arrived at after Separation Scheme (VSS) and as on
withdrawal of normal and penal interest on 31.12.2009, only 31 employees are on the
GOI loan amounting to Rs. 6541.56 crore, rolls of the company to carry out post-closure
as confirmed by Pay and Accounts Office activities.
after reconciliation. During the year 2009-10
(Up to December 2009), the Company has The case registered as Case No.516/1992
incurred a loss of Rs.524.21 crore (Prov.) is pending before the BIFR. In the hearing
held on 19/10/2009, the BIFR had directed
7.3. Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Limited the company/ Ministry of Chemicals and
(HFCL) Fertilizers, Government of India to file a
written submission giving details of
7.3.1 Introduction
milestones to be achieved in revival of the
The Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Limited company specifying the time lines. The
(HFC) was incorporated on 14th March, 1978 Department of Fertilizers has conveyed the
as a result of the reorganization of the intention of the Government for exploring
erstwhile Fertilizer Corporation of India possibilities of revival of the HFCL to the
Limited (FCIL), and NFL Group of BIFR.
Companies. The HFCL comprised Barauni 7.3.3 Operating Performance
unit (Bihar), Durgapur unit and Haldia Project
(West Bengal) and Namrup Unit (Assam). The operational activities of the Company
The Namrup Unit was hived off with effect were suspended due to the decision taken

by the Government for closure. Due to financial models for revival of each of the
suspension of operations of Barauni unit closed units. The Committee would also look
since January 1999 and of Durgapur unit into various linkages including gas for
since July, 1997, the production performance facilitating revival of the closed units. The
has been nil. The Haldia Project was never Committee will submit its recommendations
commissioned. including the model for revival of each of the
closed units, to the Government.
During the year 2008-09, HFCL earned a
net profit of Rs. 4841.16 crore after 3. Pursuant to the decision dated
considering prior period adjustments and tax, 30.10.2008, an Empowered Committee
as compared to the previous year’s net loss Secretaries (ECOS) was constituted on
of Rs. 1101.98 crore. The profit is due to 7.11.2008 under the Chairmanship of
write-back of Rs. 5357.15 crore towards Secretary (Fertilizers) and Secretaries of
interest on Govt. of India loan as confirmed Department of Expenditure, Department of
by the Pay and Accounts Office DoF. The Disinvestment, Planning Commission, Deptt.
provisional loss during current year upto of Public Enterprises and Ministry of
December 2009 is Rs. 288.35 crore. Petroleum & Natural Gas as Members to
look into all the financial models for revival
7.4. Revival of Closed Units of FCIL and HFCL of each of the closed units.
The Government had taken a decision on 4. The Committee in its first meeting on
12th April, 2007 to examine the feasibility of 05.12.2008 had approved the terms of
reviving the closed units of FCIL and HFCL reference (TOR) for consultants and that
subject to the confirmed availability of gas. FCIL and HFCL should finalize appointment
The revival of the closed fertilizer units of consultants as per the TOR already
through brown field projects subject to approved. The second meeting of the ECOS
confirmed availability of gas having been was held on 24.08.2009 in which various
found feasible, the Government on 30th financial models for revival were considered
October 2008, considered the proposal of and it was decided to recommend the
the Department of Fertilizers for revival of Revenue Sharing Model, for approval of the
Barauni Unit of Hindustan Fertilizer CCEA. M/s Deloitte India Pvt. Ltd. have been
Corporation through a Special Purpose selected as Project Advisers for
Vehicle (SPV) viz. Urvarak Videsh Limited implementation of the selected options for
(UVL) which is promoted by National revival of the closed units of Sindri,
Fertilizers Limited (NFL), Rashtriya Ramagundam, Talcher and Gorakhpur in
Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (RCF) and respect of FCIL and Durgapur Unit of HFCL.
Krishak Bharti Cooperative Limited M/s PDIL has been appointed by HFCL as
(KRIBHCO). The SPV would submit a fully Consultant for evaluation of existing assets
tied-up revival scheme for the closed fertilizer of the closed units and certification through
unit at Barauni. Registered Valuer. ECOS has advised to
2. The Government also accorded obtain the approval of Government for the
approval for constitution of an Empowered recommended Revenue Sharing Model for
Committee of Secretaries (ECOS) under the revival before implementation of the same.
Chairmanship of Secretary (Fert.) and 5. Further, the SPV viz. UVL has initiated
Secretaries of Department of Expenditure, necessary action for revival of the Barauni
Department of Disinvestment, Planning Unit by establishing a brown field project at
Commission, Department of Public Barauni. The foundation stone for the project
Enterprises and Ministry of Petroleum & was laid on 12.11.2008. The Empowered
Natural Gas as members, to look into all the Committee of Secretaries (ECOS) has been

Dr. Manmohan Singh, Hon’ble Prime Minister giving MoU Excellence Award to
Shri U S Jha, CMD, Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers (RCF).

constituted on 7.11.2008 with the mandate on 31st March 2009, the company had an
to evaluate all investment options for revival authorized share capital of Rs. 800 Crore
of the closed units of HFCL and FCIL and to and a subscribed and paid up capital of Rs.
make suitable recommendations for 551.69 Crore.
considerations of the government. ECOS has
submitted their recommendation in this 7.5.2 Production Performance
regard, which is under consideration of the The annual installed capacity of all the units
Government. of RCF is about 10.54 lakh MT of nitrogen
7.5 Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers and 1.17 lakh MT of phosphate. The
Limited (RCF) production during 2008-09 was 9.46 lakh
tonnes of nitrogen and 0.706 lakh tonnes of
7.5.1 Introduction phosphate. Production during the year was
affected due to feedstock natural gas short
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited supply and due to suspension of ANP
(RCF) was incorporated as a separate production which is under revamp.
company on 6th March 1978 as a result of
reorganization of the erstwhile Fertilizer Besides fertilizers, the company also
Corporation of India Limited. At the time of produces a number of industrial products
its formation, the company had only one such as Methanol, Concentrated Nitric Acid,
operating unit at Trombay (near Mumbai) and Methylamines, Ammonium Bicarbonate,
two major projects under implementation viz.; Sodium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrite, Dimethyl
Trombay IV and Trombay-V expansion. The Formamide, Dimethyl Acetamide, Ammonium
gas based Thal-Vaishet fertilizer complex Nitrate, Argon, etc.
about 100 Kms from Trombay, was later
implemented by RCF and it commenced During April-December 2009, cumulative
commercial production on June 1, 1985. As production of urea at Thal and Trombay

together was 15.33 LMT as against 14.65 plant. The project is estimated to cost Rs.
LMT last year. The production of complex 75 Crore. Trial runs have started and
fertilizers during April-December, 2009 is 3.65 Commercial production is expected in
LMT as against 3.55 LMT last year. January 2010.

7.5.3 Sales Performance Complex fertilizer ANP (20:20:0) has been

revamped from Prilling route to Granulation
The sales turnover (including traded route. The capacity of ANP Granulation plant
products) during the year 2008-09 was is 900 MTPD. The commissioning of the plant
Rs.8455.32 Cr. During the period April- is under progress.
December 2009 is Rs.4281.01 Cr.
RCF envisages expansion project at Thal
The sales turnover of industrial products (Thal-III Expansion) by setting up 2200 MTPD
division of the Company was Rs. 781.40 ammonia plant and 3500 MTPD Urea plant
Crore for the year 2008-09. During the period at an estimated cost of Rs.4200 Crore.
April-December, 2009 sales of industrial Planning Commission’s in principle approval
production division was Rs. 428.10 Crore. has been obtained. Technology selection and
7.5.4 Financial Results DFR preparation is being undertaken.

During the year 2008-09, the Company To manufacture indigenous DAP and reduce
reported a net profit (after tax) of Rs. 211.58 dependence on import RCF is putting up a
Crore. During the period April-December, plant in Joint Venture with RSMML to produce
2009 , the Company has made a net profit 850 MTPD “DAP” Plant at Rajasthan, Joint
(before tax) of Rs. 240.65 Crore & net profit Venture company has been formed and
after tax of Rs. 165.45 Crore. investment decision will be taken by the JV.

7.5.5 Modernization/Expansion Schemes 7.5.6 Grievance Redressal

For Thal Ammonia Revamp, a scheme has The Company has a good grievance address
been finalized with process designer M/s and redressal system. Any citizen having
Haldor Topsoe for reducing energy complaints in respect of the product or
consumption and capacity enhancement. services rendered may approach the
Project execution has been taken up at an Company through complaints/suggestion
estimated cost of Rs 488.75 crore. boxes placed at convenient locations in the
Area Offices/ Administrative Building at
Scheme for Nitrous Oxide abatement in HP Trombay and Thal. Any aggrieved customer/
and MP Nitric Acid plants under Clean dealer or other citizen can approach the
Development Mechanism (CDM) was taken Company for any failure of the quality/price
up and has been registered with UNFCCC charged/conduct of any officer/employee to
in November 2009. Generation of CERs has the addresses mentioned and will be dealt
started. as under:

Methanol plant at Trombay, commissioned The grievances can be addressed to a

in 1965, is being technologically upgraded special designated officer of the Company
with an estimated cost of Rs. 135 Crore, to not below the rank of General Manager who
reduce energy consumption. acts as the Nodal Officer for redressal. The
name, address and telephone No. of the
Rapidwall plant for manufacturing of unique officers is available on Intranet on Company’s
building material has been set up at Trombay website It is assured that
using phospho-gypsum as a raw material the Nodal Officer will immediately take up
which is a by-product of Phosphoric Acid the issue with the concerned department and

appropriate action will be taken within seven 7.5.9 Corporate Social Responsibility
days from the date of receipt of the complaint
or an appropriate reply is sent within seven The company continued with its Fertilizer
days as the case may warrant. Promotion Programmes to educate the
farmers in the scientific and balanced use of
A similar grievance address and redressal fertilizers. RCF has two Farmer Training
system procedure is followed by the Institutes, one at Nagpur and other at Thal
Company in issues related to staff also. to impart training to farmers and farm
labourers in integrated development and new
7.5.7 Employment of SC/ST, Ex-Servicemen, farming techniques etc.
Physically Handicapped & other Backward
Classes as on 1.11.2009 The Integrated Rural Development
Programme is implemented in various
The guidelines regarding reservation in villages of the country. Overall development
Recruitment and Promotion for SC, ST, OBC, of these villages is the focal point. Some of
Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicapped the programmes carried out under Integrated
Persons are followed details are given Rural Development Programme (IRDP) are
below:- as under:

Group Total Number of Employees belonging to

No. of
Employees SC ST Ex- Minority Physically OBC
servicemen Handicapped
A 1452 2202 44 3 81 7 90
B 1408 185 76 4 72 6 08
C 1215 147 127 0 86 10 140
D 145 31 12 2 15 4 48
Total 4220 583 259 9 254 27 286

7.5.8 Welfare of Minorities & Reservation in

Meeting Basic Needs of Rural Community:
Fertilizer Dealership
The scheme covers providing essential
RCF as a policy includes representative of amenities like drinking water supply, school
the minorities in the recruitment selection buildings, community centers, development
boards to ensure that the minorities get an of irrigation systems etc.
adequate share in the services and benefit
Agricultural Development Programme:
of developments. The total number of SC/
This focuses on economic upliftment of small/
ST dealers as on date is 1601 (24.8% of
marginal farmers and landless labourers
active dealers). Some of the concessions
through training and education.
given to these dealers are 50% concession
in dealership deposit (Rajya Sabha .5,000/- Subsidiary Occupational Artisan
as against Rs.10, 000/- for other categories). Development Programme: This provides a
Preference in supply of material for first three platform for training and making available
years of operation. Efforts to provide training financial facilities to rural artisan and
to them so that they can acquire necessary entrepreneurs which enable them to revive
knowledge of business. and develop their skill for commercial use.

Social Forestry and Waste Land The students are required to do field
Development Programme: This focuses on extension work for promoting specialty
development of sericulture, social forestry, fertilizers, micronutrients & bio fertilizers
waste land use, dry land farming and biogas during vacation and holidays.
7.6 National Fertilizers Limited (NFL)
Public Health & Village Sanitation
Programme: This covers health care, 7.6.1 Introduction
village sanitation, health camps, and National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) was
veterinary camps. incorporated on 23rd August 1974 for setting
Youth and Women Skill Development up two nitrogenous plants, at Bathinda
Programme: Rural sports and cultural (Punjab) and Panipat (Haryana) with LSHS
activities are organized in different villages as feedstock, each having Urea production
to encourage participation by youths. capacity of 5.11 lakh MT per annum.
Consequent upon the reorganization of the
Soil Testing: The Company places FCI, the Nangal Unit (including Nangal
tremendous importance on empowering Expansion Project) of FCI was also
farmer to increase his yield. Soil diagnostics transferred to NFL w.e.f. 1.4.1978.
find a major part of determining which
fertilizer needs to be used for each soil and A gas based ammonia and urea fertilizer
crop. The Company has 5 static and 3 mobile project on the HBJ pipeline at Vijaipur in
soil testing laboratories across its major Guna District of Madhya Pradesh, with an
marketing territories which undertakes soil annual installed capacity of 7.26 lakh tonnes
sample analysis. About 90000 soil samples Urea commenced commercial production on
are analyzed every year. 1.7.1988. The urea capacity was doubled
from 7.26 lakh MT to 14.52 lakh MT per
Micronutrient Analysis: To increase crop annum on commissioning of its expansion
yield the presence of micronutrients in unit on 31.3.1997. The production capacity
adequate proportion is necessary. of gas based plants in the country has been
Micronutrients analysis identifies the re-assessed w.e.f. 1st April, 2000 resulting in
deficiency in the soil and prescribes doses capacity revision from 7.26 lakh tones to 8.64
of micronutrients that need to be applied to lakh tones for both Vijaipur-I and Vijaipur-II.
ensure optimum yield. About 1000 samples
are analysed every year. A revamp of urea plant at Nangal was
successfully completed three months ahead
Earn While You Learn Scheme: This unique of schedule and commercial production
scheme that has been developed by the commenced w.e.f. 1st Feb.2001. With this,
Company. It seeks to educate and train the installed capacity of urea at Nangal Unit
children studying in class IX and above to increased from 3.30 lakh tonnes to 4.78 lakh
participate in the process of agriculture tones per annum raising the company’s total
development. These students are trained to installed capacity to 32.31 lakh MT of urea
understand latest developments in agriculture corresponding to 14.86 lakh MT of ‘N’
and transfer this knowledge to the farming (Nitrogen) in terms of fertilizer nutrient.
community. The scheme provides all
opportunities to students to earn while they The company also produces various
learn. The students participating are offered industrial products like nitric acid, ammonium
token money which supports them while nitrate, sodium nitrite/nitrate, sulphur,
studying and at the same time imparts methanol, liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen etc.
practical knowledge of agriculture to them. besides bio-fertilizers. The company
commissioned an Argon gas plant designed

Shri M.K. Alagiri, Hon’ble Minister (C&F) receiving dividend cheque from Chairman and Managing
Director National Fertilizers Limited (NFL).

to produce 120 NM3/hr. of Argon gas at the Bio-fertilizers and 8800 tonnes of Industrial
Panipat Unit in October 1997. A Methanol Nitrogen (‘N’). The percentage share of NFL
Augmentation Scheme at Nangal Unit was in Urea production in the country has been
commissioned in October 1998 thereby estimated at 16.8% for the year 2008-09.
enhancing the daily production capacity of During 2008-09 the company produced 33.44
Methanol from 50 tonnes to 67 tonnes. The LMT of urea.
company’s bio fertilizers plant at Indore
produces three strains of bio fertilizers with 7.6.3 Sales performance
an installed capacity of 100 MT per annum. The Company, during 2009-10 (up to
The authorized capital of the company as on December 2009) sold 25.80 lakh tonnes of
31.3.2009 stood at Rs.500 crore and the paid Urea & 167 tonnes of Bio-fertilizers. NFL
up capital at Rs.490.58 crore, comprising recorded its ever-best sales turnover of Rs.
Government of India’s share of Rs.479 crore 3768 crores which includes a record sale of
(97.64%) and the remaining Rs.11.58 crore industrial products worth Rs.117 crore. During
(2.36%) held by financial institutions and 2008-09 the company sold 33.77 LMT of
others. urea.

7.6.2 Production Performance 7.6.4 Financial Performance

During the year 2009-10 (up to December, NFL registered a Profit before tax (PBT) of
2009), the company produced 25.56 lakh Rs.187 crore and Profit after tax (PAT) of
Tonnes of urea in addition to 167 Tonnes of Rs.124 crores during 2009-10 (up to
December 2009).

Shri Atul Chaturvedi, the then Secretary (Fertilizers) exchanging MoU document with
Shri V K Sharma, CMD, NFL.

