Assisiting Patient To Sit On The Edge of The Bed (DANGLING)

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Procedure Checklist


NAME: _________________________________ YEAR & SECTION: ___________

DATE: _________________________________ GROUP #: _____ RLE: Wed/Thurs

PURPOSE: The client assumes a sitting position on the edge of the bed with the feet

 Assess vital signs. Vital sign changes such as increased pulse and
respiration may indicate activity intolerance. Patient with low blood pressure
may not tolerate sudden position change and is at risk for orthostatic hypotension.
 Assess patient’s proprioceptive function (awareness of posture and
changes in equilibrium): Determines stability of patient’s balance for transfer.
a. Ability to maintain balance while sitting in bed or on side of bed.
b. b Tendency to sway or position self to one side
 Determine if a lift device is needed and the number of people needed to
assist with transfer. Do not start procedure until all required caregivers are
available. Ensures safe patient transfer.
 Assess patient’s level of motivation, such as his or her eagerness versus
unwillingness to be mobile. Altered psychological states often reduce patient’s
desire to engage in activity.
 Assess patient’s cognitive status: Ability to follow verbal instruction.
Determines patient’s ability to follow directions and learn transfer techniques.

1. Check the doctor’s order for contraindications or medications that the

 Some medications may hamper movement or alertness of client.

2. Identify the patient. Explain the procedure to the patient. Tell the patient to
report any feelings of dizziness, weakness, or shortness of breath while
 Patient identification validates the correct patient and correct procedure.
Discussion and explanation help allay anxiety and prepare the patient for
what to expect.

3. Perform hand hygiene. Put on PPE, as indicated.

 Hand hygiene and PPE prevent the spread of microorganisms. PPE is
required based on transmission precautions.

4. Provide for privacy.

5. Assist the client to a lateral position facing you which patient will be
sitting. Assist patient to move close to the edge of the bed.
 This step prepares the patient to be moved.
6. Raise head of bed to its highest position.
 Decreases amount of work needed by patient and nurse to raise patient
to sitting position
7. Stand opposite patient’s hips. Turn diagonally so you face patient and far
corner of foot of bed. Places your center of gravity nearer patient.
 Reduces twisting of body because you are facing direction of movement.
8. Place feet apart in wide base of support with foot closer to head of bed in
front of other foot.
 Increases balance and allows you to transfer weight as patient is brought
to sitting position on side of bed.
9. Place the arm nearest to the head of the bed under the client’s shoulders
and the other arm over both of the client’s thighs near the knees.
 Supporting the client’s shoulders prevents the client from falling backward
during the movement. Supporting the client’s thighs reduces friction of the
thighs against the bed surface during the move and increases the force of
the movement.
10. Move patient’s lower legs and feet over side of bed. Pivot toward rear leg,
allowing patient’s upper legs to swing downward.
 Decreases friction and resistance. Weight of patient’s legs when off bed
allows gravity to lower legs, and weight of legs assists in pulling upper
body into sitting position.
11. Ensure client’s comfort and safety.
 Keep supporting the client until the client is well balanced and
 This movement may cause dizziness or light headedness to
12. Assess vital signs.

13. Perform Hand Hygiene.

 prevent the spread of microorganisms
14. Document and record all relevant information
 Ability of the client to assist in moving
 Response of client (dizziness, anxiety, discomfort)
 Type of assistive device, if one was used


0= Procedure not done/ not mentioned

1= Demonstrated procedure properly; explained the correct rationale/principle
behind the action

Signature over Printed Name of Instructor

SOURCE: Berman, A., Snyder, S.J., Frandsen, G. (2016). Kozier and Erb’s
Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts, Process and Practice. United States,America,
Perry, A.G., Potter, P.A., Ostendorf, W. (2013), 8th edition. Clinical
Nursing Skills and Techniques. Elsevier
Lynn, P.B.(2011).Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Skills. Philadelphia. Lippincott
Williams and Wilkins.

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