The company earned PBT of Rs.150.61 Cr. 7.6.5 Employment of SC/ST, Ex-Servicemen,
and PAT of Rs. 97.46 Cr. during 2008-09. Physically Handicapped & Other
The company maintained its trend of paying Backward classes (OBCs) Persons in
dividend of last 24 years and paid a total Public Sector Undertakings (As on
dividend of Rs.29.43 crores for the year 30.09.09).
2008-09. The dividend works out to 30.2%
of the Profit after tax of the company.

Group Total number Number of SC/ST/OBC/EXSM/PH

of employees
A 1710 362 79 88 7 10
B 1936 507 158 114 37 22
C 1006 251 44 124 45 20
D 147 115 3 8 2 3
Total 4799 1235 284 334 91 55

*EXSM – Ex- Service men

**PH – Physically Handicapped

7.6.6 Public/Staff Grievance Redressal 7.6.8 Brief description of major expansion
Machinery projects / revamp etc.

Based on the model grievance procedure Revamps: After notification of new investment
notified by DPE, the company has framed policy in Urea sector by GoI in September
a ‘Grievance Redressal Procedure’ for staff 2008, the company has undertaken the
and officers of NFL. The objective of the following revamp projects:
‘Grievance Redressal Procedure’ is to
Capacity Enhancement by 23% of Urea plant
provide easily accessible machinery for
at Vijaipur- II. Energy Saving project (ESP)
expeditious settlement of grievances of
& Capacity enhancement of Urea by 16% at
staff and officers with the aim of providing
Vijaipur-I. Installation of Carbon dioxide
satisfaction and in improved productivity
Recovery plant (CDR) at Vijaipur Complex.
and job efficiency of the organization.
Revamp of FO Based plants at Panipat,
Bathinda & Nangal for change over of
For systematic monitoring and supervision
Feedstock from LSHS/FO to NG/RLNG.
of Public Grievances, Head of Corporate HR
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
Department has been nominated as Director
Projects to reduce GHG gas emissions to
(Grievance) as per the directives of the
earn carbon credits. Clean Development
Government. In addition to this in-built
Mechanism (CDM) project for revamp of
system, the company has also set up “Public
Vijaipur plants and FO Based plants. Clean
Grievances Centres” at the Units, whose
Development Mechanism (CDM) project for
working is supervised by grievance officer,
Nitric Acid plant at Nangal.
who generally belongs to senior management
cadre. 7.6.9 Corporate Social Responsibility

7.6.7 Information relating to welfare of NFL is committed to give utmost importance

Minorities and reservation in to several community welfare and
dealership. development programme and the company’s
endeavor will be to intensify these activities
Company follows all Government in future so that the benefit reaches to the
regulations on empowerment of minorities needy people of the society. The following
such as representation of the minority social welfare projects were undertaken by
communities on interview boards in Group the Company :
C & D. The organization believes in
equality of all communities and celebrates Help to poor and needy people: Sewing
festivals with great fervor for all the machines, material for T.V. mechanics,
communities. Presently as per policy of the Barbering and Rehri for vegetable selling etc.
Government of India, 25% of total were distributed for self-occupation of
dealership are for SC/ST category. In order handicapped persons of nearby villages.
to achieve the desired target of 25%, a
Development of Schools & help to
drive was initiated in 2004-05 to fill up the
children: 65 ceiling fans and 20 wooden
gap for allotment of dealership to SC/ST
desks were distributed to schools, education
category and as a result their share
material, sports material and 424 jerseys
increased from 1.92% to 13.7%. Second
were distributed among the children.
drive has been initiated during 2007-08 and
% share in NFL dealership under SC/ST Village Development: Construction of steps
category has increased to 27.77% as on and floors, bricks road, public convenience,
30.9.2009. tube wells and other infrastructure facilities
were provided by NFL to villagers.

Other activities undertaken by the Management and Supervision during
Company: Health camps for women and construction and commissioning of fertilizer
children were organised, construction of bus and chemical plants. It has played a pivotal
stand, toilets, platform on creation ground, role in establishing fertilizer plants in India
installation of water tanks, Hand pumps, from concept to commissioning, besides
Distribution of ceiling fans, tricylcles, school providing revamping for Energy saving and
books, dresses and bags, water coolers and capacity augmentation, trouble shooting and
rural sports etc. NDT services for health maintenance of
plants. It has also diversified its activities into
7.7 Projects & Development India Limited
the field of Oil and Gas, Pipeline, Refinery
and Infrastructure Development such as
7.7.1 Introduction Housing project and City Gas Distribution
Projects & Development India Limited (PDIL)
an erstwhile Division of the Fertilizers During 2009-10, the following major projects
Corporation of India (FCIL) was registered / assignments in the fertilizer sector are under
as a separate company in March 1978. The execution for various clients:-
company has its registered office at Noida,
Uttar Pradesh. The authorized share capital Detailed Engineering Consultancy for 525
of the company was Rs. 60 crores and paid MTPD Methanol Plant for M/s GSFC Baroda
up capital was Rs. 17.30 crores as on Detailed Engineering, procurement
31.3.2009. assistance and other consultancy services
7.7.2 Operating Results for the Methanol Revamp Project of Rashtriya
Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. Trombay.
The company had earned net profit of Rs.
18.75 Crores during 2008-09 on total income Detailed Engineering Consultancy for Thal
of Rs.73 Cr. During the period April to Ammonia De-bottlenecking for RCF.
December 2009, a profit of Rs. 14.04 Crores PMC Services for Algeria Oman Fertilizer
has been earned on income of Rs.57.89 Cr. Project at Arzew, Algeria.
7.7.3 Excellent Ranking In MoU
Weak Area analysis & Health assessment
PDIL has obtained Excellent rating in the for 4 streams of Urea Plant, off site & power
year 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09. plant at Surat for KRIBHCO.
Company is expecting ‘Excellent” rating for
Detailed Engineering Consultancy for
the year 2009-10 also. PDIL has also won
Revamp of Ammonia and Urea plants at
prestigious MOU Excellence Award for the
Surat for KRIBHCO.
year 2007-08 under the category of
“Turnaround CPSE”. This award was Detailed Engineering consultancy for capacity
conferred by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India enhancement for Vijaipur II Ammonia- Urea
Dr. Manmohan Singh on 15.10.09. for NFL.
PDIL has performed exceedingly well in last Detailed Engineering Consultancy for
five years continuously and has become capacity enhancement of Vijaipur I Urea for
eligible for Mini Ratna – Category-II Status NFL.
under the DPE Scheme of Mini Ratna.
7.7.5 Techno-Economic Feasibility Report
7.7.4 Engineering & Consultancy Division
PDIL established itself as a major player in
The company is mainly engaged in Design, the Industry as a Consultant for preparation
Engineering, Procurement, Inspection, Store of Techno – Economic Feasibility Studies and

Detailed Project Reports. During the year the abroad. Further DOF continued to engage
major jobs secured in fertilizer sector were: PDIL for Techno- commercial Audits of SSP
Preparation of TEFR for Phosphatic Fertilizer Plants located throughout India. The Audits
complex of GECOPHAM-SYRIA Project were undertaken and the reports with TAC
advisory services for Revival of four units of observation and comments have already
FCIL Units & HFCL-Durgapur, study of been submitted to DOF.
uniform Urea price mechanism for
Department of Fertilizers, Setting of 7.7.8 Jobs in Diversified Sector
Greenfield Ammonia –Urea plant in Refinery, Oil & Gas and other Sectors
Karnataka for ZIL and preparation of DFR
for the proposed Ammonia-Urea Plant for Apart from the fertilizer sector PDIL has
MATIX. In the OIL & Gas and refinery sector, established its credential in Oil and gas
PDIL is executing job for preparation of and Refinery sector also. Presently PDIL
Feasibility Study Report for feedstock change is executing the job of Detailed Engineering
of existing Hydrogen plant at Visakha refinery and procurement services for 3 nos. of
of HPCL and consultancy services for Hydrogen manufacturing units, each with
processing proposals for laying , building, a capacity of 1,30,000 NM3/hr at the
operating or expanding City Gas Distribution Vadinar Refinery from Essar Engineering
(CGD) Network for PNGRB, Centre and detailed engineering for De-
bottlenecking of FCCU-I (Fractionators) &
7.7.6 Assignments Abroad GCU for HPCL Visakhpatnam. PDIL is also
PDIL continued its extensive efforts to secure providing Project Management Consultancy
jobs in Projects being set up outside the Services for installation of a 20,000 MTPA
country. Opportunities for providing services Hydrogen Plant for M/s IOCL Barauni, PMC
to various Joint Venture Companies with services for Installation of Hydrogen
Indian Fertilizer Companies as stake holders generation unit of 21000 MTPA at Manali
setting up projects abroad and avenues for refinery for CPCL, PMC Services for
back-up engineering support to international sulphur Recovery unit for IOCL Mathura
EPC Contractors in Fertilizer Projects are and PMC services for C2, C3 & C4 product
being pursued. pipeline for ONGC, Dahej.

PDIL is providing PMC Services for Algeria 7.7.9 Inspection & NDT
Oman Fertiilizer Project at Arzew, Algeria for PDIL established its credentials for Third
AOA, Algeria. Party Inspection (TPI) and Non Destructive
PDIL signed a General Cooperation Testing (NDT) Services – Statutory
Agreement with M/s. Mitsubishi Heavy inspection, testing and certification of Horton
Industries Ltd., Japan, who are one of the Spheres, Mounded LPG Bullets; Inspection
leading international EPC Contractors in the and recommissioning of Ammonia Storage
Fertilizer field and as a part of this contract Tanks etc. continued to be a specialized
PDIL provides services for Tatarstan activity of PDIL.
Ammonia Urea Project. On the basis of credential and satisfactory
7.7.7 Technical Audit past performance, Bharat Heavy Electricals
Limited (BHEL), again awarded the TPI rate
Department of Fertilizer (DOF) entrusted the contract for the period 2008-2010 for third
job of technical audit of Fertilizers plant in party inspection of various equipments and
India for the purpose of their benchmarking bought out items ordered by all
with respect to the performance of and Manufacturing Units of BHEL through out
Energy efficient Ammonia and Urea plant India. Job is being carried out to the full

satisfaction of BHEL and their clients NTPC 7.7.12 Corporate Social Responsibility
and PGCIL.
In pursuance of fulfilling its Corporate Social
PDIL also carry out Third Party Inspection Responsibility (CSR) objectives, keeping in
job for various State Government mind the interest of its employees,
organizations like PHED – Rajasthan & West shareholders, government, customers and
Bengal, Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam, Haryana community in which it operates, PDIL has
PWD, Madhya Pradesh Laghu Udyog Nigam, decided to make funds available for CSR
Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & activities upto 1% of Net profit after tax,
Sewerage Board etc. towards this objective.
7.7.10 Catalyst 7.8. The Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore
PDIL continued to produce catalyst for Limited (FACT)
Fertilizer Industry such as HT CO Conversion
7.8.1 Introduction
shift catalyst (conventional), LT CO
Conversion Shift Catalyst (conventional), Fertilizers And Chemicals Travancore Limited
Vanadium Pentoxide Catalyst, PRG Catalyst, (FACT) was incorporated in 1943. In 1947
Iron oxide and Alumina Balls. The production FACT started production of Ammonium
of the Catalyst was 182 MT in the year 2008- Sulphate with an installed capacity of 50,000
09 as compared to 105 MT in the previous MT per annum at Udyogamandal, near
year. Cochin. In the year 1960, FACT became a
During the year, PDIL executed order of PSU and towards the end of 1962,
GSFC for HT, LT and Methanation Catalyst, Government of India became the major
RCF for SR catalyst and HPCL shareholder.
Visakhaptnam for HT catalyst. PDIL also
From a modest beginning, FACT has grown
supplied HT Catalyst to Chennai Petroleum
and diversified into a multi-division/
and V2O5 Catalyst to SAIL Rourkela.
multifunction Organization with basic interest
7.7.11 Facilities to SC/ST/OBC/Employees in manufacture and marketing of Fertilizers
and Petrochemicals, Engineering
In line with Government Guidelines issued Consultancy and Design and in Fabrication
from time to time, PDIL continued to extend & Erection of Industrial Equipments.
required number of facilities to SC/ST/OBC
employees. The details of employees as on 7.8.2 Production Performance
30.11.09 is as follows:-
During the Financial Year 2008-09 FACT has
EMPLOYEE STRENGTH AS ON 30.11.09 made an upsurge in sales turnover and profit.
Production of NP was 6.05 LMT, Ammonium
Category Total MIP SC ST OBC Sulphate was 1.28 LMT and Caprolactam
was 0.13 LMT. During the current year upto
A 438 44 20 58
December 2009, the company produced 4.81
B 38 5 0 1 LMT of NP, 1.15 LMT of Ammonium Sulphate
and 0.29 LMT of Caprolactam.
C 30 10 0 6
D - 0 0 0 7.8.3 Sales Performance

On contract 49 8 0 16 During 2008-09, total income was 2209.72

Cr. on 8.33 LMT of Fertilizers and 0.12 LMT
Total 555 67 20 81
of Caprolactam.

Shri Mathew C Kunnumkal, Special Secretary and Financial Advisor addressing at function for commissioning of SAP
implementation in FACT Cochin.

During the current financial year upto FEDO & FEW: The turnover of FEDO upto
December 2009, the total sale of NP November 2009 is Rs.292 lakh. FEDO
Fertilizers is 5.28 LMT, 1.10 LMT of AS and expects a turnover of Rs.792 lakh and a profit
0.27 LMT of Caprolactam. of Rs.48 lakh for the year 2009-10. Total
value of external orders on hand as on
The Company has handled a total quantity November 2009 is Rs.2168 lakh.
of 83375 MT of urea at Cochin Port which is
an all time record. During the year FEW has entered into a MOU
with Cochin Shipyard Limited for joint
During the period FACT has launched new operations.
products like organic manure and crop
specified mixture for coconut, banana, rubber, 7.8.5 Modernization/Revamp Projects
1. Mechanization of bagging operation at
7.8.4 Financial Performance Cochin Division, expansion of existing
complex fertilizer plant at Cochin Division
In 2008-09, the company earned net profit from 2000 MT to 3000 MT per day, setting
of Rs.42.95 Cr. (including extraordinary items up of a urea plant at Udyogamandal with a
of Rs.221.16 Cr.). The company has earned capacity of 1500 TPD, establishment of
net loss of Rs.63.39 Cr. till December, 2009. container freight stations in association with

Central Warehousing Corporation and 7.8.7 Employee Grievance Redressal Machinery
Container Corporation of India, etc. are some
of the major expansion and diversification A machinery for redressal of employee
projects on the anvil. grievances exists in the Company.
Generally the grievances are related to
2. The Company has drawn up plans for work, work place, shift arrangement, grant
switch over of feedstock for the Ammonia of increment, promotion, salary fixation,
Plant and fuel for the boilers and complex transfer, etc. An aggrieved employee may
fertilizer plants to LNG as and when the LNG submit a complaint / request for settling
terminal comes online at Kochi. The required the grievance in the Division and if still
modifications on the plants to switch over of aggrieved with the decision of the Division
the feed stock has been planned for Head, it may be submitted before the
completion by end 2011. appropriate Grievance Committee.
Separate grievance committees exist for
3. During the year, FACT implemented a examining and redressal of grievances of
new ERP system SAP. managerial and non-managerial
4. FACT formed a joint venture company employees. The individual concerned is
in association with RCF for the manufacture given an opportunity to present his
of value added load bearing building panels grievance in person before the committee,
using the huge stock of Gypsum available at if required. The respective Committee will
FACT. The project is expected to be deliberate on the grievance and give their
commissioned during the year 2009-10. recommendations to the management for
appropriate action. In addition, there is an
7.8.6 Redressal of Public Grievances and SC/ST Grievance Cell that looks into
Welfare Measures complaints received from SC/ST
A Public Grievance Cell is functioning in the
Company, as per norms laid down by 7.8.8 Employment of SC/ST, Ex-servicemen,
Government of India. At present, no Physically Handicapped and Other
grievance received from public is pending Backward Classes (OBCs) as on
for redressal. 30.12.2009


Employees SERVICE

A 515 89 10 76 340 47 0 4

B 1418 209 51 348 810 123 14 21

C 817 82 23 334 378 59 25 14

D 782 124 21 307 330 9 11 33

D-S 37 10 0 18 9 21 0 1

TOTAL 3569 514 105 1083 1867 259 50 73

7.8.9 Welfare of Minorities. the Grievance Cell. Further there are
Associations representing SC/ST employees
The Company had provided the following and these Associations also take up
facilities for the Welfare of Minority individual grievances of SC/ST employees
Communities. with the management for direct redressal.
a) Land for Mosque near FACT Junction, 7.8.11 Reservation in Dealership
FACT has always followed a policy of
b) Land for Christian Cemetery in encouraging SC/ST Candidates to take up
Udyogamandal dealership. Details of dealership allotted to
c) Pathway to St:Joseph’s Church near SC/ST are given below:
JNM Hospital, Udyogamandal.
Category of Dealership As on 31.03.2009
d) Land for CSI Church, Ambalamedu Total Dealership 8066
25.51 cents
SC / ST 657
e) Land for Catholic Church, Ambalamedu
44.73 cents No security deposit is collected from SC/ST
f) Land for Marthoma Church, Dealers and they are encouraged to do
Ambalamedu 45.01 cents business by constant advice/follow up. All
efforts will be made to ensure that maximum
g) Land for Jacobite Syrian Church, representation is given for SCs/STs in Dealer
Ambalamedu 40 Cents appointments wherever additional
dealerships are provided.
h) Land for Mosque, Ambalamedu 40 cents
7.8.12 Corporate Social Responsibility
i) 4 separate cemeteries to above 4
Christian Churches in Ambalamedu As part of Corporate Social Responsibility,
FACT has undertaken the following activities.
j) Cremation ground for Muslims
(Khabaristan) in Ambalamedu 1. Drinking Water Supply to Residents of
Eloor Panchayath
k) Cremation ground for Muslims in
Udyogamandal FACT processes water from the River Periyar
at their advanced drinking water facility for
The premises and facilities such as Electricity, their industrial/township needs. To meet the
water etc. are extended free of cost. scarcity of water in Eloor Panchayath, FACT
7.8.10 Welfare of SCs & STs Employment. is providing about 1500 M3 water per day to
more than 500 residential users of the Eloor
The Company has taken all measures for Grama Panchayath.
reservation of SCs/STs in accordance with
the Presidential directives. Out of the total 2. Community Health Centre
employees of 3569 as on 30.12.2009, 619 The Community in which factories at
are SC/ST employees. An SC/ST Grievance Udyogamandal and Cochin Divisions are
Cell is functioning in the Company to redress located are given free medical consultation
the grievances of SC/ST employees. The services on two days in a month. This has
grievances received are examined in detail benefited the people at large as experienced
by the Cell and appropriately redressed. The Doctors attached to our factory Occupational
employee concerned is informed of the Health Centres provide the medical expert
decision / action taken on the grievances by

diagnosis and services. This helps the people (b) 3 months Certificate course in Heavy
to avoid traveling long distances to get routine Equipment Operation – 1 st batch
medical care. commenced in October 2008

3. Farmer Education programme (c) 3 months Certificate course in

Instrumentation & Maintenance – 1st
Regular agricultural seminars, dealer training batch commenced in September 2008.
programmes, crop campaigns, field
demonstrations etc. were conducted. This 7. The Company has entered into a Joint
helped the farmers to gain experience of Venture agreement with Department of
scientific practices to be adopted for Factories and Boilers, Government of Kerala
successful farming. Our field staff regularly for establishment of Kerala Institute of
make follow up to clarify doubts if any, and Welding and Research to conduct courses
inculcate the adoption of modern technology for qualification as IBR approved welders to
for integrated farming. cater the growing needs for skilled welders
both for the industries in India and abroad.
4. Soil Testing and Agronomy Services A separate Society under the Travancore
During the year 2008-09, 3160 number of Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies
soil samples were collected by our field staff Act, 1955 was registered for conducting the
from various villages in the states of Andhra courses relating to welding technology with
Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Kerala. a grant of Rs.1 crore from Government of
The focus was on collecting samples from Kerala.
remote tribal areas with limited access to Kerala Institute of Welding & Research
Government laboratories. Based on the soil functioning at FACT Training Centre has
tests the farmers were educated on the started a 3 months Certificate course in
agronomic practices to be adopted, namely Welding leading to award of IBR certificate
crop variety selection, type of soil tillage to in Welding. First batch commenced in
be adopted, use of available organics in September 2009.
fields, dosage of fertilizers to be used etc.
These activities have benefited the farming 7.9 Madras Fertilizers Limited (MFL)
community to maximise their crop yields.
7.9.1 Introduction
5. Fire and Emergency Services
Madras Fertilizers Limited (MFL) was
The well equipped fire services established incorporated in December 1966 as a Joint
in FACT provide emergency services not only Venture between GOI and AMOCO India
to the surrounding areas but also to Incorporation of USA (AMOCO) with GOI
Ernakulam district as well. holding 51% of the equity share capital.

6. Training facilities In 1985, AMOCO disinvested their shares,

which were purchased by GOI and NIOC in
In addition to Employees and Apprentices their respective proportions on 22.07.1985.
Training, FACT Training Centre has of late The revised share holding pattern was GOI
emerged as a Skill Development Academy 67.55% and NIOC 32.45%. The share
offering the following courses, utilizing its holding pattern upto May 11, 1997 was GOI
resources for the benefit of the public at large: 69.78% and NIOC 30.22%.
(a) One year Diploma in Fire & Safety On May 12, 1997, MFL made its maiden
Engineering for ITI / Plus 2 passed Public Issue of 2,86,30,000 shares of face
students – 1st batch started in February value of Rs 10 at a premium of Rs 5 per

Tableau of Madras Fertilizers Limited (MFL) at Republic Day celebration 2010 at Chennai.

share. Of these, 2, 58, 09,700 shares were lakh tonnes of Phosphate (P). A major
subscribed. After the Public Issue, the revamp / expansion was carried out in
shareholding pattern is as follows: 1998 at a cost of Rs 601 crore, enhancing
the annual installed capacity to 2.54 lakh
Shareholder Rs. Cr % tonnes of N and 1.42 lakh tonnes of P,
corresponding to 4,86,750 MT of urea and
GOI 95.85 59.50 8,40,000 MT of complex fertilizers.
NIOC 41.52 25.77 However, certain problems were also
experienced in the revamp process which
Public 23.73 14.73 led to frequent shut downs, low capacity
Total 161.10 100.00 utilization and resultant financial difficulties
and liquidity problems. In the wake of this,
there were also problems of adjusting to
The company has an authorized share capital
the Urea Pricing Policy with effect from
of Rs 365 Cr comprising of Rs 175 Cr as
1.4.2003 and the norms of determination
equity and Rs 190 Cr as preference share
of concession on decontrolled complex
capital. The preference share capital is yet
fertilizers, which came into effect from
to be issued and subscribed. As on
1.4.2002 and 1.4.2008. Over a period of
31.3.2009, the paid-up equity was Rs 161.10
time, despite two rounds of financial
restructuring, financial difficulties and
problems of capacity utilization etc., have,
MFL commenced commercial production in continued and financial position started
1971, with an annual installed capacity of deteriorating.
1.7 lakh tonnes of Nitrogen (N) and 1.12

7.9.2 Reference to BIFR 2009-10, the Company is expected to
produce 4.25 LMT of Urea. The Company is
The Company has informed the Board for planning to produce 60 thousand tonnes of
Industrial and Financial Reconstruction NPK-Complex fertilizers during the year
(BIFR) of the total erosion of net worth and 2009-10 on tolling basis through M/s Indian
its current negative value. The BIFR has Potash Limited. Actual production upto
registered the Company as Case No. 501/ December, 2009 has been 3.06 LMT of Urea.
2007. In the first hearing held on 2nd April
2009, MFL was declared as a sick Company Further during the year 2008-09, the
and State Bank of India (Commercial Branch, Company produced 458 tonnes of Bio-
Chennai) was appointed as the Operating fertilizers. The Company is expected to
Agency (OA) to prepare a Draft Revival produce 450 tonnes of Biofertilizers during
Scheme (DRS). the year 2009-10.

7.9.3 Revised Proposal for Restructuring 7.9.5 Sales Performance

Based on the outcome of inter-ministerial The sales performance of the company is

meetings, the Company had engaged M/s given below:
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India (P) Ltd (DTT)
as consultants for study of MFL and Product (In MT)
assistance in preparing a revival plan. MFL Actual April-
have also engaged M/s Project and 2008-09 December
Development India Ltd (PDIL) as consultants 2009
for study of technical viability of the Plant.
Urea 4,15,266 3,06000
The final report of M/s PDIL has been NPK - -
received and based on their recommendation
the Company is preparing a fresh Financial Imported MOP - -
Restructuring proposal along with the support Bio Fertilizers 463 460
from OA for submission to DOF/BRPSE for
their consideration.
7.9.6 Financial performance:
The Company’s operations are viable after
During 2008-09, the Company ended up with
implementation of NPS III amendment
a net loss of Rs 145.38 Cr and the total
restricting the reduction in fixed costs by 10%
accumulated losses as on 31.3.2009 was
from 01.04.2009 and therefore the Company
Rs 793.93 Cr. During the year 2009-10 the
has been making profit on a monthly basis
Company is likely to end up with a loss of
from August 2009.
Rs 32.28 Cr and the total accumulated losses
as on 31.3.2010 would be Rs 826.21 Cr.
The Company may end up with a small cash During the current financial year, MFL has
profit for year 2009-10. earned net loss of Rs.51.54 Cr. till December,
7.9.4 Production Performance
7.9.7 Welfare of SC/ST and reservation in
During the year 2008-09, the Company dealership.
produced 4.06 LMT of Urea and “Nil” NPK-
State-wise SC/ST dealer strength is as
Complex fertilizers with capacity utilisation
of 83% and “Nil” respectively. During the year

State SC/ST Dealers MFL organized 7 Nos. of agro based
exhibitions during the year against the Annual
Tamil Nadu 533 Plan of 10 Nos.
Pondicherry 9 To educate farmers about balanced
Andhra Pradesh 400 fertilization, MFL collected and analysed 7860
soild samples from farmers against the
Karnataka 481 annual target of 7200 number of samples.
Kerala 189 Analysis report has been distributed to the
farmers for follow up.
Total 1612
For eco-friendly environment and to improve
soil health, method demo on biofertilizer
SC/ST dealers constitute 26.69% of the total usage was planned for 20 nos. for the year
dealer strength. 2009-10. So far MFL has conducted 17
demonstrations in the marketing territory.
The following special terms are allowed for
the above category : With regard to micro-nutrient analysis, there
is a plan of 500 samples for the year 2009-
 Waiver of security deposit of Rs 5000/-.
10 and so far 400 samples have been
 Exemption from seasonal minimum collected, analysed and the reports have
sales norms. been sent to farmers.

7.9.8 Statement showing employment of SC/ST, To ensure fertilizer distribution upto rural area,
Ex-Servicemen and Physically MFL has appointed 5986 retail dealers, which
handicapped persons. includes 27% from SC/ST.

Group Employees Number of Employees belonging to

SC ST Ex- Physically BC / OBC

Servicemen Handicapped
A 241 24 3 - 1 53
B 208 46 5 - 1 80
C 329 84 1 13 3 126
D 40 28 - - - 9
Total 818 182 9 13 5 268

7.9.9 Corporate Social Responsibility 7.10 Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation

Limited (BVFCL)
MFL marketing personnel contacted 2,39,919
farmers during th current year against the 7.10.1 Introduction
yearly target of more han 3,00,000 farmers
for the year 2009-10 and educated the Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizers Corporation
farmers about soil health techniques, usage Limited (BVFCL) has two operating units at
of biofertilizers & Neem products for Namrup Assam. Its Corporate Office is also
environment friendly atmosphere and fertilizer situated at Namrup. The other establishments
recommendation (Macro & Micro) for different of the company are Liaison Offices at NOIDA
crops. & Kolkata and Marketing Offices at Guwahati,

View of Brahmputra Valley Fertilizers Corporation Ltd (BVFCL) Plant at Namrup (Assam).

Siliguri & Patna . The authorised share capital leakages in Flue Gas Heat Recovery Section
and paid up capital of the company as on and RG Boiler 1st compartment tube leakage.
31.3.2009 were Rs. 510 Crores and Rs.
365.83 Crores respectively. Namrup-II Plant could be run at 50% load
only due to availability of only 1.72 MMSCMD
7.10.2 Physical Performance gas against requirement of 1.95 MMSCMD
of gas. This has increased cost of production
The actual production from Namrup units for of Namrup-II plants.
April 2009 to December 2009 was 218733
MT. The targeted production for the year The company manufactured 15.63 MT of Bio-
2009-10 is 3,70,100 MT of Urea as per MOU fertilizer during the period April 2009 to
Target for 2009-10. December 2009 and plan to produce 20 MT
Bio-fertilizer in 2009-10. The company has
Performance of the Company has been sold 177 MT Quality Seeds in Kharif season
adversely affected due to frequent power of 2009-10 and 268 MT of Wheat seeds are
failures. In Namrup-III performance was being sold during Rabi season 2009-10.
affected due to poor conversion in Synthesis Further vegetable seeds procured from M/s
Converter and tube leakages in Coolers. Numhens Pvt. Ltd,. Worth Rs. 12.65 lakh
Performance of Namrup-II was also below have been sold to farmers to farmers through
par due to repeated problems in CO2 its dealer network. The company has started
Compressor in Urea Plant, Problems in BFW production of Vermicompost and has sold
Pumps and Synthesis Gas Compressor, Tube 26.76 MT of vermin-compost.

7.10.3 Financial Performance SC ST OBC Ex- Physically
The company earned net loss of Rs.104.40 servicemen handicapped
Cr. on Sales turnover of Rs.170.48 Cr. during 91 181 365 4 4
current year upto December, 2009. In 2008-
09, the company earned net loss of
Rs.197.07 Cr. on turnover of Rs.150.72 Cr. 7.10.6 Welfare of minorities and reservation in
7.10.4 Public / Staff grievance redress machinery dealership :
and Status of Grievances: Welfare of minorities are looked after as per
An Employees Grievance Redressal directive of Prime Minister’s 15 Point
Committee headed by GM (HR) with the Programme relating to welfare of minorities,
representatives of both the recognized during recruitment and promotion. At the time
Unions & Joint Council of Officers is in of promotion and recruitment, a
operation to look into the individual representative of the minority is included in
grievances of the employees. Aggrieved the Selection Committee. There is no
employees submit the grievances to the Co- reservation for minorities.
ordinator of the Committee. Thereafter, all As per the scheme for appointment of SC/
the grievances are examined and put up to ST candidates for dealers formulated by the
the Chairman of the Committee for redressal. Government of India, 25% of the appointment
No specific complaint has been received of dealers is to be reserved for SC/ ST
about its unsatisfactory functioning. Further category. Category – wise details of which
to this, information is provided to the citizens are as follows.
under Right to Information Act 2005 and 10 ST 55
applications have already been received
during 2009-10 and 19 applications were SC 13
received during 2008-09. Requested
Total Dealers 601
information has been provided as per the
In spite of advertisement, BVFCL is getting
7.10.5 Employment of SC/ ST, Ex- servicemen, very limited applications from SC/ST
Physically Handicapped & other candidates.
backward classes persons :
7.10.7 Corporate Social Responsibility :
The matter of employment of persons
belonging to SC/ST, Ex-servicemen, Since its inception, BVFCL had regularly
Physically handicapped & other backward contributed to various corporate social
classes are taken care of at the time of responsibility initiatives in the areas of health,
recruitment/ promotions. Reservation policy education, infrastructure and culture. As
has been followed as per Government Namrup Fertilizer Complex is located at
guidelines. Information on employment under remote area in the Dibrugarh District of
different categories are stated as under : Assam, there has been added social
responsibility for development of areas
Men in Position as on 31.12.2009 1205 adjoining its factory and township.
Executive 407
BVFCL is extending following welfare facilities
Non-executive 798 to its employees and their families and to
the neighbouring villages.

a) Education: BVFCL is running one Kendriya 7.11.3 Financial Performance
Vidyalaya, one Higher Secondary School and
one Primary School for students of The Company has earned a net profit of Rs.
neighbouring areas and wards/children of its 903.55 lakh (after deferred tax charge) during
employees as well. The corporation has the year 2008-09 on sales of Rs.42.47 Cr.
extended its patronage for establishment of Upto December 2009, FAGMIL has earned
Namrup College and B.Ed. for Higher net profit of Rs.4.93 Cr. on sales of Rs.35.40
Education at Namrup. Cr.

b) Civic Amenities: The company provided 7.11.4 Grievance Cell

drinking water and lighting facilities to public Grievance Cell is functioning to redress the
of Namrup, accommodation for telephone public an staff grievances and no grievances
exchange, post office etc. is pending as on date.
c) Medical: A 60 bed hospital with modern (i) For Public Grievance
equipments is operated with qualified doctors
and para-medical staff. Patients from Head Office at Jodhpur receives the public
adjoining are treated. grievances, which are redressed by the
Grievance Cell. At present, no grievance is
d) Recreation facility: There are 2 clubs, 1 pending.
stadium with play ground where regular
cultural functions/sporting even are (ii) For Staff Grievance
a. The employees who are working in
7.11 FCI Aravali Gypsum & Minerals India various Mines are advised to submit their
Limited (FAGMIL) grievances through the respective Area
Managers to Chief Manager (Mining).
7.11.1 Introduction
b. The employees working at Head Office,
The FCI Aravali Gypsum & Minerals India Jodhpur, route their grievances through
Limited was incorporated under the Sectional Heads to Chief Manager (Mining).
Companies Act 1956 as a Public Sector At present, no grievance is pending.
Undertaking on 14.2.2003 after being hived
off the Jodhpur Mining Organization (JMO) 7.11.5 Employment of SC/ST, Ex- servicemen,
of Fertilizers Corporation of India limited. Physically Handicapped & Other
(FCIL). The authorized share capital of the Backward Classes (OBCs) persons.
Company was Rs. 10 crore and the paid up
capital was Rs. 7, 32,98,000/- as on Information in respect of employment of SCs/
31.3.2009. STs, Ex- Servicemen, Physically
handicapped & OBCs as on 31st March. 2009
7.11.2 Production Performance is as furnished below.
The Production/Sale of gypsum in 2008-09 Total SC ST Ex- PHC OBC
was 9.16 lakh MT as against the target of employees Serviceman
9.15 lakh MT. The revised production/sale
revised target for the year 2009-10 is 7.65 109 17 5 1 NIL 8
lakh MT. During the current year 2009-10,
the Company has produced 4.89 LMT and 7.11.6 Corporate Social Responsibility
sold 5.08 LMT of Gypsum up to December
2009. Construction of separate Water Tanks at
Village Mohangarh, District Jaisalmer at the

KRIBHCO’s Hazira Plant.

cost of Rs.1 Lakh to provide drinking water The Hazira complex has two streams of
facilities for the villagers as well as for cattle. Ammonia plants and four streams of Urea
plants. The annual capacity of Urea Plants
7.11.7 Information relating to welfare of is 17.29 lakh MT.
Minorities and reservation in dealership.
KRIBHCO has also installed a Bio-fertilizer
The company does not have any system of unit at Hazira in 1995. The capacity of this
engaging dealers, thus, reservation for Unit was enhanced from 100 MTPA to 250
minorities is not applicable. MTPA in 1998. Two more Bio-fertilizer units
7.12 Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited of 150 MTPA capacity each have also been
(KRIBHCO) installed one at Varanasi, U.P in September
2003 and another one in Lanja, Maharashtra
7.12.1 Introduction in March 2004.

KRIBHCO was incorporated as a Multi State As on 31.03.2009 the authorised share

Cooperative Society on 17.04.1980 to capital of the Society is Rs.500 crore and
implement the Ammonia/Urea fertilizer project the paid up share capital is Rs.390.68 crore.
at Hazira, based on natural gas from Bombay The total membership as on 31.03.2009 was
High/South Bassein. The Society 6523.
commissioned its Ammonia/Urea Plant in

7.12.2 Production Performance 2009-10 upto November 2009, Society has
sold 11.23 lakh MT of own Urea.
During the year 2008-09 KRIBHCO produced
17.43 lakh MT of Urea (8.02 lakh MT in terms During the year 2008-09 Society sold 10.77
of nitrogen “N”) achieving capacity utilization lakh MT OMIFCO Granular Urea. During the
of 100.8 % and 10.85 lakh MT of Ammonia year 2009-10 upto November 2009, Society
achieving capacity utilization of 108.1%. has sold 6.27 lakh MT of OMIFCO Granular
During the year 2009-10 up to November
2009, the Society has produced 13.36 LMT KSFL UREA:
of Urea (6.14 lakh MT in terms of nitrogen
“N”) achieving capacity utilisation of 103 %. During the year 2008-09 Society has sold
The expected production for the year 2009- 8.88 lakh MT of KSFL Urea. During the year
10 would be 17.82 lakh MT of Urea(8.20 2009-10 upto November 2009, Society has
lakh Mt in terms of nutrient “N”) of capacity sold 6.09 lakh MT of KSFL Urea.
utilization of 103%. AMMONIA SALE :
ARGON GAS : During the year 2008-09 the Society has
During the year 2008-09 KRIBHCO produced sold 0.79 lakh MT of surplus Ammonia.
4245 thousand NM3 of Argon gas. During the year 2009-10 upto November
2009, Society has sold 0.57 lakh MT of
During the year 2009-10 upto November Ammonia.
2009, Society has produced 1726 thousand
NM3 of Argon. ARGON SALE :

BIO-FERTILIZERS : During the year 2008-09 the Society has sold

4215 thousand NM3 of Argon. During the
During the year 2008-09 KRIBHCO produced year 2009-10 upto November 2009, Society
865 MT of Bio-fertilizers. has sold 1692 thousand NM3 of Argon.

During the year 2009-10 upto November BIO-FERTILIZERS SALE :

2009, Society has produced 679 MT of Bio-
fertilizer. During the year 2008-09 the sale of Bio-
fertilizer was 867MT. KRIBHCO has
conducted several promotional
7.12.3 Sales Performance: programmes on use and benefits of Bio-
TOTAL UREA : fertilizers. During the year 2009-10 upto
November 2009, Society has sold 655 MT
In the year 2008-09, the Society sold 37.76 of Bio-fertilizer.
lakh MT of total Urea. This is the highest
total annual sales of Urea achieved by 7.12.4 Financial Results :
KRIBHCO since inception. During the year During the year 2008-09, the Society
2009-10 upto November 2009, Society sold earned a net profit of Rs.250.13 crore
23.59 lakh MT of total Urea. (post-tax). Since inception KRIBHCO has
OWN UREA : paid dividend of Rs. 871.45 crore to GOI
upto 31.03.2009. KRIBHCO has achieved
In the year 2008-09 the Society has sold highest turnover of Rs. 2559.12 crore
18.11 lakh MT of own Urea. During the year during the year 2008-09.

During the financial year 2009-10 upto During the financial year 2009-10 upto
November’09, Society has made a November’09, KSFL has produced 6.23 lakh
provisional profit (pre-tax) of Rs.138.42 crore. MT of Urea (108.1 % capacity utilization)
and 3.68 Lakh MT of Ammonia (110.2 %
7.12.5 Joint Ventures capacity utilization).
1. Joint Venture Oman India Fertilizer
7.12.6 Equity Participation
Company, Oman (OMIFCO):
1. Gujarat State Energy Generation Limited
KRIBHCO, IFFCO and Oman Oil Company
with a share holding of 25%, 25% and 50%
respectively have collaborated and set up a KRIBHCO has diversified into power sector
world-class fertilizer plant at Sur in Oman. and has invested Rs. 72.75 crore equity (as
The annual capacity of the fertilizer complex on 31.03.2009) in Gujarat State Energy
is 16.52 lakh MT of granular Urea and 11.9 Generation Limited. GSEG is a Joint Venture
lakh MT of Ammonia. with Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation
The Urea produced in OMIFCO is being Limited (GSPCL), other Gujarat Government
purchased by Govt. of India and half of the companies and GAIL (India). GSEG is
produce is being marketed by KRIBHCO. In operating a 156 MW combined cycle power
addition, plant produces 2.5 lakh MT of plant based on natural gas at Mora, district
surplus Ammonia per year, which is to be Surat.
brought to India. During the Financial Year 2008-09 plant
During the financial year April ‘08 to March achieved an overall Plant Load Factor (PLF)
’09 OMIFCO has produced 20.08 Lakh MT of 71.22%. Further, GSEG has posted a
of Granular Urea. provisional post-tax profit of Rs.9.5 crore and
declared dividend of 5% on the share capital.
During the financial year 2009-10 upto
November 2009, OMIFCO has produced GSEG is implementing a Combined Cycle
13.60 Lakh MT of Granular Urea. gas based Power Project of capacity 350MW
expansion project at its existing site at an
2. KRIBHCO Shyam Fertilizers Limited estimated cost of Rs. 1160 crore. EPC
(KSFL): Contract has been awarded. The project is
expected to be completed in 27 months from
KRIBHCO Shyam Fertilizers Limited (KSFL)
the Zero Date of January 28, 2008.
has acquired Ammonia –Urea Fertilizer
Complex of M/s. Oswal Chemicals and 2. Nagarjuna Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited
Fertilizers Ltd. at Shahjahanpur, U.P, (NFCL):
consisting of a single stream Ammonia plant
of annual capacity 5.02 Lakh MT and two Society has an equity participation of Rs.
streams of Urea plant with a combined 10.00 crore in NFCL, which is 2.15% of
annual capacity of 8.64 Lakh MT. NFCL’s paid-up share capital of Rs. 465.16
KRIBHCO holds 85% of the equity,
management control and the entire marketing 7.12.7 Projects under implementation/
rights of Urea and other products of the consideration
1. Revamp of Ammonia and Urea Plant:
During the financial year 2008-09 KSFL
produced 8.65 lakh MT of Urea (100.1 % Society has initiated action to Revamp its
capacity utilization) and 5.13 Lakh MT of existing plant and enhance its annual
Ammonia (102.3 % capacity utilization). capacity of Urea Plant from 17.29 lakh MT

to 21.95 lakh MT and of Ammonia plants KRIBHCO is in the advanced stage of setting
capacity from 10.03 lakh MT to 13.0 lakh up rail-linked terminal at Hazira. It is setting
MT. Basic Engineering work for Ammonia up ICD/CFS at various places in the country
and Urea is completed. The detailed on its own and through strategic alliances.
Engineering work and procurement KRIL has placed order for procurement of
services by M/s. PDIL are under progress. four rakes and is in advanced stage for
Orders have been placed for long term procurement of containers. One container
items. Bids for major items have been train has been dispatched on trial basis from
received and are in advanced stage of Hazira to national capital region on 10th
evaluation. Civil work at site has started. December 2009.
Zero date has been achieved on 27 th
January 2009. The completion period of 7.12.8 Corporate Social Responsibility
the project is 32 from months zero date. KRIBHCO with its large dedicated team of
The estimated project cost is Rs 1301 agriculture professionals continued its
Crore. significant contribution along with other
2. Urvarak Videsh Limited (UVL): serious players in latest farm technology
transfer and other rural welfare schemes for
“Urvarak Videsh Limited”, a Joint Venture improving the profitability of farming
company constituting KRIBHCO, NFL & community.
RCF has been incorporated for setting up
the Joint Ventures in India and abroad for During 2008-09, KRIBHCO organized more
manufacturing, mining, long term tie ups than 2500 programmes for farming
for nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic community such as farmers meetings, kisan
fertilizers and fertilizer raw materials melas, field demonstrations, field days,
including exploring the possibility of making cooperative conferences, group discussion,
investments and rendering consultancy special campaign etc. benefiting 11.69 lakh
services in this regard in India and farmers and cooperatives across the country.
abroad. To back up the Agriculture Technology
transfer, the Society also made available 8.35
GOI has accorded approval to UVL to set up lakh technical folders on various crops to
Fertilizer Project at the existing Barauni Unit the farmers and cooperatives.
of Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Limited
(HFCL). KRIBHCO Krishi Pramarsh Kendra, a high-
tech centre at KRIBHCO Bhawan, NOIDA
3. Logistics: continued free consultancy to farm-related
problems. The centre also propagated
KRIBHCO has diversified into Logistic efficient and balanced use of fertilizer by
Business and has acquired License to testing 4994 soil samples collected
operate Private Container Trains in Category- scientifically for micro-nutrients and 1014
I (entire rail network in relation to both Exim samples for macro-nutrients & irrigation water
& Domestic Traffic). KRIBHCO has signed from 10 states free of cost. Results alongwith
concession Agreement with Ministry of recommendations were forwarded through
Railways. electronic medium to farmers at their
KRIBHCO Infrastructure Limited (KRIL) a doorsteps, apart from using KRIBHCO
100% subsidiary of KRIBHCO has been website for display of results. Paramarsh
incorporated with authorized share capital of Kendra also provided latest information on
Rs.500 crore and initial paid up capital of weather, like rainfall, temperature, relative
Rs.5 crore for undertaking infrastructure humidity, monsoon movement etc. for use in
projects. planning farm operations and mid-term

corrections in the event of crop failure Kendra, NOIDA werein 41 farmers from 13
generally through kisan help lines. Kisan states participated for about one week and
Helpline has been strengthened with the help deliberated about the agriculture practices
of KRIBHCO Reliance Kisan Ltd. of their respective states and this provided
an opportunity for better understanding of
All State Directors of Agriculture were the use of KRIBHCO’s products and
informed about educational programmes services. A group of Representative
conducted and soil samples tested from their General Body Members from Bihar, W.
states along with district wise deficiency Bengal, M.P. Chhattisgarh & Maharashtra
noticed in various soil samples. KRIBHCO visited Hazira plant to apprise themselves
also joined hands with ICAR, State of the steps taken to maintain the quality
Agriculture Universities, State Cooperative of the product. Storage-cum-community
Federations for free soil testing and centre scheme started on Golden Jubilee
technology transfer which was thankfully celebration of India still continuing with 141
acknowledged and appreciated at all centers sanctioned and 130 are completed
platforms. and being used fully.
As a step towards modernization, KRIBHCO KRIBHCO continues to provide Insurance
continued to promote information coverage for farmers as a method of
Communication Technology (ICT) through sustaining the sales of the product, known
KRIBHCO Kisan help line using e-mail, as “Kisan Aapda Nivaran Bima Yojna” for
phone, SMS, computer and KRIBHCO any accidental death / injury. It is a
website for informing farmers about latest Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for
farm technology alongside with traditional the welfare of the farmers who purchase
tools. Information on monthly farm operations KRIBCHO Urea bag from any cooperative
are also made available on website. An High outlets and Krishak Bharati Sewa Kendras
level delegation from Ministry of Agriculture (KBSK). During the year, an amount of
Medagasker visited KRIBHCO Krishi Rs.40.63 lakh has been disbursed as
Paramarsh Kendra and described it as one insurance claims to 61 families of the
of the best in the world. deceased farmers.
Strengthening cooperatives and rural During the financial year 2009-10,
development always remained a priority for KRIBHCO continued its services to farmers
KRIBHCO. In this direction 60 cooperative & cooperatives. A total of 1279
societies were adopted, 19603 cooperative programmes so far have been organized
managers were trained through 210 upto November 2009 which mainly include
cooperative conferences and workshops Farmers Meetings, Cooperative
and 17 study visits, wherein they were Conferences, Group Discussions, Kisan
educated about the use of Society’s Melas, Block Demonstrations, Dealers’
product for improving farm productivity and Conferences, Health Campaigns for human
also enhanced our corporate image. The and animals, Technical Wall Paintings,
society also organized 46 health Technical Literature Printing & Distribution
campaigns for livestock and humans, and Soil Testing Campaign, directly
promoted 7 water facilities including micro- benefiting 8.34 lakh farmers. Besides this
irrigation systems for crops in rainfed areas 3.5 lakh Technical Crop Folders were
and rural sports for integrated rural distributed and 3719 Soil Samples were
development. Krishak Parivar Sangam, a tested for pH, EC, macro and micro-
programme dedicated to national nutrients from 83 districts of 11 states.
integration of farmers was organized at KRIBHCO Kisan Helpline was used by 584
Pusa, Delhi & KRIBHCO Krishi Pramarsh

farmers for solving their farm related 7.12.10 Public/Staff Grievance Redress Machinery
Based on the directives of Department of
7.12.9 Seed Multiplication Programme Fertilizers, Government of India, the set up
of Public Grievance Redressal Machinery is
KRIBHCO also initiated Seed Production in operation in KRIBHCO.
Programme in 1990-91 to provide quality/
certified seeds of main crops to the farmers Grievance/Complaint Box is kept at the
which has had a very encouraging response reception of office for convenient registration
from farmers and cooperative societies. The of complaints by member of the public. The
seeds are made available to the farmers Complaint Box is opened regularly.
through KBSKs, Cooperative Societies and DGM(HR), Corporate Office is designated as
State Cooperative Federations in different Grievance Officer to attend any public
states. The Society stepped up production grievance/complaint. A quarterly progress
of seeds from 2928 quintals in 1991-92 to report of redressal of Public Grievance is
1.98 Lakh quintals of Seeds in 2008-09. This being sent to Deptt. of Fertilizers,
is the highest ever production of seeds so Government of India.
7.12.11 National Policy for persons with
During the financial year 2008-09, the Society disabilities
has produced 1.98 thousand quintals and
sold 1.96 lakh quintals of seeds which is KRIBHCO does not have any separate
highest since inception. During the financial financial allocation for persons with
year 2009-10 upto November’09, Society has disabilities. However, Society promotes
produced 2.18 lakh quintals and sold 2.20 farmers belonging to SC/ST/OBC through
lakh quintals. various programmes and rural activities.

7.12.12 Statement showing employment of

handicapped persons

(As on 31.03.2009)

Name of Group Total Number of employees belonging to

Society number of
employees SC ST Ex-service- Physically OBC
men Handicapped
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
KRIBHCO A 1359 32 13 8 2 134
Hazira- B 309 19 16 4 NIL 55
Surat. C 390 44 23 3 5 66
D 26 3 0 4 NIL 14
Total 2084 98 52 19 7 269

GRAMIN VIKAS TRUST Chowk funded by ICAR, New Delhi in the
year 2006. KVK is managed by GVT
7.12.13 Gramin Vikas Trust (GVT) was established Regional Head Quarter East located at
by Krishak Bharati Cooperative Ltd. Ranchi.
(KRIBHCO) with the support from
Government of India and Department for GVT has undertaken various land
International Development (DFID) U.K. GVT development programs including Soil Water
is an independent legal entity implementing Conservation, tree plantations and Agro-
various Rural Development Projects in forestry works etc. GVT has carried out the
Rainfed areas of Western and Eastern India. SWC work on fifty thousand acres of land
GVT has been incessantly working on issues and near about thirteen thousand households
such as crop research, Natural Resource were benefited.
Management, Water Resource Development,
Agro-forestry, Livestock etc. Tree Programme is an important component
of the GVT’s environmental programs. Under
The Trust is operating in Madhya Pradesh, farming system for development of natural
Rajasthan, Gujarat in the Western India and resources, the project not only emphasized
Orissa, Jharkhand, Chattishgarh and West on plantation and creating awareness among
Bengal in Eastern India. In the post DFID the participants but also on development of
phase GVT has collaborated and skills of participants to grow nurseries in their
implementing project of various ministries at villages.
the state level as well as at the national level,
like Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry The Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India
of Panchayati Raj, Ministry of Agriculture, has identified Gramin Vikas Trust as Gateway
Ministry of Environment and Forest, NIRD, Agency for facilitation of the Rural Business
etc. GVT has also tied up with other Hub(RBH) in Ranchi and Deoghar districts
development organizations like Mott of Jharkhand and Birbhum District of West
MacDonald, The Energy and Resource Bengal in order to identify the local products/
Institute (TERI), Larsen & Turbo, Asian skills that hold good business potential and
Development Bank etc for various projects mobilizing convergence of different schemes
like Migrant Labour Support Programme and institutions that hold the key inputs for
(MLSP), Skill Up-gradation, Vocational setting up RBHs through Private –Public-
Training & Capacity Building, Crop Research, Panchayat-Partnership.
Impact Assessment Studies etc. Since the survey work has been done by
GVT has established a state-of-the art GVT in Jhabua for energy plantations on
National Livelihoods Resource Institute revenue waste land and contract farming
(NLRI) on the picturesque locale outside the model has been completed and accepted.
city of Ratlam in Bhadwasa Village of Madhya Subsequently IOC has principally agreed to
Pradesh. The Institute has become involve GVT in the implementation of the
operational since September 2007 and was project.
formally inaugurated on 14th May 2008. So GVT has been awarded with FCRA project
far 38 on campus Training Programmes on Improving Livelihoods in Tribal areas of
(including 2 Management Programmes for India through sustained access to
KRIBHCO) and 183 off campus Programmes technologies in Rainfed areas for a period of
have been organised. three years to be implemented in Jhabua
In East India, GVT has established the Krishi MP and Dhamtari, Chattisgarh, Ranchi and
Vigyan Kendra (KVK), at Godda at the Sub- Godda in Jharkhand and Baripada in Orissa
divisional Agriculture farm near Rautara covering four states. The Project is funded

by DFID through CAZS, Bangor, UK and from June, 2007-July 2008 with the support
being implemented in their partnership. of Asian Development Bank.

Skill Development Training Project on four National Bank For Agriculture and Rural
trades e.g. Mason, Shuttering Carpentry & Development (NABARD) has awarded
Bar Binding, Plumbing and General Integrated 7 Tribal Development Programme
Supervisor is implemented with specific target to GVT under the title “WADI (Orchards)”.
to train 5000 construction sector workers.
NABARD has awarded a Capacity Building
After the successful implementation of MLSP Phase (CBP) Project on Watershed in
under DFID till June, 2007, GVT has Pairachali, West Bengal in February, 2008.
completed a MLSP Project in Ratlam district


8.1 Fertilizer Education Projects through judicious use of chemical

fertilizers, secondary and micro nutrients
8.1.1 The basic purpose of the application of coupled with organic and bio fertilizer for
fertilizer is to enhance the crop productivity improving the soil health and crop
in the country. The Fertilizer companies productivity. It also aims at strengthening
launch their fertilizer projects for educating soil testing facilities, upgrading the skill of
the farmers about the quality/contents of staff working in soil testing laboratory and
the soil for crops. Resultantly, the farmers strengthening the fertilizer quality control
are encouraged by the companies to use facilities. At present there are 651 soil
the balanced fertilizers based on the quality testing laboratories in the Country including
of the soil nutrient wise and apply fertilizers 517 static and 134 mobile laboratories
accordingly. Department of Fertilizers does having annual analyzing capacity of about
not implement Fertilizer Education Projects. 7 million soil samples. The above said
Such projects are administered by national projects proposes to set up 500
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, new soil testing laboratories and 250
ICAR, State Governments and the mobile soil testing laboratories for micro
agriculture universities. However, some nutrient analysis. It also proposes to
fertilizer companies including PSUs do strengthening of 315 existing state static
undertake such projects as part of their laboratory during the 11th Five Year Plan.
extension and marketing activities. The It further proposes to upgrade 63 existing
PSUs under the Administrative control of state fertilizer quality control laboratories
Department of Fertilizers are encouraged and setting up of 20 new such laboratory
to launch fertilizer education projects for plus 50 laboratories for advisory purposes.
the benefit of farming community as per The total outlay of the project is 429.85
the MOUs signed with the Department of crore during the five year plan. A project
Fertilizers in this regard. The main activities sanctioning cum monitoring committee
undertaken by various fertilizer companies under the Chairmanship of Additional
under the Fertilizers Education Projects are Secretary, Department of Agriculture &
agricultural seminars, dealers meetings Cooperation has been constituted, which
and trainings, soil sample analysis, shall be advised by National Monitoring
demonstration, soil test recommendations, Team of Experts. The implementing
exhibitions, orientation programmes, R&D agencies shall be agro-clinics, NGOs,
trials, field trials of fortified fertilizers, bio Cooperative Societies, Private
fertilizers, distribution of crop literature, Entrepreneurs, State Governments. As per
organizing Krishi Melas etc and media the above said scheme, the following
publicity. Department of Agriculture & amounts of subsidy is to be provided by
Cooperation has launched National Project Department of Agriculture & Cooperation
on Management of Soil Health and Fertility for STL.
to promote integrated nutrient management

Sl.No. Particulars Policy
1. For Setting up of additional Soil Testing Laboratories by @50% of project cost limited
Agri clinics/NGOs /Cooperative, entrepreneurs, etc. under to maximum of Rs. 30 lakh
Private partnership mode. as one time subsidy.
2. For Adoption of village by Soil Testing Laboratories @Rs.20000 per Frontline
through Frontline Field Demonstration. Field Demonstration.
3. For Setting up of Mobile Soil Testing Laboratories by @75%of project cost limited
Agri Laboratories by Agri clinics/NGOs/Cooperative, to maximum of Rs. 30 lakh
Private entrepreneurs, etc. under Pvt. partnership mode. as one time subsidy.

8.1.2 The following nine fertilizer companies have • Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Company
submitted their proposals to Department of Ltd.
Agriculture & Cooperation for setting up soil • Indian Potash Ltd.
testing laboratory: • Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.
• FCI Arawali Gypsum and Minerals India Ltd.
• Krishak Bharati Cooperative Ltd. 8.1.3 Department of Agriculture & Cooperation has
• Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. (MCF) been requested by the Department to release
• Zuari Industries Ltd. (ZIL) subsidy to the above said fertilizer companies
• Southern Petrochemical Industries as per the policy.
Corporation Ltd. (SPIC)


9.1 Information Technology (IT) freight rates and sales tax rates notified by
the Government for the quantity moved by
9.1.1 e-Delivery for Fertilizer Management the urea manufacturers to the consumption
Fertilizer Management On-line has been centres across the country. The processing
developed in Department of Fertilizers in of monthly claims through application system
close collaboration with National Informatics helps in timely release of subsidy to the urea
Centre to meet the national objective of manufacturers. The system helps in
making fertilizers available timely, adequately monitoring various activities pertaining to the
in good quality and at affordable price to the payment of subsidy by generating various
farmers by maintaining growth of fertilizer periodic reports as well as query retrieval.
industry through subsidies/concessions. 9.1.4 Application System for Monitoring Energy
Proper planning and monitoring of various Consumption Norms
aspects like fertilizer production, imports,
quality control, distribution, movement, sales, The system is used to calculate the overall
stocks, subsidies and concessions has been energy consumption in urea production by
felt essential. In order to manage these plants based on various inputs and their
issues effectively, the following applications calorific values purchased from various
systems have been developed/ upgraded in sources and consumed in ammonia
order to pace with the IT enhancements and production. The system provides information
change in fertilizer policy:- support to monitor operational performance
of the plants viz., daily reassessed capacity,
9.1.2 Web Based Fertilizer Production average productive hours, and daily
Monitoring System production rate and capacity utilization of
The application system facilitates on-line data ammonia/ urea. The system also maintains
entry and provides information support for consumption and balance of ammonia for
planning and monitoring the fertilizer each quarter.
production in the form of material as well as 9.1.5 Application System for Revision in Urea
nutrients. The system provides analysis in Concession Rates
identifying the macro and micro level factors
responsible for deviations in production on The system facilitates in quarterly revision of
plant to plant basis in order to take corrective concession rates for urea manufacturing units
measures to enhance fertilizer production in in each group under group concession
the country. The system covers various scheme on account of escalation/de-
aspects viz., installed capacity, production escalation in the variable cost of various
targets, actual production, capacity utilization, inputs and utilities consumed in urea
requirement and consumption of raw production. The software derives energy
materials/ intermediates for fertilizer plants. consumption proportions of various inputs
w.r.t the total normative energy and computes
9.1.3 Fertilizer Subsidy Payment Information input wise proportional costs. The total input
System energy cost, normative costs of various
The system is used to compute the subsidy utilities and fixed cost are then summed to
amount based on the subsidy rates, equated arrive at the rate of concession. The total

financial impact is exercised w.r.t the previous 9.1.9 Web Based Handling & Payments System
rate of concession and despatched for Fertilizer Imports
The application system provides decision
9.1.6 Web Based Fertilizer Distribution and support to the Department of Fertilizers in
Movement Information System selecting handling agents, fixation of handling
rates and monitoring of expenditure. The
The system maintains the data related to system processes the claims from handling/
ECA supply plan, fertilizer requirements in marketing agents towards making payments
states/UTs, opening stocks with state of inland freight and handling charges after
institutional agencies & fertilizer companies, adjusting the recovery of cost of cargo at
monthly movement orders, imports, Pool Issue Price (PIP) from handling/
despatches (regulated/ de-regulated/imported marketing agencies, settlement of the port
by rail/road), availability and sales of different dues/ICC/other charges and demurrage/
fertilizers. despatch with handling/ marketing agencies.
9.1.7 Web Based Fertilizer Concession Scheme 9.1.10 Fertilizer Project Monitoring System
Monitoring System
The system facilitates in monitoring monthly
The computer based application system is expenditure incurred through Internal and
the major integral process of Fertilizer Extra-budgetary Resources(IEBR) and
Concession Scheme for timely release of Budgetary Support on various schemes/
concession payments to the fertilizer projects approved by DoF during Five Year
manufacturers and importers for the sales of Plans w.r.t. plan outlays and yearly outlays.
indigenous/ imported phosphatic and potassic
fertilizers in States/ UTs. The monthly claims 9.2 Executive Video Conferencing System
at various stages i.e. ‘On Account’, (EVCS)
‘Differential’ and ‘Balance’ are processed
using the software based on base/final rates, NICNET Based Executive Video
registration for sales, bank guarantee, Conferencing System (EVCS) has been
eligibility and sales certification. The made operational on the desk of Secretary,
computerised notings for approval and Department of Fertilizers and is being used
sanctions for payments to PAO, Expenditure as an effective mode of communication for
& Control Register(ECR) and various queries/ inter-Ministerial consultations and quick
reports are generated to make and monitor decision making. Point-to-Point Video
the concession payments. Conferencing can be initiated by anyone
connected to EVCS and multi-point Video
9.1.8 Web Based Fertilizer Import Management Conferencing can be organized through NIC,
System Delhi.

The system assists in monitoring the fertilizer 9.3 Information & Communication Technology
Import Plan based on actual imports against (ICT) Infrastructure
targets, status of FOB and C&F import
contracts for prilled urea on Govt. account DOF’s intranet consisting of 270 nodes is
under ECA demand and import of granular operational in Department’s offices located
urea from OMIFCO under UOTA. The system in Shastri Bhawan, Udyog Bhawan, Janpath
also maintains details of Department of Bhawan and Sewa Bhawan. NIC’s iNOC
Fertilizer’s authorization to State Trading (Integrated Network Operation Centres) at
Enterprises (STEs)/ Handling & Marketing Shastri Bhavan, Udyog Bhavan and Sewa
Agents for import of urea during a scheduled Bhavan protect computer systems of DOF’s
period. intranet from network security attacks.

Dealers Meet at Mysore, Karnataka.

The clients systems in the Department have Cabinet Secretary to the Government of India
been provided upto LDC level with internet directed all Government Ministries/
connectivity to make wider use of IT services. Departments to have their websites as per
For accessing the internet through RF link of the guidelines adopted by DAR&PG.
NICNET, all the computers are connected Accordingly, the website of Department of
through NIC’s proxy server where built-in Fertilizers has been redesigned and enriched
firewall capabilities are enabled. in order to make it compliant to the
guidelines. The website has been made more
9.4 Site Web / Web Applications Hosting qualitative, informative and user friendly to
The websites of DOF and fertilizer PSUs are bring transparency in Government functioning
hosted at Internet Data Center(IDC), NIC and citizen interface.
Hqrs. in a secured ICT environment to bring 9.5 E-Governance
citizen interface and transparency in
Government functioning. The web based Department of Fertilizers has taken various
applications for fertilizer production, measures to bring e-Governance:
movement, concessions payment, imports &
handling are operational from IDC. The Office Automation Packages : CompDDO
remote facility through secured Virtual Private (Comprehensive Function Management of
Network (VPN) connection of NIC is being Drawing & Disbursing Officer) Payroll System
used in DOF and Fertilizer PSUs for instant for Central Government Offices, Web based
updations in the websites. File Tracking System, Application Monitoring

System under RTI Act, Leave Management level. This is a major achievement for the
System, PGRAMS (Public Grievances Department as majority of the losses occur
Software Package) and CPENGRAMS at the Block and Warehouse levels. Data
(Centralized Pension Grievance Redress And from FMS provides a complete and
Monitoring System) developed by NIC are comprehensive picture in this regard.
operational in the Department of Fertilizers.
9.6.5 In order to make sure that the availability of
To strengthen further the Office Automation upto date data, same is captured as soon as
in Department of Fertilizers, an IT based the transaction is completed on the ground.
system “Office Notifications Management In order to ensure this, appropriate locks are
System” has been developed and available on the entry of date into FMS.
implemented to generate, store and manage These locks have following time frames:
different kinds of official letters viz. Office
Memorandum, Letters, Office Orders, Orders, Production: Within 3 days
D.O. Letters, Resolutions, Inter-Departmental Dispatches: Within 24hrs after the same has
Notes, Press Communiqués etc in taken place
compliance with Manual of Office Procedures Receipts: Within 5 days
(MOP). Sales: Within 5 days

The facility of word processing in Hindi is Failure to do so in the stipulated time locks
available in all the computers in the the system and the same then can then be
Department. unlocked only after approval from Director
(Mov) and Director (FA).
E-mail service is being extensively used by
the officials of Department of Fertilizers for 9.6.6 Supply Plans are being captured at both
information exchange with fertilizer District as well as Block levels and system
companies and other agencies. has appropriate checks to ensure that
Companies do not exceed the supply plan
9.6 Fertilizer Monitoring System as given by the Movement Division.

9.6.1. Fertilizer Monitoring System (FMS) was 9.6.7 FMS facilitates to process the subsidy
formally launched on 22nd January, 2007. payment (on basis of Receipts) of DAP, MOP,
TSP, MAP, NPK Fertilizers. This has reduced
9.6.2. FMS is a path breaking initiative undertaken the processing time considerably. Reports are
by Department of Fertilizers (DOF). FMS available in the system in order to view the
monitors movement of different fertilizers at cleared as well as pending claims. Also
various stages in their value chain. It monitors various stages (within the Department) at
the production, dispatches. Receipts and which the claim is lying can be tracked using
sales of DAP, MOP, TSP, MAP, NPK & Urea the system.
(Indigenous and imported) Fertilizers.
9.6.8 The system is ready to capture the
9.6.3. Prior to the FMS, availability of fertilizers was movement of SSP. With this 60 more
being tracked till the State level(manually) companies will start entering the daily
with the frequency of data updation once a transaction on the system. With this, the
week. However, with FMS data is now entire movement of fertilizers will be viewed
updated on daily basis and upto date using a single window.
information on availability in the country is
available readily. 9.6.9. Freight subsidy under the uniform Freight
Policy for both controlled and decontrolled
9.6.4 FMS has been developed with the facility to fertilizers is being generated and processed
monitor the distribution till warehouses. At using the system.
present this information is available at District

9.6.10 As per the policy, claims are now being processing – Using this module, FICC will
processed on the basis of receipts. Thus start processing all the claims electronically.
system has been modified to pay the On
Account claims on the basis of receipts and Tracking of Imports of Fertilizers (Despatch/
Balance Claims on the basis of Sales. Demurrage settlement)- This module will
facilitate the shipping wing to calculate Lay
9.6.11 System enables the Department to make the Time Calculation online. It will also help them
subsidy payment in Cash, Bonds or Special to settle the disputes online.
Banking Arrangement according to the
availability of Budget. Imported Urea Claim generation &
processing- With the introduction of Port
9.6.12 Official are able to split the Sanction Advice modules, the generation & processing of
in order to make part payment as required. Imported Urea Claim would enable
Department of Fertilizers to settle claim
9.6.13 The recoveries can now be adjusted against before time. These claims are time bound
any claim. System gives the officials an and require to be processed within stipulated
option to choose the claim against which he/ time.
she wishes to make the adjustment.
P&K Fertilizer cost Evaluation- This module
9.6.14 Expenditure Control Register (ECR) is online. will enable MPR Section to calculate subsidy
9.6.15 Submission of Proforma ‘B’ by the States is rate online which will save time and effort.
now linked to the Supply Plan. In case the With this module the notification of Final
State fails to submit the proforma, there is concession rate would be possible on time.
an option in the system using which the Indigenous Urea Fertilizer cost evaluation –
Supply plan can be with held for the State. In FICC, Cost & Evaluation department does
9.6.16 In addition to the features mentioned above, a lot of complex calculation in order to derive
System Requirement Specifications for the concession rate of Indigenous Urea fertilizers
following modules have already been for a quarter. This module will assist them to
submitted and it is expected that in the compile the data in such fashion that without
coming year these modules will go live. much effort the concession rate will be
calculated in time. This will also help them
Indigenous Urea Claim generation & to make repository of their old records.


10.1 Vigilance Activities complaints in PSUs as on 31.03.2009 were

18. During the year 2009, 15 more complaints
10.1.1 The vigilance activities of the Department, were added. Most of the cases are at the
extends not only to the Department but also advance stages of completion. The
to that of 8 Public Sector Undertakings and Department has been regularly monitoring
one Multi State Cooperative Society. The the pending complaints/investigations by
departmental vigilance set up is headed by having close inter action with the concerned
a Joint Secretary who is designated as the CVOs and constant efforts are being made
Chief Vigilance Officer of the Department. to ensure the disposal of disciplinary
The CVO of the Department is assisted by proceedings.
a Deputy Secretary (Vigilance), Under
Secretary (Vigilance) and other vigilance 10.3 Vigilance Week Celebrations
staff. The Department supervises the
vigilance activities within the framework The ‘Vigilance Week’ was celebrated during
provided by the Central vigilance the 3rd to 7th of November 2009. Banners
Commissioner. The Department plays a pro- and posters were displayed in the
active role in ensuring the prompt disposal Department to create vigilance awareness
of vigilance cases and in framing preventive among the staff. A pledge was administered
guidelines. This helps in minimizing the to the staff by Secretary (Fertilizers) and an
occurrence of vigilance cases. essay competition was held thereafter. There
was active and enthusiastic participation from
10.1.2 Efforts are made by the Department to the officers and employees of the Department
simplify the procedures in the PSUs to make in this Essay Competition. The ‘Vigilance
them work in transparent manner. This week’ was also celebrated with great gusto
reduces the chance of corruption. in the fertilizers PSUs, including KRIBHCO
and various competitions like slogan writing,
10.1.3 As per the framework provided by the CVC, Essay, Debate, Quiz, Workshops etc. were
a meeting of the Chief Vigilance Officers of held.
the Fertilizer PSUs was convened under the
chairmanship of the Secretary (F) on 10.4 Surveillance and detection
18.11.2009. The meeting was also attended
by the CVO of the Department. In the Agreed list of public servants as well as List
meeting, an appraisal of the working/ of Public Servants of Doubtful Integrity for
functioning and achievements of the CVOs the year 2009 are complete. Further, with a
was done. The initiatives taken by CVOs view to check corruption in the Department,
towards pro-active vigilance environment of the ‘Rotational Transfer of Staff’ as per the
the PSUs were also discussed. norms/guidelines issued by CVC was
implemented. Accordingly, a number of
10.2 Vigilance Activities during 2009 officials/officers of the Department who were
looking after sensitive nature of work on a
The number of pending vigilance cases, viz, particular seat for more than three years were
CVC advice/Departmental proceeding/ transferred.


11.1 Right to Information Act, 2005 on RTI giving general information about the
Department required under the Act.
11.1.1 The Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI) was
assented by the President of India on Orders designating PIOs, with required
15.6.2005 and notified on 21.6.2005. Some details, placed on website, which are up
of the Sections of the Act, namely, Sections dated from time to time.
4(1), 5(1) &(2),12,13,15,16,24,27 & 28
relating to obligations of Public Authorities Counter opened at Public Information Centre
for maintenance and computerization of of DoF at Shastri Bhavan for applications as
record/information, designation of Public well as prescribed fee under RTI.
Information Officers(CPIO), Constitution of Appointment of Nodal Officer intimated to
Central Information Commission and State Department of Post enabling providing of
information Commission, exclusion of certain services by that Department as CAPIOs
organization etc. came into force immediately. across the country.
The remaining provision of the RTI Act came
into force on the 120th day of its enactment 11.1.3 The Department has started registration of
i.e. 12th October 2005. Requests and Appeals under the RTI Act on
the Management Information System (RTI –
11.1.2 In compliance of the RTI Act the Department RAMIS) software available on the Web-Site
has designated CPIOs and CAPIO. The of CIC.
respective PSUs under the administrative
control of the Department have been directed 11.1.4 During the year 2009-2010, 115 applications
to ensure compliance of the RTI Act. Some and 1 appeal were received of which 112
of the important steps taken by the applications and the only appeal were
Department in compliance of the Act are:- disposed of during the said year and the
remaining 3 applications are under process
Created a separate link for RTI Act on its for sending reply to the applicants.
website placing a Handbook


12.1 Progressive use of official language 12.2 Implementation of Section 3(3) of the
Hindi Official Language Act.

12.1.1 Department of Fertilizers continued its 12.2.1 In pursuance of the official language policy
efforts towards greater use of Hindi in official of the Govt. of India, all documents covered
work during 2009-2010 keeping in view the under section 3(3) of the Official Language
Annual Programme issued by the Act, 1963 are being issued both in English
Department of Official Language, Ministry and Hindi. In order to ensure issuance of
of Home Affairs for implementation of the correspondence in Hindi to Central
Official language policy of the Union. The Government offices located in Region ‘A’,
work pertaining to the progressive use of ‘B’ and ‘C’, action plan based on the
Hindi in the Department is under the checkpoints identified in the Department has
administrative control of Joint Secretary been prepared to ensure compliance of the
(Administration), assisted by a Deputy official language policy.
Director (OL). The Hindi Section consists
of one Assistant Director (OL), a Senior 12.3 Official Language Implementation
Translator, three Junior Translators and an Committee (OLIC)
Assistant. 12.3.1 There is an Official Language
12.1.2 All the 250 Computers (PCs) in the Implementation Committee (OLIC) under
Department are equipped with bilingual the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary
facility. Adequate reading material in Hindi (Adm.) in the Department. This committee
has been made available in the library of periodically reviews the progress made
the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers. in the use of Hindi in the Department, its
Efforts are being made to promote the use attached offices, FICC, PSUs and a
of Hindi in the correspondence. All officers/ Cooperative Society namely KRIBHCO on
employees of the Department are having quarterly basis. It gives appropriate
working knowledge of Hindi. Two typists and suggestions and recommends measures
four stenographers of the Deptt., which were to be taken for the effective
yet to be trained in Hindi typing & shorthand implementation of the official language
have been nominated for training. With the policy.
Completion of this training all typists/ 12.4 Rajbhasha Shield/Trophy
stenographers working in the Deptt., will be
competent in doing their work in Hindi. 12.4.1 The Department is operating a Scheme
Besides, a number of measures have been which was drawn up in the year 2001-
taken for the promotion of progressive use 2002 for the grant of awards to various
of Hindi in the Department, its attached PSU’s/cooperative society/office under the
office of FICC, PSU’s and the multi-state- administrative control of the Department.
cooperative society namely KRIBHCO, Under this scheme, Rajbhasha Shields
under its administrative control. Details of are awarded by the Hon’ble Minister for
these measures are summarized below:- Chemicals and Fertilizers in the Hindi
Advisory Committee Meetings. Besides

this, a multi-states co-operative society the Honourable Minister on 14th September,
under this Department. Kribhco has been 2009. During the Hindi fortnight, which was
awarded First Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha organised in the Department from 14 th
award for the year 2007-.08 by the September, 2009 to 29th September, 2009,
hon’ble President of India at a function various competitions such as Hindi Essay
organised by Department of Official writing, Hindi shorthand, Hindi typing, Hindi-
Langauage on 14th September, 2009 at English translation, Hindi noting and
Vigan Bhawan, New Delhi. drafting, Hindi general knowledge and
poetry recital competitions were organised
12.5 Hindi Salahkar Samiti and 26 officers/employees took part in these
12.5.1 With a view to render advice for effective competitions and won prizes.
implementation of the official language 12.9 Prati Din Ek Shabd
policy of the Government, meeting of the
Hindi Salahkar Samiti (Advisory Committee) 12.9.1 The Scheme named ‘Prati Din Ek Shabd’,
of the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers which has been launched in the Department
(The joint committee of the Department of is continued for the last six years. Under
Chemical & Petro-Chemical and the this scheme, one word/phrase in Hindi and
Department of Fertilizer) under the its English equivalent was being displayed
chairmanship of the Minister for Chemicals on the White Board installed on the second
and Fertilizers was held on 10.2.2009. floor ‘A’ wing Shastri Bhavan. These words/
phrases are generally of administrative and
12.6 Incentive Scheme for original noting/ technical in nature which are used in day-
drafting work in Hindi to-day official work.
12.6.1 The incentive scheme for noting/drafting in 12.10 Hindi Workshops
Hindi introduced by the Department of
Official Language is continued. This scheme 12.10.1 During the year, 3 Hindi workshops were
carries two prizes of Rs.1000/- each, three organised in the Department to encourage
second prizes of Rs.600/- each and five the officials to undertake more work in Hindi
third prizes of Rs.300/- each. and altogether 25 officers/employees
participated in these workshops.
12.7 Cash prize scheme for dictation in Hindi
12.11 Inspections regarding progressive use
12.7.1 An incentive scheme for officers for giving of Hindi
dictation in Hindi is in operation in the
Department. Under this scheme, there is a 12.11.1 In order to oversee the implementation of
provision of two cash prizes of Rs. 1000/- the official language policy 8 offices/units
each (one for Hindi speaking and other for of different PSUs were inspected by the
Non-Hindi speaking). Deputy Director (O.L.) of the Department
during the year. In addition, the first Sub-
12.8 Hindi Day/Hindi Fortnight Committee of the Parliamentary Committee
12.8.1 In order to encourage the use of Hindi in on Official Language inspected 1 office
official work amongst officers/employees of under the administrative control of the
the Department, an appeal was made by Department.


13.1 Welfare of SCs, STs, OBCs and Department. The Cooperative Society viz.
Physically Handicapped Persons KRIBHCO has also adopted the
guidelines relating to OBCs w.e.f. 1.10.95.
13.1.1 Due care has been exercised during the The implementation of these directives is
year under review to implement being monitored in the Department and
Government’s instructions regarding concerted efforts are being made to fill
recruitment and promotion of candidates up the vacancies for the reserved
belonging to the Scheduled Castes (SCs), categories. The representation of SCs,
Scheduled Tribe (STs), Other Backward STs, ex-servicemen, physically
Classes (OBCs) and Physically handicapped persons and OBCs in the
Handicapped (PHPs) categories in various PSUs is given in the Annexure-XI.
groups of services in the Department. The
representation of these categories in the Besides providing employment, PSUs/
Department as on 31.03.2010 was as Cooperative have been advised to prepare
under:- and implement special programmes/
schemes for education of tribals in scientific
Group Total SC ST OBC PH use of fertilizers, building up of dealer/
No. of retailer network in the tribal areas, and
Officers/ making fertilizers available in small packs
Staff in the tribal predominated areas.
A 38 02 01 03 - 13.3. Welfare of Minorities
B 99 15 06 06 01
13.3.1 The PSUs/Co-operative under the
C 65 13 03 06 - Department have further been advised to
provide facility of pre-examination coaching
D 59 20 02 06 01
to the candidates of minority community,
Total 261 50 12 21 02 wherever feasible, and to take steps to
increase awareness of candidates
belonging to the communities about
13.2 Representation of SCs, STs, OBCs and
employment opportunities. They have also
Physically Handicapped Persons in
been advised to include a representative of
the minorities in the recruitment selection
13.2.1 Presidential Directives on reservation for boards to ensure that the minorities get an
the candidates belonging to the SCs and adequate share in the services and benefit
STs issued from time to time by the from development schemes.
Department of Public Enterprises (DPE),
13.4 Reservation in Dealership
have been implemented in all the PSUs/
Cooperative under the administrative 13.4.1 The Department had instructed all the PSUs
control of the Department. The under its administrative control to reserve
Presidential Directives regarding at least 25% of dealerships of fertilizers for
reservation for OBCs have also been the members belonging to SCs/STs. To
made applicable w.e.f. 8.9.93 in the ensure availability of sufficient numbers of

suitable SC/ST candidates, the following • higher rate of dealership margin as
concession are generally given by the compared to that allowed to general
undertakings:- dealers; and

• exemption/relaxation from security • free training for handling of fertilizers.

13.4.2 The PSUs have also been advised to
• preference in supply of fast moving reserve 10% of fertilizer dealerships for ex-
materials. servicemen.


14.1 Women Empowerment 14.2.3 All the welfare and employee benefit
schemes are equally applicable to male and
14.1.1 The principle of gender equality is enshrined female employees of RCF.
in the Indian Constitution in the Preamble,
Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties 14.2.4 Under the special schemes and policies for
and Directive Principles. The Constitution women employees RCF has set up –
not only grants equality to women but also
empowers the State to adopt measures of • Special Cell for Women Employees (as
positive discrimination in favour of women. per Communication from National
The Department of Fertilizers is committed Commission on Women)
towards giving importance to women in • Committee for Sexual Harassment
different spheres. Though there is no Cases (as per Supreme Court
specific scheme, as such, for women, the Guidelines)
PSUs and Co-operative under its
administrative control are involved in year • Special Medical check-ups/camps.
long activities to create large scale
awareness among women with their active All the benefits under legal requirements
participation. These programmes are aimed such as Maternity Benefits, Nursing Breaks,
towards enabling women to realize their full etc. are given to women employees.
potential and involvement in decision RCF is one of the pioneer members in the
making. Department of Fertilizers has a Forum of Women in Public Sector (WIPS)
“Complaints Committee” to attend to since its inception (1990). It is a corporate
grievances of its women employees. member of this forum and has been
Department has also allocated a separate representing in all activities of the forum
room for women to serve as common room. with total support and participation in all
The Department takes pride in providing activities. Some RCF women officers have
congenial environment to women been working with the forum as heads of
employees. taskforces, members of committees and
14.2 RCF have contributed in policy making and
development of women to a great extent.
14.2.1 RCF as an organization has always been
fair in treating employees without any As a part of regular training, RCF
gender bias. Opportunities for growth, incorporates awareness building for all
training, challenging jobs, learning are officers (Men and Women) on the Sexual
equally available to both men and women Harassment Guidelines and also covers
employees of RCF. Women represent in fair gender sensitization issues.
numbers in the batch of apprentice trainees 14.3 NFL
in technical areas.
14.3.1 Female employees comprise 5.23% of the
14.2.2 Women are working in technical / non- total workforce of the NFL. (The Company
technical / managerial positions and some has a female Full-time Functional Director
of them have risen to the level of top on its Board).The Company has adopted
management positions in the organization.

adequate measures to facilitate a congenial Human Resources, Materials, Marketing
work atmosphere for its women employees. etc.
Besides this, ladies club at units, from time
to time, distribute useful items like Utensils, 14.4.3 Under the Maternity Benefit Act, women
Sewing Machines, Blankets etc. to the poor employees are entitled for maternity leave
women in the neighboring villages. of 90 days and medical benefits
associated with pregnancy, delivery,
14.3.2 There is no instance of any Gender miscarriage etc. Under the provisions of
inequality and both men and women the Factories Act, the working hours of
employees are enjoying equal rights. The women employees covered under the Act
working atmosphere is very cordial and is restricted between 6 am and 7 pm.
harmonious. A Committee is functioning at Nursing mothers are given two intervals
all the Units / Offices of the Company to of 15 minutes each as feeding time, or
deal with the cases of sexual harassment alternatively as a working arrangement
at work place. of 30 minutes at a stretch, for feeding
their infants, up to a maximum of fifteen
14.3.3 NFL Employees (Conduct, Discipline & months after confinement.
Appeal) Rules and Standing Orders have
also been amended to include sexual 14.4.4 As per GOI Orders, women employees
harassment of women at workplace as undergoing family planning operation are
‘Misconduct’. given special leave up to 2 weeks.

14.4 FACT 14.5 MFL

14.4.1 Equal opportunity has been provided to 14.5.1 MFL do not have any problems related
women in recruitment to posts both in with gender issues. However a wing of
technical and administrative disciplines. Women in Public Sector (WIPS) is
Exception has been made only for jobs functioning at MFL and women employees
involving shift-work round the clock. Equal are nominated for the programs organized
remuneration is paid to employees of both by WIPS.
genders doing the same type of work. There
is no discrimination on grounds of gender. 14.6 BVFCL
This has enabled some of our women 14.6.1 BVFCL lays emphasis in development of
officers to excel in their respective field of employees without any gender
activities leading to their being chosen for discrimination. Recruitment of women
the coveted Merit Award given for candidates are made in the company. As
outstanding performance and achievements. per the guidelines circulated by the
14.4.2 Out of 3569 employees, 259 are women National Commission for Women, a
employees which constitutes 7.25% of the complaint committee has already been
total strength. In the managerial cadre, 96 constituted under the Chairmanship of a
out of 873 are women which constitutes lady officer to look into the matter of
11% of the managerial strength. Women sexual harassment of women employees
executives occupy key positions in the at the workplace. There is no
Management cadre as Chief Managers/ discrimination against any woman at any
Chief Engineers & Dy.Chief Managers/ point of time.
Dy.Chief Engineers in various Engineering 14.7 FAGMIL
disciplines like Chemical, Electrical, Civil,
Computer, Industrial Engineering etc. and As such, the company is a new Company
administrative disciplines like Finance, and is engaged in the business of mining

in the desert areas of Rajasthan. Suitable imparting them specialized training and
measures will be taken for the welfare and nominating in specialized women
the empowerment of women and for empowerment seminars and programmes.
mainstreaming gender issues. Female officers are equally associated in
formulation of policies be it promotion and
14.8 KRIBHCO recruitment policies or other matters of
14.8.1 KRIBHCO the role of women employee has importance.
been seen in more holistic term. Women’s 14.8.3 Complaint Committee headed by a woman
issues are well integrated in the total officer as its chairperson has been
development endeavor. Women are functioning to resolve their grievance, if any.
provided equal opportunities with their In order to avoid any incidence of
counterpart keeping in mind the principles misconducts relating to harassment towards
of equality in gender with respect to their women employees, special provisions have
working, development and growth. been incorporated in the Conduct, Discipline
14.8.2 The physical & mental growth and & Appeal (CDA) Rules of the Society to
development of women employees in prevent the same and protect the female
KRIBHCO are given special attention by employees.





(See Chapter- 2)

1. Planning for fertilizer production including import of fertilizer through a designated canalising agency.

2. Allocation and supply linkages for movement and distribution of urea in terms of assessment made
by the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation.

3. Administration of concession schemes and management of subsidy for controlled as well as

decontrolled fertilizers including determination of retention price for urea, quantum of concession of
decontrolled fertilizers costing of such fertilizers and pricing of Phosphatic and Potassic fertilizes.

4. Administration of the Fertilizers (Movement Control) Order, 1960.

5. Administrative responsibility for fertilizer production units in the cooperative sector, namely, Krishak
Bharti Cooperative Limited.

6. Administrative responsibility for the Indian Potash Limited (IPL).


(See Chapter-2)

Minister for Chemicals & Fertilizers : Shri M.K. Alagiri

Minister of State for C&F : Shri Srikant Kumar Jena

Secretary : Shri Atul Chaturvedi (upto 22.10.2009)

Shri S. Krishnan (w.e.f. 22.10.2009)

Special Secretary & Financial Adviser : Shri Mathew C. Kunnumkal

(upto 05.02.2010)

Joint Secretary : Shri Sudhir Bhargava

Shri Satish Chandra
Shri Deepak Singhal

Joint Secretary Level Officers : Shri A.K. Parashar, Eeconomic Adviser

Shri B.N. Tiwari, DDG

Directors : Shri Deepak Kumar

Shri B.B. Mehtani
Shri Manoj Kumar Gupta
Shri Rajesh Agrawal (upto 14.01.2010)

Director Level Officer : Dr. Sri Chandra, Joint Adviser

(upto 30.11.2009)
Shri M. Dandayudhapani (FICC)
Shri Pradeep Yadav, PS to Minister(C&F)
Smt. T.C.A Kalayani (Director of Accounts)
Shri T.A. Basil (FICC)
Shri Umesh Dongre (FICC)
Shri A.S. Sandhu (FICC)

Deputy Secretary : Shri Sanjay Kumar Sinha

Shri H. Abbas
Shri K.K. Padmanabhan

Controller of Accounts : Shri Hemant Jain (Upto 22.01.2010)

Shri Akhilesh Jha (w.e.f. 22.01.2010)

Deputy Secretary Level Officer : Shri Nand Lal, Sr. PPS (upto 28.10.2009)
Shri A.K. Chandwani, Sr. PPS (w.e.f. 30.12.2009)




(See Chapter-2)


Sl. Name of the Company Headquarters Incorporation in


1. Fertilizers And Chemicals Travancore Ltd. (FACT) Udyogamandal September, 1943

2. Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd. (FCI) New Delhi January, 1961

3. National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) Noida August, 1974

4. Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. (RCF) Mumbai March, 1978

5. Madras Fertilizers Limited (MFL) Chennai December, 1966

6. Projects & Development India Limited (PDIL) Noida March, 1978

7. Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Limited (HFC) New Delhi March, 1978

8. Brhamaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited (BVFCL) Guwahati April, 2002

9. FCI Aravali Gypsum And Minerals India Limited (FAGMIL) Jodhpur February, 2003

10 Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO) Noida April, 1980



YEAR 2008-09 & 2009-10 (Estimated)


Name of Name of Annual Installed Production Percentage capacity
Company/Plant Products Capacity (‘000 MT) utilization
(As on 1-04-06)
(in ‘000’ MTs) 2008-09 2009-2010 2008-09 2009-2010
(Estimated) (Estimated)
Public Sector:
NFL:Nangal-II Urea 220.1 236.6 209.3 107.5 95.1
NFL:Bhatinda Urea 235.3 247.2 244.4 105.1 103.9
NFL:Panipat Urea 235.3 224.7 233.0 95.5 99.0
NFL:Vijaipur Urea 397.7 398.2 417.8 100.1 105.1
NFL:Vijaipur Expn. Urea 397.7 431.5 426.8 108.5 107.3
TOTAL (NFL): 1486.1 1538.2 1531.3 103.5 103.0
BVFCL:Namrup-II Urea 110.4 27.9 38.0 25.3 34.4
BVFCL:Namrup-III Urea 144.9 59.1 107.9 40.8 74.5
TOTAL (BVFCL): 255.3 87.0 145.9 34.1 57.1
FACT:Udyogamandal A/S , 20:20 77.0 50.2 57.8 65.2 75.1
FACT:Cochin-II 20:20 97.0 97.9 107.3 100.9 110.6
TOTAL (FACT): 174.0 148.1 165.1 85.1 94.9
RCF:Trombay 15:15:15 45.0 70.7 70.6 157.1 156.9
RCF:Trombay-IV 20.8:20.8, 20:20 75.1 0.0 14.0 0.0 18.6
RCF:Trombay-V Urea 151.8 0.0 133.4 0.0 87.9
RCF:Thal Urea 785.1 875.6 819.1 111.5 104.3
TOTAL (RCF): 1057.0 946.3 1037.1 89.5 98.1
MFL:Chennai Urea / 17:17:17 366.7 186.7 190.8 50.9 52.0
SAIL:Roulkela CAN 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
By Product A/S 38.4 18.9 18.9 49.2 49.2
Total (Public): 3497.5 2925.2 3089.1 83.6 88.3
Cooperative Sector
IFFCO:Kandla 10:26:26 / 12:32:16 /DAP 351.5 207.3 302.8 59.0 86.1
IFFCO:Kalol Urea 250.5 257.5 268.5 102.8 107.2
IFFCO:Phulpur-I Urea 253.5 304.8 328.3 120.2 129.5
IFFCO:Phulpur-II Urea 397.7 386.7 463.0 97.2 116.4
IFFCO:Aonla-I Urea 397.7 454.0 462.0 114.2 116.2
IFFCO:Aonla-II Urea 397.7 468.4 464.6 117.8 116.8
IFFCO:Paradeep DAP / 10:26:26 / 20:20 / 325.2 252.5 279.8 77.6 86.0
TOTAL(IFFCO): 2373.8 2331.2 2569.0 98.2 108.2
KRIBHCO:Hazira Urea 795.4 801.8 817.1 100.8 102.7
Total(Co-operative): 3169.2 3133.0 3386.1 98.9 106.8
Total(Pub.+Coop.): 6666.7 6058.2 6475.2 90.9 97.1

Name of Name of Annual Installed Production Percentage capacity
Company/Plant Products Capacity (‘000 MT) utilization
(As on 1-04-06)
(in ‘000’ MTs) 2008-09 2009-2010 2008-09 2009-2010
(Estimated) (Estimated)

Joint Venture
GSFC:Vadodara Urea / DAP / 20:20 / A/S 248.1 194.0 253.9 78.2 102.3
GSFC:Sikka-I DAP / 12:32:16 105.8 48.0 78.4 45.4 74.1
GSFC:Sikka-II DAP / 12:32:16 71.3 71.5 89.3 100.3 125.2
TOTAL(GSFC-Sikka): 177.1 119.5 167.7 67.5 94.7
GNFC:Bharuch Urea / CAN / 20:20 356.7 333.9 375.1 93.6 105.2
KSFL:Shahjahanpur Urea 397.7 397.5 440.6 99.9 110.8
Private Sector
CFL:Vizag 28:28 / 14:35:14 / 20:20 / 124.0 157.3 216.2 126.9 174.4
16:20 / 10:26:26
CFL:Ennore 16:20 / 20:20 41.2 25.3 32.5 61.4 78.9
CFL:Kakinada DAP / 10:26:26 / 20:20 / 120.6 160.1 203.1 132.8 168.4
14:35:14 / 12:32:16
SFC:Kota Urea 174.3 181.9 168.8 104.4 96.8
DIL:Kanpur Urea 332.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ZIL:Goa Urea / DAP / 19:19:19 / 288.7 268.5 275.4 93.0 95.4
10:26:26 / 12:32:16
SPIC:Tuticorin Urea / DAP / 20:20 / 370.7 0.0 89.0 0.0 24.0
MCF:Mangalore Urea / DAP / 20:20 / 207.2 217.8 234.7 105.1 113.3
TAC:Tuticorin A/C 16.0 0.0 6.2 0.0 38.8
TCL:Haldia DAP / 10:26:26 / 12:32: 121.5 70.0 89.6 57.6 73.7
16/ 14:35:14 / 15:15:15
PNF:Nangal A/C 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
IGCL:Jagdishpur Urea 397.7 491.6 503.3 123.6 126.6
Hin.Ind.Ltd.:Dahej DAP / 10:26:26 /12:32:16 72.0 30.4 33.8 42.2 46.9
DFPCL:Taloja 23:23 52.9 13.3 28.6 25.1 54.1
NFCL:Kakinada-I Urea 274.8 353.7 345.9 128.7 125.9
NFCL:Kakinada-II Urea 274.8 280.2 327.6 102.0 119.2
TOTAL(NFCL): 549.6 633.9 673.5 115.3 122.5
CFCL:Gadepan-I Urea 397.7 418.5 477.8 105.2 120.1
CFCL:Gadepan-II Urea 397.7 463.8 462.9 116.6 116.4
TOTAL(CFCL): 795.4 882.3 940.7 110.9 118.3
TCL:Babrala Urea 397.7 470.9 557.6 118.4 140.2
PPL:Paradeep DAP / 14:35:14 / 20:20 / 129.6 159.4 197.6 123.0 152.5
12:32:16 / 10:26:26 /
By Product A/S 7.5 3.8 5.4 50.7 72.0
Total (Private Sector): 5394.3 4811.4 5493.3 89.2 101.8
Total(Pub+Coop+Pvt): 12061.0 10869.6 11968.5 90.1 99.2

Name of Name of Annual Installed Production Percentage capacity
Company/Plant Products Capacity (‘000 MT) utilization
(As on 1-04-06)
(in ‘000’ MTs) 2008-09 2009-2010 2008-09 2009-2010
(Estimated) (Estimated)
Public Sector:
FACT:Udyogamandal 20:20 29.7 23.2 31.8 78.1 107.1
FACT:Cochin-II 20:20 97.0 97.9 107.3 100.9 110.6
Total(FACT): 126.7 121.1 139.1 95.6 109.8
RCF:Trombay 15:15:15 45.0 70.7 70.6 157.1 156.9
RCF:Trombay-IV 20.8:20.8 75.1 0.0 14.0 0.0 18.6
Total(RCF): 120.1 70.7 84.6 58.9 70.4
MFL:Chennai 20:20 / 19:19:19 / 17:17:17 142.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
HCL:Khetri SSP 30.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
SSP Units SSP 12.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total(Public): 432.5 191.8 223.7 44.3 51.7
Cooperative Sector
IFFCO:Kandla DAP / 10:26:26 / 12:32:16 910.0 541.5 786.1 59.5 86.4
IFFCO:Paradeep DAP / 10:26:26 / 20:20 / 802.8 374.7 386.8 46.7 48.2
Total(Co-op.) 1712.8 916.2 1172.9 53.5 68.5
Total(Pub.+Coop.): 2145.3 1108.0 1396.6 51.6 65.1
Joint Venture
GSFC:Vadodara DAP / 20:20 75.9 59.5 58.1 78.4 76.5
GSFC:Sikka-I DAP , 12:32:16 270.5 123.4 200.8 45.6 74.2
GSFC:Sikka-II DAP 182.2 182.7 228.2 100.3 125.2
TOTAL(GSFC-Sikka): 452.7 306.1 429.0 67.6 94.8
GNFC:Bharuch 20:20 28.5 26.8 38.4 94.0 134.7
Private Sector
CFL:Vizag 14:35:14 / 28:28/10:26:26/ 166.0 176.5 257.2 106.3 154.9
CFL:Ennore 16:20 / 20:20 48.0 31.7 40.6 66.0 84.6
CFL:Kakinada DAP / 12:32:16 / 20:20 / 308.2 395.1 516.3 128.2 167.5
14:34:14 / 10:26:26
ZIL:Goa DAP / 19:19:19 / 10:26:26/ 197.4 193.0 247.5 97.8 125.4
SPIC:Tuticorin DAP / 17:17:17 / 20:20 218.5 0.0 34.8 0.0 15.9
MCF:Mangalore DAP / 20:20 / 16:20 82.8 87.7 109.8 105.9 132.6
TCL:Haldia DAP / 10:26:26 / 12:32:16/ 336.9 202.2 243.0 60.0 72.1
Hin.ind.Ltd.:Dahej DAP / 10:26:26 / 12:32:16 184.0 77.6 86.5 42.2 47.0
DFPCL:Taloja 23:23 52.9 13.3 28.6 25.1 54.1
PPL:Paradeep DAP / 14:35:14 / 20:20 / 331.2 355.1 433.8 107.2 131.0
12:32:16 / 10:26:26 / 28:28
SSP Units SSP 1030.6 432.0 432.0 41.9 41.9
Total (Private Sector): 3513.6 2356.6 2955.6 67.1 84.1
Total(Pub+Coop+Pvt): 5658.9 3464.6 4352.2 61.2 76.9
* Actual figures have been considered from April 2009- December 2009 and estimated for January 2010 to March 2010
* Estimated Production figures have been reported for the year 2010-11.




(lakh M.T.)
1981-82 40.69 13.22 6.73 60.64 31.44 9.49 0.00 40.93 10.54 3.43 6.44 20.41
1982-83 42.24 14.37 7.27 63.88 34.24 9.80 0.00 44.04 4.25 0.63 6.44 11.32
1983-84 52.86 17.07 7.99 77.92 34.85 10.48 0.00 45.33 6.56 1.43 5.56 13.55
1984-85 54.87 18.86 8.38 82.11 39.17 12.64 0.00 51.81 20.08 7.45 8.71 36.24
1985-86 56.61 20.05 8.08 84.74 43.28 14.28 0.00 57.56 16.80 8.16 9.03 33.99
1986-87 57.16 20.79 8.50 86.45 54.10 16.60 0.00 70.70 11.03 2.55 9.52 23.10
1987-88 57.17 21.87 8.80 87.84 54.66 16.65 0.00 71.31 1.75 0.00 8.09 9.84
1988-89 72.51 27.21 10.68 110.40 67.12 22.52 0.00 89.64 2.19 4.07 9.82 16.08
1989-90 73.86 30.14 11.68 115.68 67.47 17.96 0.00 85.43 5.23 13.11 12.80 31.14
1990-91 79.97 32.21 13.28 125.46 69.93 20.52 0.00 90.45 4.14 10.16 13.28 27.58
1991-92 80.46 33.21 13.61 127.28 73.01 25.62 0.00 98.63 5.66 9.67 12.36 27.69
1992-93 84.27 28.44 8.84 121.55 74.30 23.06 0.00 97.36 11.37 6.89 10.82 29.08
1993-94 87.89 26.69 9.08 123.66 72.31 18.16 0.00 90.47 15.88 7.22 8.57 31.67
1994-95 95.07 29.31 11.25 135.63 79.45 24.93 0.00 104.38 14.76 3.80 11.09 29.65
1995-96 98.23 28.98 11.56 138.77 87.77 25.58 0.00 113.35 19.93 6.47 13.15 39.55
1996-97 103.01 29.77 10.30 143.08 85.99 25.56 0.00 111.55 11.67 2.46 6.13 20.26
1997-98 109.01 39.14 13.73 161.88 100.86 29.76 0.00 130.62 13.62 6.72 11.40 31.74
1998-99 113.54 41.12 13.32 167.98 104.80 31.41 0.00 136.21 6.35 9.68 15.42 31.45
1999-00 115.92 47.99 16.78 180.69 108.90 33.99 0.00 142.89 8.33 15.03 17.39 40.75
2000-01 109.20 42.15 15.67 167.02 109.61 37.43 0.00 147.04 1.54 3.96 15.41 20.91
2001-02 113.10 43.82 16.67 173.59 107.68 38.60 0.00 146.28 2.69 4.29 17.01 23.99
2002-03 104.74 40.19 16.01 160.94 105.64 39.10 0.00 144.74 0.66 1.70 14.38 16.74
2003-04 110.76 41.24 15.98 167.98 106.34 36.32 0.00 142.66 1.32 3.38 15.48 20.18
2004-05 117.14 46.24 20.61 183.99 113.38 40.67 0.00 154.05 4.09 2.96 20.45 27.50
2005-06 127.23 52.04 24.13 203.40 113.54 42.21 0.00 155.75 13.85 11.21 27.47 52.53
2006-07 137.74 55.43 23.34 216.51 115.78 45.17 0.00 160.95 26.88 13.23 20.69 60.80
2007-08 144.19 55.15 26.36 225.70 109.00 38.07 0.00 147.07 36.77 12.53 26.53 75.83
2008-09 150.9 65.06 33.13 249.09 108.7 34.64 0.00 143.34 38.44 29.27 33.80 101.51
2009-10 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 119.68 43.52 0.00 163.20 30.85 24.99 25.39 81.23
* Estimated Production figures have been reported for the year 2009-10
** Provisional Import figures are reported upto 31.12.2009 for the year 2009-10.




(See Chapter - 5)
(‘000’ MT)

Nutrient 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10

Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Estimated

Nitrogen (N)

Public Sector 3429.9 2879.5 3366.7 2854.1 3106.2 3007.9 3091.5 3051.0 3141.8 2958.6 3117.0 3046.7 3119.7 2887.0 3053.5 2925.2 3054.8 3089.1

Co-operative 2706.1 2691.8 2699.5 2800.9 2672.7 2797.3 2812.3 2901.7 2832.5 2958.3 3106.4 3004.3 3303.4 3031.0 3260.7 3133.0 3280.8 3386.1

Private Sector 5523.0 5196.7 5549.1 4906.5 5401.9 5130.5 5502.0 5382.5 5837.0 5437.6 5224.9 5526.9 5485.0 4982.0 5583.6 4811.5 5749.0 5493.3

Total(Nitrogen): 11659.0 10768.0 11615.3 10561.5 11180.8 10935.7 11405.8 11335.2 11811.3 11354.5 11448.3 11577.9 11908.1 10900.0 11897.8 10869.7 12084.6 11968.5

Phosphate (P)

Public Sector 749.3 479.4 678.9 307.4 399.8 353.3 402.7 266.3 383.0 294.9 387.3 232.7 234.0 161.4 241.8 191.7 207.3 223.6

Co-operative 776.0 793.3 776.0 949.5 776.0 778.7 875.1 938.3 880.0 1035.8 1461.5 1129.7 1496.2 969.2 1104.8 916.2 937.0 1172.9

Private Sector 3404.7 2587.3 3364.2 2647.3 3464.8 2668.4 3648.1 2862.7 3400.0 2890.6 2972.0 3154.8 3184.2 2676.7 3087.7 2356.4 2986.8 2955.7

Total (Phosphate): 4930.0 3860.0 4819.1 3904.2 4640.6 3800.4 4925.9 4067.3 4663.0 4221.3 4820.8 4517.2 4914.4 3807.3 4434.3 3464.3 4131.1 4352.2

Grand Total: 16589.0 14628.0 16434.4 14465.7 15821.4 14736.1 16331.7 15402.5 16474.3 15575.8 16269.1 16095.1 16822.5 14707.3 16332.1 14334.0 16215.7 16320.7

* Estimated Production figures have been reported for the year 2009-10.




(See Chapter - 5)

(% age)

Nutrient 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
Nitrogen (N)

Public Sector: 74.1 78.9 86.7 87.2 84.6 87.1 82.5 83.6 88.3

Co-operative Sector: 101.0 101.0 99.5 102.0 93.3 94.8 95.6 98.9 106.8
Private Sector: 95.0 85.8 89.7 94.1 100.8 102.5 92.4 89.2 101.8

Total(Nitrogen): 89.6 87.2 91.1 94.0 94.1 96.0 90.4 90.1 99.2

Public Sector: 58.3 64.8 81.7 61.6 68.2 53.8 37.3 44.3 51.7

Co-operative Sector: 141.4 131.0 94.4 103.1 60.5 60.5 60.5 53.5 65.1

Private Sector: 69.6 63.6 64.1 66.3 82.3 89.8 76.2 67.1 84.1
Total(Phosphate): 75.7 72.8 70.1 71.9 74.6 79.8 67.3 61.2 76.9

* Estimated (Actual Production have been considered from April, 2008-October, 2008)





(Rs. crores)

S. Name of the Annual Plan 2009-10 (BE) Annual Pan 2009-10 (RE) Annual Plan 2010-11 (BE)
No. Scheme
GBS Total Outlay GBS Total Outlay GBS Total Outlay
Earmarked Earmarked Earmarked
for NER for NER for NER
Centally Sponsored
Total CSS
Central Sector
Scheme (CS)
1 RCF 988.05 250.68 622.82
2 FAGMIL 29.01 4.35 11.29
3 PDIL 5.35 8.38 5.38
4 NFL 550.15 139.25 900.5
5 KRIBHCO 497 421.50 1160.00
6 Revival of Sick CPSEs
6(i) BVFCL 65.00 65.00 * 65.00 65.00 * 45.00 45.00 *
6(ii) FACT 34.00 34.00 34.00 34.00 89.99 89.99
6(iii) MFL 96.99 96.99 96.99 96.99 74.50 74.50
6(iv) FCI
6(v) HFC
6(vi) PPCL
7 Misc. Schemes 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.50 5.50
(MIS/IT and R&D)
8 Capital Subsidy for
9 Investments for JVs 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
10 Revival of Closed Units
Total CS 200.00 2269.56 200.00 1024.16 215.00 2914.99

* The amount earmaked for BVFCL will be utilised for the benefits of North-East Region
# DOF is exploring posiibilities of JV Abroad. Since no firm proposal is at hand right now only a token amount of Rs.1 Lakh has been provided.



2009-2010 and RE 2009-2010


(Rs In Crore)

I NON-PLAN PROVISIONS: BE 2009-2010 RE 2009-2010

1. Sectt. Proper (MH 3451) 17.22 17.22
2. Office of FICC & other Programmes (FICC+MIT) (MH 2852) 2.47 2.47
3. Subsidy on Nitrogenous Fertilizers (MH 2852)
Indigenous Urea including Frieght Subidy (Gross) 9780.25 14080.25
4. Subsidy on Imported Fertilizers (MH 2401)
Gross 9548.44 7548.44
Recovery(-) 3600.50 3600.50
Net 5947.94 3947.94
5. Payment to Manufacturers/ Agencies for concessional sale of
Decontrolled Fertilizers (MH 2401)
(i) Indigenous Decontrolled Fertilizers (Gross) 16800.00 16000.00
(ii) Imported Decontrolled Fertilizers (Gross) 17452.06 18952.06
Total (Decontrolled Fertilizers)-(Gross) 34252.06 34952.06
6. Write off of loans, interest and penal interest on GOI loan outstanding 0.01 0.01
against HFCL, FCI, MFL, PDIL and FACT (MH 3475)
7. Post closure adjustment liabilities of PPL (MH 3475) 0.01 0.01
Gross 53600.46 56600.46
Net 49999.96 52999.96
Non-Plan loans to PSUs (MH 6855)
HFC 0.01 0.01
FCI 0.01 0.01
PPCL 0.01 0.01
BVFCL 0.01 0.01
FACT —- —-
Gross 53600.50 56600.50
Net 50000.00 53000.00

1. Grant to PDIL for R&D —- —-
2. S&T Programme of Department (MH 2852) 2.00 2.00
3. Grant in the field of Management Information Technology (MH 2852) 2.00 2.00
4. Capital subsidy for conversion of 4 existing FO/LSHS Plants to NG/LNG 0.00 0.00
(MH 2852)
Investment in and loans to PSUs (MH 6855)
1. FACT 34.00 34.00
2. BVFCL 65.00 65.00
3. HFC —— ——
4. PDIL —— ——
5. MFL 96.99 96.99
6. FCI —— ——
7. PPCL —— ——
Investments for JVs abroad (MH 4855) 0.01 0.01
TOTAL PLAN 200.00 200.00




(See Chapter-7)

(Rupees in Crores)

Name of Undertaking/ Net profit(+)/Net loss(-)

2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
(Up to
Dec. 09)

Fertilizer Corporation of India (-)1299.01 (-)1422.63 (-)1504.83 (-)752.60 (-)417.20

Limited (FCI)

Hindustan Fertilizer (-) 964.61 (-)1065.14 (-)1101.98 **4841.16 (-)288.35

Corporation Limited (HFC)

Rashtriya Chemicals & 147.96 148.74 158.15 211.58 165.45

Fertilizers Limited (RCF)

National Fertilizers 116.40 176.10 109.00 97 118

Limited (NFL)

Project & Development India 10.64 11.20 12.26 14.82 9.26

Limited (PDIL)

Fertilizers And Chemicals (-) 235.66 (-) 124.72 8.97 42.95 (-) 63.39
Travancore Limited (FACT)

Madras Fertilizers Limited (-)131.74 (-)114.78 (-)134.85 (-)145.38 (-) 51.54


Brahamputra Valley Fertilizer (-)99.77 (-)62.37 (-)105.83 (-)215.04 (-) 104.40

Corporation Ltd., (BVFCL)

FCI Aravali Gypsum & 9.85 11.51 7.54 9.04 4.93

Minerals India Limited

Cooperative Sector

Krishak Bharti Cooperative 140.95 193.24 209.20 250.13 203.61*

Limited (KRIBHCO)

* pre tax profit.

** Profit is due to write back of interest on Govt. of India loan.




(See Sub Para 13.2.1 of Chapter 13)

Name of PSU Group Total No. of No. of Employees belonging to

1. KRIBHCO A 1359 32 13 8 2 134
B 309 19 16 4 Nil 55
C 390 44 23 3 5 66
D 26 3 - 4 Nil 14
TOTAL 2084 98 52 19 7 269
2. NFL A 1710 362 79 7 10 88
B 1936 507 158 37 22 114
C 1006 251 44 45 20 124
D 147 115 3 2 3 8
TOTAL 4799 1235 284 91 55 334
3. MFL A 241 24 3 — 1 53
B 208 46 5 — 1 80
C 329 84 1 13 3 126
D 40 28 - - - 9
TOTAL 818 182 9 13 5 268
4. FAGMIL TOTAL 109 17 5 1 Nil 8
5. PDIL A 438 44 20 — — 58
B 38 5 — — — 1
C 30 10 — — — 6
D - - — — — -
E 49 8 — —- —- 16
TOTAL 555 67 20 — — 81
6. RCF TOTAL 4220 583 259 9 27 286
7. FACT A 515 89 10 - 4 76
B 1418 209 51 14 21 348
C 817 82 23 25 14 334
D 782 124 21 11 33 307
E 37 10 - - 1 18
TOTAL 3569 514 105 50 73 1083
8. BVFCL TOTAL 1205 91 181 4 4 365



S. Report No Number of paras of CAG Report No. of No.of ATNs No.of ATNs No. of ATNs
No. & Year & PAC Report on which ATNs Paras/PA not sent by sent but which have
submitted to PAC and monitoring Reports on the Ministry returned been finally
cell of Ministry of Finance after which ATNs even for with vetted by
vetting by Audit / Brief Subject have been the first obser- audit but
submitted time vations have not
to PAC and Audit been
after vetting is awaiting submitted
by Audit their by the
resubmission Ministry
by the to PAC
1. 1 of 1999 14.3(3): — — — —
Grants under U.K. Fertilizer
Development Programme
1 of 1999 14.3(24): — — — —
(i) Investment in PPL
(ii) Loan to FA &CT
2. 1 of 2000 12.3(24): — — — —
(i) Investment in /Loan to HFC
Rs.40.00 crore
(ii) Loan to FA &CT Rs.19.90 crore
3. 1 of 2001 11.12(27): — — — —
(i) Investment of HFC Rs.12.00 crore
(ii) Loan to FCI Rs.47.95 crore
4. 1 of 2001 12.1: — — — —
Overall position of the Grant for the last five
years viz..Budget provision actual expenditure
and unspent provision
5. 1 of 2001 12.2: — — — —
Unspent Provision in 1999-2000 under
Revenue Section and Excess in Capital Head
6. 1 of 2001 12.3: — — — —
Unspent Amount and Excess leading to net
unspent provision
7. 1 of 2001 12.4: — — — —
Rush of Disbursement
8. 1 of 2001 12.5: — — — —
Unrealistic Budgeting – Surrender of funds
for the year 1997-98
9. 1 of 2001 12.6: — — — —
Irregular Re-appropriation from Capital to
Revenue Section
10. 1 of 2001 12.7: — — — —
Delay in surrender of unspent provision
11. 1 of 2002 8.12: — — — —
Lumpsum provision for projects / scheme for
the benefit of the North Easter Region and
Sikkim Loans to HFC Rs.20000 crore and
MFL Rs.7.90 crore
12. 1 of 2005 7.8: — — — —
Test Check of Re-appropriation of orders for
2003-04 amounting to Rs.1088 crore.

S. Report No Number of paras of CAG Report No. of No.of ATNs No.of ATNs No. of ATNs
No. & Year & PAC Report on which ATNs Paras/PA not sent by sent but which have
submitted to PAC and monitoring Reports on the Ministry returned been finally
cell of Ministry of Finance after which ATNs even for with vetted by
vetting by Audit / Brief Subject have been the first obser- audit but
submitted time vations have not
to PAC and Audit been
after vetting is awaiting submitted
by Audit their by the
resubmission Ministry
by the to PAC

13. 1 of 2005 6.10(12.13):

+13 Disbursement — — — —
=26 3 of 2005 3.1 to 3.13: — — — —
Concession Scheme Information system
27. 1 of 2005 7.15: — — — —
Unnecessary Supplementary Grants
28. 1 of 2006 6.10: — — — —
Disbursement (Appendix –VI-D16)
29. 1 of 2006 7.8: — — — —
Re-appropriation of funds
Fifty – Fourth Report (14th Lok Sabha) of PAC on Excess over Voted Grants and Charged Appropriations 2005-06
30. ATN on 54th 52: — — — —
Report of PAC Strictly complying with the instruction of
Min./Fin. On Monitoring of expenditure
31. ATN on 54th 53: — — — —
Report of PAC Measures for check on excess expenditure
32. ATN on 54th 54: — — — —
Report of PAC Explanatory note on excess expenditure
33. ATN on 54th 58: — — — —
Report of PAC Repayment of Debt
34. ATN on 54th 59: — — — —
Report of PAC Corrective measure alongwith specific results
achieved to curb excess expenditure
35. ATN on 54th 60: — — — —
Report of PAC Regularizing Expenditure under
Acrticle 115(1)(b)

Audit Report No. CA 24 of 2009-10 (Compliance Audit)

National Fertilizers Limited

The Company suffered a loss of Rs. 1.45 crore due to deployment of a driver without valid driving licence to transport its crane in violation
of the terms of the insurance policy.
Para 7.1.1

The Company irregularly paid additional house rent allowance and short recovered rent from the employees provided with leased
accommodation in violation of the DPE guidelines, resulting in extra expenditure of Rs. 1.44 crore.
Para 7.1.2.

The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited

The Company’s decision to defer procurement of sulphur resulted in additional expenditure of Rs. 3.98 crore.
Para 7.2.1.


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